VIDEO Netflix’s “Leave the World Behind”


Dot Collector
And that scenario is straight out of Jericho, if you watched the entire series you learn at the end it was all to keep one person from becoming POTUS. He was very popular and the swamp wouldn't have any of it so decided to burn it all down and blamed it on Iran and Russia, which they then nuked.
Exactly what I was thinking.


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
I just watched the Netflix movie, “Leave the World Behind.” Set aside your hated for Netflix for a moment and listen to this one….

It’s an apocalyptic type movie where another country (or countries) have launched a cyber attack against the US that plays out in 3 stages ending in a civil war where Americans turn on each other. It’s a feast for preppers. I mean, there’s a scene where the main character was invited to become a member of “the evil cabal” by “an incredibly high official in the military.”

****But get this for one ultra strange detail: Barack and Michelle Obama are the Executive Directors!!!**** (Julia Roberts stars in this with Ethan Hawke and Kevin Bacon, as well.)

Everything you ever watch or read on these YT prepper channels or blogs/news, it’s all in this movie. It’s almost as if the Obama’s are foreshadowing future events. A little girl in the movie retells the story about the man who kept praying to the Lord to protect him from a flood and the Lord provided 3 ways to rescue the man but he ignored them all because he prayed that the Lord would protect him. It’s just a lot to process with the Obama’s involved and all.

(Sam Esmail directs it and he’s one of my favorite producer/directors.)

Edited for clarity
I watched it and got the feeling that they were both making fun of us and, at the same time, it was very reflective of realities - in that people just are NOT ready.



Veteran Member
I too almost turned it off after seeing Obama linked to it, but proceeded. I finished feeling like it must have been full of subliminal messages. There was not much good about it, Im still trying to decide how this plays into the psyops. When the black alpha male was ranting about war games at the end “ first you isolate people, then bombard them with misinformation, they will do the rest….” It was the Covid psyops described perfectly. Was it a victory lap? As for the doomsday events they seemed amateurish to me, and herds of foreboding deer menacing people is much more likely than the girl knowing how to work a DVD player ;)


Veteran Member
The white one....because of the ending.
Some thoughts after watching it.

Yes, one daughter was annoying. The other daughter was annoying and did something very stupid that could have gotten people hurt or worse.

The mother and her son had no redeeming qualities that I could see. Julia Roberts is definitely no longer the nice Pretty Woman although I think that was intentional. If this had been an 80's slasher film, I would have voted for her to be the first to wander off alone for some stupid reason.

The 3 fathers seemed realistic, in different ways, and not annoying.

It was there, but I ignored the racial junk inserted for no good reason.

The story was stretched too long. I think the weird things were mostly just to add a sense of chaos and confusion. It would have been better at a little over an hour instead of over 2 hours long.

Information releases, some almost too subtle, did not happen often enough to keep the collapse story moving. When the black father speaks, listen carefully.

This movie made Dragon Day (2013) and The Trigger Effect (1996) seem good in comparison. There were some nice views of scenic Long Island although I doubt it has the farm land shown.


The Dude Abides
I saw the show, and although entertaining, there was a lot of symbols and hidden messages in the show. I have never been a believer in EMP, because TPTB would not be in power long in that scenario, so I do not believe it would happen. The message of this film is that no one is in charge, there is no hidden cabal, and that we are a meal away from chaos on a good day. Not sure I believe it but I got that from the film.


Veteran Member
What’s everyone thoughts of the crashed car road jam
All Tesla.
I am still thinking about it; BUT, they wouldn't all crash into each other like that. OK, sure they don't have gps, but they still would have the collision avoidance...and if the argument is that the whole computer is corrupt, how did they all manage to stay on the road until they crashed? And where were they going?


Veteran Member
I am still thinking about it; BUT, they wouldn't all crash into each other like that. OK, sure they don't have gps, but they still would have the collision avoidance...and if the argument is that the whole computer is corrupt, how did they all manage to stay on the road until they crashed? And where were they going?
Excellent points
My wife commented
That’s a good use for surplus’s electric cars


Veteran Member
I think the Tesla thing was dark humor as well as a dramatic moment. Notice how they focused twice on the part of the window sticker that showed Autodrive as a feature. It might be a hit on Musk as well.
Hadn’t thought of that angle


Veteran Member
I totally enjoyed this movie. Nice change from zombies and monsters.

My big takeaway was the total lack of available information. Those folks went from being surrounded almost overwhelmed in information every day to nothing in a blink of an eye. No idea what was happening outside some bits and pieces. They have no radio in the house. No backups. They were modern seemingly successful Americans. The father getting lost because his gps doesn’t work. No map. Girl obsessing over Friends.

As for the daughter with the Friends obsession I think she was on the spectrum or not quite right. She was 13 but acted a lot younger.

Julia Robert’s character was a protective mama bear with all the typical issues. She and the black guy probably understood the consequences more than any of them. But had no skills outside what she remembered hearing you are supposed to do in an emergency. Fill the bathtubs.

In many ways my father was Kevin Bacon’s character. Contractor who did well working for rich folks from NY and CT on their summer houses. These folks have no clue on how to do anything. Coffee maker doesn’t work. Call the handyman. That firewood they were burning in that firepit, they didn’t split it. They didn’t have to. They paid folks to. There probably wasn’t a shovel or a tool in that whole house. Not much food because it was the end of the season or the housekeeper filled the fridge when they called to say they were coming up.

Finally, the Thornes were pretty well set up but if you are there or can’t get there then it is useless.


Veteran Member
I read the book - doesnt sound like it is much like the movie. In the book - its two pretty clueless NYC couples one young one old ending up at the airbnb that the older couple own. One minor character was a half-assed prepper and it didnt mean much to the plot. And the cyberattack is just an offshoot to all else that it going on. The most interesting thing about the book was the ending which I wont spoil here.

Very easy to torrent the book and the movie for free if u learn how to do that.
We gots to know, man. We gots to know!


Veteran Member
The 13 y.o. daughter got closure at the Thorne's home and finding his bunker was a good plot device. I'd like to see the reaction of dad and GH when they arrived.

The E.V. pile up was a bit unimaginable artwise, they could have used the anti-collision features and piled up along the shoulder and guardrails.

The three way shootout/shoutout was a surprise to me, I expected someone would get shot to add to the hopelessness of their situation.

Those were not nukes in NYC, just very large explosions. The automatic gunfire seemed out of place. The girl ignoring the communications stream seems plausible.


Senior Member
I really like it, lots of suspense

** possible spoilers below**

I have read a lot of you didn't like the little girl, thought she was weird etc.... her character was there to represent the people that are absorbed in their own world of electronics and social media. She never had a clue how serious things were around her as she was worried about Rachel and Ross and if she would ever see the Friends final. She represented the people how have their head stuck in their devices and are willfully ignorant to all that is happening.