UNEX Tales of People Crossing Over - Evidence of Our Friends/Family in the After Life


Who exactly are you calling a "blasphemer"?

If it's me, I've been called all manner of things, and as my story (the account of my NDE and miraculous healing of cancer) gets a broader and broader audience, I am the recipient of more and more hate mail. It's just part of the gig. Fortunately, I'm also the recipient of a large number of emails from people who are grateful to hear more about what it's like to visit heaven.

As to Timebomb2000, the people sharing their stories here - especially on threads such as this - should be able to share these intimate spiritual accounts without someone accusing them of all manner of evil.

The Bomb Shelter has a "no hostile debunking" rule (or something like that). Perhaps that should be the case when stories of intimate spiritual encounters are shared.
Sigh....slow down! He's talking to HIMSELF, in an imaginary conversation with imaginary critics (based on real people and experiences, I'm sure).



Res ipsa loquitur
Who exactly are you calling a "blasphemer"?

If it's me, I've been called all manner of things, and as my story (the account of my NDE and miraculous healing of cancer) gets a broader and broader audience, I am the recipient of more and more hate mail. It's just part of the gig. Fortunately, I'm also the recipient of a large number of emails from people who are grateful to hear more about what it's like to visit heaven.

As to Timebomb2000, the people sharing their stories here - especially on threads such as this - should be able to share these intimate spiritual accounts without someone accusing them of all manner of evil.

The Bomb Shelter has a "no hostile debunking" rule (or something like that). Perhaps that should be the case when stories of intimate spiritual encounters are shared.

it is NOT directed at you. suggest that you need to go back and RE- READ . realize that it's a suggestion to OTHERS . . . that its problematic to be CLOSED MINDED. you also need to re read the PM I sent to you immediately following what you shared about YOUR experience - where I PRAISED YOU for the bravery of sharing something so personal and AGREED with your experience AND your CHOICE of words. that experience was YOURS.
has the unmitigated GALL to say that you either didn't have it or to make it wrong?

you're WAY TOO SENSITIVE. BTW if you need that PM I still have it and will resend. I am suggesting that ALL people - OPEN their MINDS FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIANS in particular and BTW that would be me - I identify as Independent Fundamental Baptist

what did YOU just teach US here about "letting go"?
UNEX - Tales from the rainbow bridge – evidence of our pets in the afterlife?

and what did I just say to you about it here?
UNEX - Tales from the rainbow bridge – evidence of our pets in the afterlife

YOU are not the one with the CLOSED MIND
those who attacked you in the past
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Veteran Member
I'm suggesting that no one should call another "blasphemer" on this forum, especially when folks are sharing intimate and private stories about spiritually transformative encounters.


Veteran Member
Ritchie's book is an extraordinary account and I can highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in the area.

my understanding is that those who chose to leave here by their own actions are "chained" to the act of suicide by having to return and repeat that life because they did not complete their original soul contract. this is a CHOICE - free will enters into it . they may choose to stay and NOT return - but in doing so they will not have made the upward progress the soul desired when it chose to come here in the first place. it is a CHOICE - based on FREE WILL - and not a punishment.

it is also my understanding that there is a sort of "recovery room" for those who may leave here having a need to heal from what's transpired on the earthly plane. as an example of this I refer you back to the post(s) - up thread and elsewhere with link - reproduced below - where I discussed seeing my sister Denise in a large "holding area" with other people. there was also a dream where Raggedyann brought her to me. I think that Denise went through that becasue there were issues between her and my mother here. resentments and hurts that Denise had a great deal of difficulty letting go of on this side. perhaps she had to leave first to have those issues addressed "over there" and prior to my mothers arrival on the other side. perhaps that was part of EACH of their soul contracts - my mother to feel the pain of losing a daughter and my sister to learn that forgiveness is important to soul progression.

BUT BUT BUT RM! - you call yourself a CHRISTIAN and yet here you are - discussing things in terms that can only include . . . "reincarnation"

well lets look at it . . .

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" HEB 9:27

indeed . . . so here is the question brothers and sisters:
are YOU - meaning that meat suit body - that container your SOUL occupies while you're here "YOU" - OR - are YOU (the real YOU that is) in actuality A SOUL that according to the word has the capacity for LIFE EVERLASTING?

guess what?
if you're going to interpret the word LITERALLY - "it says what it says and it means what it says" - then that reasoning MUST APPLY from GEN 1:1 all the way through the book to REV 22:21

YES, I agree with what you are saying here Raggedyman!!! We are not our outer spacesuit, that is only designed to allow us to live life in this realm. We are supernatural beings living a "natural" experience. The bible indicates several times this fact. Here are a couple of verses that I've contemplated for a long time.

Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? John 10:34 (little G)

This is the verse Jesus is referring to:
I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you;
nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince. Psalm 82:6-7

From Thayer's Greek Lexicon the definition of "god's" is 1. a general appellation of deities or divinities

The definition of appellation from Merriam Dictionary is: an identifying name or title

I think theologians don't really like to address these verses because the risk of humans then claiming to be Gods or like God is too high. Our fallen nature makes us seek to be as God...like Adam and Eve's original temptation.


Res ipsa loquitur
Sigh....slow down! He's talking to HIMSELF, in an imaginary conversation with imaginary critics (based on real people and experiences, I'm sure).


many thanks Summer . . .
one of my very favorite verses regarding animals in the after life was given to me by a friend and an Independent Fundamental Baptist preacher after Moses passed. he saw and recognized my despair afterward . . . becasue I honestly believe its so important here it is AGAIN -

In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10 (KJV)

that seems pretty danged straight forward - not to mention incredibly inclusive - to me. if we're going to STRICTLY INTERPRET what it says then we'd better be doing that all the way through the book and not "selectively picking and choosing" what we want to believe


Res ipsa loquitur
I'm suggesting that no one should call another "blasphemer" on this forum, especially when folks are sharing intimate and private stories about spiritually transformative encounters.

INDEED . . . point of clarification here - what I AM SAYING because of YOUR comment here:

Who exactly are you calling a "blasphemer"?

If it's me,
that it is NOT you.​


Veteran Member
I am a retired hospice nurse and have many stories. Here is one. We lived in rural AZ with my parents living next door, maybe 75 yards away. Shortly after mom passed I was out back and looked over to their house. Clear as day, mom was leaning on the porch railing, looked at me and waved and then was gone. I will always hold that visitation in my mind.


I'm suggesting that no one should call another "blasphemer" on this forum, especially when folks are sharing intimate and private stories about spiritually transformative encounters.
HE DIDNT DO THAT! I know this is a very sensitive subject for you, but if you can't handle reading without misinterpreting what is being written due to it triggering you, it's time to skip these threads.



Veteran Member
I hope I did not upset anyone with what choice I was going to make as a teen in the 1970's. I am glad of the outcome. I am here and writing to all of you!

The soul(Ghost) that lives-lived? in my now deceased parents home lingered there a long time. I forgot to mention my mother did see him stand in front of the bathroom mirror and would look at himself. He did not seem to know she was there.
Yet, he was there with me at my lowest point in the Attic. I feel his soul was locked in that house and he was stuck. But I am not a expert.
Now I go on with my next experience.

#2. B.C. No not Before Christ . L.O.L

Before C. sometime in the 1950's

C is my first name. Only a few know my full First name (Raggedyman) is one . I am not ready to give my name out yet.

This story is rather unthinkable and yes unbelievable! It is for all you Mother and Father's who have lost a baby or a small child. I want you all to keep an open mind about the story .
So here it is:

I do not know my age, as I am just a baby, just old enough to walk. I am wearing a dress and white ankle high shoes. I sit on top of a grey enamel color kitchen table swinging my legs back and fourth watching a man put together this gigantic object. Which turns out to be a 1950's kitchen stove. My mother is standing there.

Below a Picture:This was similar to the stove we had: It was a Dual Coal and Gas burning Stove.

So the man comes over to me and say's "You are the cutest thing!" and he picks me up and puts me down on the kitchen floor. I stand and that is all I remember.
I think nothing off it.
Years later in my thirties I mention to my Mother about the story . And she drops her mouth and said" That never happened. You were not even born yet when we got the stove installed!".
I said " I was there, I saw the man and he picked me up.I sat on the table!"
She looked so shocked.
And said " You were not even born yet."

I have no answers for this. It was not a dream as a child. It did happen. I remember it very well. I shocked my Mom .
I do not know who the man was. But he could see me. But my Mother did not seem to. I was very care free and happy.

So if I was not born, as my Mother has stated. I was with her as a little child without her knowing and enjoying being with her. She just did not know it.
I have no explanation I only am writing what really happened.


Res ipsa loquitur
I have no explanation I only am writing what really happened.

I've read that we choose our circumstances and our parents before we arrive here - that we plan with our soul group what we will share and experience - we make soul contracts . . . perhaps this is a bit of evidence C

thanks for sharing this interesting experience with us

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I'm suggesting that no one should call another "blasphemer" on this forum, especially when folks are sharing intimate and private stories about spiritually transformative encounters.
I think you should try to dial back on your propensity for being overly sensitive and reactionary.


TB Fanatic
I've read that we choose our circumstances and our parents before we arrive here - that we plan with our soul group what we will share and experience - we make soul contracts . . . perhaps this is a bit of evidence C

thanks for sharing this interesting experience with us
My daughter was about 3. We were sitting on the couch one night and she says: I saw you and daddy when I was in Heaven.

It was kind of (to me at the time) implied that she picked us out and knew she was coming to us. I was flabbergasted because she had never heard us talk this way. But I’m very happy she “chose” us.
I had a dream about my passed son a few months ago. I didn't write it down so only remember a little bit. We were standing up in some room hugging each other and I told him i loved him. I remember him telling me : "Stop worrying!!". I do worry all the time about money and being able to survive and who is gonna help me in my old age, etc.

I believe it really was his Spirit. My granddaughter told me that a few months before he died (drugs) he came to her in a dream. They were sitting on church pews. He said to her , "I don't have much time left " I too had a dream about him around the same time. He was in my hallway and I asked him if he wanted to live with me. He said no.

He was in jail for ten months for beating up my x cuz the x took his girlfriend away. They had kicked him out of his basement apt and he was homeless. After he got out of jail he was sent to the City Mission. He died in the bathroom doing drugs. They wouldn't tell me what drugs cuz I couldn't pay for his burial. I don't know where they buried him.

I kept trying to find him while he was in jail, but I couldn't get through. The computer wanted his "ID" number. I didn't know it. So I feel guilty I couldn't reach him. He probably thought I didn't care. He must have forgotten my phone number cuz he never called me and he always used to call me asking for help. He was just 49 and a few years ago he told me he was gonna die in his forties. I just brushed it aside and never asked him why he thought that.
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The breeze practically blew him in the front door. Chris ran his hand through his tousled hair and sat down. Startled, I ask him how can this be? Who did we bury? He never said a word, just looked at me willing me to understand. It was just a dream but so real! My son, Chris, died in a car accident after dropping his twelve year old daughter off at school. He was thirty-five years old.
They really DO visit us in our dreams. It's easier to reach us. We are in another dimension when we dream and our spirit leaves our body every night and travels in those other realms.

Do you recall how PEACEFUL it is there? We have no fear, no pain, no depression, no anxiety. It is a peaceful "heavenly" place we visit in our nightly "dreams". Now, sometimes our BRAIN gets in the way and this become what I call "crazy dreams". We have to pick out the True parts of our dreams. Dreams are halfway to Heaven!!
Before my mom passed she said “there’s mom and she’s wearing my dress”. Her mom had passed a few months prior. Still don’t exactly understand the meaning but it still haunts me a bit.

I have only had a few dreams about her but they are becoming more frequent. The dreams are strange and I only recall bits and pieces. First one was soon after she passed and she was in the bed with me. She rose up and I “said” “Mom you’re alive” and she was gone from the dream immediately. Lately I’ve had things like car rides with her. She says something I need to know but can’t recall after waking. These are disturbing for whatever reason. But eventually I think I will remember whatever it is I’m supposed to know. Sometimes I pray I don’t. It’s like I don’t WANT to know but I do. Unnerving.
They really DO visit us in our dreams., But we forget parts, becuz our brain gets in the way. I had a dream about my mom a few years ago. I was in the bathroom cleaning when suddenly I saw her standing in in the corner watching me. I yelled MOM!! With a smirk on her face she said, "I was wondering when you would notice me!" She looked young again like 40. Died at 92 cuz she stopped eating in the nursing home.
Is it the Law of the Conservation of Matter, that says energy cannot be lost? (My memory isn't what it used to be...) As we, and everything that is in the Universe is made up of energy, how can life be extinguished, or lost? When shuffling off this mortal coil, the energy that is the spirit/soul, goes somewhere, and therefore is not lost. I prefer to think of Heaven, although until my demise, I'll continue to wonder what awaits me. As a Christian, it's Heaven. As student of quantum mechanics, I've lost Schrodinger's Cat. Only time will tell. But the energy cannot be destroyed, hence life, in whatever form, carries on...

Dowser contemplating the Universe,

OldArcher, out...
We are the microcosm within the macrocosm. We are the small within the large. Our Spirit is a tiny part of God's large Body. Our Spirit/Soul is a tiny ATOM within Gods immense body. We are the Atoms within Gods body is all and no our atoms/energy never gets destroyed. I do not believe that God will toss us into the "lake of fire" and burn and destroy us forever - even evil people. God would never destroy his Children! I believe as the Catholics believe that we go "somewhere" like a purgatory for a good while while we see the damage we did on earth and we repent over our "sins/evil deeds". God is pure LOVE and would never destroy us.
After a medical procedure, I lost "more than 40%" of my blood volume, had a heart attack and died. I had no blood pressure and no heart beat. I was good and dead.

Right before I died, my friend (by my side) said that I tried to sit upright on the gurney (with blood pressure at 32/25), reached way up for heaven, talked to someone that only I could see, and then I flopped back on the gurney. A smart friend said, "That's when your soul left your body."

I've read it's common for the dying to have a burst of inexplicable energy at the very end.

I was unconscious when I died (due to blood loss) but I "woke up" when I died. Leaving this body was very dramatic. I popped out of my body like toast out of a toaster, and floated away for some time. Soon after my "death" I felt the presence of a massive and powerful spiritual being. I asked Him or Her, "And who are you?"

The answer was immediate and came not only with words but with an influx of meaning and an infusion of understanding, "You are the image and likeness. I am the Original."

The experience went on for several hours (or so it seemed), and ultimately, it was made clear that I needed to return to my body. I was very disappointed by this, as I wanted to go on. I did not want to return. When I returned, I had been dead for more than 10 minutes. To the medical world, my return with NO damage is a medical miracle but it's not. The spiritual supercedes the material. The immortal is above the mortal. God's in charge here, and that's the whole of it.

I've posted a longer version of this event months ago and there were plenty of people who responded harshly, angrily, etc., so I'm not too keen on sharing it again, but I do so in the hopes that it will help someone.

BTW, this was not a "near death experience." I was not near dead. I died. And then returned. It was, as I call it, a "temporary death experience."

There are those who don't believe in this, but to the naysayers, I can only say, "just you wait."
I believe you 100%!!!


Res ipsa loquitur
I believe as the Catholics believe that we go "somewhere" like a purgatory for a good while while we see the damage we did on earth and we repent over our "sins/evil deeds".

interesting concept Mary . . . I was raised Catholic and often wondered about "purgatory" . . . I've since come to believe that "purgatory" is in actuality what we've come to know through those who've related their NDE's as the "life review". not all who experience NDE's go through that . . . perhaps it's becasue they weren't "close enough" to the other side - or in the experience long enough - to have one. my understand of every thing I have read and heard about this "life review" indicates that its a 360* view of your entire life - but that its experienced in "mirror image" . . .in other words we're given the opportunity to experience what the other person we interacted with was feeling as a result of OUR interaction(s) with them - for good or for bad - and that those "feelings" are magnified in order for us to learn from them. sounds like "purgatory" to me

I know it FEELS like hell at times cuz things go wrong a lot. Maybe this earth is just a TASTE of hell to keep us on our toes perhaps?

I've also heard many say that this is a form of hell - and that when we're over on the other side we're "TRULY" more alive than we are here. when we are there its as if we'd been dreaming here and there we are truly and completely AWAKE


Veteran Member
I’ve also heard many say that this is a form of hell - and that when we're over on the other side we're "TRULY" more alive than we are here. when we are there its as if we'd been dreaming here and there we are truly and completely AWAKE

Dying was akin to waking up from a very intense dream. What comes next is the reality.

I’ll remember that for a long time.


Res ipsa loquitur
there are MANY individuals here on the board with vast knowledge in areas were we have NONE AT ALL - despite the fact that these folk may have different world views than we do their wisdom and knowledge is important to me and my interpretation of what's occurring.

I once had a close friend - an acquaintance I made at work. he was a HS drop out - but he was exceedingly well read and could discuss almost any subject with deep intelligence. in particular he was well read in the esoteric - the secret societies and the occult. we worked an assembly line together at Packard Electric (later Delphi) a division of GM and would discuss a great many things during an 8 hour shift.

one of the most important things I ever leaned in my life I learned from Don - and I never forgot it. here it is:

as we go through life we're exposed to a great many things. in EACH OF THEM are nuggets of TRUTH buried among LIES. some are small nuggets, others are huge. our JOB - our RESPONSIBILITY - is to sort through those things and with discernment, ferret the TRUTHS out from among the lies; to separate the TRUTHS and hold them dear. this is how we learn and progress along our individual spiritual paths.

I think its imperative to remember this passage:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. HOSEA 4:6

you can not know good without an understanding of evil. its important to keep an open mind - not so open that your brain falls out - but not so closed that you become an individual who "doesn't know what they don't know"
interesting concept Mary . . . I was raised Catholic and often wondered about "purgatory" . . . I've since come to believe that "purgatory" is in actuality what we've come to know through those who've related their NDE's as the "life review". not all who experience NDE's go through that . . . perhaps it's becasue they weren't "close enough" to the other side - or in the experience long enough - to have one. my understand of every thing I have read and heard about this "life review" indicates that its a 360* view of your entire life - but that its experienced in "mirror image" . . .in other words we're given the opportunity to experience what the other person we interacted with was feeling as a result of OUR interaction(s) with them - for good or for bad - and that those "feelings" are magnified in order for us to learn from them. sounds like "purgatory" to me

I've also heard many say that this is a form of hell - and that when we're over on the other side we're "TRULY" more alive than we are here. when we are there its as if we'd been dreaming here and there we are truly and completely AWAKE
Wow. That makes a whole lot of sense!! I understand what you said.


Veteran Member
I had a dream about my passed son a few months ago. I didn't write it down so only remember a little bit. We were standing up in some room hugging each other and I told him i loved him. I remember him telling me : "Stop worrying!!". I do worry all the time about money and being able to survive and who is gonna help me in my old age, etc.

I believe it really was his Spirit. My granddaughter told me that a few months before he died (drugs) he came to her in a dream. They were sitting on church pews. He said to her , "I don't have much time left " I too had a dream about him around the same time. He was in my hallway and I asked him if he wanted to live with me. He said no.

He was in jail for ten months for beating up my x cuz the x took his girlfriend away. They had kicked him out of his basement apt and he was homeless. After he got out of jail he was sent to the City Mission. He died in the bathroom doing drugs. They wouldn't tell me what drugs cuz I couldn't pay for his burial. I don't know where they buried him.

I kept trying to find him while he was in jail, but I couldn't get through. The computer wanted his "ID" number. I didn't know it. So I feel guilty I couldn't reach him. He probably thought I didn't care. He must have forgotten my phone number cuz he never called me and he always used to call me asking for help. He was just 49 and a few years ago he told me he was gonna die in his forties. I just brushed it aside and never asked him why he thought that.
Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. It will always hurt for you as you will always be his Mother.

I think is around love now and that is what he needed. Our world is filled with so many rules, so many obstacles and not everyone is strong enough to cope. I know I was not at 16.

You can not bring your son back but you can always love him and talk with him as if he is in the room with you. While we are think Heaven is in the sky. It could just be another dimension between ours.

I do not feel it is fair you could not find out where he is buried. I would reach out to a State Congressman or Senator and appeal to them with a heartfelt letter.
Prayers, Love and Hope.
Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. It will always hurt for you as you will always be his Mother.

I think is around love now and that is what he needed. Our world is filled with so many rules, so many obstacles and not everyone is strong enough to cope. I know I was not at 16.

You can not bring your son back but you can always love him and talk with him as if he is in the room with you. While we are think Heaven is in the sky. It could just be another dimension between ours.

I do not feel it is fair you could not find out where he is buried. I would reach out to a State Congressman or Senator and appeal to them with a heartfelt letter.
Prayers, Love and Hope.
Aww thank you. I went out to visit a friend Sunday. When I got back home I found his picture on the floor. It was on the dresser. I think the cat knocked it down. The picture was about 20 yrs ago before he did drugs and he looked real good not skinny like recently. They lied to me. The autopsy told me I had to wait 3 months for the autopsy., But when I called back 3 months later they said I had to call the funeral home to find out., And they told me they couldn't tell me anything unless I had the death certificate and they told me they couldn't send it to me since I didn't pay for the burial. So I kept getting the run around and gave up cuz it was too stressful and depressing.


Veteran Member
Growing up I was taught how Angels Protected us. The Devil was evil and God loved us. I Learned my prayers by heart, would knell at my bed and prayed before I went to sleep. Asked God to forgive me when I was naughty.

Being a Tomboy with red-hair and as a little kid well, I use to get into some fights when some kids down the road from me would tease me. What do you do when someone calls you in chant " Redhead Piss the bed?" I could not turn the other cheek!

One year, I was given a special gold cross by a cousin, whom became a Nun. Her name was Sister Anunciata.
I never met her but heard her name often from my Nana(my grandmother). I always thought it was so special to give ones life up to God, as she did and I at one time wanted to be a Nun. I thought her name so beautiful and its meaning was: independence,love of art, determination,courage, a sense of analyzing life and a gentle heart.

So her gift of that gold cross was even more important to me as I became older after researched the meaning of her name. As I had some of those same traits as an Adult.

I married and had a family in the early 1980's. My husband and I rented a bleak looking 1/2 double that was $145.00 a month. It was all we could afford. My husband knew of the man who once lived in the home. He was an inventor of a sorts and looked like Einstein. He and his wife had past on.

So living in this old house during the day, I started to hear my name being called every so often. No one was there but myself. It was a woman's voice. I would walk up the steps and at the top of the steps I would get a whiff of perfume. My husband had experienced the perfume smell as well. So we suspected it was the man's wife as she had died in the home.

We had children and once they were old enough they shared a room with twin beds. They would get visits from an elderly man at night. He would come into their room and walk around. When my husband and I used that room we never experienced that. But both children told us over and over this man was coming in the room and he would walk through the wall and go down the hall.

I started to Experience Sleep paralysis Demons!.

I could not move or speak. I was awake! I could see a Demon who would hold me down. I saw the evil on his face, it had horns and laughed at me. The Demon would only come when my husband was not in the room. I could hear my husband down stairs getting breakfast and I would try crying out for him but I could not. I was frozen. I was so terrified. I could not get away from this evil being..It happen for years.
I would be afraid to go to sleep.

It all started in the Attic in my parents home when I was a teen. But never in the bedroom I used on the 2nd floor when I was older.

I had the House Blessed. It did not stop.

I will continue the story tomorrow. It is about my Son and how something evil in that house almost took him away from me.

2022 (c.a.p.b.copyright)
Growing up I was taught how Angels Protected us. The Devil was evil and God loved us. I Learned my prayers by heart, would knell at my bed and prayed before I went to sleep. Asked God to forgive me when I was naughty.

Being a Tomboy with red-hair and as a little kid well, I use to get into some fights when some kids down the road from me would tease me. What do you do when someone calls you in chant " Redhead Piss the bed?" I could not turn the other cheek!

One year, I was given a special gold cross by a cousin, whom became a Nun. Her name was Sister Anunciata.
I never met her but heard her name often from my Nana(my grandmother). I always thought it was so special to give ones life up to God, as she did and I at one time wanted to be a Nun. I thought her name so beautiful and its meaning was: independence,love of art, determination,courage, a sense of analyzing life and a gentle heart.

So her gift of that gold cross was even more important to me as I became older after researched the meaning of her name. As I had some of those same traits as an Adult.

I married and had a family in the early 1980's. My husband and I rented a bleak looking 1/2 double that was $145.00 a month. It was all we could afford. My husband knew of the man who once lived in the home. He was an inventor of a sorts and looked like Einstein. He and his wife had past on.

So living in this old house during the day, I started to hear my name being called every so often. No one was there but myself. It was a woman's voice. I would walk up the steps and at the top of the steps I would get a whiff of perfume. My husband had experienced the perfume smell as well. So we suspected it was the man's wife as she had died in the home.

We had children and once they were old enough they shared a room with twin beds. They would get visits from an elderly man at night. He would come into their room and walk around. When my husband and I used that room we never experienced that. But both children told us over and over this man was coming in the room and he would walk through the wall and go down the hall.

I started to Experience Sleep paralysis Demons!.

I could not move or speak. I was awake! I could see a Demon who would hold me down. I saw the evil on his face, it had horns and laughed at me. The Demon would only come when my husband was not in the room. I could hear my husband down stairs getting breakfast and I would try crying out for him but I could not. I was frozen. I was so terrified. I could not get away from this evil being..It happen for years.
I would be afraid to go to sleep.

It all started in the Attic in my parents home when I was a teen. But never in the bedroom I used on the 2nd floor when I was older.

I had the House Blessed. It did not stop.

I will continue the story tomorrow. It is about my Son and how something evil in that house almost took him away from me.

2022 (c.a.p.b.copyright)
Oh my what an amazing story!!


Veteran Member
Being retired cop I saw,was with people when they passed
Mostly car accidents but some shootings and a few medical events
And one drowning of a small child. That was mind staggering event

You can see the light go out in their eyes
The fear. The sadness. the joy. I have seen that
How many ya all remember the movie ghost
That scene where the things come outa the shadows to drag the soul away
Now, to be clear I am not saying I saw the shadows but I was at a scene with a real bad dude. Drugster. Pimp. Gangster. Bad bad dude. Shot multiple times but still alive when we got there
Screaming. Cursing. Fighting something. And I distinctly heard grim scream. I’m not going with you. Noooo. A long drawn out primal nooooo
Then he died. And the look on his face was terror. Eyes wide open. Lips in a snarl.
Me and the firefighter looked at one another.
Now I’m not catholic but I crossed myself
That old thing of closing the eyelids. That didn’t work on this guy.

Make what you will


Res ipsa loquitur
INCREDIBLE addition (not to mention IMPORTANT) addition to an INCREDIBLE thread. this shows the "opposite side" of things. thank you so very much Chance for starting this thread - and thank you 33dInd for sharing your experience above.

above all thanks to everyone who has contributed here
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Veteran Member
When my grandmother was a little girl(early 1900's) , she and her sister went and played on a woodpile and her sister Elsie stepped on a nail. They didn't tell their parents as they had been told to stay away from the woodpile. Elsie's foot got infected and they finally confessed. The Dr. was sent for and the wound cleaned...it was a very bad infection. It looked like Elsie would recovery. A few days later, Great grandma was bathing Elsie and suddenly Elsie looked up and said, " I can see the gates of heaven opening and I see Jesus! I'm going to run and sit on his lap!" and she died.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Being retired cop I saw,was with people when they passed
Mostly car accidents but some shootings and a few medical events
And one drowning of a small child. That was mind staggering event

You can see the light go out in their eyes
The fear. The sadness. the joy. I have seen that
How many ya all remember the movie ghost
That scene where the things come outa the shadows to drag the soul away
Now, to be clear I am not saying I saw the shadows but I was at a scene with a real bad dude. Drugster. Pimp. Gangster. Bad bad dude. Shot multiple times but still alive when we got there
Screaming. Cursing. Fighting something. And I distinctly heard grim scream. I’m not going with you. Noooo. A long drawn out primal nooooo
Then he died. And the look on his face was terror. Eyes wide open. Lips in a snarl.
Me and the firefighter looked at one another.
Now I’m not catholic but I crossed myself
That old thing of closing the eyelids. That didn’t work on this guy.

Make what you will
That gave me goosebumps!


Veteran Member
Being retired cop I saw,was with people when they passed
Mostly car accidents but some shootings and a few medical events
And one drowning of a small child. That was mind staggering event

You can see the light go out in their eyes
The fear. The sadness. the joy. I have seen that
How many ya all remember the movie ghost
That scene where the things come outa the shadows to drag the soul away
Now, to be clear I am not saying I saw the shadows but I was at a scene with a real bad dude. Drugster. Pimp. Gangster. Bad bad dude. Shot multiple times but still alive when we got there
Screaming. Cursing. Fighting something. And I distinctly heard grim scream. I’m not going with you. Noooo. A long drawn out primal nooooo
Then he died. And the look on his face was terror. Eyes wide open. Lips in a snarl.
Me and the firefighter looked at one another.
Now I’m not catholic but I crossed myself
That old thing of closing the eyelids. That didn’t work on this guy.

Make what you will
Oh, I believe that. I have something more to add with my stories about when my grandmother died that will reflect on that.


Veteran Member
When my grandmother was a little girl(early 1900's) , she and her sister went and played on a woodpile and her sister Elsie stepped on a nail. They didn't tell their parents as they had been told to stay away from the woodpile. Elsie's foot got infected and they finally confessed. The Dr. was sent for and the wound cleaned...it was a very bad infection. It looked like Elsie would recovery. A few days later, Great grandma was bathing Elsie and suddenly Elsie looked up and said, " I can see the gates of heaven opening and I see Jesus! I'm going to run and sit on his lap!" and she died.
That is sad. The infection took over.

Johnny Reb

Senior Member
When my mom passed I was doing all of her hospice care. The room was filled with the worst rot smell of death, then suddenly she began the groaning of the spirit leaving her body. Hours later the smell of tulips, her favorite flowers filled the room as she took her last breath. God sent his angels to tell me she was in good hands


Veteran Member
I promised to write Tuesday but I wanted to talk to my son to get the facts straight before writing my next story.
Today is my 63rd birthday so I got to speak with both my children and my younger brother and we talked about the experiences we had gone through that I am writing about here. So today was a good day.
I hope you do not mind my stories as this is the first time I have put them in print from memory.

As my last story stated, I was dealing with sleep issues. I did not know back then it was sleep paralysis. I actually thought I was being attacked by a demon in the house as I slept. As a teen I used the Ouija board in the Attic of my parents home, many a times with my cousins for fun. My church always said that the Ouija board opened up a door for evil spirits to entire our world. Maybe an evil spirit attached itself to me and followed me to my new home with my husband?

When my children where 3 and 6 I went to work part time. There grandparents cared for them when I was gone.

This story takes place on a sunny summer day that was warm. I had picked the children up from their grandparents house and went home. I was very tired My daughter wanted watch TV and my son asked if he could go up to the finished attic to play. My husband and I had made the Attic a Playroom. It was really pretty and decorated for young children. And since it was a small house it was the only room we could use as a playroom. I told my son fine. I told the children I was going to my room to lay down for a little while.

I was resting on the bed for a while and I hear a loud yell .It was my husband. He was yelling "Get back inside!"
I jumped out of bed and panicked. I knew what it meant. My son was up in the Attic and the window somehow was open!

I ran up, my daughter behind me and then my husband. . My son was sitting on the windowsill smiling . I pulled him off . My husband and I hugged him.

We asked him why did he open the window. He said he did not open it. I know I had the windows locked. I closed the window and we went down to the first floor. All shaken. I asked my daughter if she went up to the 3rd floor and opened the window and she said no.

So again I asked my son if he opened the window as there was no explanation of how it could be open. He said "No he did not that his sister did."

I looked at her and she said: she was not even up in the attic she did not do it".

So all these years I never was sure what happened and thought maybe my daughter opened the window and was to frightened to say.

But years later as they became adults we talked about it again and just today on my Birthday I again spoke with them about it and they are now 38 and 41 so neither has reason to lie to me. My daughter said she was never up in the Attic she was watching TV but did hear Her Dad yell and me Yell to her brother.

My son told me that it was his sister who opened the window but it WAS NOT HIS SISTER and was something that made itself look like his sister and opened the window and coaxed him to the open window too sit on the edge and look out.
He said he knew it was not his sister when he saw me, his sister and dad all ran up the stairs of the Attic to get to him together.

So something in that house wanted to kill my son. But someone brought my husband home just in time to walk along side of the house and look up and see my son who was looking down saying " Hi Daddy".

It does not matter what religion you are or if you do not believe in any religion . I feel there is Evil trying its best to come after all of us from time to time. I also believe God the father and his Angels look after us. Because on that day an Evil entity wanted to take my son and almost did.

Some how , someway God helped my family that day. I am a believer because of what has taken place in my life. There are no other explanations other than Good verses Evil.


Veteran Member
When my mom passed I was doing all of her hospice care. The room was filled with the worst rot smell of death, then suddenly she began the groaning of the spirit leaving her body. Hours later the smell of tulips, her favorite flowers filled the room as she took her last breath. God sent his angels to tell me she was in good hands
THat is beautiful. My father saw Holland and fields of flowers when he coded. He said it was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. He never traveled in his life. I am sure she is surrounded by flowers.