BRKG Large explosion in downtown Nashville


Veteran Member
Mitchell Wexler


Replying to
Any possible significance to the exact location of vehicle? Not familiar with the area.

Lisa Millraney


Native here, can't think of anything. It's a tourist area but if you wanted to make a statement I can't see detonating something there at 7 am Xmas morning during a pandemic. Nobody except neighborhood residents there then. 0_o

Mitchell Wexler


And probably not the ideal spot to setup a meth lab, as people have suggested. Propane tanks would be something to look for. Crazy and scary, hope all are safe.
A few exploding propane tanks are not going to do that kind of damage in my opinion. (See 2nd video on this twitter post)


That was huge.
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Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
My initial thoughts having read no other info:

1. Accidental: meth lab or other drug manufacture -- may be part of #2
2. False Flag
3. Intentional but botched - terrorist bomb staged for later that went off too soon or RV broke down on way to church or other target that would result in a high body count

(added: at that location, an explosion makes a lot of noise and attracts attention, but there isn't a high body count on
Christmas morning, which is the thinking that generated my list.)

In any case, I agree: be on the lookout for copy cat events, false flag or otherwise.
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Red Baron

Metro Police Presser

- Police responded to shots fired call.

- Police saw a suspicious RV parked in front of the AT&T building.

- Officers had reason to call the bomb squad before the explosion.

- Residents were being evacuated before the explosion.

- RV is the source of the explosion.

- One officer was knocked down and suffered hearing loss.

- Searches conducted to rule out any additional devices.

- Police canvassing the area to rule out any additional victims.

Next police presser at noon local time.

FBI presser at 10:45 local time.
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Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns

·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.


Disaster Cat
The problem is it could be just about "anyone" as I just told Nightwolf, from Iran or Sunni Jihadis to Antifa or a demented "right" wing group (unlikely but possible).

It really reminds me of a lot of the old IRA bombings the first few years we were here and a few attempted ones rather recently; where a vehicle is left on the street and left to blow up an area. Not always one with mass casualties, in fact often the exact opposite (unless it was what they considered to be a military target).

The idea was to send a message to the English government, more than it was to kill (usually, they did a lot of killing too but those were either larger attacks and/or direct attacks on individuals and British Soldiers).


I give up.

·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.

Are you kidding me? WTF is that all about? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


P.S. Try the BS again, TG's thread is now up.


Veteran Member
UPDATE: The cops responded to a shootout. Evac'ed the people in the apts to go out the back.

Then suspected the RV.
Then at some point it blew up.

The cops that were close by the explosion went deaf for a time and one was knocked off their feet.

They have a few people in custody for questioning, or possible witnesses.

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Red Baron

My first thought was that it was a natural gas explosion.

However there are no reports of a gas odor before or after the explosion, which is significant.

Additionally a NG explosion is most severe when it is inside a building or in a sewer. NG outdoors just flares and does not explode. NG explosions need to be in an enclosed space. It does not appear that anything exploded -inside- a building.

I would agree that one or two 20# propane bottles in an RV is not going to generate that level of damage..
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passin' thru
They are saying on this live news feed that police were evacuating people before the RV exploded?
(The RV was considered a suspicious vehicle.)

Also, the cops that were close by the explosion went deaf for a time and were blown off their feet.

Well it is obviously Orange Man's fault... except the deep state WOULD like victims, so that puts them lower on my list of puppet masters behind this show's curtain :: shrug ::
Getting pretty late in the day, too, for there not to have been subsequent events IMHO.


Veteran Member

·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.
First shots of the coming war!


Res ipsa loquitur

- Police responded to shots fired call.

- Police saw a suspicious RV parked in front of the AT&T building.

- Offices had reason to call the bomb squad before the explosion.

- Residents were being evacuated before the explosion.

- RV is the source of the explosion.

- One officer was knocked down and suffered hearing loss.

- Searches conducted to rule out any additional devices.

- Police canvassing the area to rule out any additional victims.

Next police presser at noon local time.

FBI presser at 10:45 local time.

adding to this - REFUSED to answer inquiries as to why the bomb squad was called BEFORE the explosion - i.e. "why was the vehicle declared suspicious" . . . .

the amount of spin will be profound - think F5 level tornado . . .


Veteran Member

·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.

so gunfire three different times and then a 20 loudspeaker warning and then a countdown and BOOM



Res ipsa loquitur

Well it is obviously Orange Man's fault... except the deep state WOULD like victims, so that puts them lower on my list of puppet masters behind this show's curtain :: shrug ::
Getting pretty late in the day, too, for there not to have been subsequent events IMHO.

they were caught early - this may have been intended to go off MUCH later in the day - when more people were out and about in the area


Knuckle Dragger
I haven't been able to get a good look at the pics.

Was there much damage to the brick exteriors on any buildings?

Red Baron


·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.

I don't get the countdown thing. WTH?

- Did the police receive a phone threat that specified an exact time the device would be detonated?

- Did a robot attempt to approach or open the vehicle?


passin' thru
Yihyun Jeong

Nashville officials believe this explosion was an intentional act. Say they got reports of a suspicious vehicle parked outside AT&T (batman building) before it happened. Hazardous devices unit was en route with "significant explosion" happened.


Veteran Member

·QAnon and the Great Awakening·1 repost·1m

@Drambuie An acquaintence from Nashville posted on another forum that they woke to loud gunfire three times, then saw the bomb vehicle, which was an RV. It put out a loudspeaker message for 20 minutes or so telling everyone to evacuate. After that, the message changed to a countdown. They heeded the warning and left before the bomb went off.
THis is weird. It would certainly explain how the police knew ahead of time but why warn ahead of time? That doesnt sound like ME types. They like big body counts.