CHAT What If The Draft Is Brought Back?


Veteran Member
When I retired from the military over 25 years ago, many of the young Marine recruits had a hard time passing the physical training back then. Stress fractures of the feet, lower and upper legs, it was a mess!! A simple 10-15 mile hump with a light (25lb) pack and kids were falling out left and right. Had several that just from walking in combat boots and light rucks had their femurs actually shatter!?!?! I'm not making this up! It was sad the shape they were in. I would imagine it's even worse today.
Yup! There were two in my basic training platoon (1972). I was one of them. Mine was in the foot and the other guy's was in his lower leg. I don't remember if there were others in the rest of the company or not.


On and On, South of Heaven
My son in law goes in on the 15th. Infantry is where he wants to be. A week of intake, 11 weeks of basic, then another 3-ish months of advanced infantry training. At some point along the way he needs to go to OTS (officer's training school or whatever the Army calls it) and then on to the other stuff he seeks.

He has heard from a number of people that this is not the same military basic/boot camp that it was for the previous generations. There have been lots of changes. A lot will depend on the drill sergeant. In some units you don't even have to give up your phone, or you get a call every week, etc. Physical requirements have been lowered significantly. My son in law is older than average - 25 - for a newly enlisted person but it also put him heads above other enlistees. He wants to make this a career, but we'll have to see. Life happens and things change.

Tell him to expect being put in a leadership position over the other cadets right off the bus. They take the older guys to be suad leaders.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Back in the day, I was a 1-D (deferred) since I was in school. When I graduated, I was a 1-A, but I had already joined. I was going to go kill communists. Instead, I ran a semi-automatic, 35mm Leica M3 camera. Still had to hump in the boonies and get shot at. Didn't like it a bit and never did see a card carrying commie. In all, a lousy job. I also ran a press section and did press liaison duties. Had to take the 3-letter correspondents out for "action" shots. I was supposed to take care of them. Boy, did I ever want to take care of them, but my boss told me he'd court martial my sorry ass if I kicked them out of the chopper.

Don't go to war, kids. In shape or not, let the rich kids and politicians' kids go. Their parents probably started it, after all.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
From post #16:
"That will put unfair pressure on the much smaller segment of the young population who managed to stay healthy: the athletes, the upper-middle class, homeschooled homesteaders, some old military families, and the like."

The groups listed are EXACTLY the people TPTB want to feed into their Permanent War meat-grinder. They need to eliminate as many as possible of those who would oppose them. Forget how things were done in the past --- this will be like nothing we've seen before.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Didn’t read either the OP text or the discussion. Based solely on the thread title…

The draft will never come back. What makes me say that?

1. There would be a thousand lawsuits filed within 24 hours. The draft is, in effect, indentured servitude.

2. Way too many young adults are completely unfit for military service, either physically or mentally.

3. Way too many are on heavy drugs, some legal, some not.

4. Women would also have to be drafted. See my point 1 re lawsuits.

5. If drafted, many young adults would simply refuse to show up at the induction center. Many parents would assist in hiding their kids.

6. The wealthy and political classes would insist that their kids be allowed to opt out. That would fuel even more resentment than there is currently in this country.

So while the gov might want to try it, it’s a non-starter right outta the gate. No reason to worry about something that will never happen.
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On TB every waking moment
IMHO, such a draft is just as likely, if not more so, to be focused upon the Border, the Americas and "internal security" if it were to get past the political maelstrom. That is more ominous IMHO than overseas adventurism in leiu of real long term foreign policy. As for the actual instituting of one, the circumstances would have to be "just right", i.e. postitively horrible for it to get off the ground as anything more than a make work/social program.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Guy had a point or two, for certain.

The Govt. and it's policies need to be worth fighting and dying for, before that will change.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
The real issue is that even a WARTIME boot camp can't compensate for 18 years of inadequate nutrition, weak bones, and being severely overweight. You can force diet people down, but humans raised on junk food with little exercise tend to have skeletal problems that can't be reversed and certainly not quickly.

That will put unfair pressure on the much smaller segment of the young population who managed to stay healthy: the athletes, the upper-middle class, homeschooled homesteaders, some old military families, and the like. Wealthy people will not want to send their precious darlings into a meat grinder.

It isn't about snowflakes; it is about physical reality. A friend in the military told me that these days, they are losing even highly motivated young people who look healthy but have bones so compromised that they break under the strain of a 25-mile hike or heavy backpack.

I have no idea how a modern military will deal with this. China is already cracking down and paying attention to what its children eat and how they exercise. It is coordinating some of its educational programs to ensure more physical activity and healthy (non-ultraprocessed food) in some urban areas. They are also trying to restrict the time severely spent gaming on computers (good luck with that, but they are trying). They started this about three or so years ago, but it will take the US at least 10 to 18 years to grow a new and stronger generation IF they start now. I can't see that happening, especially where "cannon fodder" drafted troops tend to come from.

This isn't the 1960s when most kids still rode bikes and even poor kids at what Momma (or grandma) put on the table, except for treats. Kids with natural whole milk in school and poor children whose school lunches were cooked on-site from ordinary ingredients, not microwaved ultra-processed garbage.

I have no idea how they will deal with this problem, but pretending all the "Snowfakes will toughen up" isn't a likely solution if they can't go on a 20-mile hike without breaking. Not everyone will, but there is already a problem with this, and that is with an all-volunteer service.
There is a fix for it. Make the 20 mile hike a requirement to get a diploma. You have to change gears and make PE the center piece of education. And then the second priority is ensuring they can read and comprehend enough to follow orders, read a map, and calculate how to fire artillery or a sniper rifle.

But we will also have to do what China did with gaming. Ban it outright if under a certain age, and require physical activities as part of being in school. Make it so that sitting is not as much an issue as trying to keep up in daily exercizes. But the military and government will have to get schooled hard and told no more woke no more crazy. Until that happens nothing changes.


Veteran Member
Most men 18-20 are so weak that they cannot pass a girl scout fitness test. Poor nutrition, no physical activities, and dumb as a box of rocks. I read that 80% of 18 years old are overweight and probably obese. No way the army is going to be able to send them to a fat camp and get them fit for combat. The marines are probably going to just tell them to go home. When I was in the army we trained and ran in combat boots. Today the kids get to run in running shoes and can take a time out if they are stressed or tired. No way they can carry the loads that are required of today's soldiers and marines. A friend of mine told me his son who was in the marines 10 years ago had to carry over 100 pounds for his normal load out. No way could most 18 years old do that today. From what I am reading this is the same all over the first world countries.


Veteran Member
Lotta talk about the draft and how so many young people are unfit mentally educationally, and physically

Any of ya all ever heard of macnamara’s morons?

It’s a real thing
He dropped a lot of the entrance standards
For the military including IQ and physical

So they could meet their draft quotas

A LOT of us in at that time saw it

Hell even training manuals were cartoons

One of them was my cousin Mitch.
Mentally retarded.
And they sent him to NAM as a runner
And he was in combat as a noncombatant

They will do it again

And I would add. Friend of mine was originally classified 4f for flat feet
In 1970 he was reclassified 1a still had flat feet
Didn’t go to NAM
Instead he spent 2 years on the Fulda gap with the 3d Marne division


Goodness before greatness.
A draft? The kids were hopeful the Terminator’s would be completed by then.
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Veteran Member
Another kid i knew. Rodney E.
Dumb as a box of rocks
Went thru marine boot camp twice
Never passed his stuff
Still was sent to NAM as a light engine mechanic

See. Their reasoning was these dumb or physically weak could still be used so they could free up more capable bodies for the grist mill body count

Into the breech

I haven’t trusted our federal govt for 50 years now

cat killer

Senior Member


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
The need to remember, the way we train would have to change 180 degrees. Right now the big threat is being kicked out. They will need to get back to a ‘do it or I’ll beat your ass until you do’ sort of thing
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Veteran Member
You know their gonna do it. I don't except many to join the party but if they don't bring back the draft we don't have 1/10 the people they need for their war. Yep, they don't mind sending us to slaughter.

One thing is for sure, it will wake up a few more sleeping sheeple to what low lifes run the Democratic, sorry, I meant the Communist party.

This ain't the Democratic party you used to love. Face it. Time to jump that ship. When this is all done, no one will want to be associated with the Democratic party.


Veteran Member
Big country expat recently wrote a blog post about the Rakkasan sprint... they had to run 4 miles in 32 minutes... it was a big deal in his infantry unit.... I was in a USMC FSSG unit and that was a routine Monday/Wednesday/Friday PT session... good luck making that happen with today's youth!

My boys won't be fighting for the degenerate scum in this country... I will die or sit in a cage with a smile upon my face to see my will done! I already hate you John Law... say when!

Sit on that phucking draft board at your own peril!


Veteran Member
Unless a major city or cities get nuked.....and everyone goes UBER PATRIOTIC, like after Pearl Harbor or 9/11, it will never happen. The American people are fed up with the government, don't trust them and certainly will not tolerate a draft of ANY KIND.

Besides the fact that what's available to be drafted is in pretty PISS POOR SHAPE, physically, emotionally, intellectually and pretty much every other point of measurement. Heck half of them don't even know what gender they are. :rofl:

I can just see them going through boot camp, a WAR TIME boot camp! You can't take a time out or tell your Drill Instructor to stop yelling at you and calling you names. :hof:I can just see a "Karen" or "Ken" back talking a REAL D.I. :smkd:And what about all those "helicopter" parents. They'll probably want to go to boot camp with their little tender babies.

Nope, I just don't see it happening, not without something really MAJOR going down. A Pearl Harbor attack or a 9/11 or something bigger.
If it is DC I doubt many will join.


Don't screw with an engineer
You know their gonna do it. I don't except many to join the party but if they don't bring back the draft we don't have 1/10 the people they need for their war. Yep, they don't mind sending us to slaughter.

One thing is for sure, it will wake up a few more sleeping sheeple to what low lifes run the Democratic, sorry, I meant the Communist party.

This ain't the Democratic party you used to love. Face it. Time to jump that ship. When this is all done, no one will want to be associated with the Democratic party.
There was never a Democrat (not Democratic) party that I loved. I might have leaned that way 50 years ago as a pre-teen, but I wasn't stupid enough to get on the wagon for what they were selling then, as it didn't make sense. It makes so much less sense now. But so many blind morons just don't think for themselves.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

