Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 29 ~ September 4, 2021


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Heading out to get more lawn gas (fuel prices slated to increase due to Hurricane Ida)
plus a few more goodies -- Potential US trucker strike on Tuesday (Aug. 31). Even if this strike doesn't materialize, the rumor is now out there and I expect stores to get hit hard.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We're watching and waiting for Ida. Keeping an eye on how it will affect us. We're already under a flash flood watch, and our local weatherman is telling us to expect power outages. Rain and wind from the outer bands are due to be here by tonight or early in the wee hours of tomorrow am. Our worst days will be Monday and Tuesday. What remains of the eye will be passing within a few miles of us. We're on the east side of the center.

Everything is set in case we lose power. Cary took care of all of that yesterday afternoon. Yard is mowed. All of my laundry is done. Food preps are made for power outages, too.

Once the weather turns bad here for us, I'll probably be without internet from satellite feed failure. HughesNet doesn't hold up well in bad weather. Sigh.


Veteran Member
Stay safe, Sherree, and report back in when you can!
I'm going to make a fuel run as soon as I can get dh moving to rotate cans for me. We're just supposed to have some bad winds and localized flooding, nothing to even complain about.
Tomorrow morning I will take the trash to the dump, even though I don't have very much, I don't want it all over the yard. And make another grocery run. Not really supposed to hit here until early Wed. morning. We still have standing water from from what Fred dumped on us though.


TB Fanatic
I'm praying for Judy and her DH. They will be getting some bad weather from Ida, too. Also, she still has family down in NO, IIRC.
thank you sweet lady, I thought we would get a good bit of bad weather, but it moving more easterly away from us, but you can never tell. We are prepped up.

I was wondering how you two are doing and will be praying for ya'll and all in the path. I hate waiting for a hurricane.

God is good all the time



Contributing Member
Dennis' A/C thread reminded me to change the filter, and order more on our central unit.
Ordered a bunch of buy one get one 50% off from Walgreens, with an additional 15% off the order deal (coupon code walg15), also using up some Walgreens cash I had...
Ordered more mobil1 synthetic oil for our cars, tractors, and generators when I got another price alert for Amazon. Oil purchase reaction was due to a phone convo with a good friend in the trucking industry saying he and other friends could not find the bulk oil in barrels (or even jugs) that they prefer in their OTR engines anywhere in stock. Maybe a bit reactionary, but I'll have it, and it was on sale.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
thank you sweet lady, I thought we would get a good bit of bad weather, but it moving more easterly away from us, but you can never tell. We are prepped up.

I was wondering how you two are doing and will be praying for ya'll and all in the path. I hate waiting for a hurricane.

God is good all the time


Well, like I said, earlier. Our satellite feed is already going in and out. Outside, you can feel the cane coming. There is an eerie stillness to the air, and all the critters and birds are silent. The dark clouds of the outer bands are rolling in, too. It is so muggy outside. All is good, here, though. We're just waiting at this point.

It's good to know that you and DH will be somewhat sheltered through this one. Stay vigilant, nonetheless. I'm glad we don't live closer to the coast.


TB Fanatic
Well, like I said, earlier. Our satellite feed is already going in and out. Outside, you can feel the cane coming. There is an eerie stillness to the air, and all the critters and birds are silent. The dark clouds of the outer bands are rolling in, too. It is so muggy outside. All is good, here, though. We're just waiting at this point.

It's good to know that you and DH will be somewhat sheltered through this one. Stay vigilant, nonetheless. I'm glad we don't live closer to the coast.
Its not feeling like a storm is coming this way, the sun is shinning and we've had a few drops of rain. Its hot out. However, we are prepared. Stay safe.

God is good all the time



Senior Member
The new shelf unit is up and I've started stocking it. I do not like the pop top cans but I need to stack them in order to get the most on the shelves. I have thought that pieces of cardboard would work for each level.

Dh has a chemical stress test tomorrow. I will most likely stay in the car. It's 30 minutes away but I want to stay close just in case.


Veteran Member
This week is jelly/preserves week for me. We have picked pears and apples and I am slowly working on those. Grapes and muscadines will be next.
Everyone in Ida's path be safe. We are praying for all of you. We should only get rain but wind advisories were just posted. I took down all hanging plants and put all cushions up. Prep wise we are ok and waterwise we are ok. Just sitting tight!


Veteran Member
DH rotated the gas out into the lawn mower, 4-wheeler etc. and got them refilled since gas will probably go up.

I‘ve washed jars for some canning I want to get done tomorrow and have done a few loads of laundry to try and stay ahead this week. If all gets back to normal (not even sure that’s a thing anymore) little granddaughter should be back Tuesday and she keeps us on our toes. I’ve also decided on something else I want to get canned so I need to get things organized for that.

philkar- You just reminded me that I have apples in the basement I need to get to! Pears will need to be picked very soon.


TB Fanatic
The new shelf unit is up and I've started stocking it. I do not like the pop top cans but I need to stack them in order to get the most on the shelves. I have thought that pieces of cardboard would work for each level.

Dh has a chemical stress test tomorrow. I will most likely stay in the car. It's 30 minutes away but I want to stay close just in case.
I gather empty box bottoms at Walmart to stack my cans, I’ve run out of room on my shelves and have stacks six high.

God is good all the time



TB Fanatic
Worked on the coop, painted the wood for the seams on the wire. I also have finished the first part of the roof and have it painted.

Also, the garden security seems to be working just fine. Note: the bird was knocked silly and actually got away. The kitty was just telling him not to eat the plants / veggies.

There is also a picture of our WILD garden. These are plants that just decided to start growing. So we put a fence around them.



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Veteran Member
A friend gave me some pears, okra, and tomatoes. I got all the okra in the freezer yesterday. The tomatoes I will can tomorrow. The pears need to ripen some more.

I got in my bee hive to check things out. They have been using the honey they had stored. I have had a feeder out for them. It has been over a day, but they have not been feeding from it. They need to get with the program. We don't have a lot in the wild right now because it is dry. Passion flower is what I see blooming. Golden rod has not started yet. I don't want to use an entrance feeder, but that is what I will try next.

I ordered from Walmart. I ordered one can of Keystone pork. It was a bit too salty for us. It elevated both our blood pressures for a few hours. So I am glad one can is all I got. I have canned pork before, and may need to again. I always can our old chickens.

I candled the eggs under my setting hen. She has 13 left. She had broken 3 and 2 were infertile. Hopefully she will hatch 6-8. I need a couple of new roosters. A few young hens would be good too. I see 2 hens out this morning. They must have not been in the pen when I shut them up last night. I shut them up a little early last night and I guess they were still foraging.

We decided to spin the honey out of some hive frames that was in the freezer. None of the frames were full. It was late fall honey where I had lost my bees last year. It think there will be about 3 quarts. I am not sure if we will use it or just feed it to the bees. It is strong dark colored honey.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm surprised to be here this morning. It's raining hard, and my satellite internet is still working (for now). It's a bit breezy, but nothing to be concerned with.

After our Bible study, yesterday, our group did some prep planning. We all know that if SHTF bigly, everyone will come to our house to live, bringing with them all their preps. So, yesterday, we all decided, if that happens, we need to already have a plan in place as to who will be assigned what duty. That was all settled, and each person can start now planning for their own individual speciality over and above what they're already doing. I was put in charge of everything medical, as an example. I've already stocked enough medical supplies for me and Cary, but now, I need to think of the whole group. I'll just add to what I already have. No one in our group has any special needs other than a few prescription meds, and we'll have to deal with that if we can no longer get those. I'm already weaning myself off of all mine, but Cary can't.


Veteran Member
Renee-I hope you got some rest and are feeling better. I had two of those nights last week, it gets rough especially when you have things to do.

I woke up this morning definitely feeling Ida on her way, makes the pain from the fibro worse. I procrastinated as long as I could before heading off to the kitchen to get started on my canning project. Peeled, washed, cut and canned 10 pints of carrots. I usually only can carrots in with other things like soups or stews but since I had several pounds on hand, I decided they would probably make a quick side dish for those nights I’m not up to doing much.

I found out we still have a quite a few more potatoes in the basement so I think I’m going to can up some potato soup starter, just potatoes and onions in chicken broth. Then I can add milk and cheese etc. when heating it up. I‘ll try and get jars ready tomorrow and gather what I need and can on Wednesday since granddaughter won’t be here that day.

DH went out and picked some pears but the wasps and hornets wanted their share so he decided to wait until after Ida comes through and maybe washes some away! I have a couple of milk crates of pears waiting on me as well as apples.

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am gathering stuff together to send back with the family when they finally head back home to Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

I will hit a food bank mobile pantry tomorrow morning, not for myself, but to get stuff the family can bring back when it is time to go home.
But from the look of things, my family will be up here for awhile. Things look bad in the greater New Orleans area.

Worse yet, I haven’t heard from my sister yet. My youngest sister had to remain in suburban New Orleans, as she works at Oschner Hospital. I know she is too busy to call, but i am worried about her and wish she could call.

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
I am gathering stuff together to send back with the family when they finally head back home to Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

I will hit a food bank mobile pantry tomorrow morning, not for myself, but to get stuff the family can bring back when it is time to go home.
But from the look of things, my family will be up here for awhile. Things look bad in the greater New Orleans area.

Worse yet, I haven’t heard from my sister yet. My youngest sister had to remain in suburban New Orleans, as she works at Oschner Hospital. I know she is too busy to call, but i am worried about her and wish she could call.
Praying for your sister and your family!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Praying here, too, Barry.

We had a somewhat wild night last night. Ida's eye went right over us, and we had deluge after deluge of rain. Our power blinked a few times. Wind was bad, and around in the area there are trees down. We don't have any trees down here, but tree limbs and twigs are all over the yard. I can't complain, though. My heart goes out to all those closer to the Coast. It's still raining this morning.


Veteran Member
Prayers up for your sister Barry.

We‘ve gotten over 4 inches of rain and it’s still coming down, not a hard rain now, just constant. It’s breezy too. The electric went off around 3am but came right back on. We have one large tree down out behind our house. I know they were calling for storms for us last night but we must have slept through it. DH will need to check fences when things calm down.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's still raining and a bit breezy here, but Ida has done something else for us. The temp right now is only 74 degrees. The rest of the week, we're only going to be in the mid 80's for highs and mid 60's for lows. What a relief from the 100+ heat we've been having.

I'm making out all my online order lists, today, and will send those off tomorrow. Also plan to do grocery shopping tomorrow or Thursday. I have a feeling my grocery store and Dollar General will be very low on product. We'll see. According to a friend and my mom, our local Walmart is in bad shape.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The wind was still a little gusty here yesterday evening, and we lost power for a while. I thought I was going to have to bring out the camp stove in order to make supper. It finally came back on. Good thing we were just having left overs.

Today, sunny skies and 73 right now. Now, the clean up begins.

school marm

Veteran Member
I've been too busy with the garden the past two months to post here or even read much, but with school starting back up it appears I'll have a little more time.

Most of the work is the usual stuff. However, I did try something new this year. We decided to do edible landscaping in the backyard instead of regular garden plots. Because it's the first year, there's been a lot more work that fortunately won't have to be repeated next year, but it also meant that I cut some corners in other areas. One of those corners involved me wanting the yard to fill in quickly and look nice, so I planted 25 zucchini plants. Now you know, that's going to be a lot of zucchini.

Anyway, I ran across a recipe in the USDA canning guide for zucchini pineapple, so I decided to give it a try. Basically, cubed or shredded zucchini is cooked in pineapple juice, lemon juice, and sugar, and then canned in a water bath. I tested the "pineapple" in a family favorite jello salad. DDIL couldn't tell the difference. DS was immediately suspicious (because I don't make that jello salad in the summer, only for Thanksgiving and Christmas), and "knew" something was off. He said he'd rather not have it when life is normal, but would be very grateful for it when life isn't normal anymore.

I thought that it worked overall and am satisfied with the results.

However, I also have a freeze dryer, so I decided to throw some in there and see what it was like. Holy cow, is it good! I pressed the shredded zucchini pineapple into patties and FD'd them. Tasteeee! I'm now experimenting with other flavors of juice.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I tried to place an order from Keystone this morning, and their site is down. They are redoing their site, and didn't give any idea of how long they will be down. Sigh. I found Keystone ground beef on another site, but the cost is more at Pleasant Hill. I went ahead and ordered a case from them. Keystone was always out of stock on their ground beef anyway.

I also called to have our propane tank filled. We don't use much propane, but it's good to have as a backup to wood heat.
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