Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 14~20, 2022


Veteran Member
Quick note has reduced the price of Bob's Red Mill potato flakes $3.59 per 1 lb package. .
25 servings....4 packages on amazon is $20.00....
1 bag will fit in a 1/2 gallon jar if you tamp it down a bit..or 2 quarts...Non gmo and just potatoes.


Paranoid Pagan
I have recently installed mesh shade tarps around my house to keep the sun off the outside. It is helping. Hubby put a new axle and 2 new, bigger wheels on my barrow, and converted his barrow from 1 wheel to 2. Spent Tuesday washing blankets and bedding, then Wednesday cutting firewood. Today we moved vehicles to be ready to fix the BOV this weekend, and I drained rain tank 1. Tomorrow, Toot goes to the eye doctor in the AM, and I will pressure wash tank 1 to be ready to receive rain this fall.


Veteran Member
Dentist appointment yesterday, doctor's appointment coming up in 10 days. Just normal stuff getting taken care of. I always pick up extra toothpaste at the dentist as they have a big bowl out front as you leave. So in addition to the toothbrush and paste and floss you get in a packet, I picked up a couple of extra. Costs enough to see the dentist.

Stopped into Publix afterwards to pick up my favorite tp that was on sale. I don't shop much at Publix unless it is a BOGO as it is expensive, but I walked around the store and my jaw was just dropping on every aisle. I couldn't believe how much prices have gone up. Progresso and Chunky soups are about $3.50 a can. Their generic 4lb sugar was $3.18. Blueberry muffin mix that used to be $2.49 and frequently a BOGO is now $3.89. I was getting really depressed. We are fully stocked, but I worry about those who have families to feed and who are not prepared.

So I bought 2 cans of chicken (BOGO, so just over $2 a can), 4 packages of cookie mix (BOGO), and 4 cans of Planters redskin peanuts (BOGO, and my favorite), in addition to my toilet paper. I am off to Trader Joe's and Sam's today.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I finally got everything dated, rotated, and put away that I bought for storage, yesterday. I also found some pantry moth traps, yesterday, so I bought a few of those to place around in my pantry room. I didn't even know they made those. I've never had pantry moths, but since they make the traps, I got some just to be safe. All I've ever seen are mothballs. These were in the gardening section of Walmart along with fly traps.

I've got a load of bedsheets washed and hung on the line. Cary will be mowing as soon as the grass dries a bit more. Heavy dew this morning, and he doesn't mow when it's really wet. While waiting for the grass to dry, he had to fix a spot in our fence where a stray dog dug underneath into our yard overnight last night. I went to open the front door this morning, and it was on the front porch. He ran it back out through the gate, and we haven't seen it since. I guess someone threw it out. Cary saw it out at the road in front of our house, yesterday, wondering around, but didn't think much of it. It still looked to be in good shape. It was a female, and Cary said that he thought she might have been in heat. We can't afford another dog. I hope someone gives her a good home. Stray dogs in our community will get shot if they hang around too long, though.

We've got to make that long trip to pick up Mom from her sister's house over in Alabama tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this trip. I'm still healing, and this long trip will probably wear me out. The trip just to the grocery store, yesterday, almost did me in. I went to bed early. We've got to get up at 5 am, and leave by 8 am in the morning. I've already told Mom, "No More Trips This Year!"


Veteran Member
Got three more years worth of firewood hauled in. Was down to two. Finally underpinned the cabin nice and tight with 3/4 PT plywood. That will make it much warmer. Already had 2 inch foam in the floor.

Installed 4 each 100 watt, mono-crystalline solar panels for added solar come winter. Already had 12 Polycrystalline panels. Now the battery bank is still at 80% the next AM most every morning and back to 100% by 11 am during this time of year.
I started running my 22 cubic foot freezer on a timer from 9AM to 6 PM.

Pretty much got the basic utilities covers for the next 5 years as we use a spring for water.


Veteran Member
I finally got everything dated, rotated, and put away that I bought for storage, yesterday. I also found some pantry moth traps, yesterday, so I bought a few of those to place around in my pantry room. I didn't even know they made those. I've never had pantry moths, but since they make the traps, I got some just to be safe. All I've ever seen are mothballs. These were in the gardening section of Walmart along with fly traps.

I've got a load of bedsheets washed and hung on the line. Cary will be mowing as soon as the grass dries a bit more. Heavy dew this morning, and he doesn't mow when it's really wet. While waiting for the grass to dry, he had to fix a spot in our fence where a stray dog dug underneath into our yard overnight last night. I went to open the front door this morning, and it was on the front porch. He ran it back out through the gate, and we haven't seen it since. I guess someone threw it out. Cary saw it out at the road in front of our house, yesterday, wondering around, but didn't think much of it. It still looked to be in good shape. It was a female, and Cary said that he thought she might have been in heat. We can't afford another dog. I hope someone gives her a good home. Stray dogs in our community will get shot if they hang around too long, though.

We've got to make that long trip to pick up Mom from her sister's house over in Alabama tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this trip. I'm still healing, and this long trip will probably wear me out. The trip just to the grocery store, yesterday, almost did me in. I went to bed early. We've got to get up at 5 am, and leave by 8 am in the morning. I've already told Mom, "No More Trips This Year!"
Praying for your continued healing.


Thank you Summerthyme for the link to the Tumeric!! Bought some and have it on a three month refill 'subscribe and save' arrangement....also ordered gelatin capsules.

And thank you who ever gave the link to Angstun Farms link too.....plan on ordering some cheese powder and butter powder. The butter powder actually comes out cheaper than you can buy butter for at this time!!

The above link isn't inexpensive, but if you want to make your own capsules (and that can come in super handy for everything from ivermectin to putting antibiotic powder into caps), it will save you untold hours of fiddling.

I make our own glucosamine caps, turmeric, licorice, MSM, several amino acids, charcoal powder...

I'll sit with hubby watching rodeo or something and make a thousand capsules in an evening. I had older, "manual" fillers that only held 24 caps, and you had to hand place the capsule halves, which took forever, but it still was much better than trying to scoop powder into the large half and then close them by hand. The gadget linked above is at least 10x faster.



Veteran Member
Little bit more to do on big barn. Small tractor shed is done. Cleaned out rest of camper. Omg. Mice and shredded everything.
Transplanted my Brussels I started. Picked two bushel sweet corn to process.
Laundry etc. Clean up yard today and get things ready for 4-h meet Sunday.
Garden is nuts. Daughter is canning crazy every night.
I've decided I'm not a huge fan of the purple green beans. Stringy and thin. The regular green beans are the best I think, though a bit harder to see.
I'm trying to save seed from everything that I can.
I planted 4 rows non-hybrid corn for seed see how they do next year not ready to harvest yet.
Everything I've planted around my cabin and around the chicken coop it's done really really good though I have some ideas on better placement next year.
Still need to clean out the pantry that shouldn't take too long. Other than that a good cleaning of the downstairs and clean that carpet it's only in the living room. But there's time to do that.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!

The Dollar Store had seeds for 1/2 price!!!!!

I bought MORE SEEDS!!!!

I think I am addicted.

Hi, my name is Jeanie and I am an addict.....I am addicted to garden seeds. In fact, I start shaking all over whenever I see a seed package, or when someone starts talking about planting seeds. I don't know what this would be called, but it is like DT's!!!!

Withdrawal from seeds is HELL!! I even keep them with me in winter time.....if the sun shines, I try to plant them, even if there is snow on the ground!!

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Has No Life - Lives on TB
We're stocked really well on all of our garden seed. We might need to get more sprouting trays for next year, though. We have some, but I don't know how many. Cary is going to have to come up with a better plan for our growing light, too. He had is set up in the laundry room, and it was in my way about hanging the clothes to dry when I needed to do it indoors. I'm sure he can come up with something better. My laundry room is mostly all double glass windows and a set of French doors, so it shouldn't be a problem, and it faces East and South. We won't need a lot of extra grow light. I do need to buy more flower seed, mainly marigolds and zinnas.

Unless we get rained out, we're sowing our mustard, turnip, and lettuce seeds Monday. I can't think of anything else that we can plant this time of year that we like to eat. Potatoes are too late, I think. Most other cold weather crops, Cary won't eat, and I'm not a big fan. He counted 14 tomatoes on one of our volunteer tomato plants this morning! That's good for something that we didn't expect. We have 6 such plants! The earliest ones should be getting close to begin ripening.


Veteran Member
Don't have time to read today...dehydrated 4 lbs of carrots last night... canning beef stew today..chopping the onions, carrots and potatoes...will get it put together in the jars ..qt...soon..... process for 90 mins...cold pack beef chunks..and veggies and with hot beef broth ...will be thin broth...will make roux of about 3 tablespoons of fat and 3 tablespoons of flour and add liquid from jar to thicken before serving...instant meals this winter..


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, I didn't feel well enough to make that trip today. My aunt and uncle will be bringing her home, instead. He's well enough to travel now.

So, since rain is in our forecast for the next few days, Cary went ahead and sowed the mustard and lettuce seed in 2 of our raised beds. Waiting to sow the turnip seed in the area garden, later, depending on how much rain we get today. It's beginning to sprinkle.

Tomato plants are loaded, along with my bell pepper plants. I have nice size late squash now, and late cukes are putting out again with blooms. My chives are big enough to cut again for the freezer.

I'm still treating my ear infection with garlic juice, but if not showing big improvement by Monday I'm calling my PCP for an appt. It hurt all night even with the medicated ear drops. My mouth has finally shown lots of improvement now that the inflammation is under control.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I so enjoy this thread each week.
I am continuing to pray for you Sherree.

Thank You.

This is my favorite thread, too, each week. I told some members, yesterday, that I take care of all the prepping, gardening, shortages, and medical threads, and Cary takes care of all the rest. I'm just not too interested in the political, economic, and war type threads and topics. Prepping, gardening, and medical are where my interests lie.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Seeing the Seed Shortage thread on Main started me thinking about our seed situation. I have corn, lima bean, purple hull pea, green bean (bush and pole), and tomato seeds, that have been in my freezer for years. Do I need to replace those just to be safe? We have enough of these seeds to plant our whole back yard, if need be, but I don't want to reply on them if they're too old.

I would like to know of one good company to order all my seeds from. Recommendations accepted......:)


Veteran Member
Just upped my bar & chain oil supply along with several additional chains for the saw! I already have 55 gals of gasoline to ascertain that it keeps running for quite a while to come. Since we've spent the past week canning peaches we decided to get outside and get some sun and exercise. Still plenty of harvest to go (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash etc.) and I'm feeling the need to get my firewood and hay put up. This getting old thing isn't everything it's cracked up to be.


Senior Member
I order my seeds from which is Baker's Creek. They ship well and i always get them promptly.
Got 2 more cucumbers so tomorrow I will make sweet relish.
Collected my dill seeds but ended up with lots of the tiny dried stems in with them. I'm picking them out but it seems endless. Any ideas for doing this more efficiently would be appreciated!
Our 16 year old dog is declining fairly rapidly. He's still in good spirits and still demands a short walk. We'll watch for indications that it's time.
Have a good weekend!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!

My green peas are up!!!!
AND I planted about a third of the potatoes. I planted red taters today. Will plant some more of those tomorrow and also some Russets.

I have one BIG cantaloupe that just won't get ripe!! And I have about 10 more that are a bit smaller.....they are still growing and are not ripe either. My garden is doing well now that it is not so horribly hot.....getting LOTS of cukes......tomatoes are on the vines, but taking their own sweet time about getting ripe.....peppers coming along slowly too.

Now got to get in HIGH GEAR for Fall!! Hope we don't get frost until November.....which is about average for this area.

Even MORE seeds came in the mail today!!! I ordered some unusual varieties, as well as sprouting and micro green seeds so I can have salads all winter if I like!! Some of the sprouts are old standbys, but I ordered some unusual ones too.

I am feeling really I said before, this is MY TIME OF YEAR!!!
Hope you all are enjoying your situation and feeling better all around!!

Continue in prayer for all of you....but especially for Moldy, Southern Breeze and Nomifyle.....anyone else have specific needs, just let me know......

Take care all of you and REJOICE......the time of our LORD draws near!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We also order from Baker Creek. Fast and reliable service. They have a neat catalog that comes out each year. I like looking through it in the midst of winter thinking about spring.

I think I might order some seeds as well.

I've been online looking at Southern Exposure seeds. I like what I see there, and it's catered to southern gardens. I'm making my list.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Well, we just had a hail storm here that was whacking the heck out of the RV.......just hope it didn't DESTROY my garden!!

That would be the TOTAL PITS......having brought my plants through this horrid summer, getting them to where they are really beginning to flourish.....and 5 minutes of nature hating me destroys everything.....I am very tired tonight and am not going out to look. Praying everything is alive and OK tomorrow morning!!!


Veteran Member
We took a light day today. Went to a women's retreat this AM. It was refreshing and just what I needed to hear. We are planting Fall crops as many of you are. Rape and clover are up in chicken pen. pulled the melon vines and picked the winter squash and put them in barn to harden off. Sweet potatoes and peanuts are coming along nicely. Strangely my sunchokes haven't bloomed yet. Will start picking the sunflowers that are dry tomorrow or Monday. Peas are blooming now.
May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge. Ruth 2:12


Veteran Member
We had a steady drenching rain most of the day today...great for making things grow, not so good for working with electrical. Solar is all in the new building, just waiting for a dry day to run the power to the house. Panels were able to top off the batteries even though it was overcast...both arrays were reconfigured to put out around 120 volts DC at close to 30 amps. The charge controllers are close to maxxed out since they top out at 83 amps output @ 48volts to the batteries. Not huge, but enough to recharge the batteries and still run the items on the output...a/c, fridge, freezers, well pump, lights, security cameras, etc. (I hope) ;)
It's been a long journey since starting out with a set of Harbor Freight panels, a couple of cheap marine batteries and a 400 watt inverter, and I would be amiss to not say thanks to those on this (and other) forums, and also to the techs I conferred with at Trace, Outback and Midnite Solar for their suggestions and guidance through the years.
Pardon the mess on top of the battery box:)



Veteran Member
I've been online looking at Southern Exposure seeds. I like what I see there, and it's catered to southern gardens. I'm making my list.
They are a good seed company. ..just down the road in the next county from us...they also have blank seed saving envelopes. ..and a great book for best seed varieties for the southeast us. If you order from them request a catalog ...they have wealth of their catalog... .about seeds ...saving what crosses etc
I also use true leaf market...for sprouting and microgreens..
Annie's heirloom seeds is having a sale on her seeds.
Vermont bean seed company.(the have both hybrid and be careful there) last check they still had willow leaf pole limas...a hard to come by pole lima...we grow carolina sevia pole butterbeans..Thomas Jefferson...grew sevia at monticello. .back in the 1700's ...willow leaf is believed to have come from sevia... both do will in the south
I was able to find some beautiful quality sevia from Seed
Savers Exchange...sevia have been hard to locate in recent years...we will do willow leaf one year and sevia the next...and save their seeds.

We often order the same variety from different companies so if one company has poor just might do well..
Victory is another good seed company. ..they have a waiting list for willow leaf butterbeans


Veteran Member
They are a good seed company. ..just down the road in the next county from us...they also have blank seed saving envelopes. ..and a great book for best seed varieties for the southeast us. If you order from them request a catalog ...they have wealth of their catalog... .about seeds ...saving what crosses etc
I also use true leaf market...for sprouting and microgreens..
Annie's heirloom seeds is having a sale on her seeds.
Vermont bean seed company.(the have both hybrid and be careful there) last check they still had willow leaf pole limas...a hard to come by pole lima...we grow carolina sevia pole butterbeans..Thomas Jefferson...grew sevia at monticello. .back in the 1700's ...willow leaf is believed to have come from sevia... both do will in the south
I was able to find some beautiful quality sevia from Seed
Savers Exchange...sevia have been hard to locate in recent years...we will do willow leaf one year and sevia the next...and save their seeds.

We often order the same variety from different companies so if one company has poor just might do well..
Victory is another good seed company. ..they have a waiting list for willow leaf butterbeans
Small world as we are “neighbors“ - I also live near SSE. Hi!


Paranoid Pagan
Got nothing done today. Just tired. However, I treated myself to a wash and scalp massage at the salon.

Yesterday, I scrubbed one of my IBC totes out because some debris got in it and made it get kind of gross. I used the water in the garden, so it didn't go to waste.

Friday I burned a bunch of yard waste to make ashes to add to my beds. I'll sift out charcoal to crush as an additive as well.

Also got Toot a new pair of glasses ordered. He has put his foot down and declared his glasses frames must be clear. Well, okay.

Let my "sister's" boyfriend on the need to prep. He totally agreed with me. I think I'm gonna get along with this one. He got her not only a gun, but ammo for it. More than 1 mag full. Exbf got her a lil red 9mm and 1 mag of ammo. Then took it back when he left her.