
On TB every waking moment

Ukrainian forces reportedly struck Russian positions on Snake Island in the Black Sea, likely to destroy Russian fortifications and equipment on the island. Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command reported that Ukrainian forces are conducting an ongoing concentrated attack on Snake Island and inflicted unspecified damage on the Russian garrison as of June 21.[27] The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Russian air-defense systems repelled an attack against the island by more than 15 Ukrainian drones on June 20.[28] Russian officials also claimed that Ukrainian drones struck gas production platforms near Crimea after Russian forces defeated the Ukrainian attempt to capture Snake Island.[29] ISW is unable to independently confirm either claim and will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds. The UK Defense Ministry also stated that Ukrainian attacks on Russian ships off Odesa shores have “neutralized” Russia’s ability to control the sea and derailed Russian plans to block Odesa Oblast from the Black Sea.[30]

Activity in Russian-occupied Areas (Russian objective: consolidate administrative control of occupied areas; set conditions for potential annexation into the Russian Federation or some other future political arrangement of Moscow’s choosing)
Russian occupation authorities are continuing ad-hoc annexation policies in Donbas and southern Ukraine. The deputy head of the Russian Kherson Oblast Military-Civil Administration, Kirill Stremousov, made another announcement stating that Russian-occupied Kherson Oblast may conduct a referendum to join Russia in the fall of 2022.[31] Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Head Denis Pushilin previously claimed that the DNR will hold a referendum to unite with Russia after the end of the “special military operation” in Ukraine, which he hopes will end by winter 2022—another indicator that the Kremlin and its proxies expect the war to protract.[32] It is unclear when or if the Kremlin will pursue a full annexation of Donbas and occupied southern Ukrainian territories, but Russian occupation authorities continue to produce disjointed timeframes and preconditions for referendums. The DNR Territorial Defense Staff also reported that the DNR added Lomakyne, just east of Mariupol, to the “zone of DNR responsibility.” It remains unclear whether or not the DNR is responsible for all newly occupied settlements.[33]
Russian occupation authorities are continuing to face challenges recruiting local collaborators and are likely relying on Russian government personnel to consolidate their societal control. Enerhodar Mayor Dmytro Orlov noted that many young people are fleeing Enerhodar and are refusing to cooperate with Russian occupation forces.[34] Orlov reported that Russian forces have mistreated the remaining employees of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant who stayed back in the city to minimize the risks of a nuclear emergency.[35] Ukrainian Telegram channel MariupolNow noted the arrival of a large convoy of Russian cars and busses near Mariupol, possibly carrying Russian non-military personnel.[36] Russian occupation authorities installed Russian television networks in Kherson Oblast and are continuing to restore railways in Mariupol despite being unable to consolidate societal control in newly occupied territories.[37]
[1] https://by dot; https://www dot; https://www dot
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[4] https://nv dot ua/world/geopolitics/aleksandr-dvornikov-zhurnalist-bellingcat-nazval-prichinu-otstraneniya-rossiyskogo-generala-50250424.html;

[5] https://gordonuadot com/news/worldnews/vmesto-dvornikova-rukovodit-vs-rf-v-ukraine-naznachili-generala-zhidko-cit-i-bellingcat-1613521.html
[6] В Южном военном округе новый командующий. Герой.. | ☆ВДВ☆Армия России☆ | VK
[7] https://novayagazeta dot eu/articles/2022/06/20/vyzhivshie-na-zatonuvshem-kreisere-moskva-srochniki-rasskazali-chto-ikh-vnov-posylaiut-v-zonu-boevykh-deistvii-ikh-roditeli-potrebovali-prokuraturu-vmeshatsia-news
[9] View:;
"Билет в один конец". Как российские добровольцы едут воевать с Украиной - BBC News Русская служба.
[10] View:
; View:;
"Билет в один конец". Как российские добровольцы едут воевать с Украиной - BBC News Русская служба.
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[26] Log into Facebook Log into Facebook Facebook Watch Микола Лукашук – голова ДОР Валентин Резніченко/ Дніпропетровська ОДА (ОВА) Поточна оперативна обстановка на півдні України: станом на 13.00 21.06.2022. В операційній зоні сил оборони півдня України обстановка складна, але контрольована. На Миколаївщині після ворожих обстрілів у с. Лимани Галицинівської громади виникла пожежа житлового будинку та сухої трави. Потерпілих немає. Також вночі було обстріляно Первомайську громаду. За попередньою інформацією потерпілих немає, але суттєво пошкоджено будівлі. Ранком знов нанесено ракетний удар з повітря та реактивними системами залпового вогню з Херсонського напряму по Миколаєву та передмістю. Ворог продовжує руйнувати портову інфраструктуру та сільськогосподарські площі. Інформація про руйнування та постраждалих уточінюється. На Херсонщині тривають обстріли, окупанти застосовують різну зброю, включаючи ту, що заборонена міжнародними конвенціями. Обстановка в регіоні вкрай складна. Особливо у населених пунктах, які знаходяться біля Снігурівки, Зеленодольської громади та на кордоні із Миколаївщиною. Критичною залишається ситуація із відновленням електроенергії та води у селах Бериславського району. Але наші підрозділи продовжують нищити ворога і відтискати його на схід. Гелікоптерною парою ранком нанесено удар по скупченню живої сили та військової техніки противника. Ракетно-артилерійськими підрозділами відпрацьовано понад 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ вогневих завдань. Їх результати уточнюються, але станом на ранок вже відомо, що світ став чистіше на 2️⃣6️⃣ рашистів. Вже не завдаватимуть шкоди українському народу ✖️ танк, ✖️ багатоцільовий броньований тагяч, ще ✖️ 3 броньовані і ✖️ 4 вантажні автівки. По острову Зміїний було нанесено зосереджений удар із застосуванням різних сил та способів ураження у ході якого те, що рашисти гордо називали острівним гарнізоном, обліковує значні втрати. Військова операція триває і потребує інформаційної тиші до її завершення. Склад корабельного угруповання за ніч не змінився, отже загрози і виклики – теж. ⛔ Пам’ятайте про небезпеку, що міститься в прибережних водах та на узбережжі всього південного регіону. Не нехтуйте правилами дій при повітряних тривогах, попередженнями та заборонами, які в першу чергу спрямовані на збереження ваших життів. Будьте пильними і свідомими, довіряйте силам оборони та достовірним джерелам інформації. Разом переможемо! Все буде... - Оперативне командування "Південь"/Operational Command “South” | By Оперативне командування "Південь"/Operational Command “South” | Поточна оперативна обстановка на півдні України: станом на 13.00 21.06.2022. В операційній зоні сил оборони півдня...
[27] Поточна оперативна обстановка на півдні України: станом на 13.00 21.06.2022. В операційній зоні сил оборони півдня України обстановка складна, але контрольована. На Миколаївщині після ворожих обстрілів у с. Лимани Галицинівської громади виникла пожежа житлового будинку та сухої трави. Потерпілих немає. Також вночі було обстріляно Первомайську громаду. За попередньою інформацією потерпілих немає, але суттєво пошкоджено будівлі. Ранком знов нанесено ракетний удар з повітря та реактивними системами залпового вогню з Херсонського напряму по Миколаєву та передмістю. Ворог продовжує руйнувати портову інфраструктуру та сільськогосподарські площі. Інформація про руйнування та постраждалих уточінюється. На Херсонщині тривають обстріли, окупанти застосовують різну зброю, включаючи ту, що заборонена міжнародними конвенціями. Обстановка в регіоні вкрай складна. Особливо у населених пунктах, які знаходяться біля Снігурівки, Зеленодольської громади та на кордоні із Миколаївщиною. Критичною залишається ситуація із відновленням електроенергії та води у селах Бериславського району. Але наші підрозділи продовжують нищити ворога і відтискати його на схід. Гелікоптерною парою ранком нанесено удар по скупченню живої сили та військової техніки противника. Ракетно-артилерійськими підрозділами відпрацьовано понад 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ вогневих завдань. Їх результати уточнюються, але станом на ранок вже відомо, що світ став чистіше на 2️⃣6️⃣ рашистів. Вже не завдаватимуть шкоди українському народу ✖️ танк, ✖️ багатоцільовий броньований тагяч, ще ✖️ 3 броньовані і ✖️ 4 вантажні автівки. По острову Зміїний було нанесено зосереджений удар із застосуванням різних сил та способів ураження у ході якого те, що рашисти гордо називали острівним гарнізоном, обліковує значні втрати. Військова операція триває і потребує інформаційної тиші до її завершення. Склад корабельного угруповання за ніч не змінився, отже загрози і виклики – теж. ⛔ Пам’ятайте про небезпеку, що міститься в прибережних водах та на узбережжі всього південного регіону. Не нехтуйте правилами дій при повітряних тривогах, попередженнями та заборонами, які в першу чергу спрямовані на збереження ваших життів. Будьте пильними і свідомими, довіряйте силам оборони та достовірним джерелам інформації. Разом переможемо! Все буде... - Оперативне командування "Південь"/Operational Command “South” | By Оперативне командування "Південь"/Operational Command “South” | Поточна оперативна обстановка на півдні України: станом на 13.00 21.06.2022. В операційній зоні сил оборони півдня...
[28] Минобороны России Минобороны России
[29] https://novayagazeta dot eu/articles/2022/06/21/v-krymu-soobshchili-o-pozhare-na-platforme-chernomorneftegaza-posle-udara-ukrainskikh-voennykh-sem-chelovek-chisliatsia-propavshimi-bez-vesti-news

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Kherson and Mykolaiv Battle Map Draft June 21,2022.png
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Kharkiv Battle Map Draft June 21,2022.png
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On TB every waking moment
Posted for fair use.....

June 21, 20228:47 PM PDT
Last Updated 2 min ago
Ukraine and Russia forces entrenched, Putin to mark WWII anniversary
5 minute read

  • Summary
  • Luhansk region the toughest place, says Ukraine president
  • Russia has artillery edge as Ukraine pleads for heavy weapons
  • Putin to mark day in 1941 when Hitler invaded Soviet Union
June 22 (Reuters) - Ukrainian and Russian forces were entrenched in eastern Ukrainian battlegrounds on Wednesday, a day of commemoration in both countries to mark the anniversary of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.

Fighting in the months-long war has favoured Russia in recent weeks because of its huge edge in artillery firepower, a fact Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy acknowledged in a late Tuesday address.

"Thanks to tactical manoeuvres the Ukrainian army is strengthening its defences in the Luhansk region," he said. "That is really the toughest spot. The occupiers are also pressing strongly in the direction of Donetsk."

Luhansk and Donetsk provinces combined are known as the Donbas, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces since 2014 following Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

"And just as actively as we are fighting for a positive decision by the European Union on Ukraine's candidate status, we are also fighting every day for modern weaponry for our country. We don't let up for a single day," Zelenskiy said, urging those supporting his country to speed up arms deliveries.

In a symbolic decision, Ukraine is set to become an official candidate for European Union membership on Thursday, EU diplomats said.

Russia's failure to make a major breakthrough since invading Ukraine on Feb. 24 means time is on the side of Ukrainians, according to some military analysts.

"It's a heavyweight boxing match. In 2 months of fighting, there has not yet been a knockout blow. It will come, as RU forces become more depleted," retired U.S. Lieutenant General Mark Hertling, a former commander of U.S. ground forces in Europe, wrote on Twitter.

June 22 is a significant date in Russia - the "Day of Remembrance and Sorrow" - marking when Hitler's Nazi Germany forces invaded the Soviet Union in World War Two. It is also commemorated in Ukraine and neighbouring Belarus, then part of the Soviet Union. The war there lasted 1,418 days from June 22, 1941, and historians estimate about 27 million Soviet soldiers and civilians were killed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who launched what he calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine to root out Nazis, is due to lay flowers to honour the dead.

The Ukrainian government and its Western backers say Putin has used a false pretext to wage an unprovoked war of aggression on its neighbour.

To mark the anniversary, the Russian defence ministry on Wednesday released documents dating back to the beginning of World War Two purporting to show Germany intended to claim the Soviet army was bombing churches and cemeteries to justify its invasion.

"Just as nowadays, in 1941, the Nazis prepared provocations in advance to discredit our state," Russia's defence ministry said.

Russian forces and separatists in eastern Ukraine made further advances on Tuesday, pushing towards the city of Lysychansk, the Ukrainian forces' main bastion in the Donbas.

In some of the bloodiest fighting seen in Europe since World War Two, Russia has made slow progress in the Donbas since April in a conflict that has cost thousands of soldiers' lives on both sides.

Some of the fighting has spanned the Siverskyi Donets river that curls through the Donbas, with Russian forces mainly on the east bank and Ukrainian forces mainly on the west.

But Ukrainian troops - and an estimated 500 civilians - are reportedly still holding out at a chemical plant in the east bank city of Sievierodonetsk, despite weeks of heavy bombardment.

The governor of Luhansk province, Serhiy Gaidai, confirmed that Toshkivka, a settlement on the west bank further south, was now controlled by Russian forces.

Oleskiy Arestovych, an adviser to Zelenskiy, said Russian forces had also taken the village of Metyolkine and could cut off Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk from Ukrainian-held territory.

"The threat of a tactical Russian victory is there, but they haven't done it yet," he said in a video posted online.

Attacks have picked up in the Kharkiv region in the northeast, with at least 15 civilians killed by Russian shelling, the governor said on Tuesday.

"Russian forces are now hitting the city of Kharkiv in the same way that they previously were hitting Mariupol - with the aim of terrorising the population," Arestovych said. "The idea is to create one big problem to distract us and force us to divert troops. I think there will be an escalation."

Reuters could not immediately confirm the battlefield accounts.

In retaliation for Western sanctions, Russia has begun pumping reduced volumes of gas to Europe via Ukraine.

European Union states from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Adriatic in the south have outlined measures to cope with a supply crisis after the invasion put energy at the heart of an economic battle between Russia and the West. read more

Russia warned Lithuania on Tuesday it would face measures of a "serious negative impact" for blocking some shipments by rail to Russia's Baltic Sea enclave of Kaliningrad.

Fellow Baltic nation Estonia expressed solidarity with Lithuania and summoned the Russian ambassador to protest against an "extremely serious" violation of its airspace by a Russian helicopter. read more

Reporting by Reuters bureax; Writing by Grant McCool and Lincoln Feast; Editing by Richard Pullin, Robert Birsel


passin' thru
State Department warns Russia: Attack on Lithuania is attack on US

by Joel Gehrke, Foreign Affairs Reporter |

| June 21, 2022 08:41 PM

A new Russian threat to target “the residents of Lithuania” has drawn a sharp reminder of the American pledge to fight alongside any NATO allies that might come under attack.

“Lithuania is a member of the NATO alliance,” State Department spokesman Ned Price emphasized. ”We stand by the commitments that we have made to the NATO alliance. That includes, of course, a commitment to Article 5: That is the bedrock of the NATO alliance.”


Price prefaced that warning with a dismissive remark about “Russian saber-rattling or Russian bluster.” The pairing would seem to reflect how unease about heightened military tensions around the war in Ukraine has been conditioned by the recognition that Russia is far likelier to use such threats for propaganda purposes than to risk a direct clash with the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“It seems like it's partially a Russian influence operation or psyops a little bit,” a senior European official told the Washington Examiner.

The latest controversy centers on Kaliningrad, a former Prussian territory on the Baltic Sea that Moscow acquired after the Second World War. This heavily militarized district long has presented a Russian thorn in the side of NATO, yet this bastion has remained partially dependent for supplies on railways that run across neighboring Lithuania — which announced last week that some of those deliveries would have to be curtailed in keeping with sanctions imposed by the European Union.

“Russia will, of course, respond to hostile actions of this kind,” Russian Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Tuesday. “The necessary measures ... will be introduced shortly. They will have serious negative consequences for residents of Lithuania.”

The Russian complaint belies the fact that the Lithuanian measures have been scheduled implicitly by EU sanctions imposed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. The transit ban, when the sanctions are implemented in total, will prevent the delivery by train of about half the commercial shipments to Kaliningrad — largely commodities such as cement and iron ore products.

“In accordance with EU sanctions, there are import and export restrictions that apply in relations with certain goods,” the European Union's high representative, Josep Borrell, a former Spanish politician who leads the bloc’s diplomatic corps, said Monday. “The accusation against Lithuania that it is implementing Lithuanian sanctions is false — pure propaganda.”

Patrushev’s outrage could also be a function of bad staff work by Russian officials, another European official surmised. “I think it sort of caught them a bit unaware,” a second European official said. “They were not probably aware that these sanctions are coming into force.”

Russia’s denunciation of Lithuania has a twofold purpose, in the assessment of the Europeans, insofar as it dovetails with Kremlin claims that the invasion of Ukraine was necessitated by NATO hostility — and channels domestic Russian dismay over the situation outward. Kaliningrad Gov. Anton Alikhanov declared the restrictions “a most serious violation ... of the right to free transit into and out of Kaliningrad region” in a statement published on social media amid a flare-up of local panic buying.

“People in Kaliningrad are genuinely worried. ... They feel like worse things are coming, and the Kremlin is of course under pressure to show that they are doing something and they’re in control, and they are reacting," the second European official said.

Russia has the option of redirecting those deliveries by sea or air, although the shift to air routes brings other risks.

“I’m not sure how long they have those planes if they don't have maintenance parts because their own civilian aircraft industry are very, very much reliant on reliant on Western competence,” the first senior European official said.

“So it will complicate, definitely, the traveling between the mainland and Konigsberg,” the official added, using the old German name for Kaliningrad.

How Russia goes about expressing its irritation, beyond press statements, remains to be seen — but the war in Ukraine is a form of reassurance.

“It's difficult for them to come up with a very clear response,” the second European official said. Lithuania’s economy is “not really dependent on Russia anymore,” and the Russian military doesn’t have “manpower waiting around” to threaten Lithuania.


“You never know what can happen, but to predict that it's going to result [in] some very disproportionate ... Russian reaction, including in the security sphere — I wouldn't say so,” the official concluded.



Foreign Policy

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Veteran Member
State Department warns Russia: Attack on Lithuania is attack on US

by Joel Gehrke, Foreign Affairs Reporter |

| June 21, 2022 08:41 PM

A new Russian threat to target “the residents of Lithuania” has drawn a sharp reminder of the American pledge to fight alongside any NATO allies that might come under attack.

“Lithuania is a member of the NATO alliance,” State Department spokesman Ned Price emphasized. ”We stand by the commitments that we have made to the NATO alliance. That includes, of course, a commitment to Article 5: That is the bedrock of the NATO alliance.”


Price prefaced that warning with a dismissive remark about “Russian saber-rattling or Russian bluster.” The pairing would seem to reflect how unease about heightened military tensions around the war in Ukraine has been conditioned by the recognition that Russia is far likelier to use such threats for propaganda purposes than to risk a direct clash with the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“It seems like it's partially a Russian influence operation or psyops a little bit,” a senior European official told the Washington Examiner.

The latest controversy centers on Kaliningrad, a former Prussian territory on the Baltic Sea that Moscow acquired after the Second World War. This heavily militarized district long has presented a Russian thorn in the side of NATO, yet this bastion has remained partially dependent for supplies on railways that run across neighboring Lithuania — which announced last week that some of those deliveries would have to be curtailed in keeping with sanctions imposed by the European Union.

“Russia will, of course, respond to hostile actions of this kind,” Russian Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Tuesday. “The necessary measures ... will be introduced shortly. They will have serious negative consequences for residents of Lithuania.”

The Russian complaint belies the fact that the Lithuanian measures have been scheduled implicitly by EU sanctions imposed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. The transit ban, when the sanctions are implemented in total, will prevent the delivery by train of about half the commercial shipments to Kaliningrad — largely commodities such as cement and iron ore products.

“In accordance with EU sanctions, there are import and export restrictions that apply in relations with certain goods,” the European Union's high representative, Josep Borrell, a former Spanish politician who leads the bloc’s diplomatic corps, said Monday. “The accusation against Lithuania that it is implementing Lithuanian sanctions is false — pure propaganda.”

Patrushev’s outrage could also be a function of bad staff work by Russian officials, another European official surmised. “I think it sort of caught them a bit unaware,” a second European official said. “They were not probably aware that these sanctions are coming into force.”

Russia’s denunciation of Lithuania has a twofold purpose, in the assessment of the Europeans, insofar as it dovetails with Kremlin claims that the invasion of Ukraine was necessitated by NATO hostility — and channels domestic Russian dismay over the situation outward. Kaliningrad Gov. Anton Alikhanov declared the restrictions “a most serious violation ... of the right to free transit into and out of Kaliningrad region” in a statement published on social media amid a flare-up of local panic buying.

“People in Kaliningrad are genuinely worried. ... They feel like worse things are coming, and the Kremlin is of course under pressure to show that they are doing something and they’re in control, and they are reacting," the second European official said.

Russia has the option of redirecting those deliveries by sea or air, although the shift to air routes brings other risks.

“I’m not sure how long they have those planes if they don't have maintenance parts because their own civilian aircraft industry are very, very much reliant on reliant on Western competence,” the first senior European official said.

“So it will complicate, definitely, the traveling between the mainland and Konigsberg,” the official added, using the old German name for Kaliningrad.

How Russia goes about expressing its irritation, beyond press statements, remains to be seen — but the war in Ukraine is a form of reassurance.

“It's difficult for them to come up with a very clear response,” the second European official said. Lithuania’s economy is “not really dependent on Russia anymore,” and the Russian military doesn’t have “manpower waiting around” to threaten Lithuania.


“You never know what can happen, but to predict that it's going to result [in] some very disproportionate ... Russian reaction, including in the security sphere — I wouldn't say so,” the official concluded.



Foreign Policy

National Security


One way or another, NATO/US is going to figure a way to get directly involved in this proxy war.
Then we'll be off to the races.


On TB every waking moment
One way or another, NATO/US is going to figure a way to get directly involved in this proxy war.
Then we'll be off to the races.

I still wonder how the trail of discussion and argument worked its way to convincing the PTB in the Kremlin into thinking this was the best course of action?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
One way or another, NATO/US is going to figure a way to get directly involved in this proxy war.
Then we'll be off to the races.
A war can be good for the economy. And taking a hard stand against a bad guy.

All makes for more votes to the one doing the doing. Along with Juneteeth, and Cinco de Mayo Biden is a shoo-in.


TB Fanatic
“So it will complicate, definitely, the traveling between the mainland and Konigsberg,” the official added, using the old German name for Kaliningrad.

So, Lithuania is already planning to annex Konigsberg. That's a bit premature.


Veteran Member
I still wonder how the trail of discussion and argument worked its way to convincing the PTB in the Kremlin into thinking this was the best course of action?
It was Xi whispering into Putin ear about anasty NATO. He got Russia to pull a lot of military from the Russian Far East. Now he needs it to heat up so the US starts pulling assets out of the Pacific. He gets his minions to take care of that.


TB Fanatic
A war can be good for the economy. And taking a hard stand against a bad guy.

All makes for more votes to the one doing the doing. Along with Juneteeth, and Cinco de Mayo Biden is a shoo-in.
War, inflation and shortages go hand in hand


TB Fanatic
It was Xi whispering into Putin ear about anasty NATO. He got Russia to pull a lot of military from the Russian Far East. Now he needs it to heat up so the US starts pulling assets out of the Pacific. He gets his minions to take care of that.
And it was Xi whispering in Biden's ear to implement a blockaid of Kalinengrad.


Veteran Member
“So it will complicate, definitely, the traveling between the mainland and Konigsberg,” the official added, using the old German name for Kaliningrad.

So, Lithuania is already planning to annex Konigsberg. That's a bit premature.

Russia is also saying that they want to revoke the Baltic and Ukrainian independence and make them part of Russia again so annexation is certainly in the air in Europe.


Veteran Member
I can find no source for that except western media speculation.

Russia Mulls Lithuania's 'Illegal' Independence From Moscow (

ARussian lawmaker called for Lithuania's independence to be repealed, submitting a draft bill claiming the Baltic republic illegally left the Soviet Union more than three decades ago.
The proposed legislation was submitted to the Russian lower house, the Duma, on Wednesday by Yevgeny Fyodorov, a member of the ruling United Russia party.
In March 1990, Lithuania became the first republic to announce it intended to restore its independence from the disintegrating USSR, under whose control it had been for five decades after the Soviet army occupied it in 1940.

The Soviet authorities initially tried to stop the move, demanding it be canceled and imposing an economic blockade on the country. Mass protests ensued and the Soviet army invaded the capital, Vilnius.
The State Council of the USSR, chaired by its last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, eventually adopted Lithuania's independence decree on September 6, 1991, by which time the Baltic republic's new status had already been recognized by 50 countries.
But Fyodorov said this decree was "illegal" because it was adopted "by an unconstitutional body," which was in violation of the USSR constitution.

He said that under article 67.1 of the Russian constitution, the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR on its territory. Therefore, in his view, this meant that the recognition of Lithuania's independence taken by the USSR State Council was subject to cancellation.
In an explanatory note on the bill, he also said that "there was no referendum on secession" of Lithuania from the USSR and "no transitional period was established for consideration of all contentious issues."


TB Fanatic
Russia Mulls Lithuania's 'Illegal' Independence From Moscow (

ARussian lawmaker called for Lithuania's independence to be repealed, submitting a draft bill claiming the Baltic republic illegally left the Soviet Union more than three decades ago.
The proposed legislation was submitted to the Russian lower house, the Duma, on Wednesday by Yevgeny Fyodorov, a member of the ruling United Russia party.
In March 1990, Lithuania became the first republic to announce it intended to restore its independence from the disintegrating USSR, under whose control it had been for five decades after the Soviet army occupied it in 1940.

The Soviet authorities initially tried to stop the move, demanding it be canceled and imposing an economic blockade on the country. Mass protests ensued and the Soviet army invaded the capital, Vilnius.
The State Council of the USSR, chaired by its last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, eventually adopted Lithuania's independence decree on September 6, 1991, by which time the Baltic republic's new status had already been recognized by 50 countries.
But Fyodorov said this decree was "illegal" because it was adopted "by an unconstitutional body," which was in violation of the USSR constitution.

He said that under article 67.1 of the Russian constitution, the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR on its territory. Therefore, in his view, this meant that the recognition of Lithuania's independence taken by the USSR State Council was subject to cancellation.
In an explanatory note on the bill, he also said that "there was no referendum on secession" of Lithuania from the USSR and "no transitional period was established for consideration of all contentious issues."
"Russia" mulls . . . based on legislation introduced in the lower house.
It is two lines and no substance. Followed by filler disguised as a history lesson.

That isn't Putin, it isn't official Russian policy
- it is the same kind of theatrics conducted by our "lower house".

And as an added note,
when folks start taking the threat of Russian nukes seriously,
then one might give greater consideration to annexation of the Baltic states.
Because the Russians are not likely to waltz through NATO without Nukes.
Last edited:


passin' thru
Hmm. Probably a nothing burger, but it gave me the ole jaw drop just the same. . .

Putin colonel Vadim Zimin who carried Russian president’s nuclear codes found dead at home

June 22, 2022 Staff Putin, russia, Vadim Zimin, Vladimir Putin

A SECRETIVE colonel Vadim Zimin who carried the Russian president’s nuclear codes has been found shot at his home, it was reported.


After leaving his position as an officer in the security services, the mysterious Vadim Zimin, who is 53 years old, is being investigated for allegedly accepting bribes in his new job in the customs service.
Zimin is a former colonel from the Federal Security Service. During his time in the FSS, he was in charge of the briefcase that carries the Russian nuclear controls and that is always carried by the head of the Kremlin.

It is well known that he served in this capacity as an advisor to the previous President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin.

Zimin remained in the security agency when his predecessor Vladimir Putin was replaced, advancing through the ranks to become a colonel.

READ MORE STORIES: Russian model Gretta Vedler found dead in suitcase, called Putin a ‘psychopath’
However, the specifics of his work are not quite apparent, and there is just one image of Zimin.

In the kitchen of his apartment in Krasnogorsk, which is located in the Moscow region, he was discovered dead from gunshot wounds.
Zimin was discovered by his brother, who, according to reports, had been hiding in the bathroom during the shooting that took place on Monday.

He was injured in the head and was laying in a pool of blood; a pistol marked Izh 79-9TM was lying nearby.


At the time, his common law wife, who worked as a medical professional, was away tending to wounded soldiers who had been affected by Putin’s conflict in Ukraine.
According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, the incident took place while Zimin was the subject of a criminal investigation for the alleged accepting of bribes after being promoted to a prominent job within the customs department.

It is believed that the launch system for the Kremlin’s strategic missiles is concealed within the mysterious briefcase.

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The bag, which has a unique key code and is generally monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and controls every aspect of Moscow’s nuclear arsenal.


It is said to be overseen by an armed security officer who travels with Putin wherever he goes and watches over him at all times.
The Russian word for briefcase is cheget, and its development began in the early 1980s. In 2019, the case was shown to the rest of the world for the first first time, and its contents were broadcast live on television.

It’s well knowledge that Putin likes to poke fun at the West by insisting that the officer who carries the nuclear codes is visible beside him.
This took place in April in Moscow, when he was attending the burial of ultra-nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
The unsettling appearance of a high-ranking military commander carrying a briefcase has prompted speculation that Vladimir Putin, who has been accused of engaging in aggressive behavior, may be preparing to use lethal nuclear weapons.

According to the media in the area, despite the fact that the case is frequently shown as being held by an adviser who is there beside Putin, there are in fact not just one but three in total.

Every one of these can be reached by the three officials in the Russian Federation who hold the highest ranks.
According to the investigators, the most peculiar feature of the case is the launch button, which, contrary to popular belief, is white rather than the more traditional color of red.



passin' thru
As Cary n I said a few days ago, and everyone knows, this could be a biggie- tho to the assessment "small country, big balls" I would add "few brains" :: shrug :: On the other hand, there's been ample pretext for a RU/Nato engagement for awhile now; if and when those behind the curtains deem it time, it will come to pass.

Moscow and NATO could be about to clash over Russia's European exclave Kaliningrad
Holly Ellyatt

8-10 minutes

A sign reading 'Kaliningrad' stands atop the main city's south railway station. Kaliningrad is a small Russian exclave located on the Baltic Sea and sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. It has become the center of a spat between Russia and NATO-member Lithuania.

A sign reading ‘Kaliningrad’ stands atop the main city’s south railway station. Kaliningrad is a small Russian exclave located on the Baltic Sea and sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. It has become the center of a spat between Russia and NATO-member Lithuania.
Harry Engels | Getty Images Sport | Getty Images
A new front in tensions between Russia and NATO has opened up after one of the Western military alliance’s members, Lithuania, banned the transit of some goods coming from Russia to its exclave Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea.
Russia has vowed to retaliate over what it described as the “hostile actions” of Lithuania, warning of “serious” consequences, while NATO members have reiterated their support for the country.
Here’s a brief guide to what’s going on, and why it matters as the Russia-Ukraine conflict rumbles on in the background.

What’s happened?
Lithuania said last week that it would ban the transit of some EU-sanctioned goods coming from Russia across its territory to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.
The government said the blockade would apply to all EU-sanctioned goods coming from the mainland via rail, effectively blocking the transit of metals, coal, construction materials and high-technology products to the Russian sea port.
Lithuania said that its decision was taken after consultation with the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, and that it’s enforcing sanctions on Russia that were imposed following the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.
Russia responded to Lithuania, a former Soviet republic, by calling the move an “unprecedented” and “hostile” act, with its Foreign Ministry issuing a statement Tuesday in which it said “if in the near future cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests.”

What is Kaliningrad?
Kaliningrad is a small Russian exclave located on the Baltic Sea and sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. It is home to around 487,000 people and covers an area of around 86 square miles.
Once part of the German empire, it was seized by Soviet troops from Nazi Germany in 1945 and has remained in Russian hands ever since, becoming an important seaport for Russia allowing it straightforward access to the Baltic Sea. Indeed, the Kaliningrad Oblast (or province) acts as the headquarters of Russia’s Baltic Fleet.
The fleet holds regular military drills in the Baltic Sea, having completed 10 days of exercises on June 19 that involved 60 warships and 10,000 military personnel.

A disused border crossing point to Russia is seen on April 15, 2022 in Nida, Lithuania. Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave, on the shore of the Baltic Sea, is sandwiched between NATO members Lithuania and Poland and is the Baltic coasts most strategic transport and trade port.
Paulius Peleckis | Getty Images News | Getty Images
Lithuania’s ban on the transit of some EU-sanctioned goods, announced last Friday and implemented on Saturday, prompted panic buying in Kaliningrad. The region’s governor, Anton Alikhanov, insisted Russia would increase the number of cargo ships transiting goods from St. Petersburg to the exclave over the remainder of the year.

What could happen next?
It’s uncertain how Moscow will react to Lithuania’s move.
On Monday, President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, called the move “illegal” and said “this decision is really unprecedented.”
“The situation is more than serious. … We need a serious in-depth analysis in order to work out our response,” he added.
Lithuania’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement Monday saying “the transit of passengers and non-sanctioned goods to and from the Kaliningrad region through Lithuania continues uninterrupted.”
It added that Lithuania “has not imposed any unilateral, individual, or additional restrictions on the transit” and that it is consistently implementing EU sanctions.

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, also backed Lithuania on Monday, saying he was worried about what form the retaliation might take while he defended Vilnius’ position. “Certainly I am always worried about the Russian retaliations,” Borrell said, but he insisted there was no “blockade.”
“Lithuania has not taken any unilateral national restrictions and only applies the European Union sanctions” he said, saying any reports in Russia that Lithuania was implementing its own sanctions was “pure propaganda.”
Timothy Ash, senior sovereign strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, commented Tuesday that “it’s fair to say that Kaliningrad is a strategic imperative for Russia” noting that defending and sustaining it certainly is.
“Russia will react for sure, the only question is what that will be ... [and] what Russia could do militarily,” he noted.
“A land attack to drive a corridor through Lithuania would be a direct attack on Lithuania triggering NATO Article 5 defence. Putin knows this - that’s war with NATO. Can Putin afford that when he is struggling to deliver on even his now much-reduced strategic objectives in Ukraine? He would also have to launch an assault through Belarus, stretching his supply lines, and splitting his forces,” he noted.

Ash suggested that Russia could seek to use its sizeable naval assets in the Baltic Sea to enforce some kind of tit-for-tat blockade on Lithuanian trade although again that would be seen as a huge escalation by both NATO and the EU. “It would then be a fine dividing line whether that would trigger the NATO Article 5 defence,” however, he noted.
When asked on Wednesday whether Russia’s response would be exclusively diplomatic or would go further, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said “the answer is no. They will not be diplomatic, but practical.”
“As for retaliatory measures, now possible measures are being worked out in an interdepartmental format. It was stated to both Lithuania and the EU through their diplomatic missions in Moscow about the inadmissibility of such actions and the need to change the steps taken and return the situation to a legitimate course,” she said.
“If this is not done, then, of course, and this was emphasized at all levels in Moscow, retaliatory actions will be inevitable.”

Why does it matter?
Tensions between Russia and NATO are already heightened as a result of the war in Ukraine and the move by Lithuania has ratcheted those up further, potentially putting a NATO country (and the entire alliance) in line for a direct confrontation with Russia.
A key pillar of the NATO alliance is the concept of collective defense: Known as Article 5, it means that if one member is attacked, it is considered an attack on the entire group with all members committed to protecting each other.
While NATO has been helping Ukraine to fight Russia’s invasion, with its members sending a wide range of military equipment and weaponry as well as humanitarian aid, NATO has repeatedly said it will not send troops into the country as it does not want a direct confrontation with nuclear power Russia.

Russia will have to calibrate its response to Lithuania carefully, knowing that any direct attack will be seen as an attack on all NATO members by the organization.
Vehicles of the German armed forces Bundeswehr from the Griffin barracks arrive at the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Battalion in Lithuania in Rukla, Lithuania on February 17, 2022.

Petras Malukas | AFP | Getty Images
For their part, Lithuania’s NATO allies have said they will stand by the country following the Kremlin’s threats.
“Lithuania is a member of the NATO alliance and we stand by the commitments that we have made to the NATO alliance and that includes of course, a commitment to Article 5 that is the bedrock of the NATO alliance,” U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said during a daily press briefing.
“Lithuania has been a stalwart partner, we stand by NATO, we stand by our NATO allies and we stand by Lithuania,” Price added.
CNBC Politics


passin' thru
Ukraine Shuts Down Largest Opposition Party, Seizes Its Assets

by Luis Miguel June 21, 2022

Ukraine Shuts Down Largest Opposition Party, Seizes Its Assets
AP Images Volodymyr Zelensky
While the mainstream media and Washington foreign policy establishment continue to hail Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as a champion of freedom and “democracy,” Ukraine has further limited free speech within its borders, placing a total prohibition on the nation’s primary opposition party and seizing all its assets for the state.

As Paul Joseph Watson noted in a report at Summit News, a Facebook post by Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice declared the government’s action against the party Opposition Platform — For Life (OPPL), which has been accused of being pro-Russian.
This comes after the party had its operations suspended in March. Because OPPL was Ukraine’s second-largest political party (its popularity was even greater than that of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party last year), its dissolution essentially removes any significant political opposition from the president’s path.
Last month, OPPL leader Viktor Medvedchuk was placed under house arrest. He has argued that the party merely seeks better relations with Russia for the good of Ukraine.

In its announcement, the Ministry of Justice claimed OPPL sought to “undermine the sovereignty” of Ukraine, a rationale by which the government has already banned 10 other opposition parties.
Zelensky last month signed legislation allowing for the banning of parties that oppose the current government’s handling of the Russian conflict. This law allows the courts to seize such parties’ assets without an appeal.
OPPL had already been dissolved in the Ukrainian parliament back in April, though the party reorganized there under the name “Platform for Life and Peace.”

In a related move to crack down on opposition, the Zelensky government has sought to imprison and extradite Ukrainian critics living abroad.
Watson described the arrest of YouTuber and Zelensky critic Anatoly Shariy in Spain last month:
Anatoly Shariy, who has almost 3 million YouTube subscribers, was detained on an international arrest warrant in a joint operation by Spanish and Ukrainian police, as well as international “partners,” according to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU).
They claim that Shariy has been acting on behalf of “foreign” forces by infringing Ukraine’s national security via his media commentary on the war and engaging in “incitement of hatred.”
Shariy’s arrest “is more proof that every traitor of Ukraine will sooner or later receive his well-deserved punishment. It is inevitable,” the SBU asserted.
The steps by which the Zelensky government is shutting down political opposition runs according to the same playbook by which regimes throughout history have used fear and scapegoating to eliminate threats to their power.
The pattern is always the same: Stir the fear of danger from an external enemy and claim that the political opposition within the country is secretly working with that enemy to undermine national security. Accordingly, wars have always been useful in this attempt to silence political opposition.
Ukraine, of course, is nowhere near unique in this respect in contemporary global politics. The Democratic party is attempting the same in the United States. The current circus that is the January 6 Committee in the House of Representatives demonstrates this.

In its latest narrative, the committee, led by Democrats, is accusing President Donald Trump and his allies of having pressured state election officials into “overturning” the 2020 election in Trump’s favor, NBC News reports.
This, of course, is a subversion of the political processes surrounding presidential elections and the role of state officials amid them. As individual states certify elections and send slates of electors to cast the electoral votes for presidential candidates, a case can be made that states do have a legitimate role in guarding the fate of a given presidential election against electoral fraud.
Democrats, however, refuse to acknowledge this role and paint any attempt by Republicans in 2020 to crack down on fraud as attempts to steal the election.

Similarly, NBC describes the plan to have alternate electors in states where there was strong evidence of fraud as a “plot” to replace legitimate electors with “fake electors.”
The narrative the January 6 committee ultimately spins is that Trump and his allies were trying to orchestrate an insurrection to destroy American “democracy.” Their goal is the same as that of the Zelensky government in Ukraine: Brand the opposition traitors in order to shut them down and remove all barriers to total power.
Zelensky is already getting away with it. Will the Democrats?

Category Europe
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Ukraine Shuts Down Largest Opposition Party, Seizes its Assets

Red Baron

On Monday, President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, called the move “illegal” and said “this decision is really unprecedented.”

Maybe President Vladimir Sh*t D*ck should be reminded of Russia's road and rail blockade of Berlin which ran counter to all post-WWII treaties settled on by the allies.

Kaliningrad is not blockaded from access to Russia. Lithuania is merely enforcing the embargo on certain goods affected by the sanctions against Russia which travel through Lithuanian territory.

Russia can still fly or sail any damn thing they want to Kaliningrad.


Veteran Member
Maybe President Vladimir Sh*t D*ck should be reminded of Russia's road and rail blockade of Berlin which ran counter to all post-WWII treaties settled on by the allies.

Kaliningrad is not blockaded from access to Russia. Lithuania is merely enforcing the embargo on certain goods affected by the sanctions against Russia which travel through Lithuanian territory.

Russia can still fly or sail any damn thing they want to Kaliningrad.
Cant use Lithuanian airspace.


Veteran Member

Red Baron

View attachment 346138


The red line i drew here is the minimal outcome that #Russia is looking for and will achieve by the end of this SMO. This would encompass safeguarding the vast majority of ethnically Russian population in Ukraine and prohibiting any future #Ukrainian attempts at a genoc1de.

So who is this source?

Ordinary Girl

Veteran Member
View attachment 346138


The red line i drew here is the minimal outcome that #Russia is looking for and will achieve by the end of this SMO. This would encompass safeguarding the vast majority of ethnically Russian population in Ukraine and prohibiting any future #Ukrainian attempts at a genoc1de.
Hasn’t Russia stated it wants all of Ukraine at this point? It was chemo day so maybe I’m just off.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Even if Russia succeeds in their military conquest of Ukraine the best they will achieve is passive resistance; the worst result will be active civil unrest.

Things will go back to "they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work." If Putin truly cared about the ethic Russians he wouldn't have killed them by the thousands and reduced their cities into rumble.

I have changed my mind about the entire European question. America should retreat back to it's own country, fight the good fight here against the Great Reset, and try to salvage what's left.