GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

To Restore the American Constitutional Republic, the American Oligarchy Must Be Overthrown

By Joe Hoft
Published June 18, 2022 at 8:15am


Guest post by Lawrence Sellin

To Restore the American Constitutional Republic, the American Oligarchy Must Be Overthrown.

Yes, continue to vote, but do not expect the predicted electoral “red wave” of Congressional Republicans to change the status quo in Washington D.C.

The Republican Party, led by Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy, remains tightly in the grip of the oligarchy, which in 1993 Lewis Lapham described as:

“that 2% of the population who own the media and the banks, manage the government, operate the universities, print the money, write the laws and, every four years, hire a President.”
The Republican and Democrat parties, as presently constituted, do not want the United States to function as a constitutional republic accountable to the people because it inhibits their ability to accrue personal power and profit for themselves and their financial backers.

From a governance perspective, the American oligarchy is philosophically in-line with the globalists of the World Economic Forum and the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party.

They all want a global order composed of lords and serfs, where there are no sovereign nations, just land and people to exploit.

Call it communism, globalism or, as I like to say, Neo-Feudalism.

In practice, they are distinctions without differences, all authoritarian, in which individual rights are not unalienable bestowed by the Creator, but temporary indulgences granted by an otherwise oppressive, de facto one-party state.

Stated simply, an oligarchy is incompatible with a functioning constitutional republic. They are mutually exclusive.

Today, what is the true state of the union of the United States of America, for which the American oligarchy, represented by the Democrat and Republican parties, is responsible?

For ordinary Americans, it is a dystopia sustained by an election system riddled with fraud.

As a result, Joe Biden was installed in the White House, who many believe is a usurper placed in power through a coup that occurred on November 3, 2020 in the form of a stolen election.

That initial usurpation of authority, as the Declaration of Independence similarly described, has led to “a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny.”

Upon seizing power, the illegitimate Biden regime immediately launched an aggressive agenda to complete Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of the country, one deliberately designed to create chaos through the controlled demolition of the economy, the Constitution, the Middle Class and the American family, a process aimed at fostering tyranny.

Biden’s injuries, usurpations and unconstitutional actions include, but are not limited to:
  • Weaponizing the Department of Justice and the FBI to punish political opponents and create a two-tier justice system;
  • Ending American energy independence;
  • Manufacturing skyrocketing inflation;
  • Unlawfully opening the border to promote uncontrolled illegal immigration;
  • Undermining readiness and pursuing a Stalin-like purge to produce a politicized military;
  • Together with the Republican Party leadership, simultaneously attacking the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms, the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of illegal search and seizure and the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process, by promoting “red flag” laws, which the Supreme Court, in a 9-0 decision, declared unconstitutional just last year;
  • Destroying public trust in science and medicine through unnecessary and arguably illegal lock-downs, vaccine mandates and selectively editing health information, thereby crippling the requirement for informed consent, while facilitating Big Pharma greed;
  • Conspiring with media, Big Tech, corporations, educational institutions and compliant members of the Republican Party to subvert the First Amendment, censor public discourse and establish an uncontested left-wing ideological narrative to replace the values and traditions upon which the United States was built.
The most elemental form of submission to tyranny is accepting, as reality, claims that are patently false, which is nearly everything now emanating from U.S. government sources.

As a start, Americans need to recognize that the federal government, as an institution, is hopelessly corrupt. It cannot be reformed. It can only be ripped out and replaced through a bottom-up political insurgency with leaders that truly represent and are accountable to the people.

That effort begins with the words “I will not comply.”

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is


On TB every waking moment

Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex

We often dive into the globalist agenda surrounding Pandemic Panic Theater and the push for universal vaccinations. But just below that is the driving force for many conspirators: Greed.


June 18, 2022

Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex

In college, I took a Latin American Politics and Development class. When discussing Latin American medical care, Professor Eldon Kenworthy presented a deeply countercultural idea.

Echoing a journal article by the scholar, Robert Ayres, Kenworthy maintained that building hospitals there costs lives. If, instead of erecting, equipping and staffing gleaming medical centers, this same money and human effort were devoted to providing clean water, good food and sanitation, the public health yield would be much greater.

United States medical history bears out Ayres’s paradox. The biggest increases in US life expectancy occurred early in the Twentieth Century, when people had increasing access to calories and protein, better water and sanitation. Lives lengthened sharply decades before vaccines, antibiotics or nearly any drugs were available, and a century before hospitals merged into corporate Systems.

Incremental American life span increases during the past fifty years reflect far less smoking, safer cars and jobs, cleaner air and less lethal wars more than they reflect medical advances.

Books like Ivan Illich’s Medical Nemesis and Daniel Callahan’s Taming the Beloved Beast echo Ayres’s critique. But PBS, CNN, B & N, the NYT, et al. censor such views.

The American medical landscape has changed radically in the forty years since I learned of Ayres’ observation. America spends three times as much, as a percentage of GDP, on medical treatments as it did in the 1960s.

By 2020, America devoted 18% of its GDP to medicine. (By comparison, about 5% goes to the military). Adding the mega-costs of mass testing and vaccines etc., medical expenditures might now approach 20%. Although the US spends more than twice per capita what any other nation spends on medical care, American ranks 46th in life expectancy. US life expectancy has flatlined, despite growing medical spending and broadened medical access via the vaunted Affordable Care Act.

Though medicine’s high-cost and relatively low yield are right in front of anyone who thinks about their medical experiences and those of people they know, most never connect the dots; more medical treatments and spending are continually advocated and applauded. There’s a regressive “if it saves—or even slightly extends—one life” medical zeitgeist/ethic.

As most medical insurance is employer-based, most people don’t notice annual premium increases. Nor do they see the growing slice of tax revenues used to subsidize Med/Pharma.

Thus, they continually demand more stuff, like IVF, extremely high-cost drugs, sex changes or psychotherapy, as if these were their right, and free. To say nothing of these treatments’ limited effectiveness.

As all are required to medically insure and to pay taxes, one can’t simply opt out or buy only those medical services that one thinks justify their costs. With massive, guaranteed funding sources, aggregate medical revenues will continue to climb.

Thus, Medical-Industrial-Government Complex has become a Black Hole for today’s wealth. With great money comes great power. The Med/Pharma juggernaut rules the airwaves.

Nonexistent until the 1990s, hospital System and drug ads now dominate advertising. By being such big advertisers, Med/Pharma dictates news content. Analysts who point out that lavish medical expenditures don’t yield commensurate public health benefit have small audiences. Med/Pharma critics can’t afford ads.

Medicine has fed Coronamania. The TV news I’ve seen during the past 27 months painted a very skewed picture of reality. The virus has been misrepresented—by the media and government, and by MDs, like Fauci, often posing in white jackets— as a runaway train that’s indiscriminately decimating the American populace. Instead of putting into perspective the virus’s clear demographic risk profile and the very favorable survival odds—even without treatment, at all ages, or promoting various forms of contra-Covid self-care, including weight loss—the media and medical establishment incited universal panic, and promoted counterproductive mass isolation, mass masking, mass testing, and treatment with ventilators and expensive, often harmful anti-virals.

Later, mass injections were added to the “Covid-crushing” armamentarium. While the shots created many billionaires, and greatly enriched other Pfizer and Moderna stockholders, they failed, as Biden and many others had promised, to stop either infection or the spread. All of the many whom I know who have been infected in the past six months were vaxxed.

Many—whose voices are suppressed by mainstream media—observe that the shots have worsened outcomes, by driving the development of variants, weakening or confusing immune systems, and causing serious near-term injuries.

Further, people blindly, ardently believed in the shots simply because they were marketed as “vaccines” by bureaucrats wearing medical garb. Despite the shots’ failure and the failure of other “mitigation” measures like lockdowns, masking and testing, many refuse to concede that Med/Pharma has had much—overwhelmingly negative— influence over the society and economy and public health during Coronamania. Nonetheless, many billions of dollars have been—and are still being—spent to advertise shots that most people don’t want.

The Covid overreaction has to some extent also piggy-backed on TV programs that have, for decades, glorified medicine in TV shows like Dr. Kildare, Marcus Welby, M.D., Medical Center, MASH, Gray’s Anatomy and House. Wearing white coats connotes virtue, just as did wearing white hats in Western movies.

Given the cumulative PR onslaught of the ads and shows, medicine is widely seen as more effective than it is in real life. A few years ago, I heard some woman-in-the-street say, during a TV news clip, “If they make me change my doctor, it will be like losing my right arm.”

Many hold such polar views. Medicine is the new American religion. Given such fervent belief in medicine’s importance and the sense of entitlement regarding expanding medical treatments, government and insurance money is relentlessly overallocated to medicine.

Do these expenditures improve human outcomes? During the first Scrubs episode, resident J.D. complains to his mentor that being a doctor was different than he had envisioned; most of his patients were “old and kind of checked out.” His mentor responds, “That’s Modern Medicine: advances that keep people alive who should have died a long time ago, back when they lost what made them human.”

This largely describes those said to have died with Covid. Most people have disregarded that nearly all who died during the pandemic were old and/or in poor health. Most deaths have always occurred among the old and ill. Occasionally, sitcoms keep it realer than real people do.

Aside from not helping much and misspending resources, and extending misery, medicine can be iatrogenic, i.e., it can cause illness or death. Hospital errors are said to cause from 250,000 to 400,000 American deaths annually. Perhaps medical personnel try to do a good job. but when the bodies of old, sick people are cut open or dosed with strong medicine, stuff happens. Even well-executed surgeries and many medications can worsen health.

Further, though few know it, a brew of excreted medications and diagnostic radionuclides daily pours down drains across the US and world and ends up in streams and rivers. For example, the hormones in widely-prescribed birth control pills feminize and disrupt aquatic creatures’ reproduction. There are books about all of this, too, though such authors never appear on Good Morning America.

Faith in medical interventions also lessens individual and institutional efforts to maintain or improve health. If people didn’t abuse substances, ate better and moved their bodies more, there would be much less demand for medical interventions. And if people spent less time working to pay for medical insurance, they could spend more time taking care of themselves and others. Overall, America could spend a fraction of what it spends on allopathic medicine and yet, be much healthier. There are also plenty of books about this.

Given its place at the center of American life for 27 months, and counting, Covid has been—and will be—used to further intensify the medicalization of individual lives, the economy, and society. By exploiting and building an irrational fear of death, the Medical Industrial Complex will promote the notion that we should double—or triple—down on medical and social interventions and investments that might marginally extend the lives of a small slice of the population. Or, in many instances, shorten lives.

But most people who live sensibly are intrinsically healthy for many years. Given enough nutritious food, clean water and a decent place to sleep, most people will live a long time, with little or no medical treatment. While intensive medical interventions can marginally extend the lives of some old, sick people, medicine can’t reverse aging and it seldom restores vitality.

If the media were honest brokers, the Covid mania would never have taken hold. The media should have repeatedly pointed out that the virus only threatened a small, identifiable segment of a very large population. Instead, captive to its Med/Pharma sponsors, the media went full-frontal fearmonger and promoted intensive, society-wide intervention. Social, psychological and economic catastrophe ensued.

Additionally, many doctors who could have spoken against the Covid craziness stayed silent so as not to jeopardize their licenses, hospital privileges or favored status with Pharma, or just because they were schooled in allopathic orthodoxy and hold fast to that faith. Props to those courageous few who broke ranks.

The Med/Pharma/Gov establishment, including the NIH and CDC, hasn’t saved America during 2020-22. To the contrary, Covid interventions have worsened overall societal outcomes. These net harms should have inflicted—and, depending on longer-term vaxx effects, may yet inflict—a big black eye on the Medical Industrial Complex.

If so, Med/Pharma will spend tens of billions of PR money to distort what’s happened for the past 27 months, and to portray well-paid medical personnel, administrators and bureaucrats as selfless heroes. Many gullible Americans will buy this slick revisionism, including its portrayals of healthy-looking people walking in slow motion on beaches or across meadows in golden light, accompanied by a contemplative solo piano soundtrack.


On TB every waking moment

As Food Plants Catch Fire, Massive Facility Opens to Process Crickets for Human Consumption

By Warner Todd Huston June 18, 2022 at 1:46pm

We may be mysteriously losing one farm, factory or food processing plant after another to strange and destructive mishaps lately, but now we’ve also gained a brand-new facility that is making food out of insects.

At the end of May, Aspire Food Group announced that in London, Ontario, Canada, it had opened the largest alternative protein manufacturing facility in the world that uses crickets as its base ingredient, according to the manufacturing industry news source Canadian Manufacturing.

“Aspire’s new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. That’s about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States,” CM reported.

Aspire added that it already has orders that will keep it busy for the next two years.
Aspire claims that crickets are rich in protein and should be considered the next “superfood.”

The fiber-rich food source is already found in grocery stores and restaurants, they say, and they “have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional protein sources.”

Leftists have been touting the “sustainability” of bugs as food for decades, of course, and quasi-government entities have tried flogging bugs for years.

Recently, New York Food Policy wondered, “Why Aren’t We Eating More Bugs?,” and the Smithsonian recently posted a whole section on its website pushing bugs for food.

Scientists and researchers in Britain have been trying to get the U.K. government to begin serving school children bug-sourced food in the nation’s government-controlled schools.

“Researchers are planning to feed bugs like house crickets and mealworms to children between the ages of five and 11 from four primary schools in Wales,” the Daily Mail reported in May.

The media also often pushes out stories about how humans should shift food production toward consumption of insects. Last year, Time magazine published a piece proclaiming, “How Humans Eating Insects Could Help Save the Planet.” The Guardian jumped into the game claiming, “The Future of Food is Insects.” And not to be outdone, left-wing CNN touted the topic, saying bugs are “[t]he food that can feed, and maybe save, the planet.”

Indeed, Aspire Food Group was born back in 2013 when Egypt-born McGill student Mohammed Ashour and his team won the prestigious $1 million Hult Prize for their research in insects as a food source for humans. The prize, presented by President Bill Clinton, propelled Ashour and his team to start Aspire Foods to further explore using bugs for food.

Aspire is registered out of the African nation of Ghana and now has facilities in the U.S. and Canada.

“We basically mapped out the entire journey of a cricket from hatch to batch and looked at every opportunity to collect data and apply automation,” Ashour told Food Navigator in 2017.

Ashour is hardly alone. Leftist billionaire Bill Gates has also been trying to push bugs for food. A group dedicated to developing bugs for food won a large grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation back in 2012 and has been working to switch humanity to bug consumption.

Gates has also tried guiding people into synthetic foods, as well. Just last year, Gates made news by insisting that the world stop eating beef and replace it with synthetic meat products.

Meanwhile, as the billionaire elites and left-wing scientists are trying to push us to eat bugs and chemically created, synthetic foods, America has been experiencing a growing number of disasters befalling our farms, factories and processing plants, putting even more strain on our already stressed food chain.

As prices continue to skyrocket in America’s groceries, we’ve seen one disaster after another. Last week thousands of fat cattle suddenly died — apparently of heat-related issues — in Kansas, more than half a million pounds of pre-cooked chicken had to be recalled over fears of illness and thousands of chickens died in a massive blaze at an Arkansas farm.

All that is in addition to the list of a growing number of facilities being destroyed just when they are most needed.

Amid all this destruction, a group of left-wingers in Canada is opening a huge facility to urge us to eat bugs. It may be a coincidence, but the timing is amazing.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

Supply Chain Woes Hitting American Families: ‘It Is Very Hard’
Mother and children bringing groceries home
Louise Beaumont/Getty'

HANNAH BLEAU18 Jun 2022111

U.S. families are struggling to make ends meet as multiple supply chain issues continue to affect many aspects of their lives amid record high gas prices and 41-year-high inflation.

Where's the baby daddy?
Online news outlet the 19th highlighted one such case this week as an Indianapolis mother, Diamond Cotton, has struggled to find basic products she needs for her family. She has been forced to go from store to store to find tampons for her daughters, “who have both started menstruating and would need tampons to go swimming this summer,” according to the outlet.

At the same time, she is 15 weeks pregnant, and has to think about where the baby formula crisis will be months down the road, as her youngest son, now 4, was a premature baby and needed infant formula because she “couldn’t produce enough breastmilk to feed him then.”

“It is very hard — I am going to need formula, and when I come out of the hospital, I’m going to need more menstrual products,” Cotton told the outlet, as she also is struggling to find help with child care, partially due to high demand and limited staff. This is a serious concern for Cotton, as if she cannot find child care, she said, she will lose her job and with it the ability to provide for her children.

According to the outlet:

Cotton is not the only mother facing these issues, as many of these concerns jumped to the forefront at the height of the baby formula crisis earlier this year, as mothers swapped stories of going from store to store in a desperate search to find nourishment for their infants.

“I have enough formula for two babies for 14 days,” Kayla Zurenko, a mom of four, told Fox News Digital in May. “Where am I going to find formula after that?”

Zurenko’s worries came as the Abbott Nutritional plant in Sturgis, Michigan, remained shut down due to concerns over a bacterial outbreak, though reportedly no links were found between the formula and sick infants. As a result, the plant finally reopened in June, only to shut down again this week due to flooding in the area. As a result, it will “likely delay production and distribution” of new products, the plant announced.

But now other product shortages are hitting the shelves, as Procter & Gamble confirmed this week that it is facing issues as well.

A box of Tampax Pearl tampons are seen on a shelf at a store in Washington, DC, on June 14, 2022. - Tampons have reportedly been in short supply in stores across the United States due to global supply chain issues, according to US media. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds / AFP) (Photo by STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)
A box of Tampax Pearl tampons is seen on a shelf at a store in Washington, DC, on June 14, 2022. (STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

“The Tampax team is producing tampons 24/7 to meet the increased demand for our products,” the company said in a statement, adding, “We are working with our retail partners to maximize availability, which has significantly increased over the last several months.”

All of this — Americans dealing with supply chain shortages, rising gas prices, and 41-year high inflation, with no relief in sight in President Biden’s America — comes as the midterm elections loom.

Where's the baby daddy?

Or is she depending on Uncle Sugar?
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On TB every waking moment


On TB every waking moment
Field Reporter: It's 'Impossible' To Know Who All is Crossing the Border 5:42 min

Field Reporter: It's 'Impossible' To Know Who All is Crossing the Border
One America News Network Published June 18, 2022 268 Views

Daily Caller Field Reporter Jorge Ventura joined "In Focus with Addison Smith" to react to May's staggering migration numbers. After spending significant time down at the border himself, Ventura warned that such an influx of illegal immigrants makes it "impossible" to know who and what is entering into the United States.


On TB every waking moment
Mind Manipulation: "The Easiest Way to Grab People's Attention Is to Make Them Frightened" 1:24 min

Mind Manipulation: "The Easiest Way to Grab People's Attention Is to Make Them Frightened"
The Vigilant Fox Published June 18, 2022

Yuval Noah Harari: So if you want to distract the public from issues like government corruption, or deteriorating health care system or deteriorating education system, the best thing is to find an external enemy that threatens the survival of the nation."
"And this is why very often, even in a situation when there is no real threat, leaders are manufacturing artificial threats."
Full Clip: Hacking and Terrorizing Human Beings: Yuval Noah Harari [VIDEO]


On TB every waking moment

Shellenberger: Why Biden's Attacks On Energy Are "Absolutely Insane"

SATURDAY, JUN 18, 2022 - 07:30 PM
Authored by Michael Shellenberger via Substack,

President Joe Biden appears to be doing everything in his power to lower energy prices.
Last month, Biden officials eased sanctions on Venezuela with an eye to increasing oil imports.

Next month, Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia with the intention of improving relations and increasing oil production. And yesterday, Biden sent a harshly-worded letter to Exxon and other oil companies, urging them to increase production.
“At a time of war,” Biden wrote, “high refinery profit margins being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable… companies must take immediate actions to increase the supply of gasoline, diesel, and other refined product.”

President Joe Biden speaks at AFL-CIO Convention in Philadelphia on June 14, 2022. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP)

But none of those actions will lower energy prices. Increasing oil production in Venezuela would take years and it wouldn’t be nearly enough to make up for the reduction of oil imports from Russia. Even Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates together could not produce enough oil to offset declining supply from Russia.

And it’s not clear how antagonizing American oil and gas companies will result in more production and lower prices. U.S. refineries are already operating at 94% of their capacity and Exxon invested $50 billion over the last five years to expand oil production by 50%. And, said the CEO of a large, publicly traded energy company, who asked to remain anonymous, “Biden’s attacks on the industry have created an uncertain environment that prevents investment.”

In what might be perceived as the extending of an olive branch, the Biden Administration last night invited oil and gas executives to the White House for talks about how to lower energy prices. And on CNN, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm emphasized that the administration is not seeking to destroy oil and gas companies but rather re-tool them. “We are asking the oil and gas companies to diversify,” she said, “and become diversified energy companies.”

But these gestures pale in comparison to the overarching hostility the Biden Administration has directed toward oil and gas companies since taking office. In March, it revoked a permit by a refinery on the U.S. Virgin Islands to expand production. Last month, the Biden administration canceled a massive, one-million acre oil and gas lease in Alaska. And earlier this week, Senator Ron Wyden proposed a large new tax on oil industry profits, which Biden officials say the president may support.

A senior executive at a major U.S. bank that finances oil and gas exploration yesterday told me, “If you were an oil company, why would you invest hundreds of millions of dollars into expanding refining capacity if you thought the federal government or investors would shut you down in the next few years? The narrative coming from the administration is absolutely insane. ”

As a result, mainstream journalists are increasingly calling out Biden officials for the glaring contradiction at the heart of their energy policy. “Are you telling me you want them drilling for more oil?” asked CNN host John Berman of Secretary Granholm yesterday. “You want the refineries putting out more gasoline in five or ten years?”

1:39 min

“What we’re saying is today we need that supply increased,” she said.
“Of course, in five or ten years — actually in the immediate — we are also pressing on the accelerator, if you will, to move toward clean energy, so that we don’t have to be under the thumb of petro-dictators like Putin, or at the whim of the volatility of fossil fuels. Ultimately American will be most secure when we can rely on our own clean domestic production of energy through solar, through wind —”
“But that’s the problem for these companies,” interrupted Berman.
“These companies are saying, ‘You’re asking me to do more now, invest more now, when, in fact 5 or 10 years from now, we don’t think that demand will be there, and the administration doesn’t even necessarily want it to be there.’”
The result of the Biden Administration’s hostility toward the energy industry is skyrocketing inflation.

Where energy prices rose 35% over the last year, all prices rose just 8%. In Europe, higher energy prices are responsible for at least half of all inflation.

There are certainly other factors causing inflation, including the ramping up of supply chains following the pandemic, the $1.7 trillion stimulus last year, and China’s lockdown in response to the omicron coronavirus variant. But the non-energy factors behind inflation were temporary, and none explain consistently higher energy prices, which are a major factor in the higher prices of everything, from food to consumer products.

And energy’s role could be even larger than economists can detect.
“When you strip out of the [Consumer Price Index] all the items that are linked to energy (air fares, moving/freight, rental cars, delivery services, new and used vehicles),” noted economist David Rosenberg, “the core was +0.36% and the [year-over-year] steadied near 4%. ”
The numbers speak for themselves. In the U.S., the monthly price change in May for all items was 1% but for fuel oil, airline fares, piped utility natural gas, and gasoline the price changes were 17%, 13%, 8%, and 4% respectively.

Some say there's nothing Biden can do to increase energy production but my sources say that Biden could significantly increase oil/gas production within 12 - 18 months. How?
First, they say, he should invoke the National Defense Act for Oil and Gas. This will enable the acceleration of required permits for oil and gas projects, they say.
Second, he should announce a national commitment to purchase oil to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) at a floor of $80/barrel. That will, they say, be a powerful incentive for the oil guys.
Third, he should announce trade agreements with the international community to supply them with LNG (liquified natural gas) Doing so will incentivize natural gas production and create a surplus of energy for exports with an "American-First asterisk (keep nat gas storage full while exporting).
Biden’s doing none of that. As a result, Biden’s hostility to expanded energy production could result in recession. The Federal Reserve yesterday raised interest rates more than at any point since 1994 and could raise them again next month in an increasingly desperate battle against inflation.
“It may take a recession to stamp out inflation,” concludes Bloomberg, “one that may cost Biden a second term.”
Why is that? Politicians are famously self-interested, focused on their own preservation at all costs. Why, then, is Biden not only wrecking the economy, by failing to take action to lower energy prices, but also destroying his own presidency?

An Aging Ideology

An awkward exchange between Biden and Jimmy Kimmel on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”


On TB every waking moment

Reimagining The World Economic Forum

SATURDAY, JUN 18, 2022 - 05:30 PM
Authored by Mark Jeftovic via,

The folks at The World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, never tire of “reimagining” everything. From food chains, digital identity, healthcare, even reimagining capitalism itself, everything seems to be on the table. Our betters at Davos have taken it upon themselves to make every aspect of our lives fair game for being reimagined, reconstituted, recalibrated, reordered and reset. Always along top-down technocratic lines they dream up at their exclusive, invite-only confabs.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember asking nor empowering anybody else to reimagine my own life. I figure that’s my job. Shouldn’t we tell these guys not to worry about it – “We’ve got this” ?

They seem undaunted and proceed to reorganize the world anyway.

Maybe we should return the favour and reimagine The World Economic Forum and the self-appointed elites who populate its ranks…

Reimagining Klaus Schwab
Herr Schwab makes it hard not to imagine him as a SPECTRE-ish super villain straight out of a James Bond flick:

But that’s not re-imagining him. To re-imagine means to change, transform, turn something that is into something it isn’t because you prefer it that way.

So if we were to reimagine Klaus Schwab then perhaps we could start at the beginning, with Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen Schwab who was a military industrial contractor to the Nazi regime during world war 2.

According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, the elder Schwab:
“led the Nazi-supported German branch of a Swiss engineering firm into the war as a prominent military contractor. “
That company, Escher-Wyss, used slave labour in Nazi efforts to develop an atom bomb. Years later, when Schwab sat on the board of directors, he approved an initiative to help the Apartheid era government of South Africa in their pursuit of an a-bomb.

In this era of open talk about reparations, perhaps reimagining Klaus Schwab could prescribe that the World Economic Forum pay reparations to descendants of Nazi-era slave labour (concentration camps) and for their part in reinforcing Apartheid in South Africa.

Finally, given that Schwab was a protege of Henry Kissinger, who is considered by some to be a war criminal in his machinations toward multiple countries around the world; perhaps reimagining Klaus Schwab should also include some manner of Truth and Reconciliation process toward the countries and populations to which Schwab’s intellectual mentor inflicted so much pain and suffering.

Reimagining Carbon Footprints of The Elite
That the climate crisis requires a massive reordering of all our lives seems to have been already decided. When see some of the various pronouncements coming out of the myriad climate conclaves, including Davos, you’ll see they’re pushing for:
If one were to reimagine the World Economic Forum in terms of showing leadership and resolve for this ostensibly unprecedented crisis, then the logical and noble move would be to eliminate the most carbon intensive forms of travel and conspicuous consumption first.

Private jets and super-yachts would have to go, immediately, and with no exceptions. Private jets could be melted down for scrap metal and reused, as per the UK Fires memo on Absolute Zero 2050. All super-yachts could be permanently moored in third-world nations and repurposed as low income housing.

As of 2016 there were an estimated 10,000 super-yachts (over 28 meters) in the world, with 150 more being built every year. If a single super-yacht could be upzoned to house 50 low income families, we could provide permanent shelter for 500,000 families globally. Everybody needs a home, nobody needs a super-yacht. By re-contextualizing yacht and private jet ownership we can ameliorate the housing shortage in a carbon-neutral manner.

All Davos meetings and super-summits could be held via remote video conference from this day forward, which would further reduce carbon footprints of holding such meetings.

Finally, any Davos or WEF attendee who endorses or promotes action plans emanating from these proceedings should be legally bound to bringing their own consumption patterns in conformance to the recommendations, even before any such recommendations become policy.

That would mean: getting rid of internal combustion vehicles, private jets, yachts, second, third, forth, fifth or sixth residences, and stop eating meat.

Reimagining CBDCs and Social Credit
Make no mistake Central Bank Digital Currencies will be the lubricant for which WEF inspired social credit programs are implemented.

WEF talking points always include politically correct buzzwords like “inclusion”, “diversity” and “empowerment”, so what better way to reimagine CBDCs than to pivot the entire conversation toward a global, neutral digital currency that already exists and has no barriers to entry for anybody in the world?

I am of course talking about Bitcoin, which exists now and already ticks all of the inclusion, diversity and empowerment boxes. Even better, it provides absolute inalienable rights to those who hold it, who could argue with that?

Reimagining Constitutionally Enshrined Human Rights
Speaking of human rights, the Davos crowd always pays them lip service in everything they do. The latest Schwab book “The Great Narrative” formally endorses the human rights as laid on in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
one all-encompassing value framework has been ratified by the 193 Members States of the United Nations: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.135 Its 30 articles detailing an individual’s “basic rights and fundamental freedoms” and affirming their universal character as “inherent, inalienable and applicable to all human beings
form the bedrock of a universal value system. This book embraces humanistic values that unequivocally prioritize freedom, human dignity and a quest for the common good.
So let’s look at what those universal human rights actually are. If we look at the UN declaration of Human Rights, particularly Articles 12:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 13:
  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 17:
  1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
  2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Article 18:
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Then in reimagining the WEF we could posit them enforcing these globally ratified rights on their own membership and exclude or banish heads of state from any country that violated these rights over the past few years of lockdowns: namely Canada, Australia, the United States, the UK, almost every Eurozone country and any other nation that locked down their population, forced vaccinations, deplatformed dissenters or espoused the redistribution of wealth (property) in any way.

Reimagining “The Great Reset Fourth Industrial Revolution Grand(iose) Narrative”

Reimagining other people’s lives is fun. Once you have everything all figured out for everybody else it can be hard to understand why anybody would resist it. We’ve clearly laid out an inclusive, restorative, empowering set of principles for the Party of Davos to live by, so why won’t they do it?

They won’t do what we reimagine for them, naturally, so how come it feels like there’s a certain expectation that we’ll subserviently comply whenever they want to “re-contextualize” our basic rights?

The reality is nobody has any moral authority to reimagine anybody’s life but their own. That’s actually the objective point of the entire UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Thinking that one big super-brain or council of wise-persons can figure out the best way for over 8 billion independent minds and bodies to live is beyond imagination, it is pure delusion.

The main downside is by believing it is so, they cause a lot of damage. This technocratic mindset is what writes the pages of history: a small cadre of self-appointed elites think they have it all figured out, and then whammo – inflation, wealth inequality, civil breakdown, economic ruin and tyranny. Trying to control the outcome for all effectively bakes-in the chaos.

There is really only one thing anybody can control, which is their own reaction to whatever happens to them. That’s it. But it takes an act humility to realize that. For the Davos crowd, humility is a liability.

Fortunately there is another narrative rising: the decentralized revolution narrative. It’s the freedom to act unilaterally regardless of what anybody else thinks, and doing so without violating anybody else’s rights to do the same. This gives rise to a noble alchemy, a positive feedback loop.

It is the basis from which free markets and capitalism itself are born. It’s what launched the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Renaissance and the Industrial and Information revolutions.

We can set up an agreed upon set of rules of what all 8 billion of us can’t do to each other. We have those kinds of rules already, handed down throughout the generations. But we can’t decide what anybody else should do without inducing them through a mutually agreed upon exchange of value.

The World Economic Forum is a last gasp of industrial age, late stage globalism. They may exert undue influence now, but it may have already passed its zenith.

Reimagine Yourself
Given that the Davos crew won’t have themselves reimagined, especially by us plebes, what we can do is really the only thing practical within the confines of incarnate reality: we can reimagine ourselves.

In my previous post about protecting oneself from “Davos Man”, I quoted Neville Goddard, one of the preeminent thinkers from the Golden Age of New Thought. His books “Awakened Imagination” and “The Power of Awareness” provide the antidote against those who would cast your life in their own mind’s image (the Tarcher reprint edition has them both)

Here is the secret that those who would rule over others don’t want you to know: It’s that imagination is an actual super-power. One bestowed on all of us.
Imagination is the very gateway of reality. “Man,” said Blake, “is either the ark of God or a phantom of the earth and of the water.” “Naturally he is only a natural organ subject to Sense.” “The Eternal Body of Man is The Imagination: that is God himself, The Divine Body. Jesus: we are his Members.”

I know of no greater and truer definition of the Imagination than that of Blake. By imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be. Through imagination we disarm and transform the violence of the world. Our most intimate as well as our most casual relationships become imaginative as we awaken to “the mystery hid from the ages,” that Christ in us is our imagination. We then realize that only as we live by imagination can we truly be said to live at all
It’s curious that Schwab and company frequently use that word “re-imagine“. Once you understand the true power of imagination, as described by Goddard, that it encapsulates the underlying creative power of the universe, then the act of re-imagining another’s life is a type of predation. It is vampirism, both economic and spiritual. At scale it manifests as mass formation psychosis.

The Party at Davos (more like a coven, perhaps) would have you believe that power is theirs, they are literally Priests of the Temple in the church of Late Stage Globalism.

But the reality is that everybody has this superpower. If you use yours, you ordain your own destiny. If enough people take control of their own psychic and mental temple, the one within, then the rulers of the darkness of this world lose their power.

Without actively taking charge of your own thoughts and goals, your entire life will be something that just happens to you. When you are pursuing your own ideals and controlling your own thoughts you are expressing the universal life force in your own unique way. That doesn’t mean you are able to “command reality”, which is actually what the Davos crowd is attempting.

But what goals and aspirations you do attain will be in spite of what the Klaus Schwab’s, the Party of Davos and the World Economic Forum think you should do, instead of what they permit you to do.

If enough people do this: take the command of their own destinies, become as Sovereign Individuals, live in pursuit of their own goals and aspirations, then it won’t really matter what external groups from a waning era think.


On TB every waking moment
My notes on post #3658)

Dave Walsh: We’re Still Exporting Our Natural Gas, Keeping Americans' Prices High 9:33 min

Dave Walsh: We’re Still Exporting Our Natural Gas, Keeping Americans' Prices High
Bannons War Room Published June 17, 2022

(Bannon : Under Trump, we were full spectrum energy dominant - not just independent. We were exporting energy. We told the Polish get off Russian gas, we can supply you with LNG. It will just be slightly higher, but in the long run you will have national security. Our betters blew it off as Trump being incompetent. Bannon saw that the other day, there was a fire in an LNG plant. He read that this meant the cost of LNG here would drop a couple of bucks. He's confused. He thought a fire taking it offline would make prices go up.

Walsh: In the short term, the gas that would have been shipped out through the Freeport facility will be re-routed for use in the domestic system. For about three weeks, it has a short interim effect on dropping prices because supply domestically is being increased. As soon as that facility is back up and running, the gas will be exported to Europe.

Bannon: Are you telling me that with natural gas up - 3-400%, we're still exporting to Europe. You're telling me that with a stroke of a pen, Joe Biden can't say nothing leaves the US. He hates to "beggar thy neighbor," but you have to think about the cost of natural gas. You're already telling him that people can't afford air conditioning in their homes in FL, TX, CA, NV. Are you telling him that we're still exporting 70% of our natural gas while people can't afford to pay for air conditioning?

Walsh: That is what's happening. The LNG terminals that were built - for example, the one built in Coveport Maryland by Dominion, just got finished 2 years ago, is sold out based on commitments to Japan and Europe. They invested 2 billion in building the plant, based on those commitments. Freeport, same thing - billions invested in that facility to export LNG. That is the reason those investors invested. Kinder-Morgan owns one in GA that is also shut down. It's on an 18 month shut down due to parts losses.

Yeh, we've got a system based on the fracking boom. Part of the net export position that we benefitted from were those contracts, unfortunately, continue to be met. Dominion puts $2 million into an LNG facility to export LNG, it is very hard to suddenly divert from all their contracts and to start supplying domestically. Not easily done.

Bannon: His point is to put America First. (1) We are going to have a limitation problem; (2) It is going to get so expensive - people have got to keep themselves warm. Maybe old people are going to die from this, but you've been telling us that a lot of people in FL will be going without air conditioning. I think people are stunned to find natural gas is going over when prices here are up 3-400%.


Bannon: The increases to people's air conditioning in FL, TX, CA, NV and they've got record heat coming. What is the general increase going to be on the average bill? Where it was when Trump was President, to where it is now,

Walsh: The average bill in the US is 40% dependent upon natural gas. That's probably 20-25% increase since March. About 72% of the bill is the fixed system - substations, lines, T&D system, the power plants. 28% of the bill is fuel. That 28% has quintupled. You do the math and that's 40% of your average energy supply that's natural gas. That raises all bill by 25-30%.

Bannon: People on fixed incomes in FL, the Deplorables are barely hanging on. You talk about 25% - that's horrible. If you stopped all natural gas to LNG, that would bring the 25% increase to what?

Walsh: It would have an impact on increasing supply. Here's the problem, this natural gas is produced and piped. It's got to be sent somewhere. There are 2 critical pipelines rolling through Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Charlottesville VA to the Virginia shore. Both are shut down. Dominion and Duke invested $8 billion in them. Permit, after permit, after permit fights with district courts ended it. The pipeline is shut down. Supporting Western VA fracked gas coming to the east coast heavily populated areas in VA - Norfolk, Richmond, St. Petersburg, etc.

The Mountain Valley pipeline, over to eastern VA - $6.2 billion has been on delay for 4 years now due to permit issues and district courts stepping in to block it county, by county, by county. So the gas, when it's produced, ends up going to Covespoint or Freeport where it can be sold somewhere, to be sold. Otherwise, we would have had enormous quantities of natural gas up and down the VA east coast from the Chesapeake Bay down to northern N. Carolina if these pipelines had been allowed to proceed.

Bannon: What would it take to get these up and running?

Walsh: Dominion and Duke would have to restart their efforts. After spending $8 billion on those pipelines, ceasing it about 1 1/2 years ago, judge after judge in counties in VA stopping it in their county, saying they were unsafe - which is a total falsehood, Mountain Valley is supposed to be finished in 2023, but initially, it was scheduled to be completed by 2020. So the gas has no where to go except for the export terminals.)

(COMMENT: EU Chief, Ursula von der Leyden, at her WEF DAVOS speech stated that Biden had pledged to increase US LNG export to Europe

(transcript) "In March, I agreed with President Biden to significantly step up LNG deliveries from the US to Europe.")


On TB every waking moment
(Here is the last big one on energy that I haven't done notes on)

Dave Walsh: ‘Regulatory Issues’ By The Elite Have Pushed Energy Prices High, Average Americans Suffer 13:33 min

Dave Walsh: ‘Regulatory Issues’ By The Elite Have Pushed Energy Prices High, Average Americans Suffer
Bannons War Room Published June 15, 2022

(Walsh: Regulatory issues - NY - illegal to frack where there are enormous natural gas reserves; In the last three weeks, we have had Biden's DOI wanting to shutter all offshore leases; week before that, Alaska and Gulf of Mexico lease abandonment by the federal government. We did have, globally, about 160 billion reduction in cap-ex (capital expenditures?) by the oil majors due to demand. The problem with reinitiating that is you have to have a warm, receptive environment for their investing.

The ESG mantra and the continuous prosecution on the war by this Administration on their business activities is the key issue. That is the issue because you are talking to oil majors about investing in new cat cracker systems at refineries, new compressor trains, new piping and control systems, let alone the production. You are talking billions of dollars in investment that takes 7-10 year payback. They're long term things. If you see 8 months after you do these things or uplift production, you're going to be right back at war environmentally, it makes no sense to move forward. That's one of the key issues with ESG requirements who are plagued with 6 money center banks and investment houses from Goldman-Sachs. JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, US Bankcorp, Wells Fargo and Blackrock, all with boycott measures in their lending practices now against supporting investments in oil and gas.

So with that as a backdrop, it is very difficult to demand oil and gas majors suddenly step up the bar. They'd love to but they need a receptive environment economically and investment incentive-wise to do it.

Peter Navarro: Do you think folks like AOC and the Green New Dealers as they watch gas prices explode fully understand that they're responsible? In their own minds are they thinking this is what has to happen. This is the pain we have to endure in order to get to their Green New Deal Nirvanas? Or do you think they're simply clueless?

Walsh: I think it's a combination of both. We are trying to cram long term strategic issues into a current political discourse. So many of these things, because the technology isn't developed, are very very long term 30-40 year things. In her remarks this morning, Secretary Granholm began to conflate. The discussion was about oil and gas prices at the pump. She conflates that over to solar. If we are all dependent upon solar, it's great.

The fact of the matter is that solar has nothing to do with cars today, nothing to do with transporting food, medical supplies by truck, by diesel. That's 99% of our transportation base, including locomotive transportation for critical food. Solar is not to do with that and (b) it is intermittent and not reliable. Now we have changed the lingo on it. The EIA is now calling intermittent and non-reliable "resource constrained."

Navarro: The thing I found most disingenuous about Granholm's whole line of argument was the idea that they're paying $8 in Germany and $9 in Singapore. Everybody around the world is paying higher prices, so it's not our fault, we're all suffering. Basic economics, if the US is the world's largest producer and the person who sits in the oval office and the party that controls the Congress are begging a war on oil production that significantly reduces that production, and price at the margin is determined by the intersection of supply and demand, isn't the price that Germany and Singapore paying a product of the Biden energy policy? Aren't we to blame?

Walsh: The fact of our reduction of supply from 2019 by about 2 million barrels a day, does have because at the margin, any critical commodity that is essential and you can't live without, when you have a supply shortage, prices skyrocket inside of a supply/demand curve. We are 2 million down; Canada a half a million. That has an enormous global impact. BTW, Germany, England and France today are more in the $12-14 range. They are traditionally 3-4X ours because of the regulatory and tax environment over there. They are still around 3X ours. He was in England a month ago and they were around $13 a gallon at that time converted in their measurement system to US currency. Germany the same.

at 6:14 min in, will continue notes tomorrow.


On TB every waking moment

(Navarro: It looks like we are moving toward $10 as they are reconfiguring pumps. The long pole in the tent, besides shutting down the frackers, has been the on-going war against refineries. He lives in CA and whenever there was an issue with a refinery, gas prices would go up a dollar overnight. Under the Trump Admin, we talked about doing deals under NAFTA where we would pump the oil in TX and run it in a pipeline to Mexico, because they could refine it without the Greenies interfering. Then, they would ship it back in tankers. Some of the things he tried to do was to save shipping facilities and refineries. One in Philly is to become a shopping mall. This is the Marie Antoinette energy policy. It is allowing America to eat solar. The pain that is being inflicted on the American people is purposeful by the Democrats, by Joe Biden and then they try and blame everybody else. What say you on the refinery issue?

Walsh: In the US, we have not had any major refinery capacity, as in a new refinery, built for 50 years. In a country whose population has grown by 120 million over that time, and highway traffic and transportation, which is entirely fossil fuel (gas-diesel) based, has doubled in that time. No new refinery capacity. The regulatory environment has contributed to the decision to is shut down the Liondell Refinery in Houston that produces about 450,000 barrels a day of crude and inside of that about 100,000 barrels of diesel, by Dec 2023. The one in Philly that used to be the Sun Oil facility was shut down last year - diesel.

There's pressure to shut them down is environmentally driven. Exactly the same thing that caused the coal closures between 2012 - 2015. The Obama Admin. heavy prosecution of mercury in air toxic standards; cross-state pollution rules; regional haze rules; national ambient standards rules; the clean power plant rules - all of this, including those same rules applied to oil and gas production and refining have caused the cost of that activity to radically increase. So now we can have the mantra that coal is no longer competitive as a generation source, because of the regulations that made it so. Not because we don't have tons of it. And that's what is needed for electricity - more baseload continuous duty.

The same regulations have impacted oil and gas refining, which is a constant disincentive on the cost of that Cap-ex (capital expenditure?) to go ahead and invest in uplifting capacity. These are huge, long term investments. The Administration is not their to support that in terms of at least creating an environment of not terminating it and making it expensive. Incent it that way - We're going to call a moratorium on the shut down of leases. We're going to call a moratorium on new environmental regulations that make your business non-competitive.

Navarro: On the average, how much energy in EV cars driving around this country is fossil fuels based?

Walsh: 88% of it is non-solar and wind. of the 88%, 39% of that is gas, 23% coal, 20% nuclear.

Navarro: Joe Biden, are you hearing that? It's like - let us eat electric cars, when, hey, you aren't solving the fossil fuel problem.

Walsh: We've got kids 2 years out of college making $45-50,000 now expected to go pick up a car payment of $700-800 a month to pick up an EV that doesn't exist in the first place. These decisions to move the needle to renewables, even if it made sense, are very, very very long term things. We were 14% renewable dependent in 1976. After 20 years of heavy subsidization, we're now 18%. If you include hydro plus wind and solar, which is the new definition to boost up - so many of these terms have been redefined. Hydro is now in the definition of renewables. We have moved the needle 4% on added renewables since 1975 with all of the incentives. It is not feasible technically. )

[COMMENT: Note that both China and India, up and coming manufacturing economies in Asia have increased their use of coal.]


On TB every waking moment
Posted on Facebook on Voice of the Majority·

An interesting take on Electric Cars from a conversation:

“As an engineer I love electric vehicle technology However, I have been troubled by the fact that the electrical energy to keep the batteries charged has to come from the grid, and that means more power generation and a huge increase in the distribution infrastructure. Whether generated from coal, gas, oil, wind or sun, installed generation capacity is limited.


In case you were thinking of buying hybrid or an electric car...

Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it.

Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways to power things, yet they're being shoved down our throats. Glad somebody finally put engineering and math to paper.

If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, you will face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On a small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.

This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So, as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This later "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this dead end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug.

If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening.

Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine." Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

It will take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.

According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity.

I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 Mpg = $0.10 per mile.

The gasoline powered car costs about $25,000 while the Volt costs $46,000 plus. So the Government does not want us to do the math, but simply pay twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country.



On TB every waking moment
13:15 min

The RISKIEST Stage of Economic Grief May Be Coming NEXT

Jun 19, 2022


Many Americans are experiencing the 5 stages of grief — but grief in regards to the economy. Carol Roth, a ‘recovering’ investment banker and author of ‘The War On Small Business,’ tells Glenn she’s currently experiencing stage two: ANGER. Why? Because this kind of economic downtown America is experiencing today could have been AVOIDED if our leaders in power had a better grasp on reality, she explains. But, Glenn warns, the next stage may be the most dangerous one: Bargaining with the elite who hold the keys to our economic kingdom just so we don’t lose it ALL.


13:05 min
How a PROXY WAR against oil & gas is ruining our nation

Glenn Beck

The Biden administration is GASLIGHTING every American citizen about oil and gas, and in this clip, Glenn shows a clip from Joe’s 2020 presidential campaign that proves it. So, we know the president is LYING to us all about gas. But, meanwhile, there's a proxy war happening in oil industries throughout the nation. Glenn reads an op-ed from Vivek Ramaswamy that explains how BlackRock is manipulating corporations like Exxon to DECLINE oil production…all while Americans continue to suffer majorly at the pump.


On TB every waking moment
If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening.

Aptera - Solar EV World

My cross country driving days are over. EVs are not the right answer for long trips. But to town and back will do for me, so long as there is a fossil fuel alternative if a long trip is needed. I'm looking at an Aptera ...


On TB every waking moment
21:51 min

A Warning From A Farmer & A Trucker!

The Economic Ninja

( Info from owner of 200 truck company, also a farmer and owns an auto repair shop: on trucking - margins are collapsing between cost of insurance and fuel and what he is able to get for shipping and freight costs. Business is slowing down, but he has enough business to keep his drivers employed. One of the issues is parts. He has a few trucks dead in the water sitting because he cannot get parts. A lot of issues with various finicky sensors that can shut down operation of the vehicle - such as the DEF sensor. This can put a small company out of order.

If you are a large company, such as an LLC or other flow-through entity, at the end of the year, every dollar that isn't used and pushes over into the new year gets taxed. It is like an inventory tax -put in place to discourage people from cornering a market by buying up inventory for profiteering. So in a true shortage, there is no backup inventory. So that is what we are seeing with parts, such as sensors. Ironically, it seems to be the cheapest parts that are slowing trucking down.

In the next 3-4 months diesel will skyrocket - a shockwave of fear from people having a very hard time keeping their businesses open. Large businesses are even more vulnerable because it takes so much red tape to make a change. However a small business owner operator can more easily pivot if they know what is happening.

On farming. [The trucking guy also farms cranberries.] He went to order his usual supply of dry fertilizer and the supplier told him that they no longer carry dry fertilizer. They only had liquid, which he can't use. He eventually found another supplier, but the timing date when application of the product was critical was very close.

You are going to see some shipping and farming operations close their doors because they can't get supplies/inputs they need. Can a farm sustain itself if it doesn't plant for one year? He also predicts you will see similar parts issues with tractors and farm equipment.

Back in the Depression era, a lot of farmers were talked into buying the new farm equipment on credit. When the crops didn't cover the equipment payment, the loans had used the land as collateral and the farmers lost both equipment and land. He thinks currently, young people that have gotten heavily in debt starting any business will be in danger of losing those farms and businesses.

Auto care industry: All of their profits are going to inventory so they can continue to do basic things like oil changes. That means they also have to pay storage and inventory tax while their margins are being squeezed and it is hard to push the costs off onto customers because you are afraid of losing them.

It all comes down to not being able to get supplies.

Car sales seem to have all but stopped in the past 3 weeks, little new inventory because of chips and used car inventory seems to be building up. Because the inflation narrative is in the news, people seem to be slowing their spending.

He predicts there will be runs on water filters and filtration systems soon. People will start having huge garage sales and pawning things.


On TB every waking moment

China And Japan Cut US Treasury Holdings As Federal Reserve Hikes Rates

SUNDAY, JUN 19, 2022 - 04:00 PM

A strange narrative of "defeated inflation" is circulating in the mainstream in the wake of the Federal Reserve's recent 75bps interest rate hike, but we've seen this kind of false optimism from the Fed and the media before. Economists calling for a deflationary reaction might be holding their breath for a while as price inflation continues to climb for many months to come.

This consequence is reinforced by the decline in foreign investment in US Treasury bonds.

Higher interest rates and the promise of increasing yields have not been enough to lure outside investors into treasury markets, with treasuries now facing the worst bond market collapse in half a century. With the yield curve inverting once again, long term bonds are coming under scrutiny and the question now is: How will the US government pay off its exponential debts without ongoing stimulus from the Fed and an ever increasing balance sheet?

More printing means more price inflation, but no printing also means more price inflation.

This uncertainty has led China to dump US Treasuries to the lowest level in 12 years, and Japan, once a stalwart pillar of US investment, is cutting their holdings as well. Arguments can be made that this is part of molding currency markets to artificially increase or decrease exchange rates, but regardless of the reason, the decline in US treasuries along with the ongoing decline in the US dollar as the world reserve currency leads to one thing: More inflation.

Overseas dollar holdings are in the tens of trillions. Estimates suggest that around 60% to 75% of all dollars are held in overseas coffers for use in international trade. Failing US bonds indicate a trend towards a decline in dollar usage. The end result would eventually be the reverse flow of dollars back into the US, causing even more inflation than we already have.

The Fed's 75bps rate hike is a drop in the bucket compared to what will be needed to slow the inflationary/stagflationary crisis. Yield curve inversions can be a sign of coming recession, but not necessarily an end to price inflation. Yet, mainstream economists are already predicting deflation back to balance? This seems to be another disinformation campaign much like the "inflation is transitory" narrative of the past two years, which even Janet Yellen now admits was utterly wrong. The reaction of foreign creditors does not suggest an end to inflation; in fact, it indicates the opposite.


On TB every waking moment

Transportation Secretary Warns US May Act Against Airlines Over Cancellations

SUNDAY, JUN 19, 2022 - 12:30 PM
Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that the federal government may take action against airlines on consumers’ behalf amid numerous flight cancellations in recent weeks, including more than 2,000 that were canceled on Saturday and Sunday morning.

“That is happening to a lot of people, and that is exactly why we are paying close attention here to what can be done and how to make sure that the airlines are delivering,” Buttigieg said on Saturday, saying that he met with airline industry leaders late last week.

Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, stated that his office would first determine how airlines handle increased travel associated with the Fourth of July holiday before the federal government takes any action. He also did not elaborate on what his agency may do.
“Now we’re going to see how those steps measure up,” Buttigieg said.

Some 2,700 flights were canceled on Memorial Day weekend, according to data from FlightAware. There were also cancellations on Saturday, June 18, and Sunday, June 19, with FlightAware saying that about 700 U.S. flights were scrapped as of Sunday morning. Some 1,300 flights were canceled Saturday, data shows.

Major airline companies have already signaled that they have cut numerous flights over the summer up until Labor Day weekend over worker shortages.

Southwest Airlines has canceled over 20,000 flights this season, and Delta Air Lines has cut over 700 flights since late last month, saying that it expects to cancel 100 flights per day between July 1 and Aug. 7 across North and South America.

A letter posted by Delta pilots on June 16 said they have been flying a “record amount of overtime” hours amid cancellations.
“At the current rate, by this fall, our pilots will have flown more overtime in 2022 than in the entirety of 2018 and 2019 combined, our busiest years to date,” the pilots said in their letter.
“We empathize and share in your frustration over the delays, cancellations, and disrupted travel plans you’ve experienced. We agree; it is unacceptable.”
Weather is always a wildcard when it comes to flying in summer, but airlines have also acknowledged staffing shortages as travel roared back faster than expected from pandemic lows. Airlines are scrambling to hire pilots and other workers to replace employees whom they encouraged to quit after the pandemic hit and as airline companies fired thousands of workers for not complying with their COVID-19 vaccine mandates in 2021.

Travelers queue up at the north security checkpoint in the main terminal of Denver International Airport in Denver on May 26, 2022. (David Zalubowski/AP Photo)

It takes months to hire and train a pilot to meet federal safety standards, but the Transportation Department sees no reason the airlines cannot immediately add customer service representatives to help passengers rebook if their flight is canceled. The government has its own staffing challenges.
“The pilot shortage for the industry is real, and most airlines are simply not going to be able to realize their capacity plans because there simply aren’t enough pilots, at least not for the next five-plus years,” United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby said several months ago in a call.
Some airline unions, however, said there is no pilot shortage. They said airlines are merely trying to extract more money from consumers.
The United States is producing a record number of pilots, yet some are still trying to claim we need to weaken aviation safety rules to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. That’s why it’s so important we have frontline aviation safety experts—our pilots—on Capitol Hill this week to make sure decision-makers know the facts, and what’s at stake,” said Air Lines Pilot Association (ALPA) President Captain Joe DePete on June 7.
Shortages at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), part of Buttigieg’s department, have contributed to flight delays in Florida. The FAA promises to increase staffing there.

The Transportation Security Administration, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security, has created a roving force of 1,000 screeners who can be dispatched to airports where checkpoint lines get too long.


On TB every waking moment
:prfl: what a cluster f*k


Energy Transition Goals At Risk As EU May Label Lithium As Toxic

SUNDAY, JUN 19, 2022 - 06:20 AM
Via Rystad Energy,
  • European Commission could move to put lithium on a list of toxic substances.
  • This piece of regulation could drive up prices across the battery supply chain.
  • Should the European Commission take this decision, it may undermine the EU’s energy security.
A potential European Commission (EC) act to classify lithium as a Category 1A reproductive toxin in this year’s fourth quarter could undermine the European Union (EU)’s attempt to create and support a domestic battery materials supply chain.

The EU currently relies heavily on imports of lithium to supply its nascent electric vehicle (EV) production sector and the classification may increase its reliance on other regions, at a time when the union is focused on energy security and reducing emissions. Europe has announced plans to expand lithium battery-grade Li Carbonate production from nothing today to 8.3% of global production by 2025, according to Rystad Energy research.

Europe has similar ambitions for lithium hydroxide, which is crucial for long-range EV batteries. Even without the potential decision by the EC, it will still fall well short of closing the estimated 218% deficit gap in lithium hydroxide processing that Europe is facing by the end of 2030, according to Rystad Energy research. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)’s Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) at the end of 2021 published its opinion that it agreed with French proposals to classify three lithium salts as Category 1A reproductive toxicants. It determined that lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide and lithium chloride should be classified under the Classification, Labelling & Packaging (CLP) Regulation as substances that may damage fertility and unborn children. It also agreed that the substances may harm breastfed children.

Initial proposals were presented to the EC on March 23 and 24 and are now under review and consultation, with the EC set to publish its first draft of the act between October and December. EU member states can still object to these proposals through the summer.

While the classification would not stop lithium usage, it is highly likely that it would have an impact on at least four stages in the EU lithium battery supply chain: lithium mining; processing; cathode production; and recycling. Several administrative issues, risk management and restrictions could hit each of these fledgling industries in Europe, which would drive up costs.

“Should the European Commission take this decision, it may undermine the EU’s energy security and net zero goals, in addition to increasing costs for the domestic EV market. The EU is a global regulatory powerhouse, so any decision to classify lithium as Category 1A toxicant in the world’s largest single market will be keenly studied by regulators elsewhere. Industry hates regulatory uncertainty, so the longer it takes for a ruling, the more it will delay existing and significant investment decisions. This is more than a technicality; the impact could be far-ranging and wide,” says James Ley, Senior Vice President, Analysis

Implications for EV production
A drawn-out permitting process for new mining operations in Europe has already been highlighted at recent industry events as one of the main barriers to new mining projects ramping up quickly. Both lithium carbonate and hydroxide are critical to the battery raw material supply chain, with the bulk of new EV battery chemistries containing lithium. This potential ruling comes at a time when the EU is itself scrambling to build and establish local lithium supply chains. The permitting issue has repeatedly been highlighted at recent industry events as one of the main barriers to new mining projects ramping up quickly in the EU.

There is also further risk of potential projects losing local community support for building lithium mines and processing operations. Additional concerns could arise if the pending decision ends up slowing down the injection of further and much-needed new investment into the EU lithium mining and processing industries. Rystad Energy is aware of at least one new proposed lithium hydroxide processing operation that is now withholding its investment decision pending the outcome of the EC’s final resolution.

Industry seeks clarity
The lithium industry is urging the EC to reassess the RAC’s initial opinion. They also argue that the three lithium salts cannot be considered in the same light and that there is significant doubt as to the applicability of the read-across to lithium hydroxide due to its corrosive properties. An inappropriate classification of lithium salts would create business uncertainty, which would have numerous implications for future investment.

Other countries outside the EU may reach a different conclusion on the classification, gaining a competitive advantage. The UK, for example, will propose its own classification by 30 June – meaning processing investments proposed for an EU member could instead be shifted to the UK, depending on the ruling taken in London.


On TB every waking moment


On TB every waking moment

Bill Gates Vaccine

Depopulation Through Sterilization: New Study Finds Pfizer Covid Jabs Impair Sperm Concentration

By J.D. Rucker • Jun. 19, 2022

In an age when scientists have become political figures and propaganda operatives, it would be amusing to watch them squirm over their own findings if it wasn’t so sad, not to mention potentially deadly. A new study that seems to have been buried even by the people who conducted it is sending warning bells across the nation about the Covid jabs and their detrimental effects on male fertility.

At least it WOULD BE sending warning bells if corporate media picked it up. They won’t. Just as the scientists who conducted the research and the governments who had them do it, corporate media will bury this study faster than they buried studies proving Ivermectin’s efficacy against Covid-19.

The study, cited at, revealed that those who had been fully vaccinated experienced −15.4% sperm concentration decrease on average between 75-120 days post-injection.

They followed up with their research subjects at 150 days and claim they had recovered, but here’s the thing. The study did not provide statistics nor context in their short statement of recovery. Specifically, they state:
“T3 evaluation demonstrated overall recovery. Semen volume and sperm motility were not impaired.”
In the world of science, details matter. The phrases “overall recovery” and “not impaired” could be construed in one of two ways. It could mean that the test subjects returned to their previous sperm concentration, or it could mean that there was no further decline from the T2 state. They did not define their terms. They did not provide real numbers. This is extremely concerning,
especially when we consider they dedicated a mere 13-words to try to tell people everything worked out in the end.

Even if the best-case scenario of the study tells us sperm concentration returns to normal, this is still a major concern. The last thing America needs right now is another fertility issue, temporary or not.

Another questionable aspect of the study is that they did not release data on sperm concentration prior to the jabs. This could just be sloppy work (it would behoove a scientist to know sperm concentration before and after injections) or it could be an intentional omission.

Their first reported test results start two weeks after injections.

Vaxx-pushers like Bill Gates have been linked to depopulation agendas for decades. Sometimes, they even come out and directly say it. Those who used to work almost exclusively in the shadows are becoming bolder with their proclamations. It’s as if they believe they are untouchable and that their machinations are now forgone conclusions.

Many have long speculated about the jabs being part of a depopulation agenda. While the focus is usually on killing people, another aspect of depopulation is preventing people from being conceived in the first place.


On TB every waking moment

Sunday Talks, NEC Director Brian Deese Explains Biden Inflation Solution, Raise Taxes, Take Over Drug Prices and Subsidize Energy Costs for Poor Americans

June 19, 2022 | Sundance | 85 Comments

NEC Director Brian Deese delivers a consistent blend of words, claimed to be economic policy, that make absolutely no sense. Deese is almost as bad at parse tongue gibberish as Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris, but not quite up to their level. Many will think Deese is uniquely unqualified. However, if you accept that Deese job is to be the distracting front man -spewing nonsense platitudes while others detonate the economic explosives- then he is being successful.

Deese appeared for two interviews, one on Fox News Sunday {SEE HERE} and on on CBS {SEE FULL INTERVIEW HERE}. Fox News (Shannon Bream) attempted zero pushback on Deese ridiculous claims. CBS (Margaret Brennan) at least pushed back a little harder. However, we must accept both media outlets are advancing the same corporate agenda by playing the pretend game with Deese appearances.

Deese used the word “transition” eleven times in both interviews in relationship to the economy. Deese was never asked what this actual “transition” is that he speaks so often about.

At certain trigger points Deese gets down to political nonsense when he says what the Biden team is doing to combat inflation. He brings up three legislative priorities that he claims will lower consumer costs: (1) raise taxes; (2) federal takeover of all Rx prices; and (3) subsidize energy prices for low-income Americans. That’s the plan; at least that’s what his unserious word assemblies are intended to claim as a plan, and he’s sticking to it while the media nods along. WATCH:

1:17 min

{Full Interview with Brennan Here}

FYI, the Brian Deese economic plan is also the Larry Summers economic plan as outlined on Meet the Press {SEE HERE}. At this point the entire DC system, including both democrat and republican wings of the UniParty vulture, are in alignment to fundamentally change the U.S. economy, justified via climate change, and kick start their carbon trading platform. There is no entity in/around Washington DC trying to stop the economic collapse caused by energy policy.



TB Fanatic

Sunday Talks, NEC Director Brian Deese Explains Biden Inflation Solution, Raise Taxes, Take Over Drug Prices and Subsidize Energy Costs for Poor Americans

June 19, 2022 | Sundance | 85 Comments

NEC Director Brian Deese delivers a consistent blend of words, claimed to be economic policy, that make absolutely no sense. Deese is almost as bad at parse tongue gibberish as Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris, but not quite up to their level. Many will think Deese is uniquely unqualified. However, if you accept that Deese job is to be the distracting front man -spewing nonsense platitudes while others detonate the economic explosives- then he is being successful.

Deese appeared for two interviews, one on Fox News Sunday {SEE HERE} and on on CBS {SEE FULL INTERVIEW HERE}. Fox News (Shannon Bream) attempted zero pushback on Deese ridiculous claims. CBS (Margaret Brennan) at least pushed back a little harder. However, we must accept both media outlets are advancing the same corporate agenda by playing the pretend game with Deese appearances.

Deese used the word “transition” eleven times in both interviews in relationship to the economy. Deese was never asked what this actual “transition” is that he speaks so often about.

At certain trigger points Deese gets down to political nonsense when he says what the Biden team is doing to combat inflation. He brings up three legislative priorities that he claims will lower consumer costs: (1) raise taxes; (2) federal takeover of all Rx prices; and (3) subsidize energy prices for low-income Americans. That’s the plan; at least that’s what his unserious word assemblies are intended to claim as a plan, and he’s sticking to it while the media nods along. WATCH:

1:17 min

{Full Interview with Brennan Here}

FYI, the Brian Deese economic plan is also the Larry Summers economic plan as outlined on Meet the Press {SEE HERE}. At this point the entire DC system, including both democrat and republican wings of the UniParty vulture, are in alignment to fundamentally change the U.S. economy, justified via climate change, and kick start their carbon trading platform. There is no entity in/around Washington DC trying to stop the economic collapse caused by energy policy.

none of these things actually do anything to address an inflation that occurs during a recession.


On TB every waking moment

Is the Green Energy Climate Cabal Crumbling?


(Chinatopix via AP)

As President Joe Biden waxes poetic about the amazing “transition” his energy policies will affect, the green fervor in Europe is flailing. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel led the charge in Europe. She did such a good job that Spiegel International called electricity a luxury good in 2013. Germany paid the highest electricity rates in Europe then, and a renewable energy surcharge was poised to raise them by 20%. German Environment Minister Peter Altmaier provided the following advice for Germans struggling to pay for Merkel’s “project of the century,” Energiewende. The policy project shifted from using nuclear to “green energy,” like wind and solar.

“Join in and start today,” Altmaier writes in the introduction. He then turns to such everyday activities as baking and cooking. “Avoid preheating and utilize residual heat,” Altmaier advises. TV viewers can also save a lot of electricity, albeit at the expense of picture quality. “For instance, you can reduce brightness and contrast,” his booklet suggests.

As we know now, Merkel adopted a ‘not in my backyard” (NIMBY) approach and increased fossil fuel imports from Russia. Her green policies were a primary driver of President Biden lifting the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Many, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, believe Biden caving to Merkel emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine. Food and energy are the underlying causes of most wars, and the current conflict is no exception.

However, the war is causing Germany’s new government to take a hard look at the pro-scarcity green energy policies they have imposed on their population for years. Russia is restricting the flow of natural gas to Europe. Unlike France, which did not kill its nuclear energy capacity, Russia’s restriction hits Germany even harder because President Joe Biden has adopted the same ridiculous NIMBY policies Merkel employed, and the U.S. cannot increase shipments to Germany.

So Germany is firing up coal plants. According to the Wall Street Journal:
Germany will restart coal-fired power plants and offer incentives for companies to curb natural gas consumption, marking a new step in the economic war between Europe and Russia.
Berlin unveiled the measures Sunday after Russia cut gas supplies to Europe last week as it punched back against European sanctions and military support for Ukraine.
The steps, part of a broader strategy initiated after the invasion of Ukraine, aim to reduce gas consumption and divert gas deliveries to storage facilities to ensure that the country has enough reserves to get through the winter.
Meanwhile, it looks like the European Union is trying to kneecap wind, solar, and electric vehicles. According to Rystand Energy:
A potential European Commission (EC) act to classify lithium as a Category 1A reproductive toxin in this year’s fourth quarter could undermine the European Union (EU)’s attempt to create and support a domestic battery materials supply chain. The EU currently relies heavily on imports of lithium to supply its nascent electric vehicle (EV) production sector and the classification may increase its reliance on other regions, at a time when the union is focused on energy security and reducing emissions.
People who question the wisdom of solar and wind power because they are low-density sources have often pointed to the toxicity of materials used in solar panels and batteries. Lithium and cobalt, used in lithium-ion batteries, have both demonstrated toxicity to humans, hence the warnings any time you receive a product containing one. It is also why you cannot dispose of them in a landfill. Mining rare earth metals is also an environmental mess. Their production appears to be another NIMBY opportunity for Western nations who will not mine them at home, buying them instead from China. Most of the mining and refining of these metals takes place there.

It seems that Republicans at home are finally figuring out just how dangerous the green energy push is. It is an economic risk as fuel prices drive inflation across the supply chain. It is also a national security risk, making us dependent on regimes that hate us like the Chinese. Eight Republican members of the House, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), introduced legislation to defund Biden’s climate envoy, the position that John Kerry currently holds.

When he announced the legislation, Roy said, “The Biden administration’s jet-setting climate czar is actively destroying reliable American energy by saddling us with outrageous commitments at hypocritical climate conferences, pressuring banks not to lend to fossil fuel producers, and fighting to end oil and gas production.”

“Enough. If we’re going to fight for energy freedom in this country, we have to defund climate tyrants like John Kerry. My bill would do just that,” Roy added. House Republicans have offered a climate approach that includes fossil fuels while reducing emissions through nuclear power, conservation, and innovation. Their position is similar to those put forth by fossil fuel advocate Alex Epstein and climate activist Michael Shellenberger.

The moves internationally and in Washington, D.C., are occurring as state financial officers object to the environmental, social, and governmental (ESG) reporting requirements for businesses that the Biden administration is attempting to push through the Securities and Exchange Commission. Twenty-three member states signed a letter from the State Financial Officers Foundation asserting that the proposed rule violates the Administrative Procedures Act, the Securities and Exchange Act, and the 1st Amendment.

Shellenberger asserted during his recent run for governor in California that the climate solutions the Democrats and the international Left have offered are anti-human and pro-scarcity. It appears the political right in this country and the European leaders who are facing the severe societal implications of relying on low-density green sources and authoritarian regimes are finally ready to stand up and fight them.


On TB every waking moment

Oh honey, NO: Janet Yellen’s attempt to spin, spin, then spin some MORE about the economy ‘growing at a very rapid rate’ does NOT go well

Posted at 11:15 am on June 19, 2022 by Sam Janney
They really think we’re too stupid to see the economy crumbling.
Well, considering who voted for them … we suppose they’re not entirely wrong.

Janet Yellen said this with a straight face, y’all:

.12 min


But she thinks we’re all too stupid to know that and the people who ARE too stupid to know that will go about their business talking about how everything sucks because we’re doing TOO well.

And they will BELIEVE IT.




Same flavor even.


The Biden admin cares more about checking certain boxes than they do putting people in place who can actually do the job.

We’re seeing the ‘fruits’ of that daily.


On TB every waking moment

Modern warfare: China aims to use A.I. to 'control the enemy's will'

Targeting president, members of Congress as well as citizens
Art Moore
By Art Moore

Published June 19, 2022 at 12:28pm
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

China is pursuing a new concept of warfare that aims to deploy artificial intelligence to directly control the enemy's will and subdue a nation without having to resort to conventional "hot" warfare.

The idea of cognitive warfare may sound like science fiction to most people, writes Judith Bergman, and attorney, political analyst and senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.

But experts have cautioned that the United States needs to take the threat seriously.
The basic idea, according to Japanese defense expert Col. Koichiro Takagi, is "to use AI to directly control the will of the highest decision-makers, including the president, members of Congress, and combatant commanders, as well as citizens."

Takagi is a senior fellow of training evaluation research and development command for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, the Japanese army's land forces.

The 2019 annual report to Congress on China's military and security, produced by the office of the secretary of defense, said the People's Liberation Army is "exploring next-generation operational concepts for intelligentized warfare, such as attrition warfare by intelligent swarms[1], cross-domain mobile warfare[2], AI-based space confrontation[3] and cognitive control operations[4]."

But Bergman wrote that what sets China apart in its pursuit of "intelligentized warfare" is not its focus on AI and drone swarming, which all the branches of the U.S. military are pursuing. It's the cognitive aspects of intelligentized warfare.

"Above all, intelligentization will aim to achieve advantages in psychological warfare," wrote Ben Noon, a research assistant at the American Enterprise Institute, and Dr. Chris Bassler, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, in September 2021.

"Theorists describe a 'cognitive confrontation,' in which PLA leaders will psychologically dominate opposing commanders through better and faster decisions. The PLA plans to employ all available tools to the overarching objective of reducing an enemy's will to resist," they said.

Further, China has been doing research on brain control or brain warfare research for several years as part of its work on developing intelligentized warfare, according to three reports written in 2019 by the People's Liberation Army and obtained by the Washington Times.

"War has started to shift from the pursuit of destroying bodies to paralyzing and controlling the opponent," said one of the Chinese reports, which was published in the official military newspaper PLA Daily.

"The focus is to attack the enemy's will to resist, not physical destruction" and to cause "the brain to become the main target of offense and defense of new concept weapons," according to a PLA report.

"To win without fighting is no longer far-fetched."

The reports also indicate China is working on integrating humans and machines to create enhanced human physiological and cognitive capacities.

"Future human-machine merging will revolve around the contest for the brain," said one of the PLA reports.

The Washington Times reported PLA research includes "brain control technologies, such as measuring neuronal activity in the brain and translating neuro-signals into computer signals, establishing uni-directional or bi-directional signal transmission between the brain and external equipment' and 'neuro-defense technology such as 'leveraging electromagnetic, biophysical, and material technologies to enhance human brain's defense towards brain-control attacks.'"

Noon and Bassler urge the United States to take seriously China's research on intelligentization and be more open to the public about it.

"With other notable PLA efforts, the United States military has been content with sitting on classified awareness while losing valuable time for mobilizing a response," they write.
"In the case of intelligentization, the U.S. military should not repeat this mistake yet again."

The Center for Security and Emerging Technology produced a report last October titled "Harnessed Lightning: How the Chinese Military is Adopting Artificial Intelligence."

"Chinese leaders view AI as the key to transforming the PLA into a 'world-class,' globally competitive military force," the authors write in the executive summary. "PLA advances in AI and autonomy will create new vulnerabilities for the United States and allied forces operating in the Indo-Pacific."


On TB every waking moment

by Andrew BenjaminJune 19, 202201200

The Bolshevik Revolution, Moscow

The trial is not of the former president, but of those who voted for him.

LEGAL DICTIONARY: A kangaroo court is an unauthorized, unofficial court, the sole purpose of which is to provide the image of a fair legal process. In actuality, the fate of the accused is actually decided in advance, with no consideration being made as to the fairness of the (proceedings).

Kangaroo courts are typically associated with groups that practice their own brand of justice, which is outside of the formal judicial process.“

Without constitutional authority, the January 6th Commission is staffed by a panel of Trump-deranged Democrats and proto-Republicans with a one-sided narrative. The other side of the story is MIA – the very definition of a kangaroo court.

The gaslighting evidences a persistent, desperate, coercive, and frantic overreach and abuse of power and the American People. It perverts the national discourse having hijacked process and authority not enumerated in Congress’ constitutional franchise. The cynical circus – a litany of specious, lengthy, political statements with no rebuttals, lies and opinions – is divisive, destructive, and cruel. It constitutes the Democrat’s dysfunctional and manipulative relationship with the nation.

VERY-WELL MIND: The gaslighting tactics we can see in every 1/6 Committee narrative:
Only Trump Deranged politicians who had voted twice to impeach the former president were seated on the 1/6th committee.

Congress’ enumerated authority legislative. Congress has no authority to investigate. The investigative powers are relegated to the judicial department under the Executive Branch. These powers are defined in the Separation of Powers clause. The only time Congress can overreach into the investigative realm is during impeachment proceedings; presided over by a SCOTUS jurist, and only by using evidence provided during discovery available to both parties. The two impeachments did not meet these lawfully-promulgated conditions, and are accordingly, illegal, null and void.

The January 6th Commission is a culmination of the Democrat’s conspiracy and coup. Its an attempt to hammer the final nail into the American Experiment.

Having seized power not authorized in law, Democrats discredited and destroyed the two-party system. No longer a republic, the U.S. is a quasi-Stalinist Media-Tech Oligarchy buttressed and sabotaged by a series of staged and videotaped panels of America-haters, the last filmed by a Hollywood ABC producer. The producer’s claim to fame, incidentally, was to cover for Jeffrey Epstein’s and Bill Clinton’s pedophilia, rapes, and abuse of minors.

The committee are the self-same traitors responsible for the coup that succeeded November 2020.

Meanwhile, the 1/6th inquisitors charged the elected government they overthrew (for the crime of winning in 2016), for conspiracies the cabal has itself committed.

It is also a FUND RAISING scheme – same as the two failed impeachments. All three Jussie Smollett-type frauds attempted to convict the innocent American president for the crimes of the greedy self-dealing Cabal that came before and after him.

The 1/6th Commission’s distraction is to prevent the Republican landslide coming this November, to divert from America understanding the important headlines:

The 1/6th Commission’s business covering up the Democrat’s gamut of disasters, negligence and incompetence is the distraction, shifting of blame – gaslighting.

O’Biden whined incessantly about Trump separating illegal migrants from their babies.
Meanwhile, Biden & Co. separated America’s babies from their food.

The malevolence and outrage during their bogus “investigation” over a disturbance with barely $200,000 reparable damage is revealed by their ignoring 574 Democrat-incited riots with over $2 billion in damages – dozens murdered. Democrats conveniently ignored the years-long “social unrest” with over 200,000 participants, because the participants were their participants.

The commission:
  • revealed no facts we did not know about earlier.
  • failed to provide evidence that Trump attempted to overthrow the U.S government or encouraged others to do so. In fact, contemporaneous evidence proves otherwise.
  • failed to provide evidence that, as preposterous as it was, a half-naked screwball in a Viking outfit carrying a rubber spear, surrounded by middle aged women and a few hundred unarmed men carrying copies of the U.S. Constitution, could even remotely overthrow the U.S. government.
The January 6th insurrection was not an attempted coup. It was an attempted counter-coup!


Democrats deliberately disregarded documentation with five Pentagon witnesses present, that Donald Trump offered 20,000 National Guard troops to Nancy Pelosi and Congress four days before January 6th. An offer the mayor of Washington D.C., Pelosi and the Capitol Police refused. Meanwhile they failed to take security measures. Security at the Capitol is the House’s obligation. Security at the White House is the White House’s.

The 1/6th Clown Show turned out to be just a cynical political circus that might impress children who’ve never witnessed a Stalinist trial.

See a difference? Me neither.

The commission was summoned into existence after two failed impeachments sunk of their own disingenuousness, to indict and destroy the half of America who voted for the former president; to insure that Donald Trump can never run again; that Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp never succeed; that his promise: NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL, will not interfere with the Democrat’s corruption, insider trading, and self-dealing – and from it, their massive self-enrichment.

Coming this November, the Gaslighters will find out whom they set on fire.


On TB every waking moment

Food and Energy Catastrophe Coming
M Dowling
June 19, 2022


The war in Ukraine, the US and EU war on fossil fuels, and the threat of famine for hundreds of millions of people around the world was predicted or was it planned? The World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab is amazingly accurate when predicting catastrophes as he plans the replacement with his elite WEF members – the New World Order.

US farmers have warned that we have not seen the real impact of the Russia-Ukraine war due to the timing of the planting season. They had already brought the needed fertilizer, potash, and so on. The destruction of our fossil fuel industry seriously affects farmers and they are forced to raise prices.

We will begin to see the effect of the Democrat war on fossil fuels in late August or September. Despite the warnings, the Biden regime continues to destroy the energy sector with no substitute in place.

They will tell you we are switching over to alternative energy but it cannot sustain us. Electric vehicles require fossil fuels and are very expensive. Trucks, planes, and ships that deliver our food and goods require fossil fuels. We have shortages of truck drivers and a supply chain problem. Team Biden and Team Newsom continue to add oppressive regulations on all sectors.

Biden does it by fiat, without congressional approval.

The war on energy looks like madness, but it’s more diabolical than mad. It is deliberate.

Without oil and gas, our infrastructure and our national security are in grave danger.

Coincidentally, it falls in line with the dream of The Great Reset.

Our dollar is collapsing and the US gets poorer every day under Joe Biden. He may be a fool but the people orchestrating this collapse behind the scenes are not fools. This is deliberate.

We will suffer from worsening costs and might face blackouts.

Our politicians see the answer in Ukraine winning the war with Russia. The US is paying most of the freight for this war. They ignore another possibility – negotiate.

Russia wanted the agreed-upon Minsk2 agreement originally. The agreement formally declared Crimea part of Russia and left the Donbas region independent. Ukraine had agreed to it and then didn’t do it.

This is so much worse than Minsk2. Even if Ukrainian farmers can farm, they cannot get the food out without ports that are now controlled by Russia.

US sanctions have only hurt the West. Russia has not wavered because of the sanctions. In fact, Russia has formed new Asian alliances and broken free of the US and European financial systems and the dollar. Their ruble is doing fine and they are selling more gas and oil than ever before.

Russian President Putin said in his speech at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg that things will never go back as they were. He is aligning with China and other developing Asian countries. They see the West and the US as dying powers.

The worst thing Biden could do – the absolutely worst thing – is to kill that which makes us strong — the fossil fuel sector.

Bizarrely, at the same time, Biden hopes to protect Ukraine’s borders, he has left ours open to attack.

The Biden catastrophes are piling up and could soon be irreversible.




Watch these videos for some perspective:

3:04 min

12:17 min

4:04 min

11:44 min

8:16 min

7:11 min


On TB every waking moment

US Quietly Asks Shippers to Buy & Carry More Russian Fertilizer
M Dowling
June 19, 2022

The US is asking shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer. They aren’t advertising the fact and the media hasn’t noticed the story. The US wants more of their goods while engaging in a proxy war with them.

“The US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, fueling spiraling global food costs,” according to gCaptain.
It’s part of a larger effort involving the UN to get more fertilizer, grain, and other farm products from Russia and Ukraine.

While the US and EU worked out exemptions to allow this, many shippers, banks, and insurers have stayed away. They’re afraid they’ll accidentally make a mistake, gCaptain explains.

Flat-Footed And Begging for Russian fertilizer
Russian fertilizer exports are down 24% this year, but some of that is because of Russia’s blockade of ports.

“Washington sent a representative to UN-led talks in Moscow earlier this month on the supply issues, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public. Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s crops.”

The Kremlin wants guarantees that buyers and shippers aren’t subject to sanctions. But that isn’t the only problem.

“For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev, a sanctions specialist at the Kremlin-funded Russian International Affairs Council.

However, Ukraine is also not getting shipments out for fear of mines in ports.


On TB every waking moment

Cap’n Biden And The Great White Whale
David Reavill
-June 19, 2022

Cap’n Biden And The Great White Whale
By David Reavill

In Herman Melville’s novel: “Moby-Dick,” the story revolves around an obsessed Captain of a Whaling Ship, Captain Ahab. Years before, Ahab had his leg bitten by the “great white whale,” Moby-Dick.

From then on, Ahab made it the mission of his life to kill that Whale. In the nineteenth century, this single-focused obsession was called “monomaniacal.” And it perfectly described Captain Ahab. Nothing would come between the Captain and his revenge on that Whale.

I don’t know if “big oil” ever inflicted such injury upon our President. But there can be little doubt that he is taking revenge upon his “great Whale.”

President Joe Biden talks on the phone with King Salman of Saudi Arabia Wednesday, February 9, 2022, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Since he stepped into the White House, Joe Biden has had one mission. And that is to seek revenge on the oil industry. And if the objective has been to bring these companies to their knees, Biden has been wildly successful.

He canceled the Keystone Pipeline, blocked new drilling on Federal Land, and banned Russian Oil. Biden has done it all.

Like Captain Ahab, Biden has chased Big Oil across the seven seas.

But unlike Ahab, while Biden’s target might have been the oil companies, his aim has been far afield. Because while oil company profits have remained high, it is the American consumer that Biden has struck.

Today citizens are paying the price for Biden’s obsession in the form of higher inflation. A review of any of the current inflation reports will clearly show that. Last week, the Producer Price Index reported that fully 40% of its over 10% rise came directly from the rising fuel cost.

Retail prices show the same price rise. Last week, the Consumer Price Index reported an increase of 8.6%. And again, the most significant, most crucial contributor toward inflation at the Consumer level is fuel. Specifically, gasoline prices are now well over double where they stood when Biden took office.

And that’s the point.
Reducing Oil and gas have been in Biden’s sights for a long time. Making gas more expensive and harder to find has been Biden’s objective. Recently some old campaign speeches for the soon-to-be President have made their way onto the internet. In those speeches of 2020, Biden clearly stated that he wanted to do away with these carbon-based fuels.

Last week Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, once again emphasized this Administration’s goal to transition to more environmentally friendly energy sources. Read, phase out oil and gas—phase in the wind, solar and electric.

So don’t think for a moment that this is an accident. It most certainly is not. It is a carefully planned and orchestrated attack on what is fundamentally this country’s chief energy source.
Each step along the way, the canceling of pipelines, the boycott of Russian Oil, the blocking of drilling. It brings them closer to the goal of eliminating carbon-based fuel.

The fact that all these moves increase inflation is simply a bonus. Making the public’s gasoline use more expensive is a good thing from their perspective as it will move people away from that “dreaded” fossil fuel.

It’s all part of the Plan. A master plan that I’m pretty sure Joe Biden has been working on for years. The Plan grew from an applause line at this stump speech. “I’m going to do away with oil and gas…” That has grown and evolved to become the central policy of his Administration.

But while it was well-received by the few who turned out on the campaign trail, it’s not playing so well today.

Like Captain Ahab before him, Joe Biden is on a mission. He is out to get “Big Oil.” And nothing, but nothing will stop him.

That overwhelming obsession has consumed him. And the genuine possibility is that Biden may face the same fate as Ahab.

In the novel, Ahab becomes entangled in the harpoon rope as Moby-Dick dives into the briny deep, killing both the Captain and the Whale.

Increasingly, this seems like the fate of President Biden.

Despite warnings of Wall Street and Main Street, Biden seems determined to pursue his foe.
And if the political polls are correct, he is driving himself and his Administration into its own “briny deep.”


On TB every waking moment

Funny How We Knew Biden Would Abuse This
M Dowling
-June 19, 2022

It is funny how we knew Biden would abuse the Defense Production Act once we went down this road. Democrats in Congress are cheering it on, gladly relinquishing their authority. They put lipstick on that pig.

Joe Biden is “forced to go it alone thanks to a stalled Congress” according to The Soapbox, a progressive publication.

Translation: The peoples’ representatives don’t want to do it so he’ll shove it down our throats like a dictator would.

The article is titled, The Defense Production Act Is Biden’s Gridlock-Buster. Actually, it’s a Constitution buster.

Defense funding, and now guns, are excuses for much of the abuse of congressional authority. RINOs go along with it in those cases.

Biden has triggered it multiple times in recent months, to respond to the baby formula shortage (he acquired an insignificant amount of baby formula), to boost production of solar panels, and to increase production of electric vehicle battery materials.

Solar panels and EV batteries are not emergencies. Yet, the only problem The Soapbox has with it is Biden won’t be president forever. They then go into a diatribe about how it’s to hard to go through Congress.

It’s Barack Obama redux. Obama envied the Chinese system without roadblocks to authority.

The Progressive Caucus communists and socialists back it!
“There is simply no way to meet the president’s climate goals with executive action alone,” Jayapal said. “As the people’s representatives, we have a moral and governing obligation to fight the climate crisis and pass legislation that will facilitate our transition away from fossil fuels and support frontline communities.”

Funny how it doesn’t matter to her that only progressives get a say.

Far-left Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown told The New Republic he didn’t want to concede Congress’s authority. But, the US should not worry “about process” – just worry “about getting things done.”

Funny how he ignores the Constitution and the peoples’ representatives.

Senator Ed Markey, a far-left Democrat, said these [constitutional violations] are “complementary” to the president’s actions.

Funny new take on “complementary”.

Senator Bernie Sanders, a red diaper baby, said Biden did the “right thing”.

Molly Reynolds, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institute, a far-left think tank, agrees Congress may not yet have “fully ceded its authority on social and climate issues to the president.”

“I don’t know if I would go as far as to say that in the future, it will be only a president who does things that are more on the nondefense side of the ledger,” Reynolds said. “But I do think the politics and policy of defense spending have kept those legislative muscles moving in Congress, when they’ve kind of atrophied in some other areas.”

Funny, that.


On TB every waking moment

Biden’s Destroying Oil & Gas by Weaponizing Every Agency Against Them
M Dowling
June 18, 2022

Rep. Steve Scalise told Maria Bartiromo on “Mornings with Maria” that Joe Biden’s “regulating agencies, and the financial agencies, SEC, CGPB, the whole alphabet soup of federal agencies are coming after energy companies.”

Biden is doing this as he complains that oil and gas are unpatriotic for not drilling more.

group of industrial workers in a refinery – oil processing equipment and machinery

Scalise spoke with the heads of oil and gas companies, showing them the list of mountains of regulations Biden leveled against them. He asked them if it hurt their ability to produce more and lower the price of gasoline. They all said, ‘Yes,’ of course, it is, and Joe Biden won’t reverse that,” Scalise said.

Biden is responsible for the higher prices.

Scalise reminded Maria that Biden campaigned on ending drilling in the US – bragged about it. Scalise added that Joe “turned policy over to AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and all the radicals in Washington.”

“He’s turned the policy over to them to go after American companies like energy companies, and then the prices went through the roof, and people got really angry, and he tried to blame everybody else,” Scalise said.

“It’s Joe Biden’s policies. Everybody knows that he can change these policies today. He just won’t because he is beholden to the radical left,” the congressman said.

“You know this is a disturbing pattern we’ve seen from President Biden on so many of the problems that he created that are hurting families is that he just blames everybody else. Maybe they don’t have mirrors in White house, but he’s looking around. He’s pointing fingers,” he said.

What they are doing is madness.

Watch (3 clips):

.55 min

Video on website 5:43 min

Full interview:
Democrats are ‘going after’ energy companies: Rep. Steve Scalise 7:09 min



On TB every waking moment

Biden’s SEC Chair Plans Overhaul of Equity Markets, Pushes ESG

M Dowling
June 18, 2022

SEC chair Gary Gensler plans to overhaul the stock market and comes armed with 49 proposals.

He appears to love regulations and doesn’t want to disappoint the Biden administration.

Gensler often sounds like socialist Elizabeth Warren and there is a reason for that – she is one he wants to please.


[[File:GaryGenslerSEC.jpg|GaryGenslerSEC]]His regulatory agenda is like nothing ever seen in the SEC’s 87-year history. Gensler plans to put his touch on crypto, overhaul equity markets and bolster ESG.

There is a lot of opposition on Wall Street to Gensler’s pledge to overhaul the equity market’s plumbing. He is doing it in response to this year’s meme-stock mania.

He wants to route stock orders to auctions. Oh, what could go wrong.

Crypto firms bristle at Gensler’s contention that they are peddling securities, which would trigger SEC oversight for the unregulated industry.

He’s been similarly aggressive on agency enforcement cases, which can tank share prices, spur fines and trigger embarrassing publicity.


On TB every waking moment

Feds plan to dump immigrants in cities away from border: officials

MaryAnn Martinez
June 19, 2022 10:38am

Exclusive video shows hundreds of migrants crossing southern border

June 19, 2022 10:38am

Exclusive video shows hundreds of migrants crossing southern border 1:44 min


The Biden administration is working on plans to bus immigrants from overwhelmed border communities in Texas and dump them in cities and towns hours away, according to several Lone Star State pols.

San Angelo, Texas, about three hours from the US-Mexico border was scouted as a location to bus the immigrants, Republican US Rep. August Pfluger told The Post.

“San Angelo is a welcoming community, but the locality has not volunteered for this mission, nor are they responsible for the burdens of the border crisis,” said Pfluger, who represents the area in Congress. “This situation is a direct result of [the Department of Homeland Security’s] shortsighted policies that encourage more illegal immigration and the agency’s failure to establish operational control of the southern border.”

Pfluger said he was alerted to the situation by San Angelo law enforcement, who were alarmed about their ability to absorb any amount of immigrants. San Angelo has a population of just over 100,000.

Migrants exit a Border Patrol bus.

San Angelo, Texas, was scouted as a location to bus immigrants.Brandon Bell/Getty Images

El Salvadorian migrants Yesenia Martinez and her daughter Jaretzy wait alongside other migrants to be processed after crossing the Rio Grande into the U.S.

Currently, immigrants who cross the border illegally and are seeking asylum are released after being processed.Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Migrant exits van.

Migrants are usually dropped off at bus stations in border communities.ohn Lamparski/NurPhoto via

In a letter to DHS, Pfluger demanded to know what plans the department had to drop off immigrants in San Angelo or other Texas cities, whether chosen communities would receive any kind of notice that the people were heading their way and if DHS would provide local leaders background checks on the new arrivals.

Pfluger said that so far, he has only been contacted by officials from Customs and Border Protection and told San Angelo was merely being considering as a possible location but that no plans were set at this time.

“You can only assume that they’re looking at other locations or that plans can change in the future,” Pfluger told The Post.

August Pfluger. Rep. August Pfluger says San Angelo “has not volunteered for this mission, nor are they responsible for the burdens of the border crisis.”Michael Brochstein/

Currently, immigrants who cross the border illegally and are seeking asylum are released after being processed by the Border Patrol and ICE. They are usually dropped off at bus stations in border communities such as Del Rio, Texas, where a Stripes gas station doubles as the bus depot. The immigrants then usually head to cities in the interior of the United States and do not plan on staying in border communities. While they wait to get a bus ticket or airfare to their final destination, they usually remain in small border towns, sometimes without a place to sleep.

Robert Beau Nettleton. “We’re not solving problems. We’re just moving people around,” Robert Beau Nettleton

“Yes, it will relieve some of the pressure off of the border communities, but then it’s going to create a problem in other communities,” said Robert Beau Nettleton, a county commissioner in Val Verde County, Texas, of the Biden administration’s reported relocation plan. The county has been identified by Texas officials as being one of three hot spots for border crossings.

“We’re not solving problems. We’re just moving people around to different locations to make it look like there’s not as many people on the border as we normally see,” the commissioner told The Post. “It’s a political ploy to say, ‘Look, these communities no longer have this problem because we solved it.’ You solved it for that community, but you didn’t solve the problem. You just moved the problem.”

An internal DHS document obtained by NBC News shows DHS’s plan to bus immigrants to Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Houston, Dallas, and other cities. San Angelo is the first small town without the resources to deal with immigrants that has been named as a possible location, critics say.

“They’re not set up to handle it. They don’t have the resources to handle it, they don’t have the [non-governmental organizations] to handle it,” Nettleton said of San Angelo, adding that he predicts many immigrants will end up on the streets for a time after they’re released.

It’s not the first time politicians have turned to bussing immigrants away from the border. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has used state funds and donations to send 65 busloads carrying more than 2,000 people to Washington, DC, since April.

Migrants in front of a bus.

Immigrants are usually headed to interior US cities and do not plan on staying in border communities.John Lamparski/NurPhoto/Shutterstock

Border agent speaks to migrants.
While migrants wait to get a bus or flight to their final destination, they usually remain in small border towns, sometimes without a place to sleep.John Moore/Getty Images

Now, more new American cities and towns away from the border will have to share in the burden border communities have shouldered.

“There’s still a lot of people in these bigger cities around the United States that don’t really think that there’s a ‘border issue’ because they’re not dealing with it, but when they start dumping thousands of them in their backyard, then maybe they will understand that there is a problem,” Nettleton said.


On TB every waking moment

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
June 19, 2022

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

  • Mass formation is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems
  • Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to experiencing life as meaningless, which leads to widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent, which leads to widespread free-floating frustration and aggression, which results in feeling out of control
  • Under mass formation, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom
  • Key strategies to disrupt the mass formation process are to speak out against it and to practice nonviolent resistance. Dissenting voices keep totalitarian systems from deteriorating into abject inhumanity where people are willing to commit heinous atrocities
  • Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses

Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

He also warned that mass formation gives rise to totalitarianism, which is the topic of his new book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” Desmet’s work was further popularized by Dr. Robert Malone, whose appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast was viewed by about 50 million people.

But as the search term “mass formation” exploded in popularity, Google responded by manipulating the search engine results in an attempt to discredit Desmet and show people in their search results information that would cause them to discount the importance of this work.

Why? Because Google is at the core of the global cabal and movement toward totalitarianism.
Understanding the Psychology of the Times Is Crucial
Those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it, they say, and this appears particularly pertinent in the present day because, as explained by Desmet, if we don’t understand how mass formation occurs and what it leads to, we cannot prevent it. How did Desmet reach the conclusion that we were in the process of mass formation? He explains:
“In the beginning of the Corona crisis, back in February 2020, I started to study the statistics on the mortality rates of the virus, the infection fatality rates, the case fatality rate and so on, and immediately, I got the impression — and with me, several world-famous statisticians, such as John Ioannidis of Stanford, for instance — that the statistics and mathematical models used dramatically overrated the danger of the virus.
Immediately, I wrote an opinion paper trying to bring some of the mistakes to people’s attention. But, I noticed immediately that people just didn’t want to know. It was as if they didn’t see even the most blatant mistakes at the level of the statistics that were used. People just were not capable of seeing it.”
This early experience made him decide to focus on the psychological mechanisms at play in society, and he became convinced that what we were seeing were in fact the effects of a large-scale process of mass formation, because the most salient characteristic of this psychological trend is that it makes people radically blind to everything that goes against the narrative they believe in.

They basically become incapable of distancing themselves from their beliefs, and therefore cannot take in or evaluate new data. Desmet continues:
“Another very specific characteristic is that this process of mass formation makes people willing to radically sacrifice everything that is important to them — even their health, their wealth, the health of their children, the future of their children.
When someone is in the grip of a process of mass formation, he becomes radically willing to sacrifice all his individual interest. A third characteristic, to name only a few, is that once people are in the grip of a process of mass formation, they typically show a tendency of cruelty towards people who do not buy into the narrative, or do not go along with the narrative. They typically do so as if it is an ethical duty.
In the end, they are typically inclined, first, to stigmatize, and then, to eliminate, to destroy, the people who do not go along with the masses.
And that’s why it is so extremely important to understand the psychological mechanisms at work, because if you understand the mechanisms at work, you can avoid the mass formation to become so deep that people reach this critical point in which they really are fanatically convinced that they should destroy everyone that does not go along with them.
So, it’s extremely important to understand the mechanism. If you understand it, you can make sure that the crowd, the mass, will first destroy itself, or will exhaust itself, before it starts to destroy the people that do not go along with the mass.
So, it’s of crucial importance, and that’s what my book describes. It describes how a mass, a crowd, emerges in a society, under which conditions it emerges, what the mechanisms of the process of mass formation are, and what you can do about it. That’s extremely important. I will mention this from the beginning.
Usually, it is impossible to wake up the masses. Once a process of mass formation emerges in a society, it’s extremely difficult to wake the masses up. But, [waking them up is] important, [because] you can avoid the masses and their leaders becoming so fanatically convinced of their narrative that they start to destroy the people who do not go along with them.”
Indeed, to those of us who did not fall under the spell of the irrational COVID narrative, the cruelty with which political leadership, media and people at large tried to force compliance was shockingly abhorrent. Many were physically attacked, and some even killed, simply for not wearing a face mask, which we knew was a useless prevention strategy.

(Long article. Read the rest on the webpage)
