GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment
if you’d ask most citizens of whichever EU country if they are willing to risk being unable to feed and heat their children in order to support Ukraine and Zelensky, they would say NO. Hell no!

War efforts have to be supported by the population. No support, no war. The population of a warring nation has long been deemed a legitimate military target.

But now that population is being targeted by their own government.


On TB every waking moment

French Farmers' Union Official Warns Of Milk Shortage

The president of the largest farmers' union in France has warned that a shortage of feedstock caused by severe drought may lead to a milk shortage.

"I think that in the coming months, we will have a shortage of milk in France. To make milk, you need fodder, mainly alfalfa and corn, which have grown little this year," said Yannick Fialip, president of the economic commission of the FNSEA and a breeder (translated).

According to Fialip, during normal seasons animals are typically grazing in the meadows this time of year. Thanks to severe drought, however, "It is necessary to bring fodder stored this spring, which was intended to feed the animals in winter, which is used from July and August."

"This severe drought brings together two conditions: a significant lack of rain and very high temperatures which had a "hair-drying" effect on the plants which dried out many plants, especially all that is fodder. We had to harvest very early, especially corn." -Yannick Fialip

He also noted that the state does provide a "calamity fund" which helps breeders to buy fodder by splitting the cost, and which many breeders have tapped with success.

That said, Fialip also notes that the price of milk paid to breeders in France is 20% lower vs. other European countries, and he's calling for a measure to "better renumerate our breeders, which would allow them to have better cash flow and ensure the sustainability of the sector," because "there is a big risk that some breeders will decide to decapitalize their livestock in the face of this situation."

(Comment: I still suspect Chinese weather modification. Not only do we have unusual droughts in Europe, England, the US west coast, Tx, the midwest and the south, we are seeing unusual floods like in Africa and Death Valley - that got a year's worth of rain in three hours. )
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On TB every waking moment

Farage Warns, If America Falls To Marxists, Western Civilization Will Follow

Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times,

Marxism is threatening democracies across the globe—not just America—warned Britain’s Nigel Farage during a Saturday speech to conservatives in Dallas, Texas.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are under attack,” said Farage, the past leader of Great Britain’s Brexit Party.

“The biggest threat we face is from within.”

Farage, an ally of former President Donald Trump, quickly became a favorite during the final day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where thousands of conservatives gathered for the event.

Farage said that democracies such as the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia, are experiencing a Marxist threat similar to the one facing America.

Marxists are trying to destroy Judeo-Christian culture, the family unit, history, and the identity of Western nations, he said.

Socialist professors in universities have paved the way for the indoctrination of children in the school systems, Farage said. The left has co-opted the media for the most part, and it’s no coincidence that socialistic viewpoints of race—white oppression and black victimhood— have become mainstream, he added.

“This is a Marxist attempt to break everything we are,” he said. “We are going to fight back.”

The way to do that is to elect true conservatives, not RINOs, he said, adding that conservatives can not be afraid of being called “nasty names” by the left.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was elected as a conservative but governed as a liberal. Ultimately, he stepped down as prime minister in July after losing the confidence of those in his party.

In Australia, the same thing happened with Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who allowed state governments to impose oppressive lockdowns across the country during the pandemic and lost re-election in May, he said.

But of all the democracies in the world, it is America that must lead the fight against modern Marxism, he said.

“To save Western Civilization, this is the battleground—because if America falls, we all fall,” he said.

“You are the foot soldiers in this battle on behalf of not just America, but on behalf of the whole free world,” he added as thousands of CPAC attendees gave him a standing ovation.

Farage said the one element that can turn the tide against the Marxists is the silent majority in America. They don’t buy the left’s propaganda. Common sense Americans don’t believe in the concept of pregnant men, he said.

While it won’t be easy to stand up to the globalists, America has leaders who are up to the challenge, he said.

“I believe Donald Trump is the man to go out there and fight for America,” he said to wild applause. If Trump were in charge now, things would no doubt be different, he added.

Farage said Brexit won at the polls because conservatives in Britain made efforts to get reticent voters to use their voice at the polls.

The blood and treasure spent on the freedom enjoyed by the West could be for naught if conservatives don’t stand up to Marxism now, he added.

“The real hard work has just began,” he said. “Are you ready for the fight?”

And the crowd roared, “Ready!”


On TB every waking moment

Johnstone: "Russian Propaganda" Just Means Disobedience

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

You can always tell how important narrative control is by watching the way people react when their control of the narrative is jeopardized.

Empire apologists are raging at Amnesty International for pausing its aggressive facilitation of western imperialism to issue one brief criticism of the way Ukrainian forces have been endangering civilian lives with their warfare tactics against the Russian military.

Amnesty is far from the first to highlight this extensively documented issue; that Ukrainian forces have been deliberately positioning themselves in civilian populations without taking proper measures to protect noncombatants is a concern that has been voiced repeatedly since the war began and reported on by both mainstream western news outlets and the United Nations.

Nevertheless, Amnesty’s claim that “Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas, including in schools and hospitals” has drawn fire from Ukrainian officials, from mass media pundits, from the brainwashed rank-and-file on social media, and from President Zelensky himself.


A common criticism circulating among the outrage is that Amnesty is facilitating Russian propaganda, has been influenced by Russian propaganda, or has itself become an instrument of Russian propaganda.

The head of Amnesty International’s Ukrainian branch resigned as a result of the report, saying that “the organization created material that sounded like support for Russian narratives” and that in an effort to protect civilians, “this study became a tool of Russian propaganda.”

“It is a shame that the organization like Amnesty is participating in this disinformation and propaganda campaign,” tweeted Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak.

“Amnesty International can go to hell for this garbage,” tweeted Human Rights Foundation Chairman Garry Kasparov. “Or go to Ukraine, which Putin’s war is trying to turn into hell. As with their actions on Navalny, it reeks of Russian influence turning Kremlin propaganda into Amnesty statements.”

The Daily Mail called the Amnesty report “a coup for Vladimir Putin’s propaganda machine.”

“The organization gives a huge assist to Russian propaganda,” tweeted Oleksiy Sorokin, chief operating officer of the NATO propaganda outlet Kyiv Independent.

“Shameful victim-blaming. Russia invaded Ukraine and is committing unspeakable war crimes there. Please do not amplify Russian lies,” tweeted Paul Massaro of the US government’s Helsinki Commission.


The underlying premise behind these complaints, of course, is that it is Amnesty International’s job to help Ukraine win a propaganda campaign against Russia. Which is odd, because Amnesty’s reporting on the war has actually been overwhelmingly biased in favor of Ukraine this entire time.

“Anger directed at Amnesty is surprising given that it is the first critical piece the group has written on Ukraine since the war began,” reports Unherd. “Over the last six months, Amnesty has published 40 articles on Ukraine, nearly all of which condemn Russia’s invasion, with only one exception — its latest — that could be conceivably described as critical of Ukraine.”

Even the Amnesty report currently sparking all the outrage contains repeated condemnations of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, citing “indiscriminate attacks by Russian forces” and “war crimes” Amnesty has found Russia guilty of committing, as well as decrying the use of “inherently indiscriminate weapons, including internationally banned cluster munitions.”

But even ninety-nine percent loyalty to the official line is not enough for imperial spinmeisters and the empire’s useful idiots. Anything short of 100 percent compliance counts as Russian propaganda.


But that’s precisely the notion that has been drummed into western consciousness with ever-increasing fervor since 2016: that any dissent about US foreign policy is Russian propaganda. Don’t support western interventionism in Syria? You’re spouting Russian propaganda. Worried about nuclear war? Russian propaganda. Don’t think the fight for US unipolar domination is worth all this dangerous brinkmanship? Russian propaganda. Don’t like the idea of an expensive proxy war with no exit strategy whose economic fallout is making life harder and harder for more and more people all around the world? Russian propaganda.

I myself am accused of being a peddler of Russian propaganda many times per day, and have been for years. This despite my hardly ever consuming Russian media, never receiving a penny from Russia, and never having worked for the Russian government or any other government at any time. Russian media have at times chosen of their own initiative to amplify my work since I have a standing invitation for anyone to do so, but I’m literally just an Australian woman writing her opinions online with her American husband. I only qualify as “Russian propaganda” because I disagree with US foreign policy.

Ask anyone who says a criticism of the western empire’s Ukraine policy is “Russian propaganda” to name a critic of western Ukraine policy who they don’t consider a Russian propagandist. They won’t be able to. For them, disagreeing with one’s government about Ukraine is itself Russian propaganda.

For empire apologists the measure of what constitutes “Russian propaganda” about Ukraine has nothing to do with whether or not what’s being said is true or valid; it’s literally just a question of obedience to one’s government about the decisions it’s been making with regard to that nation.


If the measure of whether something qualifies as propaganda is defined entirely by whether it agrees with one’s government, then that measure is itself propaganda.

That’s exactly what’s happening with criticism of the west’s interventionism in Ukraine. Something doesn’t have to come from Russia to be considered Russian propaganda, and its source doesn’t need to have any connection to the Russian government. It doesn’t even have to be false. All it needs to be is disobedient.

We saw this illustrated this past June when The Guardian published a NATO-backed claim that journalist Aaron Maté was “the most prolific spreader of disinformation” among a “Russia-backed network of Syria conspiracy theorists,” despite being incapable of citing a single false thing in Maté’s Syria reporting, and despite The Guardian having to hastily edit out their “Russia-backed” claim.

We also saw this illustrated this past June in a University of Calgary briefing paper on “disinformation” about the war in Ukraine which warns about “five primary narratives” being circulated online:

1. Implying NATO expansionism legitimizes the Russian invasion

2. Portraying NATO as an aggressive alliance using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia

3. Promoting a general mistrust in institutions and elites

4. Suggesting that Ukraine is a fascist state or has extensive fascist influences

5. Promoting a specific mistrust of Canada’s Liberal government, and especially of Prime Minister Trudeau

There are arguments of varying strengths to be made for every one of those points, but more importantly it is self-evident that all of them are matters of opinion and none of them meet any sane definition of “disinformation”. They also can’t in and of themselves rightly be called either “Russian” or “propaganda”.

Russian propaganda certainly exists, and the Russian government certainly has a vested interest in influencing western thought in its strategic favor to whatever extent it is capable. But its capability is very, very limited, especially compared to the exponentially greater influence that western institutions have over our minds.

Russia has a few trolls and some media outlets that were barely viewed by westerners even before they were banned; the US-centralized empire has the billionaire media, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the education system. Comparing the two is like comparing a candle to the sun, and the sun ain’t Russia. But that’s the one whose influence over our minds we’re meant to worry about.

In reality we are swimming in propaganda that is favorable to the US empire our entire lives; it’s so ubiquitous that people don’t even notice it. Claiming your support for US foreign policy on an issue has nothing to do with being propagandized is like someone who was raised in the Westboro Baptist Church claiming it was pure coincidence that he happens to agree with the church on the sinfulness of homosexuality. It pervades our minds and shapes our society, but they want us all freaking out about the virtually nonexistent problem of “Russian propaganda”.


This is a thought-killing dynamic, and it is a major problem. It is not good that propaganda is shoved into our minds manufacturing consent for dangerous escalations between the world’s two greatest nuclear powers while anyone who opposes any part of it is dismissed as a Russian propagandist or a useful idiot of the Kremlin.


We should be using our minds more at this critical juncture, but these dynamics put in place by imperial narrative managers have instead got us using them a lot less.

Old joke:

A Russian and an American get on a plane in Moscow and get to talking. The Russian says he works for the Kremlin and he’s on his way to go learn American propaganda techniques.

“What American propaganda techniques?” asks the American.

“Exactly,” the Russian replies.


On TB every waking moment

Ignore the Fake News Media Spin; The Economy Is Dreadful

By Jeff Crouere • Aug. 7, 2022

During the Trump administration, the liberal media always tried to discount any positive news and spin events in the worst way for the President. They hated Trump and attempted to destroy him.

These liberal media “watchdogs” have become today’s “lapdogs.” Instead of reporting factually, the liberal media strive to find “positive” news to boost the sagging poll numbers for President Joe Biden and the Democrats.

The latest example of this cheerleading occurred with the release of the July jobs report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It showed an increase of 528,000 jobs from June, while the unemployment rate dropped to 3.5%, matching the nation’s lowest level in the past fifty years.

This report was better than the expectations that the economy would add 250,000 new jobs in July. Soon after the announcement was made, President Joe Biden boasted that the report was a positive economic sign. He said, “Today’s jobs report shows that the economy added 528,000 jobs in July. More people are working than at any point in American history. That is no accident, it’s results.”

Vice President Kamala Harris noted that the “unemployment rate matches the lowest it’s been in more than 50 years. More people are working than ever before.”

Does this report indicate that the economy is doing well, and the American people are prospering? Are “Happy Days Here Again?” No, in fact, the economy is in serious trouble and so are the American people.

The biggest problem is that inflation is raging at 9.1%, which is the highest level in 41 years. Simultaneously, the country is mired in a recession, as defined by two quarters in a row of negative Gross Domestic Product growth. In addition, there are still supply chain problems and shortages remain of key items such as baby formula and feminine hygiene products.

Most importantly, there is a lack of consumer demand because real weekly earnings have fallen 5.6% since the end of 2020. In the view of Brownstone Institute President Jeffrey A. Tucker, these numbers are extremely troubling. He said, “We are living through the longest consecutive month-by-month decline in real personal disposable income since 1959, and it is combined with a most recent 16% increase debt service as a percent of that same income stream. Translation: dramatic moves toward personal impoverishment.”

As a result of increasing “personal impoverishment,” more Americans are unable to pay for their basic needs and are forced to access community food banks to prevent starvation This has resulted in critical shortages at food banks all over the country.

Because of a vast array of economic problems, 56% of Americans are delaying making large purchases, while 61% are worried about their savings. It is also not surprising that the savings rate has fallen to only 5.4%, much lower than pre-pandemic levels.

With higher prices and a decline in real wages, consumer confidence in the economy is declining rapidly. After posting the lowest rating in a decade in June, the consumer confidence index fell again in July to 95.7%. According to Lynn Franco, Senior Director of Economic Indicators at the Conference Board, “Concerns about inflation – rising gas and food prices, in particular – continued to weigh on consumers.”

There are good reasons for the American people to continue to worry. Gasoline and grocery prices are still significantly higher than last year. With high inflation and an ongoing recession, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates significantly for two consecutive months.

As expected, these moves have led to negative consequences for many aspects of the economy. For example, interest rates are rising rapidly on credit card debt for Americans. As more people are facing a decline in real wages, the amount charged on their credit cards is increasing dramatically.

Higher interest rates are also harming the housing industry. In June, new home sales dropped a staggering 17.4% from last year. As interest rates are expected to continue to climb in the months ahead, there is no relief in sight for this vital industry.

All these signs show an economy in trouble, not one that is expanding with robust job growth. Thus, the so-called record job numbers and low unemployment rate being touted by the Democrats and the media are truly a mirage.

Upon closer examination, the July labor report shows plenty of troubling statistics. Fox News host Charles Payne noted that in July there were 68,000 fewer Black Americans employed. He also discovered that there were 71,000 fewer full-time jobs, while part-time employment exploded by 384,000. This economy is so awful that the number of people forced to work two full-time jobs increased by 92,000 in July to a staggering level of 433,000 Americans.

Other compelling statistics indicate the true economic problems the country is confronting. In July, the number of self-employed Americans dropped by 279,000, while the number of Americans not in the workforce altogether increased to a staggering level of 100,051,000 in July, an increase of 239,000 from June.

These are individuals who may be retired, receiving an education, serving as a family caregiver, or choosing not to work or seek employment. With so many Americans not in the workforce, the labor force participation rate dropped in July to 62.1%.

With over one hundred million Americans not participating in the workforce, it is no surprise that the gross domestic product has been declining. Not only are more Americans surviving by accessing the funds in their retirement accounts, but more Americans are depending on financial assistance from a myriad of federal government programs.

Prior to the start of the pandemic, the labor force participation rate was 63.4%. This shows that the media reports that the labor force has returned to pre-pandemic levels are patently false. In fact, there are 623,000 fewer people in the workforce today than in February of 2020, right before the pandemic began.

A detailed examination of the jobs report shows no reason to celebrate, only more reason to worry about our nation’s economic health.


On TB every waking moment

6:35 min

Violation of rights in Canada - Police For Freedom
irnieracing Published August 8, 2022
Violation of rights in Canada - Police For Freedom

(No summary given. Shows abuses by police.)


On TB every waking moment

World’s Largest Chemical Company to Cut Down on Ammonia Production, a Key Ingredient in Fertilizers

The price of ammonia is closely linked with that of natural gas

by CULLEN MCCUE August 3, 2022 in Economy, International News

The world’s largest chemical company, Germany’s BAS, recently announced its plans to scale down on ammonia production. The price of ammonia — a key ingredient in many fertilizers used worldwide — is tied closely with that of natural gas.

“We are reducing production at facilities that require large volumes of natural gas, such as ammonia plants,” BASF CEO Martin Brudermueller said in a July 27 media call after the company’s second quarter financial report became available.

The company had previously announced a reduction in its ammonia production last year. In September 2021, BASF cut ammonia production at its headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Germany, as well as at its large chemical complex in Antwerp, Belgium, according to The Epoch Times.

In order to fill the gaps, BASF will purchase ammonia from external suppliers, Brudermueller said. The production of ammonia usually accounts for about 4.5 percent of the natural gas used by German industries.

The CEO went on to say that farmers can expect high fertilizer costs to continue well into 2023. “The main application for ammonia is for fertilizers, and that’s for producing food. For this year, that’s not going to be a problem because all the farmers have already bought their fertilizers and have already used it on their field. The harvest is already taking place,” he said. “Next availability will be worse because the capacity is not going to be there and the next is price. Fertilizer prices are skyrocketing.”

“And then farmers will be forced to save money and will only use the minimum of fertilizers on their field. Might also mean that harvest is going to be minor. If there are weather problems, [it would result in] a shortage situation for important crops.”

Ammonia is a key ingredient in fertilizer production. It also plays a key role in the manufacturing of plastics and diesel exhaust fluid.

Germany’s largest ammonia producer, SKW Piesteritz, and No. 4, Ineos, have separately announced that production cuts cannot be ruled out as the price of natural gas remains high across the continent.

Germany has no liquefied natural gas port terminals to replace Russian imports, which it relied heavily on. As a result, German industries are under pressure to reduce gas consumption if supplies are disrupted further.

Russian gas giant Gazprom began reducing its gas supply to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the major delivery route to Europe for Russian gas, on July 27. Supplies were cut to a fifth, or 20 percent, of the pipeline’s total capacity, The Epoch Times reported.

On July 26, European Union responded by announcing a “voluntary reduction” of natural gas demand by 15 percent in order to prepare for the winter.


On TB every waking moment
Klaus Schwab Bragging about Burning Down the World
08 August 2022
Amsterdam, Holland
Mind Dump, sans edit

Klaus Schwab brags about destroying billions of lives. The situation in Europe is becoming more tense. I will stay for one more month sensing the ground. The storm likely will hit here harder before it hits United States with full force.

Numerous people have asked me about Peter Zeihan. Smart guy gut missing incredibly important points. For instance, Zeihan openly pro-jab and at this point that is just fantastically stupid, at best. I read his recent book cover to cover — Zeihan brushes off the invasion of United States. Incredibly stupid, at best.

Famine: Peter Zeihan is wrong about USA not being in danger of famine. USA definitely could face famines and I would put this chance at over 50%. Zeihan does not seem to have studied famine enough and so might not see the clear path to American famine. I see a clear and even probable path to regional famines within United States. Btw, during famines the inevitable semantic arguments begin about ‘food crisis’ vs buzzard-feast famines. I see multiple clear paths to US-regional crisis within our borders that create mass migrations within United States. Extreme violence exacerbating food/energy spiral.

Next: Just finished two days at the Science Summit in Amsterdam. Many more meetings with scientists and others who are either here or coming over.

My interviews on War Room, and with Chris Martenson, Jordan Peterson, Epoch Times, and many others, are getting much traction and attention to the plight in Europe. This place will explode at least by sometime in 2023, if not earlier. Schwab brags about it.

We all come from family lines who have survived endless wars, famines, pandemic, and madmen. Prune your networks of people who cut fun of preppers. We have no time for them.

We see war kicking up on Israel. This is the golden chance for hordes to destroy Israel. We may find out if Israel actually has nuclear weapons, or just a rabbit in the box.

Taiwan — notice that the world is not rushing to help.

Japan must invest heavily on food security. Japanese are asleep and may starve to death for that error.

Big boy rules are in effect.

Thank you for your support. I greatly need it. Nobody is pays me to shill for the jab or cover up our border invasion. I began warning about greatly increased potential for Global Famine in January 2020. This is no-shit very serious. There will be Global Famine with extreme loss of life, and war.

We are at war. This is one of our enemies. But even Schwab is just a shill and bagman:

Klaus Schwab Bragging about Burning Down the World .29 min


On TB every waking moment

USDA Scientists Testing New Cloud Seeding Technology

ARS research engineer, Dr. Dan Martin Ph.D., tests new cloud seeding technology over Texas.(Dan Martin, USDA ARS)

The dull drone of the engine buzzes the sky as a yellow air tractor sets its sights just below a cumulonimbus cloud puffing its cauliflower-shaped lungs toward the heavens. Mounted just off the wing’s trailing edges are rows of nozzles -- pistols ready to fire a positively charged mist of water into the sky. As the airplane feels the tug of the cloud’s updraft, the seeds of another Texas rain are sent charging through its core.

Air Tractor Seeding Cloud

“If you introduce the right kind of particles into this supercooled area of the cloud, they can cause water droplets to freeze and additional ice crystals to form from excess water vapor in the cloud,” explains Andrew Detwiler, the president of the Weather Modification Association and a longtime university professor in North Dakota and South Dakota. “When you have a mixture of ice particles and cloud droplets, the liquid drops evaporate, and the ice particles grow becoming big enough to precipitate out.”

Science Not Fiction
That is called cloud seeding and at least 11 states are already seeding or studying the possibility of seeding clouds in the western United States. The goal is to increase rainfall, add to reservoir storage or pile inches of snowpack into the mountains for spring runoff and recharge. For many cities and agricultural operations, especially out West, that stored water is vital to sustaining long-term viability.

Cloud Seeding Map

The reality of weather modification has long been whisps of foggy science promising on-demand solutions while delivering statistical maybes or anecdotal actualities. First developed after World War II, cloud seeding has been attempted off and on for decades.

“Like many fields, weather modification took off with big hopes that you could have dramatic effects on precipitation,” Detwiler says. “The effect is known now to be much smaller than originally hoped.”

New Technology Takes Flight
While traditionally done with wing or rocket-mounted silver iodide flares, new technology is finding its way into the industry. In Dubai, scientists are trying lasers mounted to drones to coax excited water particles together ending with their fall from the sky. In west Texas, calcium chloride flares that work in lower relative humidity are getting a try.

“These particles are very hygroscopic and when you release them into a cloud, they attract moisture very quickly,” says Jonathan Jennings, meteorologist for the West Texas Weather Modification Association.

He’s also been working with Dr. Dan Martin, a research engineer with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. Martin just patented a new technology using water.

Charged Droplets
“We're using tap water, but we're charging it as it exits the nozzle,” Martin says. “So, our expense on that set of materials is very little.”

Newly patented, the technology borrows from work a previous ARS scientist was developing to improve aerial targeting of pests. Through wind tunnel and controlled atmospheric testing, Martin found the charged water droplets also form ice crystals in clouds similar to traditional silver iodide particles.

"We did our initial testing in 2017 with 13 clouds," he says . "Those clouds were analyzed and the results showed we get a two to three times increase in some of the very major meteorological parameters."

Jennings and Detwiler say seeded clouds average between 5% to 15% more precipitation flux (how hard and how much it rains) compared to their non-seeded counterparts. In early trials, Martin’s positively charged water is beating that number.

“We're seeing about 25% to 30%,” he says. “That is from the initial data set, and we hope to at least confirm that this year.”

Once proven, that number could be significant and beyond the natural variability found in rain clouds.

“I feel like weather modification is on the brink of a mountain and we're so close to getting pushed to the top,” says Jennings.

At What Cost
Long-running droughts and new technology has communities in the U.S. and abroad giving cloud seeding another look. In 2008, it was widely reported that Olympic officials in Beijing used seeding to ensure clear skies ahead of the opening ceremonies.

“We have long-term statistical evidence from Idaho Power that cloud seeding has put more snow in the mountains,” says Eric Snodgrass, meteorologist with Nutrien.

How well it’s been able to mitigate drought, Snodgrass says, is still a question.
The challenge is in dry years, with fewer clouds, you have fewer clouds to seed. This is why Jennings sees weather modification as a long-term water management strategy. A tool to help bank and replenish supplies during wet years so it's available during years with less rain. A 0.33” rain over a square mile equates to 1 billion gallons of water.

It’s also less expensive than other freshwater systems, such as desalination, reclamation and aquifer pumping. Jennings says their studies show 1 acre-foot of water seeded by traditional silver iodide flares costs less than $10 compared to desalination at $2,000 or more.

“Where the technology works best is where the clouds are least efficient,” Martin says. “If we can take an area that gets maybe 5” of rain a year and turn that into 10” a year, then you change the game. You can produce crops, where crops have not been able to be produced before.”

Types of Weather Modification

Question the Science
Since its inception in the 1940s, altering rainfall patterns via cloud seeding has been controversial. From questions about flooding to robbing moisture from other regions the ethics of messing with Mother Nature are much debated.

“One of the biggest questions we get is are you robbing Peter to pay Paul or making it rain here so it won’t rain downstream?” Jennings says. “What we're doing allows clouds to grow larger and lasts longer anywhere from a 15-min. extended lifetime in small clouds to upwards to 45 min. in larger clouds.”

“There's a budget to the moisture and if it's taken anywhere along the path, then what you're left with is your local recycled moisture,” Snodgrass says. “If you pull it from somewhere, it’s not somewhere else.”

Jennings says they aren’t taking rain from one place to give to another, they’re simply enticing the clouds to rain more when they do.

With more than 20 years of practice, he’s also adamant they aren’t making it hail. In fact, Martin’s new charged water project is in the process of being tested for hail suppression in North Dakota.

“Every year there’s $10 billion in property damage due to hail and $1 billion of that directly affects agriculture with the destruction of crops,” he says. “Our system converts the cloud moisture into rain and with less water available you get pea-sized hail rather than golf ball-sized hail.”

Charge the Future
Martin's charged water device was selected in 2021 as a top three finalist of USDA's ARSX2021 competition. The competition pits ARS teams against each other in a battle for transformative ideas in food and agriculture. The challenge awards three teams $100,000 to continue their research.

"There's USDA backing to this now and they understand how beneficial it could be if we're able to build our scientific case with more data points," Martin says . "Right now, this very summer, we're seeding clouds with the technology to see if we can build that data set."

He's optimistic about the future of the technology, although, he admits buying and outfitting these types of planes won't be cheap. Those costs will one day be weighed against the cost of securing water in other ways.

"If you can provide more rainfall on arable land for crops, then hopefully, we can increase yield from that limited area we have available," Martin says.


On TB every waking moment

Heartache: Bovine Congestive Heart Failure A Growing Concern

By GREG HENDERSON August 8, 2022

Veterinarian Randall Raymond sees too many dead cattle that are close to the finish line.

“Those late days-on-feed mortalities are both frustrating and expensive,” says Raymond, director of research and veterinary medicine at Simplot Land and Livestock.

Indeed, the incidence of bovine congestive heart failure (BCHF) is increasing throughout the industry, especially as cattle are fed to heavier end points.

Over the past several years, late-term losses have spiked to 30 to 40 mortalities per week in one major feedyard during peak heat season due to bovine congestive heart failure. Additionally, several catastrophic events have been catalogued in the Northwest and Midwest in the past few years where hundreds to thousands of animals have died in significant heat stress events lasting 48 to 72 hours. These devastating losses have prompted Raymond and Simplot, which operates two large feedlots in the Pacific Northwest, to invest in research to identify root causes and robust solutions for BCHF.
Randall Raymond, DVM

Simplot began with intense training of feedyard personnel to accurately diagnose the stages of heart failure upon gross necropsy. Simultaneously, pen riding staff were trained to assess the subtle and early signs of cattle experiencing cardiac insufficiency. Simplot then partnered with Gencove Inc., a company that develops software for genome sequencing applications in agriculture and humans, to launch a research project that recorded heart and lung scores on 20,000 cattle from a diverse cattle population representing all major beef and dairy breeds.

Cattle were phenotyped at harvest using a standardized cardiac scoring system.

Incidence of end-stage heart failure varied significantly by breed type, with more than 5% of black-hided calves in normal scheduled harvest shipments assigned heart scores consistent with end-stage heart failure. Simplot says the project confirms a dramatic prevalence of this syndrome in U.S. cattle, a condition it says can be greatly reduced through genetic selection.

“Our work indicates that the heritability of this trait is about 35%, which is as high as any of the highly heritable traits we have been successful in changing over time such as hot carcass weight, average daily gain or marbling,” Raymond says.

Separate research agrees with Simplot’s findings. Brian Vander Ley, DVM, Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center (GPVEC), Clay Center, Neb., says significant epidemiologic evidence points to a genetic component to the disease.

“Our assumption was if there is a genetic cause, there’s a change in the genome causing a biological outcome,” Vander Ley said. “Our goal was to find genetic markers directly associated with the disease outcome.”

A research project led by then U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) and GPVEC sought to pair closely matched animals that had heart failure with animals that did not, but still had similar genetic backgrounds and similar management.

“We paired them up and looked for differences,” Vander Ley says. “We found two regions were associated with end-stage heart failure in feedlot cattle. Calves with risk genotypes in both regions had 28 times higher odds of disease compared to calves with risk markers in neither region.”

For Simplot the issue is costly.

“One of the most surprising outcomes of our heart scoring efforts has been the realization that the losses we have experienced at the feedyards are only the tip of a very large iceberg,” Raymond says. “Without aggressive and accurate interventions, we can expect this issue to continue to increase in intensity and frequency in the future. Obviously, when those cattle are worth roughly $2,500 and have accrued nearly $1,200 in feedyard costs it’s a significant economic loss, in addition to the loss in morale from professional feedyard staff and cattle owners.”

As a partial solution, Raymond says from May to September Simplot ships 30 to 80 head per week to the packer in what he termed “emergency shipments.”

They’ve found through heart scoring postharvest about 40% of those cattle are end-stage heart failures.

“So, we have the luxury of artificially reducing our number of BCHF deaths because we have close proximity to a packing plant of which Simplot is part owner,” Raymond says.

Simplot, using the Gencove software platform, has developed what it calls a “robust prediction model and novel EPD to provide tools” necessary for the industry to select cattle less likely to suffer morbidity and mortality losses from BCHF.

Gencove’s low-pass whole genome sequencing and analysis software technology allows for high-throughput. Previously, high throughput was achieved only with genetic testing technologies using segments of the genome.

Jesse Hoff, agrigenomics specialist for Gencove, says advantages of low-pass sequencing include genetic marker selection flexibility, accelerated turnaround and higher return on investment.

“Blinded and replicated validation of a genomic EPD calculated from (the Simplot) population indicates a moderate to high prediction accuracy is possible across multiple breeds,” Hoff says.

Both Simplot and the USMARC/GPVEC studies suggest BCHF often occurs in cattle described as well-bred and well-managed, but the relationship between BCHF and performance outcomes remains unknown. The USMARC/GPVEC research indicates the “frequency of risk alleles (for BCHF) is higher in Angus and Red Angus,” Vander Ley says.

The research identifying specific breeds matches observations at Simplot’s feedyards.

“We’ve learned that the top performing cattle, which all cattle feeders are looking for, are the ones most likely to exhibit BCHF symptoms,” says Tom Basabe, president of Simplot Land and Livestock. “Virtually all of the cattle we’ve had problems with are black.”

Angus Association Pursues A Solution
Th e rising incidence of BCHF might be partially influenced by genetic selection for cattle that are more efficient converters, but the American Angus Association says the jury is still out. It is supporting additional research that will be available in the near future.

“We’ve been researching this industry topic for some time,” Angus CEO Mark McCully tells Drovers. “The Association has supported research at Kansas State University trying to determine prevalence, genetic background and days on feed.

What we are learning is that it isn’t quite as cut and dried as you might expect, particularly surrounding early assumptions relating to growth rate, days on feed and breed. Since Angus genetics make up such a large portion of the commercial beef industry, and even the genetics of other breeds, we are diligently pursuing sound and science-based solutions to create selection tools for cattlemen.”

Feedyards have always had sudden deaths, but the problem increased over time, Basabe says. While the prevalence of BCHF is higher, the genetic risk for BCHF can be reduced, either with EPDs or DNA testing. Researchers are confident there are multiple risk factors required on top of genetic predisposition for an animal to suffer from clinical heart failure.

“But, they’ve (Simplot and Gencove) found something that’s very heritable and can be improved with breeding. That’s the same outcome we found,” Vander Ley says. “In our case, instead of EPDs, we can take a DNA sample to test for the genetic markers. If markers are present, we won’t use those animals for breeding.”

Through EPDs or DNA tests, the risk for BCHF can be significantly reduced quickly. Because the genetic risk factors in the USMARC/GPVEC study follow a recessive inheritance pattern, Vander Ley says use of “no-BCHF risk” bulls should remove the risk of heart failure in one calf crop, genetically, but the herd will still have carriers.

“It takes a longer time to get rid of the carriers, but it doesn’t take very long to get rid of the risk with a recessive trait,” Vander Ley says.

Basabe says Simplot has already begun the process to reduce the incidence of BCHF on its ranches.

“We’re going to test all of our bulls,” he says. “We buy a lot of bulls each year, and we’re going to begin selecting bulls that we test first. We’ve tested lots of cattle, and we have the data and now we’ve got the tools to make a difference.”

Simplot hopes setting an example through the investment to develop the EPD, other seedstock breeders will use the tools to begin the process of reducing BCHF in herds nationwide

“We’re hoping our investment will help change the course of this condition,” Raymond says. “We’re trying to create awareness about BCHF and the financial losses that can be avoided across the entire industry.”

(Comment: I know with closure of area auction yards, many of ranchers in my former area contracted with S. CA feedlots. The feedlots provided the Angus bulls to breed with local stock. They were trying to standardize size for easier processing. )


On TB every waking moment

Research Shows 90% of Farmers Won’t join Carbon Markets Without Changes

Despite the exponential growth in agricultural carbon market options, most producers aren’t biting.

Despite the exponential growth in agricultural carbon market options, most producers aren’t biting.(Source: Trust in Food)

By NATE BIRT August 8, 2022
Despite the exponential growth in agricultural carbon market options, most producers aren’t biting.

New research based on 500 farmer insights suggests adjustments in payment amounts, credit for existing conservation practices and reduction in paperwork could help but won’t be a cure-all for enrollments.

“Failing to connect with drivers such as purpose, mission and legacy could inadvertently result in negative perceptions of carbon marketplaces as purely transactional efforts to commodify farmers’ hard work,” writes Cara Urban, lead author of the report from Trust In Food, Farm Journal’s sustainable agriculture initiative. “Producers might see such marketplaces as seeking to extract value from their operations at the lowest possible price, while requiring a lengthy and risky up-front investment of time, energy and expert advisers.”

The report isn’t designed to throw water on sustainable agriculture investments or carbon markets, says Amy Skoczlas Cole, executive vice president at Trust In Food. Instead, it balances marketplace excitement with farmers’ pain points and needs.

“We’ve witnessed exuberance in both the private sector and the U.S. government for using agricultural carbon markets as a tool to advance climate and food goals,” Cole says. “We wanted to understand how producers feel about this new opportunity.”

Around 90% of farmers are aware of carbon markets, and 3% are participating, according to the report. About a third say they’re still monitoring the landscape, and 59% report they won’t join without changes.

If carbon market organizations can meet farmers where they are, it’s possible they can capture the promise of the carbon economy.

Find out what U.S. farmers say it will take to get active in carbon markets in an upcoming edition of the Trust In Food email newsletter. You’ll get the full report when it publishes. Sign up at
Nate Birt is vice president of Trust In Food, which supports farmers in adopting conservation agriculture.


On TB every waking moment

Why is There Still an Infant Formula Shortage? The Dairy Foods Industry Says It's Complicated, Just Ask FDA

Parents looking for baby formula continue to find limited options or bare shelves months after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began facilitating emergency supplies from foreign manufacturers.

The latest numbers from Information Resources Inc. (IRI), a Chicago-based market research firm, show in the week ending July 31, 27.3% of powdered baby formula was out of stock at U.S. retailers – its lowest rate since June 12.

When looking at all types of baby formula, 18% was out of stock. That is also an improvement over the previous week and it's the industry's best performance since mid-May. Before the nationwide recall and manufacturing shutdown at Abbott earlier this year, out-of-stock rates were 10% according to IRI.

“This market is huge for the dairy industry, especially for whole milk powder,” says Mike North with “Globally the infant formula market is massive, and it has major ripple effects on our business.”

FDA leadership says formula production needs to remain at a high level for six to eight more weeks, as it works to steady supplies and supplements from foreign providers.

So far, 13 applications have received enforcement discretion for regular infant milk formula (IMF) and five applications have received enforcement discretion for infants with special dietary needs. The newest was announced on August 5, for Nestle Health Science. FDA says all told, it adds up to an estimated 18.4 million cans of additional formula.

“We will continue our around-the-clock efforts to make sure that parents and caregivers have access to safe and nutritious infant formula where and when they need it,” says FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. in a recent press release.

A month later, with shelves still spotty and out-of-stock rates elevated, some in the dairy industry say FDA still has work to do.

“FDA has made a meaningful difference in the infant formula supply situation in the U.S., but we still have challenges,” says Michael Dykes, president and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA).

Compliance Confusion
IDFA has at least a dozen members that manufacture infant formula around the world along with a host of other companies that make the ingredients. Dykes said they met with FDA’s Califf on July 29.

“What we've encouraged FDA to do is to bring more transparency to this process,” Dykes says.

According to the FDA’s website, the agency is reviewing requests by companies to import, sell and distribute formulas to the U.S. market. It’s part of a process whereby infant formula manufacturers can provide the FDA with information if they’re interested in selling products to the U.S. market that may not comply with all usual FDA requirements.

A spokesperson for FDA told us:

“While the FDA cannot disclose information regarding pending requests, the agency continues to work around the clock to address current supply challenges, including reviewing, as quickly as possible, a number of requests from companies seeking the FDA’s temporary exercise of enforcement discretion with respect to certain statutory and regulatory requirements in order to increase the supply of infant formula in the U.S. This includes a review of information pertaining to nutritional adequacy and safety, including microbiological testing, labeling and additional information about facility production and inspection history.”

“It goes well beyond receiving a letter of enforcement discretion from FDA,” Dykes says. “There has to be distribution, a production schedule, plus getting the ingredients on hand to make it along with all of the transportation and logistics.”

It’s Complicated
Dykes calls the entire situation complicated. U.K.-based Global Kosher was supposed to be more than a quarter of FDA’s 18.4 million can total. Just last week the agency suspended Global Kosher’s enforcement discretion saying it had submitted altered paperwork.

IMF manufacturers say these volumes aren’t enough to keep up with demand. They estimate the U.S. IMF retail market at 143,000 tonnes per year. Despite the crisis going on for more than five months, only 12,000 tonnes of product, or just one month’s supply has so far been approved.

No additional, large enforcement discretion announcements have been made since July 8, despite companies submitting applications in May.

“We told FDA that once our members apply for a letter of enforcement discretion, if you're not interested or not going to work with them, let them know,” Dykes says. “They're spending money to get prepared to deliver the quantity of infant formula you've asked for and they've promised to deliver.”

New Zealand-based The a2 Milk Company submitted its application on May 27 and followed up on questions from FDA in June. Despite being one of the largest IMF producers in the world, it's yet to hear back.

“The a2 Milk Company stands ready to aid U.S. families and their babies during this critical shortage of products with high-quality infant formula both in the short and long term,” says Blake Waltrip, U.S. CEO for The a2 Milk Company. “We have 1 million tins (approximately 27 million 8-oz. servings) committed through the end of the November discretionary period and one of the largest capacities to provide long-term benefit.”

He says pre-COVID the company was producing more than 50 million tins globally (approximately 1.35 billion 8-oz. servings) and it still has the milk pools and manufacturing capacity to do it again. They also already have a retail footprint in the U.S. market.

“From our conversations with FDA, they intend to issue more letters of enforcement discretion,” Dykes says.

No Go for New Zealand
New Zealand is the world’s largest dairy exporter. Currently, there is only one New Zealand manufactured product with enforcement discretion from FDA. The product represents just 4% of the total stated volume.

While large global suppliers like The a2 Milk Company and FrieslandCampina sit waiting in queue, FDA has given enforcement discretion to smaller manufacturers such as Care A2+ from Australia – a different and unaffiliated company than The a2 Milk Company. Now that Global Kosher 4.8 million cans have been suspended, Care A2+ has the remaining single largest quantity promised, also at 4.875 million cans. It’s an opportunity potentially worth millions of dollars in U.S. sales. However, according to IRI, the 2021 startup sold slightly more than $164,000 worth of product (retail value sales) in the 12 months ending June 2022 to Australian grocery and pharmacies. The prior year to it was $31,450 in retail sales values. It’s a fraction of the volume promised to the U.S. market.

“If you aren't selling in the U.S. you have to create a whole distribution system once it arrives on the shores,” says Dykes, referencing the challenge of the situation for foreign manufacturers.

Even as the Abbott plant in Michigan restarts production for a second time following a factory flood in May, in-store supplies are yet to catch up. FDA says it intends to exercise this enforcement discretion until November 14 in order to help increase supplies. If the product makes it to the U.S. before then it can stay on the self. The dairy industry says that may not be enough time for supply lines to catch up.

“There's uncertainty about what happens after November 14,” says Dykes.


On TB every waking moment
13:47 min

How the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ targets FARMERS…and YOU.

Glenn Beck

The Senate passed a 740 BILLION DOLLAR package over the weekend, with Vice President Kamala Harris giving Democrats the last vote they needed. The bill is called the ‘Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,’ but Glenn explains why it likely will do the EXACT opposite. And not only could it hurt your wallet, but it may hurt your food, too. Glenn details parts of the bill that target American farmers and the farming industry, all in the name of climate change. The ramifications — many of which are already happening in Europe — could be HUGE: ‘This is really, very dangerous.’


On TB every waking moment
46:08 min

Advancing Digital Cooperation | Davos | #WEF22

Aug 8, 2022

World Economic Forum

In 2023, the United Nations aims to agree a Global Digital Compact, a multistakeholder understanding between states, the private sector and civil society on how to achieve the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. In the broader context, digital cooperation spans topics such as connectivity, artificial intelligence, Internet governance, safety and security, and data governance; all of which mandate the involvement of all stakeholders, not only governments. Will digital cooperation change the way we think about governing? The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.


On TB every waking moment

US Shale Defy Calls To Boost Output As They Funnel Profits To Shareholders

US shale is still acting with restraint in terms of production growth despite President Biden's calls to increase supplies to squash energy prices that were driven up due to soaring demand, decarbonization efforts, lack of refinery capacity, limited spare capacity, and, of course, geopolitical uncertainty surrounding Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

ConocoPhillips, Pioneer Natural Resources, and Devon Energy recorded soaring profits in the second quarter, though many of these top shale oil and gas producers were reluctant to boost capital spending to increase output despite elevated prices for crude, according to Financial Times.

Executives of these companies are under pressure from Wall Street to return record profits in the form of dividends and share buybacks to investors rather than increasing capital expenditures to boost production. It comes after years of burning cash and issuing equity to survive the multiple boom-bust cycles that paralyzed the shale industry.

Then there was the chaos of slumping crude oil demand in the virus pandemic lockdowns, and WTI plunged below $0 per barrel for the first time. US shale drillers have rearranged their priorities from exceptional growth rates to stable rates that attempt to prevent another dark winter. The capital that would typically be deployed for drilling is being rerouted to shareholders:

"Unless we have shareholders that come in and say, look, we absolutely — we do not like these big dividends. We do not like your share repurchase program. We want you to go back to a growth model," Rick Muncrief, chief executive of Devon Energy, a top shale producer, told investors. "Until we see that, I see no reason to change our strategy."

Other shale executives reiterated Muncrief's message as they all remain defiant to the Biden administration's request to increase production. In response, Biden and other western politicians have slammed shale companies' decision not to increase output.

According to the Energy Information Administration, US crude production is around 12.1 million barrels a day. Production levels remain 800,000b/d from the pre-coronavirus pandemic highs.

Occidental Petroleum is another shale company concentrating on debt repayments and cleaning up its balance sheet than expanding production.

"We don't feel the need to grow production," said the company's chief executive Vicki Hollub. "We feel like one of the best values right now is an investment in our own stock." Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has bought a 20% stake in the company, helping equity value to double over the past year.

"This year has marked a reversal in the shale industry's fortunes after hefty losses during the pandemic, although fears of a recession have once again cast a cloud over its prospects," FT said.

Shale also has another problem: its inability to raise production due to bottlenecks in the industry.

Last month, Halliburton Co.'s CEO Jeff Miller warned oilfield equipment market is so tight that oil explorers are limited to the amount of production they can bring online.

Miller said oil companies don't have enough fracking equipment for newly leased wells this year. He said diesel-powered and electric equipment are in short supply, "making it almost impossible to add incremental capacity this year."

A similar message was conveyed by Exxon Mobil, whose CEO said that global oil markets might remain tight for another three to five years primarily because of a lack of investment since the pandemic began.

"Availability of frac fleets is one of main bottlenecks impeding oil and natural as production growth for the next 18 months," Robert Drummond, chief executive officer of fracking firm NexTier Oilfield Solutions, recently told Reuters.

... this bottleneck is due to several years of divestment and decarbonization -- making the days of shale roaring back to life over for now.

So shale execs funnel profits back to shareholders instead of boosting production -- and even if they were to increase output, there are severe bottlenecks in the equipment space that inhibits bringing on new rigs.

Making matters worse for the Biden administration, OPEC+ only increased production last week by a measly 100k barrel per day in output for September - considerably less than the 300-400k increase expected by many. This means OPEC+ has limited spare capacity, so crude prices should stay elevated overall.


On TB every waking moment

Here Are The Winners And Losers In The 'Inflation Reduction Act'

As Democrats pat themselves on the back after the Senate finally passed their massive tax, climate, and healthcare bill - the "Inflation Reduction Act" which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called "one of the most significant pieces of legislation passed in a decade," Bloomberg has compiled a list of winners and losers.


The Wealthy

Not only did none of the billions in tax increases Democrats threatened high-earners with last year make it into the final version of the bill, their plans to 'tax the 1%' turned out to be nothing more than a big virtue signal.

Private equity fund managers

As we noted on Friday, the landmark bill only passed after AZ Sen. Kyrsten Sinema insisted on keeping the carried-interest loophole that allows investment managers (like her former bosses) to shield the majority of their income from higher taxes.

The private equity industry was able to gain an additional win shortly before the final passage of the bill when a handful of Democrats broke with their party to vote on a Republican amendment that created a carveout for private equity-owned companies in the corporate minimum tax. -Bloomberg

Speaking of...

Manchin and Sinema were big winners - after having held their party hostage for more than a year over this legislation, "The entire contents of the bill were essentially cherry-picked by Manchin and then tweaked to fit Sinema’s preferences," according to the report.

The two were also able to score direct benefits for their states - with Manchin securing an agreement to permit the completion of the Equitrans Midstream Corp.’s Mountain Valley Pipeline, and Sinema - who was able to secure $4 billion in drought relief for western states.

The IRS And The Green agenda

The bill will give $80 billion to the IRS over the next 10 years to expand its audit capabilities, as well as a bevy of technology upgrades.

Meanwhile, electric carmakers got an extension of a popular $7,500 per vehicle customer tax credit for EVs, but will have to comply with strict battery and critical minerals sourcing requirements demanded by Sinema and Manchin - which could render the credits useless for years.

Solar and hydrogen companies, such as Sunrun and Plug Power, Inc. will also benefit from generous tax credits, while operators of nuclear reactors such as Southern Co., Constellation Energy Corp., Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. and Energy Harbor Corp. could benefit from a $30 billion production tax credit.


Medicare, Obamacare Enrolees

The final version of the bill caps seniors' out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses to $2,000 per year, and enables Medicare to negotiate the prices on 10 medications four years from now. The bill also kicks the can on a massive increase in Obamacare premiums that were set to happen in January for many middle income Americans, which will now happen in three years.


Republicans who thought Manchin and Sinema wouldn't cave on their promises to raise taxes during a recession.

The GOP was confident they had beaten back Biden’s tax and climate agenda and were stunned in late July when Schumer and Manchin announced a deal. While still the favorites to gain seats in the midterm elections, passage of the bill is a major setback for the GOP’s policy aims. It does, however, give them a new issue to campaign on in the fall campaigns. -Bloomberg

Other losers include tech companies - that will bear the brunt of two major tax increases in the bill; a 15% minimum tax on financial statement profits, and a new levy on stock buybacks which have allowed companies like Alphabet's Google and Meta's Facebook to minimize their tax burden over the years.

SALT - the ability to deduct state and local taxes, a $10,000 cap which coastal Democrats were hoping to repeal.

Bernie Sanders - who Bloomberg notes wanted $6 trillion in spending, making the $437 billion in new spending a far cry from success. Excluded from the bill is all proposals for new social programs, including tuition-free-college, child care, housing spending and an expanded-child monthly tax credit.


On TB every waking moment

"Looks Like A Battlefield": Third Fuel Tank At Major Cuban Storage Facility Ignites

MONDAY, AUG 08, 2022 - 11:45 AM
Cuba struggled for a fourth day Monday to contain a massive blaze at a fuel depot in the northern part of the country. The depot supplies the largest power plant in the communist country -- there are no indications yet if crude supplies to the thermoelectric plant have been disrupted.

Cuban Army helicopters circled the Matanzas industrial complex on Monday, dumping water on the blaze with specialized buckets, though efforts to contain the blaze appear to have failed as a third tank caught fire.

"The third tank also collapsed, after fuel spilled from the second, further compromising the situation in the early hours of the morning," the Cuban presidency tweeted Monday.

Bloomberg reports two other tanks caught fire over the weekend. The reason behind the fire appears to be a "lightning strike" on one of the tanks.

Two storage tanks -- one containing 26,000 cubic meters of petroleum and another containing some 50,000 cubic meters of fuel oil -- caught fire Friday night after lightning hit the complex. Venezuelan, Mexican and Cuban firefighters have been trying to contain the blaze as officials say they have managed to siphon off at least 520 cubic meters of fuel oil. It was not immediately clear how much, or what type, of fuel the third tank contained. -Bloomberg

Cuban state-run media reported today at least one person is dead, 125 injured, and dozens missing.

The Matanzas complex -- on Cuba's northern coast -- is located about 56 miles east of Havana. The fuel depot supplies the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, the largest in the communist nation. There's no word on how much fuel has been lost.

"It looks like a battlefield. I don't even believe what my eyes are seeing," a Matanzas resident told US journalist Mario J. Pentón.

The thermoelectric plant sparks our attention because it provides a fifth of the country's power needs via large amounts of heavy crude oil from the Matanzas complex to power generators. This disaster comes as power grid failures have been rampant due to fuel shortages, forcing grid operators to impose widespread energy blackouts in some areas of the country for up to 12 hours since May.

Cash-strapped Cuba recently said there are no near-term solutions to blackouts that have triggered protests. Cuba imports half of its crude oil, mainly from Venezuela, and if storage facilities like Matanzas are damaged, it could bring forward even more power disruptions and unrest.

Cuba could be on a collision course with even more socio-economic instabilities if it cannot get its electrical system back in order. So what comes next? A regime change?

And also, one last question... Was the storage facility struck by "lightning," or perhaps maybe sabotaged?


On TB every waking moment
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On TB every waking moment
‘Putting America Last’: Stephen Moore On The Biden’s Administration Expansion Of The IRS 6:26 min

‘Putting America Last’: Stephen Moore On The Biden’s Administration Expansion Of The IRS
Bannons War Room Published August 8, 2022


The Inflation Reduction Act would double IRS agents and audits — but the superrich aren’t the real targets

By Steve Forbes and Stephen Moore
August 5, 2022 7:54pm Updated

The Manchin-Schumer “Inflation Reduction Act,” which could clear the Senate this weekend, is supposed to raise tens of billions of dollars by adding $80 billion to the IRS budget and hiring as many as 80,000 more auditors and agents.

The plan is estimated to double the number of Americans audited each year. To quote the Church Lady from “Saturday Night Live”: “Well, isn’t that special?”

Most of the money raised from these audits won’t come from the superrich or multibillion-dollar corporations — both well-stocked with accountants and tax attorneys to fight IRS allegations.

Small-business owners and upper-middle-income workers will likely be the targets. The woman who runs an accounting firm or a restaurant won’t have the resources to fight the government in tax court.

This proposal comes just a year after the IRS’s latest scandal, with agents illegally leaking millionaires’ and billionaires’ private tax-return data to the media.

Conservatives should be especially worried. Will the Biden administration weaponize these tens of thousands of new agents against them as it’s done at the Justice Department and the FBI?

No one should forget this is precisely what happened in the Obama-era Lois Lerner affair. The agency cherry-picked for extra scrutiny the tax returns of conservative organizations and donors who happened to oppose President Barack Obama’s policies.

We all want Americans to pay the taxes they owe. But this plan is a brutal way to make that happen.

The bill is also counterproductive: It would add new green-energy tax write-offs and other loopholes to an abstruse 30,000-page tax code.

All this enforcement activity won’t raise nearly the money Congress hopes it will. The backbone of our tax system — as almost all IRS commissioners have noted — is voluntary compliance from the 150 million American workers and businesses that file returns each year.

Tax compliance depends on several factors. First, do Americans think the tax code is fair? Second, is the tax code understandable? Complexity adds to tax cheating. And third, are tax rates low enough to reduce the financial incentive to cheat?

If the tax rate is 50%, the incentive to hide income is twice as high as with a 25% rate. Economist Arthur Laffer shows in his new book “Taxes Have Consequences” that in many periods of history, tax collections rose when tax rates were lowered.

Our tax system fails on all three counts. It’s not fair, as every poll agrees. It’s incomprehensible to the average person. And tax rates on some income are often above 40% or even 50%.

Why not do the opposite of what President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats aim to do? Lower rates and eliminate scores of special-interest carve-outs for lobbyists.

The flat-tax plan we have long endorsed (on which one of us ran for president) would solve all these problems: A 17% single rate, and the only deductions would be for yourself, your spouse and your children. A postcard return. Not much to audit. No special-interest giveaways and no favors for the rich to hide their income.

This would shrink the “tax gap” of unpaid taxes because the rich would no longer have access to exotic shelters in the tax code. The flat tax is an honest and effective way to “soak the rich” without torpedoing the economy.

We’d venture to say that this plan would be so simple to understand and so easy to comply with, the IRS would be able to cut the number of agents and audits in half — not double the number.

Just think about it: a government program that would actually reduce waste and inefficiency instead of adding to it. With a tax rate of just 17%, the economy would boom and we’d leave China in a cloud of dust.


On TB every waking moment
‘Inflation Is Crushing The Spirits Of American’: Steve Cortes On The ’Decelerating’ American Economy 10:45 min

‘Inflation Is Crushing The Spirits Of American’: Steve Cortes On The ’Decelerating’ American Economy
Bannons War Room Published August 8, 2022


As the Economy Recedes, Credit Cards Explode

Credit card debt soars, as proven by recent troubling data, elevating the already dire risks of this intense inflationary recession.

Prices surge for consumers at the highest clip in 40 years. The overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) vaults higher at an annualized 9.1% pace, bringing back awful memories of the malaise and stagflation of the 1970s under Jimmy Carter. But actual realized inflation for most citizens stings far worse, especially for those of modest means. The combined inflation ascent for the “have to” non-discretionary items of Gasoline, Groceries, and Utilities rose in June at an astounding 37% rate as a basket.

How have consumers dealt with these skyrocketing prices? The simple answer, unfortunately: via credit cards, particularly for working-class households. Just last week, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York issued a damning report on this credit binge for consumers, into a pronounced economic slowdown.

Total consumer debt rose a staggering $40 billion in June, far surpassing Wall Street expectations of a $25 billion increase.

This torrent of borrowing continues the sharp trend of increased consumer indebtedness under Biden, see this chart with figures from the Fed since he took office:

Source: Trading Economics

A huge portion of this new debt flows from costly, risky credit card use. In fact, for the April-June second quarter of 2022, total credit card debt rose a staggering $46 billion, the biggest jump in 20 years. Americans pile into new accounts to accomplish this borrowing, opening up a whopping 233 million new cards during that second quarter, the most new cards since 2008. Such comparisons to the Great Recession should worry everyone.

So, stressed and strapped Americans reach for a mountain of credit to pay for the inflation mess created by Biden, Pelosi and collaborator Republicans like Mitch McConnell. The prior savings that had been practically forced by the lockdowns have vanished. In fact, the personal savings rate just plunged to the lowest levels since 2009, another tragic comparison to the economic carnage of the Great Recession.

So, when corporate media charlatans grandstand and pretend that last week’s positive Jobs report signals some “all clear” for the economy, consider the bigger picture. First, recognize that the report – which was thankfully a solid one – represents a return of the masses of jobs lost to the lockdowns and the CCP Virus, not real net new job creation.

But even more importantly, note that every key forward looking indicator signals not just recession, but a very deep one.

Specifically, consider these three key metrics: (Subscriber Wall)


On TB every waking moment
Entering Fifth Generation Warfare: Could Indonesia be the Backup Alamo for the Deep State Cabal? .59 min

Entering Fifth Generation Warfare: Could Indonesia be the Backup Alamo for the Deep State Cabal?
The Vigilant Fox Published August 8, 2022

Jeffrey Prather: "In Indonesia, there is a series of Biolabs ... I think Indonesia is the backup Alamo for the deep state global cabal's bio digital fifth generation weaponry system. Why? Because Ukraine's Biolabs, all 46 of them ... are being interdicted by Putin and Russia consistently and constantly."
Watch the full episode: 'The Great Game' With Jeffrey Prather: "We Have to Rescue and Restore Our Republic"


On TB every waking moment
22:09 min

War on Farmers Leading to You Eating BUGS!
The New American Published August 8, 2022

The Deep State's war on farmers ends with people eating insects and weeds, as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum have made clear, explains The New American's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The UN has been peddling this agenda for a decade at least. Already, government-funded propagandists around the Western world are bombarding their populations with messaging encouraging the eating of bugs. The World Economic Forum is busy promoting it, too. And children's books are pushing this on children under the guise of saving the environment and stopping climate. However, there are some major dangers associated with this, including parasites, aside from the disgusting factor.


On TB every waking moment

Amsterdam Residents Cast Doubt on the Government's Intentions With Climate Change Policies 1:38 min

Amsterdam Residents Cast Doubt on the Government's Intentions With Climate Change Policies
The Vigilant Fox Published August 8, 2022

From Lewis Brackpool, Rebel News:
Asking the residents of Amsterdam if the farmers give up their land to the state, do you really think it's about fighting climate change?
Resident: "Honestly, I don't think that's the real cause. They have another agenda. It's not about the climate."


On TB every waking moment

We're in Switzerland to file our official complaint against Trudeau at the UN! 4:20 min

We're in Switzerland to file our official complaint against Trudeau at the UN!
Rebel News Published August 8, 2022

Help us hold Justin Trudeau accountable!
Sheila Gunn Reid is accompanying top civil liberties lawyer Sarah Miller on a trip to the United Nations, where we here at Rebel News are filing an official human rights complaint against Justin Trudeau for the brutal lockdowns, violent policing, political prosecutions and pathological targeting of peaceful dissenters, including Christian churches, that has gone on during Trudeau's tenure as prime minister, particularly since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic.


We're in Switzerland to file our official human rights complaint against Trudeau at the UN!
We all know the United Nations has its shortcomings, but it has a commission set up to investigate the complaint — and we will follow up with the UN until they do their job.
I'm in Geneva, Switzerland, after a 24-hour journey to get here. This is the headquarters of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Moments ago, civil liberties lawyer Sarah Miller and I officially served the UN with a formal legal complaint against Justin Trudeau.

We accuse him and the Canadian government of systematically violating the human rights of Canadians with brutal lockdowns, violent policing, political prosecutions and a pathological targeting of peaceful dissenters, including Christian churches.

The UN officially stamped and certified receipt of our complaint — a 15-page summary letter, and hundreds of pages of meticulously compiled evidence.
I know what you're thinking. The UN is run by dictatorships like China and Iran — they don't care about human rights.

I'm worried about that too. I'm a skeptic of the UN and other globalist institutions. But they really do have a whole commission set up to investigate the kind of political abuses that Trudeau and other Canadian politicians have committed.

We have now set the process in motion, and we will follow up with the UN until they investigate the complaint — and hopefully hold Trudeau to account.

Canada's own internal checks and balances didn't work during the pandemic. Nobody stood up for Canadians' human rights. This is a long shot, but it's a long shot worth taking. If you agree, please help us cover the cost of our economy class airfare, and the legal fees of drafting the complaint.

On our very special website,, you can donate securely right on that website, and you'll also find all of my videos on the subject.

Plus, you can read the complaint for yourself, and see the arguments made by our great civil liberties lawyer, Sarah Miller — the lawyer who has been battling for Pastor Artur Pawlowski for more than two years!

I'll keep you posted.


On TB every waking moment
Let´s moove to the countryside, seaside, islands, mountains, forests... BACK TO NATURE :-) 2:05 min

Agenda 21 in 2 minutes
(G. Edward Griffin excerpt from "Unsustainable")


2:32:28 min

UNSUSTAINABLE - The UN's Agenda for World Domination (2020 version)

Globalists in the Power Elite -- working through the United Nations -- are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as "Agenda 21." Considered a "conspiracy theory" by the Mainstream Media and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term for Agenda 21 -- "sustainable development" -- crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory"? The UN says "sustainable development" is simply the "Environmental Movement" reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it's the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government. So what's the real agenda behind Agenda 21?


On TB every waking moment
(Classic videos)


1:38:22 min

CULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America

A love affair with collectivist ideologies has lead to ever bigger government and the welfare-warfare state. Lead by a Marxist splinter group called the "Frankfurt School" -- "the long march through the institutions" has infiltrated every corner of Western culture to corrupt traditional Christian values with "political correctness," another name for "cultural Marxism." A James Jaeger Film featuring RON PAUL, Congressman/Presidential Candidate; PAT BUCHANAN, Author/Political Analyst; G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Author/Producer; EDWIN VIEIRA, Author/Constitutional Attorney and TED BAEHR, Founder of MovieGuide and Christian Film & TV Commission. The ultimate goal of cultural Marxism is to first destroy American free-enterprise capitalism by undermining its economic engine, the Middle Class and this will lead -- they hope -- to the destruction of the basic building block of society: the Family Unit.


1:40:54 min

CORPORATE FASCISM - The Destruction of America's Middle Class

A new kind of fascism has taken over America: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations -- due to consolidation facilitated by the Federal Reserve's endless FIAT money -- the corporatocracy has been in a position to literally purchase the U.S. Congress.

A James Jaeger Film featuring RON PAUL, Congressman/Presidential Candidate; PAT BUCHANAN, Author/Political Analyst; G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Author/Producer; EDWIN VIEIRA, Author/Constitutional Attorney and TED BAEHR, Founder of MovieGuide and Christian Film & TV Commission. A result of the corporate purchase of Congress is that many of the nation's "laws" have been re-configured to benefit WE THE CORPORATIONS, rather than WE THE PEOPLE. "Laws" like NAFTA and GATT resulted in the outsourcing of the U.S. manufacturing base and the destruction of the Middle Class. This is nothing less than the 1 Percenters abusing the 99 Percenters. Known as "monopoly capitalism," "crony capitalism," "mercantilism," "globalization," "the new world order," and/or "free trade" -- this is NOT your Grandfather's capitalism.


58:43 min

FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution

Some feel the "Fed" is a "bunch of organized crooks" (as John Adams put it) and others feel some of its practices "are in violation of the U.S. Constitution."

Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their clients in need of "easy money" and bailouts. A James Jaeger Film featuring RON PAUL, Congressman/Presidential Candidate; G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, Author/Producer; EDWIN VIEIRA, Author/Constitutional Attorney and TED BAEHR, Founder of MovieGuide and Christian Film & TV Commission. The Fed also benefits a Congress that would rather go deeper in debt than seek funding from its constituents. Long-term studies indicate the Federal Reserve System encourages war, destabilizes the economy (by causing boom and bust cycles), generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders. If you are fed up with an ever-expanding state and corporations that are "too-big-to-fail," look no farther than the fiat currency printed by the Federal Reserve System.


On TB every waking moment

Police brutally attack Dutch protester! 1:43 min
(Austria freedom marches)

Freedom lovers on the streets in so many Austrian cities :-) .41 min

Austria - Salzburg [Aug 7, 2022] #Freiheit #StopTheGreatReset #StopAgenda2030 .27 min


Frankfurt, Anti Covid BS, Anti Agenda 2030, Anti Govt 2:20 min


Bangladesh Anti Inflation, Anti Govt Massive Protests have been ongoing for 2 weeks! 1:18 min

Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
Dr. Malone. Share 1:35 min

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Is Just a Skirmish—We Have a Much Bigger Problem
"[The WEF] has a clear agenda which is not aligned with the U.S. Constitution... They are actively trying to advance the cause of a one-world government that will supplant national governments... I really do feel that this COVID situation is just a skirmish, and the bigger battle is against censorship, control, and a growing global totalitarianism."


On TB every waking moment

History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia – Their Final Assault on America Begins… Tonight

By Jim Hoft
Published August 8, 2022 at 6:51pm

Once again we are republishing this analysis by John L Kachelman, Jr.
We first published this piece back in October 2020 before the election.

2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…

An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!

  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
And here is how it happened…

Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.

The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.

However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!

The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH

The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions. The basic cause is his commitment to the U.S. Constitution. It is the unchanging Constitution that provides the legal governing making the USA an exceptional nation of individuals. This fixed and knowable Constitution gives our nation the strength and energy envied by the world and loathed by tyranny. )The Resistance/DEMS/BLM/ANTIFA demand an activist Court that will change our Republic’s basic foundational principles.)

The stated position of the resistance has been loud and long—they have robbed President Trump of his first four years as President. They have dared to present the most ridiculous reasons for his disqualification and removal. They have manipulated, deceived and extorted support for their evil agenda. They have ignited violence that has divided and destroyed the civility of the USA. Their evil purpose was to achieve the political purge of a duly elected President of the United States of America. Our President has been nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes for his exceptional ability to broker true peace between Middle Eastern nations. But the resistance shrugs forgetting they excitedly embraced the Peace Prize awarded to Obama which is admitted now as an award for nothing! The resistance’s political maneuvering and evil mission is well documented.

Those of the resistance are described by inspiration. Their conniving and cunning evil is a constant action seeking to destroy legitimate order. Psalm 36:4, “He plans wickedness upon his bed; He sets himself on a path that is not good; He does not despise evil.” (See also Ecclesiastes 10:20)

Even the classics describe the reality of this evil. From Stevenson’s pen we remember the confession that describes those seeking to nullify the legality of President Trump’s election. Like the pained soul of Henry Jekyll the resistance can confess, “I lost my identity beyond redemption…had I risked the experiment while under the empire of generous or pious aspirations, all must have been otherwise, and from these agonies of death and birth, I had come forth an angel instead of a fiend…At that time my virtue slumbered; my evil, kept awake by ambition, was alert and swift to seize the occasion.” Perhaps the most troubling reference that Stevenson’s pen gives to the resistance character states, “O my poor old Harry Jekyll, if ever I read Satan’s signature upon a face, it is on that of your new friend.”

Inspiration and the Classics unite in describing today’s controlling evil that occupies every thought of the Progressive/Liberal/BLM/ANTIFA “resistance” as “Satan’s signature upon a face.”

This is the first element of today’s “Perfect Storm.” There are two more elements…

The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.

The 2020 General Election is recognized as a critical point in our nation’s history. It can be said that every election is critical and previous elections have suffered the militancy of Progressives/Liberals attempting to undermine the Constitutional foundation of our nation. These past challenges failed because the general population was aware of the evil being campaigned and were educated regarding the safeguards of our Constitution. But the context has dramatically changed for the 2020 General Election. In this current election the Constitutional safeguards are condemned and the population is ignorant of just how fragile individual freedom is. It appears that many have been groomed and are eager to believe the Progressive/Liberal/Democratic lies and embrace anarchy. This is not a new situation. History is amazing as it details how the past continues to explain the present.

Consider the Russian Revolution. I offer just a scant discussion on Lenin’s role in this aspect of Russian politics. Hopefully I will have opportunity to offer a more complete discussion. Consider the first “free election” that Russia experienced. It was held in October or November 1917 (the month depends upon which calendar you consult). Lenin promised a “free” election where all votes would be equal and each citizen would be heard. The election was scheduled and a number of political parties provided the voters a choice. Among the many parties were two dominating parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (Lenin’s Bolsheviks).

The propaganda fueling this election is intriguing. Lenin had confidence that his party would be an overwhelming victor. He was convinced that his pamphleteering during his exile was persuasive. He was convinced that only he knew best what the poor citizens needed for happiness in life. Lenin had devised a governing system by which the State would help the poor citizen to have free health care, free food, personal land ownership, and the erasure of all class “privileges” by redistributing wealth/financial resources/personal property. Under Lenin’s control there would be no more denial of personal rights, no more prejudice of persons, and no more unjust financial levels. All would be totally “equal” IF Lenin’s perfect Revolutionary State was allowed to transform into the Marxist utopia.

Here is where history becomes instructive regarding the Legislative Body of the State.

When the Tsar abdicated, the Russian Provisional Government was formed. Its purpose was to organize the free elections for the Russian Constituent Assembly. The provisional government lasted only eight months and was replaced by the Bolsheviks. A significant footnote to this period is that the Provisional Government was unable to make decisive policy decisions due to political factionalism and a breakdown of state structures. The anarchy fomented by Lenin and the Bolsheviks rendered a civil governing impossible. Whatever legislative bills were presented were instantly killed by opposition. Revolutionary unrest fueled violence. This was a deliberate design of non-cooperation and pure resistance! The deliberate campaign for divisiveness and refusal to perform governing duties is a sobering similarity to the resistance in modern day American politics. Lenin’s free election was conducted but here are some troubling facts from its history:

1) The election was designed to be held on specific dates BUT some argued that the peasants in the outlying territory needed more time to get their votes counted. So, the ballot counting was extended in some places by TWO MONTHS!

2) Throughout the 1917 campaign Lenin argued that the citizens deserved a government that represented “the proletariat’s interests” because, in his estimation, all other governments represented the “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.” Lenin argued that the rich would never give up their “privileges” and so the soviets would need to seize power by violence. Lenin’s propaganda fueled the division that would destroy the Russian nation. He urged violence nurtured by envy and jealousy arguing that some had “privileged status” that others did not and this great “inequity” could only be removed with a violent overthrow.

3) Even though the first free election included a number of different political parties, Lenin was confident that his Bolsheviks would win. That did not happen. The final tabulation exposed Lenin as suffering defeat and his Bolsheviks only garnered 23.26% of the vote. The Socialist-Revolutionaries emerged with 37.61% of the vote. Lenin was unhappy and contested the results! Lenin refused to concede protesting the legitimacy of the election.

4) The objective of the resistance was a one-party government and an absolute silencing of opposition. “It is the duty of the revolution to put an end to compromise, and to put an end to compromise means taking the path of socialist revolution” Lenin, Speech On The Agrarian Question November 14 (1917).

Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

Carefully consider how Lenin embraced the freedom of voting while masterfully disguising his evil objective of silencing the opposition and developing a one-party ruling government.

After the election results were announced, Lenin stood and revealed the coup. The results were called flawed. Those in opposition were eventually murdered. Lenin instituted his famous “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Lenin said this was the best course for the average citizen and this dictatorship would dissolve when all privileged distinctions were erased, all wealth inequities removed, and all land ownership seized. And the Russian population permitted this dictatorship to exist!

When applied to the 2020 General Election in the USA, this historical anecdote should sound national alarms! The very concepts that Lenin used to nullify the free election of Russia in 1917 are being used in today’s election. In fact, some of the very words and phrases that were used by Lenin are parroted by the Democratic Progressives today and characterize the membership of Democratic Party in the USA!

When the election process of our governing Constitution is compromised and dismissed as archaic and inapplicable THEN our nation has lost the compass for safely navigating the treacherous existence in this world.

The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH

History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”

The 1987 Democratic Party’s politicizing and weaponizing the confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court appointments opened the floodgates for the most contentious events in the governing of the United States of America. One only needs to go back to the recent hearings to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. The personal slander, insidious innuendos, manufactured complaints and a host of other evil actions have become accepted political weapons (Or as Speaker Pelosi remarked, “arrows in our quiver”). In past times it was customary that the sitting President was respected and his nominations were accorded with approval, even if the conservatives knew they were approving a Progressive/Liberal who despised the literalist view of the U.S. Constitution they voted for the confirmation. But now there is a horrid specter of divisiveness and vindictiveness enveloping the process.

The General Election of 2020 spotlights the tragic devolving of the status of the U.S. Supreme Court. It is suggested by some, with validity, that the Supreme Court is no longer focused upon apolitical justice but has assumed an active role in establishing law that the U.S. Constitution reserves only for the Legislative Branch.

The Democrats/Progressives/Liberals have announced their intent to “pack” the Supreme Court with Justices who disrespect the U.S. Constitution. They want a left-leaning Court that will sanction the total dismemberment of the constitutional statutes that made America a great nation. The far-left Daily Kos cautioned Republicans that a “future government controlled by Democrats is likely to pursue — court-packing — as the best way to rebuff a conservative Court majority viewed as illegitimate.” Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told voters during an October 2018 campaign event that Democrats should “pack the Supreme Court of the United States of America” after taking the House, Senate, and Presidency. Leading Democrats also warned that if the justices issue a pro-Second Amendment ruling, and if Democrats win the White House and the Senate in 2020, then they will fundamentally remake the High Court.

Former President Franklin Roosevelt issued this same threat in the 1930s after facing legal obstacles with his New Deal and subsequently “threatened to expand the Court by six seats for a new total of 15 justices so that he could get the rulings he wanted.” The American people, however, rejected his threat, leading to massive Republican victories in the 1938 midterm elections.

Former Democrat presidential candidates Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and now vice-presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that they were open to reshaping the court. “We are on the verge of a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court,” Harris said, according to Politico. “We have to take this challenge head on, and everything is on the table to do that.”

During the summer of 2020 several major progressive groups, including Take Back The Court, Demand Justice, Progressive Change Institute, and the Sunrise Movement, signed a letter declaring their support for increasing the number of justices by “at least” two seats. The resistance wrote in part: “The fastest, most effective way to make the court representative of all Americans is to enact legislation increasing the size of the Court by at least two seats, and to quickly fill those seats with justices who will safeguard our democracy.” Note: In the context of this reference it is best to remember Lenin’s manipulative ploy that his “free” election would best represent “all Russians”?

In March 2019, President Trump astutely dismissed mounting calls from his Democratic opponents to pack the Supreme Court. “The only reason they’re doing that is they want to try and catch up, so if they can’t catch up through the ballot box by winning an election, they want to try doing it in a different way,” he added.

The late Justice Ginsburg balked at the proposition of packing the Supreme Court. “It would make the Court look partisan,” the late justice told National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg last year.

The Judicial Branch of the government is to interpret laws respecting the United States Constitution’s limits. Once this unbiased governing is compromised, there is no lawful regulations for civility in our nation.

Concluding Thoughts…

This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable. Following Lenin’s example in 1917 the Democrats have been told never to concede. The results are already announced, “Furious Democrats are considering total war — profound changes to two branches of government, and even adding stars to the flag (i.e. adding the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as States thus insuring Democrats have two solid additions to their column) — if Republicans jam through a Supreme Court nominee then lose control of the Senate.”

As the National Election of 2020 approaches we read of violence, destruction and carnage in the public sphere…Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recent death sparked a political firestorm, as Republicans prepare for a contentious, pre-election confirmation showdown and some Democrats threaten to, quite literally, burn the country down.

The ”Perfect Storm” facing the Republic of the United States of America has formed and threatens the three pillars of our civility.

After Lenin’s Bolsheviks permitted a “free election” they moved quickly to strangle freedoms. Lenin’s opinion of the poor proletariat having the right to vote for individual choices morphed into a ruling class identified as the “Politburo.” The first Politburo consisted of: Lenin, Trotsky, Krestinsky, Kamenev, and Stalin. Lenin died. Trotsky was exiled to Mexico and was murdered. Krestinsky and Kamenev were assassinated. That left Stalin. Stalin manipulated the bureaucratic apparatus and seized power. By the 1930s, Stalin had transformed the Politburo into the supreme executive and legislative body of the Communist party and the Soviet government. Stalin was in command of its membership, decisions, and debates. The party congress now not only did not elect the politburo, but its own membership was fully controlled by the politburo. Not only had Lenin’s vision of a one-party political government been achieved but now it became a one-man political government! Individualism had been erased. The individual had ceased to exist and all had become “the State.”

The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.

What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Please read the historical documentation available and you will realize
this is not a conspiracy theory but a historical constant!


On TB every waking moment

The Goal of the “Elite” With All Their Climate Hysteria Is to Wipe out the Food Supply and Depopulate the Planet

BY ETHAN HUFF August 8, 2022 in Cross-Posted, Opinions

If the globalists get their way, everyone in the world who is beneath them and their ever-expanding control structure will be forced as slaves to eat bugs, fake meat and junk food for the rest of their miserable lives. And the way the globalists plan to accomplish this is by destroying the existing world order, including its economies and supply chains and eliminating all family farms while ushering in a “Great Reset” and New World Order – all in the name of fighting “climate change.”

Some people are still woefully oblivious to the true agenda behind the change, one component of which involves eliminating human access to meat and other nutritious foods. What we are seeing happen right now with anti-meat campaigns and the push for humans to eat crickets and other bugs instead is a prominent example of this. (Related: The Canadian government is spending millions to build a massive insect processing plant, which is supposedly earth-friendly.)

Another example is the so-called “Food Compass” created by the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Unveiled in late 2021, this Great Reset tool discourages the consumption of any foods that come from animals, including meat and butter, and steers people towards ultra-processed foods instead.

The Food Compass alleges that Frosted Mini Wheats, for instance, is three times healthier than all-natural ground beef. The sugar-laden cereal was given a score of 87 out of 100 compared to 26 out of 100 for ground beef.

The guide also claims that other toxic cereals like Lucky Charms, as well as M&Ms, are healthier than a whole egg fried in butter with cheddar cheese and ground beef.

“Based on this tool,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, “you’ll be healthier if you replace whole egg, cheddar cheese and ground beef with candy.”

You will live in misery and die
All of the so-called “foods” pushed in the Food Compass are toxic and health-destroying, while all of the foods the guide says to avoid produce health and vitality. Why do you think that might be?

The answer is that the soft-kill guidelines in the Food Compass are already depopulating the world while brainwashing the next generation of people into thinking that meat and butter are unhealthy.

There is already a very strong vegetarian and vegan agenda being pushed in academia, the media, and even some religious groups. People are being told that if they eat meat or eggs or animal fat, their arteries will clog up and they will die.

Eating fake meat from Bill Gates-invested Beyond Meat, on the other hand, is a “sustainable” way to stay healthy while protecting the planet against global warming – see how it works?

The latest fiasco with the Dutch government’s attempt at eradicating cattle farmers from the country represents the next phase of the globalists’ forced transition away from meat. Since not enough people have voluntarily gone vegan, the powers that be are going to force them into compliance.

“This ‘green’ policy will cut livestock production in the country by 30% in the next year, put farmers out of business, and force them to sell their land,” Mercola writes about the situation in The Netherlands.

“Since The Netherlands is the largest meat exporter in the European Union, it will also result in meat shortages around the world. According to Dutch Parliament member Thierry Baudet, this ‘green’ policy is really a thinly veiled excuse for a land grab.”

All of this aligns with the script of the Great Reset as outlined by World Economic Forum (WEF) head Klaus Schwab. The agenda is to weaken producing countries, dilute their nationalism by flooding them with immigrants, and eventually stealing the land and turning the civilization that once existed there into rubble.


On TB every waking moment

The Biden Administration Is Accelerating The Illegal Border Invasion

AUGUST 08, 2022

The relative new ease, convenience, safety, and swiftness of global journeys to the southern border should induce even greater numbers of foreign nationals to try the journey.

Austin, Texas — Following months of Biden administration shuttle diplomacy, multi-national U.S.-bound immigrants from more than 150 countries are now finding international routes to the southern border faster, easier, and less obstructed than ever before.

Panama has dramatically shortened the notorious Darien Gap route from South America for the first time. Mexico has amended a years-old policy of using a national guard road blockade to slow U.S.-bound immigrants on its Guatemala border for one that now immediately hands out fast-pass visas straight to the American border.

Taken altogether, the new relative ease, safety, and swiftness of global journeys to the U.S. southern border should induce even greater numbers of foreign nationals to try the journey, especially those border-crossing nationalities the administration is currently allowing to remain. The number of foreign nationals not from Mexico or Central America is at the highest level in American history, amid illegal migration already at record-breaking levels overall.

Such nationals range from 40 to 50 percent of all who reach the southern border since the Biden administration carved exemptions in the pandemic-related Title 42 instant expulsion policy. The Biden exceptions have allowed large numbers of such trespassing foreign citizens to stay inside the United States. Homeland security officials regard this population as posing heightened national security, public safety, and health risks.

The Biden government has not taken specific credit for these two consequential changes. But the enticing changes do come after months of American diplomacy with Panama and Mexico and fall in line with the administration’s overarching policy idea for border management that illegal immigration not be stopped so much as rendered “safe, humane, and orderly.”

The administration has certainly lodged no objections to the creation of what amounts to a free-flow corridor from Panama through Mexico. That has included nary a discouraging word on Mexico’s apparent order that its national guard deployment, which Biden’s administration once insisted be maintained, stand down.

The New Darien Gap Short Cut
Starting late last year, a series of investigative stories by major American news outlets drew attention to the largest human flows ever recorded through the exceedingly dangerous Darien Gap. That gap is a lawless 60-mile jungle wilderness that must be crossed from Colombia to reach Panama.

Usually no more than 10,000 mostly single, young, adult male immigrants a year undertook the seven- to 10-day trek to Panama over mountains and across flash-flood-prone rivers. Yet more than 130,000 crossed in the first year after Biden won office to take advantage of exemptions the new president allowed in Title 42 for families with young children, unaccompanied minors, and pregnant women. Much of the recent popular press coverage focused on their deaths, criminal victimizations, and misery.

American diplomacy with Panama followed these stories, culminating in the April signing of a Bilateral Arrangement on Migration and Protection agreement to “improve migration management” by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The agreement is short on specifics, but during the preliminary shuttle diplomacy in February, Panama suddenly established a new sea route.

That route allows smuggling vessels from Colombia full of U.S.-bound foreign nationals to land much further northwest up the Caribbean coast on Panamanian territory. Panamanian coast guard vessels had previously blocked such smugglers. Immigrants landing make their way to the community of Canaan Membrillo. Another route opened up on the Pacific side of Panama to the community of Jaque.

The route to civilization in Panama from the new landings is only a two- or three-day trip over easier terrain through Kuna tribal territory, compared to the old 10-day trek through Embera tribal lands. Francisco Agapi, mayor of 29 villages where the old trail emptied out for years, told me recently that vastly reduced numbers now come through because the immigrants naturally prefer the short route the Panamanian government made possible by allowing the migrant boats to land further north.

The new route, which will almost surely draw higher numbers of migrants from around the world, coincided with a Panamanian border and immigration police operation it called wana humaradá, which means “let’s go with everything” in the Embera language. Its purpose was described as an effort to create a “more controlled migration” and to reduce the loss of life among foreign nationals, Spanish-language media reported.

The significance of Panama establishing the new shorter bypasses is that, while fewer immigrants will probably die getting to Biden’s open door, it formalized the opening of a true superhighway. Such easier, quicker passage will only invite ever more massive volumes of people to pour through from South America and keep going, said the American conflict journalist Chuck Holton, who lives in Panama not far from Darien Province.

“It could easily get to the point where we have as many extra-continentals coming through as we do from the northern triangle countries of Central America,” he said. “They’ll double and double again the number of people coming. They’re talking about facilitation. They’re not talking about deterrence.”

Mexico’s Great Stand-Down
Starting with the Trump administration in 2019 and maintained by Biden, Mexican policy on its southern border with Guatemala was to blockade as many incoming immigrants as possible for at least several months in the city of Tapachula. The government typically would require immigrants to obtain Mexican asylum or other forms of legal permission to be in Mexico — deliberately slow-rolling the processes for months — before they could continue on to the American border with their freshly minted documents, which could be found crumpled on the banks of the Rio Grande. The Mexican slow-roll policy required Mexican national guard roadblocks on dozens of highways in the southern provinces.

But following recent months of American diplomatic activity, Mexico apparently now feels free to issue — as fast as it can — transit visas and 30-day “Multiple Migratory Form” visas to all immigrants entering its territory from Guatemala. They promptly use these to travel straight to the American border for illegal crossings, according to Spanish-language media reporting (here, here, here, here, and here).

First, they obtain seven-day transit visas in Tapachula and then 30-day permits 50 miles north in the town of Huixtla that clears a straight beeline to the American border. This new practice represents a sea change in bilateral immigration management that has drawn no American media coverage I can find.

For the first time since 2019, the Biden administration appears to have released Mexico from its agreement to use its 30,000 national guard soldiers for blockade duty. Starting sometime in late June, Mexico City ordered its soldiers to yield the southern highways, apparently for the first of many caravans on July 1. Soldiers were told to “limit themselves to observing the transit of the caravan, which celebrated with cries of ‘Yes, we can! Yes, we can!’ as participants passed through the former roadblocks.”

By the end of July, at least 16 caravans of various sizes have been allowed to obtain visas in the southern Mexican city of Huixtla and continue on to Texas or Arizona. Now, the Mexican soldiers escort the immigrants to ensure their safety, rather than block any of them. The Mexican journalist Oscar “El Blue” Ramirez has been on the scene in southern Mexico covering the chaos that Mexico’s new open-road policy has wrought.

The Mexican policy was never able to hermetically seal the southern border with Guatemala, far less so under Biden than under Trump, whom Mexico credibly feared would strike the country with massive tariffs for straying. But under Biden, as I have often reported, three or four months of immigrant population buildups would lead to riots and violent disturbances, which would force the government to free tens of thousands at a time in “ant operations” that would disburse them all over northern Mexico for eventual U.S. border crossings.

Now, however, the new agreement frees Mexico of that at least somewhat-deterring pretense and opens the roads north to their widest aperture in years. So many are using it now that complaints have turned from imprisonment in Tapachula to merely long, irritating lines to get the new visas.

Thousands are coming from all over the world, fresh from the new Darien Gap route workarounds. They’re coming in huge numbers, judging by Spanish-language reporting like Oscar Ramirez’s. As Venezuelan Angel Escobar told Noticieros Television on July 23 while waiting in southern Mexico for his quick-pass visa to the American border: “Right now in the United States with President Joe Biden … everyone who goes to the United States has a condition of not being deported and that, then, is what benefited us and now all of us that were in South America and Venezuela and want a better quality of life … we can achieve that.”

With the American southern border in historic collapse amid record-smashing human flows from foreign nationals already, the Biden administration’s role in opening the superhighway qualifies as befuddling but not particularly surprising.

Opening up Darien Gap short-cuts and ending long entrapping delays in southern Mexico squarely hit the Biden administration’s often-stated policy goal of creating “safe, humane, and orderly” migration to the American border. It just should not go unnoted.


On TB every waking moment

American Kleptocracy.

"Nations do not escape from their past merely by making a revolution."

Raheem Kassam
14 hr ago

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles P. Rettig told Congress his agency wouldn’t increase audits on households earning less than $400,000 after being handed circa 87,000 more agents in the Orwellianly-monikered Inflation Reduction Act hurried through the U.S. Congress this weekend.

Which means they absolutely will be doing that, if historical promises by agency heads in front of the lawmakers they pretend to answer to are anything to go by. And they are.

In other words, they just used your taxes to increase your taxes so they could hire 87,000 IRS agents to rifle further through your taxes in case you owe more taxes.

IRS estimates (which we know are always excellent) reveal supposedly uncollected taxes of around $1trn each year. Or, as I like to call it, one-eighth of a “war on terror.”

Can you imagine how many nuclear drag queens, beagle experiments, or foreign abortions your government could (and will) buy with that cash?

Indeed 87,000 new IRS agents is greater than the number of people living in Biden’s home town of Wilmington, Delaware (71,000, I’m reliably informed).

Even Senator Susan Collins has pointed out this move “more than [doubles] the size of the agency and [gives] the IRS more employees than the number of Pentagon, State Department, and FBI employees as well as Border Patrol agents combined.”

Democrats have been keen to pursue this strategy of spending (your) money to make (more) money (off you) for a while, and it reminded me of the last point the aforementioned Orwell makes in favor of establishing a harsh, socialist system in England in his 1941 essay The Lion and the Unicorn. Yes, Orwell was in fact a relatively authoritarian socialist, at least at one point.

He concluded:

Nations do not escape from their past merely by making a revolution. An English Socialist government will transform the nation from top to bottom… It will not be doctrinaire, nor even logical… Most of its directing brains will come from the new indeterminate class of skilled workers, technical experts, airmen, scientists, architects and journalists, the people who feel at home in the radio and ferro-concrete age… It will shoot traitors, but it will give them a solemn trial beforehand, and occasionally it will acquit them. It will crush any open revolt promptly and cruelly, but it will interfere very little with the spoken and written word. Political parties with different names will still exist, revolutionary sects will still be publishing their newspapers and making as little impression as ever. It will disestablish the Church, but will not persecute religion. It will retain a vague reverence for the Christian moral code, and from time to time will refer to England as “a Christian country”. The Catholic Church will war against it, but the Nonconformist sects and the bulk of the Anglican Church will be able to come to terms with it. It will show a power of assimilating the past which will shock foreign observers and sometimes make them doubt whether any revolution has happened. But all the same it will have done the essential thing. It will have nationalized industry, scaled down incomes, set up a classless educational system.

Besides the “very little” interference “with the spoken and written word,” this is an almost like-for-like version of the socialism being implemented in America, often under the cover of darkness, or the haze of a hot summer weekend.

Welcome to your American kleptocracy. Have a great week.


On TB every waking moment

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends

AUGUST 08, 2022

A two-tier justice system is not a justice system. It is a totalitarian system. Its purpose is not justice but population control.

On Thursday, Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder decided it was the time to bring the subtext of the Jan. 6 show trials and related domestic security state activities into the open.

“My guess is that by the end of this process, you’re going to see indictments involving high-level people in the White House, you’re going to see indictments against people outside the White House who were advising them with regard to the attempt to steal the election, and I think ultimately you’re probably going to see the president, former president of the United States indicted as well,” Holder told SiriusXM host Joe Madison.

Holder noted that the U.S. Department of Justice he formerly headed is working with the illegally constituted Jan. 6 Commission towards this goal. We know these entities are also working with the FBI, whose head bit his thumb at congressional oversight repeatedly in a public hearing last week.

Locking Up Opposition Politicians Is What Putin Does
An indictment of former President Donald Trump would be a breathtakingly authoritarian turn. It would amount to the U.S. security state refusing to accept “no” from America’s voters yet again. An indictment would be an unelected and unaccountable federal agency overruling voters’ two-time rejection of impeachment through their elected representatives.

This is the core danger of the administrative state: Its now open propensity to go rogue. It is apparently hellbent now on turning the United States into a banana republic.

Democrats called Donald Trump a fascist, authoritarian, and wannabe dictator for chants at his rallies of “Lock her up,” referring to his opponent Hillary Clinton. At the time, leftists pointed out that imprisoning, interrogating, investigating, and otherwise using government resources to harass and prosecute one’s political opponents was the mark of tyrannical regimes such as Vladimir Putin’s and Adolf Hitler. “Democracies don’t lock up political opponents,” the Washington Post editorial board told us in 2016.

That is still true when the ones pushing the interrogations, investigations, entrapments into committing felonies, show trials in unusual venues with no cross-examination or due process, early morning home raids, excessive detainment, and asymmetrical punishments are Democrats. Democrats are trashing republican institutions, expectations, and guarantees for political purposes, most visibly now in their Jan. 6 effort to destroy the lives of protestors largely charged with misdemeanors and to expand Spygate tactics more broadly.

Spygate Is Setting Up Field Offices In Swing States
It’s not just the de facto head of the opposition party whom powerful government agencies are putting in their sights, it’s down-ballot party leaders. The FBI has gone from using its spy resources to affect the results of presidential elections with Spygate and its Hunter Biden laptop disinformation to using its police powers to affect gubernatorial elections. And these are just the operations we know about.

In Michigan, the FBI openly meddled in the upcoming election by affecting the selection of candidates, arresting and charging the formerly leading Republican candidate for governor for misdemeanors. The FBI raided Ryan Kelley’s home while polls showed him leading the primaries. In the primary election last week, he came in fourth.

The Jan. 6 Committee is now demanding documents and interviews with Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor Doug Mastriano, who attended the Jan. 6, 2021 rally. The sole allegation against him is that he walked past “police lines,” which could mean anything, as the scene was chaotic and police were woefully understaffed.

This means Mastriano is being targeted for peacefully exercising his rights to free speech and public assembly. The Jan. 6 Committee won’t allow him to record their planned interrogation, a basic feature of legal self-defense and impartial justice. In fact, selectively excerpted video clips and quotes from these secret interrogations have been a constant feature of the commission, further reinforcing its use as a political weapon against the right rather than a pursuit of justice.

Of the 120,000 people the FBI alleges were present on Jan. 6, 2021 — perhaps 1 percent of whom entered the Capitol building — the vast majority were garden-variety Trump supporters, which include numerous state and local officials. State and local lawmakers are a party’s farm team. Subjecting them to investigation for peacefully protesting is a way to kneecap their entire party.


Asymmetric Justice Is Injustice
Put all of this against the systematic refusal of Democrat DAs, judges, and juries to prosecute people who openly engage in political violence from the left. In 2020, leftist rioters who coordinated across state lines and in far greater numbers and criminal activity than Jan. 6 attendees firebombed federal buildings, murdered people, looted, burned down downtowns, and assaulted police officers. Of course, essentially nobody involved in perpetrating the Spygate setup of an American president has been brought to justice, most recently including Michael Sussmann.

This summer, a leftist group has allegedly attacked two dozen pro-life maternal care centers in multiple states and a congressional office and promises to continue, but Wray couldn’t provide almost any information on alleged FBI investigations into it. Despite an assassination attempt on one Supreme Court justice this summer, the DOJ has still not filed charges against the people harassing and threatening justices and their families at their homes. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland failed for weeks on end to enforce laws against such harassment of justices, creating the conditions for the aggression to intensify.

This is unacceptable, and Wray and Garland should be fired. They won’t be, though, and that’s the problem.

6:51 min

Amplifying pre-existing double standards of justice is far beyond troubling, it’s a destruction of the justice system. A country that harshly prosecutes people or lets them off Scot-free based on their political affiliation is a banana republic.

A two-tier justice system is not a justice system. It is a totalitarian system. Its purpose is not justice but population control. The more people see that moving into place, the more likely it is that some guy gets raided by the FBI for political reasons one morning and — God forbid — goes postal because he has no hope for a fair trial after they take him in.

Certainly even more ordinary Americans are realizing through all of this that the entire federal deck is prejudiced against them. Desperation makes people do wild things. Whatever happens, Republicans can be sure it will be wrapped around their necks with ropes of lies to further subjugate them and everyone who votes for them with the further erasure of our constitutional rights and way of life.

Equality Under the Law Is the Nonviolent Way Out
Remember, 75 million people voted for Trump in 2020. This isn’t some fringe Davidian cult, it’s half of the nation’s voters. Democrats are scaring them, for good reason. And Republicans are doing jack nothing to calm things down.

We’re watching federal agencies use their powers not to catch criminals but to criminalize peaceful political views and actions. We’re witnessing a growing campaign to lock people up for their opposition to the ruling political party, which is not only profoundly un-American but profoundly dangerous societally. This is the prosecution of a political cold civil war that could very easily heat up again in another January 6-like outburst, or worse.

As Mike Anton writes, Democrats may want that. But do Republicans? Any who thinks he might after what we’ve been through in the past seven years is either fool or quisling.

If Republicans think this is all going to blow over just because they haul in the FBI director for another no-consequences hearing, or even if they promise yet another goes-nowhere, punishes-nobody investigation of agencies we know are meddling in elections, framing elected officials, and telling elected members of Congress what to do instead of the reverse, they’re idiots. Their only hope of averting even worse political circumstances is to make damned sure they kneecap these scary federal agencies as their top priority ASAP.

We aren’t in business-as-usual Kansas anymore, Toto. We’re in crisis times that call for serious leadership, not LARPing as leaders on screens.

Sending billions to Ukraine while China grows stronger and every domestic sector is on fire isn’t serious. Lambasting Joe Biden for inflation while not pledging to pass the policies that reverse it, starting with slashing the federal government’s spending, isn’t serious. Yelling at the FBI director Republicans helped confirm isn’t serious (get better vetting staff, folks). Confirming a Supreme Court justice who obviously hates the Constitution isn’t serious. Not going on a crusade to clean out the FBI and DOJ Agean-stables-style isn’t serious. And pretending the Jan. 6 commission is anything but a miscarriage of justice is disqualifying.

We need the GOP to provide serious leadership, because Democrats are a serious threat to equal justice for all, and that’s going to destroy the country for good if it’s not stopped post-haste. Americans desperately need swift and prudent action to avert even more unthinkably dangerous events. Those who refuse to plan and take that action despite accepting from voters the responsibility to do so will be infamous to history as cowards and traitors.