RACE Title IX in science --camel's nose under tent; move toward divvy out MED SCHOOL grades by race not smarts


Membership Revoked

Medical school cancels honor society because whites and Asians were earning better grades than blacks and Latinos

"According to this article from NPR, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, in order to get into the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society, you have to be in the top 25% of your graduating class.

The school is eliminating the honor society because not enough blacks and Latinos were graduating in the top 25%.

I’m not sure how getting rid of this honor society makes anyone better off.

On the contrary – I see this as just one more example of the dumbing down of America’s educational system.

As to the issue of why blacks and Latinos are underrepresented in the top 25%, my guess is that the school has lower admissions standards for blacks and Latinos than for everyone else. I could be wrong. And I’d be curious to hear anyone else explain a different reason in the comment section."


A Medical School Tradition Comes Under Fire For Racism

September 5, 2018

"Senior medical student Giselle Lynch has plenty of accomplishments to list when she applies for a coveted spot in an ophthalmology residency program this fall.

But one box she won’t be able to check when she submits her application is one of the highest academic awards medical students can receive, election to the honor society Alpha Omega Alpha.

It’s not because she didn’t excel. It’s because her medical school, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, put a moratorium on student nominations because it determined the selection process discriminates against students of color.

The award is open to the top 25 percent of a medical school’s graduating class and can be a valuable career boost, making students more competitive for desirable residencies and jobs.

Icahn administrators say the disparities in the selection process reflect deeper issues of racial inequality in medical education.

“AOA perpetuates systems that are deeply flawed,” says Dr. David Muller, the dean for medical education at Icahn. “We can’t justify putting people who are historically at a disadvantage at an even greater disadvantage. It just doesn’t seem fair to dangle in front of our students an honorific that we know people are not equally eligible for.”

Over the past five years, around 3 percent of students chosen for the distinction at Icahn were from a racial background that is underrepresented in medicine, which includes blacks and Latinos. In that same period, about 18 percent to 20 percent of each graduating class at Icahn came from those groups.

The school made the change after Lynch led a group of fellow students in an effort to fight inequality at Icahn. The students collected data on how many students from underrepresented minorities were nominated to the honor society at Icahn and presented it in a series of meetings with school leadership last year.

Lynch, who is black, recalls one particularly moving meeting when they showed photographs of Icahn’s past AOA students — and black and Latino faces were conspicuously sparse.

“Where are we? We’re nowhere here,” says Lynch, remembering her reaction. “AOA is an award of student excellence. What was the argument that was being perpetuated about us if we’re not being included?”

Announced in May of this year, the decision at Icahn was a controversial one, because many students and faculty fear that not participating in the award puts Icahn students at a disadvantage when competing for slots in residency programs.

The honor society has existed since 1902 and is a sought-after line on the résumés of medical students across the country. Membership can help students secure training in competitive specialties and is a predictor of success in academic medicine.

Membership is generally open to the top 25 percent of medical students in a graduating class, as determined by their grades and scores on standardized tests, but only about 16 percent makes it in. Each medical school has its own criteria for making final selections including qualities like leadership or professionalism.

Icahn is not alone in selecting a disproportionately low number of minority students for the honor society. A 2017 study in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that nationwide, black and Asian students were less likely than their white counterparts to be selected for the honor.

Dr. Dowin Boatright, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Yale, hypothesizes that the disparities may be related to racial inequalities in grading and standardized tests, a phenomenon well-documented in medical education literature. Grading based on clinical performance is subjective, he notes, since it often reflects a global assessment of a student rather than technical skills or performance on a test.

“You’re graded on things that are completely vulnerable to bias, like, ‘How good is this medical student?’ ” Boatright says.

Other medical schools are also considering how their AOA chapters can accurately reflect the racial makeup of their student bodies, according to Dr. Eve Higginbotham, the president of AOA board. And at the University of California, San Francisco, faculty and students are debating whether the honor society has a future there.

“Systems we use [for student evaluation] fail to take into account the extra work minorities are doing,” says Dr. Catherine Lucey, vice dean for education at UCSF. “[Minority] students have more stressors they have to deal with, low levels of racism that exist in our patients and our clinical environments.”

Lucey says that UCSF changed its selection criteria for AOA in 2016 to focus less on grades. The number of minority students selected for the honor society that year increased to match the percentage of minorities in each graduating class.

Dr. Jonathan Giftos, an internist in New York who was president of the Icahn chapter when he graduated in 2012, says disparities in the honor society are important to address because when medical education favors white students that can mean fewer minorities in leadership roles.

“It feels like a layering on of accolades that makes people who are doing well do better, have more access and power and opportunity,” Giftos says.

National AOA leadership says that diversity is a priority for the organization, but since every medical school is different, they leave the specifics of how students are chosen up to the school.

“We know that improving diversity will hopefully result in inclusion of talented individuals from different backgrounds, and that will help benefit our patient care,” says Dr. Richard Byyny, executive director of AOA. “But the schools themselves need to tackle this.”

Muller notes that Icahn has not officially closed its AOA chapter and will still nominate faculty and residents.

And student activists at Icahn aren’t celebrating yet. Lynch says she now wants to focus on discrimination in grading and medical school admissions. This, she says, can help address the dearth of minority physicians in different specialities — a problem with negative consequences for the health of minority patients.

“Many of us are still wary,” Lynch says. “It is a symbolic gesture, actually. We are interested in the deeper work.”


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"Lucey says that UCSF changed its selection criteria for AOA in 2016 to focus less on grades. The number of minority students selected for the honor society that year increased to match the percentage of minorities in each graduating class."

This is abhorrent!


Membership Revoked
Where this will lead to...








Veteran Member
Blacks + Political correctness = a bar being set lower and lower ad infinitum.

They are not like us. No amount of 'help' is giong to change their nature.

Their genes are a product of equatorial climate year round, food availability, and R selection.

Completely opposite Whites and north Asians, who had to be smart enough to survive winter where no food was available. Ability to defer gratification, ability to cooperate and a brutal environment that selected for intelligence were our selection pressures.

We are no longer a meritocracy. We are a people who bend over backwards to make these African and Mestizo creatures feel human but no matter how hard we virtue signal or how much we give them, most of them will never be us or never be able to even function like an average White or North Asian. Maybe 1-2% of them at the top of their IQ distribution can be, but what about the rest of the 85 IQ masses?

There shouldn't be 20% black med students to begin with. The AA programs in med school are horrendously discriminatory to high IQ Whites and North Asians in favor of these jungle people.

It's foolish and a serious denial of how God made us. Or how we evolved if that's your preference.

We are different and will always be different. They suited for ajungle we for a long winter.

Put us in the jungle and many of us die of diseases -- as was the case when Whites first discovered Africa. They almost couldn't go ashore and those that did didn't survive long.

Put the jungle people in a frozen climate on their own and most wouldn't make it through one winter. They're just not built for it and they're mostly not smart enough.

That's why there are differernt species of humans living on different continents, just like there are different species of bears, canines, and big cats. All with different attributes to surivie the selection pressures where they evolved. You cant turn a black bear into a Polar Bear no matter how many special set asides you give it. He still can't survive on the ice. And a Polar bear couldn't survive in southern Appalachia either.

We can accept that with no argument. But let somebody point out human bio diversity and the left loses their damned minds.

Selection pressures matter.


Faithful Steed
Why is not the Medical School being accused of "discouraging competence?"

Yunno - if they get away from grading students entirely, the whole problem of racial inequality goes away.

Replaced by a whole new set of problems such as "professional standing?" Even "accreditation." And possibly "reputation?"

Memory hole. We will tell you if you are a doctor - and Gulag you when you screw up.



Veteran Member
The school made the change after Lynch led a group of fellow students in an effort to fight inequality at Icahn

Using this as a standard most profressional and college sports teams should have more white people in the starting lineup for the sake of equality---maybe a percentage of the enrollment at at that school or if professional teams a percentage equal to the popuation of the metropolitan area they represent


Faithful Steed
So when the doctor opens you up, you can take comfort that you are being operated upon by the best that racial equality can provide?

Better eat your Wheaties.

Um. Eat well, live well.



Veteran Member
Blacks + Political correctness = a bar being set lower and lower ad infinitum.

They are not like us. No amount of 'help' is giong to change their nature.

Their genes are a product of equatorial climate year round, food availability, and R selection.

Completely opposite Whites and north Asians, who had to be smart enough to survive winter where no food was available. Ability to defer gratification, ability to cooperate and a brutal environment that selected for intelligence were our selection pressures.

We are no longer a meritocracy. We are a people who bend over backwards to make these African and Mestizo creatures feel human but no matter how hard we virtue signal or how much we give them, most of them will never be us or never be able to even function like an average White or North Asian. Maybe 1-2% of them at the top of their IQ distribution can be, but what about the rest of the 85 IQ masses?

There shouldn't be 20% black med students to begin with. The AA programs in med school are horrendously discriminatory to high IQ Whites and North Asians in favor of these jungle people.

It's foolish and a serious denial of how God made us. Or how we evolved if that's your preference.

We are different and will always be different. They suited for ajungle we for a long winter.

Put us in the jungle and many of us die of diseases -- as was the case when Whites first discovered Africa. They almost couldn't go ashore and those that did didn't survive long.

Put the jungle people in a frozen climate on their own and most wouldn't make it through one winter. They're just not built for it and they're mostly not smart enough.

That's why there are differernt species of humans living on different continents, just like there are different species of bears, canines, and big cats. All with different attributes to surivie the selection pressures where they evolved. You cant turn a black bear into a Polar Bear no matter how many special set asides you give it. He still can't survive on the ice. And a Polar bear couldn't survive in southern Appalachia either.

We can accept that with no argument. But let somebody point out human bio diversity and the left loses their damned minds.

Selection pressures matter.

I seriously wonder what 1,000s of years of cannibalism did to their DNA.

I mean if a high percentage of women can retain the DNA in their brain - of guys they did (via semen) - whose to really say what cannibalism did to them.


On TB every waking moment
The school made the change after Lynch led a group of fellow students in an effort to fight inequality at Icahn

Using this as a standard most profressional and college sports teams should have more white people in the starting lineup for the sake of equality---maybe a percentage of the enrollment at at that school or if professional teams a percentage equal to the popuation of the metropolitan area they represent

Not going to happen because of the money involved is immediate, not a drawn out statistics exercise....


Veteran Member
The school made the change after Lynch led a group of fellow students in an effort to fight inequality at Icahn

Using this as a standard most profressional and college sports teams should have more white people in the starting lineup for the sake of equality---maybe a percentage of the enrollment at at that school or if professional teams a percentage equal to the popuation of the metropolitan area they represent


Exactly why I went on to what turned out to be a one man boycott 45 years ago of the NFL.

First year was pretty tough but I was able to do a lot of other things with the 1,000's of hours I saved not watching a bunch of negro's play with a ball.

Glad I did it.


TB Fanatic
Is there any proof that the school was actually discriminating the opportunities offered to students in their learning process, e.g. certain races were not given tuition or whatever.


Is there any proof that the school was actually discriminating the opportunities offered to students in their learning process, e.g. certain races were not given tuition or whatever.

Of course not. At least, not in the way you are thinking.

Objective research would likely show that "minorities" are getting big breaks on tuition, tons of (free) extra tutoring and help in order to even pass their tests, and a subconscious (or not) bias TOWARDS passing them by the professors.

At this point, I don't consider it racist to refuse to go to a black doctor whom we don't know. And I'm honestly scared of most of the women... the ones we've seen here in our poor rural area (which means we essentially get the dregs, unless they have strong family connections locally) are frankly incompetent.

Affirmative action was the beginning of the end in terms of dragging our society down to the equality of the lowest common denominator.



TB Fanatic
"Lucey says that UCSF changed its selection criteria for AOA in 2016 to focus less on grades. The number of minority students selected for the honor society that year increased to match the percentage of minorities in each graduating class."

This is abhorrent!

This is the way they think. It is not what you can do, but rather by feelings. They feel they need to rebalance the numbers as they are too few at the top. So instead of working harder, just change the way the top are selected. Boy are you behind the times.....lol


TB Fanatic
So when the doctor opens you up, you can take comfort that you are being operated upon by the best that racial equality can provide?

Better eat your Wheaties.

Um. Eat well, live well.


Yeah, that is going to end well...... nope... not doing it.


TB Fanatic
Is there any proof that the school was actually discriminating the opportunities offered to students in their learning process, e.g. certain races were not given tuition or whatever.

Yes.... there were fewer blacks and minorities in the mix. That in itself is proof for those on the left. Facts be damned.


Veteran Member
Well...saving grace is that ultimately, they all still have to pass their boards.
Until they impose some artificial quota on that too....


Let's Go Brandon!
Peoples, y'all must remember one very important fact.
The White race population demographics have collapsed,
therefore the White race is not a race of the future,
but of the past.
The Africans know this, and they are simply getting
everything set, for when they are the population
demographic majority.

Absolutely everything has to be reset, to African levels.

Its not just at this medical skool, its everywhere.

This past June, I went to see a nephew graduate
from high skool.

The high skool there, prints out a graduation program,
that states the names of the students graduating,
and those graduating with honours, their names are in italics ,
with a notation, as to the honour societies that they are in.
When I saw my nephew's name in italics, I smiled,
as I knew how hard his busted his arse, to get where he was.

As I watched the graduation proceed, I looked at those
that were in italics, and I did not see a single African,
not one. There was a Korean girl, a Hispanic girl,
but no African, at least from what I could determine.

He graduated 7th, out of a class of 350,
and he was a member of every honour society
in that high skool, except 1. His diploma is covered
with the various honour society emblems.

Due to it being discriminatory, most high skools no longer
indicate graduating class rankings.
However, just based on this high skool indicating the
honour graduates, it wasnt difficult to determine where
the honour graduates ranked.

I would not be surprised, to see the honours graduates,
being indicated in the graduation program in italics,
as being deemed discriminatory, and it will be outlawed
at that high skool.

Peoples, it aint going to get any better, only worse, much worse.

Please be safe everyone, and please arm up.

In honour of the brave Whites in South Africa,
as they fight against their genocide.

I pray for the White race in South Africa,
with every prayer, and so should you,
if you pray.

Regards to all deplorables.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Let see now........create an education environment where the best and brightest are no longer recognized or inspired to achieve?

.......while providing a vehicle of recognition of achievement to the feeble minded based on race?

Yeah that will work to create human progress.............good luck America because once you are majority Brown and Black your third world turd hole will come racing right back to where you came from right here in the sea to shinning sea of sewage.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
“Their genes are a product of equatorial climate year round, food availability, and R selection.”

What is R selection?

R and K selection in species...........R selection are species that have high productivity reproduction rates with less long term survival.....the offspring need little care and nurturing like many reptiles........verses K selection which are species with very few offspring but long nurturing cycles with longer term survival prospects like many mammal.....

It is said among humans that those who evolve in tropical climates are more r selective than those who evolve in colder climates who tend to be k productive....... it is proposed that a climate with year round food places less demand on cognitive planning/strategy and more demand on physical independence which leads to earlier development in humans with less nurturing than humans whose evolve in a seasonal climate where the environment places greater stress on the cognitive abilities to plan and strategize food storage for survival.......therefore needing a more developed brain which takes longer in the maturation process and demands a longer nurturing cycle.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Let me see if I understand this correctly:

The name of the medical school is I Can?

I can what???????? This is not confidence inspiring.



TB Fanatic
Graduating to medical school has got nothing whatsoever to do with gender or race etc but ability to pass examinations and treat patients for potentially life threatening problems. performance and ability are the only criteria. Medical qualifications should have the most stringent criteria of all scientific disciplines,


Membership Revoked
The classic full treatment of this subject is below...

R and K selection in species...........R selection are species that have high productivity reproduction rates with less long term survival.....the offspring need little care and nurturing like many reptiles........verses K selection which are species with very few offspring but long nurturing cycles with longer term survival prospects like many mammal.....

It is said among humans that those who evolve in tropical climates are more r selective than those who evolve in colder climates who tend to be k productive....... it is proposed that a climate with year round food places less demand on cognitive planning/strategy and more demand on physical independence which leads to earlier development in humans with less nurturing than humans whose evolve in a seasonal climate where the environment places greater stress on the cognitive abilities to plan and strategize food storage for survival.......therefore needing a more developed brain which takes longer in the maturation process and demands a longer nurturing cycle.


Two excerpts:

"In r-selection, those individuals who waste time fighting for food will be out-reproduced by pacifists, who simply focus upon eating, and reproducing. Fighting also entails risks of injury or death – risks which are pointless given the free availability of resources everywhere. Hence this environment will favor a tendency towards conflict avoidance, and tend to cull the aggressive and competitive. It will also evolve tendencies towards mating as early as possible, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, while investing as little effort as possible rearing offspring. Here, there are unlimited resources just waiting to be utilized, and even the most unfit can acquire them. As a result, it is more advantageous to produce as many offspring as possible, as quickly as possible, regardless of fitness, so as to out-reproduce those who either waste time producing quality offspring or waste time competing with each other.

Since group competition will not arise in the r-selected environment, r-type organisms will not exhibit loyalty to fellow members of their species, or a drive to sacrifice on their behalf. Indeed, the very notion of in-group will be foreign, and the concept of personal sacrifice for other in-group members will be wholly alien"

"Termed a K-type psychology, or K-Selected Reproductive Strategy, this psychology will embrace competitions between individuals and accept disparities in competitive outcomes as an innate part of the world, that is not to be challenged. Since individuals who do not fight for some portion of the limited resources will starve, this environment will favor an innately competitive, conflict-prone psychology. Study shows, such a psychology will also tend to embrace monogamy, embrace chastity until monogamous adulthood, and favor high-investment, two-parent parenting, with an emphasis upon rearing as successful an offspring as possible. This sexual selectiveness, mate monopolization, and high-investment rearing is all a form of competing to produce fitter offspring than peers. This evolves, because if one’s offspring are fitter than the offspring of peers, they will be likely to acquire resources themselves, and reproduce successfully.

Although total numbers of offspring will be diminished with this high-investment rearing strategy, the offspring’s success in competition is what is most important in a K-selective environment. Here, wasting time producing numerous offspring that are not as fit as possible will doom one to Darwinian failure. As time goes on, and K-selection continues, forming into competitive groups will often emerge as a strategy to acquire resources. This will add add loyalty to in-group to the suite of K-type psychological characteristics. This is why when we look at K-selected species in nature, we see packs of wolves, herds of elephants, prides of lions, and pods of dolphins, and each individual is loyal to their group and its competitive success. Since the only way to survive will be to acquire one’s resources by out-competing peers, this invariably produces tremendously fast rates of evolutionary advancement. For this reason, K-selected organisms are usually more evolutionarily advanced than their r-selected counterparts, and will exhibit more complex adaptations, from increased intelligence and sentience, to increased physical capabilities, to loyalty and prosociality, in species where group competition occurs.

Clearly, this mirrors the Conservative’s embrace of competitions, such as war, capitalism, and even the bearing of arms in self-defense against criminals. It also mirrors the Conservatives tendency to favor family values, such as abstinence until monogamy and two-parent parenting. It even explains why Conservatives feel driven to see their nation succeed as greatly as possible, regardless of the effects this has upon other nations or just members of their out-group.

To my eye, it is inherently clear that this r/K divergence is the origin of our political divide. Indeed, while policy proposals from Conservatives are predicated upon the premise that resources are inherently limited, and individuals should have to work and demonstrate merit to acquire them, Liberals advocate on behalf of policy proposals which seem to be predicated upon an assumption that there are always more than sufficient resources to let everyone live lives of equal leisure. To a Liberal, any scarcity must clearly arise due to some individual’s personal greed and evil altering a natural state of perpetual plenty.

Here, we see how these two deeply imbued psychologies generate grossly different perceptual frameworks within those who are imbued with them. Just as a Liberal will never grasp why a Conservative will look down upon frequent promiscuity and single parenting, the Conservative will never grasp why the Liberal will be so firmly opposed to free market Capitalism, or the right to self defense when threatened. Each sees an inherently different world, and is programmed to desire an inherently different environment."
Excellent piece!
Could also be pegged on Europeans and Africans, of course.
For those who would rather not use White and Black.
I’m sure there’s something about lack of property ownership, delayed gratification, and a few other observed traits in there. I especially like the promiscuity and abandonment, fits to the t. Plentiful resources as long as the check shows up on time. I have a welfare queen niece. Nephew leaves a trail of baby mommas behind him.
Last edited:
Of course not. At least, not in the way you are thinking.

Objective research would likely show that "minorities" are getting big breaks on tuition, tons of (free) extra tutoring and help in order to even pass their tests, and a subconscious (or not) bias TOWARDS passing them by the professors.

At this point, I don't consider it racist to refuse to go to a black doctor whom we don't know. And I'm honestly scared of most of the women... the ones we've seen here in our poor rural area (which means we essentially get the dregs, unless they have strong family connections locally) are frankly incompetent.

Affirmative action was the beginning of the end in terms of dragging our society down to the equality of the lowest common denominator.


My liberal wife had been shopping for a new doctor, Black woman. We started thru my wife’s history, which is rather involved. Finally the doctor said “I think you’re too complicated for me”. At least she knew her limitations. Or just lazy.


TB Fanatic
Anytime that actions are based on feelings and emotions rather than reality and facts, you are headed in the wrong direction.


Veteran Member
And student activists at Icahn aren’t celebrating yet. Lynch says she now wants to focus on discrimination in grading and medical school admissions. This, she says, can help address the dearth of minority physicians in different specialities — a problem with negative consequences for the health of minority patients.

And this is why I avoid "protected classes" - all of them - as much as possible when choosing doctors. Because I know that shit is already happening in various places. Good job, Liberal F*ckheads!

From the dictionary:
verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating

recognize a distinction; differentiate.

As in recognizing people with better grades and test scores, perhaps?


Veteran Member
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]"Hence this environment will favor a tendency towards conflict avoidance, and tend to cull the aggressive and competitive. It will also evolve tendencies towards mating as early as possible, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, while investing as little effort as possible rearing offspring. Here, there are unlimited resources just waiting to be utilized, and even the most unfit can acquire them. As a result, it is more advantageous to produce as many offspring as possible, as quickly as possible, regardless of fitness, so as to out-reproduce those who either waste time producing quality offspring or waste time competing with each other.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial] Since group competition will not arise in the r-selected environment, r-type organisms will not exhibit loyalty to fellow members of their species[/FONT]
Some issues with this: the r-type organisms in our environment are showing tons of in-group preferences, and also tons of aggression.

ETA: I suppose what was quoted was correct regarding the environments in which these different types originally evolved.

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
The odd thing about mapping r/K to political leanings is that Leftists tend (when they have offspring at all) to have one child who they helicopter-parent mercilessly shielding the child from risk wherever possible, whereas most conservative families seem to favor more children, and prefer to allow the children much more autonomy. So who really is the "r" and who is the "K" here?


paradigm shaper
I'm going to file this one under: Reasons To Get Over Fear of Robotic Doctors.

At least in AI and robotics meritocracy still exists.


Veteran Member
I'm going to file this one under: Reasons To Get Over Fear of Robotic Doctors.
AFAIK, existing robotic surgery is not AI - it still requires a surgeon. It just allows more precision by reducing the tool movement by some ratio relative to operator input, filtering out hand tremors, and such.

At least in AI and robotics meritocracy still exists.
So far. But what about when the humans who program and manufacture the stuff are over-promoted from the "protected classes"?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So when the doctor opens you up, you can take comfort that you are being operated upon by the best that racial equality can provide?

Better eat your Wheaties.

Um. Eat well, live well.


For sure. Hubby wanted to go into the medical field in the late 60's you know where all this equal opportunity crap started. Which had nothing to do with grades just who and what you were. He always ran with a 3.8 to 4 point in college grade wise but couldn't get into med school because their quota was full of whites. He found out women and blacks got in with 2.0's ahead of him.
My mom worked at a factory when this started and folks who had worked there for many years were let go to be replaced because they didn't have enough colored that worked there even though 1/4 of the employees were colored. Mom who had had her thumb cut off in a pizza making machine and was working the books to give her something she could do to work there or she would have been let go as well.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I suspect this is not off topic, but consider that most hospitals are full of Indian or Pakistani doctors these days........fair amount of asians, as we know them. (Not Muslim decent.) Very few young white doctors out there. The whole system has serious issues....corporate health is not like the old days at all. Mega hospitals have their pluses, and their minuses.... nurses are predominatley white these days, and very young.
I suspect this is not off topic, but consider that most hospitals are full of Indian or Pakistani doctors these days........fair amount of asians, as we know them. (Not Muslim decent.) Very few young white doctors out there. The whole system has serious issues....corporate health is not like the old days at all. Mega hospitals have their pluses, and their minuses.... nurses are predominatley white these days, and very young.

I know of areas where the nurses tend to Filipino, and are just in it for the money, apparently it is a field where you can get good money without a huge education tab. Doesn’t mean they are good nurses, they don’t teach much about caring about your patients, just caring for them.


Membership Revoked
I know of areas where the nurses tend to Filipino, and are just in it for the money, apparently it is a field where you can get good money without a huge education tab. Doesn’t mean they are good nurses, they don’t teach much about caring about your patients, just caring for them.

Not likely going to try to intentionally going to harm you like many Muslims and more than a few blacks, but neglecting your care in a medical setting could have the same effect. If possible, get care elsewhere.