title ix

  1. MinnesotaSmith

    CORONA 3 sets Coronavillians; HOAs, restaurant inspectors, Uni Title IX admins

    https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/hoa-to-people-trying-to-earn-a-living-during-the-lockdown-drop-dead/ HOA Threatens to Foreclose on Residents Conducting Business at Home During Lockdown BY STEPHEN GREEN MARCH 31, 2020 Charlie Chaplain as The Great Dictator "The always quotable H.L. Mencken...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    POL Olympic Guidelines Give Transgender Women an 'Intolerable' Advantage in Women's Sports

    This area is the best schadenfraude I've had since finding out that socialist governments always all go broke and liberal whites have way lower birth rates than nonliberal whites. Any woman who complains, the PC response is to say that women are as good (or better) than men in every way, and she...
  3. MinnesotaSmith

    RACE Title IX in science --camel's nose under tent; move toward divvy out MED SCHOOL grades by race not smarts

    https://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2018/09/08/medical-school/ Medical school cancels honor society because whites and Asians were earning better grades than blacks and Latinos "According to this article from NPR, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, in order...