So Is Everyone On The Board Voting For McCain?


Justine Case
I've counted 7+ threads on Obama all day long Thurs. and nothing on McCain. Very strange considering what a whacko McCain is too.

I'm all for discussion about these politicians but the same stories seem to be running time and time again. Maybe some of the threads could be merged.


Veteran Member
Not voting at all. In fact, I've not voted for years now.

As a Constitutionalist, who would I vote for? The Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same socialist coin. You can vote for the fascism of the Republicans or the communism of the Democrats, but either way you get socialism.

Some people will say that wew could still write in a vote for a Ron Paul type candidate, a candidate that still adheres to the principles that the country was founded upon and who wishes to return the country to that vision. But, even if by some miracle, a candidate like that won the prsidency, he's only one person and would have to battle an entire government bureaucracy, at all levels staffed with Republicans and Democrats who would do everything in their power to hinder his goal of returning us to the constitutional republic that we were meant to be.

No my friends, the time when voting had a chance to change anything is long since past. This country is like an alcoholic that is going to have to hit rock bottom before there is any chance to change the course we're on.

Bicycle Junkie

Resident dissident and troll
I'm voting for all the Libertarian canditates on the ballot, including Bob Barr. If there are any libertarian-leaning "Ron Paul" Republicans I will consider voting for them. I will not vote for any Democrat except in local county races for non-legislative positions, if I know the candidate(s) personally.
I'm not voting for McCain or Obama.....I consider myself an Independent, but I'd vote for Ron Paul, who is Republican, if possible.....I don't think he really is out of the running, yet, despite all the attempts of TPTB to keep him out.

My second choice would be Chuck Baldwin, who I thot was going to enter the race on the Constitution ticket, but I haven't heard anymore about that. He would make another excellent choice.


TB Fanatic
McCain is to corrupt and Obama is just as bad if fact Obama has kissed so much butt lately and no one has noticed because he's brown to begin with.:lkick:


Membership Revoked
If I can find a way to vote for Ron Paul I will do that.
Not sure how a write in vote is done on the touch sreen machines.
If thatfails then I will vote for the Libertarian canditate.


Heart of Dixie
Since I would be throwing my vote away with Ron Paul, I'll just vote for Obama so I can help eliminate the fake Republican Party.


Membership Revoked
It's Ron Paul for me. My conscience won't allow me to vote for either of the onther two. The US doesn't stand a chance with either of them.


Contributing Member
I'm writing in Ron Paul for President. Our president has already been decided however. You really dont think you have a choice do you?


Goin' where the lonely go
Ron Paul and that's only IF I decide to drag my typical white a** outta bed on erection day.
I am in total agrrement with Walker10 on this. And the rest of you.
We are not what even our parents used to be. OUR kids ain't gonna have a 'time in the sun' in this country. They won't get an American Dream come true. They will probably be the next Revolutionary troops if anything we taught them sticks in their little patriotic souls, and if they are then they will end up having more balls and guts and glory then we did as a whole.
Sometimes I feel like we are just rolling over and dying. Why fight the 'machine' huh?
And please save don't tell me how great this country is. Don't flame me for what I see as truth. Sure, the IDEAS and the Constitution and the things this nation were founded on are all great but they are like a long passing friend now. A fog has settled in over everything she stood for.
I truly believe YAH has sent an angel to cut the hedges of protection down around this nation. And we are (as Tras told us in another thread) walking strictly by faith now. There is no man a 'saviour'. Only One.
Hold on tight. Pray for our children to be stronger than we were.
Peace out.


I'm not voting for McCain or Obama.....I consider myself an Independent, but I'd vote for Ron Paul, who is Republican, if possible.....I don't think he really is out of the running, yet, despite all the attempts of TPTB to keep him out.

My second choice would be Chuck Baldwin, who I thot was going to enter the race on the Constitution ticket, but I haven't heard anymore about that. He would make another excellent choice.

Chuck Baldwin IS the Constitution Party presidential candidate. Check out their website. He will probably get my vote. Election is still too far away. However, the Big O Will NOT be getting my vote.



I was going to vote for McCain but not after his statement that he's planning on "reeling in entitlement programs starting with social security". That did it for me. Since my husband is living on his pension and social security check there is no way I can vote for someone who threatens to cut out back our income.

I'll more than likely vote Democratic. I like that Obama plans to end the war in the middle east that we cannot afford to continue to participate in. I'm all for anyone who will end the war and put the money being spent on it back into our economy.

I'm keeping an open mind though. There is a long time between now and November but at this point it looks to me like Obama is already the President. At least that is the way the media seems to be covering him.


Membership Revoked

I'll be voting for my party and what it represents not the man necessarily.

To constantly obsess on a particular personality will blur the real issues (as MSM bloody well knows).



Senior Member
I just don't know yet. I'm still po'd that by the time the Primaries get to my State I couldn't vote for a real Conservative Republican. McCain has issues, Paul has issues, Barr has issues, Baldwin?, and most are more left leaning than I like in one way or another. Besides, by election time we could be at war with Iran and Russia and Venezuala. Who knows? I'll decide on election day.


TB Fanatic
One thing for sure! We all need to appoint better people to congress and Kill the repubucrats party! No DNC or GOP give them a 10 year Vacation.:ld:


I consider McCain to be a traitor and unfit for office but I will likely vote for him to keep the Obama-god out. I would love for Ron Paul to be president but the reality is is that he is not going to win. So you gotta do what you gotta do...


Since 1999
I was going to vote for McCain but not after his statement that he's planning on "reeling in entitlement programs starting with social security". That did it for me. Since my husband is living on his pension and social security check there is no way I can vote for someone who threatens to cut out back our income.

I'll more than likely vote Democratic. I like that Obama plans to end the war in the middle east that we cannot afford to continue to participate in. I'm all for anyone who will end the war and put the money being spent on it back into our economy.

I'm keeping an open mind though. There is a long time between now and November but at this point it looks to me like Obama is already the President. At least that is the way the media seems to be covering him.

Kinda makes you think that McCain doesn't want to get elected doesn't it? I don't think the Repub. want to be in office when everything tanks. They want Obama in there sitting in the sh*t.
Time will tell.
I can't bring mysef to vote for either. I'll just wait and see who else comes out of the woodwork.


Great Great Grandma!
Some people will say that wew could still write in a vote for a Ron Paul type candidate, a candidate that still adheres to the principles that the country was founded upon and who wishes to return the country to that vision. But, even if by some miracle, a candidate like that won the prsidency, he's only one person and would have to battle an entire government bureaucracy, at all levels staffed with Republicans and Democrats who would do everything in their power to hinder his goal of returning us to the constitutional republic that we were meant to be.
This is why we need to vote out almost every member of the house & senate. Vote in people who will do what we want instead of the ones that forget who we are until they want our votes again. We don't have much time left, but IF we vote in Constitutional congressmen that will do the job they were voted to do, then we can make this country great again.

Ron Paul has been working tirelessly to educate the young people (and the older ones) about what is happening and what we need to do to fix the country. Don't give up and let the neocons have the country. Get out there and vote for the right candidates and we'll gather enough votes to make a difference.



Forget about the presidency. The corrupt political parties are not going to provide you with a candidate who will represent you.

The state/county political officials are your last line of defense against a terrorist attack and breaches of your liberties.

Support your local sheriff's office against all attempts to make it an appointed office. He must be elected by the people and accountable to the people. Keep the Feds out!


God has a plan, Trust it!
I've counted 7+ threads on Obama all day long Thurs. and nothing on McCain. Very strange considering what a whacko McCain is too.

I'm all for discussion about these politicians but the same stories seem to be running time and time again. Maybe some of the threads could be merged.

There are other options other then Obama/McCain. I think you will find that most of this board is voting for neither Obama nor McCain.

As for me... write in...Ron Paul.


TB Fanatic
Wasted Vote

I'm really torn.

Obama and the Democratic party winning would be a huge blow to the economy and the country and leave us in a weaker global position.

Voting Republican we would not fare much better.

I WILL vote but right now I can't really justify voting for either of the current party candidates.

I'm very tempted to write in Ron Paul. Yes, it would be a wasted vote but maybe starting now would get some momentum going and when whoever does win this November really messes things up for four years, then there will be a trend to move back to the Constitution. Ron Paul will be too old in four years but there are other Constitutionalists and I'm convinced that is the way to go to keep the US from sliding into third world status.

At a minimum I'll have voted the man I think would be best for the country and will have no regrets when things turn to cr*p.



God has a plan, Trust it!
I was going to vote for McCain but not after his statement that he's planning on "reeling in entitlement programs starting with social security". That did it for me. Since my husband is living on his pension and social security check there is no way I can vote for someone who threatens to cut out back our income.

I'll more than likely vote Democratic. I like that Obama plans to end the war in the middle east that we cannot afford to continue to participate in. I'm all for anyone who will end the war and put the money being spent on it back into our economy.

I'm keeping an open mind though. There is a long time between now and November but at this point it looks to me like Obama is already the President. At least that is the way the media seems to be covering him.

You really think he's going to put money back? He'll just spend it elsewhere. The politicians just won't do without those greenbacks in their pockets some way or another.

Obama lies through his teeth and serves up to the sheeple what they want to hear and NONE of them ask...HOW are you going to do this?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I always vote for the one most likely to loose--so I don't have to feel ashamed or embarrassed by all the things the winner ends up doing.

Turnpike Jim

Those of you who will not vote are cowards, and will share the blame as the Country deteriorates. You also have no right to complain about current or future political matters. You are a big part of the problem.

The top job this go around means less than the local and Congressional races. But if the Obama get's in, think about what the Supremes will look like in a few years. Maybe that is what you truely want, and the rest is just bluster. The agenda of some here is crystal clear.

Apathy is pathetic. There is NO good reason not to cast a vote. Period.



Robin Williams looks like a good alternative :)

Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan... what we
need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)

I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan
for peace. So, here's one plan:

1) The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their
affairs, past & present. We will promise never to "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with
Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We
would station troops at our borders. No more sneaking through holes in
the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and
leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder
will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of who or where
they are. France would welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 day
visits unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation
would be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself,
don't hide here. Asylum would not ever be available to anyone. We don't
need any more cab drivers.

5) No "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they
don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home, baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self sufficient energy
wise. This will include developing non polluting sources of energy but
will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The
caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for
their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else.

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we
will not "interfere". They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds,
rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides, most of what we give them
gets "lost" or is taken by their army. The people who need it most get
very little, anyway.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an island some place. We don't need the
spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, it would make a good
homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

9b) Use the buildings as replacement for the twin towers.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one
can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. Now, ain't that a winner of a
plan. "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your poor, your
tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling,
'You want a piece of me?"



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Today, 02:05 PM
Y2kO Y2kO is online now
Veteran Member

Join Date: May 2001
Location: Indiana
Posts: 3,399

Forget about the presidency. The corrupt political parties are not going to provide you with a candidate who will represent you.

The state/county political officials are your last line of defense against a terrorist attack and breaches of your liberties.

Support your local sheriff's office against all attempts to make it an appointed office. He must be elected by the people and accountable to the people. Keep the Feds out!


Warren Bone

Membership Revoked
It's mighty patriotic of you guys...wanting to vote for Ron Paul, or someone else who's not got any chance in hell of winning. That's mighty patriotic of you.

But just face the facts: Either Obama or McCain is going to be the next president. So which one do you want to be there? As close as the race appears right now it would do you good to vote for one of those two candidates.

Unless, of course, you don't really care who becomes president.

(My sig line: that is Hebrew and it says (reading from right to left) "Barack Obama".)



The point that Hans is making is that TB is saturated with Obama while there is nary a squeak about McCain.

Who gives a rat's ass if he prayed at the Wall?!!!

The Obama threads are just a distraction from the issues.

Those of you who will not vote are cowards, and will share the blame as the Country deteriorates. You also have no right to complain about current or future political matters. You are a big part of the problem.

And THAT, sir, is, pardon my French, BULLSHIT.

The race is fixed- how do I know?

Let's try......hmmmm.......if it were not, we could write in our candidate. Just THAT ONE ITEM would drive a HUGE number to the polls.

Do what Y2kO has said and vote the best locals you can muster. This alone may save all of our butts.