So Is Everyone On The Board Voting For McCain?



Unless Hillary pulls a fast one at the DNC and wins the nomination I will vote for Grandpa!

BTW his wife is a babe...


But just face the facts: Either Obama or McCain is going to be the next president. So which one do you want to be there? As close as the race appears right now it would do you good to vote for one of those two candidates.

And I am not so sure about THAT one, either, Warren.

I think Hillary still has an ace up her sleeve.


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The point that Hans is making is that TB is saturated with Obama while there is nary a squeak about McCain.

Who gives a rat's ass if he prayed at the Wall?!!!

The Obama threads are just a distraction from the issues.

Those of you who will not vote are cowards, and will share the blame as the Country deteriorates. You also have no right to complain about current or future political matters. You are a big part of the problem.
And THAT, sir, is, pardon my French, BULLSHIT.

The race is fixed- how do I know?

Let's try......hmmmm.......if it were not, we could write in our candidate. Just THAT ONE ITEM would drive a HUGE number to the polls.

Do what Y2kO has said and vote the best locals you can muster. This alone may save all of our butts.
There is no spoon



Last time I checked this was still the USA and I can voted for whomever I choose to vote for. I can vote for a third party or even write in a candidate if I so choose. I still voted. Just cuz I am not conforming to the sheeples will does not mean I am not patriotic...nor will I be forced to be neurotic.


It's mighty patriotic of you guys...wanting to vote for Ron Paul, or someone else who's not got any chance in hell of winning. That's mighty patriotic of you.

But just face the facts: Either Obama or McCain is going to be the next president. So which one do you want to be there? As close as the race appears right now it would do you good to vote for one of those two candidates.

Unless, of course, you don't really care who becomes president.

(My sig line: that is Hebrew and it says (reading from right to left) "Barack Obama".)


Using that theology I HAVE TO vote for someone I am uncomfortable with, wether I like it or not? Don't they call that socalism? I will vote for the candidate I want to see lead our nation, weather ther's a snowballs chance or not...that's democracy


I’m a strong Democrat just as many of you are strong Republicans and just as many of you wonder what has gone wrong with your party I’m wondering what going on with mine.

I vote Democratic because those values are what I want for America. However when I look at Washington all I’m seeing is corruption, evil and game playing. I’m beginning to wonder is there even a two party system left in this country? Are the voters the suckers?


Great Great Grandma!
If we are assuming that either "O" or "M" will be pres, then I'd have to say I fear "M" less and would choose him over "O".

M wants to bring the troops home too. BUT... he wants to withdraw with honor.
O will hand Iraq to the terrorists on a silver platter.

M has said he WILL balance the budget during his first term.
O wants to commit us to handing over billions of dollars to the UN, in addition to driving the deficit to new hights.

M has military experience and listens to the military pros.
O says he'll do whatever he wants instead of listening to the top military advisers. (O ignores the old saying of "let the generals fight the wars".)

O has been talking about how proud he is to be a "world citizen".
M has been talking about how proud he is to be an American citizen.

M wants to drill for oil here at home and wants to put every option on the table to make our country self sufficient.
O wants to keep buying foreign oil and prohibit other energy options (except the wasteful food to fuel program).

I don't like M, but I don't think he's as dangerous to the country as O is.


To me, the immediate concern is to avoid an Obama-god presidency which necessitates voting for McCain no matter how undesirable he is.

Because both of these candidates are unfit for office, we need to try to vote the best possible candidates to congress to keep the new president in check to the extent possible. That clearly would be easier to achieve with McCain than the Obamamessiah.


Veteran Member
This is why we need to vote out almost every member of the house & senate. Vote in people who will do what we want instead of the ones that forget who we are until they want our votes again. We don't have much time left, but IF we vote in Constitutional congressmen that will do the job they were voted to do, then we can make this country great again.

Ron Paul has been working tirelessly to educate the young people (and the older ones) about what is happening and what we need to do to fix the country. Don't give up and let the neocons have the country. Get out there and vote for the right candidates and we'll gather enough votes to make a difference.

Oh, ideally, you're absolutely right...IF that could be done. What I see though is a situation where so many people have been bought off by each of the major parties through welfare, corporate handouts, greed, coruption, etc., that they will not want to see that gravy train stopped and therefore they will continue to vote Republican or Democrat.

There's nothing wrong with voting for Ron Paul, he's easily the best of the candidates, if you want to, go for it. I just see a guy like him as a Don Quiote figure.

I just think that at this late date in our (former) republic's history, the only thing that will alter our course is 'direct action.' Sorry, I hate to say that, but it's the way I feel.

Vote Henry Bowman for President.


Veteran Member
Those of you who will not vote are cowards, and will share the blame as the Country deteriorates. You also have no right to complain about current or future political matters. You are a big part of the problem.

The top job this go around means less than the local and Congressional races. But if the Obama get's in, think about what the Supremes will look like in a few years. Maybe that is what you truely want, and the rest is just bluster. The agenda of some here is crystal clear.

Apathy is pathetic. There is NO good reason not to cast a vote. Period.

It's not apathy least that's not the way I see it. One, it's being rip roaring mad at what the Democans have done to this country and second, it's a recognition that at some point in a country's descent, it crosses a 'tipping point', crosses a 'Rubicon', call it what you will, where nothing short of a catastrophe will save it.

I just believe we have crossed our 'Rubicon.'


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's mighty patriotic of you guys...wanting to vote for Ron Paul, or someone else who's not got any chance in hell of winning. That's mighty patriotic of you.

But just face the facts: Either Obama or McCain is going to be the next president. So which one do you want to be there? As close as the race appears right now it would do you good to vote for one of those two candidates.

Unless, of course, you don't really care who becomes president.

(My sig line: that is Hebrew and it says (reading from right to left) "Barack Obama".)


Nevada doesn't allow for write in candidates - if they did I would write in Ron Paul. I'll be voting none of the above. And, no Warren, I don't really care who becomes president between the two running. They are both very bad for the country so I won't support either one.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
And I am not so sure about THAT one, either, Warren.

I think Hillary still has an ace up her sleeve.

Much as I dislike the Clintons and the democrats, if Hillary makes it onto the ballot, I will vote for her. I don't believe she'll start another war or give our country away, like McCain and Obama will. Unless life throws a real curve and Ron Paul gets on the ballot, Hillary would be the next safest choice for our country.


Contributing Member
I would vote for Obama before McCain but hopefully there is something better on the ballot.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I wouldn't vote for the McPain rat-bastard globalist illegal-alien-loving traitor if you held a gun to my head.

And that exact same statement goes for OSAMA too.

Ron Paul all the way baby!


Computer Hacking Pirate
If you're not voting for McCain, YOU ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA!


WRONG !!! McCain and Obama are the same. They both promote:

- The existence of the Federal Reserve
- The income tax
- Amnesty for Illegal immigrants
- Destruction of our Constitution
- Destruction of our Country and our sovereignty
- The New World Order

How on Earth can anyone vote for either of them? They are both EVIL.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
But Hacker, "my guy" is less evil than "the other guy." So you need to vote for MY GUY to keep THE OTHER GUY from getting elected.

You know, TPTB must laugh their asses off every night at how stupid and gullible most Americans are....


Goin' where the lonely go
But Hacker, "my guy" is less evil than "the other guy." So you need to vote for MY GUY to keep THE OTHER GUY from getting elected.

You know, TPTB must laugh their asses off every night at how stupid and gullible most Americans are....

:applaud: And that's all I gotta say 'bout that...(to quote the Forrest Gump, since that's what TPTB must think we are like anyways)

Turnpike Jim

If you're not voting for McCain, YOU ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA!

I firmly believe that there is a faction who's sole purpose is to get people to vote third party. They encourage this in an effort to ensure their party's victory. Many claim they will vote third party, but have no intention to. It is a strategy, and some will fall for it. Not saying that anyone here is that gullible. But being aware of it may make a difference. (If you truely believe a vote for a third party is best, go for it. But be aware of the consequences)

I am of the belief that recovery from a near catastrophy is easier than recovery from a disaster. The Obama will be a disaster.



Constitutional Patriot
People still need to show up and vote, even if its not for the two fruitcakes on the ticket, WRITE-IN RON PAUL!

Send TPTB a message, exercise your rights.


Goin' where the lonely go
I firmly believe that there is a faction who's sole purpose is to get people to vote third party. They encourage this in an effort to ensure their party's victory. Many claim they will vote third party, but have no intention to. It is a strategy, and some will fall for it. Not saying that anyone here is that gullible. But being aware of it may make a difference. (If you truely believe a vote for a third party is best, go for it. But be aware of the consequences)

I am of the belief that recovery from a near catastrophy is easier than recovery from a disaster. The Obama will be a disaster.


I think if what we are seeing here represents anything, then in the real world there must be about 25-30 million more that think just like us.
But people keep being told that if you don't vote rep or dem then its a wasted vote.
If so, then so be it.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Anyone who thnks there is more than a whisker's difference between Osama and McPain needs their meds adjusted. Further, I find the innuendo associated with the statement about there being a faction whose sole purpose is to get one democRAT or REPUGlican elected to be hugely insulting. You people who vote for THOSE PEOPLE (and denigrate those of us who want to break free of the dem/rep meme) are the ones who working dilligently for the destruction of the Republic.

Spin it however you want, but the reps/dems are absolutely equal these days, in actual operation. One group wears the disguise of "family values" while the other wears the disguise of "working for the common man." But under those costumes beats the EXACT SAME SATANICAL HEART.

So go ahead and vote for "your guy" (regardless of which one it is). But when America starts its final slide down the chute, I'd better not hear a peep outta you if "your guy" is the one at the helm as the ship sinks.....

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Oh, you mean those events orchestrated and 100% controlled by the two parties and the MSM?

yeah, that's really gonna work out, isn't it.... :kk1:


Veteran Member
Voting either Democrat or Republican is like taking two paths to the same socialist destination. It's similar to what happened in Russia with the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Both wanted communism, they just differed in their approach as to how to get there.

A quote:

The Bolsheviks thought that only a violent uprising in the proletariat can truly create a communist state, with the rebellion to be headed by a small number of intelligent revolutionaries. The Mensheviks, on the other hand, believe that reform and democracy will gradually bring Russia into communism.


Veteran Member
For those who think their vote counts or makes a difference obviously haven't been watching past elections very well...ex. florida and their machines...dead people as well as illegals voting...yeah for those of you who think every vote counts then I have some ocean front property to sell ya! :whistle:

But Hacker, "my guy" is less evil than "the other guy." So you need to vote for MY GUY to keep THE OTHER GUY from getting elected.

You know, TPTB must laugh their asses off every night at how stupid and gullible most Americans are....


I firmly believe that there is a faction who's sole purpose is to get people to vote third party. They encourage this in an effort to ensure their party's victory. Many claim they will vote third party, but have no intention to. It is a strategy, and some will fall for it. Not saying that anyone here is that gullible. But being aware of it may make a difference. (If you truely believe a vote for a third party is best, go for it. But be aware of the consequences)

I am of the belief that recovery from a near catastrophy is easier than recovery from a disaster. The Obama will be a disaster.


I agree! Hence Clinton vs. Bush! Those that would have voted for Bush voted for instead.....Ross Perot and there by allowing Clinton to win!


Senior Member
There is only one way to get the republican party to oust its corrupt neocon leadership and teach it a lesson. And that is to vote for a third party conservative in such numbers that it becomes obvious that the conservative libertarian base of the party has abandoned it, and that it will never again rise to power without it coming back.

I supported Ron Paul as much as I could, in donations and campaigning on a personal level with whoever would listen. He is still my all time number one choice.

But write in votes will probably not be counted in most states.

Paul himself will be making some sort of announcement on this in September. I think that he will come out for one or both of these two candidates who WILL be on the ballot in most states;

Turnpike Jim

Had Ron Paul won the Primary, I would have voted for him in the General. I would not have picked up my marbles and gone home in a huff. Nor would I have voted for my choice (a loser in the process) as a protest. Which is what some want you to do. And some will. And that is a shame.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Yes, it is indeed a shame that some of us simply opened our eyes and realized that we can no longer vote for one of the dem/rep traitors ever again. It's a shame that we felt there was ONE LAST HOPE in Ron Paul. It's a shame that the MSM blanked him out as if he never existed. It's a shame that we still support the ONLY Constitutionalist in the entire bunch.

And it's a shame indeed that we're going to vote for a person who has America's survival and our citizens' best interests at heart rather than a globalist agenda.....


Goin' where the lonely go
What is a 'shame' is that people still won't stand against this. People still buy into the same-o same-o and it personally pisses me off because in my mind, you could care less about the children of the future.
THAT is the shame.
The men that do have the nads to stand are basically having their heads held under the water by the 'majority'.
God forbid anybody stand up for what's right because maybe you'll be blackballed. Go.
Go in November and vote for obamamckane.
But leave MY family outta your bulls**t when it does crack.
And I never want to lay eyes on anybody that prefers to see our flag and constitution ripped to shreds.
IOW: I told ya so. It may be five years down the road but when it happens, I don't want to hear any sissy boy whining.