UNEX Slavery and the eight veils

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
I really enjoyed reading this post. One comment on my level of veil ripping adventures is that, I am blessed by our creator. Only one of these levels of understanding matters to me, I have simply lost interest in the others. Once you seek to know YaHuWaH true reality comes into focus, and a fire begins to burn from within, drowning out all other seemingly important discoveries. The 613 are based on the 10 , that hang upon the 2, that are selflessly given to us by the 1.
The one thing I know for a fact is that GOD WANTS us to find him!


Veteran Member
interesting discussions . . . I can smell some wood smouldering - sumbuddy been thinkin' a bit.

and speaking of Kerry Cassidy and Bill . . .

here's another bone to chew on - recognize the name Stan Deyo? the guy who among many other things was accurately predicting earth quakes - both location and magnitude - using ocean surface temperatures until the US Navy took that info out of the public domain? pretty sharp dude. look into his work on the Tower of Babel - here's some help finding your way there: stan deyo the tower of babel - Google Search

remember that TRUTH can be found everywhere you look - but - everything you see when you're looking is not TRUTH

I found several deleted YouTube videos.
There’s a podcast 30 minute rebroadcast on standeyo.com. PID radio.

This page has some Stan Deyo Babel podcasts:

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Greetings from near tropical NYC!
I humbly suggest that the levels don't have to go in the order specified, and I have no idea if the percentages should be 10% to go from one level to another level.
being "veiled" is about the only explanation for the lemming march to the sea of this population.
I believe or hope to believe that current events with the mass fraud that more than a few will become enlightened.

Ok, ok. I do not really believe that any of them will become enlightened.
On any given topic, each individual is like a single popcorn kernel sensing a motivating heat-force in this cauldron - we MAY metamorphize/change shape and form/understanding, forever - when we are ready - or, we may not.

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Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
TRUMP though not the answer to this "problem", is at present the commanding general of the anti globalist forces. the USA stands in the way of globalist domination and therefore must be destroyed. repeating here - but - we are front and center in the great battle of GOOD v EVIL in the physical plane. we need to be ready in the SPIRITUAL as well as the PHYSICAL for what lies ahead for all of us.

we are ALL here "for such a time as this"
Why do you think "they" hate Trump? They know he knows something they don't. He's better than I am. He just strolls thru it all snapping his fingers. And they know he knows something they don't know. I surely am not at Trump's level of attainment. I haven't been able to forgive yet. Maybe tomorrow.
LOL... Ghandi wasn't enlightened, he was cunning.
And, the Brits had a thing or two to learn about the effectiveness of those "talents" in the eyes of the court of public opinion - optics.

Git'r done, comes to mind.

War, By Other Means® (but war it surely was)



Veteran Member
There was one veil, torn in two from top to bottom, at the moment of His sacrificial death.

Those eight veils only exist in the minds of the gullible, the believing writer and readers.
as I expected - you peeps are following the trail. ancient religions - gargoyles and dragons - myths and legends. nice. now comes a much bigger bite. chew slowly

I identify as "Independent Fundamental Baptist" . . . because I attend there and that's the preacher I sit under and have for 20 plus years. BUT - I do not agree with EVERYTHING espoused by ANY denomination . . .

one of my very favorite sayings is "have an open mind but not so open as to let your brain fall out" the very next is "rigidity of thought is a profoundly debilitating weakness" after all . . . we're told to "study to show ourselves approved." are we not?

most dogma is man made and not GOD given . . . MOST of it doesn't even affect your salvation - yet we'll fight over it and destroy the peace were intended to have . . . seems like the enemy's perfect plan to me.

as you read what follows remember that I'm speaking from the perspective of an Independent Fundamental Baptist. I also realize that I'm not the only sumbody here that's been on a "search and find (your) truth" walk about.

here's what I wrote a few weeks back:
like most I've been all over searching - raised roman catholic; served almost 20 yrs as a devout agnostic. played in tarrot cards for awhile. looked into the book of Mormon, ventured into Adventism and stayed there 5 years. I been all over searching. even though I will argue all day that the REAL SABBATH is SATURDAY - I have finally found a home where I'm happy. I've been where I am now since 2001.

now the big bite:
so just how DOES the 'eight veils' essay fit in spiritually to the current political climate - in the physical - and yet tie in with the distant past - spiritually . . . THAT was my original conundrum, remember?

I mentioned that Mike Heiser's work assisted me in bridging what seemed to be "a great divide between the physical and spiritual" in all of this. as I said Heiser is a PhD, Old Testament scholar and Christian author. his area of expertise is the nature of the spiritual realm in the Bible - in particular - the Divine council and hierarchy of the spiritual order. Hieser's work really fits in to this quite nicely at both GENISIS 6 and the sixth veil. if you have ANY interest in this stuff beyond casual passing look him up - most particularly his work on the Divine Council.

that bring us to GENESIS 6 - specifically the verses GEN 6:4-6 and the fall - and the co-mingling of the "fallen" with the "daughters of men" - and NOAH and the FLOOD. a flood that was sent to destroy the evil in the world at the time.
now consider these quotes:

as it was in the time of NOAH so shall it be at the time of the end

could the phrase "perfect in his generations" actually mean an UN-CORRUPTED GENETIC LINE of 100% human descendants? was the flood really intended to destroy those commingled blood lines? if the answer to that question is YES, then where did king Og and Goliath and his brothers come from? put another way - did the effort to cleanse the earth of that evil FAIL?

now consider that we live in the age of CRISPR, genetic manipulation and AI. men of the future who will willingly become increasingly less human than they were in previous generations. look around - the dummies are standing in line even as we speak, to do it RFN. sounds quite a little bit like "IMPERFECT in his generations" to me - and maybe a bit like "as it was in the days of NOAH" too. now along comes a bio weapon - a virus that will require mandatory vaccination - anybody remember hearing some were actually beginning to wonder about that "mark thing" and a possible connection to the vaccine? you know the rest of that tune. who gave us this crap? who's forcing it down our throats?

as I said back in the OP - the "Eight Veils" essay was a very significant key in my spiritual awakening . . . below is a note I'd made to myself after I'd read and digested it - the date is 13Jan2010:

My personal observations:
This is probably the most profound piece of reading I have encountered in the past 35 years – the entire length of time I've studied “the conspiracy”. It's particularly instructive to recognize that each successive veil pierced results in a geometric reduction of individuals who will progress further.

Exactly, what does “geometric reduction” mean? It means a reduction of 10 to the 10’Th power at each level pierced. It means that at every level pierced only10% of the previous 10% will proceed further.

I gave that considerable thought. Certainly it is not because individuals who progress in learning and understanding are particularly “smarter” than others. Rather, I believe it is because individuals who do progress are those determined to continue learning - “regardless of the cost” - where “cost” is defined as one’s willingness to sacrifice increasingly more time devoted to the study of a complex subject matter - because they have realized how valuable it is in their progression along the spiritual path. I also believe it means those unencumbered by refusal to question accepted thought

So, having said the above, why is it so difficult to progress beyond the sixth veil? My personal experience here can be compared to a firewall - and the firewall is very complex. It is composed of belief systems which are deeply ingrained in the concept of religion. Certainly, there is a supreme being, a GLORIOUS CREATOR GOD, to whom we owe all praise, honor and worship, for HE has given us everything including our very spiritual existence – which is eternal.

Go back and look closely at the sixth veil. So how does one rationalize the existence of CREATOR GOD, the alpha and the omega, with the obvious existence of ET? Clearly there are positive and negative spiritual forces. We know them as good and evil. Are there not then good and evil ET’s? If they assisted in the creation process of human kind – was it the evil faction in rebellion to CREATOR GOD or the good faction in assistance to it? WAS IT BOTH?

From a purely spiritual standpoint, essentially the entirety of ET human contact is at its essence, negative and dark. On no occasion does ET espouse the concept of CREATOR GOD as source, or suggest HE is worthy of worship. Contrarily, contactees are often told that we have been engineered by them, and that we have the power to become God within ourselves. There are no recorded instances of ET suggesting JESUS is the son of GOD or deserving of worship. Quite the contrary, there are multiple reports within the literature of alien abductions being immediately terminated simply by the act of calling on the name of JESUS, at which point the entities simply “vanish”.

So - if whatever is visiting us are predominantly the “evil faction”, then where are the good ET's? Are they being held in abeyance - perhaps by CREATOR GOD until the “time of the end”, when they'll come to our assistance in some fashion? Could we not consider evil ET's the “fallen Angels” and good ET's sort of like the “Angelic Cavalry”? Is that what it means in the Bible when it speaks of “war in the heavens”?

Now here's the other side of it: There are literally millions of quite well intended, religious fundamentalists who are convinced that this globe is just over some 6000 years old. That, despite the presence of what are quite obviously galaxy sized mountains of incontrovertible, scientifically documented evidence to the contrary. In point of fact, there are volumes upon volumes of evidence to suggest that there have been several highly evolved civilizations on this planet before we arrived. why is it so difficult for so many to even consider that its entirely possible for there to have been pre-Adamic man and then came the creation of Adam? how does that conflict with biblical teachings? I submit that it DOES NOT.

So here's the real question - is this trip through simply another chance given by CREATOR GOD for “us” to make it all the way to finish line this time? And, if so, are we to destroy ourselves AGAIN, or get it right this time around?

I know I've just opened my self to the big "pile on" - If I get lost under a pile of rebukes for my blasphemy, sum buddy come find me in a few weeks. loneliness sux - BIGGLY
Or, you simply roll over and hit the insistent buzzer, to then sit up in bed and wipe the sleep from your eyes.


"WHAT a dream THAT was . . . "




Senior Member
As a liberal college professor told us at the beginning of Freshmen Seminar..."If I can accomplish this one thing in this class, it is this, if I can set your mind free, your ass will surely follow!" It's a little different spin at the words of YHWH incarnate, "You shall know the truth and the TRUTH shall set you free."

There are many well referenced works and books about what is going on behind the scenes for hundreds of years...yes we certainly do need to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Surprisingly, a number of excellent historical works have been scanned into archive.org. Been looking at this stuff since Jr High in late 60's. First read was G Edward Griffin's "The Fearful Master" about the UN.

The rabbit hole is indeed deep and full of many divergent routes of travel. My oldest book is entitled, "Proofs of a Conspiracy" from 1798!


Country exile in the city
Don Harkins originally published this remarkable piece of wisdom as an editorial in the December 2001 issue of the Idaho Observer
here:Idaho Observer: Slavery and the eight veils.

it was 10 years before I found it. when I did, it opened a lot of doors for me. in fact I remember the impression I had when I realized the significance of its many truths. it was as if I'd been in a library with many floors. I'd read all that I could there. there was a stairway to the second floor - where there were more books - but I couldn't get to the stairs because the door at the foot of those stairs was locked. this piece was the key that opened that door for me. maybe you'll have the same sort of experience.

at the time I discovered this I'd been studying "the conspiracy" for a very long time - since 1972. it had become increasingly clear to me that not only WAS there a conspiracy - but that it had many facets by which it enslaved us. it was not only political but also spiritual. in fact the largest portion of it WAS spiritual. I could never find the rational/logical connection between the two. this essay and a particularly bright fellow named Michael S Heiser, PhD - an American biblical Old Testament scholar and Christian author, helped to bridge what seemed to be a great divide for me. Heiser's area of expertise is the nature of the spiritual realm in the Bible; the Divine council and hierarchy of the spiritual order in particular.

I original started to post this on "UNEXPLAINED" under the prefix of WOO-gen, but I've put it on main under UNEX. although it clearly has implications for current events; it also has significant spiritual implications. when you consider those they seem to run the gambit from one end of the spectrum to the other. so here it is for your consideration. MODS if you feel it's better placed on UNEXPLAINED please feel free to relocate.

while I DO NOT want this to become a religious debate I do think that there is room for reasonable scriptural reference here as well - I don't know how that fits into the current rules on such things . hopefully its permissibly under the current prefix.

Slavery and the eight veils

Don Harkins

Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth -- even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples' inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don't want to see” what is really going on.

Extremely evil men and women who make up the world's power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears.

The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” -- those of us who can see past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship's castle.

Finally, I understand why.

It's not that those who don't see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don't want to see it” -- they simply can't see what is happening to them because of the unpierced veils that block their view.

All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports are one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, the filtration process continues for until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October.

Behind the first veil: There are over six billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.

The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the second veil.

The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.

The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.

The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.

The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.

The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was- people so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what.

The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil probably reveals God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living things-which are, I think, one and the same.

If my math is accurate there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people.

Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can't, the more insane he appears to them.

Our enemy, the state who

Behind the first two veils we find the great majority of people on the planet. They are tools of the state: Second veilers are the gullible voters whose ignorance justify the actions of politicians who send first veilers off to die in foreign lands as cannon fodder -- their combined stations in life are to believe that the self-serving machinations of the power-elite are matters of national security worth dying for.

Third, fourth, fifth and sixth veilers are of increasing liability to the state because of their decreasing ability to be used as tools to consolidate power and wealth of the many into the hands of the power-elite. It is common for these people to sacrifice more of their relationships with friends and family, their professional careers and personal freedom with each veil they pierce.

Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), author of “Our Enemy, the State” (1935), explained what happens to those who find the seventh and eighth veils: “What was the best that the state could find to do with an actual Socrates and an actual Jesus when it had them? Merely to poison one and crucify the other, for no reason but that they were too intolerably embarrassing to be allowed to live any longer.”


And so now we know that it's not that our countrymen are so committed to their lives that, “they don't want to see,” the mechanisms of their enslavement and exploitation. They simply “can't see” it as surely as I cannot see what's on the other side of a closed curtain.

The purpose of this essay is threefold: 1. To help the handful of people in the latter veils to understand why the masses have little choice but to interpret their clarity as insanity; 2. To help people behind the first two veils understand that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning and; 3. Show people that the greatest adventure of our life is behind the next veil because that is just one less veil between ourselves and God.

Veils 4 through 6 are (without awareness) speaking of organizations / entities that are either demon-influenced or outright demon-controlled by demon-possessed persons (as the Word of God made clear and reveals to us).

Veils 7-8 have nothing to do with the soul "evolving" (that word right there shows the author's worldview, and if you start with an incorrect premise you're going to arrive at an incorrect conclusion) but with the facts that 1) there IS a God who rules the universe (and beyond it, as He is outside His own creation), 2) that that God is omniscient--and not at all taken surprise by what's happening on earth (in fact He gave us sneak-peeks into much of it through what is commonly called "prophecy") and 3) that He is at His own discretion going to declare "halt!" to the processes described above and take visible, physical rulership over the earth again, and 4) that this God knows us intimately, loves us infinitely, and invites us to come to Him to be restored to what we were originally created to be.

People don't reject this God out of either embarrassment or insanity---but out of pure rebellion. They want to be their own "God"--and will give place to NO one else in that position.

Finally, to quote from the OP: "Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can't, the more insane he appears to them."

SO true--as is evidenced more every day as "prophecy" BECOMES the morning headlines--but we're not allowed to talk about that because it's "too religious."

I trust--since the OP itself does mention "God", that mentioning Him here in response is permissible.


Saved, to glorify God.
If and iI do mean IF there are extra terrestials, I dont know.

But IF there are, God created them and gave them life.

And if they are even CAPABLE of dying,
which I have heard is possible, then they have fallen also, and no longer walk with God and are in NEED of a SAVIOR.

And, there are relatively good and relatively evil individuals among them.


TB Fanatic
that sounds about right however, i do not know about the time travel and lizard people.

i know that I have tried to explain things to people (even my sweetie) and nothing. These are people that i know were really trying. They really, really want to know - how I was able to quit work in 2012 at the age of 58 and live well and pay no taxes.

being "veiled" is about the only explanation for the lemming march to the sea of this population.
I believe or hope to believe that current events with the mass fraud that more than a few will become enlightened.

Ok, ok. I do not really believe that any of them will become enlightened.
I still believe the same.


TB Fanatic
The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, . . . .

The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. . .

The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens . . . are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies.

The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, . . .

Just a few questions.
Where does creating a pathogenic virus in a lab fall?
Where does leaking a pathogenic virus on the entire planet fall?
Where does governments, acting in unison, to force lock down, mask up, stop work, stop payments fall?
Where does creation and forced administration of a vaxine which is harmful fall?
Where does the government forcing the acknowledgement that a man can become a woman or a man being pregnant fall?
Where does the government acknowledging the existence of UFOs and that they may be a hazard fall?
Where does the government proceeding headlong into a war that has the real possibility of nuclear war fall?
Where does believing that you can vote your way out of this fall?

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just a few questions.
Where does creating a pathogenic virus in a lab fall?
Where does leaking a pathogenic virus on the entire planet fall?
Where does governments, acting in unison, to force lock down, mask up, stop work, stop payments fall?
Where does creation and forced administration of a vaxine which is harmful fall?
Where does the government forcing the acknowledgement that a man can become a woman or a man being pregnant fall?
Where does the government acknowledging the existence of UFOs and that they may be a hazard fall?
Where does the government proceeding headlong into a war that has the real possibility of nuclear war fall?
Where does believing that you can vote your way out of this fall?

Second veil.



Saved, to glorify God.
It is simpler than that.
THAT is the "plausible" explanation that everyone might accept.(eight or ninee veils explanation)

But the BIBLE doesn't simply say
"The TRUTH will make you free!"

There is a proviso before it, because without it, most all people cannot recognize the truth and are easily deceived.

The proviso is THAT YOU ARE, have to be, NOT just a believer to some degree or another, but a student, a "DISCIPLE" OF JESUS CHRIST in order to RECOGNIZE TRUTH WHEN YOU HEAR IT! The truth does nothing for non-believers, non- disciples, who dont recognize TRUTH and believe it. Never study God's word the Bible, and you will be just as easily deceived as an unbeliever!

I ask you to STUDY, over and over John Chapter 8 20-59 and you will know why the truth doesn't impress some people, who don't believe it.
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White Sunlight

Senior Member
I have enjoyed reading this thread. All is good. There is always the “when” question of when Jesus will return for the second time. But the real question for the soul is the “how” question and that is, how do we get closer to God.

If each day of God (a day is to God as a thousand years is to man), counting from Adam has different meanings, like the fourth day, and four meaning trial or tribulation, the Northern Kingdom of Israel is taken by Assyria and the Southern Kingdom of Judah is taken by Babylon. There is a period of time where there is no prophesy before the first coming of Jesus. The fourth day was full of trial.

However, the fifth day, and five stands for Grace, is where the true veil is lifted to only a few. Jesus is crucified at the beginning of this day but it is in the desert where monks, desert fathers, and nuns, desert mothers, go to seek God fully. The veil is really lifted in the fourth century. Here they begin, through much prayer, like 40 years alone with God as a hermit that the deeper veil is lifted. The desert fathers where the feedstock of the mystics of the Middle Ages.

In this lukewarm age at the end of the seven church ages there are two remedies for our time. First is the need for eye salve and secondly the need for zeal. The eye of the soul, or the greek word mentioned 26 times in the NT, the nous, is this eye. The desert fathers write about how to clean and purify that eye. A good two writers to seek on this is Saint Issac the Syrian and John Climacus. Moreover, books like Orthodox Psychotherapy are good general reads that refer you back to the desert fathers.

Saint Issac states that staying and being still blended with fasting will take you to that prayer level where “theoria” begins. That state is a oneness with God, a short period of time that goes beyond understanding and description. The fasting is not easy and sitting still listening to the silence is the opposite of the times we live in.

Seeking God fully through the desert father writings is passing through the veils. I am barely getting there and doing a lousy job of changing myself. But I keep reading and praying and seeking the clean eye and that zeal. In my opinion, only the desert fathers have the pure path to God and once exposed to their writings, it becomes the food for virtue and change.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Had a Sunday school teacher when I was quite young, who said” learn everything about something, and something about everything.”

good advice for anyone. Jesus gave us the best advice over and over. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.”

hard row to hoe, sometimes, however. Forgive those who persecute you, pray for your enemies.

love everyone...

walk humbly.

A hard road to follow, but the joy of the Lord is one’s strength to go forward.

satan is the god of this world. Soon to be cancelled. It is later than you think...


Country exile in the city
Although, He apparently visits from time to time:

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

— Matthew 18:20 (KJV)

I never said He was separated or isolated from His creation -- that was not my meaning.

I wanted to avoid confusion with pantheism that states that God and His creation are the same thing--"all is God", etc.


Saved, to glorify God.
Use the Bible to see the world rather than using your own wisdom and the "wisdom" of this world and others to see the Bible and Jesus Christ, and Father God.

It is not possible that way. You must come to Him as a trusting child, knowing nothing, accepting what He tells you, NOT judging God and His word as you read. If you do accept his word, God's Holy Spirit will open and explain his Holy word to you. It does not contradict itself.

It is a perfect plan.

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have enjoyed reading this thread. All is good. There is always the “when” question of when Jesus will return for the second time. But the real question for the soul is the “how” question and that is, how do we get closer to God.

If each day of God (a day is to God as a thousand years is to man), counting from Adam has different meanings, like the fourth day, and four meaning trial or tribulation, the Northern Kingdom of Israel is taken by Assyria and the Southern Kingdom of Judah is taken by Babylon. There is a period of time where there is no prophesy before the first coming of Jesus. The fourth day was full of trial.

However, the fifth day, and five stands for Grace, is where the true veil is lifted to only a few. Jesus is crucified at the beginning of this day but it is in the desert where monks, desert fathers, and nuns, desert mothers, go to seek God fully. The veil is really lifted in the fourth century. Here they begin, through much prayer, like 40 years alone with God as a hermit that the deeper veil is lifted. The desert fathers where the feedstock of the mystics of the Middle Ages.

In this lukewarm age at the end of the seven church ages there are two remedies for our time. First is the need for eye salve and secondly the need for zeal. The eye of the soul, or the greek word mentioned 26 times in the NT, the nous, is this eye. The desert fathers write about how to clean and purify that eye. A good two writers to seek on this is Saint Issac the Syrian and John Climacus. Moreover, books like Orthodox Psychotherapy are good general reads that refer you back to the desert fathers.

Saint Issac states that staying and being still blended with fasting will take you to that prayer level where “theoria” begins. That state is a oneness with God, a short period of time that goes beyond understanding and description. The fasting is not easy and sitting still listening to the silence is the opposite of the times we live in.

Seeking God fully through the desert father writings is passing through the veils. I am barely getting there and doing a lousy job of changing myself. But I keep reading and praying and seeking the clean eye and that zeal. In my opinion, only the desert fathers have the pure path to God and once exposed to their writings, it becomes the food for virtue and change.


Excellent summation and reference to how the “masters” of the modern day have done everything in their power to prevent the “actions” that CAN be taken to depart the carnal/clutter mind and take on the eternal mind of God.

Only a died-in-the-wool-of-deception “evangelical” could argue with what you’ve brought forth.


TB Fanatic
"Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can't, the more insane he appears to them."
RM ever read clan of the cave bears? Two levels of understanding. Many are on a much higher plane. Been struggling with this all my life.
I really liked Clan of the Cave Bear Another book I really liked is The Source by James Michener


Goodness before greatness.
My MENSA friend has a Super Low IQ.

His Intuitive Quotient is substandard because of his ‘Pre-Conceived’ opinion shaped by Group-Think. He FEAR’s thinking OSTB!

Truth…. It’s as easy… yet as difficult as John 8-32, and as purpose driven as ASTM 8-32 S/S.

How many souls can just sit back in the easy chair and be content with the world around them for ‘what they see.’

Is the progressive blind to what their frontmen do when they burn cities? This is not a political question. It is a point (((encapsulated))) in one of the five primary senses of (Sight), followed up by experience and deductive reasoning.

Do their lying eyes not see the finality of the anarchist arson? Is there a problem with the eyesight, or is it a hardened heart with Ill-intent; or are they just deluded two bricks shy of insane.

So what were we taught about “truth” in liberal university?

Was it ‘subjective’…

Or a path-way to being “free?”

A blind person and a deaf person experience similar 3-D physical events through different venues.

Denied one sensory mode, each will strengthen the four remaining. Each, having come to terms with their individual limitations, would be beyond the hubris in attempting to discredit the others perceptions of mutual incidents perspectives. This is not the case for groups of people with five senses of data uptake.

Neurological or
Psychological ‘hurdles’

Preconceived notions… Learned theory of concepts applied to biases.

“The truth shall” what again?

Until we look into the mirror of our intent. Until we sit alone in the dark or wet or cold. Until we rip off the BS psychological bandages the handlers of our controlled society wrap us in like mummy’s…

There will be no freedom.

Faith may lead us across the bridge to belief. Nothing less will protect us from what is behind the veil.

A 6th sense is just a slight edge in the animated contest and pursuit of truth. All while it draws flak faster than moths to a 100 W light bulb on the back porch.
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A 6th sense is just a slight edge in the animated contest and pursuit of truth. All while it draws flak faster than moths to a 100 W light bulb on the back porch.
Intuition developed and applied; learning and practicing the art form - coupled with a desire to actively question, and a naturally vital curiosity.

Beginnings of a decent tool set that can serve for a lifetime.
