Sheeple Advised To Prep For 10 Days - GMA


Veteran Member
Saw it this morning on Good Morning America... Red Cross spokesperson did a show-and-tell on necessary preps for 10 days...

Preparing for a Pandemic
An Expert Goes Over the Must-Haves if Bird Flu Cripples the Country

March 14, 2006 — - Over the weekend, the government told Americans to start storing canned foods and powdered milk under their beds as the prospect of a deadly bird flu outbreak approaches the United States. The fear is that the bird flu will turn into a pandemic and drastically alter the course of American life for a time.

The Red Cross says that if there's a pandemic, we need to prepare for 10 days of being stuck in our homes, and that we may be without power and water during that time. In the event of a bird flu pandemic, Americans should plan for interruptions or delays in other services: Banks might close, hospitals could be overwhelmed, and postal service could be spotty. Experts also say that people need to begin stocking up on extra food and supplies like protective masks, flashlights, portable radios, batteries and matches.

"When you go to the store and buy three cans of tuna fish, buy a fourth and put it under the bed. When you go to the store to buy some milk, pick up a box of powdered milk, put it under the bed," said Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt. "When you do that for a period of four to six months, you are going to have a couple of weeks of food. And that's what we're talking about."

Previous pandemics occurred in 1918, 1957 and 1968, and the worst waves of illness seem to pass through communities in a matter of six weeks to eight weeks. Computer models suggest about 30 percent of people could be infected, but not all at the same time.

In the event of a pandemic, people must practice what the health officials call "social distancing," or keeping away from other people's germs. Schools and day-care centers could be closed, sporting events and other large gatherings could be canceled, and shaking hands could become socially unacceptable, at least for a while.

Darlene Washington, the director of disease prevention education at the American Red Cross, came to "Good Morning America" to go over some of the must-haves in the event of a bird flu pandemic.


"We recommend that each member of your family has a gallon of water for each day, so a family of four needs to have 40 gallons of water available and you need that much water stored because there's a chance that your water will get cut off if there's a pandemic," Washington said. "Workers may not be able to make it, and plants may stop operating. Your family will need to drink water and for hygiene, for brushing their teeth and washing their hands."


"You need foods that will not spoil," Washington said. "So you need canned foods like tuna. You also need to get foods that you don't have to heat, because just like your water, your powers may go out, too. In addition, to things like canned tuna, you should start storing peanut butter, protein, bars, crackers. Again, foods that have a long shelf life and that don't need to be heated. Make sure you have enough formula and baby food to get through that 10 days. You have to plan for every member of your family and that includes your pets. So get extra dog food or cat food, and make sure you have extra water for your pets. You need a 10-day supply for everyone."

Power Outages

"Stores are going to run out of what you need, too," Washington said. "So that's why you need to stock up now. And we encourage families to have supplies on hand like flashlights and batteries, matches. Hand-cranked or battery-operated radios, and a manual can opener, because you are going to need to open all those cans of food. And this may not seem important but you must get activities for your children and yourself, games, coloring books, cards."

Cleaning Supplies

"You have to have all those on hand to keep your home clean and to have receptacles for all your trash," she said. "You probably won't have trash service and you need to account for that. You need to make sure to have paper towels, toilet paper and soap. Everything you need to keep your home clean and practice good hygiene."


"You need to get an additional 10 days of all your prescription medications," Washington said. "You should also have over-the-counter, fever-reducing medications; medications for upset stomach; and cold and flu medication. You'll also want to have fluids like Gatorade and Pedialite, which have electrolytes and will help a family member rehydrate if they get sick. Also, keep a few thermometers around in case someone gets sick."

If a Family Member Gets Sick …

"The first thing is to strengthen your hand washing and to have the infected family member cover his mouth when he coughs," she said. "You should also keep that person isolated in a certain part of the house and identify a family member who will help him. You may have to take turns."

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures


Got to believe that all of these prep warnings at this time may have more to do with terrorist attacks than the bird flu................Ray


Veteran Member
Okay, don't flame me because I know this is a serious story, and good for them for trying to wake the sheeple up!

However, the following sentence made me laugh out loud:

You also need to get foods that you don't have to heat, because just like your water, your powers may go out, too.

Not only do we have to worry about illness and lack of supplies, but we're also going to lose our powers????



alpha phi

Membership Revoked
It's great the MSM is reminding people to prep,
But why will the power go out because of bird flu?
If they would give people more "real" reasons to prep
More would take this seriously.


Veteran Member
CB, I'm as Pro-Second as they come but I'm actually glad they don't mention firearms. The last thing I want to see when something catastrophic happens is a bunch of HUNGRY, THIRSTY, COLD unprepared halfwit people with guns!

Those who have planned carefully for their total needs will be armed, and those are the only ones I want with the additional power in a crisis. They have demonstrated their intelligence, their resourcefulness, and their perspectives on self reliance by planning for the future. They are unlikely to go about looking for easy pickings from others, and will be the most likely candidates for maintainers of control in a bad situation. IMO, TIFWIW.


Our local news station did a commercial last night for 3-day preps. Kinda stopped me in my tracks. Always raises an eyebrow when the MSM starts advertising for the sheeple to have preps.
I didn't catch the name but some official from the CDC (I think) in discussing gettting a vacine up and runing talking to a group of health professionals, hospital administrators, community health people, doctors etc stated that if'/when the virus struck our mainland it would have to be determined exactly which variation of the virus was active and then make it and distribute it. That it would take 6 months to get it up and running. Stated the necessity for detailed planning for each state, city and that the gov could not handle the local distrabution--they would be able to get it on the planes and to the areas but not be on the ground to hand it out. He figured that they would aim at 25% of the total population. as that is what was hit in 1918. Also stated that cleanliness, social distancing (closing of schools and public events) was in the plan and noted that in 1918, those cities that didn't showed an increase in infection. His last statement that was also repeated during the questoning period was the necessity for personal planning, prottection and storage of necessities and with the plea to do so not only for ourselves but for those people who by profession or volunteer action will be placing themselves into harms way by being "out in it". I think that he said a couple of weeks worth of prepping was the goal.

My question is if the start up time too planes on the ground with the vacine is 6 months, what is the sence of prepping for a few weeks?

Left unasked and not answered is that, iin that the virus cihanges so rapidly and comes in waves, how are they going to address the 6 months [rep time for a newer vaccine?

Sid Vicious

Veteran Member


Black Out
I always prep for 90 days. I figure if any event goes beyond that 90 period we're all in big trouble.


It's great the MSM is reminding people to prep,
But why will the power go out because of bird flu?
If they would give people more "real" reasons to prep
More would take this seriously.

Very simple reason... POWER is provided with the help of a lot of skilled people who keep the power generating stations running... every single day. What happens if, say, 50% of those are home sick... or quarantined because someone else in their house has influenza?

What happens if the government declares a full quarantine? Sure, some of those folks are going to be excepted because of their important work... but what if they decide it's not worth their life for a paycheck?

As far as water, which I've heard several people (not here so much) say "sheesh! the water is gravity fed from a reservoir", or "our municipal water will keep running even in a power outage".. Well, yeah. But will your WATER TREATMENT PLANT? Most of those are dependent on electricity to power the pumps which meter the chlorine, etc.. which keep the water safe.

IF this thing goes pandemic without losing virulence, there are going to be a whole lot of jobs empty of their workers, possibly for weeks or months.

Anything you depend on which is currently provided by those workers... you'll need to provide for yourself.



God has a plan, Trust it!
Karnie said:
Okay, don't flame me because I know this is a serious story, and good for them for trying to wake the sheeple up!

However, the following sentence made me laugh out loud:

You also need to get foods that you don't have to heat, because just like your water, your powers may go out, too.

Not only do we have to worry about illness and lack of supplies, but we're also going to lose our powers????



Not to mention the fact that they hone in on "Storing it under the bed".

What's with that? Why not just say "put it aside", or store it? Why mention under the bed over and over in the article?

Seemed odd to me. The last place I want food is under my bed to attract bugs and stuff.

On a side note, my employer sent out mass emails to everyone with their flu pandemic plan. That caught a few sheeples eyes.


listen, first off, the only people that have died from this , are people in third world countries, that ate undercooked birds, or people that handled sick or dying birds. IT has not jumped to humans, the other animals that died are cats, as such that eat birds. now if it shows up in this country. I will take action, because I do have a few birds. I will keep them up and inside, if any get sick, they all will be killed, and burned. however, I think all of the talk of quarntine, is getting carried away. The bird flu was in America, about 7 or so years ago in PA, most of the country didn't know a thing about it. they killed the birds at that place, cleaned up, and started again. There is no sign this is going to jump to humans. OF course it could, but it hasn't.
I am not sure waht all of this talk of quarntine, and shelter in place is for. but it isn't because of a flu that is in birds. I am not saying that it could not make The jump, I am saying it hasn't. and if it did, 10 days worth of food, and water and meds, aren't going to get it. It would take 6 months worth of stuff, for you and your family to be safe, saying that none of you contacted it, in the first place,
Then yo umust be prepared to ride this out, and 6 months would b ebetter than 10 days, because it is going to take that long, for it to do all the sweeps that the flu makes during a flu season. So telling people to have a gallon of water for each person, and some tuna, isn't going to get it.
and you don't drink up more than a gallon of water a piece in ten days? more like a gallon a day. with sheltering in place, and quartines, and dividing the country into sections, sounds more like marshall law, and an attack of some kind. and in that case better have more than a gallon of water a day. all you have to do is look to NO, that a a prize piece of work. If that be the case, get much more in than they are telling you. because you won't have wally world to run to. and father fema, isn't going to be there to help you.
I wonder, after all that went on last year during 'cane season, how many people will be prepared for it this year. Will be interesting to see.


Veteran Member
The 1918 flu pandemic started as an avian flu also. No, H5N1 is not a human flu yet. However, WHO made the statement last week that this flu only needs ONE more change to become efficiently H to H. Nobody is talking about a quarantine from infected birds. They're talking about a quarantine from infected humans. And they're now saying it WILL happen. 6 months ago they were totally downplaying this.

Bird Guano

Kim99 said:
The 1918 flu pandemic started as an avian flu also. No, H5N1 is not a human flu yet. However, WHO made the statement last week that this flu only needs ONE more change to become efficiently H to H. Nobody is talking about a quarantine from infected birds. They're talking about a quarantine from infected humans. And they're now saying it WILL happen. 6 months ago they were totally downplaying this.

They are also tracking tagged flocks of infected birds via satellite on their migration back to Alaska.

Drudge has a link to an article saying HPAI H5N1 could be in the USA by early spring, and well established in the wild bird population by summer/fall.

With only one hemegluten change necessary to go human to human pandemic.. they are giving the odds at 50-50.

Even Money folks, up from 80-20 AGAINST just 6 short months ago.


Veteran Member
I don't think this all sounds right either. There is way more to this than just Bird Flu! I think they are planning on releasing something on us. Maybe trying to kill off all the useless eaters in society, or welfare people. If they really thought this Bird Flu was going to cause an epidemic soon, they would be suspending travel out of and into this country and they would close the borders tight!!! Something smells wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!

Eddie Willers

Membership Revoked
Well we all *KNOW* that bird flu will kill millions and millions of people!!

After all, what, 300 or so people WORLDWIDE have died from it in the past 3 YEARS!

Sheesh. Another gov-instigated set up. Yes, something's fishy.

They way I see it: when you are urged to Prep for 10 days, either
this is merely showing 'due diligence' or maybe we really need to
be prepped for a much, much longer period.

Without too much trouble, I could think of several other reasons
for including the idea of people being isolated/confined in their
own homes for extended periods.

I would be amazed and impressed if the Feds or any MSM type ever
told the whole truth, the first time, about anything. I don't recall
that ever happening, do you?


Veteran Member
Eddie Willers said:
Well we all *KNOW* that bird flu will kill millions and millions of people!!

After all, what, 300 or so people WORLDWIDE have died from it in the past 3 YEARS!

Sheesh. Another gov-instigated set up. Yes, something's fishy.


Once again, no one is saying it's dangerous to humans now. They're saying there's a good chance it will become dangerous in the near future. Have you heard of the 1918 pandemic? Was that instigated by this government also?


Veteran Member
Kind of interesting with the 10 day figure. Before Katrina it was always 3 days for anything. I guess the .Gov just admitted that they can't get to you quickly. If it gets really bad 10 days won't do spit for anyone.


Membership Revoked
What exactly is that old management advice for dealing with time estimates from programmers? "Double the number, and move to the next larger unit"? That's 20 weeks, five months, a time period more likely to actually HELP.

Longer is of course always better if it can be done.


Membership Revoked
Kim99 said:
The 1918 flu pandemic started as an avian flu also. No, H5N1 is not a human flu yet. However, WHO made the statement last week that this flu only needs ONE more change to become efficiently H to H. Nobody is talking about a quarantine from infected birds. They're talking about a quarantine from infected humans. And they're now saying it WILL happen. 6 months ago they were totally downplaying this.
Just picking nits, but no, the '18 flu did not START as an avian flu - it started as an equine flu at Fort Riley, Kansas.

It may have jumped to birds later, but it began with horses/donkeys/mules.



Membership Revoked
Brutus said:
Just picking nits, but no, the '18 flu did not START as an avian flu - it started as an equine flu at Fort Riley, Kansas.

It may have jumped to birds later, but it began with horses/donkeys/mules.
No, it didn't, H1N1 started as avian flu. We know that now because of the sequencing that has been done.


Emergency Essentials Store
The message is getting out and it is being received by at least some out there. Mountain House is beginning to run into "Out of Stock" issues again. Remember post-Katrina? It's not at all like that yet, but demand is again beginning to exceed their expectations.

This is not from them, it is my perspective ... They're going to have to be ramping up production, but if the demand grows any faster than it is already, it's going to be back to that post-Katrina situation where large orders will be backlogged for months.


Walrus Whisperer said:
"necessary preps for 10 days"

That MUST be a misprint, maybe they meant a year.....
Think of all the DGI's who aren't prepped for 24 hours: in terms of oh-no-I'
ve-run-out-of-x-and-I-can't-cope-for-24-hours-without-it. If your area gets the occasional snowstorm (or worse), think how many sheeple are out at the 7-11 buying diapers and bread a few hours before the storm hits. Or how many live paycheck to paycheck and never have anything on hand.


The Red Cross says that if there's a pandemic, we need to prepare for 10 days of being stuck in our homes, and that we may be without power and water during that time. In the event of a bird flu pandemic, Americans should plan for interruptions or delays in other services: Banks might close, hospitals could be overwhelmed, and postal service could be spotty.

Sounds like according to their plans, the only people that MIGHT be working will be hospital personnel, and MAYBE post office workers. Everybody else...stand down?

I agree, this doesn't pass the sniff test, and If most people watching the tv today felt the same way, they're not gonna prep either. They'll say "whatever"...and ignore the warning if the person on the tv speaks without credibility.

IMO, the gooberment is trying to create a PANIC by saying this stuff. IF they think things like that need to be stored, HAVE FEMA DO IT!!!:sht: STOCKPILE MEDS, FOOD, WATER, etc for those areas that may be hit by the bird flu. WHY HAVE EVERYBODY STOCKPILE??? THAT ONLY CREATES PANIC BUYING AND SHORTAGES!!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!

Nope, this doesn't pass the sniff test...either that, or the insane are running the asylum! :shkr:

tsk, tsk...:wvflg:


Membership Revoked
tsk, the last thing I would want to do during a pandemic is to go to a centralized storage area to collect my ration of food. One of the reasons to stock is social distancing. This isn't like stocking for a noninfectious natural disaster. You can't say "quarantine" AND send everyone out for their supplies. That won't work.


Veteran Member
The hospital that my one daughter and son work at has finally mentioned making disaster plans. This is the first time anything has been mentioned. My daughter said she heard somebody talking about making sure they have enough supplies on hand in case there is a disaster. They didn't specifically mention the flu, but I'm glad somebody is finally thinking!!! They briefly talked about it after 9/11 because they are near the interstate and thought something could get brought in. That was the last time they talked about anything. I'm anxious to hear how much they actually tell the workers!


Membership Revoked
Brooks said:
No, it didn't, H1N1 started as avian flu. We know that now because of the sequencing that has been done.

I was under the impression that the latest research into it - the last couple of years or so - said it was equine in origin.


Gotta link?


Veteran Member
Here ya go~

Spanish flu
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Spanish Flu Pandemic, also known as La Grippe Espagnole, or La Pesadilla, was an unusually severe and deadly strain of avian influenza, a viral infectious disease, that killed some 50 million to 100 million people worldwide over about a year in 1918 and 1919 [1]. It is thought to have been one of the most deadly pandemics so far in human history. It was caused by the H1N1 type of influenza virus, which is similar to bird flu of today, mainly H5N1 and H5N2.

The Allies of World War I called it the "Spanish Flu". This was mainly because the pandemic received greater press attention in Spain than in the rest of the world, because Spain was not involved in the war and there was no wartime censorship. Although the virus certainly did not originate in Spain, the country did have one of the worst early outbreaks of the disease, with some 8 million people infected in May 1918. It was also described as "only the flu" or "the grippe" by public health officials seeking to prevent panic.

The Spanish flu might have contributed to the end of World War I. More people (20-40 million on both sides;some now believe as high as 100 million) died from the Spanish flu during World War I than were killed in the conflict.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Due to "Just in Time delivery" for food. I think that there is only about 14 days of food in the pipeline (based on my TB2K readings.) The US can instantly "get more food."

If you get the message out in advance some people will stock up,
some will delay, then stock up, others won't ever believe. This could ease the burden of the food crunch.

I see this simply as telling people to not out strip the food supply.

Since the govt has already told people this could be extended isolation periods
due to BirdFlu, the message is in fact contradictory.

The govt. could have started this messaging a while ago (like Dec.) when the spread of BirdFlu to Russia was very apparent.

10 days seems way too short to address a problem that really isn't much of a problem...

Then again if there was some time of oil embargo or computer virus attack, 10 days of spare food might be a good thing from the govt. perspective of stopping
a possible panic.

- In all of my prep food, I don't carry Tuna Fish!

I guess the PTB don't want spouse/significant other to pick up 30 cans of tuna fish for THEIR family. Tuna fish is for the sheep!!!

(sorry tunafish lovers, please don't go off the deep end on me here. I love maguro (raw tuna.))



You know think about it if everyone in the country goes out and buys a few cans of tuna there is not even enough for everyone. The gov must have realized only a small portion of the folks are going to do this so there won't be panic at this time.

The panic will come when one large region gets shut down for a few weeks and THEN everyone will run out to the Kroger or Chinamart for their tuna.


Membership Revoked
Brutus said:
I was under the impression that the latest research into it - the last couple of years or so - said it was equine in origin. :confused: Gotta link?
Check out the discussions at CurEvents or Recombinomics.


My Drawing of Monet
alpha phi said:
It's great the MSM is reminding people to prep,
But why will the power go out because of bird flu?
If they would give people more "real" reasons to prep
More would take this seriously.

There is no reason I can think of that Banks, Post Offices and Water Plants would shut down -- except for "The Stand" type of super-flu, where everyone dies in a matter of days. Less than 10 days too.

Why would they tell you to store it under your bed? Because people are wondering where to stock all this *extra* food up? <i>"Why look at the room you can find in your house; why, there's even room for it under the bed"</i> (I'm seriously hearing the Circus Tune playing here.... )

Why would they say 40 gallons of water for a 4 person family? That's a lot of water for people who live in apartments and rentals. There is simply no where to put that kind of supply. (Maybe they're hoping that the sheep will at least do 20 gallons, or 10 :confused: )

Something's up. Bird flu? Doubt it. But something has the media antzy. Wonder what it is...

Mary (no garden, no lamb) :scn: