GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

Is A Wheat Crisis Developing In China As Farmers Cut Crops Early?

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 03:40 PM

As global food prices remain at record highs and war wages in Europe between two of the world's largest grain suppliers, troubling videos from China show farmers slashing winter wheat production ahead of harvest times, adding even more uncertainty about food security.

Bloomberg reports China's agriculture ministry is very concerned about the matter. The ministry is investigating if there's illegal destruction of wheat crops.

The ministry said this comes three weeks before harvests, adding the crop was subjected to devastating floods late last year. There's also concern that soggy field conditions in southern China due to abnormal rainfall could affect farmers' ability to harvest.

An analyst at Melbourne-based Thomas Elder Markets, Andrew Whitelaw, said it's not surprising that farmers are cutting their wheat early for hay as this may be a better return on their money because of poor crop conditions.

"If China has a poor crop this season, then they will likely have to continue with a strong import program ... there are "already question marks around China's food security ambitions," Whitelaw said, adding that the country has ramped up wheat imports this year.

Here are some videos of Chinese trucks loaded up with unripened wheat that will be used as animal feed instead flour for human consumption.

.28 min

.22 min

The situation in China adds to wheat production concerns in Ukraine, Russia's unlikeness to ship the crop to "unfriendly" countries, India's threats of wheat export bans due to severe weather, and planting issues in the US Northern Plains and Canada because of wet conditions.

As a result of all of these issues that may tighten global food markets even further, US wheat futures hit a 14-year high on Monday.


On TB every waking moment

What Is DARPA Planning With The WEF?

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 03:20 PM
Authored by Marie Hawthorne via The Organic Prepper blog,

In 2013, President Obama awarded $100 million in grant money to launch the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative. This program conducts neurotechnological research in the name of treating various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, and brain injuries.

By 2016, the BRAIN Initiative was supported by multiple federal agencies and dozens of partners in the academic and private sectors. Some of the research sounds fascinating. They have been investigating ways to deliver naturalistic sensations to amputees, as well as restoring brain function in people that have suffered severe brain trauma. I can see this being a godsend to people with severe injuries or amputations.

Some of the other stated applications I’m not so sure about.
I look at the proposed treatment for mental illness, and I can’t help but be reminded of the thousands of lobotomies performed on World War II veterans back in the 1940s and 50s. We’ve tried manipulating brain tissue before to deal with individuals suffering from PTSD. It didn’t always go well.

DARPA’s research involves treating brain networks. The Systems Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS) program involves therapies that treat psychiatric illness by recording and analyzing brain activity with near-real-time brain stimulation to correct brain dysfunction.

This research, begun under Obama’s BRAIN Initiative almost ten years ago, has translated into some real-world success stories. Some people have indeed experienced real relief from the symptoms of severe depression with targeted brain stimulation.

I am genuinely happy some individuals have found relief from depression, but the jump to expensive technological solutions in treating mental illness, particularly in combat veterans, will always rub me the wrong way.

Not enough emphasis has been placed on low-tech solutions.
With the new technologies being introduced in the name of treating combat veterans, I feel as though it’s a way for the people who live behind desks, far away from physical danger, to absolve themselves of responsibility for getting us into wars to begin with.

It’s the mentality of a child that breaks a toy in a fit of rage, then fixes it and acts like nothing ever happened. Getting better at fixing things doesn’t absolve the guilty party of initial wrongs committed.

Avoiding war should be the first priority.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to own shares in defense contracting companies because, as two-time Medal of Honor recipient Maj. General Smedley Butler so famously said, “War is a racket.”

There will be combat veterans who, yes, absolutely need medical interventions. I’m glad we have the treatments that we do. But many veterans also suffer from milder depression and anxiety. They would probably simply benefit from clear-cut missions that give them a sense of pride in their accomplishments and provide meaningful context to their experiences overseas.

Refusing to engage in conflicts overseas without a mostly-supportive general public would also help.

One of the reasons I got so depressed after my brother got killed in Afghanistan was that, as soon as I’d say something about losing my brother, the average American suburban mom would come up with a reason why it was actually my family’s own fault for being so violent.

Many members of the military and their families encounter this, and yes, it will make you depressed.

But we don’t need drugs or experimental therapies to fix that problem. That problem gets solved when individuals choose not to be insensitive. It is normal to experience sad feelings when sad things happen. We’re pathologizing everything that makes us uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

More than a decade after the fact, I have made my peace with the universe as far as my brother is concerned. I will always miss him, but the loss no longer dominates my waking thoughts. I had to make some major life changes. My marriage ended, I moved, and I left the church in which I grew up…but I made a lot of new friends, I found a new support network, and I have peace of mind.

I didn’t need drugs or experimental therapies. I needed love, support, and patience.

But no one gets rich off providing those things! No one’s stock in defense companies goes up when we’re all loving and supportive of one another. And it’s hard. Most people would rather put their money into expensive high-tech solutions than put emotional energy into low-tech ones.

We don’t want to treat each other as brothers and sisters of the earth. We want to treat each other as equations to solve or as machines to be hacked. DARPA has made progress manipulating brain function via surgically implanted electrodes. They are also researching non-surgical methods to do the same.

Depression debilitates many people every year. Having another way to treat sufferers benefits us all.

DARPA claims that they conduct research with only the health and well-being of the public, but especially wounded soldiers, in mind. Though, as someone who spent about five years accused of mental illness, I have to ask: who gets to decide when someone’s brain is dysfunctional?

And with every new technology comes new risks.

What are the risks here of the DARPA BRAIN Initiative?
When we open up channels between human brains and electronic devices, we create new pathways of communication. In his 1928 book Propaganda, Edward Bernays states, “There is no means of communication which may not also be a means of deliberate propaganda.” Every time we open up new avenues of communication, we also open up new ways to be manipulated.

Regardless of my own feelings about it, the technology toward brain-digital interfacing has progressed a long way. And we have the same argument that comes along with every burst of new technology.

Do the risks outweigh the gains?

Most of the time, we say no.

But let’s think about the internet.
The internet created a revolution in communications, the like of which we have not seen since the invention of the printing press. And are we not subjected to more propaganda than ever?

Does it not take more and more effort to sift the truth from the half-truths and the outright lies?

This is widely recognized, though I think we’re heading in the wrong direction. Look at Biden’s newest creation, the Disinformation Governance Board. Ostensibly created to crack down on Russian misinformation and smuggling on the U.S.-Mexico border, the DGB will ultimately stifle dissent. Many people in alternative media are worried about the implications of this. If you’re more concerned about the truth than about the current official narrative, you should be too.

For now, as pervasive as the internet is, one can still turn it off. I can still shut my laptop and go talk to my kids or work in my garden as the need arises. As humans’ ability to manipulate brain waves via electronic stimulation progresses, it will be more and more difficult to “get away.”

Again, think about what life was like before the internet. Back in the 1980s, when Dad was home from work, he was home from work.

Twenty years later, he was never “off.”

The email notifications never ended. In the digital age, many people are never really off work. Opening up entirely new channels of communication is simply another step along that path of constant interconnection. Are we really ready for it?'

And it would be naïve in the extreme to think that none of this research by DARPA could be used for nefarious purposes.
DARPA only discusses the peaceful, medical aspects of their neuroscientific research. But a funny thing turned up in a FOIA request back in 2018.

A journalist for Muckrock magazine sent in a FOIA request regarding Antifa/BLM activity. Along with the information he requested, another file was accidentally slipped in with everything else.

The Muckrock journalist was shocked by his accidental find, to say the least, and they published this back in 2018. It’s unclear how much progress has been made in weaponizing the human-digital interface, but people are thinking about it, and it looks like they have been for a long time.

Now, DARPA may be full of the most selfless public servants dedicated to nothing but the safety and well-being of the American people. But a funny thing about technology is that it has a way of escaping, and there are plenty of groups out there who emphatically do not have the well-being of the American people in mind. I can imagine they are pretty interested in brain mapping and manipulation too. (Learn more about the move toward transhumanism here.)

One man in particular who regularly speaks of humans as machines to be “hacked” is Dr. Yuval Harari.

He took part in a roundtable discussion on Hacking Humans hosted by the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL).

1:45:55 min

The thought of this man, or anyone with his mindset, having control over other humans is disturbing in the extreme. Dr. Harari believes in the inherent superiority of algorithms. He insists humans kill everything around them and that the majority are only capable of thinking in the short term.

To have any life left at all, we must rely on algorithms to make decisions for us. Dr. Harari says that humans have never been as free as we thought and that the concept of freedom is mostly just a collection of bio-cultural factors. He goes on to say that people with a firm sense of their own free will are dangerous but easy to manipulate.

Dr. Harari’s contempt for human individuals and their respective cultures has no limits. In his 2017 article written for The Guardian, he discusses the future of the “useless class,” the large amounts of people that will soon be unemployable due to the inherent superiority of robots.

Dr. Harari works with the World Economic Forum and so, unfortunately, does DARPA.
While DARPA claims to work primarily with the interests of the United States at heart, what happens to their $3.8 billion per year budget tells another story. You can go down a real rabbit hole trying to find every last detail about where their money goes, but for the purposes of this article, it should suffice to say that they direct a great deal of money to the same bioengineering firms as the WEF. If DARPA knows how to do something, it’s safe to assume that the control fiends at the WEF will soon know it, too.

You could also go down a philosophical rabbit hole here. The story of men creating something and then worshiping it goes back to the Old Testament. Men used to worship statues of Dagon and Moloch. Today, instead of statuary, we have all-knowing algorithms. That impulse to worship the works of our hands remains. Human nature never changes.

And the tendency for power to corrupt never changes. We are gradually gaining the power to manipulate brain function. Do we believe that this kind of power will never be corrupted?


On TB every waking moment

Major Trucking Firms Prepare For "Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US"

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 12:07 PM
Major trucking fleets across the eastern half of the US are preparing for an "imminent" diesel shortage, according to logistics firm FreightWaves.

Founder and CEO of FreightWaves Craig Fuller said "3 very large fleets" are preparing for diesel pumps at fuel stations to run dry. Drivers of these fleets received notifications about fuel shortages that could materialize in the coming weeks across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions.


Fuller tweeted several messages that drivers received from fleet operators. The notifications were alarming.





He also tweeted what appears to be an unnamed industry insider explaining the historic mess hitting Mid-Atlantic and Northeast markets is a combination of crude being diverted from the US to Europe and supply chains issues along the East Coast.

Diesel supply is short worldwide due to the invasion of Ukraine disrupting energy markets and resulting Western sanctions. The writing has been on the wall for months about developing shortages, as we discussed in:
On Wednesday, DOE showed US diesel inventories are now 23% below the five-year average for this time of year, at their lowest since May 2005.

The situation isn't improving as diesel prices at the pump soar to new highs.

Retail gas prices are also legging higher.

And who does President Biden blame this time for possible fuel shortages? Can't keep blaming Putin for every problem.


On TB every waking moment

Tumbling Inventories Send US Gasoline, Diesel Prices To Fresh Record High

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 11:05 AM
By Tsvetana Paraskova of

U.S. gasoline prices continued to rise, setting another all-time high on Wednesday at $4.404 per gallon average nationwide, data from AAA showed today.

That’s the highest recorded average price for gasoline in the United States, ever.

Diesel prices also hit a new high on Wednesday, reaching $5.553 a gallon. This is the highest average price ever recorded, too.

Average U.S. gasoline prices have reached new records every day this week, with Monday’s price at $4.328 per gallon. The gasoline price increased to $4.374 a gallon on Tuesday, to pass the $4.40 mark on Wednesday for the latest all-time high.

To compare, at this time last year, the national average U.S. gasoline price stood at $2.985 per gallon, per AAA data.

Infographic: Gas Prices Surpass $4 in Most U.S. States | Statista
You will find more infographics at Statista

High international crude oil prices, with markets rattled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a post-COVID recovery in travel demand, have been pushing U.S. gasoline prices higher this year.

According to forecasts by fuel-savings app GasBuddy, U.S. gasoline prices will see the highest monthly average for 2022 in May. GasBuddy sees prices averaging $4.25/gal in May, but they could rise as high as $4.51/gal nationally, Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy, tweeted on Tuesday. Gasoline prices could hit $4.62/gal on some days in August this year, GasBuddy’s forecasts show. The yearly average for 2022 is predicted at $3.99 per gallon.

Meanwhile, the price of diesel has also soared to record highs amid very tight domestic inventories of middle distillates and a global shortage of supply. Diesel is used in every part of the industrial activity and supply chain, from goods transportation to manufacturing and agriculture; it fuels America’s economy. Diesel prices have soared to record highs in recent months, adding further upward pressure on U.S. inflation figures.

The exceptionally tight diesel market at home and abroad is unlikely to ease any time soon, considering the post-COVID demand from industry and for leisure and travel, as well as the reduced supply of diesel, other fuels, and crude oil from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine and the bans on Russian imports or self-sanctioning of buyers in the West to buy Russian energy goods.

On the East Coast, inventories are at their lowest ever, as the refinery capacity in the region has halved over the past decade to just 818,000 barrels per day now.

So, instead of focusing on boosting the production of gasoline in the summer driving season, this year U.S. refiners could be looking to raise diesel and jet fuel runs, as the global market of distillates is very tight following the Russian war in Ukraine and supports high refinery margins for those products.

U.S. inventories are “very, very tight, especially tight for diesel,” Gary Simmons, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer at Valero Energy, said on the Q1 earnings call at the end of April.

Valero Energy saw its highest-ever March refining margins this year, led by diesel, Simmons added.

The global diesel crunch is expected to worsen if the EU reaches some kind of a compromise on banning Russian crude and oil product imports. This will keep diesel prices elevated, impacting every economic activity in the U.S. and elsewhere, and ultimately hitting consumers.

Currently, diesel at New York harbor is trading at around $5 per gallon, which is well above $200 per barrel, Tom Kloza, head of global energy research at OPIS, told CNBC’s Pippa Stevens.

“These are numbers that are not just off the charts. They’re off the walls, out of the building, and maybe out of the solar system,” Kloza told CNBC.


On TB every waking moment

DOE Numbers Show Big Divergence Between National, East Coast Diesel Prices

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 09:45 AM
By John Kingston of FreightWaves

The benchmark Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration retail diesel weekly average price rose 11.4 cents Monday, but it is regional differences that are particularly notable.

The latest price is the second consecutive week a new record has been established. Coming in at $5.623 a gallon, the average price of retail diesel is now roughly $2 more than where it started the year.

But the week also produced big moves in the differential between East Coast diesel prices and the rest of the country. East Coast prices on average rose 20.6 cents on the week, while New England was up 23.8 cents, and what the EIA calls the Central Atlantic was up the same amount.

The Lower Atlantic price, which would include prices from cities that are serviced with diesel supplies off Colonial Pipeline, rather than the supply-squeezed New York Harbor, was up just 17.9 cents.

Average East Coast prices are now 19.2 cents more than the national average. East Coast prices were less than the national average as recently as mid-January, and for all of 2021, averaged 1.5 cents less than the national average. Two weeks ago, the gap was 4.9 cents.

One set of numbers that is significant: The physical diesel market is not showing signs of any easing of the East Coast squeeze of diesel supplies. According to price reporting agency General Index, the spread between its Gulf Coast assessment and the assessment in the New York Harbor region, as measured at the Colonial Pipeline in Linden, New Jersey, stood at 66.25 cents Monday. That is just slightly less than the 67 cents recorded Wednesday, and the spread rebounded from a Friday level of 55.75 cents a gallon, suggesting that there has been no significant change in the supply squeeze in the East Coast relative to the more widely traded Gulf Coast market.

The spread is holding even as the outright assessments decline. A week ago, General Index assessed the East Coast diesel market at $4.9899 a gallon. On Monday, it was assessed at $4.5849. Given that the spread has held steady against a falling outright price, it means the spread between the East Coast and the Gulf Coast has widened on a percentage basis, suggesting no easing in East Coast tightness and possibly even more tightening.

Meanwhile, the signs of strength that the East Coast price is throwing off contrast with what is going on with the rapidly falling futures price of ultra low sulfur diesel on the CME commodity exchange.

The decline in the futures price of ultra low sulfur diesel has been significant. ULSD on the CME commodity exchange settled last Monday at $4.2049 a gallon. On that day, prices jumped more than 19 cents a gallon. But since then, the market declined four out of five trading days, recording drops of 12.22 cents, 15.57 cents, 8.7 cents and the 11.94-cent decline posted Monday. An 11.43-cent gain in the middle of that run was not enough to offset the bigger slide.

There was some bearish news in the market. Saudi Arabia cut its price for June barrels, which it does by reducing the differential it charges for its oil and whatever international benchmark it uses in a particular region of the world. There also were reports out of Russia quoting Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak as saying that oil production in the county had stabilized, which suggests that the various official and unofficial embargoes against the country may have reached their limit.

Markets will be looking to this week’s release of the monthly International Energy Agency report for its estimate on the amount of production loss Russia has suffered as buyers have backed away.

Another notable aspect of the current market: The dollar is getting stronger at a lot slower rate than crude is weakening. There is an inverse relationship between the dollar and oil prices, though it is far from a 1:1 correlation.

Since West Texas Intermediate crude reached its recent high price of $114.93 on March 23, it has fallen 10.3%. But the dollar has risen 5.2% during that time, a significant increase but one where WTI has fallen harder.

Finally, it is generally extremely difficult for oil markets to hold up against an onslaught of plunging equity prices. The S&P 500 is down roughly 7% from its intraday high Wednesday, and a sell-off that steep inevitably drags commodity prices with it. For example, copper, long considered a bellwether commodity, is down 5.4% during that time.


On TB every waking moment

Europe May Face LNG Crisis This Winter

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 - 02:00 AM

Via Rystad Energy,
  • Rush to wean off Russian gas has made European consumers highly vulnerable to LNG price shocks.
  • Global LNG demand outstrips supply in 2022.
  • New LNG projects are unlikely to provide relief until 2024.
A liquified natural gas (LNG) crisis is brewing for European countries dealing with energy insecurity in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as demand will outstrip supply by the end of this year, Rystad Energy research shows. Although soaring demand has spurred the greatest rush of new LNG projects worldwide in more than a decade, construction timelines mean material relief is unlikely only after 2024. Global LNG demand is expected to hit 436 million tonnes in 2022, outpacing the available supply of just 410 million tonnes. A perfect winter storm may be forming for Europe as the continent seeks to limit Russian gas flows. The supply imbalance and high prices will set the scene for the most bullish environment for LNG projects in more than a decade, although supply from these projects will only arrive and provide relief from after 2024.

The European Union’s REPowerEU plan has set an ambitious target to reduce dependence on Russian gas by 66% within this year – an aim that will clash with the EU’s goal of replenishing gas storage to 80% of capacity by 1 November. By shunning Russian gas, Europe has destabilized the entire global LNG market that began the year with a precarious balance after a tumultuous 2021. The decision to sharply reduce reliance on Russian gas and LNG from current levels of between 30-40% will transform the global LNG market, resulting in a steep increase in energy-security based European LNG demand that current and under-development projects will not be able to supply.

Russia last year sent 155 billion cubic meters (Bcm) of gas to Europe, providing more than 31% of the region’s gas supply. Replacing a significant portion of this will be exceedingly difficult, with far-reaching consequences for Europe’s population, economy, and for the role of gas in the region’s energy transition. This will also likely create a boom for LNG producers elsewhere of a scale and duration not seen in over a decade.
“There simply is not enough LNG around to meet demand. In the short term this will make for a hard winter in Europe. For producers, it suggests the next LNG boom is here, but it will arrive too late to meet the sharp spike in demand. The stage is set for a sustained supply deficit, high prices, extreme volatility, bullish markets, and heightened LNG geopolitics,” says Kaushal Ramesh, senior analyst for Gas and LNG at Rystad Energy.

The expected reduction in Russian gas for Europe in 2022 is 37 Bcm, rising to more than 100 Bcm by 2030. As a result, Europe’s gas consumption likely peaked in 2019 and will now decline steadily through to 2030. Gas and LNG is therefore set to play a reduced role in Europe’s energy mix, providing further impetus for renewables and potentially a greater role for nuclear and coal. Europe was in fact on course to increase Russian imports of gas and LNG to over 40% of its supply by 2030, if the now stalled Nord Stream 2 pipeline had been approved. This will instead drop to around 20% by 2030 as current contracts are not renewed. To facilitate additional LNG imports, a slew of regasification terminals has been planned across Europe – some new and some reactivated from deep slumber.

If Russian flows were to stop tomorrow, the gas currently in storage (about 35% full) would likely run out before the end of the year, leaving Europe exposed to a brutal winter. Under this scenario, in the absence of joint buying arrangements and countries competing for limited molecules, the TTF gas price could climb to more than $100 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), resulting in industrial curtailments and widespread fuel switching in the power sector. We have already seen curtailments to fertilizer, steel and paper manufacturers in Europe, underscoring the economic pain that awaits. In an extreme scenario of a severely cold winter, not even the residential sector would be safe.

LNG markets go bullish with wave of new projects
More than LNG 20 projects with a combined capacity of over 180 million tonnes per annum (tpa) have reported some development progress recently. To be certain of LNG supply in 2030, the market will need more than 150 million tpa of production from the 186 million tpa planned, which means more than 80% of the project pipeline must be realized.

US projects are in pole position – some of which have been dormant waiting for demand to rise, and have now been given new life. Projects such as Energy Transfer’s Lake Charles and NextDecade’s Rio Grande that were previously on ice have reported 9.45 million tpa worth of deals after the invasion, including an about-face deal by French player Engie, which pulled out of negotiations with NextDecade in November 2020 but recently closed a 1.75 million tpa deal with the same project.

However, the project pipeline globally remains far from able to rescue the market. It includes the 15 million tpa Rovuma Area 4 LNG project, to be located adjacent to TotalEnergies’ Area 1 LNG in the currently at-risk Palma region of Mozambique. We expect little to no progress on this project until TotalEnergies resumes construction.

Mexico is also well-positioned for Asian exports due to geographical proximity and non-dependence on transit through the Panama Canal, and appears to be gaining momentum among Asian buyers. At the same time, higher prices will slow Asian LNG demand growth in the medium term, which means the continent will remain dependent on fuel oil and coal. In some scenarios, Asian LNG demand may be permanently dented, and deployment of renewables accelerated.


On TB every waking moment
Dr. Perter Breggin 1:18:48 min

DR. PETER BREGGIN (Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson)

Dr. Peter Breggin is an American psychiatrist and has been a critic of psychiatric medication, shock treatment and the response to Covid-19. He joins me today on his birthday to discuss his book, and very important issues happening in the US.


On TB every waking moment
(Excellent video)



(Provides multiple threads of evidence to show that the pandemic was pre-planned and that this is only the first of many to come. It even shows tv shows that eerily forecast exactly what would happen and a A European comic book forecasting a WHO like entity dictating to every country. Why? To seize control of people and the economy; to reduce populations. The Pandemic is to introduce the "New World Order" surveillance state and never ending mandates. We will never go back to the prior "normal." American Frontline Doctors Second White Coat Summit- bring truth, hope and freedom. Fighting censorship, mandates, mis-information, use of bogus PCR tests. Groups fighting for humanity and its freedom. World Freedom Alliance - linking groups on all continents and in all countries. in 22 countries, doctors and attnys.









On TB every waking moment
Inflation, demand leave food banks struggling 2:44 min

(Greater Inflation, greater demand. Decrease in private donations, retail donations and government surplus commodities. 1-3 days less food than previously able to provide.)


Biden Starts Shouting at Union Audience About Desperate Hungry Families and Boxes of Food
May 11, 2022 | Sundance | 93 Comments

Joe Biden was in Chicago today attending the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers conference. As he delivered his remarks about the U.S. economy, the installed occupant of the White House started yelling about food boxes and desperate hungry Americans. WATCH (40 secs):


Perhaps someone should tell Joe Biden that he’s in charge of the economy he is complaining about. The failures he speaks of are happening under his stewardship.

I know it seems odd, but Joe Biden did this yesterday when he promised in his inflation speech that if people supported Joe Biden as president, Joe Biden would fix the inflation problems Joe Biden created last year. It all seems rather odd. And now he’s just yelling about it.
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
Image: Joe Biden, Gas Pump, Twitter Screenshots

ON: MAY 11, 2022

With gas prices soaring to all-time highs, it was announced tonight that the Biden Administration has issued fresh cancellations of oil and gas leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.
A top official with the American Petroleum Institute, the country’s largest oil and gas trade association, Frank Macchairola, called the cancellation of Alaska’s Cook Inlet lease “another example of the administration’s lack of commitment to oil and gas development in the US.”

Macchairola said that “The President has spoken about the need for additional supplies in the market, but his administration has failed to take action to match that rhetoric.”

“In the kind of price environment that we’re seeing, there are negative consequences to shutting off oil and gas development, both politically and practically,” Macchairola explained.

The Department of the Interior cited a “lack of industry interest in leasing in the area” for the decision to “not move forward” with the Cook Inlet lease sale, but canceling the sale would be in keeping with political promises Joe Biden made in the name of “halting global warming.”

As for the halting of two leases under consideration for the Gulf of Mexico region, the department said it was because of “conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales.”

Breitbart’s Wendell Husebo suggested that “Gas prices to hit record highs again” once the news reverberates.

According to AAA, the national average price of regular gas hit an all-time high of $4.40 today.


Vice president of litigation for lands, wildlife and oceans for the environmental advocacy group Earthjustice, Drew Caputo, however, downplayed any immediate effect that the moves would have as he claimed that it would be more than a decade before those leases could have had an impact on gas prices.

Caputo said, “It’s good for the climate, which can’t handle new oil and gas development,. It’s good for Cook Inlet because offshore drilling is dangerous and disruptive. And it’s good for the people of Cook Inlet, including native people, who cherish the inlet in its natural state. So it’s a really good thing.”


On TB every waking moment

Resistance Grows to UN WHO & Biden “Global Health” Power Grab
by Alex Newman May 11, 2022

Resistance Grows to UN WHO & Biden “Global Health” Power Grab
Yann Forget/Wikimedia Commons/CC-BY-SAWHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

Under the leadership of a Communist Chinese-backed “former” Marxist terror leader, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Biden administration are plotting an unprecedented power grab to build a planetary bio-medical police state. Think Shanghai during lockdown, but worldwide. Leading experts argue that this is truly the emergence of the “New World Order” discussed by Biden and others.

Already, the WHO claims all sorts of draconian authorities, including powers to work with UN member states in quarantining villages or nations, locking down societies, forcing medical “treatments” such as vaccines, and generally crushing medical freedom. When Ebola was spreading, for instance, the Obama administration sent thousands of U.S. troops to help the UN enforce medical martial law in the Ivory Coast.

Now, under changes proposed to the WHO’s “International Health Regulations” by the Biden administration, the dictator-friendly global “health” body would gain the power to carry out its wishes without even the approval or consent of the targeted nation. Not surprisingly, neither the WHO nor the Biden administration plan to consult the U.S. Senate on the matter.

Despite the enormity of the ongoing usurpation, and the drastic implications for freedom and self-government around the world, the establishment media have been largely silent on the issue. Still, concern is growing quickly as more and more experts and activists speak out. Word is starting to spread. But the first major deadline to stop it will arrive in a matter of weeks at a WHO meeting in Geneva starting May 22.

There are two key routes of attack being pursued by the WHO and its allies. In June, a dangerous “pandemic treaty” is set to be considered giving the WHO new “teeth” to enforce its dictates. But the first and most urgent assault on liberty and self-government involves a series of 13 controversial amendments being proposed to the WHO’s so-called International Health Regulations (IHR). The details of the amendments were only released publicly — and very quietly — about a month ago.

The health regime created under the IHR, which was first approved by the World Health Assembly in 2005, is already draconian in its current state. Indeed, these regulations are what supposedly empowered the disgraced global organization to “recommend” the totalitarian policies it deployed worldwide in response to Covid. Much of the leadership in the global war on freedom over the last two years came from the WHO.

But under the new amendments proposed by the Biden administration last month, it would go from bad to catastrophic. Among other concerns, the WHO would acquire new powers to impose its will on nations and peoples against their will. Indeed, the WHO would be able to declare a “health emergency” in any nation, with virtually no limits, going far beyond even actual pandemics, as long as it “could present significant harm to humans.”

One of the most significant changes would remove language from the WHO’s international health agreement requiring a government to consent to the WHO’s determinations before action is taken. Under the new language, all that would be necessary is for the WHO boss to claim there is “a public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Even a claimed suspicion of such an “emergency” would be enough to get the gears turning.

Once it declares an emergency, the WHO would be authorized to partner with a dizzying array of global agencies and organizations such as the UN and more under the guise of protecting “health.” That includes UN agencies overseeing food, agriculture, aviation, the environment, and much more. In short, a full-on assault on a nation by a range of would-be global government agencies is in the cards for defiance of the WHO.

The amendments would accelerate the process of turning the head of the WHO into a global health dictator, numerous critics say. That is especially troubling considering that WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, installed by the regime in Beijing, is a former politburo member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, an ethno-Marxist terror group designated a terrorist organization by governments around the world. Countless critics have called for him to be prosecuted for ghastly crimes perpetrated by the terror group he helped lead, and later the brutal Ethiopian regime he served at a high level.

Leading Psychiatrist Speaks Out
“If passed, the Biden administration’s proposed amendments will, by their very existence and their intention, drastically compromise the independence and the sovereignty of the United State,” warned Dr. Peter Breggin, one of the leading medical voices sounding the alarm about this power grab and author of the best-selling new book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

According to Dr. Breggin, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, the same threat applies to the sovereignty and self-government of all of the UN’s 193 member states, representing virtually the entire global population. In an interview with The New American, Dr. Breggin suggested this was a major step in the direction of global government, led by a global “predator class.” The proposed changes would put “enormous new powers” in the hands of “unelected technocrats” — powers that “would be exercised whether the target nation agreed or not,” he explained.

“The amendments would give WHO the right to take important steps to collaborate with other nations and other organizations worldwide to deal with any nation’s alleged health crisis, even against its stated wishes,” warned Dr. Breggin, adding that these measures could include economic and financial attacks orchestrated by the WHO and its partners.

These attacks would hardly be limited to genuine pandemics. “Under WHO’s approach, it would be difficult to find any important national issue that was not a potential health problem,” warned Dr. Breggin, pointing out that the Communist Chinese regime and Bill Gates were the largest influences at the WHO. “With the imminent passage of the American-sponsored amendments to the International Health Regulations, WHO will have free reign for using these expansive definitions of health to call a crisis over anything it wishes in any nation it desires.”

If the WHO succeeds in advancing its agenda, he added, the most important use of these arbitrary authorities would be against the United States — at least if the American people were ever to elect another anti-globalist government such as the Trump administration. Under Trump, the U.S. government exited and defunded the WHO, though the Biden promptly reversed that upon taking office.

“We need to face that these American-sponsored amendments are a great step toward America voluntarily forfeiting its sovereignty to the New World Order or Great Reset — and that without strong opposition, the ratification of the amendments is a foregone conclusion,” added Dr. Breggin. “Our success or failure in stopping the ratification of these amendments will establish the pattern for the future, including WHO’s ongoing effort to make legally-binding treaties that rob nations of their sovereignty.”

But it is even worse than a loss of sovereignty. Instead, it amounts to handing power over all of humanity to a global class of predatory elites interested not in health, but in power and money, he said.

“In reality; they will be forfeiting their sovereign powers to the global predators who rule the UN and WHO, including the Chinese Communist Party and supporters of the Great Reset, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and giant foundations and corporations — all of whom benefit from weakening or destroying the sovereignty of the Western nations,” continued Breggin. “Western civilization, and mainly the United States, is all that stands in strong opposition to the globalist takeover of the world, called the New World Order or the Great Reset.”

Already, the WHO and its allies — and the global predators behind the whole machine — have shown their awesome powers. During the Covid crisis, the global agency was the key mechanism for unleashing and coordinating the unprecedented assaults on freedom around the world.

“WHO was highly effective during COVID-19 in implementing the aims of the global predators, led by the groups around Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party, in their organized assault and terror campaign against the Western democracies,” Dr. Breggin said. “This purposely resulted in the vast weakening of any potentially anti-globalist, freedom-oriented, patriotic nations, including the U.S., Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and others. That success may explain why the global predators chose WHO to now deliver a major and potentially lethal death blow to the sovereignty of the world’s nations.”

If not stopped, the ongoing power grabs would make all of it orders of magnitude worse, he said.

Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

WHO Insider Speaks Out
In an interview with The New American, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, a prominent epidemiologist and international health scientist in Geneva and a former WHO official turned whistleblower, also warned that the WHO was the leading force behind the tyranny that enveloped the globe during Covid. Already, the situation is dire.

In defiance of its own IHR, which Dr. Stuckelberger taught at the university level, the WHO used fear-mongering to “issue directives that were totally not commensurate to the situation,” she said. If the amendments are passed, it would get even worse. It all shows that the WHO and its backers such as Bill Gates “have moved now, clearly, into global governance,” Dr. Stuckelberger said. “The way they are handling WHO is not like coordinating member states that can decide for themselves.”

The global model truly came into view over the last two years. “Before, in the IHR, we trained [students] that everything should be customized to countries,” she said. But now, “they have brought everybody to obey one governance, to obey a single standard.” “WHO is now more and more taking power of the world together as the only organization to be able … to direct any epidemic preparedness plan or pandemic intervention plan,” she added.

The dystopian developments are moving from rhetoric to reality. At the WHO’s extraordinary World Health Assembly meeting late last year, member governments were given a document headlined “A Guide to a Pandemic Treaty.” Member states voted to accept the procedures to develop that treaty, which is now underway. “They are so sneaky,” she said. “They are going to take the instrument that will be adopted the quickest, and the instrument likely to be adopted the quickest is the International Health Regulations.”

The WHO “Constitution” — something governments have — is likely in place to help turn the agency into a true global authority with governmental powers, Stuckelberger said. And the outfit’s constitution purports to enshrine a “fundamental right” to the “highest attainable standard of health.” It also calls for the “fullest cooperation of individuals and States.” This is basically a blank check for intervention in people’s lives.

In Article 21 of the WHO Constitution, the World Health Assembly is empowered to “adopt regulations” on everything from “sanitary and quarantine requirements” to “standards” for diagnosing diseases. This is what made possible the global tyranny that enveloped the world in early 2020, as well as the unreliable PCR Covid tests that fed the narrative, said Dr. Stuckelberger, who served as president of the WHO’s Geneva International Network on Ageing.
“We have to be liberated from the United Nations,” said Stuckelberger before urging everyone to contact their elected officials, attorneys, and others in a bid to derail the WHO power grab.

Seeking Even MORE Powers
Another significant WHO threat to medical freedom, national sovereignty, and self-government comes from the proposed “International Pandemic Treaty” being worked on now behind the scenes. Under the guise of controlling future pandemics, this global agreement would also hand vast new powers to the global “health” organization. Advocates of the treaty are proposing to turn the WHO into a global health ministry with vast powers over every person and government on Earth.

Even actual sanctions on nations whose governments defy their would-be WHO overlords are now being peddled. For instance, WHO boss Tedros claimed that “maybe exploring the sanctions may be important.” Meanwhile, German Health Minister Jens Spahn argued “that countries that fail to follow up on their commitments to the WHO should face sanctions.” This sentiment is widespread among global elites.

Indeed, less than a year ago, an “independent” UN panel of high-level globalists convened by the WHO chief claimed the health agency “needs to be empowered — financially, and politically.” This empowering should include making the WHO more independent, creating new “capacities” (powers) at the global level, and establishing a “new international system for surveillance.”

The UN report, which suggests Covid damage could have been mitigated with more global tyranny, also seeks to bring in the “precautionary principle.” Similar to the “climate” narrative, the precautionary principle involves implementing policies — in this case medical tyranny — as a precaution in response to potential dangers rather than in response to a proven threat.

Offering broad insight into the objectives, the report celebrated regimes such as the Communist Chinese dictatorship for their authoritarian response to COVID. Numerous globalist bigwigs working with the WHO and Beijing such as Gates and Schwab have repeatedly praised the barbaric Covid response by Beijing while condemning jurisdictions that respected individual rights and the rule of law. This was all foreseen as far back as 2010 in the Rockefeller Foundation’s “scenario” dubbed Lockstep involving a hypothetical pandemic.

Even as these battles are raging, totalitarians are already scheming on even more draconian powers over basic rights such as free speech. The WHO itself has been working to silence what it considers “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories” for years. “We’re not just battling the virus,” said WHO Director-General Tedros in the summer of 2020. “We’re also battling the trolls and conspiracy theorists that push misinformation and undermine the outbreak response.” The WHO was “working closely” with Big Tech firms to censor the web, it boasted. Ironically, the WHO has urged health professionals to lie to parents in order to peddle vaccines.

Opposition Grows as Legal Questions Swirl
In a memo to the WHO, U.S. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs Loyce Pace cited almost 50 other governments that support the Biden administration’s proposal. Those include the member governments of the European Union, along with numerous other governments including those in India, Australia, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, and more.

Normally, governments would have 18 months to withdraw from the UN WHO scheme.

However, in this case, the time period has been shortened to a mere six months. According to experts on WHO processes, if a majority of member governments consent to the amendments, then they will be considered to be part of “international law.” The amendments to the WHO’s regulations are set to be approved by May 28 of this year if not stopped.

Because of the existing international agreement adopted by member WHO member states almost two decades ago, the UN WHO considers any updates to its International Health Regulations to be binding on all nations and all of humanity, legal experts say. Similar machinations were used to impose UN “climate” schemes on the planet without ratification by the U.S. Senate.

However, there are several constitutional issues at hand as far as the United States is concerned. For one, the states that created the U.S. government never delegated these sorts of powers over “health” to the government they established. If the U.S. government lacks a specific authority or power, it certainly cannot hand a power it does not rightfully possess over to another body — at least not without a constitutional amendment.

In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed as recently as 1957 in the case Reid v. Covert that the U.S. government could not grant new powers to itself — or delegate those powers to other bodies — merely by adopting international agreements. Thomas Jefferson, a key architect of America’s constitutional system, understood that as well. “I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty-making power as boundless,” he explained in 1803.
“If it is, then we have no Constitution.”

Neither the WHO nor the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services responded to requests for comment.

In an interview with The New American, journalist and commentator James Rogusky, among the first to sound the alarm on these amendments, called on people to resist while it was still possible. “The time to speak out and stand for your rights is now,” he explained, calling on Americans to share the warnings with those in their sphere of influence and to contact their elected representatives.

In an effort to derail the WHO’s power grab, The John Birch Society, the parent organization of this magazine, recently launched a grassroots effort encouraging lawmakers to nullify the schemes at the state level. “Rather than sitting back and being complacent, state legislators must take bold action to nullify any WHO agreement,” the Society said in a mass email to its national membership.

“Nullification of the WHO’s pandemic treaty wouldn’t be the first time the states have taken such bold action,” the organization’s alert continued. “Among multiple other examples, Alabama in 2012 enacted a strong law banning the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) in the state. Multiple other state legislative chambers passed similar bans.”

Urging activists to contact their lawmakers, the group, which has chapters nationwide, called for strong laws to prohibit implementation and enforcement of the WHO scheme. This could include ensuring that no state or local officials can participate in the enforcement of any actions originating from the WHO or under the authority of its illegitimate agreements.

In an interview with The New American magazine, Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) expressed support for getting out of the UN entirely. “It’s full of dictators, and it’s also something that I don’t think our sovereign government should defer to,” he explained.

Legislation to do just that, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, has been regularly introduced in Congress for decades.

Derailing the WHO’s draconian power grab would be a good step in the direction of neutralizing the ever-increasing threat of globalism and international tyranny. However, over the long term, small victories in battles such as this one will not be enough. A full restoration of sovereignty must be the ultimate objective — and this massive attack on humanity by the WHO may be the perfect catalyst to supercharge the movement to stop globalism for good.


On TB every waking moment

You’ve Been Flagged as a Threat: Predictive AI Technology Puts a Target on Your Back

“The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem and very often makes the problem worse.”—Milton Friedman

by John W. and Nisha Whitehead
May 12, 2022
Predictive AI

You’ve been flagged as a threat. Before long, every household in America will be similarly flagged and assigned a threat score.

Without having ever knowingly committed a crime or been convicted of one, you and your fellow citizens have likely been assessed for behaviors the government might consider devious, dangerous or concerning; assigned a threat score based on your associations, activities and viewpoints; and catalogued in a government database according to how you should be approached by police and other government agencies based on your particular threat level.

If you’re not unnerved over the ramifications of how such a program could be used and abused, keep reading. It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

Consider the case of Michael Williams, who spent almost a year in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Williams was behind the wheel when a passing car fired at his vehicle, killing his 25-year-old passenger Safarian Herring, who had hitched a ride.

Despite the fact that Williams had no motive, there were no eyewitnesses to the shooting, no gun was found in the car, and Williams himself drove Herring to the hospital, police charged the 65-year-old man with first-degree murder based on ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection program that had picked up a loud bang on its network of surveillance microphones and triangulated the noise to correspond with a noiseless security video showing Williams’ car driving through an intersection. The case was eventually dismissed for lack of evidence.

Although gunshot detection program like ShotSpotter are gaining popularity with law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and courts alike, they are riddled with flaws, mistaking “dumpsters, trucks, motorcycles, helicopters, fireworks, construction, trash pickup and church bells…for gunshots.”

As an Associated Press investigation found, “the system can miss live gunfire right under its microphones, or misclassify the sounds of fireworks or cars backfiring as gunshots.”

In one community, ShotSpotter worked less than 50% of the time.

Then there’s the human element of corruption which invariably gets added to the mix. In some cases, “employees have changed sounds detected by the system to say that they are gunshots.”

Forensic reports prepared by ShotSpotter’s employees have also “been used in court to improperly claim that a defendant shot at police, or provide questionable counts of the number of shots allegedly fired by defendants.”

The same company that owns ShotSpotter also owns a predictive policing program that aims to use gunshot detection data to “predict” crime before it happens. Both Presidents Biden and Trump have pushed for greater use of these predictive programs to combat gun violence in communities, despite the fact that found they have not been found to reduce gun violence or increase community safety.

The rationale behind this fusion of widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs is purportedly to enable the government takes preemptive steps to combat crime (or whatever the government has chosen to outlaw at any given time).

This is precrime, straight out of the realm of dystopian science fiction movies such as Minority Report, which aims to prevent crimes before they happen, but in fact, it’s just another means of getting the citizenry in the government’s crosshairs in order to lock down the nation.

Even Social Services is getting in on the action, with computer algorithms attempting to predict which households might be guilty of child abuse and neglect.

All it takes is an AI bot flagging a household for potential neglect for a family to be investigated, found guilty and the children placed in foster care.

Mind you, potential neglect can include everything from inadequate housing to poor hygiene, but is different from physical or sexual abuse.

According to an investigative report by the Associated Press, once incidents of potential neglect are reported to a child protection hotline, the reports are run through a screening process that pulls together “personal data collected from birth, Medicaid, substance abuse, mental health, jail and probation records, among other government data sets.” The algorithm then calculates the child’s potential risk and assigns a score of 1 to 20 to predict the risk that a child will be placed in foster care in the two years after they are investigated. “The higher the number, the greater the risk. Social workers then use their discretion to decide whether to investigate.”

Other predictive models being used across the country strive to “assess a child’s risk for death and severe injury, whether children should be placed in foster care and if so, where.”

Incredibly, there’s no way for a family to know if AI predictive technology was responsible for their being targeted, investigated and separated from their children. As the AP notes, “Families and their attorneys can never be sure of the algorithm’s role in their lives either because they aren’t allowed to know the scores.”

One thing we do know, however, is that the system disproportionately targets poor, black families for intervention, disruption and possibly displacement, because much of the data being used is gleaned from lower income and minority communities.

The technology is also far from infallible. In one county alone, a technical glitch presented social workers with the wrong scores, either underestimating or overestimating a child’s risk.

Yet fallible or not, AI predictive screening program is being used widely across the country by government agencies to surveil and target families for investigation. The fallout of this over surveillance, according to Aysha Schomburg, the associate commissioner of the U.S. Children’s Bureau, is “mass family separation.”

The impact of these kinds of AI predictive tools is being felt in almost every area of life.

Under the pretext of helping overwhelmed government agencies work more efficiently, AI predictive and surveillance technologies are being used to classify, segregate and flag the populace with little concern for privacy rights or due process.

All of this sorting, sifting and calculating is being done swiftly, secretly and incessantly with the help of AI technology and a surveillance state that monitors your every move.

Where this becomes particularly dangerous is when the government takes preemptive steps to combat crime or abuse, or whatever the government has chosen to outlaw at any given time.

In this way, government agents—with the help of automated eyes and ears, a growing arsenal of high-tech software, hardware and techniques, government propaganda urging Americans to turn into spies and snitches, as well as social media and behavior sensing software—are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports aimed at snaring potential enemies of the state.

Are you a military veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder? Have you expressed controversial, despondent or angry views on social media? Do you associate with people who have criminal records or subscribe to conspiracy theories? Were you seen looking angry at the grocery store? Is your appearance unkempt in public? Has your driving been erratic? Did the previous occupants of your home have any run-ins with police?

All of these details and more are being used by AI technology to create a profile of you that will impact your dealings with government.

It’s the American police state rolled up into one oppressive pre-crime and pre-thought crime package, and the end result is the death of due process.

In a nutshell, due process was intended as a bulwark against government abuses. Due process prohibits the government of depriving anyone of “Life, Liberty, and Property” without first ensuring that an individual’s rights have been recognized and respected and that they have been given the opportunity to know the charges against them and defend against those charges.

With the advent of government-funded AI predictive policing programs that surveil and flag someone as a potential threat to be investigated and treated as dangerous, there can be no assurance of due process: you have already been turned into a suspect.

To disentangle yourself from the fallout of such a threat assessment, the burden of proof rests on you to prove your innocence.

You see the problem?

It used to be that every person had the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty, and the burden of proof rested with one’s accusers. That assumption of innocence has since been turned on its head by a surveillance state that renders us all suspects and overcriminalization which renders us all potentially guilty of some wrongdoing or other.

Combine predictive AI technology with surveillance and overcriminalization, then add militarized police crashing through doors in the middle of the night to serve a routine warrant, and you’ll be lucky to escape with your life.

Yet be warned: once you get snagged by a surveillance camera, flagged by an AI predictive screening program, and placed on a government watch list—whether it’s a watch list for child neglect, a mental health watch list, a dissident watch list, a terrorist watch list, or a red flag gun watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there.

You will be tracked wherever you go, flagged as a potential threat and dealt with accordingly.
If you’re not scared yet, you should be.

We’ve made it too easy for the government to identify, label, target, defuse and detain anyone it views as a potential threat for a variety of reasons that run the gamut from mental illness to having a military background to challenging its authority to just being on the government’s list of persona non grata.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, you don’t even have to be a dissident to get flagged by the government for surveillance, censorship and detention.

All you really need to be is a citizen of the American police state.

(COMMENT: Notice how so many of our government systems are harmonizing with those of the CCP in China? It should be ever-so-easy to fold us under their wing. After all, that is what they paid so many politicians, officials and bureaucrats to accomplish - not to mention the "Big Guy.")


On TB every waking moment
May 12, 2022 at 2:05am​
Epic Famine Unfolding​
These numbers are off. People at risk number in the billions. And 193M is not 21% of total population of estimated 8 billion. Bad algebra.

Famine creates famine in the way war creates more war and fire creates fire. Famine collapses economies and destroys — physically destroys — critical infrastructure and social order required to produce food. Starvation feedback loop. And for the first time in generations, USA, Japan, and Europe will be unable to help without neglecting their own people. OGUS already is leaving American babies crying in hunger while feeding US-Russia war.

Global genocide is unfolding. Among the educationed, only the blind and true conspiracy theorists will miss it. Until it eats them.

These numbers are wildly inaccurate and understated.


On TB every waking moment

Precarious Leftist Tells Democrat Caucus Grocery Prices are Hurting Americans, Colleagues Respond “We’re Not Seeing it in the Polls”

May 11, 2022 | Sundance | 163 Comments

I’ve been pondering this disconnect for several weeks as the messaging from inside the beltway, including their expressed priorities, seem even more disconnected than before. The DC bubble has always been present; however, lately the disconnect is even more profound.

Perhaps the increased distance in priorities can be explained by federal politicians cancelling townhall meetings and constituent engagement due to the pandemic. Perhaps politicians are holding party positions disconnected from the population they are supposed to represent because they have spent two years physically distancing from the voters. Whatever the cause, the disconnect is now more severe.

The contrast is even more significant when it comes to the far-left politicians, because they travel amid a very closed communal tribe where outside opinions are considered toxic to their sense of identity. The term “safe spaces” was literally coined because leftists cannot handle differences of opinion.

The professional leftist arguments are generally flawed, illogical, antithetical to common values and historically weak. As an outcome their advocate policy positions are weak and easy to deconstruct when challenged. To avoid being challenged they rarely hold open discussions with constituents in their districts without extreme vetting measures to avoid confrontation.

Regardless of root cause, most Democrats are severely disconnected from the economic reality of their district citizens. This is evidenced in a Politico report today discussing the example of Democrat House member Katie Porter of California.

As the article notes, Ms. Porter told the House Democrat Caucus of her experience in the ‘real world’ with people who are grocery shopping. The perplexed Democrats sat quietly listening to the stories of how price increases for food and gasoline are seriously hurting something called ‘working-class‘ people.

The ideological Democrat caucus was stunned to hear of these stories from a place called Main Street USA, where people go shopping for food and stuff.

However, Ms Porter is optimistic that for the first time since she has been in office, the House Democrats could now have an understanding of how rising energy prices, increasing gasoline prices and major jumps in food prices might be a problem for Americans who do not live in DC.

(Politico) […] Only after Rep. Katie Porter put bacon in her cart at her local grocery store recently did she notice that its price had spiked to $9.99 a pound. Reluctantly, she put the package back.

It was a dose of reality that Porter, a California progressive and single mother of three, has long understood. But she’s not sure all of her Democratic colleagues share her interest in connecting to average Americans’ experiences outside the Beltway.

When Porter gave an emotional speech about how inflation has been hitting her family for months during a private House Democratic Caucus meeting last week, she said it seemed like the first time the personal toll of high consumer prices had sunk in for some lawmakers in the room.

“Too often, Congress recognizes issues too late,” Porter, a top GOP target this fall in a swing district, said in an interview. “I had a colleague mention to me, ‘We’re not seeing it in the polls’ … Well, you don’t know what to ask.”

For Porter, the episode revealed how much work Democrats still need to do to assure voters they understand everyday anxieties, particularly inflation’s strain on family budgets. She’s not alone: Some Democrats have warned for months their party is falling short when it comes to communicating to an increasingly exasperated public. (read more)



On TB every waking moment

Biden demanding remote kill switch for your new car
Signed law mandating option for all vehicles produced after 2026

WND News Services
By WND News Services
Published May 11, 2022 at 1:48pm

President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

President Joe Biden drives a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon during a clean cars event, Thursday, August 5, 2021, on the South Lawn Driveway of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)
[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Energy.]

By Levi Russell
Real Clear Energy

The federal gov’t and silicon valley are looking to clamp down on your freedom of movement.

Your ability to move about as you please does not fit with their goals for the future of our world. Automotive-related freedoms, including access to fuel, allow us to be free to move without the permission of silicon valley and the federal government. Automotive freedoms are not only hobby related; they are essential to preventing yet another step along the road to serfdom at the hands of woke corporations and federal bureaucrats.

Biden recently signed into law a requirement that all vehicles produced after 2026 be fitted with a remote kill switch. Electric vehicles are already equipped with this capability via internet-connected “superchargers.” These corporations can sell you a product for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then prevent you from using them. Worse yet, if the law is not challenged or repealed, these kill switches will have a “back door” that allows government agencies to shut your vehicle off remotely as well.

With conservatives slowly waking up to the reality that corporate managers are not on our side, this should be among our top concerns. Internal combustion vehicles, so far, are free of the sorts of nanny state controls that are standard on electric vehicles, so preserving our access to gasoline and diesel fuel is an absolute necessity

Right to repair is also an important issue. It is not, as some techno-authoritarians claim, a simple matter for tinkerers. Rather, it is a critical component of our ability to maintain freedom of movement. Right to repair ensures that we are able to hire independent professionals to repair our vehicles and other products rather than being forced to pay astronomical prices to manufacturers.

Now that the environmental superiority of electric vehicles is being called into question, the real agenda behind climate hysteria is clear: climate change fear mongers want us poorer and unable to travel and commute as we see fit. As the Biden administration’s intentional policy of high gas prices hits the average American in the pocket book, it’s important to note that the cost of EV batteries is also rising. Subsidized demand for these batteries has led to a massive increase in the prices of conflict minerals, such as lithium and cobalt, that make up these batteries.

There is no evidence that the actual cost of electric vehicles will be dramatically lower than those of internal combustion vehicles. Currently the average price of an electric vehicle is $56,000. What does this say about your ability to travel freely in the coming years if the federal government effectively bans our use of internal combustion vehicles?

Further, the left is turning a blind eye to the horrifying human rights record associated with cobalt and lithium mining. Child slavery, extremely poor working conditions, and poisoned rivers are just a few of the problems that plague the extraction of these minerals. One could reasonably ask the Biden administration why the American public is being forced to subsidize the horrifying human rights record associated with the mining of these resources.

Though the near-magical power of innovation is an article of faith for many, technological change does not always benefit the average person. There is nothing inevitable about these so-called innovations or the politically-driven subsidies that enable them. There is nothing inevitable about the burdens that this technological change will put on the average person. We need only have the courage of our convictions, combined with the backing of knowledgeable groups like the SEMA Action Network, to ensure that we are not forced to subsidize real environmental hazards, human rights abuses, and the restriction of our own freedom of movement.

Levi Russell is an assistant teaching professor at the University of Kansas's Brandmeyer Center for Applied Economics.


On TB every waking moment

Dear Leader Biden’s Dark Summer: Electricity, Diesel, and Even His Beloved GREEN Energy Are Nearing Collapse

If any of our major energy infrastructures were to fail, it would be cataclysmic. Unfortunately, we're seeing possible failure on multiple energy fronts, portending a serious crisis ahead.
May 11, 2022

I received a disturbing tip this morning that Joe Biden’s green infrastructure initiatives are on the verge of total failure as wind farms and solar plants are falling desperately short of their targets ahead of a hot summer. This isn’t new as green energy production has failed miserably to meet demand for over a decade. But it’s especially troubling this year due to policies that have hampered our once-reliable fossil fuel energy production infrastructure.

A friend once told me that you have to try really hard to score zero on a test. He said that if you’re incompetent, you’ll still get some answers right. But with the Biden regime failing at pretty much everything they’ve done over the past year+, it couldn’t simply be incompetence.

For the absolute failure they’ve brought upon the United States on multiple fronts means that this must be intentional.

But it isn’t just the Biden regime. What we’ve seen since even before the stolen 2020 election is coordination between Democrats and RINOs on Capitol Hill to gut every crucial aspect of our entire energy infrastructure. While most Americans focused on the election and Covid-19, the quiet but critical dismantling of our energy systems was underway, driven by Democrats but supported by an uncomfortable number of Republicans.

Now, we’re in serious trouble with diesel prices skyrocketing and production of electricity diminished ahead of what many are predicting to be a very hot summer. For the first time in decades, Americans may be forced in wholesale to ration energy usage. That bodes ill for those who require air conditioning and other electricity-dependent aspects of life in order to survive.
I’m still waiting for corroboration on the green report before posting the details, but what I can say now is that the green energy industry is covering up massive shortfalls in their production at the behest of the Biden regime. After cutting off many sources of fossil fuel energy production ahead of midterm elections, the last thing Democrats want is for the green initiatives they’ve been touting for years to blow up in their faces at the worst possible moment for the nation. This is why few in media, even those of us in conservative or alternative media, have caught wind of the green energy system collapse.
Once I have a secondary source, I’ll post the details. Usually I wait before even mentioning such a story, but considering the reliability of the long-time source and the seriousness of the issue, I felt compelled to mention it early. If it’s wrong, that’s a blessing and I’ll happily post a retraction. If it’s right, then things that already seem very bad are about to get much, much worse.

Here’s an article by Michael Snyder over at End of the American Dream that details what we’re seeing with diesel and electricity. This is one of the reasons that I earnestly recommend or people to start stocking up on emergency supplies. Our organic freeze-dried chicken product was just launched, so you can get your long-term meat supplies going as well. Here’s Michael…

Now We Are Being Warned That Shortages of Diesel Fuel and Electricity Are Coming in the Months Ahead
On top of everything else that is going wrong, shall we add a diesel fuel shortage and a nationwide electricity shortage to the equation? I never imagined that I would be writing about such things in the middle of 2022, but here we are.
I will discuss the potential electricity shortage in a moment, but first I want people to understand how serious a widespread diesel shortage would be. Without diesel, our trains and trucks don’t run, and if they don’t run America’s supply chains completely and utterly collapse.

So even a moderate shortage would be absolutely paralyzing for the U.S. economy.

Unfortunately, supplies are rapidly dwindling and we are being warned that a “global diesel shortage that will shock people” could begin as soon as next month
We are looking at a nightmare in terms of global diesel shortage that will shock people starting June.

Diesel inventory on the east coast is 18 million (About 3 days demand) as of today, we will run down to sub 10 million.
Let us hope that a way can be found to keep all of our trains and all of our trucks running.

But even if an unprecedented supply crunch can be averted, everyone agrees that the price of diesel is going to be going way up
Diesel prices are surging, contributing to inflationary headwinds due to the fuel’s vital role in the American and global economy. Tankers, trains and trucks all run on diesel.
The fuel is also used across industries including farming, manufacturing, metals and mining.
“Diesel is the fuel that powers the economy,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. Higher prices are “certainly going to translate into more expensive goods,” he said, since these higher fuel costs will be passed along to consumers. “Especially at the grocery store, the hardware store, anywhere you shop.”
Meanwhile, we are also being warned of “potential electricity shortages” in the United States in the months ahead…
The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or MISO, operating in 15 states across the US Central region, said last month that capacity shortages this summer due to soaring summer demand might result in outages. Last Friday, California Independent System Operator, or California ISO, outlined energy shortfalls this summer because of heat and wildfires. Texas over the weekend saw triple-digit temperatures in some portions of the state, though grid stability was maintained despite several power plants being offline for maintenance.

WSJ explains grid instability and increased risk of power shortages this summer comes as fossil fuel power plants are “being retired more quickly than they can be replaced by renewable energy and battery storage.” Power grids are racing to retire conventional power plants fueled by natural gas, coal, and diesel to green forms of energy, such as solar power and wind. There’s also the retirement of aging nuclear power plants.
Why are we “racing” to retire conventional power facilities in the midst of a growing global energy crisis?

That doesn’t make any sense at all.

It seems that we have a long, hot summer ahead of us, and major blackouts could apparently happen at any moment.

And of course this all comes at a time when tensions are rising all over the country and anger is starting to boil over because of the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

I warned that we would see violence, and it has already started to erupt. On Tuesday, a Catholic facility in Colorado was “vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti”
The Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti again Tuesday, the second time in less than a year.

Abortion activists targeted the church after news broke of a leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court that overturns Roe v. Wade. Pro-life pregnancy centers and pro-life advocates also have been the targets of vandalism, violence and harassment this week.
Spraying graffiti everywhere is certainly not nice, but it won’t kill or injure anyone.

However, firebombing the headquarters of a pro-life group could definitely injure or kill people, and that just happened in Madison, Wisconsin
Radical abortion activists have firebombed a pro-life group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin. A leftist radical threw Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action’s office in the capital city and a picture of the destruction shows the office heavily damaged from the bomb.
Apparently at least one Molotov cocktail was used in the attack, and whoever did this left a very chilling message

Arriving at the office at 2801 International Lane at the same time as a reporter, Appling and group event coordinator Diane Westphall found shattered glass from a broken window covering a corner office riddled with burned books. The smell of smoke persisted for hours after the fire, which damaged the corner office carpet and the wall beneath the window.
The outside of the building also was sprayed with graffiti depicting an anarchy symbol, a coded anti-police slogan and the phrase, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.”
Then on Sunday, another firebombing was reported at the offices of Oregon Right to Life…
This second attack has occurred in Salem, Oregon as radical leftists targeted Oregon Right to Life, a longtime pro-life organization.

In the late evening on Sunday, May 8, the offices of Oregon Right to Life were attacked. An individual used incendiary devices, one of which exploded and caught the building on fire. The office was vacant at the time, and no one was harmed. Fire and police departments responded quickly, minimizing damage to the building. The agencies are actively investigating the incident.
So why didn’t the big corporate news networks devote endless coverage to these attacks?
I think that we all know why.

Of course if pro-abortion facilities had been attacked, it would have been top news for days.
Before I end this article, there is one more very disturbing incident that I wanted to mention…
A Texas-based pro-life activist organization received a new bomb threat against one of its offices, allegedly due to its support for the state’s controversial heartbeat abortion ban restricting abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy.

Texas Right to Life released a statement Monday explaining that its legislative office in Austin had received a bomb threat that morning.
Sadly, this is just the beginning.

If Roe v. Wade is actually formally overturned, the violence will get a lot worse.

The stage is being set for the sort of “internal revolution” that radical leftists have been talking about for years.

As I have been warning about for a very long time, great civil unrest is coming to this nation.

So let us pray for peace, but let us also be aware that there are lots of very angry and very violent people out there right now.


On TB every waking moment

Why is biggest baby formula plant in US STILL shut down after three months? Abbott says plant is safe and was not responsible for bacteria that killed two kids - but FDA refuses to reopen it as parents across US struggle to feed their babies
  • Abbott Laboratories claims its Michigan plant is not responsible for bacteria that killed at least two infants
  • The baby formula manufacturer alleged an FDA investigation revealed 'infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection'
  • Abbott claims products from the facility did not cause any bacterial outbreak
  • The plant still remains closed despite the findings after shutting down in February amid a major product recall
  • Abbott says it's 'working closely with the FDA to restart operations' at the plant as parents across the nation are struggling to get formula for their babies
  • Are you a parent struggling to get hold of formula milk? Contact
PUBLISHED: 13:54 EDT, 10 May 2022 | UPDATED: 17:07 EDT, 10 May 2022

The biggest baby formula supplier in the U.S. has denied its Michigan plant is responsible for the deaths of two children despite the FDA closing it down.

The plant was shutdown nearly three months ago after a bacterial infection caused the deaths and other serious illnesses.

In mid-February Abbott Laboratories issued a nationwide baby formula recall and ceased operations at its plant in Sturgis, Michigan amid reports of babies contracting bacterial infections from its products.

An Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that 'thorough investigation' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Abbott revealed 'infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility'.

However, despite the findings of the investigation, the plant remains shuttered nearly three months later, fueling the nationwide baby formula shortage.

The FDA - which said it found food safety violations at the plant, as well as five strains of Cronobacter, a bacteria that can cause blood infections and meningitis - has refused to say when the plant can resume operations.

Abbott claims they are 'working closely with the FDA to restart operations' at the plant, with the spokesperson noting: 'We continue to make progress on corrective actions and will be implementing additional actions as we work toward addressing items related to the recent recall'.

The FDA told it was holding discussions with 'Abbott and other manufacturers to increase production of different specialty and metabolic products' but refused to say when the Sturgis plant could reopen.

The formula shortage, which has become a national crisis, was triggered by supply chain issues, but spiked with the closure of the Abbott plant.

Abbott Laboratories, the biggest baby formula supplier in the U.S., whose Michigan plant was shutdown nearly three months ago, claims the bacterial infection that killed at least two infants did not come from their products

Abbott Laboratories, the biggest baby formula supplier in the U.S., whose Michigan plant was shutdown nearly three months ago, claims the bacterial infection that killed at least two infants did not come from their products

An Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that 'thorough investigation' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revealed 'infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility' (Pictured: Baby formula in a locked case at a pharmacy)

An Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that 'thorough investigation' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revealed 'infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility' (Pictured: Baby formula in a locked case at a pharmacy)
Abbott alleges that none of the formula distributed to consumers tested positive for Cronobacter or Salmonella.

The manufacturer claims the FDA and Abbott officials both tested retained products for the bacterias and yielded negative results.

Abbott notes no trace of Salmonella was found at the Sturgis plant and the Cronobacter that was found in environmental testing during the investigation was in non-product contact areas of the facility.

The company alleged the traces of Cronobacter at their plant have 'not been linked to the two available patient samples or any other known infant illness.'

February's recall, which is isolated to powder formulas, including Similac, Alimentum and EleCare, manufactured only at the Sturgis plant has significantly disrupted the supply chain.

The nationwide share of out-of-stock baby formula hit 40 percent in April. Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50 percent.

As shelves across the country meant to carry baby formula remain largely barren, retailers including Target, CVS and Walgreens are limiting the amount of formula consumers can purchase.

Concerned parents, especially those whose children have unique medical and dietary needs, have expressed feelings of hopelessness and are calling on the government to take action to 'ensure critical, life-sustaining supply chains don’t break down.'

However, an Abbott spokesperson alleged the recall 'does not include any metabolic deficiency nutrition formulas, Abbott’s liquid formulas or other Abbott nutrition powders or brands.'

The company is reportedly 'doing everything it can to address the infant formula supply shortage across the U.S.' This includes 'prioritizing production of infant formula products to help replenish the supply in the market' and shipping products in from overseas.

The nationwide share of out-of-stock baby formula hit 40 percent in April

The nationwide share of out-of-stock baby formula hit 40 percent in April
Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50 percent

Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50 percent

Psaki address growing concern for shortage of infant formula in U.S. 2:19 min

(read more on website)
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On TB every waking moment
Illegal migrants first to get ‘pallets’ of hard-to-find baby formula
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |
| May 12, 2022 06:43 AM

The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent mothers desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by Border Patrol.

According to videos posted by a Florida lawmaker, the Biden administration has been shipping “pallets” of baby formula to migrant holding facilities.

“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border,” said Republican Rep. Kat Cammack in one of two online postings yesterday. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,” she added, holding a photo of empty shelves where the formula would be.

Biden Sending Baby Formula Pallets To Illegals As BP Agents Struggle To Get It For Their Own Kids 14:50 min

Biden is sending pallets of baby formula to the border. Meanwhile, store shelves across America are empty and moms are being told they don’t know when more is coming in.

Cammack said that a border agent sent her photographs of the deliveries, and she posted one online.

“They’re receiving pallets and more pallets of baby formula at the border,” she said holding one of the photos showing both Advantage brand formula and Gogo Squeez applesauce. “This was taken at Ursula processing facility [in McAllen, Texas] where thousands are being housed and processed and then released,” said Cammack.

She said the agent told her: “‘Kat, you would not believe the shipment I just brought in.’ He has been a border patrol agent for 30 years and he has never seen anything quite like this. He is a grandfather and he is saying that his own children can't get baby formula.”


The shortage was sparked by a manufacturing issue and then a rush on stores. The shortage has become one of the issues coloring the concerns about growing inflation and economic troubles under President Joe Biden.

The New York Times, for example, reported on the troubles Texas parents are having finding the formula that is being shipped by their homes to the migrant holding centers. In a story headlined, “A Baby Formula Shortage Leaves Desperate Parents Searching for Food,” the New York Times said: “Some parents are driving hours at a time in search of supplies. Others are watering down formula or rationing it, hoping for an end to the shortage.”

Cammack was not critical of migrants receiving the formula but said the administration should put American parents first.

“I don't know about you, but if I am a mother, anywhere anytime in America, and I go to my local Walmart or Target or Publix or Safeway or Kroger or wherever it may be that you shop and you are seeing their shelves and you are seeing signs that you are not able to get baby formula.

And then you see the American government sending by the pallet thousands and thousands of containers of baby formula to the border, that would make my blood boil," she said.

She added: “It is not the childrens’ fault at all. But what is infuriating to me is that this is another example of the America last agenda that the Biden administration continues to perpetuate.”

1:19 min
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On TB every waking moment
Rising to the Bait – Again - LewRockwell

Rising to the Bait – Again
By Eric Peters
Eric Peters Autos
May 12, 2022

$40 billion is still a great deal of money – even in the Biden Thing’s America. Except it’s not going to help Americans. Rather, the Biden Thing has taken $40 billion out of the pockets of Americans, to finance all-but-war with nuclear-armed Russia by arming and abetting Ukraine.

When the government – and the corporations that own the government – want war, they usually get what they want.
Some 108 years ago, the government of Woodrow Wilson and the arms peddlers and financial interests behind Wilson wanted war with Germany – something few if any Americans wanted as they’d be the ones paying for it, in blood and treasure. To drag them into what was then styled the “war to end all wars,” Wilson’s government colluded with Britain’s government and the interests that owned both of them to arrange a pretext. A passenger liner called the Lusitania was loaded with war materiel and provocatively sailed into the war zone. The Germans rose to the bait. A submarine fired a couple or more torpedoes into the Lusitania’s flanks and she quickly sank – resulting in the drowning of about 1,198 “innocent civilians,” which they were.

But the governments of America and Britain weren’t.
They knew that, by goading the Germans into sinking Lusitania, they could feign outrage and cause Americans to actually be outraged. Sufficiently so as to drown out any voices who might raise a hand and ask why Lusitania, a passenger liner (loaded with war material from America meant to help Germany’s foe in the war) was sailed into the war zone, right in front of German subs.

Instead, Americans were roused to blood lust over “the hun” and sent to die (and kill) in a war that was as relevant to them as a wall phone is a to a Millennial.

Some twenty years after the “war to end all wars,” another war began. The government – and corporate interests – of the United States were, once again, extremely interested in getting Americans to fight in it. But – chastened by the carnage of the prior war – few Americans were interested.
How to fix that?

First, the same method was tried. All-but-declare war on Germany, by all-but-formally-allying America with Britain. Well, ally America’s munitions industry and so on with Britain. Destroyers and other war materiel financed by Americans to protect America were “lend-leased” to Britain, a very provocative act, as far as the Germans were concerned. American naval vessels helped British vessels track and hunt down German vessels, including the famous German battleship, Bismarck – whose position during the course of its one and only sortie was relayed to the British, who had lost track of her – helping to enable them to eventually find and sink her.

This time, however, the Germans did not rise to the bait.
The government and corporate interests of the United States were stymied. The war – with Germany – would have to wait. But not for long. The government and corporate interests of America were able to get Japan to rise to the bait. Cut off her oil supply and present her with a fait accompli. Japan decided to attack – and it wasn’t a “sneak” one, either. Abundant evidence suggests the American government and the interests that owned it then – and own it still – knew what the Japanese were going to do.

In any event, it was predictable what they would do.
Read the Whole Article


On TB every waking moment
15:06 min

How ESG & BlackRock are ROBBING YOU of financial control

May 12, 2022

Glenn Beck

Vivek Ramaswamy — author of ‘Woke, INC.’ and founder of Roviant Sciences — currently is working hard to TAKE BACK control from the three largest asset managers in the world…including BlackRock, which manages over 10 TRILLION dollars of everyday Americans' finances (that's more than half the U.S. GDP!). ‘They’re using the money from everyday, American citizens…to advance these social and environmental policies that we should instead be debating as citizens,’ Ramaswamy tells Glenn. But rather than face antitrust violations, firms like BlackRock instead are CELEBRATED thanks to ESG. Ramaswamy tells Glenn how his new company will help Americans regain financial control and reestablish our TRUE free market...


On TB every waking moment

Global COVID Summit Declaration IV
A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity

The time is now. As most readers of this substack are now well aware, this is not just about COVID. The constitution hangs in the balance. Please help us to get these messages spread far and wide. The 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists in our organization, who are not financially conflicted and remain committed to the Hippocratic Oath, are doing our part. Now we ask that you help us to help you. We need your help.

Alternative link
Global COVID Summit, Declaration IV
A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists
To Restore Scientific Integrity
17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Declare that the State of Medical Emergency must be lifted
, Scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.
We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

This corrupt alliance has compromised the integrity of our most prestigious medical societies to which we belong, generating an illusion of scientific consensus by substituting truth with propaganda. This alliance continues to advance unscientific claims by censoring data, and intimidating and firing doctors and scientists for simply publishing actual clinical results or treating their patients with proven, life-saving medicine. These catastrophic decisions came at the expense of the innocent, who are forced to suffer health damage and death caused by intentionally withholding critical and time-sensitive treatments, or as a result of coerced genetic therapy injections, which are neither safe nor effective.

The medical community has denied patients the fundamental human right to provide true informed consent for the experimental COVID-19 injections. Our patients are also blocked from obtaining the information necessary to understand risks and benefits of vaccines, and their alternatives, due to widespread censorship and propaganda spread by governments, public health officials and media. Patients continue to be subjected to forced lock-downs which harm their health, careers and children’s education, and damage social and family bonds critical to civil society. This is not a coincidence. In the book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, leadership of this alliance has clearly stated their intention is to leverage COVID-19 as an “opportunity” to reset our entire global society, culture, political structures, and economy.

Our 17,000 Global COVID Summit physicians and medical scientists represent a much larger, enlightened global medical community who refuse to be compromised, and are united and willing to risk the wrath of the corrupt medical alliance to defend the health of their patients.

The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.

We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship.

The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:
  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.


On TB every waking moment
WHO Amendments Would Allow Massive Power Overreach if Passed 7:10 min

WHO Amendments Would Allow Massive Power Overreach if Passed
Bannons War Room Published May 12, 2022

(James Roguski: Chance to give a comment. Deadline in the morning

Dr. Breggin: Amendments remove all restraints on Tedros declaring a health emergency in a country without consulting with that country. He can then mobilize all the UN resources against any country that is resistant to saying it has a health emergency that might influence other nations. There is no definition of a "health emergency" it is up to Tedros' discretion. It can even be a possible or potential health emergency. He doesn't need to know the source or exact nature of the emergency.

So they are making him a dictator over declarations of health emergencies. Then he can mobilize many different organizations within the UN. The UN, itself, can take actions. The World Bank and the IMF are related to the UN. They could put pressures on the country.

So this is a treasonous set of Amendments, part of the Biden "Let's level America" agenda to make us into a third world country. It is extremely destructive and against everything we stand for in the US.

Bannon: This is taking power to "our betters."

Dr. Beggin: It is to the elites. It is part of globalism. On one side, the controllers of WHO are the CCP and then Bill Gates and Schwab and that group. Gates has put a ton of money in the WHO, so you have the worst of 2 worlds. This is really the New World Order.

Correct 2 myths: One is that the Senate has to approve this. That is not so. The International Law, legally binding, says that we have to obey the WHO as we are a member of it. If the Senate took a stand, then we might have some clout. Another myth is that this is about pandemics, and it is not.


On TB every waking moment

Interest of Justice has been selected as a “partner” to join the HHS Office of Global Affairs: Virtual Stakeholder Listening Session in preparation for the 75th World Health Assembly, to participate in writing and possibly speak in front of the WHA during a virtual stakeholder session to be held Friday 13 10am-12pm

LAST Deadline to COMMENT before the IHR Amendments!!! Friday May 13, 2022 8am ET (maybe until 10am)
WRITE YOUR CUSTOM COMMENT!!! or submit pre-written one, forms on website
Sign petition



Everyone has the opportunity to voice their opinion regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Send your comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs (OGA).

The Stakeholder Listening Session will help the HHS Office of Global Affairs prepare the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly by taking full advantage of the knowledge, ideas, feedback, and suggestions from all communities interested in and affected by agenda items to be discussed at the 75th World Health Assembly.
The U.S. Government will consider contributions received from the stakeholders as it develops the U.S. positions.
Written comments are welcome and encouraged.
Please send written comments to the email address:
We look forward to hearing your comments related to the 75th World Health Assembly agenda items.

Please save a copy of the email that you send to the HHS’ Office of Global Affairs and post it into the comment section below this article.


On TB every waking moment
My comment:

May 12, 2022
Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs (OGA)

Re: Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations

I oppose the proposed Amendments.

The primary foundational plank upon which our nation has been built is that the American people are sovereign. [Chisholm, Ex'r. v. Georgia, 2 Dall, 419, 1 U.S. (L.ed., 454, 457, 471, 472), 1793] Ours is a system where limited power and authority has been delegated from the people to a government of its own making through the vehicle of a written Constitution.

The Amendments submitted by the Biden Administration to the International Health Regulations, would essentially delegate sovereignty over the American people to the Director-General of WHO in the event of his arbitrary declaration of a "health emergency," a power that appears to be undefined and limitless. No such power has EVER been delegated to the President, or the Executive Branch by the people. The Biden Administration cannot gift what they have never been given. They have absolutely no power or authority to agree to delegate any portion of sovereignty from the American people to the WHO or the UN.

This is an assault upon the very foundations of the American system of government. That sovereignty always rests with the people, is fundamental to "consent of the governed." These proposed Amendments are abhorrent to a free people and blatantly unConstitutional. If they do get adopted by the World Health Assembly, the United States must withdraw immediately from that organization.
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On TB every waking moment
Heroic MEP Christine Anderson Confronts the WHO Treaty and Calls on Voters to Hold MEPS Accountable 1:19 min

Heroic MEP Christine Anderson Confronts the WHO Treaty and Calls on Voters to Hold [EU] MEPS Accountable
Red Voice Media Published May 12, 2022

"You might not be aware, but the abolition of democracy by the global elites continues... The plan is to allow the WHO to seize executive governance powers of the member states in [the event] of a pandemic. Granting government powers to a non-elected body is the exact opposite of democratic recourse and takes away any possibility for the people to hold officials accountable... To all the people in Europe, I would like to say, start acting now... Let them know that any MEP supporting this or voting for this will not ever get your vote again."


On TB every waking moment
Global Governance Under the Guise of Health: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Spells the End of Human Sovereignty 2:38 min

Global Governance Under the Guise of Health: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Spells the End of Human Sovereignty
Red Voice Media Published May 11, 2022

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "This treaty, according to them, supersedes the US written Constitution... They'll pretend there's a new pandemic. They'll tell you, 'We're in charge,' [and they'll make you] lockdown with [another] round of vaccines in three months, and who knows what they will inject you with."

Full Video: Vax Poisoning World’s Children With New Form of Hepatitis And Interview With Dr. Mike Yeadon


On TB every waking moment
'We Are At War': Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The WHO's Plan To Seize Power 5:28 min

'We Are At War': Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The WHO's Plan To Seize Power
Bannons War Room Published May 12, 2022

(Dr. Naomi Wolf: Very important to submit comments. More important is that people are learning how to find public documents and learning about law and recourse. The bad news is, as she predicted, there would come a time when there were so many disruptions: food supply; energy grid; cyber grid; and there would be a way not to have midterms.

Based on history, she doesn't believe a comment barrage is going to stop them. [Amen, but with normal regulations, you cannot sue unless the basis was brought up in the comments and they are part of the record.] They are going to go ahead and give away our sovereignty. Biden extended the emergency last month, but for the first time, it was in an open-ended way - no terminus date. This allowed him to send billions of dollars to HHS - Health and Human Services, without going through Congress.

Our southern border is open. There are fighting aged men pouring over from Afghanistan and from Ukraine. They are going to places around the country that we do not know or understand. They are not being tracked or followed. They are just being placed in various places around the country.

Over the border in Canada, we saw another WEF lackey declare martial law against the truckers. We saw unidentifiable, mercenary, very violent, soldier type people who were extremely abusive people, who weren't really police. You saw this in France against the protesters.

So what I'm trying to say is that they aren't going to stop. Britain is already talking about giving up sovereignty. People in Ireland are saying what can we do. There are 198 countries discussing giving up sovereignty. Well, once you've done that, in a state of emergency - federal and state - it means that if tomorrow, they treaty goes through, and sovereignty/decision making is elevated above the level of our nation state, Tedros on next Tuesday can declare we're having a public health emergency and you've already got in place all the elements of a war - of an occupation.

We are at war - a super sneaky war, but all the elements are in place to pull the trigger and armed men are at your door and they don't answer to our Commander in Chief. That's where we're going. It's not someday. The pieces are being put in place now. This is a time of extraordinary danger. So, yes by all means, make your comments but learn where your food comes from. Find out who your neighbors are. Protect your house - she is learning marksmanship. We have to be ready.

She's a peaceful person and does not want war. But war is being waged upon us. When you think you know what sovereignty as far as national security looks like, you cannot know that is beyond tyranny.)


On TB every waking moment
'Not Russia': Dave Walsh Explains 'Diesel Shortage' Sweeping East Coast 4:21 min

'Not Russia': Dave Walsh Explains 'Diesel Shortage' Sweeping East Coast
Bannons War Room Published May 12, 2022

(Walsh: Half of the capacity of East Coast refineries for primary diesel fuel have been shuttered in the last 2 years. Nearly a million barrels a day shuttered in Philadelphia, Shell in Louisiana, Tesera Petroleum at Marathon in California, in Cheyenne, WY, S. Dakota and in New Mexico. Refineries closed and not reopened - "environmental reasons" and reduced demand due to COVID cited.

The criticality of diesel fuel - every hospital, every office building larger than 20,000 sq ft., every grocery store - every building of any size has backup diesel power generation. Every service center, every data center, all of Wall Streets trading floor has their primary power backed up by diesel powered generators - 1 to 5 Megawatt engines supplied with diesel fuel.

Not to mention the food supply delivered by diesel-powered 18 wheelers and farming equipment is 98% powered by diesel fuel. This is a massive issue for the country.

Bannon: How did we get in this jam? How, all of a sudden, are we going to have a major diesel problem at the gas stations up and down the east coast? How did that happen again?
Walsh: Well, because of the east coast shut downs over the past 2 years, we are down to a 3 day supply at about 10 million barrels of diesel fuel remaining in the inventory. Generally speaking, the last 10 years before 8 months ago, we were at the average of 50 million barrels. Refinery shut downs have been the primary driver - not Russia. It is not war. It is that we have refinery capacity at an all time low for crude oil over the past 6 years and diesel refinery capacity at a 50% reduction on the east coast in the last 2 years.

Bannon: And that reduction in capacity was taken off line due to what reason?

Walsh: Well the primary reason given was the reduction n demand starting in March 2020 due to the COVID recession/depression. But following years of drivers on the environmental side in shutting these facilities down based on them being dirty and permitting issues. So the demand destruction that occurred during a period during COVID, that is now over, was used as the reason to shut them. None of them have been brought back online of the 6 facilities he mentioned. )

GETTR at DaveWalshenergy


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Ushering in Tedros as Health Dictator of the World: Biden's Treasonous Set of Amendments Sells Out the Sovereignty of Mankind
Red Voice Media Published May 12, 2022

Dr. Peter Breggin: "If the amendments pass on May 22 through May 28, [WHO Director-General Tedros] can declare a health emergency in a country without consulting with the country, without getting any information from the country, and if the country resists, he can go ahead and, within 24 to 48 hours, begin to mobilize all the resources of the UN against the country... He doesn't even have to know the source or the exact nature of the emergency, so they're making him a dictator over declarations of health emergencies."

Dr. Peter Breggin's Urgent Post: Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO


On TB every waking moment

Victor Davis Hanson: Imagine The Unimaginable

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2022 - 08:00 PM
Op-Ed authored by Victor Davis Hanson via The Epoch Times,

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable.

Haitian migrants, part of a group of over 10,000 people staying in an encampment on the U.S. side of the border, cross the Rio Grande river to get food and water in Mexico, after another crossing point was closed near the Acuna Del Rio International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, on Sept. 19, 2021. (Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images)

Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power.

In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war.

A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power.

After a year of politicizing the U.S. military and its self-induced catastrophe in Afghanistan, America has lost deterrence abroad. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are conniving how best to exploit this rare window of global military opportunity.

The traditional bedrocks of the American system—a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system—are dissolving.

Gas and diesel prices are hitting historic levels. Inflation is at a 40-year high. New cars and homes are unaffordable. The necessary remedy of high interest and tight money will be almost as bad as the disease of hyperinflation.

There is no southern border.

Expect over 1 million foreign nationals to swarm this summer into the United States without audit, COVID testing, or vaccination. None will have any worry of consequences for breaking U.S. immigration law.

Police are underfunded and increasingly defunded. District attorneys deliberately release violent criminals without charges. (Literally 10,000 people witnessed a deranged man with a knife attack comedian Dave Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl last week, and the Los Angeles County D.A. refused to press felony charges.) Murder and assault are spiraling. Carjacking and smash-and-grab thefts are now normal big-city events.

Crime is now mostly a political matter. Ideology, race, and politics determine whether the law is even applied.

Supermarket shelves are thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. An American president—in a first—casually warns of food shortages. Baby formula has disappeared from many shelves.

Politics are resembling the violent last days of the Roman Republic. An illegal leak of a possible impending Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade that would allow state voters to set their own abortion laws has created a national hysteria.

Never has a White House tacitly approved mobs of protesters showing up at Supreme Court justices’ homes to rant and bully them into altering their votes.

There is no free speech any more on campuses.

Merit is disappearing. Admissions, hiring, promotion, retention, grading, and advancement are predicated increasingly on mouthing the right orthodoxies or belonging to the proper racial, gender, or ethnic category.

When the new campus commissariat finally finishes absorbing the last redoubts in science, math, engineering, medical, and professional schools, America will slide into permanent mediocrity and irreversible declining standards of living.

What happened?

Remember all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate. The United States has the largest combined gas, coal, and oil deposits in the world. It possesses the know-how to build the safest pipelines and to ensure the cleanest energy development on the planet.

Inflation was a deliberate Biden choice. For short-term political advantage, he kept printing trillions of dollars, incentivizing labor non-participation, and keeping interest rates at historical lows—at a time of pent-up global demand.

The administration wanted no border. Only that way can politicized, impoverished immigrants repay left-wing undermining of the entire legal immigration system with their fealty at the ballot box.

Once esoteric, crack-pot academic theories—“modern monetary theory,” critical legal theory, critical race theory—now dominate policymaking in the Biden administration.

The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism. Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular.

Is it not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?

The American people reject the calamitous policies of 2021–2022. Yet the radical cadres surrounding a cognitively inert Biden still push them through by executive orders, bureaucratic directives, and deliberate cabinet nonperformance.

Why? The Left has no confidence either in constitutional government or common sense.
So as the public pushes back, expect at the ground level more doxxing, cancel culture, deplatforming, ministries of disinformation, swarming the private homes of officials they target for bullying, and likely violent demonstrations in our streets this summer.

Meanwhile, left-wing elites will do their best to ignore Supreme Court decisions, illegally cancel student debts, and likely by the fall issue more COVID lockdowns. They will still dream of packing the Court, ending the filibuster, scrapping the Electoral College, adding more states, and flooding the November balloting with hundreds of millions more dollars of dark money from Silicon Valley.

When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we shall see over the next few months.


On TB every waking moment
(Sounds like a familiar pattern. Could scarcity be the intentional result?)

The Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act Is The Wrong Solution For American Mining

2022 - 04:40 PM
Authored by Pete Stauber via RealClear Energy (emphasis ours),

Everything in this world is either grown or mined, and if we don’t grow it or mine it in America, we import it. Events from the past few years, namely the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have highlighted America’s hunger for metals, including copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum-group elements, and more. Therefore, Congress needs to boost domestic production. Instead, the majority is putting up more arbitrary hurdles, like the so-called Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act.

(AP Photo/Wayne Parry, file)

Don’t let the name fool you. This legislation, introduced by Chairman Grijalva (D-AZ) and being considered before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources this week, will make it even harder to access clean energy minerals domestically while furthering our reliance on Russia, China, and the Congo. The bill contains several provisions that contribute to longtime goals of the Left: dissuade investment in mining and choke projects to death with an unpredictable permitting process.

Talk to any miner, member of the building trades, or industry expert and you’ll hear the same frustration about mining in America: permitting timelines are too long, too uncertain, and incentivize lawsuits and trial lawyers. Take, for example, the PolyMet project in my northern Minnesota District which is approaching two decades of permitting and litigation. PolyMet proposes to mine copper, nickel, cobalt, and more. It has won every lawsuit thrown its way but is still being targeted by the Biden Administration. We cannot wait 20 years to get the nickel we need; not while state-owned Russian companies are dominating the market.

So, how does the Grijalva bill address our permitting timelines? By adding two more duplicative permit requirements. Adding these permits wouldn’t add just months or years, they could add decades to review. Every permit approval will be met with a lawsuit brought on by an activist group and met with a wink and a nod from a faceless bureaucrat in the Administration, dragging it out further and further. So, instead of PolyMet taking a mere 20 years, it’s a good possibility it could be 40 or 50 years under this Leftist dream.

The Grijalva bill also puts hardrock mining squarely in the crosshairs by upending the claims system. Hardrock mineral rights are established through mining claims. Companies then drill thousands of exploratory holes to determine if the resource is even economical to develop.

Only about 1 in every 1,000 discoveries results in a mine. For example, the Twin Metals project in my district has already invested just shy of $1 billion in a new mine, before even starting the permitting process. The bill considered this week would make it an oil and gas-style leasing system, treating copper like you would natural gas, making it even less economical for companies to invest in American resources.

And finally, the bill imposes punitive royalties on hardrock mines in America. Every new mine that survives litigation would be subject to a 12.5% royalty. Meanwhile, existing mines aren’t immune either: a functioning mine would owe 8% of everything they extract to the federal government. Hardrock resources cover a wide variety of minerals, occur in unique geologic formations, and all have varying commodity prices. The one-size-fits-all royalty scheme proposed by Chairman Grijalva and President Biden in his Interagency Working Group Recommendations, like upending the claims system, is another bold attempt to shutter investment.

It makes no sense to subject such a wide variety of minerals to the same, inelastic royalty. For example, lithium in Nevada is derived from a salt brine, while copper and nickel in northern Minnesota will be pulled out of the ground as a solid ore. Meanwhile, mining in Minnesota funds every single school district in the state. If we slap the Grijalva Tax on mines in America, it’ll push companies looking to invest in Minnesota overseas.

America is facing a metals crisis. We can no longer rely on our foreign adversaries to supply us with the copper, nickel, cobalt, and other minerals we need for modern life. Instead of making it harder to mine American resources, as the Grijalva legislation does, there are steps Congress can take to make America an attractive place for mining.

First, we need to update the permitting process. It should not take 20 years to develop our natural resources. Reviews should be timely, transparent, and reasonable. We also need to limit the President’s authority to arbitrarily kill projects with the stroke of a pen. Just this past February, Biden chose to cancel the federal leases held by the Twin Metals project that date back to the 1960’s. Legislation I introduced, the Accessing America’s Critical Minerals Act and the Saving America’s Mines Act, would update our permitting process and end the President’s authority to kill mining with the stroke of a pen.

This week, as Congress considers the so-called Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act, don’t buy the rhetoric. Democrats proposed this legislation to make permitting more difficult and dissuade investment, making our supply chains even more crippled. Let’s instead consider serious proposals that grow mining in America and secure our domestic supply chains.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Admin Cancels Huge Alaska Oil And Gas Lease As Gas Prices Hit Record Highs

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2022 - 07:24 AM
The Biden administration has canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease sales which was pending before the Department of the Interior, at a time when Americans are suffering from record-high prices at the pump.

Getty Images via Fox News

The DOI's reasoning? A "lack of industry interest in leasing in the area" of more than 1 million acres in the Cook Inlet in Alaska. What's more, the department also halted two leases under consideration in the Gulf of Mexico due to "conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales," according to CBS News.

"The Department also will not move forward with lease sales 259 and 261 in the Gulf of Mexico region, as a result of delays due to factors including conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales," said an agency spokesperson.
Federal law requires DOI to stick to a five-year leasing plan for auctioning offshore leases. The department had until the end fo the current five-year plan – due to expire on June 30 – to complete the sales.
Within his first week in office, President Biden signed an executive order temporarily suspending new oil and gas leases on federal lands. The administration resumed the new leasing last month following court challenges against the ban. The administration is appealing a ruling in which Judge James Cain, a Trump appointee, struck down the ban. -Fox Business
In Wednesday remarks to Fox Business, former Trump-Pence EPA transition member Steve Milloy traced the lease cancellations to Biden.

"In Alaska, the problem was that the greens scared off virtually everyone," he said. "It's expensive to explore and drill, and the greens made it pretty clear, they were going to make it even more difficult."

According to Milloy, pressure from climate activists scared oil companies away after former President Trump opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - a move which attracted just three bidders, including the state of Alaska itself.

"I blame Biden for all lack of production. He has scared away investment," he said. "I don't trust him in court defending leasing."

Frank Macchairola, a top official with the American Petroleum Institute - the country's largest oil and gas trade association, called the cancellation "another example of the administration's lack of commitment to oil and gas development in the US."

"The President has spoken about the need for additional supplies in the market, but his administration has failed to take action to match that rhetoric," he told CBS News, adding that politically it won't "play well."

"In the kind of price environment that we're seeing, there are negative consequences to shutting off oil and gas development, both politically and practically," he said.

According to AAA's gas price calculator, average gas prices in the US have hit record highs in recent days - with the national average reaching $4.374 on Tuesday, and $4.404 on Wednesday, both records.

By region, the West Coast, Illinois, Nevada and Alaska are suffering the most, with gas well into the high five-dollar range. Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and neighboring states have some of the lowest gas prices.

The White House has blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine for the record prices, referring to it as the "Putin Price Hike." Biden also committed to release 1 million barrels of oil daily from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the next six months - which as we've noted several times, provided a temporary drop in the price of oil.


On TB every waking moment

Gulf State OPEC Members Sound Alarm About Dwindling Global Energy Capacity

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2022 - 06:28 AM
Authored by Bryan Jung via The Epoch Times,

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates warned earlier this week that their spare energy capacity is decreasing in all energy sectors as key producers reduce investment in fossil fuels, pushing oil, diesel, and natural gas to trade at near-record highs.

Brent oil was trading at around $102 a barrel as they spoke.
“I am a dinosaur, but I have never seen these things,” said Saudi energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman to Bloomberg on May 10, at an OPEC conference in Abu Dhabi.
The prince was referring to the surge in prices for refined oil products, in particular in the United States, where gas and diesel prices are hitting a record high, causing problems for the Biden administration.
“The world needs to wake up to an existing reality. The world is running out of energy capacity at all levels,” said the Saudi minister.
Suhail al Mazrouei, the UAE’s energy minister, said to Bloomberg at the same conference, that without additional global investment, OPEC+ would not be able to guarantee sufficient supplies of oil for its customers as the world economy fully recovers from the pandemic.
“We’ve been warning about the lack of investment,” said al Mazrouei, and “that lack of investment is catching up with a lot of countries.”
The two ministers also hit back at new U.S. congressional legislation intended to target the oil cartel and regulate energy output, claiming that the bill would bring greater chaos to already strained energy markets.

Of the major producers, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are among the few producers investing in greater output and together, are spending billions of dollars to boost crude capacity by 2 million barrels a day by the end of this decade.

The other producers are struggling with investments, as Western shareholders and governments push for a transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy.

OPEC+ announced a 432,000 barrel-a-day increase for June at its meeting on May 5, but it’s struggling to reach even that monthly target, as many members are producing below their quotas.

The 23-nation energy alliance fell short of its production quotas by 2.59 million barrels per day in April, according to the latest OPEC+ survey by S&P Global Commodity Insights.

The UAE minister still believes that there is no serious market crisis at the moment and that OPEC has little urgency to boost oil production.

However, several key importers disagree, especially the EU, U.S., and Japan, which have been demanding a more rapid increase in output from OPEC+ since last year.

The same nations have at the same time imposed sanctions on Russia a lead OPEC member, after its invasion of Ukraine at the end of February.

The EU has recently announced an even more punitive ban on Russian energy imports this month.

Crude prices have risen more than 35 percent this year to a high of around $105 a barrel since sanctions were placed on Moscow over Ukraine.

The G7 nations have lobbied OPEC+ to punish Russia, but the Saudis and the UAE reiterated that the cartel would not allow geopolitics to affect its decisions.

Al Mazrouei blamed the politicization of the oil market for the latest rise in prices and declared that OPEC+ was unified and that all members have pledged not to hike output on there own.
“We are together,” he said. “Trust me. No one can unilaterally increase production unless they’re intending to break the alliance,” said the UAE minister.

“We are getting a fraction of what the companies and governments are making from those extra taxes,” he said.
The minister said that it was wrong to blame crude oil producers and that high taxes in consuming nations were to blame for skyrocketing fuel prices.

He also told CNBC that the revival of a proposed bill in Washington could push oil prices by as much as 300 percent.

Top OPEC ministers have hit back at new U.S. legislation intended to regulate oil output and that OPEC was being unfairly targeted over the energy crisis, saying that such efforts would bring chaos to energy markets.

A U.S. Senate Committee greenlighted the new bipartisan No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) bill on May 5 with a 17-4 majority, the first step towards passage of the decades-old proposal.

It now needs to be passed by the full Senate and the House, before being signed into law by the president.

The proposed bill aims to protect U.S. consumers and businesses over the manipulation of energy prices and would allow the U.S. government to open an antitrust suit against OPEC over its control of the majority of the world’s oil supply and prices.
“If you hinder that system, you need to watch what you’re asking for, because having a chaotic market you would see … a 200 percent or 300 percent increase in the prices that the world cannot handle,” said Al Mazrouei to CNBC at the World Utilities Congress in Abu Dhabi.

“We, OPEC+, cannot compensate for the whole 100 percent of the world requirement,” he said.

“How much we produce, that is our share. And, actually, I would bet that we are doing much more.”

The UAE and Saudi energy ministers issued a joint statement, saying that both OPEC and non-OPEC members should work together to handle the ongoing energy crisis.

“I’m very concerned about the holistic energy system existing today,” said Prince bin Salman, who added that “the world needs to work collectively, responsibly, comprehensively in providing us and salvaging the world economy.”


On TB every waking moment

The NOPEC Bill Could Send Oil Prices To $300

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2022 - 04:30 AM
By Tsvetana Paraskova for

If the U.S. passes the NOPEC bill, a bill designed to pave the way for lawsuits against OPEC members for market manipulation, the oil market could face even more chaos. OPEC’s most influential energy ministers warned against passing the legislation, suggesting it could send oil prices soaring by 200% or 300%.
“The last thing we want is someone trying to hinder that system,” the UAE’s Energy Minister Suhail al-Mazrouei said at a conference in Abu Dhabi, referring to the system OPEC has had in place for decades to ensure supply to the market is adequate (adequate according to OPEC’s view).
“If you hinder that system, you need to watch what you’re asking for, because having a chaotic market you would see … a 200% or 300% increase in the prices that the world cannot handle,” al-Mazrouei said at a panel at the World Utilities Congress hosted by CNBC’s Dan Murphy.

As gasoline prices in America hit record highs, some lawmakers are looking to resurrect the NOPEC legislation that would allow the U.S. Attorney General to sue OPEC or its member states for antitrust behavior.

Forms of a NOPEC bill have been considered in Congress committees for nearly two decades, but they have never moved past committee discussions.

Now OPEC is warning of greater market chaos if NOPEC becomes law. But it’s not only OPEC that has been warning about the implications for America in setting a precedent to remove sovereign immunity. The most powerful oil lobby in the United States, the American Petroleum Institute (API), is also against such legislation, arguing it would bring unintended harm to America’s oil and gas industry and American interests in the world. So is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, while the White House expressed “concerns” about the potential implications of such a law.

Last week, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved the so-called No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC).

Forms of antitrust legislation aimed at OPEC were discussed at various times under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but they both threatened to veto such legislation.

This time, it’s unclear if the bill would be moved for discussion at the Senate, or then to President Joe Biden’s desk, and it’s unclear whether he would sign such legislation into law.

Commenting on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s approval of the NOPEC bill, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week:
“I don’t have an official position on this legislation right now, but we do believe that this potential — the potential implications and unintended consequences of this legislation require further study and deliberation, particularly during this dynamic moment in the global energy markets brought about by President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”
“So, we’re taking a look at it and certainly have some concerns about what the potential implications could be,” Psaki added.
Major trade groups have already expressed opposition to the bill, arguing it could backfire on America’s oil and gas industry and U.S. interests.

The bill could have an unintended negative impact on America’s oil and gas industry, the API said in a letter seen by Reuters.

The API has opposed NOPEC legislation during previous discussions of a bill. In 2019, under President Donald Trump, the institute told the then-members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, “We see this legislation as creating significant detrimental exposure to U.S. diplomatic, military and business interests while having limited impact on the market concerns driving the legislation.”
“The legislation threatens serious, unintended consequences for the U.S. natural gas and oil industry,” and it “represents a political act aimed at removing a sovereign nation’s litigation immunity from certain U.S. laws and opens the opportunity for reciprocal or even additional action on the part of those impacted countries,” the API said more than two years ago.
Last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce addressed the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, saying it opposes the bill known as S. 977.

“Although S. 977 is intended to be limited to restraint of trade in oil, natural gas or petroleum products, the Committee should be wary of the precedent it would create. Once sovereign immunity has been eliminated for one action of a state or its agents, it can be eliminated for all state actions and the actions of agents of the state,” the Chamber of Commerce said.

“Under reciprocal legal regimes, the United States and its agents throughout the world could be tried before foreign courts – perhaps including the military – for any activity that the foreign state wishes to make an offense,” it added.


On TB every waking moment

The Manchema veto: Biden looks to executive orders to bypass centrist duo's Senate roadblocks

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have opposed changing Senate filibuster rules to allow legislation to pass with a simple majority of 51 votes.

Updated: May 12, 2022 - 10:50pm

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin and Arizona Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, referred to jointly as "Manchema," have time and again blocked President Biden's legislative agenda, forcing the president to look increasingly to inherently less secure executive orders ahead of the midterm elections. Examples of the Manchema veto include:
  • Build Back Better — Biden's signature social spending package, which originally came in at $3.5 trillion, was scaled back to $2 trillion in a bid to gain the support of moderates following discussions involving the White House, Manchin, Sinema and congressional leaders. The legislation contained new federal benefits, climate-related spending, and tax credits for the purchase of electric vehicles. Sinema didn't publicly commit to voting for the legislation, while Manchin announced in December 2021 that he would oppose the spending package, citing record inflation.
  • Federalized election rules — The Democrats turned to sweeping federal overhaul of election rules as their next major legislative target. Two pieces of legislation were on the table: the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Senate Republicans opposed nationalizing election rules, arguing that under the Constitution's Elections Clause state legislatures have primary responsibility for setting election rules, subject to ultimate congressional authority to override. The only way the Democrats could move the bills forward in the 50-50 Senate was to scrap the time-honored Senate filibuster — with its 60-vote threshold required to pass legislation — in favor of a simple majority-vote rule. Both Manchin and Sinema spoke out against discarding the filibuster, arguing that such a move would muzzle the minority party in the Senate. Following the pair's votes against abandoning the filibuster in January, Arizona Democrats censured Sinema.
  • Codifying abortion rights — After the leak of a draft Supreme Court majority opinion signaling the apparent impending demise of the court's Roe v. Wade precedent guaranteeing a constitutional right to abortion, Democrats began moving forward on a bill designed to codify abortion rights at the federal level. Titled the Women's Health Protection Act, the legislation was subject to the filibuster rule. As Manchin and Sinema remain opposed to eliminating the filibuster, Senate Democrats lacked the votes to pass the measure. In a Senate vote on Wednesday, Manchin voted against the bill. Manchin also opposed a separate abortion rights bill in February.
With Biden's agenda at a standstill about six months ahead of the midterm elections, the White House said the president is considering executive actions on a number of issues, including student debt cancellation, immigration reform and police reform. But executive orders are inherently unstable fallback options — vulnerable both to constitutional challenge on separation of powers grounds and executive revocation by a White House successor.

"There are a range of executive actions we're currently looking at — right?" said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki last Thursday. "We're looking at one on police reform. The president is certainly looking at steps he can take on student debt, and there are others we're looking at as well.

"But at the same time, we're also looking to get the Bipartisan Innovation Act through. We're looking to see what can be done on a range of issues where we feel there is bipartisan support.

And we're continuing to engage closely with Democrats in Congress about a reconciliation package to lower costs for the American people."

The details of a potential reconciliation spending package that could pass with just the votes of all 50 Democrats in the Senate and a majority vote in the Democratic-led House are still up in the air.