GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

The Bear Awakens

FRIDAY, FEB 04, 2022 - 09:20 AM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The bear has awakened, and it will not be limited to the stock market.

The bear awakens from a long, uneasy slumber and the everything bubble is in trouble.

I'm not going to make the bear case with charts or price-earnings ratios or sentiment readings or anything remotely financial. My bear case is a crisis of belief as faith in the religion of the Federal Reserve dissolves and the dumbfounded believers realize the Fed is a failed religion.

To understand the religion of the Fed, consider the Federal Reserve policies and actions that the market views as bullish:
-- Fed lowers interest rates: bullish.
-- Fed raises interest rates: bullish.
-- Fed eases: bullish.
-- Fed tightens: bullish.
-- Fed holds steady: bullish.
-- Fed changes course: bullish.
-- Fed issues guidance: bullish.
-- Fed is silent: bullish.
-- Fed sneezes: bullish.
-- Fed coughs: bullish.
-- Fed caught insider trading: bullish.
-- Fed increases wealth inequality to the point it unravels society: bullish.
You get the idea: merely by occupying the temple of the Fed faith, the Eccles Building, the Fed is bullish because the Fed has the supernatural power to rescind the business / credit cycle and keep the economy and asset wealth expanding forever and ever.

The Fed could reveal that all policy was decided by Ouija board sessions and the stock market would leap: whatever the Fed does is bullish by default. Any policy error can quickly be reversed and so any decline in assets can also be reversed. The occasional heretic can be banished and the true believers will again be rewarded for their faith in the One True Financial Religion.

As in the story of the stranger mistaken for a god by the tribe until a thorn prick draws blood, revealing the stranger's all-too-human mortality, the Fed's over-reach has consequences which are now drawing blood. Shakespeare's lines are apropos:
By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes.
Just as Macbeth is deceived by promises of invincibility by the witches, so too the Fed has been deceived by promises of godlike powers over finance and the economy. But just as Macbeth's machinations triggered civil war and turmoil, the Fed's over-reach has set a banquet of consequences that few are prepared to keep down, much less savor.

Attempting to banish the business / credit cycle--i.e. endless, recession-free expansion--has tightly coiled a financial spring to produce maximum damage when it finally unleashes its compressed power. In the political-social realm, the Fed's vast expansion of the already-wealthy's extremes of wealth has fatally destabilized the nation's democracy and social contract.

The Fed's supposedly godlike powers cannot resolve supply-chain scarcities or labor shortages. The Fed can create currency out of thin air and sluice it into assets owned by the top 0.1%, but it can't reshore manufacturing and materials supply chains or create experienced welders, pipefitters, crane operators, etc. out of thin air.

What happens when a religion with such fervent believers is revealed as an empty promise of limitless power, a failed religion? The faithful are dazed, distraught, confused and lost, and then the anger arises. How could the false gods have failed us so completely? Where are those who led us so astray?

The bear has awakened, and it will not be limited to the stock market. As the temple of a false faith tumbles, the wrath of the deceived and betrayed will be great indeed.
By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes.

* * *


Saved, to glorify God.

US Grocery Shoppers Have Their Eyes On The Price

TUESDAY, FEB 01, 2022 - 11:20 PM

Norwegian online grocer Oda has reportedly seen a drop in sales of carbon-intensive products after introducing sustainability scores to its receipts. As Statista's Felix Richter reports, each product is given a rating based on its carbon footprint, aiming to raise awareness among customers, who are responding well to the initiative, according Oda’s sustainability director Louise Fuchs.

Would a similar model be an option for the U.S. as well? According to findings from Statista’s Global Consumer Survey, it seems unlikely.

A December 2021 survey among grocery shoppers found that U.S. consumers have their eyes on the price first, revealing that sustainability criteria (e.g. buying seasonal, regional, fairtrade) play a smaller role in the purchase decision.
Infographic: U.S. Grocery Shoppers Have Their Eyes on the Price | Statista
You will find more infographics at Statista

Raising awareness of products' different carbon footprints could certainly be a first step towards creating more conscious shoppers, but for the millions of families just trying to make ends meet, price will always trump conscience.

Your "Grocery Shoppers" concerns CHART has one MAJOR concern that is PROMINANT BY ITS ABSENCE!

It is AVAILABILITY! People are very concerned that once plentiful foods are increasingly becoming unavailable!
What good are low prices if the items are unavailable?

AlthoughToday, I saw fresh grapes for $6 A POUND AT SAFEWAY supermarket!
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

The Government's Kill Switch For Your Car, Your Freedoms, & Your Life

THURSDAY, FEB 03, 2022 - 11:40 PM
Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.”
- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle
If we haven’t learned by now, we should beware of anything the government insists is for our own good.

Take the Biden Administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Given the deteriorating state of the nation’s infrastructure (aging highways and bridges, outdated railways and airports, etc.), which have been neglected for years in order to fund America’s endless wars abroad, it would seem like an obvious and long overdue fix.

Yet there’s a catch.

There’s always a catch.

Tucked into the whopping $1 trillion bipartisan spending bill is a provision requiring automakers to prescribe a “federal motor vehicle safety standard for advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology, and for other purposes.”

As Jason Torchinksky writes for Jalopnik:
It’s pretty clear that the goals of this section of the law are to reduce drunk driving fatalities and crashes via still-undetermined technological tools that somehow are able to “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired,” and/or “passively and accurately detect whether the blood alcohol concentration of a driver of a motor vehicle is equal to or greater than the blood alcohol concentration described in section 163(a) of title 23, United States Code,” and if either or both of these conditions are proven to be positive — if the car thinks you’re drunk, then it may “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation.
As expected, the details are disconcertingly vague, which leaves the government with a wide berth to sow the seeds of mischief and mayhem. For instance, nowhere does the legislation indicate how such a so-called “kill switch” would work, what constitutes a driver who is “impaired,” and what “other purposes” might warrant the government using such a backdoor kill switch.

As former Rep. Bob Barr explains:
Everything about this mandatory measure should set off red flares. First, use of the word “passively” suggests the system will always be on and constantly monitoring the vehicle. Secondly, the system must connect to the vehicle’s operational controls, so as to disable the vehicle either before driving or during, when impairment is detected.
Thirdly, it will be an “open” system, or at least one with a backdoor, meaning authorized (or unauthorized) third-parties can remotely access the system’s data at any time.
This is a privacy disaster in the making, and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals — yet again — how little its members care about the privacy of their constituents… The lack of ultimate control over one’s vehicle presents numerous and extremely serious safety issues… If that is not reason enough for concern, there are serious legal issues with this mandate. Other vehicle-related enforcement methods used by the Nanny State, such as traffic cameras and license plate readers, have long presented constitutional problems; notably with the 5th Amendment’s right to not self-incriminate, and the 6th Amendment’s right to face one’s accuser.
Once again, the burden of proof is reversed, and “we the people” find ourselves no longer presumed innocent until proven guilty but suspects in a suspect society.

These “vehicle kill switches” may be sold to the public as a safety measure aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the roads, but they will quickly become a convenient tool in the hands of government agents to put the government in the driver’s seat while rendering null and void the Constitution’s requirements of privacy and its prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Indeed, when you think about it, these vehicle kill switches are a perfect metaphor for the government’s efforts to not only take control of our cars but also our freedoms and our lives.

For too long, we have been captive passengers in a driverless car controlled by the government, losing more and more of our privacy and autonomy the further down the road we go.

Just think of all the ways in which the government has been empowered to dictate what we say, do and think; where we go; with whom we associate; how we raise our families; how we live our lives; what we consume; how we spend our money; how we protect ourselves and our loved ones; and to what extent our rights as individuals can be displaced for the sake of the so-called greater good.

In this way, we have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick.

In keeping with Dick’s darkly prophetic vision of a dystopian police state—which became the basis for Steven Spielberg’s futuristic thriller Minority Report, which was released 20 years ago—we have been imprisoned in a world in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT teams and pre-crime units will crack a few skulls to bring the populace under control.

Minority Report is set in the year 2054, but it could just as well have taken place in 2022.
Incredibly, as the various nascent technologies employed and shared by the government and corporations alike—facial recognition, iris scanners, massive databases, behavior prediction software, and so on—are incorporated into a complex, interwoven cyber network aimed at tracking our movements, predicting our thoughts and controlling our behavior, Spielberg’s unnerving vision of the future is fast becoming our reality.

Both worlds—our present-day reality and Minority Report’s celluloid vision of the future—are characterized by widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, fusion centers, driverless cars, voice-controlled homes, facial recognition systems, cybugs and drones, and predictive policing (pre-crime) aimed at capturing would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Government agents listen in on our telephone calls and read our emails. Political correctness—a philosophy that discourages diversity—has become a guiding principle of modern society.

The courts have shredded the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. In fact, SWAT teams battering down doors without search warrants and FBI agents acting as a secret police that investigate dissenting citizens are common occurrences in contemporary America.

We are increasingly ruled by multi-corporations wedded to the police state. Much of the population is either hooked on illegal drugs or ones prescribed by doctors. And bodily privacy and integrity has been utterly eviscerated by a prevailing view that Americans have no rights over what happens to their bodies during an encounter with government officials, who are allowed to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

We’re on the losing end of a technological revolution that has already taken hostage our computers, our phones, our finances, our entertainment, our shopping, our appliances, and now, our cars. As if the government wasn’t already able to track our movements on the nation’s highways and byways by way of satellites, GPS devices, and real-time traffic cameras, performance data recorders, black box recorders and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications will monitor our vehicle’s speed, direction, location, gear selection, brake force, the number of miles traveled and seatbelts use, and transmit this data to other drivers, including the police.
In this Brave New World, there is no communication not spied upon, no movement untracked, no thought unheard. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Herded along by drones, smart phones, GPS devices, smart TVs, social media, smart meters, surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, online banking, license plate readers and driverless cars, we are quickly approaching a point of singularity with the interconnected technological metaverse that is life in the American police state.

Every new piece of technologically-enabled gadget we acquire and technologically-boobytrapped legislation that Congress enacts pulls us that much deeper into the sticky snare.

These vehicle kill switches are yet another Trojan Horse: sold to us as safety measures for the sake of the greater good, all the while poised to wreak havoc on what little shreds of autonomy we have left.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we’re hurtling down a one-way road at mind-boggling speeds to a destination not of our choosing, the terrain is getting more treacherous by the minute, and we’ve passed all the exit ramps.

From this point forward, there is no turning back, and the signpost ahead reads “Danger.”
Time to buckle up your seatbelts, folks. We’re in for a bumpy ride.


On TB every waking moment

Britons Face "Steep Drop In Quality Of Life" As UK Gov't Scrambles To Avert Energy Crisis With Subsidy Plan

FRIDAY, FEB 04, 2022 - 02:45 AM

Finally, observers of British politics have something else to talk about besides 'Partygate'.

In an effort to stave off an epidemic of what one CNBC host called "energy poverty", Her Majesty's Government has subsidize the energy costs borne by millions of British households as decades of energy policies that overemphasized reliance on imported natural gas - prices of which have soared over the last year - in favor of dirtier, but abundant, sources like coal have brought the British economy to the brink of an energy crisis.

Energy bills are expected to drastically spike in the coming months after Ofgem, Britain’s energy sector regulator, announced on Thursday that it would be raising its price cap on household energy bills by 54% starting April 1, a record-breaking increase instituted to stop power utilities from sinking into bankruptcy in the face of surging LNG prices. That's on top of a 12% hike approved back in October.

The average household’s annual energy bill is currently between £1,277 ($1,730) and £1,370 in the UK, and the increase could saddle millions of families with enormously increased costs for heating and electricity.

As a result, HMG has decided to issue direct subsidies to the British people to prevent millions from being squeezed as a result of what have now been exposed as unwise energy policy decades in the making that has shifted Britain's reliance on abundant coal that's widely available within the UK to imports of the "cleaner" LNG.

Speaking before the House of Commons on Thursday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak proclaimed that "just as the government stood behind the British people through the we will help people deal with one of the biggest costs they now face – energy."

To accomplish this, the government will step in to subsidize the energy bills to the tune of about £350 for nearly 30MM British households, at a cost quoted by Sunak of roughly £9 billion. That will - according to Sunak - cover roughly half of the expected ~£700 annual increase in heating and energy costs expected to be borne by the average household. More than half of British households are on adjustable-rate energy plans, which make them especially vulnerable to price hikes.

HMG will also impose a scheme to spread the cost of higher bills out over a longer period of time to make them more manageable. This will be enacted in the form of an upfront discount of £200 per household. Finally, a small tax rebate rounds out the government's plan. The payments through energy suppliers will apply across England, Scotland and Wales, but not Northern Ireland which operates under a different regulator.

But how did the UK get to this point?
Sunak unsurprisingly tried to pin the blame entirely on developments in global energy markets far removed from Britain's control. But as many pointed out in response to the decision, that's not exactly accurate. Britan's leaders have for decades pushed LNG, wind, solar and - to a much lesser extent - nuclear (the only truly stable source of power aside from fossil fuels) over coal, it's most abundant natural power source. As a result of soaring demand, the government's gas reserves have plummeted, leaving Britain's economy especially vulnerable to natty gas prices.

Consumers in the US are groaning about WTI crude at almost $90/barrel, but surging natty gas prices in Europe have squeezed European nations - which mostly import their gas and oil from Russia.

UK natty gas prices have nearly quadrupled over the last year.

To put it in terms that Americans might understand: at their current levels, natty gas prices in the UK are equivalent to US crude reaching $141

But CNBC's Brian Sullivan quickly pointed out that the UK largely brought this problem on itself: "The government is trying to help consumers out because poor policies that the government made have led to big price hikes on those consumers," said CNBC's Brian Sullivan. "So many of these power companies and utilities are losing so much money...every utility in the UK is going to raise prices."

And with the Bank of England hiking interest rates to help combat soaring prices, Sullivan observed that the British people might soon face the largest drop in their standard of living in decades.

"It's all happening at the same time and what's it's going to do is result in a steep drop in the quality of life for millions of people in England...I hate to be blunt about it but that's the truth."

Watch the full clip below:

.15 min


On TB every waking moment

Dwindling French Gas Stockpiles Stoke Fears Of Winter Blackouts

FRIDAY, FEB 04, 2022 - 05:45 AM
The Brits aren't the only European nation to find itself on the verge of a full-blown energy crisis.

On Thursday, French natural gas pipeline operator GRTgaz warned that French gas stockpiles are much lower at this point in the year than they have been during years past - and as a result, they run the risk of potentially being depleted before the winter is up, a disaster that could make last year's deep freeze in Texas look tame if a sudden cold snap sends demand soaring.

According to data from Gas Infrastructure Europe, France’s stockpiles were about 34% full as of Feb. 1, which is well below the five-year average of 42%. Inventories are now at the lowest seasonal level since 2018, when a brutal winter cold snap nicknamed "the Beast from the East" left French reserves standing at just 3% when the heating season was over.
"We’ll probably be close to zero toward the end of March, and we remain vigilant on that topic," GRTgaz chief Thierry Trouve said in a presentation in Paris Thursday.
It's the most precarious for French gas inventories since they arrived at their lowest seasonal level since 2018. Inventories are now at the lowest seasonal level since 2018, when the country ended the heating season with storage at a record-low of just 3%.

And gas prices are much higher today than they were back then.

Fortunately, mild weather is expected to continue across much of Europe this month. But further down the road, limited Russian shipments to Europe and surging demand as economies reopen following the omicron wave could create problems, especially if a late-season cold snap should arise.

Additionally, France's energy problems have been exacerbated by the lower-than-usual capacity at the country's nuclear power plants, some of which have been closed over safety fears as President Emmanuel Macron seeks to modernize France's nuclear power system.

As we have previously reported, this drawdown in nuclear capacity has raised the risk of rolling blackouts in France if struggles to compensate with LNG.

France will be able to cope with a “late” cold snap assuming that enough gas continues to arrive from Norway and from other nations via France's LNG terminals to compensate for the shortage of supplies coming “from the East,” said Trouve. He added that provisional schedules for terminal deliveries remain "well filled".

Even if supply shortages don't end up leading to rolling blackouts, it's possible that France's energy woes could create a serious political problem for President Emmanuel Macron ahead of elections in April. Energy inflation is already creating serious problems in the UK, and if renewable power generation lags, nuclear reactors remain halted for maintenance, and natural gas prices remain elevated, then higher power bills into January and February could create more unpopularity for Macron.


On TB every waking moment

Meta Unveils 'Personal Safety Bubble' After Metaverse's Dark Side Exposed

SUNDAY, FEB 06, 2022 - 01:30 PM

The global internet is in the midst of a giant innovation leap that will take almost a decade to fully implement, shifting from Web 2.0 (mobile computing, the app economy, and cloud storage) to Web 3.0 (a fully decentralized online ecosystem that includes the potential for a metaverse, an immersive world that acts in parallel to the physical world).

A transformation of the internet will allow for virtual worlds where people can socialize, work, and play. The metaverse is 24/7, exists in real-time, and users have individual autonomy. They experience the metaverse through virtual reality goggles, such as Meta's (formerly known as Facebook) Oculus Quest 2, which enable users to be fully immersed in a 360-degree virtual world.

Goldman Sachs equity strategist Eric Sheridan said, "We are still 20 years into web 2.0 and expect the timing of web 3.0 will be similar, if not longer." Sheridan believes the metaverse will present a total addressable market of about $2.6 trillion (most bearish case) to $12.5 trillion (most bullish case) within the next 10-15 years.

With that in mind, there's no question that the metaverse will be part of our daily lives in the years ahead, and as with any new wave of computing and or technology, there's always a dark side to the story that corporate media fails to inform the public. It only took our Jan. 23 technology note titled "Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat" to jump-start an awareness campaign about instances of virtual child abuse, harassment, racism, and pornography on the popular VRChat service. Now new safety protocols are being introduced to prevent predators from running amok in the metaverse.

Following our lead, and weeks later, NYPost published a story of a woman who was digitally "groped" in VR platform Horizon Worlds, created by Meta.
"Harassment in the metaverses is a serious issue that the industry needs to come together on to put in place the correct security controls and safety measures," 43yo Nina Jane Patel told NYPost while referring to her Medium post from Dec. 21. "This is/will continue to be problematic for both men and women (adults) as our world fast moves from the 2D internet as we know it — into the 3D internet space (The Metaverse)."
Readers may recall that we cited The Dark Maze, a metaverse developer and person who has spent thousands of hours in the virtual world, warned VRChat is dangerous for children.

The Dark Maze pointed to countless instances of virtual child abuse, harassment, racism, and pornography on VRChat. They said there are instances of child exploitation and sexualization, warning VRChat is "not a place for children."

Rounding back to NYPost's story on the dark side of the metaverse, Patel said, "the more damaging lens, of course, will be on our children who will start to use the Metaverse(s) more and moreover the coming years."

And maybe that's why regulators in Russia just issued a warning about the metaverse, saying it could enable illegal activity. The Scientific-Technical Center of Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for monitoring social media platforms, released a report days ago that said:
"The transformation of perception on account of being located in the metaverse will have a meaningful cultural effect on society and will change social behavior, including reducing the importance of moral and ethical norms due to the use of a virtual avatar."
They warn that this could particularly affect children, "the most vulnerable group in the new metaverse.
We're starting to see a trend that the metaverse isn't a safe space for children. As The Dark Maze documented last month, they captured a video of what appears to be an underaged girl in a 12yo's body strip dancing for a 40yo Japanese man. They called the act "disgusting."

The Dark Maze said, "ZeroHedge was the first major news publication to document the story of a VR Developer and content creator's experience in the metaverse and tell the story of its dark side." They said mainstream media has been silent on the "horrible accounts of child grooming in the metaverse and VRChat, perhaps because their corporate sponsors are plowing billions of dollars into metaverse investments." They had an issue with the NYPost's article because "the problem in the metaverse is not a 43-year-old soccer mom getting 'virtually gang raped' but rather kids being groomed in a pedophile free for all."

Here's first-hand evidence of adults wearing skins of a toddler on VRChat. There's also evidence of pedophiles.

8:15 min

It just so happens after we exposed the dark side of the metaverse; Oculus released a statement on Friday indicating the addition of a "personal boundary" (think of a personal bubble) that will protect users from being virtually assaulted by others.
"Personal Boundary will begin rolling out today everywhere inside of Horizon Worlds and Horizon Venues, and will by default make it feel like there is an almost 4-foot distance between your avatar and others. Over time, we'll continue to make improvements as we learn how this affects people's experiences."
"A Personal Boundary prevents anyone from invading your avatar's personal space. If someone tries to enter your Personal Boundary, the system will halt their forward movement as they reach the boundary. You won't feel it—there is no haptic feedback.
This builds upon our existing hand harassment measures that were already in place, where an avatar's hands would disappear if they encroached upon someone's personal space," Oculus said.
The Dark Maze questions: "Why didn't Oculus enforce these boundaries from the beginning?"

Meanwhile, not everyone is hopeful about Meta's future in the metaverse. Tech founder Phil Libin told Business Insider he's been critical of the metaverse's hype. Last month, in a podcast, he said the promotion around the metaverse is comparable to propaganda from the communists as he received as a child living in the former Soviet Union.

He said Meta's vision of the metaverse is an "interconnected 3D world that we experience for many hours a day, both for fun and for work primarily through VR" – "that package of things is godawful."
"It's an old idea," Libin said. "It's uncreative, it's been tried many, many times over the past four decades, and it's never worked."
More on Meta's future comes from Rabobank:
"This week I was saying we are in a global meta-crisis…and then Facebook change its name to "Meta" – replete with a new logo that looks like a PlayStation controller, a sleep mask, or a bad sports bra. (Someone was paid a lot of money, or 'IOU Chicken', to mis-draw an infinity loop.) The aim is now "the metaverse," where promo material shows we can play poker with robot avatars in simulated zero gravity. Welcome to the second coming of Second Life, which we used for a few weeks in the early 2000s until collectively realising how pointless it was to wander around virtual landscapes of boring people pretending to blue-haired Elf ninja warriors? Perhaps fusing it with social media (cough, don't mention that function) makes it more appealing? For people unsatisfied by pre-existing 'I am a cat!' chat features, perhaps; and maybe my future client presentations will be in zero-g with robot avatars? If so, I bagsy Eeyore as my avatar.
However, are ageing Facebook users really going to wear VR goggles? How will they fit over their bifocals? And for the younger crowd, there seems stiff competition from LARPing offline."
The good news from our prior report is that Oculus is finally addressing the cesspool of predators preying on kids and adults by enforcing new safety protocols. Still, the metaverse is in a primitive form, and a lot needs to be figured out to make it a safe space.


On TB every waking moment
(Extremely long article.)

Sunday Collum: 2021 Year In Review, Part 3 - From 'Insurrection' To Authoritarianism

SUNDAY, FEB 06, 2022 - 01:00 PM
Authored by David B. Collum, Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology - Cornell University (Email:, Twitter: @DavidBCollum),
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
~ Carl Sagan, 1995, apparently having invented a time machine
Every year, David Collum writes a detailed “Year in Review” synopsis full of keen perspective and plenty of wit. This year’s is no exception.

Read Part 1 - Crisis Of Authority & The Age Of Narratives here...
Read Part 2 - Heart Of Darkness & The Rise Of Centralized Healthcare here...

So, here we are at the third and final part of the 2021 Year in Review and it’s no longer 2021. Sorry about that p****-up. Think of it as not in 2021 but from 2021. You may have noticed that the first 200 pages (parts 1 and 2) were laced with a recurring catchphrase, “WTF is happening?”

It was a literary device for noting that the events ceased to make sense within a conventional worldview, suggesting it is time to torch the old model and start anew. Our response to a disease that was killing a very small slice of the population was to sequester and vaccinate the entire population with an experimental drug of real but unquantified fatality rate. The apparent scientific illiteracy was not some mass psychosis. Y’all just got suckered by America’s Most Trusted Psychopathic Mass Murderer assisted by an epic media blitz sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry that had a distinct authoritarian quality.
Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
~ Albert Einstein
During the brief period after uploading part 2 while grinding on this last portion, the Supreme Court took on the vaccine mandate issue, ruling that the only people forfeiting control of their own healthcare are the healthcare workersref 2 The court also illustrated their profound ignorance of the pandemic and what they were even charged to assess—the Constitutionality of mandates, not the efficacy.ref 3 The CEO of a major insurer reported a 40% spike in fatalities within the 18–65 age bracket that was not from Covid.ref 4 He said 10% would be a 3-sigma, once-every-200-year event: 40% is unheard of. Although he refrained from identifying a cause—deaths of despair, neglected healthcare, or a toxic vaccine—he knows precisely what did them in. They have been studying this stuff for centuries. I suspect his real message was that the insurance industry is about to contribute to inflation with rising premiums.

Meanwhile, the pathological liars running the covid grift decided after two years the masks you’ve been wearing served no medical purpose and that the vaccines don’t work either. Wait: who said the masks and vaccines don’t work?
We have known for many months that COVID-19 is airborne and therefore, a simple cloth mask is not going to cut it…Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations.
~ Leana Wen, MD, CNN medical expert with no admitted ties to the CCPref 5
Two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. Three doses with a booster offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths. Less protection against infection.
~ Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEOref 6

Here is my most heartfelt response to them:
You psychopathic lying sacks of shit. You had us wear rags across our faces and put rags across the kids’ faces when clinical studies that could be read by people with half your IQs showed they were worthless. Suicide rates and other deaths of despair soared while you petty tyrants played your little games and generated billions of dollars of profits while destroying the middle class. You have maimed or killed an unknown number of gullible victims with your lockdowns, vaccines, remdesivir, and oppression of Ivermectin. You jammed a vaccine that bypassed animal trials into the fetuses of pregnant women, assuring them it was safe. If we spoke up, we got muzzled. If we refused the vaccine, we got fired. You should all hang from your necks until dead. I will piss on your graves.
I feel better already. Very refreshing. Meanwhile, many of my friends and colleagues look at the same data and say, “Oh. I guess I better get the booster and a KN95 mask.” You have got to un**** yourselves. You’ve been duped. It will get worse.

The tactics used to oppress us would have made Stalin smirk. Australia was a beta test for what is to come in the rest of the west if we don’t wake up soon. They are gonna keep coming for one simple reason: we accepted it. We got bent over and squealed like pigs.
What normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. It makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been.
~ Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works
A person is considered ‘ordinary’ or ‘normal’ by the community simply because he accepts most of its social standards and behavioral patterns; which means, in fact, that he is susceptible to suggestion and has been persuaded to go with the majority on most ordinary or extraordinary occasions.
~ William Sargant, in Battle of the Mind
Meanwhile, the financial world became even more dominated by central bankers who haven’t the slightest understanding of free-market capitalism. These twits or criminals—maybe both—have blown the most colossal bubble in history if you account for both price and breadth across the spectrum of asset classes. For the layperson, that means they have set us up for a colossal failure. Go back and re-read Valuations if you cannot picture the epic financial carnage lying dead ahead. The gap between the Fed funds rate and headline inflation has never been this large. These pinheads believe that if the markets do not coincide with their world views, the markets must be wrong. I am not an economist, but it appears that none of them are either. The notion that a dozen nitwits should set the most important price of them all—the price of capital—rather than letting the markets set it through price discovery is financial authoritarianism or what some call State Capitalism. I am angry in case it doesn’t show.

Meanwhile, in 2020–21 the Fed contributed to destroying upwards of a half-million mom ’n’ pop businesses—they gutted the middle class—while giving BlackRock credit at 0.15% interest rates to buy up all their houses. Here is my advice to those day trading criminals: look both ways as you enter crosswalks. What I believe the response of society to a severe downturn given the current political climate will be epic. Big downturns come after euphorias. We have never entered a downturn with society at large this grumpy. We are in the early stages of The Fourth Turning.ref 7
The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.
~ Charles-Louis De Secondat
When a State has mortgaged all of its future revenues the State, by necessity, lapses into tranquility, langor, and impotence.
~ David Hume, 1752
So, WTF is going on here? In this final part, I address geopolitics. It begins with a relatively benign analysis of Biden’s first year in office, culminating with what I think Afghanistan is really about. The second section addresses my view of what may prove to be the most important day in US History—January 6, 2021. Although it is my best shot—Dave’s Narrative—I will not attempt to nor will I inadvertently spread the love to both sides of the political spectrum. It is a right-wing view that most right-wing politicians and pundits are too cowardly to state in polite company. The final section addresses the Rise of Global Authoritarianism. For a topic covered by thousands of treatises to call my knowledge skeletal is a reach. I have merely created an intellectual foundation—a chalk outline—to ponder why authoritarianism is here and what could stop it. (Plot spoiler: I do not believe it can be stopped.)
They know where we are, they know our names, they know from our iPhones if we’re on our way to the grocery store or not. But they haven’t acted on that to put people in camps yet. They could do it. We could be East Germany in weeks, in a month. Huge concentration camps and so forth.
~ Daniel Ellsberg (@DanielEllsberg), author of The Pentagon Papers and Secrets
Before moving on, let me give a plug for a book.ref 8 I have not even finished it yet, but it will change your worldview. Look at those ratings! I can guarantee none of those readers enjoyed it.

Kennedy will curdle your bone marrow describing 35 years of atrocities commited by America’s Most Trusted Madman. It is emblematic of a much larger problem.

Evil is powerless if good men are unafraid – Americans don’t realize what they have to lose.
~ Ronald Reagan
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
~ H. L. Mencken
Biden – Freshman Year Scorecard
Let’s go, Brandon!
~ Cheers across America
Most presidents begin their reign with a calling. Reagan raised our national self-esteem after a period of economic and political malaise. Bush Sr. took on the Gulf War, for better or worse. Clinton oversaw the economic boom and bank deregulation, again for better or worse. Bush Jr. was handed 9/11 and, in my opinion, boned it badly. Obama had to wrestle with the Great Financial Crisis. Trump was charged with disturbing the peace—drain the swamp if you will.

Biden undeniably needed to begin healing the social discord that, regardless of its source, left the country wounded and divided. Maybe that was not Biden’s calling, but I wanted to see him become the president of all the people. This is not revisionist history of my failing memory:
Biden’s the last of the Old Guard, which is probably why he was slipped into the office by the DNC old guard. I am guessing there will be no Supreme Court stacking; that was just rhetoric (I hope). There will be wars just like every president (except Trump, who brought troops home.) Congress is more balanced again and, at the time of this writing, the Senate is still in Republican hands. Hopefully, the gridlock will usher in some garden-variety dysfunction. I have subtle concerns about a Harris presidency. Admittedly, my opinion is based on precious few facts, but Harris displays a concerning shallowness of character, a lack of a moral compass, and the potential to slide to the left of Bernie. (I sometimes reflect on what it must have been like raising the teenaged Kamala.) I am trying to reserve judgment because first impressions scavenged from the digital world are sketchy if not worthless.
~ 2020 Year in Review
By this description, Biden tanked his GPA. He ushered in a Crusade to erase the Trump era and its supporters. The weaponizing of social media and censorship against one’s opponents was probably unavoidable, but the downside will be revealed when the wind changes. Team Biden took banishing of political opponents on social media to new levels by, as noted by Jen Psaki, flagging “problematic posts” and the “spread of disinformation” for censorship. NY Timeslapdog Kevin Roose called for a “reality Czar,” not noticing the Russian metaphor problem. The War on Domestic Terror may prove to be a turning point in American history, one that risks extinguishing the flame of the Great American Experiment. Significant erosions of Constitutionally granted civil liberties discussed throughout the rest of this document may not have been Biden’s fault, but they occurred on his watch. If you see an injustice and remain silent, you own it. I can’t remain silent.
Biden is the epitome of the empty, amoral creature produced by our system of legalized bribery. His long political career in Congress was defined by representing the interests of big business, especially the credit card companies based in Delaware. He was nicknamed Senator Credit Card. He has always glibly told the public what it wants to hear and then sold them out.
~ Chris Hedges, right-wing hatchet man
Team Biden. Books have been written about Trump’s fumbles in the first months (or four years) of his presidency. See Josh Rogin’s Chaos Under Heaven in Books or Michael Lewis’ less balanced The Fifth Risk reviewed in last year’s YIR. The Cracker Jack team assembled for Joe reveals a glob of feisty alt-left activists and omnipresent neocons. According to Rickards, two dozen players on Biden’s roster were recruited from the consulting firm WestExec Advisors (including Psaki and Blinken.)ref 1 That’s power and groupthink.
David Axelrod: You must ask yourself, ‘Why are we allowing him to roll around in the hallways doing impromptu interviews?’

Jen Psaki: That is not something we recommend. In fact, a lot of times we say ‘don’t take questions.’
Young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers; they don’t have accountants.
~ Joe Biden
  • Joe Biden, President – Joe is the Big Guy. In an odd sense, he is immunized from criticism because he is visibly losing his marbles. His cognitive decline is on full display; this 52 seconds of gibberish about inflation is emblematic.ref 2 He’s 80 years old, for Cripes sake. I read a book this year entitled, When the Air Hits Your Brain, which derives from a neurosurgical aphorism that finishes with “you ain’t never the same.” Wanna guess who had two brain aneurysms (one rupturing) years ago leading to a miraculous recovery?ref 3
You’re the most famous African-American baseball player.
~ Joe Biden to the Pope, context unknown (possibly even a deep fake)ref 4
I am neither reveling in Joe’s problems nor do I believe he is calling the shots. Claims that the puppet master is Harris are, no offense, on the low side of clueless. Obama seems like a better guess but Barrack was a front man too. Having an impaired leader of a superpower, however, is disquieting and potentially destabilizing, especially with Taiwan in play.

Biden’s energy policy that clamped down on fossil fuel production only to ask OPEC to open the spigots is one for the ages. The covid policies bridging both administrations were catastrophic, but throwing workers out of jobs into the teeth of unprecedented labor shortages makes zero sense. The nouveau inflation—Bidenflation—may stick to him like it stuck to Jimmy Carter, but that is unfair to both presidents. Look to the Fed in both cases for blame. Troubles at the southern border and the Afghanistan pullout are a couple of serious logs for a raging inferno that represents Biden’s first year in office. As discussed in a later section, demonizing “white supremacists”—not just political opponents but opponents labeled by their race—will not be viewed well by historians unless history is at a serious fork and Joe is ultimately protrayed as the founder of some new Fatherland.

(Continue reading here: Sunday Collum: 2021 Year In Review, Part 3 - From 'Insurrection' To Authoritarianism | ZeroHedge )


On TB every waking moment

Jennifer Granholm drops acid…
Posted by Kane on February 7, 2022 5:20 pm


1:13 min

Solar panels and wind turbines are the ‘greatest peace plan’

Solar and wind will never amount to even 5%

Jen Psaki comment from earlier today

.24 min
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Rand Paul Warns COVID Mandates Have "Always Been About Growing Government Power Over Your Lives"

MONDAY, FEB 07, 2022 - 09:20 PM
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Senator Rand Paul warned Friday that the COVID mandates and restrictions have always been more about getting people to act submissively to government than they have been about health and safety.

Appearing on Hannity, Paul stated “the dirty little secret is it’s always been more about submission.”

“It’s always been more about collectivism. It’s been about growing government power over your lives,” Paul adding, further noting “the science has been clear for a long time on masks for children.”

Paul continued, “Sweden didn’t have their school kids wear masks at all. Not one child died. The incidence of the disease and the teachers did not rise, with the kids not wearing masks. I mean, it’s sort of, you know, I worry about the future of America if the Europeans are leading us toward freedom.”

Paul also referred to the Canadian trucker convoy standing against mandates, urging that “the Canadians are ahead of us in trying to unwind mandates.”

Referring to Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s recent false assertion that unvaccinated children are at risk of contracting “a serious condition,” Paul continued, “We’ve got to stop the ridiculous mandates on children that Dr. Emanuel, that you put forward saying that kids are dying from omicron. The statistics are this and the science is this. The wild variant was a thousand times less deadly for kids than 80-year-olds, and it’s become progressively less dangerous to the delta, to the omicron.”

Paul continued, “As far as whether you vaccinate your kids, that’s up to you. But there should be no mandate.”

“And I think particularly for young males, the evidence is pretty strong now that the more vaccines you give young males, the higher their incidence of myocarditis,”
Paul, who is also a doctor asserted.

“If you were asking me about your children, I would get them checked first to see if they’ve already had COVID. If a child has already had COVID, I don’t think they need any treatment,” Paul added.


On TB every waking moment

The Modern Serfdom Model And The Bitcoin Escape Hatch

MONDAY, FEB 07, 2022 - 05:04 PM
Authored by James Santi via Bitcoin Magazine,

Everything about society sets us up to become subservient to the pursuit of the mortgage - but bitcoin changes that.

Real estate ownership is the core aspiration driving the Modern Serfdom Model. Debt — and in particular, mortgages — is the mechanism that binds the serf to the system. Inflation covertly moves the finishing line further away each year. This is a game that’s impossible to win. The bad news is it’s getting even harder. But there are two pieces of good news. First, the model is close to its breaking point because home ownership is out of reach for almost all young people.

Second, everyone, regardless of age, wealth or circumstances, has bitcoin as an escape hatch.

On the system in which we indoctrinate people into this feudalism, Allan Watts said,
“...What we do is put the child into the corridor of this grade system with a kind of, “Come on kitty, kitty.” And you go onto kindergarten and that’s a great thing because when you finish that you get into first grade. Then, “Come on” first grade leads to second grade and so on. And then you get out of grade school and you got high school.
It’s revving up, the thing is coming, then you’re going to go to college… Then you’ve got graduate school, and when you’re through with graduate school you go out to join the world. Then you get into some racket where you’re selling insurance. And they’ve got that quota to make, and you’re gonna make that. And all the time that thing is coming – It’s coming, it’s coming, that great thing. The success you’re working for. Then you wake up one day about 40 years old and you say, “My God, I’ve arrived. I’m there.” And you don’t feel very different from what you’ve always felt. Look at the people who live to retire; to put those savings away. And then when they’re 65 they don’t have any energy left. They’re more or less impotent. And they go and rot in some, old peoples, senior citizens community. Because we simply cheated ourselves the whole way down the line. If we thought of life by analogy with a journey, with a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at that end, and the thing was to get to that thing at that end. Success, or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after you’re dead. But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing or to dance while the music was being played.”
State school systems are where the Modern Serfdom Model begins. Children are taught to be obedient above all else. They learn to fear authority, not to question things or speak up, that society is controlled from the top down. Of course the consequences aren’t all bad — particularly if you can later harness discipline and self-control to your advantage. But most importantly as it relates to the Model, children are molded to pursue only one course: higher education and a career, while being obedient servants of the state.

(Note: this is a deep rabbit hole in its own right. I highly recommend a short TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson titled “Do schools kill creativity?”, as well as various podcasts and books by Bitcoiners Daniel Prince and Saifedean Ammous.)

If you’ve done what you were told to at school, chances are you’re heading to college or university. It’s what you’re supposed to do, of course. You’re told (and don’t question it) that you can’t get anywhere without a degree, let alone a job that pays enough to buy a house. The trap is that it isn’t free,no matter how your government packages and sells it. In many countries there are student loan systems. In others, you (and everybody else) pays through higher income tax rates. In either case, there is a substantial drag on net income post-graduation. For those in the countries with student loan systems, there is a strong incentive to find a secure job as quickly as possible in order to retire the debt. In the U.S. the total outstanding student loan debt is over $1.7 trillion. One in four Americans (approx 45 million people) have student loan debt, averaging over $37,000 each. Numbers in my native Australia are similar where there is almost AUD 54 billion of outstanding HELP debt owed by 1 in 10 people. The average outstanding debt is over AUD 20,000 with many people having debts over AUD 100,000. Try being an 18 year old entrepreneur and getting a loan that size from a traditional financial institution.

Notably, not everybody will choose the higher education path. Some will pursue any form of work as soon as possible or vocational training in a trade. This will often be a quicker path to income without the same debt burden. Whether this is leveraged successfully is another matter, but it's worth highlighting that many people find an alternative path for different reasons (not necessarily a direct rejection of the Model).

As discussed in my article “Why real estate investors should love Bitcoin,” real estate is unquestionably an emotional asset class. Something that currently performs the dual role of an investment and shelter is inevitably going to be. The Australian movie, “The Castle,”
encapsulates this perfectly. With classic lines such as “it’s not a house, it’s a home” and “a man’s home is his castle,” the movie shows that for many people real estate is so much more than an investment. Similarly, home ownership has been a cornerstone of “The American Dream” for decades. Marketing slogans such as “rent money is dead money” are treated by many as investment gospel. The culture of home ownership and real estate investing is something most people have fully bought into and hold dear. It has become the societal norm, even expectation, that you should aspire to own a home. This is why it’s at the center of the Modern Serfdom Model. At state school you were taught not to question these types of norms. And given the rest of the system is designed to push you in that direction, you don’t get much of an opportunity.

The word mortgage derives from Old French and Latin; it literally means “death pledge.” Many people will not enter into a mortgage on their first home until well into their 40s. With mortgage terms generally being 30 years (and most borrowers requiring the longest term possible in order to maximize borrowing capacity), they won’t be repaid until many borrowers are well into their 70s. The literal meaning of “mortgage” has never been more appropriate.

The mortgage is the key mechanism that enforces the Modern Serfdom Model. It would be impossible for most people to buy a home without a loan. The need to make your regular repayments creates an incentive for a stable, uninterrupted career of employment and disincentivizes entrepreneurial risk taking. In short, it binds you. Of course it is possible to escape. But it's not easy. It's contrary to everything you’ve been taught. And most will never try.

After a typical 3-to-5 years of higher education, assuming you’ve hung in that long and graduated, you leave with the credentials that most employers require simply to consider you for an interview. Whether you’ve learnt anything useful is debatable (and degree/school dependant) but that is not the subject of this article. What’s almost certain is you’ve been burdened with substantial debt and will be keen to pay it off. Let’s also assume you want to save for a house because that’s what an adult is supposed to do, right? So how long will it take to retire the loans and make a downpayment? Another 3-to-5 years, by the time you’re 30? Time to crunch some basic numbers.

In the U.S., median household income was just under $69,000 in 2019, with the average base salary for a new graduate being just over $47,000 — approximately 30% less than the median household income. The dynamic is similar in Australia where average total annual earnings are just under AUD 94,000 with the average salary being just under AUD 68,000 and the average starting salary for graduates ranging between AUD 55,000 and 93,000 depending on the industry.

The U.S. median house price is just under $405,000, approximately 6 times median household income and almost 9 times the average graduate salary. The Australian median house price is over AUD 950,000, approximately 10 times average total earnings and up to 17 times the average graduate salary.

Assuming a simple 20% downpayment, a typical graduate needs to save 2 years gross salary in the U.S. and 3 years gross salary in Australia just for the downpayment. That doesn’t sound too bad on face value, but it needs a deeper dive.

There are flaws in this analysis; it’s not designed to be perfect but to demonstrate a point. For example, median house prices are more expensive than “starter” homes that younger homeowners might target. Or not doing it on a city-by-city basis so that for major cities, higher salaries (but also substantially higher house prices) are captured. Conversely, the 20% savings rate is possibly generous for most new graduates given the personal savings rate in the U.S. is well under 10%. Personally, I don’t think these things matter because the above snapshot completely disregards inflation. Adding it blows the numbers out of the water even on conservative assumptions. Taking the U.S. example:

That’s right, assuming 3% annual growth in net savings (which requires wages to outpace inflation!) and only 5% growth in house prices (well short of the 15-20% levels in most of the world today, but in line with the 30-year average), it would take 21 years to save for the deposit. Again, this is imperfect, but the point is it doesn’t take 2.1 years!

To pre-empt criticisms, some people may receive much larger salary increases over time due to promotions or job changes, i.e. at some point they may reach or exceed the average household income (but not necessarily before they have finished saving for a down-payment). Interest or investment earnings on the savings is also excluded. Interest rates are effectively zero presently and there are trade-offs for riskier investing of the downpayment. Also, some households may have savings rates in excess of 20%. For example, there will be dual-income, childless households saving towards this goal, which will greatly accelerate the process (although many would argue this dynamic is a direct response to the problem being discussed). The numbers are for a typical single person, not an outlier or high performer. Therefore, for most people even getting the keys to a mortgaged home is an increasingly difficult mountain to climb. It should be clear that inflation makes it even harder.

There’s starting to be a widespread recognition that most young people will take decades to save for their first home. For example, research in the U.K. found half of all 20-35 year olds would still be renting in their 40s and a third by the time they claimed their pensions (timelines that make sense based on the high-level analysis above). As the World Economic Forum says, “you’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”

Doing what was the cultural norm and societal expectation has now become highly aspirational and unrealistic for many who will give up trying or set their sights on a different goal. This alone has the potential to break the Modern Serfdom Model even without the interference and existence of the most perfect alternative: Bitcoin.

Bitcoin’s value, whether it be measured in fiat currency terms or purchasing power, is designed to pump forever. It benefits from what is colloquially termed Number Go Up (NgU) Technology.

Due to its fixed supply of 21 million coins, it will ultimately be the most scarce asset that has ever existed. Bitcoin preserves and grows the value of your savings relative to all other assets due to the powerful combination of this scarcity and its adoption curve. It breaks the Modern Serfdom Model:
  • Bitcoin provides options. When NgU works over a long enough timeframe you can become secure enough to walk away from a job you don’t like and not have to find another one immediately in order to make a mortgage repayment.
  • You don’t have to save for 20 years for a downpayment to buy bitcoin. It can be acquired immediately in small sizes due to its divisibility. You can start growing your wealth as soon as you earn income, rather than being forced to speculate in the stock market or hoard a melting ice cube of cash for a house downpayment. Bitcoin incentivizes saving early in life and avoiding debt — the complete opposite of the Model.
  • Bitcoin enhances flexibility and freedom of movement by being portable and borderless. If you choose to own bitcoin instead of real estate, you are no longer bound to a fixed location where your career started.
  • Bitcoin is immune to and even benefits from central banks’ monetary inflation, a key driver behind the house price growth that makes the process of saving for a downpayment so lengthy. That same inflation also grows the equity of existing homeowners but they remain in a bind until the real estate is sold or downsized.
Ultimately bitcoin breaks the Modern Serfdom Model by being a superior store of value than real estate. The state and legacy financial system fear it for good reason: it dismantles their mechanisms of control at every level.


On TB every waking moment

Scientists Conclude Dire Climate Change Models Were Wrong, Now What?

MONDAY, FEB 07, 2022 - 02:50 PM
Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Scientists admit they did not model clouds accurately and that they need a supercomputer 1000 times more powerful to accurately do that...

Climate Change Modeling Meets Limits of Science
The Wall Street Journal reports Climate Scientists Encounter Limits of Computer Models, Bedeviling Policy.
That is a non-paywalled, free-to-read link courtesy of the WSJ.

It's lengthy but an excellent read. I encourage everyone to take a look.

The dire predictions went out the window, seemingly unanimously. But there is plenty in the article for the fearmongers and the sceptics to both say "I told you so".
Italic emphasis in the snips below is mine.

For almost five years, an international consortium of scientists was chasing clouds, determined to solve a problem that bedeviled climate-change forecasts for a generation: How do these wisps of water vapor affect global warming?

They reworked 2.1 million lines of supercomputer code used to explore the future of climate change, adding more-intricate equations for clouds and hundreds of other improvements. They tested the equations, debugged them and tested again.

The scientists would find that even the best tools at hand can’t model climates with the sureness the world needs as rising temperatures impact almost every region.
Dire Forecasts Wrong
When they ran the updated simulation in 2018, the conclusion jolted them: Earth’s atmosphere was much more sensitive to greenhouse gases than decades of previous models had predicted, and future temperatures could be much higher than feared—perhaps even beyond hope of practical remedy.

“We thought this was really strange,” said Gokhan Danabasoglu, chief scientist for the climate-model project at the Mesa Laboratory in Boulder at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR. “If that number was correct, that was really bad news.”

The scientists soon concluded their new calculations had been thrown off kilter by the physics of clouds in a warming world, which may amplify or damp climate change. “The old way is just wrong, we know that,” said Andrew Gettelman, a physicist at NCAR who specializes in clouds and helped develop the CESM2 model. “I think our higher sensitivity is wrong too. It’s probably a consequence of other things we did by making clouds better and more realistic. You solve one problem and create another.
UN Plays Down Extreme Forecasts
“We have a situation where the models are behaving strangely,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute for Space Sciences, a leading center for climate modeling. “We have a conundrum.”

In November 2021, as leaders met in Glasgow to negotiate limits on greenhouse gases under the auspices of the 2015 Paris Accords, there were more than 100 major global climate-change models produced by 49 different research groups, reflecting an influx of people into the field.

In its guidance to governments last year, the U.N. climate-change panel for the first time played down the most extreme forecasts.
Hind Casting
Before making new climate predictions for policy makers, an independent group of scientists used a technique called “hind-casting,” testing how well the models reproduced changes that occurred during the 20th century and earlier. Only models that re-created past climate behavior accurately were deemed acceptable.
Computing Clouds
Because clouds can both reflect solar radiation into space and trap heat from Earth’s surface, they are among the biggest challenges for scientists honing climate models.

At any given time, clouds cover more than two-thirds of the planet. Their impact on climate depends on how reflective they are, how high they rise and whether it is day or night. They can accelerate warming or cool it down. They operate at a scale as broad as the ocean, as small as a hair’s width. Their behavior can be affected, studies show, by factors ranging from cosmic rays to ocean microbes, which emit sulfur particles that become the nuclei of water droplets or ice crystals.

“If you don’t get clouds right, everything is out of whack.” said Tapio Schneider, an atmospheric scientist at the California Institute of Technology and the Climate Modeling Alliance, which is developing an experimental model. “Clouds are crucially important for regulating Earth’s energy balance.”

In an independent assessment of 39 global-climate models last year, scientists found that 13 of the new models produced significantly higher estimates of the global temperatures caused by rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide than the older computer models—scientists called them the “wolf pack.” Weighed against historical evidence of temperature changes, those estimates were deemed unrealistic.

Dr. Gettelman, who helped develop CESM2, and his colleagues in their initial upgrade added better ways to model polar ice caps and how carbon and nitrogen cycle through the environment. To make the ocean more realistic, they added wind-driven waves. They fine-tuned the physics in its algorithms and made its vintage Fortran code more efficient.

Even the simplest diagnostic test is challenging. The model divides Earth into a virtual grid of 64,800 cubes, each 100 kilometers on a side, stacked in 72 layers. For each projection, the computer must calculate 4.6 million data points every 30 minutes. To test an upgrade or correction, researchers typically let the model run for 300 years of simulated computer time.

In their initial analysis, scientists discovered a flaw in how CESM2 modeled the way moisture interacts with soot, dust or sea-spray particles that allow water vapor to condense into cloud droplets. It took a team of 10 climate experts almost 5 months to track it down to a flaw in their data and correct it, the scientists said.
Strained Supercomputers
The NCAR scientists in Boulder would like to delve more deeply into the behavior of clouds, ice sheets and aerosols, but they already are straining their five-year-old Cheyenne supercomputer, according to NCAR officials. A climate model able to capture the subtle effects of individual cloud systems, storms, regional wildfires and ocean currents at a more detailed scale would require a thousand times more computer power, they said.

Climate models need to link rising temperatures on a global scale to changing conditions in a local forest, watershed, grassland or agricultural zone, says NCAR forest ecologist Jacquelyn Shuman and NCAR scientist Gerald Meehl.

“Computer models that contain both large-scale and small-scale models allow you to really do experiments that you can’t do in the real world,” she said. “You can really ramp up the temperature, dial down the precipitation or completely change the amount of fire or lightning strikes that an area is seeing, so you can really diagnose how it all works together. That’s the next step. It would be very computationally expensive.”

“I think the climate models are the best tool we have to understand the future, even though they are far from perfect,” said Dr. Gettelman. “I’m not worried that the new models might be wrong. What scares me is that they might be right.”
Both Sides Now

Models Will Get Better

Scientists need to keep doing what they are doing. The models surely will get better.
Despite the models being wrong, they appear to be better than I expected.

Yet, had we listened to the dire forecasts from Al Gore, globetrotting Gretta, President Biden, and media darling AOC, where would we be?

Al Gore wanted to spend $90 trillion to fight climate change.

AOC "New Green Deal" Stunningly Absurd: Far More Ridiculous Than Expected
Recall my February 7, 2019 post AOC "New Green Deal" Stunningly Absurd: Far More Ridiculous Than Expected
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) released her bill for a "Green New Deal". It's stunningly absurd.
AOC's Green New Deal Pricetag of $51 to $93 Trillion
On February 25, 2019 I noted I compared AOC's Green New Deal Pricetag of $51 to $93 Trillion vs. Cost of Doing Nothing

William Nordhaus, a co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in economics, compared AOC's Green New Deal with the cost of doing nothing and various alternatives.

Nordhaus’s model—at least as of its 2007 calibration—estimated that such a policy goal would make humanity $14 trillion poorer compared to doing nothing at all about climate change.

2007 is admittedly way out of date, yet the models then were on the dire side.

AOC Says World Will End in 12 Years
On January 22, 2019 I noted Ocasio-Cortez Says World Will End in 12 Years: Here's What to Do About It

AOC now says her comment was out of context, but play the video and you will see that her comments clearly weren't.

Perhaps it was hyperbole, but extreme fearmongering of this kind will do nothing but raise eyebrows.

Clean Energy Now Demands
We have had an endless parade of fearmongers including Al Gore, Gretta,, AOC, Senator Elizabeth Warren, President Biden, the UN, and countless others demanding "clean energy now".

None of them have factored in the amount of copper, lithium, rare earth materials, etc., needed for their demands.

Their demands also depend on unreliable wind and battery storage techniques that do not even exist yet.

Solar energy is surprising cheap provided there is enough cheap land, there are no clouds, there is no nighttime, and the energy needs are in the desert, not New York City.

Alternatively, solar needs storage technology that does not yet exist, but even if it did, we still have issues regarding need for more lithium, rare earth metals, etc., for the storage.

We will get there over time, but that time is not now. Fearmongering does not help.

Per Capita CO2 Emissions

Per capita emissions chart courtesy of Our World in Data.

The US, EU, and UK have made huge strides in emissions. China, India, and many emerging markets are headed in the opposite direction.

The political reality of the matter is that actions by the US and EU will not do much unless China and India do much more, much faster.

Global Net Zero Climate Change Targets are 'Pie in the Sky'
Please recall my April 5, 2021 , post Global Net Zero Climate Change Targets are 'Pie in the Sky'.
India lambasted the richer world's carbon cutting plans, calling long term net zero targets, "pie in the sky."

In a pre-summit climate change meeting of 197 countries, China did not show up. India blasted the targets as "Pie in the Sky".

"2060 sounds good, but it is just that, it sounds good," Raj Kumar Singh, India's minister for power, told a meeting organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Government Action
Scientists discarded 13 of 39 models, those with the most dire predictions and those that could not explain the ice age. Guess which ones the media, the politicians, and the fearmongers most quoted.

Now the scientists struggle with clouds.

One of my readers repeatedly challenges me to a debate on climate change.

I am sure he understands the models way better than I do. But those models were wrong on the dire side. Yet, I admit the models seem better than I expected.

However, my main objection to all of this has been vindicated.

Anyone expecting government fearmongers to do anything sensible about climate change were, and still are wrong.

Science is advancing rapidly. Clean energy, especially solar, will make a dent. But along the way, we dropped nuclear from the equation to appease the Greens.

Dropping nuclear energy was a huge mistake, especially in Europe where Germany is now using more coal and is increasingly dependent on Russia for natural gas.

That is the irony of Green demands. The Greens perpetually demand more from science than science permits, at prices the Greens don't even bother to calculate.

Finally, the Greens ignore the huge political reality regarding China and India. India is talking 2060 and China 2050 on net zero.

There is no way to force countries to go along with US and EU mandates. The cost of attempting to do so via tariffs would be massive, undoubtedly resulting in a global recession, if not depression.

"I've looked at clouds from both sides now
"From up and down and still somehow
"It's cloud's illusions I recall
"I really don't know clouds at all"


On TB every waking moment

Technocrats Demand Meat Tax To Fight Climate Change

MONDAY, FEB 07, 2022 - 05:00 AM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A group of environmental economists in Germany is demanding that huge taxes be imposed on meat products to fight climate change, with calls for beef to be 56 per cent more expensive.

Asserting that livestock is responsible for 13 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, researchers from TU Berlin’s Chair of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources are demanding limitations on meat consumption in order to “attain greenhouse gas neutrality.”
“Livestock farming is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, soil and water pollution, and precious forests are being cleared for pastures and food crops,” said the leader of the group, Professor Linus Mattauch.
“Evidence suggests the environmental impacts are so large that the world can’t meet climate goals and keep vital ecosystems intact without reducing the consumption of meat – at least in Western high-income countries,” he added.
Mattauch wants governments to “start thinking about also taxing meat to reduce its consumption,” asserting that this is the “most efficient path to preventing further strain on our planet.”
“According to the group’s model calculations, the direct cost of livestock farming in relation to climate change is as high as $9.21 per kilogram of beef,” reports ReMix News.

“Applying this cost to the price of beef could result in beef products being as much as 56 percent more expensive. Similarly, poultry would cost 25 percent more, and lamb and pork would rise by 19 percent.”
Such taxes will of course primarily impact the poor, who in many western countries are already suffering due to rampant food inflation.

No doubt the solution to that will be amplifying efforts to encourage everyone to start eating bugs as an alternative and “sustainable” source of protein.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

In January last year, the EU officially approved the sale of worms as food to be consumed by humans.

Last month, Vanderbilt University Professor Amanda Little argued that everyone in the world needs to start dining on insects and that the EU’s approval of them conferred a form of “dignity” to their consumption.

One group of people who won’t be eating bugs is technocrat globalists.

Despite insisting that everyone else reduce their living standards and ration their meat eating to save the planet, during last year’s Cop 26 summit, attendees enjoyed a menu full of animal-based dishes that were at least double the carbon footprint of the average UK meal.

2:28 min


On TB every waking moment

EU Wants To Keep Vaccine Passports In Place For Another Entire Year

MONDAY, FEB 07, 2022 - 02:00 AM
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

The unelected bureaucrat governors of the EU in the European Commission have proposed keeping the bloc’s COVID vaccine passport system in place for another entire year, despite the fact that many member countries are ramping down restrictions.

In a notice on its website, the Commission states “Today the European Commission is proposing to extend the EU Digital COVID Certificate by a year, until 30 June 2023.”

It continues, “The COVID-19 virus continues to be prevalent in Europe and at this stage it is not possible to determine the impact of a possible increase in infections in the second half of 2022 or of the emergence of new variants.”

“Extending the Regulation will ensure that travellers can continue using their EU Digital COVID Certificate when travelling in the EU where Member States maintain certain public health measures,” the statements adds.

It continues, “The Commission is adopting the proposal today to make sure the European Parliament and the Council can conclude the legislative procedure in time before the current Regulation expires.”

The move comes even as several countries, including Denmark, Norway, Italy, Sweden, France, in addition to non-EU countries such as Switzerland and England move to scrap restrictions including the vaccine passes.

The European Commission admits in its statement that it is up to the individual countries whether they carry on using the EU COVID vaccine passport scheme.

“The domestic use of EU Digital COVID Certificates remains a matter for Member States to decide, the statement notes, adding “The EU legislation on the EU Digital COVID Certificate neither prescribes nor prohibits the domestic use of EU Digital COVID Certificate (such as for access to events or restaurants).”

It also notes that “At the same time, where a Member State establishes a system of COVID-19 certificate for domestic purposes, it should continue to ensure that the EU Digital COVID Certificate is also fully accepted for those purposes. Beyond that, the Commission also encourages Member States to align their domestic validity periods with the validity period set at EU level for the purpose of travel.”

As we reported in November, despite vaccine passport schemes and high vaccination rates in many of the countries affected, COVID cases across Europe continued to surge as winter kicked in.


In addition, a recent investigation by experts in Spain concluded that vaccine passports have no significant impact on reducing COVID-19 infection rates.

The findings are similar to evidence found by the UK government that vaccine passports could actually increase Covid rates in the country.

The Spanish study noted that the only positives of such a scheme are that it “warns people that there is still danger from the pandemic and encourages vaccination uptake among the reticent.”

In other words, although vaccine passports have no discernible impact on their stated goal – reducing the spread of COVID-19 – they do succeed in keeping people fearful and compliant.

That conclusion dovetails with a recent admission by French Minister of Health Olivier Véran that the vaccine passports are “a disguised form of vaccination obligation,” but are “more effective.”

3:20 min


On TB every waking moment
6:32 min

How YOU are helping these 20 states FIGHT the Great Reset

Feb 8, 2022

Glenn Beck

Months ago, most Americans had never heard of The Great Reset, a master plan from the World Economic Forum to radically transform our entire world. But now, at least 20 STATES are combatting it and five of those states actually have bills in progress to do so. In this clip, Glenn details which states are doing what to end some of the major Great Reset components — like ESG — and he shares how YOU helped inspire this entire effort. Let your state representatives know TODAY that they can email for help writing anti-ESG legislation in your state.


On TB every waking moment

“We’re Not Going to Stand for This!” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on DHS Terrorism Warning and Threats Against Free Speech in America (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published February 8, 2022 at 10:31am


The Biden Department of Homeland Security declared a heightened terrorism threat due to “several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.”

The DHS published this terror alert on Monday. The number one item of concern is so-called fake news.

The Marxists are going after your right to free speech!

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation. While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued call

s for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.

On Tuesday morning Steve Bannon responded to this latest assault on the Bill of Rights. The Marxists are on the march.

Steve Bannon: “This is the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen in regards to an authoritarian state. And we’re not going to stand for this. We got a lot of things going on about this. We are not going to stand for this. We are not going to allow you to turn the United States into a totalitarian dictatorship… Bombshells will be dropped!”

Rumble video 3:56 min


On TB every waking moment

Dec 8, 2021

WEF and their 'Young Global Leaders' program, who's on the list?

The WEF's tentacles reach far and wide, positioning their grip on many industries, media and governments through their Young Global Leaders program.


Although they do not publicly advertise all of their young leaders, here's some notable examples of past nominees - you'll recognise many names and connections:

  • Ali Babacan, 8 times Bilderberg visitor, Turkish politician.
  • Ed Balls, British Labour Party politician who was an MP from 2005 to 2015. He is married to fellow politician and WEF/Young Global Leaders participant Yvette Cooper.
  • Marc Benioff, founder, chairman and CEO of Salesforce, an enterprise cloud computing company. He is the owner of Time Magazine, which he bought for $190m and uses for political propaganda. Salesforce is one of the very central companies in the COVID deep event.
  • Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.
  • Yvette Cooper, British Labour Party politician who is the Member of Parliament (MP) since 1997 and is married to fellow Labour politician Ed Balls.
  • Niall Ferguson is a Bilderberger historian. Ferguson charges between $50,000 to $75,000 to hold standard speeches, mostly to corporate executives.
  • Chrystia Freeland, Canadian politician. Deputy Prime Minister of Canada from 2019, including when the country introduced vaccine passports.
  • Austan Goolsbee, American economist. Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business.
  • Larry Page, co-founder of Google.
  • Haakon Magnus, heir apparent to the throne of Norway.
  • Paul Meyer - Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Commons Project, which has build a worldwide interoperable system of vaccine passports, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Former Senior Fellow at the Markle Foundation, which has close ties to US intelligence services. Also selected in the predecessor program in 2003.
  • Mellody Hobson, president and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, wife of filmmaker George Lucas.
  • Gavin Newsom, governor of California in January 2019, a state in the forefront in driving the COVID deep event. Decreed mandatory COVID-vaccinations for all schoolchildren in 2021.
  • Samantha Power also attended the WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 2003, so she is a reliable hand.
  • Nathaniel Rothschild, the only son and heir apparent of Jacob Rothschild
  • Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia in 2008. CIA client.
  • Ferit Şahenk is a Chairman of Turkey's Doğuş Holding conglomerate and richest person in Turkey.
  • Mabel van Oranje is a Dutch deep state fixer with an incredible CV.
  • Joe Hockey, Australian politician and diplomat. Even with getting a push from the right place, he never made it to the top.
  • Ivan Krastev, a protegé of George Soros. Attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
  • Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the second son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Attended at a time when the West was faking rapprochement.
  • Sergei Guriev, Russian economist, a professor of economics living in France.
  • Shami Chakrabarti, later Baroness Chakrabarti, a barrister involved in human rights who was appointed UK Shadow Attorney General by Jeremy Corbyn.
  • Justin Forsyth is a former Special Adviser to Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
  • Joshua Cooper Ramo is vice chairman and co-chief executive of Kissinger Associates.
  • Andrew Ross Sorkin, American journalist working as financial columnist for The New York Times.
  • Enrique Peña Nieto was president of Mexico from 2012-2018. CIA?
  • Ian Bremmer, President and founder of the Eurasia Group. CFR, TLC, Bilderberg 2007
  • Jimmy Wales is an American Internet entrepreneur, best known as the co-founder of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia.
  • Karim Sadjadpour is a triple Bilderberger and "chief Iran analyst" at the International Crisis Group.
  • Kate Garvey is an English public relations executive and a former aide to British prime minister Tony Blair. She is married to Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales.
  • Peter Thiel, billionaire member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
  • Rajiv Shah was employed at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for seven years before he started working for the government (USAID), before then moving on to the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook.
  • Siamak Namazi, an Iranian-American academic and business consultant who was sentenced to 10 years prison in Iran in 2016 for "collaboration with hostile government”.
  • Peter Bisanz Works for the World Economic Forum on creating an Universal Curriculum on Values that will encompass a full spectrum of socially relevant media, from Television to the Internet.


  • Ellana Lee is Senior Vice President & Managing Editor, Asia Pacific, for CNN International.
  • Mark Leonard founded the European Council on Foreign Relations on behalf of George Soros.
  • Rory Stewart, named as MI6, was Chair of the international deep state/intelligence gorup Le Cercle from 2013-2015.
  • Susan Athey is the Economics of Technology Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
  • Thomas Buberl is a money manager who first went to the Bilderberg in 2017.
  • Alexander Stubb, Finnish politician who served as the Prime Minister of Finland from 2014 to 2015
  • Boris Nikolic is Bill Gates’ former science adviser. Named as one of the three executors of Jeffrey Epstein’s estate.
  • Dambisa Moyo is an economist who worked for two years at the World Bank and eight years at Goldman Sachs before becoming an author and international public speaker.
  • François Philippe Champagne, Canadian politician, lawyer and businessman. Bilderberg 2018 and 2019.
  • Jo Cox was a UK Labour Party politician. Brutally murdered on 16 June 2016.
  • Parag Khanna is an international thinker paid by multiple think tanks to promote technocracy.
  • Mark Zuckerberg, US billionaire credited with starting Facebook.
  • Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
  • Felix Maradiaga, a US-trained political operative who played a major role in the failed 2018 Nicaragua coup attempt.


  • Julian Castro, US politician who was a prospective candidate in the US/2020 Presidential election.
  • Gabrielle Giffords, US politician who survived an assassination attempt in 2011. Resigned from office, but still in Democratic party leadership.
  • Ben Goldsmith, English financier and environmentalist, son of James Goldsmith.
  • Tomáš Pojar, Czech diplomat.
  • Philipp Rösler was German Minister of Health from 2009 to 2011.
  • Serpil Timuray, Turkish businesswoman working for multinational corporations.
  • Kevin Warsh is/was a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent for CNN and fawning interviewer of Bill Gates. Played a big role promoting the official narrative of COVID-19
  • Dawood Azami, broadcast journalist and academic, working as multi-media editor at the BBC World Service.
  • Christa Markwalder is a Swiss politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg meeting.
  • Max Levchin founded PayPal in 1998 with Peter Thiel.
  • Chuka Umunna is a British Labour politician who later went over to JPMorgan Chase and Edelman.
  • Nikki Haley, later became United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
  • Dana Perino was one of 4 White House Press Secretaries under George W. Bush.
  • Huma Abedin , termed the effective “right-hand woman” of Hillary Clinton.
  • Jonathan Adiri, Israeli businessman working in the digital healthcare sector, an area pinpointed as a priority by the World Economic Forum.
  • Henrique Capriles is a part of one of Venezuela's wealthiest families. Presidential candidate 2012 and 2013. He and his party, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, also participated in the 2002 coup attempt.
  • Brendan Cox is a former Special Adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. His wife Jo Cox, MP for Batley and Spen, was murdered on 16 June 2016.
  • Daniel Bahr, German politician and member of the FDP. From May 2011 to December 2013 he was Federal Minister of Health, one in a series of German health ministers who were selected a Young Global Leader.
  • Jane Burston is a British scientist specialising in climate change.
  • Martha Lane Fox. On the board of Twitter. Member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy. House of Lords COVID-19 Committee.
  • Matteo Renzi, Italian politician who served as Prime Minister of Italy from 2014 to 2016.
  • Natalie Rickli is a Swiss politician of the Swiss People's Party. During the COVID-19 crisis, she proposed no further health care for the unvaccinated. Went on secret luxury holiday to the Maldives while forcing everyone else to stay in lockdown.
  • Thomas Bollyky, Director of the global health program at the Council on Foreign Relations and former consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Chelsea Clinton, American business woman with a notorious family network.
  • Clara Shih, American businesswoman. She is the CEO and co-founder of Hearsay Social, selling solutions for financial services. She has worked for Google,Microsoft and Salesforce.
  • Ida Auken is a Danish politician. Wrote for the WEF "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better".
  • Jeremy Howard is an Australian data scientist and entrepreneur. In 2014, he started a business trying to digitize healthcare. Then at the very start of the COVID-event he organized a worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks, making face-to-face health care very difficult.
  • Pierre Maudet, Swiss politician who also attended the 2015 Bilderberg.
  • Srđa Popović, professional regime change activist for US/NATO interests.
  • Jared Polis, politician who went from a Colorado Congressman in 2013, and is now currently the Governor of Colorado. Polis issued of a public health order that made Colorado one of the first states to require proof of full vaccination to be admitted into the large indoor events
  • Catherine Howarth, British executive in the NGO sector and a board member of the Scott Trust, owner of the deep state organ the Guardian.
  • Dominique Anglade is a Canadian politician. She is a member of the Quebec Parliament from the Liberal Party. She attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
  • Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, for the Labour party. Her career having signs of being helped forward by deep state interests, she has inflicted some of the harshest measures on COVID-19
  • Jared Cohen, attended 2018 Bilderberg and 2019 Bilderberg. He is the CEO of Jigsaw (formerly Google Ideas) and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Rebecca Weintraub, Harvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world. To achieve that, "we need to change our playbook”...“And that’s going to include vaccine mandates.”
  • Professor Adam M. Grant, attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019. He granted tenure at age 28 at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania specializing in organizational psychology.
  • Naomi Koshi, Japanese lawyer and former politician.
  • Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Brazilian activist showered with attention and funding from "global leaders". Her Igarapé Institute receives funding from Google, the British and Canadian embassies, USAID, Luminate, Open Society Foundations are more. Appealed to "global leaders" to do "everything in their power" to make Brazil adopt "more responsible COVID policies".
  • Alexander De Croo, PM of Belgium during some of the hardest lockdowns in Europe.
  • Mustapha Mokass, developer of a vaccine passport system and others for the 4th Industrial Revolution "dear to WEF founder Klaus Schwab".
  • Emmanuel Macron is a French Rothschild banker turned politician who was sworn in as President of France on 14 May 2017. Played an active part in the COVID-19 deep event, especially the introduction of vaccine passports.
  • Sam Altman, an American tech-millionaire. He is the CEO of OpenAI, a company specialising in Artificial intelligence.
  • Lila Tretikov, vice president at Microsoft from 2018 and specialist in Artificial intelligence.
  • Poppy Allonby, head of BlackRock in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) & APAC (Asia-Pacific). Blackrock is by far the biggest capital manager in the world.
  • Sam Altman, American tech-millionaire. He is the CEO of OpenAI, a company specialising in Artificial intelligence.
  • Molly Crockett, an American neuroscientist who studies human morality, altruism and decision making. In 2015, she showed that drugs targeting serotonin and dopamine in the brain can change moral decision-making in healthy people.
  • Albert Rivera, Bilderberger and former politician who was the leader of the Spanish party Citizens from its founding in 2006 until 2019.
  • Leana Wen, American physician and former President of Planned Parenthood. She distinguished herself during the COVID-19 deep event by wanting to make the life of "unvaccinated" a living hell.
  • Alexander Soros, son of George Soros and Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations.
  • Peter Buttigieg, US politician. He was a prospective candidate in the US/2020 Presidential election. He is United States Secretary of Transportation since February 3, 2021.
  • Matthew Guilford, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Common Health, a part of the The Commons Project. Its digital health system to allow sharing of data about a person’s clinical history and status. "Sharing of COVID-19 test results and vaccination records is a natural role for CommonHealth."[3]
  • Yalda Hakim, Australian/British broadcast journalist, news presenter, and documentary maker.
  • Clare O'Neil, Australian politician. In 2019 she was considered a frontrunner for the deputy leadership during the 2019 Australian Labor Party leadership election.
  • Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica, in November 2021 the first country to mandate COVID-vaccines for children.
  • Daniel Crenshaw - Congressman from Texas (R), 2nd District, United States Congress[4]
  • Megan Rapinoe - co-captain of the US women's soccer team, Rapinow lifted the 2019 FIFA World Cup. Off the field, she advocates for gender equality, including equal pay in her sport, and speaks out on diversity and inclusion.
  • Jesús Cepeda - Chief Executive Officer of OneSmart City, a company that uses blockchain and artificial intelligence to help city authorities provide digital services.
  • Jack Conte - an American businessman and founder of Patreon, which has been busy blocking funds to independent media for many years.
  • Larry Madowo - The BBC Africa Business Editor launched of six new business TV shows for African audiences in English, French and Swahili. Madowo is also an on-air correspondent on BBC radio and television and has reported from more than 40 countries.
  • Sanna Marin - Marin held her first political post at the age of 27. Despite a total lack of experience, she was Finland's Prime Minister during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Annalena Baerbock - German politician serving as the co-leader of Alliance 90/The Greens. Favourite of the German mainstream media for Chancellor of Germany.
  • Alicia Garza, Co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Garza is a US civil rights activist and editorial writer influential on issues of health, student rights, rights for domestic workers, and campaigns against police brutality, racism, and violence against gender non-conforming people of colour.
  • Kristo Kaarmann - Co-founder and CEO of TransferWise, a peer-to-peer money transfer business which aims to allow people to access the real mid-market exchange rate by cutting out traditional banking fees.
  • Akiko Naka - Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wantedly, a social networking service for professionals, Akiko was the youngest female founder ever to take a company public in Japan.
  • Yetnebersh Nigussie - An Ethiopian human rights lawyer who pushes for women’s and girls’ rights and inclusive education.
  • Gaurav Gupta - Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Zomato, an Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery start-up. He launched the table reservation business and scaled it up across India, the United Arab Emirates and Australia.
  • Henry Motte-Muñoz - Founder and CEO of, which says it is the largest youth platform in the Philippines, empowering more than 10 million student visitors each year to find their path from education to career.
  • Andrew Bragg, Australian politician. He became a Senator in 2019.
  • Adriana Cargill is a member of the Cargill family, the fourth-wealthiest family in America. She works as a journalist in Los Angeles at KCRW Radio.
  • Vera Daves de Sousa was made finance minister of Angola when she was 35.
  • Amélie de Montchalin is a French politician. She has served as a minister under President Macron, responsible for implementing the pass sanitaire in public services.
  • Garlin Gilchrist II is an American politician. He has been Gretchen Whitmer's deputy since 2019.
  • Ibram X Kendi is an American author and activist. He believes the low take-up of Black people having the COVID vaccine is due to racism.
  • Devi Sridhar is a Professor and Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh. In 2020, she advised the Scottish government on how to deal with the COVID-19/Pandemic.
  • Vasudha Vats is a Vice president of Pfizer.
Quite a few others rate a mention on the WEF pages including our PM:

And Greg Hunt, Australian Health Minister, set to retire from Australian politics in the coming months. It will be interesting to see where Greg is headed to next.




Talk is cheap
What is the spin/truth on this? Biased article, but food for thought in connecting the dots...

Biden Admin Funnels $164M BACK to Soros for Open-Borders Advocacy

'With hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding, they are seeking a legal subsidy for illegal entrants... '

ByJoshua Paladino
February 8, 2022

Migrants surging toward the U.S. southern border. / PHOTO: Associated Press

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) President Joe Biden‘s Department of Health and Human Services and Justice Department approved a $164 million grant to the Vera Institute, a George Soros-funded group that funds legal services for illegal aliens, Just the News reported.

The federal government funneled $158 million to the Vera Institute of Justice last year, according to Open the Books, a non-profit transparency watchdog.

The Open Society Foundation, a Soros-founded group that channels money to Leftist and Anarchist causes, gave $10 million to the Vera Institute from 2016 to 2019.

The Vera Institute boasts a partisan agenda that seeks “antiracist solutions” to criminal problems and wants “fewer people…in jails, prisons, and immigration detention.”

The group defines its mission: “To end the overcriminalization and mass incarceration of people of color, immigrants, and people experiencing poverty.”

The Vera Institute aligns with Black Lives Matter and Antifa in its calls to dismantle “the current culture of policing” and work “toward solutions that defund police and shift power to communities.”

The federal government’s $164 million gift to the open-borders and open-prisons group could rise to $198.5 million, according to contract information on

Jason Hopkins, an investigative associate with the Immigration Reform Law Institute, described the Vera Institute’s goals.

“The Vera Institute of Justice is a behemoth progressive nonprofit based out of New York City with well over a $140 million budget, which they use to fund a slate of progressive causes and initiatives across the country,” he said.

These progressive initiatives include “criminal justice reform, bail reform and also immigration.”

“With hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding, they are seeking a legal subsidy for illegal entrants, ” said Adam Andrzejewski, the CEO and founder of Open the Books. “This has troubling public policy implications.”

The DOJ and HHS give the money to organizations like the Vera Institute so that citizens cannot track their anti-law-and-order agenda.

“For example, Vera is a non-profit entity and is not government,” Andrzejewski said. “Therefore, they are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act, so citizens don’t have a right to know and can’t follow the money.”



Talk is cheap
Human Beings Are ‘Hackable Animals’—Free Will Is ‘Over’: World Economic Forum Doctor

By Jon Fleetwood

14 hours ago

Globalist elites want to “re-engineer the future of life itself,” propose a “new regime of surveillance” that is “under the skin” to “collect biometric data.”


  • Klause Schwab, head of the Great Reset-advancing World Economic Forum (WEF), says that his organization is attempting to fundamentally “change” human beings.
  • Schwab says his “industrial revolution” will not “change what you are doing. It changes you.”
  • “It’s you who are changed. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity,” he emphasized in a video making rounds on social media.
  • Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, an official WEF contributor, details what Mr. Schwab means by “it’s you who are changed,” explaining that “in the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to [hack millions of people], but nobody understood biology well enough,” Harari says at the start of the video.
  • “And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people,” he goes on to say, adding, “We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals.”
  • But Dr. Harari says this merger of human life with technology will not benefit the average man or woman so that he or she may improve his or her own future, but that a handful of “elites” will not only “build digital dictatorships” for themselves but “gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”
  • If elites are successful in re-engineering humanity, it will have to be decided whether the data of our DNA, brain, body, and life “belong to me, or to some corporation, or to the government, or, perhaps, to the human collective.”
  • Harari says that cloud technology, such as IBM or Microsoft’s platform, will be one of the “driving forces” of this evolution.



    • “Humans are now hackable animals,” says Dr. Harari at another point in the video. “The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that’s over.” “Free will, that’s over,” he emphasizes.
    • “Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale,” Harari goes on to say, adding, “Everything is being digitalized. Everything is being monitored.”
    • “In this time of crisis, you have to follow science,” Dr. Harari argues. “It’s often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste, because a [COVID] crisis is an opportunity to also do good reforms that in normal times people will never agree to. But in a crisis you see we have no chance, so let’s do it.”



On TB every waking moment
16:65 min

How to determine if YOUR bank prioritizes ESG (& more inflation tips)

Feb 10, 2022

Glenn Beck

If you aren’t following a budget, NOW is the time to do so says Carol Roth, former investment banker and author of ‘The War on Small Business.’ She joins Glenn to discuss how you can prepare for America’s skyrocketing inflation, and there’s much more you can do besides budgeting. Plus, Roth explains how to determine if YOUR bank prioritizes ESG scores and, if it does, how to find a safer bank or credit union for your money...


On TB every waking moment

Dystopia Disguised As Democracy: All The Ways In Which Freedom Is An Illusion

THURSDAY, FEB 10, 2022 - 11:40 PM
Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
- Frank Zappa
We are no longer free.

We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.

We think we have the freedom to elect our leaders, but we’re only allowed to participate in the reassurance ritual of voting. There can be no true electoral choice or real representation when we’re limited in our options to one of two candidates culled from two parties that both march in lockstep with the Deep State and answer to an oligarchic elite.

We think we have freedom of speech, but we’re only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners allow.

We think we have the right to freely exercise our religious beliefs, but those rights are quickly overruled if and when they conflict with the government’s priorities, whether it’s COVID-19 mandates or societal values about gender equality, sex and marriage.

We think we have the freedom to go where we want and move about freely, but at every turn, we’re hemmed in by laws, fines and penalties that regulate and restrict our autonomy, and surveillance cameras that monitor our movements. Punitive programs strip citizens of their passports and right to travel over unpaid taxes.

We think we have property interests in our homes and our bodies, but there can be no such freedom when the government can seize your property, raid your home, and dictate what you do with your bodies.

We think we have the freedom to defend ourselves against outside threats, but there is no right to self-defense against militarized police who are authorized to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, and granted immunity from accountability with the general blessing of the courts. Certainly, there can be no right to gun ownership in the face of red flag gun laws which allow the police to remove guns from people merely suspected of being threats.

We think we have the right to an assumption of innocence until we are proven guilty, but that burden of proof has been turned on its head by a surveillance state that renders us all suspects and overcriminalization which renders us all lawbreakers. Police-run facial recognition software that mistakenly labels law-abiding citizens as criminals. A social credit system (similar to China’s) that rewards behavior deemed “acceptable” and punishes behavior the government and its corporate allies find offensive, illegal or inappropriate.

We think we have the right to due process, but that assurance of justice has been stripped of its power by a judicial system hardwired to act as judge, jury and jailer, leaving us with little recourse for appeal. A perfect example of this rush to judgment can be found in the proliferation of profit-driven speed and red light cameras that do little for safety while padding the pockets of government agencies.

We have been saddled with a government that pays lip service to the nation’s freedom principles while working overtime to shred the Constitution.

By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect the constitutional rights of the citizenry while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government.

Aided and abetted by the legislatures, the courts and Corporate America, the government has been busily rewriting the contract (a.k.a. the Constitution) that establishes the citizenry as the masters and agents of the government as the servants.

We are now only as good as we are useful, and our usefulness is calculated on an economic scale by how much we are worth—in terms of profit and resale value—to our “owners.”

Under the new terms of this revised, one-sided agreement, the government and its many operatives have all the privileges and rights and “we the people” have none.

Only in our case, sold on the idea that safety, security and material comforts are preferable to freedom, we’ve allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.

The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.

We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy and that most important right of all: the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.” In exchange for the promise of safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, lower taxes, lower crime rates, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food and power, we’ve opened the door to militarized police, government surveillance, asset forfeiture, school zero tolerance policies, license plate readers, red light cameras, SWAT team raids, health care mandates, overcriminalization and government corruption.

In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We asked our lawmakers to be tough on crime, and we’ve been saddled with an abundance of laws that criminalize almost every aspect of our lives. So far, we’re up to 4500 criminal laws and 300,000 criminal regulations that result in average Americans unknowingly engaging in criminal acts at least three times a day. For instance, the family of an 11-year-old girl was issued a $535 fine for violating the Federal Migratory Bird Act after the young girl rescued a baby woodpecker from predatory cats.

We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.

We wanted law enforcement agencies to have the necessary resources to fight the nation’s wars on terror, crime and drugs. What we got instead were militarized police decked out with M-16 rifles, grenade launchers, silencers, battle tanks and hollow point bullets—gear designed for the battlefield, more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year (many for routine police tasks, resulting in losses of life and property), and profit-driven schemes that add to the government’s largesse such as asset forfeiture, where police seize property from “suspected criminals.”

We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red-light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments. Despite widespread public opposition, corruption and systemic malfunctions, these cameras are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash. Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in hefty fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.

We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.
With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, “we the people” are being reminded that we possess no rights except for that which the government grants on an as-needed basis.

Indeed, there are chilling parallels between the authoritarian prison that is life in the American police state and The Prisoner, a dystopian television series that first broadcast in Great Britain more than 50 years ago.

The series centers around a British secret agent (played by Patrick McGoohan) who finds himself imprisoned, monitored by militarized drones, and interrogated in a mysterious, self-contained, cosmopolitan, seemingly idyllic retirement community known only as The Village.

While luxurious and resort-like, the Village is a virtual prison disguised as a seaside paradise: its inhabitants have no true freedom, they cannot leave the Village, they are under constant surveillance, their movements are tracked by surveillance drones, and they are stripped of their individuality and identified only by numbers.

Much like the American Police State, The Prisoner’s Village gives the illusion of freedom while functioning all the while like a prison: controlled, watchful, inflexible, punitive, deadly and inescapable.

Described as “an allegory of the individual, aiming to find peace and freedom in a dystopia masquerading as a utopia,” The Prisoner is a chilling lesson about how difficult it is to gain one’s freedom in a society in which prison walls are disguised within the trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and so-called democracy.

Perhaps the best visual debate ever on individuality and freedom, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of mankind to meekly accept his lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of his own making.

The Prisoner is an operations manual for how you condition a populace to life as prisoners in a police state: by brainwashing them into believing they are free so that they will march in lockstep with the state and be incapable of recognizing the prison walls that surround them.

We can no longer maintain the illusion of freedom.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, “we the people” have become “we the prisoners.”


On TB every waking moment
5:28 min

How COVID was the perfect launching point of The Great Reset
Economic War Room Published February 10, 2022

war room.JPG

Joe Allen and Transhumanism’s Globalist Influence 3:58 min

Joe Allen and Transhumanism’s Globalist Influence
Bannons War Room Published February 11, 2022


Joe Allen Covers Recent Developments of the Schwab Great Reset 4:32 min

Joe Allen Covers Recent Developments of the Schwab Great Reset
Bannons War Room Published February 11, 2022


On TB every waking moment

Killing Us Softly: Klaus Schwab’s “Great Narrative” For The Global Borg

A post on Transhumanism from the blogby Joe AllenFebruary 11, 2022

The sequel to his Great Reset is the Great Swindle

Every civilization is built upon layers of mythology. In his recently published book, The Great Narrative, the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, promotes a new global mythos based on empathy and cooperation.

This is remarkable considering that five years ago, in The Fourth Industrial Revolution, he calmly explained that successful societies of the future would be “smart” termite colonies crawling with bipedal cyborgs. Then a year and a half ago, in The Great Reset, he declared that the COVID-19 pandemic “represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world,” making way for a polycentric technocracy—possibly run on a Chinese digital currency.

Because most of us don’t want to become gene-edited, neuroenhanced, bionic welfare recipients put out of work by robots, and because his accent sounds like zee Stasi villain, Schwab has become a magnet for blame and popular hatred—a fascist to some, a communist to others, a technocratic mastermind to most.

Now, as if we all forgot our suspicions, he’s calling for a new narrative, a great narrative, where all you need is love:

“This emerging narrative is most helpful because it shows that this capacity to care—a prerequisite for successful collaboration—is contingent upon sentiments, qualities and emotions that can be encouraged, promoted and even taught. Love and affection, while possessing a social dimension, are deeply personal and hard to emulate at the societal level, but other qualities can be more easily harnessed for social good. Empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) is one of them.”

Knowing that Klaus Schwab controls the premier globalist ideological hub, the World Economic Forum—which exerts tremendous influence over our politics, especially through donors, and over corporate culture through boards of directors—his “great narrative” is a grave concern. It signals a strategic moral framework, meant to manipulate leaders and masses alike, wherein willingness to submit is good and refusal to comply is evil.

While Schwab (and his consistently ignored co-author, Thierry Malleret) act as if their message of empathy and cooperation is a radical new paradigm, they’re drawing from a deep well of evolutionary science and philosophy. The broad theory holds that Darwinian evolution has produced two general survival strategies: competition and cooperation. Both traits are expressed, in varying proportions, in pretty much every organism. The key to this theoretical framework is this: more cooperative organisms—such as wolves, ants, or humans—will out-compete more solitary, “individualistic” organisms.

The big fish eat the little ones, but a bigger school of fish will marginalize them both.

These metaphors reflect our human reality quite well, but the meaning shifts under the pen of a globalist technocrat who’s hellbent on spreading hyperconnected “public-private partnerships” across the planet—a blob-like, digitized superorganism that consumes everything in its path.

For those struggling against global technocracy, “cooperation” means capitulation and “empathy” means pathological altruism.

Herr Schwab’s Transhuman Fantasy

The Great Narrative hinges on five core themes, all familiar from Schwab’s previous books—economics, environment, geopolitics, and society, with a manic emphasis on technology:

“Hope, and the possibility of optimism, stem from the following observation: we are at a juncture in history when new discoveries and new technologies do not follow linear growth rates but exponential ones, drastically accelerating innovation. ... Peter Diamandis [co-founder of Singularity University] believes that, ‘in the next 10 years, we’re going to reinvent every industry’ and ‘we’ll experience more progress than in the past 100 years.’”

Sounds great if you want a trode in your dome, but many of us aren’t too thrilled to fuse our bodies and brains with the machine.

To understand the deep mythos behind the Great Narrative, you have to look back to Schwab’s thesis in The Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in 2016. He argues that innovations from the previous three industrial revolutions—the mechanical (steam engine, railways), the electrical (lightbulbs, telephones), and the digital (computers)—are culminating in a fourth that will transform humanity itself.

“The convergence of the physical, digital and biological worlds,” Schwab writes, “is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution.”

What does this mean in practice? Despite the book’s calm, dispassionate tone—one that suggests an AI simply scanned Schwab’s brain and translated his thoughts into text—from time to time the reader gets slapped with a jarring example. Schwab is particularly obsessed with synthetic biology, designer babies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and most unsettling, the Internet of Bodies (IoB):

“Consider remote monitoring—a widespread application of the IoT. Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used. ... In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab writes about surveilling human movements with RFID chips as if he were predicting warm weather this summer. You see, zee forced industrial revolution “is not only changing the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of doing things but also ‘who’ we are. ... Simply put, major technological innovations are on the brink of fueling momentous change throughout the world—inevitably so.”

What sort of changes? The 52-page appendix, comprising nearly a third of the book, gives us a good idea. Entitled “Deep Shift,” the section lists twenty-three “technology tipping points and social impacts,” drawing on a survey of 800 executives—aka, the managerial elite. The list begins with “implantable technologies,” then strolls cheerfully through “driverless cars,” “designer beings,” “smart cities,” “AI and decision-making,” and so on, with “neurotechnologies” tying a carbon-black bow at the end.

“82% of respondents expected [by 2025] the first implantable mobile phone available commercially.” The authors don’t specify where surgeons will stick this device, but I have a suggestion. They go on to write:

“People are becoming more and more connected to devices, and those devices are increasingly becoming connected to their bodies. ... Smart tattoos and other unique chips could help with identification and location. Implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves or other signals.”

In this cyborg scenario, the “positive impacts” of implants include a “reduction in missing children.” So if parents don’t want to be negligent, they should chip their kids. “Digital tattoos not only look cool but can perform useful tasks, like unlocking a car, entering mobile phone codes...or tracking body processes.”

Even though 2016 and the following year saw waves of transhumanism coverage, from The Guardian to National Geographic, the fact that the World Economic Forum had given their blessing to a sweeping transhumanist revolution sat silently in the background. It’s as if no one was supposed to talk about it.

Then last summer, Schwab quickly penned COVID-19: The Great Resetso quickly, you’d think he already had his outline ready to roll. In this slim volume, he openly declares a global initiation rite into the fourth industrial revolution:

“Almost instantly, most things became ‘e-things’: e-learning, e-commerce, e-gaming, e-books, e-attendance. ... With the pandemic, the ‘digital transformation’ that so many analysts have been referring to for years...has found its catalysts. One major effect of confinement will be the expansion and progression of the digital world in a decisive and often permanent manner.”

While humans were robotized, the robots were humanized:

“From the onset of the lockdowns, it became apparent that robots and AI were a ‘natural’ alternative when human labour was not available. ... Our lingering and possibly lasting fear of being infected with a virus (COVID-19 or another) will thus speed the relentless march of automation. ... Those that adapt with agility and imagination will eventually turn the COVID-19 crisis to their advantage.”

Without shame, The Great Reset celebrates this unprecedented “opportunity” to accelerate the “convergence of the physical, digital and biological worlds.” To the extent Schwab laments what’s being lost, he does so like a grinning paleontologist digging through a pile of Triceratops bones.

Swindlin’ Schwab Is Lookin’ For Love

The term “pathological altruism” was coined by Barbara Oakley in a 2011 volume by the same name. The idea is that human kindness can veer toward the suicidal—anything from becoming a love slave to serving dictators. In predatory relationships, your conscience can be weaponized against you.

Although The Great Narrative is allegedly based on conversations with “50 of the world’s foremost global thinkers and opinion-makers,” it’s such a tone-deaf attempt at milking human kindness, I wonder if Klaus Schwab asked an AI text-generator how to make people stop hating him. In addition to “conspiracy theories” and job-killing automation, the book’s central concern is climate change—an “existential threat” that only experts can detect, and only global compliance can fix.

“How can we make these ideas palatable,” Schwab asks, “so that a large majority of citizens embrace them?”

The key is to increase empathy and cooperation through story-telling. “[N]arratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities and end up influencing our choices and actions. They are how we find meaning in life.” Schwab pays special attention to “dystopian visions” and “implicit biases” about out-of-control technology.

So the technocrat who infuriated half the planet by promoting brain chips and global governance is now urging his minions to spin cosmic propaganda. To be fair, Schwab does express concern about cybercrime, AI warfare, and misuse of synthetic biology. But his solution? More technology, stronger government, and tear-jerking stories.

“The first critical step is to overturn the dominant narrative...that man is a wolf to another man.” Anyone familiar with Big Tech surveillance or drug cartel murder porn would read this as utter nonsense—but only because they don’t understand the “wiring” behind our empathic “circuitry”:

“Since our neural networks are set up to interact with the neural networks of others in order to perceive their emotions and to differentiate them from our own, a lack of empathy makes it much harder to live with one another without constantly fighting or feeling threatened by others. ... A growing body of research, notably in neuroscience, shows that, ‘If you change your mind, you can change the world.’”

Therefore in order to compel cooperation, authorities must trigger the public’s empathy circuits through “prosocial policies.” If that doesn’t warm your heart, nothing will.

One specific approach was formulated by Raghuram Rajan. His scheme “consists of ‘strengthening and empowering communities’ [because] global governance must coexist with local power in a way that makes it inclusive.” Otherwise, you risk a “populist backlash”:

“[T]hey’ll exclude global markets and become exclusionists, or they’ll exclude immigrants, and it will be America for native-born Americans. What I have in mind is what I call ‘inclusive localism.’ ... Borders encircle your local community but they’re porous borders. ... Anybody who wants to join can come in.”

Something tells me that neither the World Economic Forum nor China will be adopting “inclusive localism” anytime soon. To understand the point of this rhetoric, just imagine a world where the populist West has dropped its defenses while elites spanning the globe strengthen theirs.

Ultimately, the idea of globalists manipulating empathy to weaken their opponents should be as infuriating as the desire to jab skulls with brain chips. Not that ol’ Klaus has forgotten about those:

“[With technology] a sense of great optimism prevails—a sentiment expressed by all scientists whom we interviewed for this book. Michio Kaku went the furthest. ... ‘Brain-net (when the human mind is merged with computers) will take a few decades to get off the ground, but investors are already jumping into it.’”

According to Swindlin’ Schwab, The Future™ is an “inevitable” technocracy. After peeling away the absurd warm and fuzzies, his Great Narrative is the story of designer babies with antennas plugged into their heads wandering around hyperconnected smart cities while robots take over their jobs and immigrants flood across their borders—because “climate change” and “inequality.” Call me a cynic, but the final scene of his cosmic narrative doesn’t look so great.

Further Reading

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On TB every waking moment

World Economic Forum 'Insane Pro-CRT Propaganda' Video Draws Sharp Rebuke

SATURDAY, FEB 12, 2022 - 06:30 PM

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has come under fire for a video which initially appears as a neutral explainer on Critical Race Theory (CRT), only to quickly shift into a full-throated endorsement of the ideology.

CRT charges an entire demographic with a collective crime, uses the charge as grounds for framing individuals within that demographic of perpetrators of that crime, and then seeks to strip condemned individuals of rights, dignity, and equal protection based on that charge (h/t).

The WEF video defines CRT as a theory "first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s" which "argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a driving force behind racial inequality today," according to Breitbart.

As an example of the supposed racism embedded in every fiber of America's institutions, the WEF points to the high number of incarcerated black males throughout the country.

"Take the US criminal justice system, for example," it says. "While everyone is seen as equal under the law, Black Americans are imprisoned at 5 times the rate of white people."

"CRT says this disparity is a legacy of America’s racist past," but that opponents say it "paints all white people as bigots."

The video then positions CRT awareness as an honorable pursuit. Watch what opponent Chris Rufo described as an "Insane pro-CRT propaganda video."

1:46 min

Others condemned the WEF as well (via Breitbart):
“Ah yes, the world economic forum promoting a radical departure from the current relations of power,” wrote video essayist and author Peter Coffin.
This PROVES CRT is the revolution. I’ve been wrong this whole time!” he mocked.
“Run from the WEF working class people,” warned clinical psychologist and psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson.
“Why would the World Economic Forum come out in support of Critical Race Theory?” asked author and mathematician Dr. James Lindsay, who warned last month that CRT activists aim to dismantle the U.S. and establish “a total dictatorship” of the so-called “anti-racists.”
“Because they’re the ones who want to divide our society with this Marxist Theory or any other tool they can use to break the world and seize power,” he said.

Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) national security adviser tweeted "I can’t believe you’re advocating for ‘equality’ at the expense of equity" in 2022. "You’re either on board or you’re not. Be better."
Read the rest of the comments here.


On TB every waking moment

The Great Reset: “Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics"
Today's news, tomorrow's problems...

Overlooked News:

Technically, the GOP now controls the US Senate
. Yes, please do factcheck me on that.

Twelve days ago, the highly vaxxed honorable Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) had a major stroke.

This has many implications, for mandates, for the eventual Supreme Court nominee, and for the roughly 20 Biden nominees lined up for consideration in the coming weeks.

For some reason, the political implications of this event (let alone the health implications) were not covered by the NY Times or the Washington Post. Of no particular significance, I guess? Nothing to see here, so moving on…

News Now:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he is invoking emergency powers, which suspend civil liberties and authorize expanded police action in response to nationwide anti-vaccine passport protests led by hundreds of truckers in downtown Ottawa.

Please go to your preferred alt. media source for more information.

And now there is this:

Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters' bank accounts
There you have it. Yet more validation of the blockchain/Ethereum/Bitcoin currency concept.

You think that your financial assets are secure? Think again. You think that the social credit system threats are empty? Think again. Your bank account is no longer safe.

Apparently this is yet another benefit of the new world order and the great reset, brought to you by the totalitarian World Economic Forum that has trained and advised Mr. Trudeau. As if the global financial situation was not already tenuous enough. I know of multiple analysts that were already predicting financial impending collapse. Trudeau is acting like a financial arsonist. But maybe that is a feature, not a bug. So that we can build back better.

And oh, by the way, why are the WEF young leaders trainees all willing to go to extraordinary measures to demand universal vaccination? Asking for a friend.

<the preceding two paragraphs were a bit sarcastic, for those that did not “get it”>

Let’s break this down just a bit more. Did you contribute to the “give-send-go” or “go fund me” initiatives to help fund the Canadian truckers? Then you are at risk of being declared an anti-mandate protester and in theory can have your bank account frozen. Speaking for myself, I wrote in support of the Canadian truckers, recorded videos in support of them, and I have to conclude that tomorrow I must go pull my money out of my own bank account. “The Center for Countering Digital Hate” already tried to make the case for deplatforming and clawing back funds which I have received for my writing on Substack, which was then picked up by The Guardian in what sure reads like hate speech from where I sit. At that point, I woke up, smelled the coffee, and moved my money into another bank account rather than the one that Substack pays into.

But I guess even that is not going to be sufficient if the WEF and its acolytes are going to be backing this strategy. Time for me to get out of the traditional banking system, given my penchant for supporting freedom, democracy, the right to free speech, peaceful protest and the US Constitution.

And, as if that were not enough, as mentioned above I am getting flashing red lights from buddies with ties to Wall Street that the “technicals” are raising concerns about an impending financial implosion. If that is the case, then Mr. Trudeau is throwing napalm on a smoldering financial system dumpster fire.

Once again I ask, even if you were willing to forfeit your freedom to choose for some “one world government” ideal (and I most definitely am not), is this the cast of characters that you would trust with your future and that of your family?

Keystone cops is the image that comes to my mind when I think about how these folks have operated over the last two years.

Getting some definitions out of the way …

What is the WEF? The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an independent international organization that is engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

The above description is what one finds on your basic search engine, once one removes the glowing adjectives.

Of course, it is much more than this and their motives are anything but pure. But more about that in another Substack.

What is the The Great Reset? On face value, it is the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, held in June 2020. The event brought together high-profile business and political leaders, convened by Charles, Prince of Wales and the WEF, with the theme of rebuilding society and the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The above description is again what one finds on your basic search engine and again, the motives are less than pure. Of course, most of us would argue that there is much more to it than this.

An alternative point of view (not found “above the fold” on most search engines) would go something like this:

The Great Reset: Capitalism with Chinese characteristics:

”A two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below

World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed. Technocracy News and Trends, by JACOB NORDANGÅRD VIA PHAROS February 7, 2022.
In 1992, Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program was turned into the Forum for Young Global Leaders (which I cover in my book The Global Coup D’Etat) – a 5-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles and goals. The aim was – and is – to find suitable future leaders for the emerging global society. The program has since its inception has included politicians, business leaders, royalty, journalists, performers and other cultural influencers who have excelled in their fields but have not yet turned 40 years of age (originally 43 in order to include Angela Merkel). It has since grown into an extensive global network of dedicated leaders with enormous resources and influence, all working to implement the technocratic plans of the World Economic Forum in their respective nations and fields.
The purpose from the beginning has been to “identify and advance a future-oriented global agenda, focusing on issues at the intersection of the public and private sectors.” Public–Private Partnerships is one of the cornerstones of the World Economic Forum philosophy. That is, a merger between state and large companies (also known as corporativism) with the aim of solving global problems of in a more “effective” way. The choice of leaders clearly reflects this aspiration…
The ultimate consequence of both public–private partnerships and these target areas is the creation of a largely fascist social contract in which the individual has become subordinated to these powerful interests. Noble goals of creating a better world have also been kidnapped. This is especially evident in the context of the partnership between the WEF and the UN and the implementation of the global goals (Agenda 2030) through the application of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This means that the democratic principles and division of power of the 20th century have largely been completely undermined and instead replaced by a new global class that shapes our common future based on their own interests. This has led to a de facto privatization of both national governments and international organizations, where lobbyists are no longer kept in the lobby but have moved into the seat of power, shaping policies directly affecting our lives. What this means has become particularly evident since the pandemic was declared in March 2020. In addition, leading multinational investment management corporations such as BlackRock, led by the World Economic Forum’s own Larry Fink, have constantly moved their positions forward.
German economist and journalist Ernst Wolff believes that many of the national leaders included in the Young Global Leader program have been selected for their willingness to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns in recent years without asking any questions, and that their impending failure (as evidenced by in a growing dissatisfaction of the masses) will be used as an excuse to create a new form of Global Government where the old nation states become largely obsolete
I consider this article just the beginning of a long line of articles that will expose the WEF as a corrupt, power and money hungry organization that is gobbling up and corrupting world leadership. It is us, the common people, who need to stand up and get in the way. In terms of American politics, of those of virtually any western state, the key question you must ask yourself now is which party (if any) is not beholden or owned by the party of Davos. Because when you start to track who the WEF-trained apparatchik actually are, what you find is that most or all of the western democracies have been infiltrated at the highest levels by WEF-trained and owned “Young Global Leaders”. These people are not there to serve your government or constitution, there are there to serve the goals and objectives of the WEF.

Again, please read the long quote above from the article: World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed -

The WEF agenda is set and driven by Mr. Klaus Schwab. Per the WEF website, Professor Schwab is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

Public-private cooperation is basically a euphemism for the joining of the power of the state with corporate power. The statement
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
has been attributed to Benito Mussolini, and whether or not the attribution is correct, there is merit to the logic, in my opinion.

Just to document that the WEF leadership is literally infiltrating WEF alumni all over the world to do the work of their agenda. Listen to him speak on this in this video clip:
“I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…” (Klaus Schwab)
Their leaders may be one of 1600 who graduated from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School. Schwab was mentored by Henry Kissinger. Famous grads: Bill Gates (Microsoft), Rockefeller Foundation CEO Rajiv Shah, Angela Merkel, Rhodes Scholars Tony Blair (Knight Noble Order of the Garter) and Pete Buttigieg, Nicolas Sarkozy, Emanuel Macron, Viktor Orban (Hungarian PM), Sebastian Kurz (Austrian Chancellor), Jeff “Burning Man” Bezos (Amazon), Jack Ma (Alibaba; CCP Alipay), Richard Branson (Virgin), Peter Thiel (PayPal, Palantir), Leonardo DiCaprio, Anderson Cooper, Bono, Steffi Graf, Tony Hawk, Meghan Rapino, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Sergei Brin and Larry Page (Google), Elon Musk (Tesla, Space X, StarLink), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Ashton Kucher, Charlize Theron, Maria Bartiromo (Money Honey), Jacinda (Jason) Ardern, Kirill Dmitriev (Russian Direct Investment Funding of Gamaleya Sputnik V) Gavin Newsome, Chelsea Clinton, Bobby Jindal (Hurricane Katrina), Tulsi Gabbard.
Mentors: Christine Lagarde, Edomite Queen Rania of Jordan, BlackRock Group CEO Larry Fink, Carlyle Group David Rubenstein, Al Gore, Bain & Company’s Orit Gadeish (took over from Mitt Romney), Turkish Sultan for life Reccip Tayyip Erdogan.
Purpose: “Shape the Future” by collapsing global economies and “Building Back Better” to effect the “Great Reset” through GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act)
<note that some records indicate that the number is more like 4,500 Klaus Schwab program graduates- rather than 1,600 listed for just theYoung Global Leaders School >

On a completely different topic, please consider reading:

A shout out to my friends- Dr.s Brian Tyson and George Fareed. Their excellent book: Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients has continued to spread the word that there is multi-drug, multi-stage treatments for COVID-19 that have saved countless lives. That these treatments have been suppressed by the US government for reasons unknown.

Dr.s Brian Tyson and George Fareed have saved thousands of lives, as has have other physicians in the USA who are not afraid to buck the US government, licensing boards, pharmacists, insurance companies and hospitalists. They have done so, with threat of losing their livelihoods. They have done so because they are true warriors and believe that saving lives is more important than their own careers.

Dr.s George Fareed and Brian Tyson in Imperial County, CA “have seen more than 7,000 patients and had only three deaths. A statistical analysis of part of their results by the statistician Mathew Crawford, included in their book, counts only seven hospitalizations and three deaths among 4,376 patients seen up through March 13, 2021—a reduction in hospitalization risk of well over 90 percent from the county average, even after (admittedly imperfect) statistical adjustments for differences in age between Fareed and Tyson’s patients and the general population.”
Senator Ron Johnson, Wisconsin writes about the book:
How many more people would be alive today had the medical establishment followed the example of Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed instead of heeding arrogant bureaucrats who recommended no treatment for COVID-19 until it was often too late?
This is the story of is an amazing journey of how two physicians defied the odds to save thousands. Give this book to family and friends who just can’t believe that there could possibly have been a better solution early in the pandemic. Good chance it will open their eyes to an alternative vision for how our government could have handled and ended this pandemic ended years ago. I am sure this book will save lives, even now.

Finally, I end with my speech to the Ottawa Freedom Rally on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
Which I guess can now be used by Justin Trudeau to justify seizing my bank account, assuming that Brandon will cooperate. All I can say at this point is that my bank account seems to be chanting “Lets Go”.

Fortunately, we now have a divided government once again here in the USA. Assuming that the GOP is not also compromised by WEF young leader program trainees.

Something going on here? Time will tell.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart

Just what may I ask is that creature? This one is begging for a Bumblepuff job.

MAJOR FUGLY!!! There is ABSOLUTELY no way I'd ever sit through a class like that. I've sewed up and seen the insides of every friggen race on this planet....they all BLEED RED, they ALL LOOK THE SAME BENEATH THAT LAYER OF SKIN and ANYONE can be an ARSEHOLE and BIGOT!

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

World Economic Forum 'Insane Pro-CRT Propaganda' Video Draws Sharp Rebuke

SATURDAY, FEB 12, 2022 - 06:30 PM

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has come under fire for a video which initially appears as a neutral explainer on Critical Race Theory (CRT), only to quickly shift into a full-throated endorsement of the ideology.

CRT charges an entire demographic with a collective crime, uses the charge as grounds for framing individuals within that demographic of perpetrators of that crime, and then seeks to strip condemned individuals of rights, dignity, and equal protection based on that charge (h/t).

The WEF video defines CRT as a theory "first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s" which "argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a driving force behind racial inequality today," according to Breitbart.

As an example of the supposed racism embedded in every fiber of America's institutions, the WEF points to the high number of incarcerated black males throughout the country.

"Take the US criminal justice system, for example," it says. "While everyone is seen as equal under the law, Black Americans are imprisoned at 5 times the rate of white people."

"CRT says this disparity is a legacy of America’s racist past," but that opponents say it "paints all white people as bigots."

The video then positions CRT awareness as an honorable pursuit. Watch what opponent Chris Rufo described as an "Insane pro-CRT propaganda video."

1:46 min

Others condemned the WEF as well (via Breitbart):

Soros hates the White race.