BRKG Large explosion in downtown Nashville


TB Fanatic
Those are holes blown into the sidewalk or possibly access plates for something under the sidewalk The bomb went off right on top of them right next to the building

I know this from a previous explosion that rocked Nashville years ago. If I remember correctly the explosion happened or came from an underground electric problem could be the axcess plates for that. I cannot remember the business it happened in front of but I remember a couple inside a restaurant were injured pretty severely. Thinking hard rock or something comes to mind.

day late

money? whats that?
I'm afraid that since this was clearly to get someone's attention, there are phone calls being made and demands placed that we will never hear about or at least not until it's over. If it's for real the authorities are scrambling right now. If an FF I fear things will get a lot worse in a short period of time. This would be the first time tptb will have the chance to bring up the boil to find out just how much they can get away with how soon.
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Senior Member
Just read on another forum that the building is the “server farm”/ data center for at least metro Nashville.

Also someone pointed out that the perps where just trying to bring attention to the building. Also said it worked, the building is full of LEO’s.....

Remember that 2020 is getting ready to turn 2021....
Which means it can drink...


Res ipsa loquitur
The Nashville mayor is a well known twit. And if you want to change the vowel to an a, he’s that too.

gonna say something here that I probably shouldn't - but I've reached the point in it all that I seriously do NOT give a tinkers damn anylonger . . .

in the recent past there have been MANY comments made to the effect where one wouldn't be able to ID "who's my enemy" . . .

who's your enemy? You know DAMN WELL who your enemy is. You saw their pictures on TeeVee the afternoon they stood in the doorway in MI and prevented entry to the peoples state house. you know who the DA's are that refuses to prosecute the BLM scum and the ANTFA thugs or the Judge that refuses to hold them and lets them free without bail. the cop(s) who stand by and fail to arrest the people stabbing TRUMP supporters on the mall in DC. The Mayor with the “do as I say and not as I do attitude” - as your business fails, your livelihood dies a slow death and your family starves in the plan-demic. the neighborhood snitch who called to report that you had the unmitigated GALL to have you mother and father over for Christmas dinner, the town council members who always vote against the will of the people and for the commie line. in this very thread there is a post describing a mosque that was built against the will of the people by subterfuge and deceit.


GUARANTEED you - and everyone around you – KNOW WHO your enemies are – its simple COMMON SENSE and reasoning. you know where they live, eat, work and play. Remember those militia assklowns who planned to storm the wretched gretched's show in MI? Those stupid POS aren't the guys they worry about. They worry about the loner or the 2 man team – a shooter and a spotter.

This was NEVER going to be a "top down thing" – it will start at the bottom and proceed UPWARD. Small at first then gathering speed and inertia. Very likely you won't hear about “them” on National TV because they know what a grass fire does in a windstorm - and - should that sort of effort ever kick off "windstorm" would be an INCREDIBLY POOR description. something akin to calling a CAT 5 hurricane a "gentle spring breeze"

makes one wonder about the current events here . . . obviously scripted and an obviously controlled release of information there after.

just the musings of an old redneck on the side of a mountain wondering aloud. as always - YMMV


what time did this happen?
this is a downtown location right?

Parking an RV on a city street would usually be a trick in and of itself let alone parking it in front of or above a specifically desired location, unless it was way after hours perhaps.

Prominence to the ATT building and advance recorded warnings would I think rule out the crazy terrorists sorts.


Veteran Member
My gut tells me this was good guys hitting back at the bad. First shots of a Revolution. The dem/commies have been pushing now starts the push back.
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Fringe Ranger
I'd bet, it was a lone wolf. Maybe a ex, employee with a grudge.

Not leaving out the possibility, it was a group targeting a data center. But, my money is on a lone wolf...

Me too. Just a guess, when they find him he will already be dead by suicide.


Senior Member
what time did this happen?
this is a downtown location right?

Parking an RV on a city street would usually be a trick in and of itself let alone parking it in front of or above a specifically desired location, unless it was way after hours perhaps.

Prominence to the ATT building and advance recorded warnings would I think rule out the crazy terrorists sorts.
Not only was it parked on the street It looks like according to the blast radius it was parked on the sidewalk right next to the building and again it looks like a shaped charge blowing down and into the building


Res ipsa loquitur
My gut tells me this was good guys hitting back at the bad. First shots of a Revolution. The dem/commies have been pushing now starts the push back.

truth told - I PRAY that you are correct but I don't think that level of testicular fortitude exists in ameriKKa any longer unless it is found among those of us in the over 60 crowd.

may I be proven wrong BILLIONS of times . . .


Veteran Member
AT&T has many data centers everywhere. They recently sold a bunch to Evoque but still maintain plenty. The one AT&T data center I frequently used was sold to this new company but nothing much changed. They are still a security hardend power redundant facility who house many different private companies besides their own stuff.
Will be interesting to see who has any operations housed there.


Veteran Member

PER AR15 FORUM Originally Posted By Loki41872:
Our internet service is AT&T. It just went out. Phone was on wifi and stopped responding. Got on network and it's fine. Home Network test shows no internet connection. AT&T WiFi in N Alabama is working but cell is down. Just checked down in all N Alabama and appears a lot of Atlanta and surrounding areas


Veteran Member
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this seems a tad above the paygrade of "gin soaked, over educated white college girls kicking their bootheels up down on Broadway". This is a major communications hub and if the tv stations are down, plus 911 and phone service, if you have any kith or kin within those city limits, either domiciled or celebrating Christmas week, its time to pack up and check out of the hotel if you can contact them.