Solar Grand Solar Minimum part deux


Has No Life - Lives on TB


Veteran Member

11 Scientific Predictions for the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum (spoiler: wrap up, it’s getting cold)
August 13, 2022 Cap Allon
[This article was originally published on on Sept 18, 2020]

There is ever-mounting evidence warning the next epoch will be one of sharp terrestrial cooling due to a relative flat-lining of solar output.
The exact time-frame and depth of this next chill of solar minimum is still anyone’s guess, and the parameters involved (i.e., galactic cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity, solar wind flux etc.) remain poorly understood.
However, there are some great minds on the job, and below I’ve collated 11 best-guesses based on published scientific papers from respected researchers in the field. The list begins with eminent Russian astrophysicist K. Abdussamatov–though it is in no particular order.

Abdussamatov, 2016:
“The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 ± 1 in 2043 ± 11 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060 ± 11.
“The gradual weakening of the Gulf Stream leads to stronger cooling in the zone of its action in western Europe and the eastern parts of the United States and Canada. Quasi-bicentennial cyclic variations of TSI together with successive very important influences of the causal feedback effects are the main fundamental causes of corresponding alternations in climate variation from warming to the Little Ice Age.”

Abdussamatov, 2012:
Abdussamatov (2012)

Zharkova, 2020:

The Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.
“From 1645 to 1710, the temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth plunged when the Sun entered a quiet phase now called the Maunder Minimum. This likely occurred because the total solar irradiance was reduced by 0.22%. That led to a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature measured mainly in the Northern hemisphere in Europe by 1.0–1.5°C.
“The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres.
“This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.”

Sanchez-Sesma, 2016:
“This empirical modeling of solar recurrent patterns has also provided a consequent multi-millennial-scale experimental forecast, suggesting a solar decreasing trend toward grand (super) minimum conditions for the upcoming period, AD 2050–2250 (AD 3750–4450).
Solar activity (SA) has non-linear characteristics that influence multiple scales in solar processes (Vlahos and Georgoulis, 2004). These millennialscale patterns of reconstructed SA variability could justify epochs of low activity, such as the Maunder minimum, as well as epochs of enhanced activity, such as the current Modern Maximum, and the Medieval maximum in the 12th century.
We can conclude that the evidence provided is sufficient to justify a complete updating and reviewing of present climate models to better consider these detected natural recurrences and lags in solar processes.

Sánchez-Sesma, 2015:
These millennial-scale patterns of reconstructed solar activity variability could justify epochs of low activity, such as the Maunder Minimum, as well as epochs of enhanced activity, such as the current Modern Maximum, and the Medieval Maximum in the 12th century.
“Although the reason for these solar activity oscillations is unclear, it has been proposed that they are due to chaotic behavior of non-linear dynamo equations (Ruzmaikin, 1983), or stochastic instabilities forcing the solar dynamo, leading to on-off intermittency (Schmittet al., 1996), or planetary gravitational forcing with recurrent multi-decadal, multi-centennial and longer patterns (Fairbridge and Sanders, 1987; Fairbridge and Shirley,1987; Charvátová, 2000; Duhau and Jager, 2010; Perry and Hsu, 2000).
It should be noted that all proponents of planetary forcing have forecasted a solar Grand Minimum for the upcoming decades, but one of them has also forecasted a Super Minimum for the next centuries (Perry and Hsu, 2000).”

Mörner, 2015:

By about 2030-2040, the Sun will experience a new grand solar minimum.
“This is evident from multiple studies of quite different characteristics: the phasing of sunspot cycles, the cyclic observations of North Atlantic behaviour over the past millennium, the cyclic pattern of cosmogenic radionuclides in natural terrestrial archives, the motions of the Sun with respect to the centre of mass, the planetary spin-orbit coupling, the planetary conjunction history and the general planetary-solar-terrestrial interaction.
During the previous grand solar minima—i.e. the Sporer Minimum (ca 1440-1460), the Maunder Minimum (ca 1687-1703) and the Dalton Minimum (ca 1809-1821)—the climatic conditions deteriorated into Little Ice Age periods.”

Mörner, 2018:
“The concept of an anthropogenic global warming (AGW) driven by the increase in atmospheric CO2 is compared to the concept of a natural global warming (NGW) driven by solar variability. The application of the AGW concept only rests on models, whilst the NGW concept rests on multiple observational and evidence-based facts.
Several scientists (e.g. [Landscheidt, 2003] [Charvátová, 2009] [Mörner, 2010] [ Mörner, 2015] [Abdussamatov, 2016]) have shown that we, in fact, are approaching a New Grand Solar Minimum in about 2030-2050. In analogy with the documented climate conditions during the Spörer, Maunder and Dalton Minima, we may expect the return of a New Little Ice Age.”

Bianchini and Scafetta, 2018:
A simple harmonic model based on the 9.98, 10.9 and 11.86 year oscillations hindcast reasonably well the known prolonged periods of low solar activity during the last millennium such as the Oort, Wolf, Sporer, Maunder and Dalton minima.
“The harmonic model herein proposed reconstructs the prolonged solar minima that occurred during 1900-1920 and 1960-1980 and the secular solar maxima around 1870-1890, 1940-1950 and 1995-2005 and a secular upward trending during the 20th century: this modulated trending agrees well with some solar proxy model, with the ACRIM TSI satellite composite and with the global surface temperature modulation since 1850. The model forecasts a new prolonged grand solar minimum during 2020-2045.”

McCrann et al., 2018:
“The effect of the Sun’s activity on Earth’s climate has been identified since the 1800s.
“However, there are still many unknowns regarding the mechanisms connecting the Earth’s climate to the variation in solar irradiance. Climate modelling that implements the solar sciences is a novel approach that accounts for the considerable effect that natural factors have on the climate, especially at regional level.
“This paper discusses the noticeable effect that planet oscillations have on the Sun’s activity, which gives a very good correlation with the observed patterns in global surface temperatures, rainfall records and sea levels. In agreement with many studies that have identified a 60-year cycle in the variation of Earth’s temperature, it is expected that surface temperatures will reach a trough of the cycle around 2030-2040.
“Many studies have reported that lower than average European temperatures were recorded during periods of low solar activity [3]–[7]. Such periods of low solar activity are the Maunder minimum (1645-1715), Dalton minimum (1800-1820), 1900 minimum (1880-1900), and a slight decrease between 1940 and 1970.
“Current predictions on Solar activity show that we are in a low sunspot cycle, which is similar to that of the 1900 Minimum, and subsequent cycles are predicted to have even lower Solar activity, and therefore a drop in global temperatures is expected.”

Yndestad and Solheim, 2017:
“Deterministic models based on the stationary periods confirm the results through a close relation to known long solar minima since 1000 A.D. and suggest a modern MAXIMUM period from 1940 to 2015.
“The model computes a new Dalton-type sunspot MINIMUM from approximately 2025 to 2050 and a new Dalton-type period TSI minimum from approximately 2040 to 2065. Periods with few sunspots are associated with low solar activity and cold climate periods. Periods with many sunspots are associated with high solar activity and warm climate periods.”

Fleming, 2018:
The cause of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age climate changes was the solar magnetic field and cosmic ray connection. When the solar magnetic field is strong, it acts as a barrier to cosmic rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere, clouds decrease and the Earth warms.
“Conversely when the solar magnetic field is weak, there is no barrier to cosmic rays—they greatly increase large areas of low-level clouds, increasing the Earth’s albedo and the planet cools. The factors that affect these climate changes were reviewed in ‘Solar magnetic field/cosmic ray factors affecting climate change’ section.
The current Modern Warming will continue until the solar magnetic field decreases in strength.
“If one adds the 350-year cycle from the McCracken result to the center of the Maunder Minimum which was centered in 1680, one would have a Grand Minimum centered in the year 2030.”

This article is no way comprehensive: there are hundreds–more likely thousands–of additional scientific papers and conclusions that put solar activity as the sole driver of Earth’s climate and terrestrial temperature.
Although nowhere-near complete, the article still exposes the politicized notion that “the science is settled” to be false.
The science is never settled. Ever. Period.
And while the masses continue to be duped by a politicized narrative of fire and brimstone, the reality of our cosmological journey spins-on. The Sun, it would appear, is entering its next epoch; one of relative hibernation — the upshot should mirror every other Grand Solar Minimum of the past; that is to say, cooling, crop loss, and famine.
Sleepless nights over a trace atmospheric gas–necessary for life on Earth–will soon be regarded as sheer folly.


Veteran Member


Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Record-Breaking Chills In Ecuador; Southern Argentina Suffered Very Cold July; + Controlled Demolition In Full Swing​

August 15, 2022 Cap Allon

Record-Breaking Chills In Ecuador

Historically cold mornings were suffered in Ecuador over the weekend, particularly across the nation’s Highlands.
Harsh frosts were noted as the merucy dipped below the freezing point.
The town of Latacunga, for example, plunged to to -3.8C (25F) — a new record-low for the month of August, and a reading only 0.9C from the national monthly low (the -4.7C (23.5F) set in Pisayambo).
The below graphic comes courtesy of Inamhi:

Southern Argentina Suffered Very Cold July

Staying in South America, July 2022 in Southern Argentina was a very cold month with temperature anomalies finishing some -3C below the multidecadal norm, extending the historic chills felt in the Fall (Argentina’s coldest Autumn since 1976).
Conversely, it July was anomalously-warm in northern Argentina, with the warmth extending into into Paraguay and Southern Brazil, too. However, all that’s set to change this week as a fierce Antarctic outbreak readies to ascend as far north as Mexico.
This will prove a ‘swing between extremes‘ for the likes of Paraguay as the nation goes from 39C (102F) to frosts almost overnight.
Both scenarios–hot or cold–are bad news for crops. Grain markets were hoping that a bumper South America harvest could somewhat offset the poor yields expected out of North America and Europe–most notably the Ukraine, of course, ‘the breadbasket of Europe’. However, both Brazil and Argentina are down–the two largest growers in South America–with the former recently announcing a 8.9% decline in soybean exports during the first half of 2022.
Early expectations that Argentina could capitalize from the Black Sea debacle faded months ago as a combination of cold weather, inflation and political uncertainty thwarted–and continue to thwart–the country’s agriculture and export sector.
The 2022/23 winter wheat crop was planted under the lingering impact of a second consecutive La Nina (and amid early fears of an extremely rare third consecutive La Nina) with cold and dry conditions hampering planting progress.
Adding to the woes, high prices for key inputs such as fertilizers mean farmers are even more reliant on getting the right weather at the right times: Lower fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide application = lower yield.
“This year there are going to be less hectares planted with wheat and less use in fertilizers this season,” Jeremias Battistoni, Market Analyst from AZ Group, told Agricensus, which is a recipe for disaster–and the war on farmers is only just getting started…

Controlled Demolition In Full Swing

I’m going to keep saying it until I’m blue in the face, and keep typing it until my fingertips are red raw and blistered: This is a ‘controlled demolition’ of society — one that’s been in the planning for many many years.
‘They’–that is Central Banks and large corporations–have managed to dupe a not-insignificant proportion of the global population into thinking that something akin to a ‘Great Reset’ is required. Thanks to a multidecadal propagandizing campaign, pushed via their MSM lapdogs, the average person’s current way of life–that is, of abundance, at least from a historically perspective–is supposedly wrecking the climate and will ultimately see the complete annihilation of our home planet.
This is a ludicrous claim, of course, but it is one that they’ve bludgeoned folks repeatedly with and from a very young age.
They’ve managed to work a narrative whereby any heat, any drought, any flood, or any freeze (aka ‘polar vortex’) is undeniable proof of their climatic crisis. And the successfully propagandize believe it! They lose sleep over it, they draw up colorful placards to show their distress, and they sits themselves in front of highway traffic in order, and in essence, to prove their loyalty to the cause, to pledge their allegiance to the AGW Party.
But when you look, and I mean tear back the curtain and objectively look at the reality staring back, and honestly evaluate it, there is no other logical conclusion than to say this a giant scam played on the dutiful and compliant–the indoctrinated masses.
The goal?
Well, fear is a great controlling mechanism, of course; but more than that, you have the wealth transfer aspect. Climate Change, like COVID, has seen the bank accounts of the general population drained with the capital somehow making it into the hands of the rich. Somehow, even after the biggest money printing policy in the history of humanity, the average person is contending with the lowest living standards in living memory.
The money hasn’t disappeared, of course; rather, as explained above, it has been catapulted ‘up’, fired into the stratosphere and directly into the pocket-lining of the elites. These charlatans–the 1%–are actively pushing crippling economic policies on the average Joe, but then are playing by very a different set of rules in private (with private jets being Bill Gates’ “guilty pleasure”–recently admitted while promoting his book on how to prevent a climate catastrophe).
Canadian PM and WEF stooge Justin Trudeau, for example, increased Canada’s average yearly fossil fuel subsidies by $900 million. The FF sector has also benefited from federal aid of $10.7 billion per year under his government. This has been occurring behind the curtain, while on public show has been a man and government urging citizens to drastically reduce their ‘carbon footprint’–i.e. living standards–in order to save the world. But if a ‘climate emergency’ were indeed occurring–and thank God it isn’t–then Trudeau would complicit in it thanks to his government actively funding it.
In country after county it is the richest that continue to be least affected by climate–and indeed pandemic–policies while at the same time they also remain, by far, the largest emitters of its apparent cause: carbon (the building block of life).
According to an Oxfam report, the richest 1% of the global population have used twice as much carbon as the poorest 50% over the past 25 years. It is also true that the term ‘carbon footprint’ was devised by British Petroleum (BP) in nothing but a PR move.
In other words, they are laughing at us as they drive us ever-closer towards serfdom.
And briefly on the pandemic: The universally-identical response taken by each and every world leader–that is to say, lockdowns, additional money printing, and mandated vaccinations–will likely prove the final nail in democracy’s coffin.
Life will continue on as normal for the rich, life will actually continue to improve for the rich–if you judge such things by wealth and freedom–but we the people have been relegated to a ‘new normal’ which translated means ‘expect less’ and ‘lower your expectations’.
It is high time that the ‘not-insignificant proportion of the global population’–those who fell for the ‘climate crisis’ and who were duped into shooting an experimental gene therapy into their arms–step aside and allow those who are awake to fight this fight:


The #unvaccinated are now an army of critical thinking behemoths, powered by vindication. There are FAR more of us than they'll ever admit--billions, in fact. We are true 'enemies of the state'; the future of humanity: Now let us lead where the lily-livered stumbled. #Freedom
5:39 AM · Aug 14, 2022
Energy shortages are coming this winter, and hundreds of millions will suffer — all by design.

Former President Barack Obama knows this, of course, hence the recent installation of a 2,500-gallon propane tank on his family’s seafront property in Martha’s Vineyard. This slap in the face should awaken even the staunchest of climate alarmists, but, for whatever reason–likely Mass Formation–these fools still willfully ignore such blatant and telling hypocrisy.


Veteran Member


Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Sunspot ‘AR3078’ Grows, Posing X-Flare Risk; + China’s Yangtze River Hits Record Low Level, Threatening Crops And Famine​

August 16, 2022 Cap Allon

Sunspot ‘AR3078’ Grows, Posing X-Flare Risk

Growing sunspot ‘AR3078’ has developed a delta-class magnetic field, reports Aimee Norton, a senior research scientist at Stanford’s Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, who created this magnetic map of the sunspot using data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:

The map shows opposite polarities jostling together–an explosive mix that could trigger strong (even X-class) solar flares, explains Dr Tony Philips over at
Indeed, ‘AR3078’ is crackling with activity:

A series of M-class solar flares have already caused minor shortwave radio blackouts over the Atlantic Ocean and North America. Mariners, pilots and ham radio operators may have noticed unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 15 MHz, especially between the hours of 1500 UT and 1800 UT.
“I don’t know how long this will last,” says Norton.
Stay tuned for updates.

China’s Yangtze River Hits Record Low Level, Threatening Crops And Famine

While temperatures in Northeast China have held anomalously-cool this summer, it’s been a very different story for the country at large as a record-breaking heatwave has persisted–on and off–for going on nine weeks now.
HUNDREDS of temperature benchmarks have been slain, crops have failed, and now: China’s Yangtze River–one of the longest rivers in the world–has become the latest major maritime artery to report navigational problems after a fierce drought has set in during what is traditionally the flood season.
Low solar activity and the ‘meridional’ jet stream flow it causes are throwing farmers, globally, for a loop this year — and it’s no different in China. Water levels on the Yangtze have now hit their lowest level on record, while further heatwaves are forecast over the next week-or-so, according to a report from the National Meteorological Center on Monday.
The heat has been truly historic, but relief is on the way.
A stark cool down is on the cards, according to the latest GFS run, as the ongoing mass of historically COLD air currently infecting Northern Asia and Pakistan/India threatens to shift south and east, respectively:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 16 – Aug 30 [].

Northern Asia’s summer chills have been just as anomalous as the punishing heat further south, chills that actually look set to intensify as the month of August progresses with eastern Kazakhstan, Siberia and Russia’s Far East all on course to be impacted.
In fact, the majority of Asia will hold anomalously-cold over the coming weeks–a rare setup–just as Eastern Europe (to the West) sees its heat cranked up. This will likely be Europe’s final burst of summer heat (heat that will hinder the continent’s desperate energy rationing as people crank up their A/C and fans) before one of the harshest winters since the late-70s barrels in (my prediction).
Unusual heat in one place means unusual cold in another. That’s just the way it works as our planet seeks climatic equilibrium.
However, when our heat source–the Sun–suffers an extended spell of reduced output, as it has since around 2008 and continues to have, then Earth’s average temperature drops (after a multi-year lag due to factors such as ocean-inertia). This is neither surprising nor hard to work your head around, yet in these days of AGW Party dogma, nothing but carbon dioxide emissions are permitted to have any impact on the weather.
Despite the “apocalyptic” warmth in Europe and the “crippling” heat in parts of China, Earth’s overall average temperature has been sliding. According to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, the planet has been holding only 0.1C and 0.2C above the 1979-2000 base over the past few weeks now:

Moreover, Earth’s average monthly temperature, as gathered by the 15x NOAA/NASA satellites aboard the ISS, shows unmistakable cooling since 2016:

Earth’s Temperature Saw A Sharp Drop In June, As Did Solar Activity

According to the 15x NASA/NOAA AMSU satellites that measure every square inch of the lower troposphere, planet Earth was actually warmer back in the late-1980s.

Pockets of intense heat are fine to report on, of course, just so long as they are put into context. Unfortunately though, the mainstream corporate media disregard the cold, as if it’s not even occurring, which gives their trusting viewers and readers a very skewed impression of the state of Earth’s climate.
Selectively reporting on heatwaves and droughts serves nothing but the AGW agenda. It doesn’t help the folks in Southern Argentina who are currently battling historic snowstorms; it doesn’t help Australian’s who are suffering one of their coldest winters on record, with impressive alpine snow cover to match; it doesn’t help those in Northern Asia that have been enduring persistent summer chills (as highlighted above); and neither is it inclusive of the record-breaking two years of anomalously-cold temperatures across Antarctica; or the impressive ice gains currently impacting Greenland:

The ruse is clear.
And many people are finally catching on.

Grand Solar Minimum 101: The Future Looks Cold

The Sun is at its weakest state in more than a century, and the impacts on Earth’s weather/climate are unfolding before our eyes, whether we know it or not…

The Yangtze River winds its way through some of China’s most productive regions, where a lack of rain is continuing to threaten crop development as we approach the key autumn harvest period. The Yangtze basin is one of the major grain-producing regions in China, contributing nearly half of the country’s crop output, including over two-thirds of the total volume of rice.
Temperatures in areas across four or more provincial-level regions along the river have hit 40C (104F) of late, the National Meteorological Observatory said, triggering the first national temperature red alert of the year–issued last week.
According to the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), with the extremely high temperature and low precipitation, the water level of Yangtze mainstream and lakes in its flood basin is 4.7 to 5.7m (15ft to 19ft) lower than the average level for the time of year.
In a drought report published by the MWR on August 11, the total acreage affected by the drought in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing and Sichuan Provinces totaled 9.67 million mu (644,667 hectares). The area of crops affected in Hefei, for example, in Anhui province, amounted to 329,800 mu (21,987 hectares), according to Anhui Daily, and as reported by
China’s drought is simply another nail in modern civilization’s coffin. People don’t realize how real of a threat a global famine has become. They trust that our technological advancements have rendered food shortages impossible: “How can I be clicking about on my phone, engrossed in an IG dopamine hit, and there not be food in my belly?” But I fear that the falsely-comforting midnight glow emitted by ‘screens’ will outlive many a naive citizen; I fear that the Kardashians will be staring back at folks as they waste away in their beds, as they their last ounce of musterable strength to ‘swipe left’.
Anhui, as mentioned above, was one of the worst affected provinces during the famine of 1958-1962–a period not that long ago, not at all–when 18% of the region’s population starved to death.
The Great Chinese Famine, as it’s known, saw as many as 55 million people perish. It is regarded as one of the deadliest famines in human history. It’s cause? Major political interference; the over-reporting of grain production; and drought/flooding.
During the Seven Thousand Cadres Conference in early 1962, Liu Shaoqi, then President of China, formally attributed 30% of the famine to natural disasters and 70% to man-made errors.
History has taught me to never underestimate the compound effect of stupidity and arrogance, which, when mixed with a natural disaster or two, will inevitably lead to immense suffering–but never by those who initiated the catastrophe.
To deal with this year’s drought threat, China has issued a level VI emergency response for prevention in the six most severely affected provinces, and is preparing to reserve waters in 51 major reservoirs, including the Three Gorges.
At the same time, many cities are turning to artificial rainfall and precipitation enhancement, as some cloud-seeding aircrafts have been prepared in Hubei Province and are planning to start a three-month artificial rain seeding operation on Monday.
What could possible go wrong…?
China is in a bad place right now.
The country’s economy is in free-fall, due in no small part to a nationwide housing collapse (Evergrande being just the tip of the iceberg). China’s default, when it inevitably hits, will undoubtedly spread beyond its borders — contagion will hit every market dumb enough to invest in China in the first place (so every market) and may actually be the final straw that breaks the camels back (early 2023?).
It could lead to that ‘mother of all crashes’ that the elites are hellbent on ushering in, lead by creaking supply chains and failing crops, among other factors. We’re entering a dark future of energy and food rationing, and it’s all entirely self-inflicted:
Before you can have a Great Reset you first need a Great Depression.
Be sure to be in a position to resist their digital IDs and CBDCs when they’re dangled in front of you–which will only occur during the deepest depths of this economic crisis. This means stocking up now on food and energy, and also learning to produce your own–of both.
Autumn is next month.
Time is short.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord


Articles Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Sunspot ‘AR3078’ Grows, Posing X-Flare Risk; + China’s Yangtze River Hits Record Low Level, Threatening Crops And Famine​

August 16, 2022 Cap Allon

Sunspot ‘AR3078’ Grows, Posing X-Flare Risk

Growing sunspot ‘AR3078’ has developed a delta-class magnetic field, reports Aimee Norton, a senior research scientist at Stanford’s Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, who created this magnetic map of the sunspot using data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:

The map shows opposite polarities jostling together–an explosive mix that could trigger strong (even X-class) solar flares, explains Dr Tony Philips over at
Indeed, ‘AR3078’ is crackling with activity:

A series of M-class solar flares have already caused minor shortwave radio blackouts over the Atlantic Ocean and North America. Mariners, pilots and ham radio operators may have noticed unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 15 MHz, especially between the hours of 1500 UT and 1800 UT.
“I don’t know how long this will last,” says Norton.
Stay tuned for updates.

China’s Yangtze River Hits Record Low Level, Threatening Crops And Famine

While temperatures in Northeast China have held anomalously-cool this summer, it’s been a very different story for the country at large as a record-breaking heatwave has persisted–on and off–for going on nine weeks now.
HUNDREDS of temperature benchmarks have been slain, crops have failed, and now: China’s Yangtze River–one of the longest rivers in the world–has become the latest major maritime artery to report navigational problems after a fierce drought has set in during what is traditionally the flood season.
Low solar activity and the ‘meridional’ jet stream flow it causes are throwing farmers, globally, for a loop this year — and it’s no different in China. Water levels on the Yangtze have now hit their lowest level on record, while further heatwaves are forecast over the next week-or-so, according to a report from the National Meteorological Center on Monday.
The heat has been truly historic, but relief is on the way.
A stark cool down is on the cards, according to the latest GFS run, as the ongoing mass of historically COLD air currently infecting Northern Asia and Pakistan/India threatens to shift south and east, respectively:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 16 – Aug 30 [].

Northern Asia’s summer chills have been just as anomalous as the punishing heat further south, chills that actually look set to intensify as the month of August progresses with eastern Kazakhstan, Siberia and Russia’s Far East all on course to be impacted.
In fact, the majority of Asia will hold anomalously-cold over the coming weeks–a rare setup–just as Eastern Europe (to the West) sees its heat cranked up. This will likely be Europe’s final burst of summer heat (heat that will hinder the continent’s desperate energy rationing as people crank up their A/C and fans) before one of the harshest winters since the late-70s barrels in (my prediction).
Unusual heat in one place means unusual cold in another. That’s just the way it works as our planet seeks climatic equilibrium.
However, when our heat source–the Sun–suffers an extended spell of reduced output, as it has since around 2008 and continues to have, then Earth’s average temperature drops (after a multi-year lag due to factors such as ocean-inertia). This is neither surprising nor hard to work your head around, yet in these days of AGW Party dogma, nothing but carbon dioxide emissions are permitted to have any impact on the weather.
Despite the “apocalyptic” warmth in Europe and the “crippling” heat in parts of China, Earth’s overall average temperature has been sliding. According to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, the planet has been holding only 0.1C and 0.2C above the 1979-2000 base over the past few weeks now:

Moreover, Earth’s average monthly temperature, as gathered by the 15x NOAA/NASA satellites aboard the ISS, shows unmistakable cooling since 2016:

Earth’s Temperature Saw A Sharp Drop In June, As Did Solar Activity

According to the 15x NASA/NOAA AMSU satellites that measure every square inch of the lower troposphere, planet Earth was actually warmer back in the late-1980s.

Pockets of intense heat are fine to report on, of course, just so long as they are put into context. Unfortunately though, the mainstream corporate media disregard the cold, as if it’s not even occurring, which gives their trusting viewers and readers a very skewed impression of the state of Earth’s climate.
Selectively reporting on heatwaves and droughts serves nothing but the AGW agenda. It doesn’t help the folks in Southern Argentina who are currently battling historic snowstorms; it doesn’t help Australian’s who are suffering one of their coldest winters on record, with impressive alpine snow cover to match; it doesn’t help those in Northern Asia that have been enduring persistent summer chills (as highlighted above); and neither is it inclusive of the record-breaking two years of anomalously-cold temperatures across Antarctica; or the impressive ice gains currently impacting Greenland:

The ruse is clear.
And many people are finally catching on.

Grand Solar Minimum 101: The Future Looks Cold

The Sun is at its weakest state in more than a century, and the impacts on Earth’s weather/climate are unfolding before our eyes, whether we know it or not…

The Yangtze River winds its way through some of China’s most productive regions, where a lack of rain is continuing to threaten crop development as we approach the key autumn harvest period. The Yangtze basin is one of the major grain-producing regions in China, contributing nearly half of the country’s crop output, including over two-thirds of the total volume of rice.
Temperatures in areas across four or more provincial-level regions along the river have hit 40C (104F) of late, the National Meteorological Observatory said, triggering the first national temperature red alert of the year–issued last week.
According to the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), with the extremely high temperature and low precipitation, the water level of Yangtze mainstream and lakes in its flood basin is 4.7 to 5.7m (15ft to 19ft) lower than the average level for the time of year.
In a drought report published by the MWR on August 11, the total acreage affected by the drought in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing and Sichuan Provinces totaled 9.67 million mu (644,667 hectares). The area of crops affected in Hefei, for example, in Anhui province, amounted to 329,800 mu (21,987 hectares), according to Anhui Daily, and as reported by
China’s drought is simply another nail in modern civilization’s coffin. People don’t realize how real of a threat a global famine has become. They trust that our technological advancements have rendered food shortages impossible: “How can I be clicking about on my phone, engrossed in an IG dopamine hit, and there not be food in my belly?” But I fear that the falsely-comforting midnight glow emitted by ‘screens’ will outlive many a naive citizen; I fear that the Kardashians will be staring back at folks as they waste away in their beds, as they their last ounce of musterable strength to ‘swipe left’.
Anhui, as mentioned above, was one of the worst affected provinces during the famine of 1958-1962–a period not that long ago, not at all–when 18% of the region’s population starved to death.
The Great Chinese Famine, as it’s known, saw as many as 55 million people perish. It is regarded as one of the deadliest famines in human history. It’s cause? Major political interference; the over-reporting of grain production; and drought/flooding.
During the Seven Thousand Cadres Conference in early 1962, Liu Shaoqi, then President of China, formally attributed 30% of the famine to natural disasters and 70% to man-made errors.
History has taught me to never underestimate the compound effect of stupidity and arrogance, which, when mixed with a natural disaster or two, will inevitably lead to immense suffering–but never by those who initiated the catastrophe.
To deal with this year’s drought threat, China has issued a level VI emergency response for prevention in the six most severely affected provinces, and is preparing to reserve waters in 51 major reservoirs, including the Three Gorges.
At the same time, many cities are turning to artificial rainfall and precipitation enhancement, as some cloud-seeding aircrafts have been prepared in Hubei Province and are planning to start a three-month artificial rain seeding operation on Monday.
What could possible go wrong…?
China is in a bad place right now.
The country’s economy is in free-fall, due in no small part to a nationwide housing collapse (Evergrande being just the tip of the iceberg). China’s default, when it inevitably hits, will undoubtedly spread beyond its borders — contagion will hit every market dumb enough to invest in China in the first place (so every market) and may actually be the final straw that breaks the camels back (early 2023?).
It could lead to that ‘mother of all crashes’ that the elites are hellbent on ushering in, lead by creaking supply chains and failing crops, among other factors. We’re entering a dark future of energy and food rationing, and it’s all entirely self-inflicted:
Before you can have a Great Reset you first need a Great Depression.
Be sure to be in a position to resist their digital IDs and CBDCs when they’re dangled in front of you–which will only occur during the deepest depths of this economic crisis. This means stocking up now on food and energy, and also learning to produce your own–of both.
Autumn is next month.
Time is short.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Market crash you say?
look up about the end of the 7 year Shemita and its last day Elul 29, and the history of that day at the end of every Shemita and market crashes...

eerie how so many black swans appear to be lining up for a simultaneous landing....


Veteran Member



Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Ukraine Expecting Poor Quality Wheat; Chitin In Insects; + “Cannibal” Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Inbound: ETA Tomorrow​

August 17, 2022 Cap Allon

Ukraine Expecting Poor Quality Wheat

The Ukraine–the breadbasket of Europe–is forecast to have lower quality wheat in the recently-commenced 2022/23 marketing year, due, mainly, to the impact of cold weather earlier in the season.
Ukrainian farmers have now harvested 82% of the planned area of wheat, with 15.5 million mt in the bins; however, trade sources have warned that the overall quality will be far lower than normal, with a large share of feed wheat.
“I know that the quality is bad, but I have not seen any ratings yet; I think more than 50% is rated as feed. We also used to have high protein wheat in the south and the east, in the steppe, while in central and western parts it was lower. And this year its unlikely that some additional fertilizers were added for the quality,” one analyst pointed out.
A second analyst told “I expect poor quality this season — 60/40 or 55/45 share in favor of feed wheat. There were heavy rains before the harvest and less fertilizer was applied. Usually we have more food, but not this time.”
With regards to pricing, the gap between 12.5% and 11.5% protein wheat has soared to $20/mt, with and the gap between 11.5% and feed wheat has increased to at least $10/mt — an indication that quality wheat is harder to come by.
By comparison, last year the gap between 11.5% and feed wheat was $5-7/mt.
Neighboring Russia has faced similarly dire quality issues this year, and although a record crop is expected in terms of volume–at around 90 million mt–the quality so far has been much lower than the norm, according to market analysts.
And likewise, the spread between Russian protein grades has also has increased to $20/mt.
Across the world’s top producers, crops are fairing very poorly. And whatever the cause–natural inclement weather of manmade input shortages–the writing is on the wall going into the final quarter of 2022 and into 2023: The threat of a global famine is very real.

Chitin In Insects

While on the topic of ‘what the hell are people going to eat in the coming months and years’, I’ve been made aware that insects–the ‘new’ food source our betters demand we switch to in the name of saving the planet–contain a chemical called “chitin”, which, according to some sources, is a compound capable of causing serious damage to humans: cancers etc.
In insects, chitin functions as scaffold-like material, supporting the cuticles of the epidermis and trachea as well as the peritrophic matrices lining the gut epithelium. It is important to the insects, of course, hence its existence.
By some accounts, though, the chemical compound is bad news for any human ‘curious’ enough to ingest it — it is a building block for fungus and cancer, and it can not be cooked out.
Unsurprisingly, the ‘official Party line’ states that chitin is perfectly safe (and effective!). This is what the EPA has to say: “Given its lack of toxicity, chitin is not expected to harm people, pets, wildlife, or the environment…” Not expected…?
Also in support, the use of edible insects has a long history in China, where they have been consumed for more than 2000 years.
For me, the jury is still out… thoughts?

“Cannibal” Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Inbound

NOAA forecasters say the cumulative effect of a series of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) will result in a strong G3-class geomagnetic storms between Aug 18 – Aug 19. The discharges have stacked-up on one another, or “cannibalized”.
During G3-storms naked-eye auroras can descend into the USA as far south as geomagnetic latitude 50 degrees — that’s Illinois and Oregon, possibly even lower.
Perturbations to the power grid are also possible, particularly given Earth’s ever-waning magnetic field strength.

Active sunspot ‘AR3078’ has been flaring almost constantly since it developed its delta-class magnetic field:

AR3078 has been flaring consistently.

The strongest flare so far, an M5 on Aug 16, produced a shortwave radio blackout over the Indian Ocean:

The remaining two CMEs associated with this recent flaring are predicted to combine and impact Earth’s magnetic field during the late hours of Aug 18, accordung to NOAA’s latest modelling (shown below).
The combo consists of Aug 14’s dark plasma eruption and Aug 15’s exploding magnetic filament.

Cannibal CMEs contain tangled magnetic fields and compressed plasmas that can spark strong geomagnetic storms.
NOAA forecasters recently upgraded their geomagnetic storm watch from category G2 (moderate) to category G3 (strong).
This will likely mean KP Index readings of 6, possibly even 7 on Thursday into Friday, and will bring the familiar health risks associated with such activity: top of the list being heart rate fluctuations and full blown heart attacks/strokes (prayers for the jabbed):

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).


Veteran Member
Now do you believe tptb are really building and stocking their underground bunkers?

They are destroying earth people!

They have released the 4 horsemen on purpose as referenced in the book of Revelation. My whole life I pondered how it would happen, shocked to watch satans human's are the culprit; we have been chosen for this time and have a front row seat!


Veteran Member


Extreme Weather

4-Feet Of Snow Buries Argentinian Ski Resorts; Storms Ease Western Europe’s Drought, As A “Cold, Dark Winter” Looms​

August 18, 2022 Cap Allon

4-Feet Of Snow Buries Argentinian Ski Resorts

It’s been snowing heavily all week ACROSS Southern Argentina. At Cerro Catedral, for example–a mountain near San Carlos de Bariloche–fierce conditions have been reported with flakes measuring an inch in diameter, according to
The mountain has been closed for much of the week due to the inclement conditions and avalanche danger.
As much as 4 feet of snow had already settled by Tuesday morning with the powder continuing to accumulate through Wednesday, forecast to persist throughout the remainder of the week.
It’s even been snowing in the town situated at the foot the mountain, “to the tune of half a foot during past 2-days alone,” which, continues the report, “is a rarity here”.
Local media picked up on the story:

Near the top of the Sextuple [Snowbrains].

As well as Bariloche, the regions of Chubut, Malarga, Mendoza, and Neuquén have also been hit.


Scenes at Caviahue, Neuquén Province.

Below is a look at Esquel, Chubut: conditions coming to a town near you this Northern Hemisphere winter.


SubscribeYOUTUBE: Argentina has a real winter with snow and blizzards: To La Jolla, Esquel, Chubut - the ski center did not open to visitors due to a heavy snowstorm. Also snow problems in Bariloche and in Malarga, Mendoza. #snow #snowfall #snowstorm


4:39 AM · Aug 15, 2022
Storms Ease Western Europe’s Drought
Europe’s “forever-drought” has eased after Western nations–notably France and the UK–have been deluged this week.

Warnings remain in place across many parts of Western Europe as violent thunderstorms and flooding continue to impact many regions, including Southern France where an “orange” alert has been issued in five Mediterranean departments.

Northern France has seen its share of torrential outbursts, too, with Parisians enduring intense storms Tuesday evening that unloaded more than two-thirds of the capital’s average monthly rainfall in just an hour and a half.

Almost two inches of rain had fallen in the space of 90 minutes, according to the French national meteorological service Météo-France, which was almost “70% of what normally falls in the month altogether”, a spokesman told AFP.

France’s deluges continued through Wednesday, too, and across a wide reaching area.

Likewise in the UK, another nation–if you believe the MSM–that was baking into oblivion never to see a drop of rain again, is currently feeling the full wrath of ‘climatic equilibrium’ as inches upon inches of rain flood the nation’s roads…but don’t worry, this Londoner and his broom has it all under control:

Insider Paper

FLOODING Man brushes away water as heavy rain floods King’s Cross in London, UK


4:44 PM · Aug 17, 2022

Almost overnight, Britain’s parched, brown fields have been transformed into lush, green oases; and temperatures have plummeted into the low-20s (approx. 70F) and below where they’re set to remain until Aug 26/27 when things turn even chiller:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 27 []

…As A “Cold, Dark Winter” Looms

Germany’s energy rationing and stockpiling efforts appear to be having some positive impact. By this coming Monday, the nation’s gas stores–the largest in Europe–are on track to be filled to 80% capacity if current injection rates are maintained.

However, physical availability, though crucial, remains only one part of the equation — the other, equally important aspect, reports, is price, and that’s where things are getting tough.

Energy costs are SOARING across Europe, pricing many nations out (bold and italics warranted). The EU will have to find ways of helping its most vulnerable members–and probably some neighbors, too–if blackouts and excess winter deaths are to be curtailed.

Kosovo, for example–a potential EU candidate–is already imposing power cuts after its distributor ran out of funds to import electricity from neighboring Albania, which it relies on to meet demand.

In Germany, fourth-quarter baseload power costs are seven times as high as they were a year ago.

In France, they’re even higher.

While British households will see gas and power prices surge AGAIN in October when the regulator’s price cap is revised.

And while Germany’s stockpiling efforts are seeing some positive results, plans to slash energy demand across Europe remain patchy at best and, in most cases, are yet to be implemented. And on top of that, Russia has the power to cripple the nation–and the wider continent–if it so wished with a simple flick of the Nordstream switch (with the flow of gas already reduced to 30%).

Time’s running out before heat waves and low river levels are replaced by freezing temperatures and winter storms, concludes the article: Europe needs to get serious about reducing energy demand for a “cold, dark winter” looms.

My personal advice, don’t rely on government to get you through this coming winter. The same politicians scrambling for a solution now are the very same that sold Europe’s energy security down the river with their dangerous green ideals and dumb dependence on a foreign superpower.

Green energy isn’t the answer right now–if it ever was; what Europe needs, ironically, is HEAT in order its save its citizens from freezing to death in their homes this winter.

This is a particularly urgent call to action given the ferocity long-range weather models are projecting that the continent has in store during the next 6-or-so-months.

After a toasty summer–at least in Western Europe–the Weather Gods will once again seek ‘climate equilibrium’ — hot summers are often chased by ferociously frigid winters. This was the in the late-1970s during the previous period of reduced solar activity.

Grand Solar Minimum 101: The Future Looks Cold

The Sun is at its weakest state in more than a century, and the impacts on Earth’s weather/climate are unfolding before our eyes, whether we know it or not…

A brief word on goings-on across the pond…

As I’m sure you know, the U.S. recently passed its ‘Inflation Reduction Act’, which, as I’m sure you’re also aware is nothing but a ‘Climate Package’ in inflation’s clothing.

The act, in my estimation, is designed to send the United States careening down the same path that Europe currently finds itself on, beleaguered and panicked. The bill is a suicide mission; another wealth transfer, to boot; and a further ratcheting-up of this controlled demolition of society that the elites seem so hellbent on ushering in.

For those in any doubt, know that Bill Gates has been boasting this week of his behind-the-scenes efforts to ‘help’ push the climate package across the finish line. Gates ‘cultivated’ a relationship with skeptical US Senator Joe Manchin over three years and helped ‘sway’ the West Virginia Democrat--God only knows what he ‘swayed’ him with… I’d best leave that there…

And finally in Asia…

The majority of the continent is set for an early taste of fall in the coming weeks, as ‘blobs’ of Arctic cold descend anomalously-far south on the back of a weak and wavy ‘meridional‘ jet stream flow — bad news for region’s energy reserves.

High prices have eroded the economic case for liquefied natural gas in Asia and hurt sales in key markets, according to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. Sales through July 2022 declined more than 6% compared with a year earlier, and demand could fall further amid competition for winter supplies.

Again, while the gas physically being there is one problem, having the funds to purchase the stuff as prices fire higher and higher and higher is proving quite another.

To that point, I see swathes of the NH simply going without energy through long stretches of this coming 2022-23 winter. Mitigate the impacts now: Stock up on food and energy, and learn to produce your own–of both, and be prepared to help your neighbor, too, putting aside what an insufferable prat they may be.


Veteran Member


Crop Loss Extreme Weather

South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics; “Severe Summer Snowfall” Causes Mass Livestock Deaths In N. India And Pakistan; Record August Chills Sweep Morocco; + Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland​

August 19, 2022 Cap Allon

South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics

Argentina has been suffering an exceptionally cold and snowy 2022.
The nation saw its coldest autumn (March-April-May) since 1976 earlier in the year; witnessed its coldest month of June in two decades; suffered a frigid July with historic snowstorms; with similarly fierce storms returning in August (this week, in fact).
Unfortunately for Argentina–and for the South American continent as a whole–the injection of polar cold is now pushing north, forecast to drive into the tropics over the coming days and threaten Brazil’s key Sarinha crop from which 70% of the nation’s corn is produced.
A mass of Antarctic air began buffeting the region Thursday, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (INMET); and by Sunday, harsh frosts are forecast to ravage Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana–among other locales.
During the past two decades, Brazilian farmers have gotten used to “double-cropping” soybeans and corn. Double-cropping has seen the country to use its unique climate to increase annual yields, and it is the main reason Brazil has risen to become the main competitor to U.S. exports for both crops.
However, the window is tight; and as you’d expect, the Grand Solar Minimum looks to be closing that window.
Like most tropical locales, Brazil has a distinct wet and dry season. Over the past few decades, the wet season has lasted roughly September to May, allowing a good soybean crop in the spring and summer, followed by a good front-half to the corn season before turning drier. However, if the season does not go as planned–for any reason–catastrophe can easily strike — and this is the threat this season, and was the reality last year after record-breaking freezes routinely hammered key growing regions which left soybean, corn, sugarcane and coffee crops decimated in their wake:

Maja Wallengren

*It's SNOWING across many parts in southern Brazil as coffee producing areas suffer SEVERE damage from coldest freeze in decades even PRIOR to next 4 days cold, damage WILL grow and there will be no major recovery until 2025 harvest.


2:04 AM · Jul 29, 2021
It was noted that Brazil’s coffee crops will take years to recover from 2021’s big freeze, and now many of these same regions are about to be hit again. Below is a look at the Antarctic outbreak set to move in, according to the latest GFS run:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 18 – Aug 22 [].

And looking further ahead, another blast is set to push north as the calendar nears September:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 28 [].

The planet is cooler than they’d have you believe

Below are the temperature anomalies for today, August 19, according to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine.

Clear to see, but I’ll spell it out anyway, Earth is not suffering some CO2-induced bout of terrifying terra firma broiling, quite the opposite, in fact: the planet is COOLING, and has been since 2016.

Today’s global average temperature–if such a thing can even be measured–OFFICIALLY stands at just 0.1C above the 1979-2000 base:


I believe that the elites know full well that time is ticking on their anthropogenic global warming narrative (scam). Just look at the additional ‘catastrophes’ they’ve thrown at us over the past few years. All have been exaggerated, if not completely fabricated, and all just so happened to result more and more government intervention and overreach. One even resulted in a mandated experimental gene therapy: no jab, no job, which, no matter how you look at it, can only be considered a terrible thing. Forcing injections into people? That is a bad road to willingly trot down. Those who backed the mandates should be ashamed of themselves. Those who implemented the policy ought to be put on trial and imprisoned.

Looking ahead, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to project what’s next: Economic melt down (perhaps preceded by a melt up) with global food and energy shortages, i.e. famine.

Be sure to work yourself and your loved ones into a position whereby you can resist their digital IDs and CBDCs when they’re dangled in front of you during the depths of this coming economic misery. Despite the rhetoric and compelling marketing campaign, these measures will not be your savoir to the hell that they themselves would have instigated with their ill-conceived climate policies and total annihilation of the global supply chain–most notably crop inputs (fertilizers, and the like).

I’ll say it again: Resist. Resist. Resist. Don’t let them buy you when you’re down.

“Severe Summer Snowfall” Drives Mass Livestock Death In Northern India And Pakistan​

One I missed from June–thank you to a reader for pointing it out: Every spring, some 300,000 livestock are herded up to Kashmir’s Neelum valley to graze on the abundance of summer. This year, however, herders were met by severe summer snow.

In late-June, 4 feet of snow accumulated across the Neelum Valley, killing thousands of livestock–mainly goats.

“We lost 107 goats due to the June snowfall”, said one herder from Mansehra, in Pakistan, who, along with two fellow farmers walked their 650 goats and sheep some 200km to the pastures at Ratti Galli in the Neelum Valley.

“We were not expecting snowfall, nor was there any prior warning,” said the herder.

Another herder with 1,025 sheep and goats lost 240 animals, mostly goats, to the summer snow. But as well as the cold and snow itself, the inclement conditions brought other unseasonal dangers: “Some of our goats were killed by local bears that normally stay on top of the mountains but come down during winter snowfalls,” he said.

Pastoralist in Kashmir carries a goat over his shoulder after erratic snowfall
A herder gathers his goats by the Hans Raj Lake in Neelam Valley [Sajid Mir].

The snowfall swept both Northern Indian and Pakistan.

On the Indian side, the pastures and valleys around Marsar Lake in south Kashmir provide a summer refuge for almost two million sheep belonging to 70,000 farmers, according to data compiled by the region’s sheep husbandry department.

This year, however, the usually safe summer refuge was hit by rare blizzards that brought heavy losses to the herders. It snowed constantly between 19 and 22 June, coating the lush green meadows with a layer of snow some 3 feet deep, according to the shepherds — an incident that the administration of Jammu and Kashmir declared a State Specific Natural Disaster.

“I have lived all the summers of my life in these mountains. It had never happened before, that it would snow in June,” said herder Assadulla Chopan, who had traveled to the pasture with his 1,600-strong flock of sheep in early-June.

“I felt my hour of death had come,” recalled Chopan. “I prayed for forgiveness and thought this is how my life is going to end.”

Chopan lost 100 sheep to the storm — many died from the cold, while others fell off a cliff as they tried to escape the icy winds.

After an official count, at least 7,000 sheep perished in the snowstorm, with many more goats lost.

As always, and no matter the climatic phenomenon, the establishment returns to the same old dogma: Global Warming. Completely ignoring the fact that, 1) the sun is experiencing its lowest activity for 200 years (since the Dalton Minimum), and 2) the impact such a decrease in solar output has on the Earth’s jet streams as well as other climatological forcings.

“We are in the midst of a severe climate crisis,” said Irfan Rashid, assistant professor at the University of Kashmir’s Department of Geo-Informatics. “[Climate change] will expose mountain communities and infrastructure to such unheard-of-in-the-past events,” he continued. “This is getting out of control.”

Fear and superstition are clearly rife, even in academic fields.

We humans may have made stupendous technological advances and improved living standards dramatically, but our brains are wired just as they were tens of thousands of years ago, and beyond, when we would offer-up sacrificial virgins to the Gods in the hope of receiving good growing conditions in return. And so, like the sheep of the Neelum valley we humans are just as easily led, only not but the promise of lush meadows–although metaphorically, perhaps–but by fantastical tales of existential threat and mortality.

Sardar Sarfraz, a meteorologist at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, echos Rashid’s sentiments: “We haven’t seen or heard of snow falling in June before … We can link it to climate change because it is a rare phenomenon”–a baffling run of logic there, one that the ‘face-palm’ emoji was surely created for. What a baseless pile of claptrap. And simultaneously, what a perfect summation of today’s cLiMaTe ScIeNcE: “I can’t explain what just happened, so it must be caused by today’s boogeyman”.

Sardar Muhammad Rafiq, director of the Pakistan’s Environment Protection Agency, believes “It would be too early to say this snowfall is a climate change phenomenon. We would call it climate change only if it repeats next year.” ‍♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️

Herders such as Chopan haven’t been made aware of “global warming” or the “climate crisis”, yet their explanation for why this summer’s unprecedented snow rings similarly superstitious bells. The herders find refuge in their faith, rather than in the science: “There is a shrine in these mountains and its custodian these days is not a good man, that is why this happened,” said Chopan of this summer’s deadly blizzards.

Record-Breaking August Chills Sweep Morocco

Summer chills have swept Morocco this week.

With a low of 11.2C (52.2F) at Rabat Airport, August’s minimum temperature benchmark has been busted.

And looking a little north, parts of Europe have swung from hot to cold, record winds have been noted in Corica, while very cool conditions have been felt in both Northern Spain and Italy, with temperature records challenged.

Portugal, too–where I’m based–has experienced a sharp cool-down. Earlier in the week, temperatures dipped to 27C (80F) in many low-lying central regions (colder across the mountainous regions, of course) — that’s some 8C below the seasonal norm.
Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between Extremes

Intense bursts of heat will linger in one area, while a teeth-chattering chill will dominate nearby — and then the regions will “switch”. It’s this chopping and changing that will hasten the failure of our modern food production systems — crops will fail, on a large scale, and famine will quickly ensue.

Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland

Cold and snowy weather has prevailed in Iceland this summer.

This week, minimums reached -4.4C (24.1F) in inhabited areas, and -10.3C (13.5F) on the top of the glacier (at 1690m).

According to the official data, 22% of inhabited area stations have recorded freezing lows of late — an incredibly rare feat for mid-August.

Thierry Goose

Very cold night in #Iceland on Aug. 16th. ️-4.4°C in inhabited areas & -10.3°C in the mountains. If I'm not wrong, it's very close to the national August records which are -5.5°C in Grímsstaðir (1943) for inhabited areas & -10.5°C in Dyngjujökull (2017) for the mountains.
4:48 PM · Aug 18, 2022
Moreover, Iceland’s cold and cloudy summer has led to well-below average glacier melt (similarly to what we’re seeing on Greenland), which could translate to a net mass balance GAIN (see below).

Persistent snowfall has been noted in June, July AND August as Earth edges ever-nearer to its next Grand Solar Minimum.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord


Articles Crop Loss Extreme Weather

South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics; “Severe Summer Snowfall” Causes Mass Livestock Deaths In N. India And Pakistan; Record August Chills Sweep Morocco; + Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland​

August 19, 2022 Cap Allon

South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics

Argentina has been suffering an exceptionally cold and snowy 2022.
The nation saw its coldest autumn (March-April-May) since 1976 earlier in the year; witnessed its coldest month of June in two decades; suffered a frigid July with historic snowstorms; with similarly fierce storms returning in August (this week, in fact).
Unfortunately for Argentina–and for the South American continent as a whole–the injection of polar cold is now pushing north, forecast to drive into the tropics over the coming days and threaten Brazil’s key Sarinha crop from which 70% of the nation’s corn is produced.
A mass of Antarctic air began buffeting the region Thursday, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (INMET); and by Sunday, harsh frosts are forecast to ravage Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana–among other locales.
During the past two decades, Brazilian farmers have gotten used to “double-cropping” soybeans and corn. Double-cropping has seen the country to use its unique climate to increase annual yields, and it is the main reason Brazil has risen to become the main competitor to U.S. exports for both crops.
However, the window is tight; and as you’d expect, the Grand Solar Minimum looks to be closing that window.
Like most tropical locales, Brazil has a distinct wet and dry season. Over the past few decades, the wet season has lasted roughly September to May, allowing a good soybean crop in the spring and summer, followed by a good front-half to the corn season before turning drier. However, if the season does not go as planned–for any reason–catastrophe can easily strike — and this is the threat this season, and was the reality last year after record-breaking freezes routinely hammered key growing regions which left soybean, corn, sugarcane and coffee crops decimated in their wake:

Maja Wallengren
*It's SNOWING across many parts in southern Brazil as coffee producing areas suffer SEVERE damage from coldest freeze in decades even PRIOR to next 4 days cold, damage WILL grow and there will be no major recovery until 2025 harvest.
2:04 AM · Jul 29, 2021
It was noted that Brazil’s coffee crops will take years to recover from 2021’s big freeze, and now many of these same regions are about to be hit again. Below is a look at the Antarctic outbreak set to move in, according to the latest GFS run:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 18 – Aug 22 [].

And looking further ahead, another blast is set to push north as the calendar nears September:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 28 [].

The planet is cooler than they’d have you believe

Below are the temperature anomalies for today, August 19, according to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine.

Clear to see, but I’ll spell it out anyway, Earth is not suffering some CO2-induced bout of terrifying terra firma broiling, quite the opposite, in fact: the planet is COOLING, and has been since 2016.

Today’s global average temperature–if such a thing can even be measured–OFFICIALLY stands at just 0.1C above the 1979-2000 base:


I believe that the elites know full well that time is ticking on their anthropogenic global warming narrative (scam). Just look at the additional ‘catastrophes’ they’ve thrown at us over the past few years. All have been exaggerated, if not completely fabricated, and all just so happened to result more and more government intervention and overreach. One even resulted in a mandated experimental gene therapy: no jab, no job, which, no matter how you look at it, can only be considered a terrible thing. Forcing injections into people? That is a bad road to willingly trot down. Those who backed the mandates should be ashamed of themselves. Those who implemented the policy ought to be put on trial and imprisoned.

Looking ahead, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to project what’s next: Economic melt down (perhaps preceded by a melt up) with global food and energy shortages, i.e. famine.

Be sure to work yourself and your loved ones into a position whereby you can resist their digital IDs and CBDCs when they’re dangled in front of you during the depths of this coming economic misery. Despite the rhetoric and compelling marketing campaign, these measures will not be your savoir to the hell that they themselves would have instigated with their ill-conceived climate policies and total annihilation of the global supply chain–most notably crop inputs (fertilizers, and the like).

I’ll say it again: Resist. Resist. Resist. Don’t let them buy you when you’re down.

“Severe Summer Snowfall” Drives Mass Livestock Death In Northern India And Pakistan​

One I missed from June–thank you to a reader for pointing it out: Every spring, some 300,000 livestock are herded up to Kashmir’s Neelum valley to graze on the abundance of summer. This year, however, herders were met by severe summer snow.

In late-June, 4 feet of snow accumulated across the Neelum Valley, killing thousands of livestock–mainly goats.

“We lost 107 goats due to the June snowfall”, said one herder from Mansehra, in Pakistan, who, along with two fellow farmers walked their 650 goats and sheep some 200km to the pastures at Ratti Galli in the Neelum Valley.

“We were not expecting snowfall, nor was there any prior warning,” said the herder.

Another herder with 1,025 sheep and goats lost 240 animals, mostly goats, to the summer snow. But as well as the cold and snow itself, the inclement conditions brought other unseasonal dangers: “Some of our goats were killed by local bears that normally stay on top of the mountains but come down during winter snowfalls,” he said.

Pastoralist in Kashmir carries a goat over his shoulder after erratic snowfall
A herder gathers his goats by the Hans Raj Lake in Neelam Valley [Sajid Mir].

The snowfall swept both Northern Indian and Pakistan.

On the Indian side, the pastures and valleys around Marsar Lake in south Kashmir provide a summer refuge for almost two million sheep belonging to 70,000 farmers, according to data compiled by the region’s sheep husbandry department.

This year, however, the usually safe summer refuge was hit by rare blizzards that brought heavy losses to the herders. It snowed constantly between 19 and 22 June, coating the lush green meadows with a layer of snow some 3 feet deep, according to the shepherds — an incident that the administration of Jammu and Kashmir declared a State Specific Natural Disaster.

“I have lived all the summers of my life in these mountains. It had never happened before, that it would snow in June,” said herder Assadulla Chopan, who had traveled to the pasture with his 1,600-strong flock of sheep in early-June.

“I felt my hour of death had come,” recalled Chopan. “I prayed for forgiveness and thought this is how my life is going to end.”

Chopan lost 100 sheep to the storm — many died from the cold, while others fell off a cliff as they tried to escape the icy winds.

After an official count, at least 7,000 sheep perished in the snowstorm, with many more goats lost.

As always, and no matter the climatic phenomenon, the establishment returns to the same old dogma: Global Warming. Completely ignoring the fact that, 1) the sun is experiencing its lowest activity for 200 years (since the Dalton Minimum), and 2) the impact such a decrease in solar output has on the Earth’s jet streams as well as other climatological forcings.

“We are in the midst of a severe climate crisis,” said Irfan Rashid, assistant professor at the University of Kashmir’s Department of Geo-Informatics. “[Climate change] will expose mountain communities and infrastructure to such unheard-of-in-the-past events,” he continued. “This is getting out of control.”

Fear and superstition are clearly rife, even in academic fields.

We humans may have made stupendous technological advances and improved living standards dramatically, but our brains are wired just as they were tens of thousands of years ago, and beyond, when we would offer-up sacrificial virgins to the Gods in the hope of receiving good growing conditions in return. And so, like the sheep of the Neelum valley we humans are just as easily led, only not but the promise of lush meadows–although metaphorically, perhaps–but by fantastical tales of existential threat and mortality.

Sardar Sarfraz, a meteorologist at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, echos Rashid’s sentiments: “We haven’t seen or heard of snow falling in June before … We can link it to climate change because it is a rare phenomenon”–a baffling run of logic there, one that the ‘face-palm’ emoji was surely created for. What a baseless pile of claptrap. And simultaneously, what a perfect summation of today’s cLiMaTe ScIeNcE: “I can’t explain what just happened, so it must be caused by today’s boogeyman”.

Sardar Muhammad Rafiq, director of the Pakistan’s Environment Protection Agency, believes “It would be too early to say this snowfall is a climate change phenomenon. We would call it climate change only if it repeats next year.” ‍♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️

Herders such as Chopan haven’t been made aware of “global warming” or the “climate crisis”, yet their explanation for why this summer’s unprecedented snow rings similarly superstitious bells. The herders find refuge in their faith, rather than in the science: “There is a shrine in these mountains and its custodian these days is not a good man, that is why this happened,” said Chopan of this summer’s deadly blizzards.

Record-Breaking August Chills Sweep Morocco

Summer chills have swept Morocco this week.

With a low of 11.2C (52.2F) at Rabat Airport, August’s minimum temperature benchmark has been busted.

And looking a little north, parts of Europe have swung from hot to cold, record winds have been noted in Corica, while very cool conditions have been felt in both Northern Spain and Italy, with temperature records challenged.

Portugal, too–where I’m based–has experienced a sharp cool-down. Earlier in the week, temperatures dipped to 27C (80F) in many low-lying central regions (colder across the mountainous regions, of course) — that’s some 8C below the seasonal norm.
Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between Extremes

Intense bursts of heat will linger in one area, while a teeth-chattering chill will dominate nearby — and then the regions will “switch”. It’s this chopping and changing that will hasten the failure of our modern food production systems — crops will fail, on a large scale, and famine will quickly ensue.

Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland

Cold and snowy weather has prevailed in Iceland this summer.

This week, minimums reached -4.4C (24.1F) in inhabited areas, and -10.3C (13.5F) on the top of the glacier (at 1690m).

According to the official data, 22% of inhabited area stations have recorded freezing lows of late — an incredibly rare feat for mid-August.

Thierry Goose
Very cold night in #Iceland on Aug. 16th. ️-4.4°C in inhabited areas & -10.3°C in the mountains. If I'm not wrong, it's very close to the national August records which are -5.5°C in Grímsstaðir (1943) for inhabited areas & -10.5°C in Dyngjujökull (2017) for the mountains.
4:48 PM · Aug 18, 2022
Moreover, Iceland’s cold and cloudy summer has led to well-below average glacier melt (similarly to what we’re seeing on Greenland), which could translate to a net mass balance GAIN (see below).

Persistent snowfall has been noted in June, July AND August as Earth edges ever-nearer to its next Grand Solar Minimum.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Big changes coming, and if Europe doesn’t scare the crap out of their leaders and demand to make peace with Russia, with a solemn and sincere “we are soooo sorry”, they too are going to really be so sorry this coming winter...


Veteran Member


New Study Reveals Potential Causes Of The Little Ice Age (LIA), Including Low Solar Activity, Disturbances To The Jet Stream, Volcanic Activity, And High-Variability Of Arctic Sea Ice Cover​

August 22, 2022 Cap Allon
A new paper entitled Split Westerlies Over Europe In The Early Little Ice Age was published in Nature on Aug 20, 2022. The study, authored by 15 researchers, lead by Hsun-Ming Hu, delves into the true, sometimes seemingly contradictory causes of the LIA.

Below is my breakdown of the paper using only the scientists’ words–unless otherwise stated; and while I may not necessarily agree with all of the findings and conclusions, the study is most certainly intriguing and furthers the dialogue.


The Little Ice Age (LIA; ca. 1450–1850 C.E.) is the best documented cold period of the past millennium, characterized by high-frequency volcanism, low solar activity, and high variability of Arctic sea-ice cover.
Past studies of LIA Atlantic circulation changes have referenced the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), but recent studies have noted that LIA climate patterns appear to possess complexity not captured by an NAO analogue.
Here, we present a new precipitation-sensitive stalagmite record from northern Italy that covers the past 800 years.
We show that in the early LIA (1470–1610 C.E.), increased atmospheric ridging over northern Europe split the climatological westerlies away from central and northern Europe, possibly caused by concurrent Arctic sea-ice reduction.
With ongoing ice melting in the northern high latitudes and decreasing solar irradiance in the coming years, the early LIA may potentially serve as an analogue for European hydroclimatic conditions in the coming decades.


The westerlies over the North Atlantic sector are the primary source of moisture transport to Europe, especially in winter half-year (October-March).
A well-known influence on their path and strength is the pressure difference between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High; variations in this pressure difference give rise to the North Atlantic Oscillation.
NAO; Supplementary Fig. 1A) and affect the precipitation patterns in Europe (Supplementary Fig. 1B):

Fig. 1: Climate and Atlantic sea-level pressure (SLP) variability

Correlation between SLP and (i) average precipitation at Genoa, Milan and Nice stations (G/M/N PP) (shades); (ii) Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Scandinavia index (SCAND) (contours) during September–February in 1950–2008 C.E. b Vectors: climatological winds at 200-mb level plus regression of 200-mb winds on SCAND index multiplied by two standard deviations of SCAND index during September-February in 1950–2008 C.E., indicating a positive SCAND condition. Shades: correlation between SCAND and ground precipitation during September-February in 1950–2008 C.E. The shades and contours indicate the correlation coefficient(s) above 90% confident level. Climate data are from 20th century reanalysis v3.

Another feature that gives rise to variation in the westerlies are atmospheric blocking events, i.e., persistent and stationary high-pressure systems that block the regular westerly flow for several days to weeks.
Atmospheric blocking over the North Atlantic sector and in particular Scandinavia plays an important role in extreme winter weather over Europe by modulating the trajectory of the westerlies and associated storm tracks.
Their presence prevents the transport of warm and moist air masses, leading to cold spells in northern and central Europe such as the winter of 2010 C.E.
To better understand the variability of the westerlies and the occurrence of atmospheric blockings on different timescales, natural archives that extend back beyond the instrumental era are needed.
Several proxy records have recorded variability in the North Atlantic westerlies over the past millennia and especially during the Little Ice Age (LIA; ca. 1450–1850 C.E.). This was the coldest episode of the past millennium and featured low solar irradiance, high variability in sea ice extent, and frequent volcanic eruptions.
An early reconstruction of the NAO over the last millennium suggested a persistent positive NAO during the Medieval Climate Anomaly prior to a shift to negative NAO conditions during the LIA, but this conclusion has since been questioned by other NAO reconstructions of the LIA.
A more recent multiproxy reconstruction suggests instead that the NAO was neutral to weak positive during the LIA. There have been attempts to reconcile differing proxy reconstructions within the NAO framework, but another possibility is that diverse patterns of large-scale atmospheric circulation may instead be at play.
Here, we present a new autumn-winter precipitation-sensitive stalagmite-based record from northern Italy that spans the past 800 years. Our record documents enhanced atmospheric ridging (anticyclone) over northern Europe accompanied by a split in the climatological westerlies, with the main branch extending towards the Mediterranean and a weaker branch northward towards Greenland. This circulation is characteristic of a pronounced positive phase of the Scandinavian teleconnection pattern, a mode of wintertime large-scale atmospheric circulation variability over the North Atlantic and Europe that is dynamically distinct from the NAO.

The Little Ice Age

During the LIA, the climate in the North Atlantic/European realm was mostly cold, but proxy records show considerable variability on multi-decadal to centennial time-scales within this period.
On centennial time-scales, the Bàsura record [NW Italy] reveals a distinct wet interval in northern Italy during the early LIA (1470–1610 C.E.), suggesting possible strong and persistent positive SCAND[Scandinavia pattern]-like conditions.
Within this period, however, the Bàsura record (Fig. 2f–below) shows strong multi-decadal variability: precipitation increased at the beginning of the LIA, peaked in ~1550 C.E., and then decreased until 1620 C.E. Precipitation reached a second peak in the late 1700 s, followed by a decreasing trend until the end of the LIA.

Fig. 2: Climate records from Europe and northern Africa for the last 800 years

Na+ concentration in ice core GISP2 as an indicator of wind strength. b Reconstructed North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. c Green: Stalagmite growth rate from Roaring cave (Scotland) as a proxy of precipitation amount. Low growth rate indicates positive NAO phase. Mustard: Bromine concentration from aeolian sediments as a proxy of wind strength. High values indicate strong winds. d Bunker (dark green) and Bleßberg (light green) δ18O record from Germany. Low values reflect a warm and wet climate. e Spannagel δ18O record from Austria. Low values denote a warm climate. f Bàsura Sr/Ca record from northern Italy. g Ifoulki δ18O record from Morocco. Grey vertical band marks the Little Ice Age. The yellow vertical bar highlights the period 1470-1610 C.E. Colored-coded dots and bars are U-Th ages with 2-sigma uncertainties. h Map showing the climate configuration and location of the cited records. The red-blue shades show the correlation coefficient(s) between Scandinavia index and ground precipitation during September-February in 1950–2008 C.E. Climate data are from 20th century reanalysis v3. Triangles and circles mark westerly-affected sites with a wet/warm (blue) or dry/cold (red) climate. The Bàsura cave is highlighted by a dark blue edge. 1: GISP2. 2: Korallgrottan cave. 3: Neflon. 4: Roaring cave. 5: Outer Hebrides. 6: Bunker cave. 7: Bleßberg cave 8: Spannagel cave. 9. Bàsura cave. 10: Kaite cave. 11: Buraca Gloriosa cave. 12: Sofular cave. 13: Ifoulki cave. 14: Chaara cave.

The early LIA wet interval in northern Italy corresponds to a period of strong westerlies over the North Atlantic (1470–1610 C.E.), as suggested by a sodium ion record in a Greenland ice core (Fig. 2a), concurrent with a neutral-positive NAO mode as indicated by a composite NAO reconstruction (Fig. 2a).
The British Isles, however, experienced a relatively dry and less windy climate during this interval, as recorded in a stalagmite-based reconstruction of Roaring cave (Fig. 2c, green) and the aeolian sediment Bromine record from Scotland (Fig. 2c; mustard).
Dry and cold conditions are also inferred for Germany, based on stalagmite δ18O data from Bunker cave (Fig. 2d, dark green) and Bleßberg cave (Fig. 2d, light green), and for high-latitude Sweden (Supplementary Fig. 7a), based on stalagmite δ18O data and lacustrine records.
The precipitation and wind minima in these regions thus do not reflect a neutral-positive NAO mode. Our Sr/Ca record from Bàsura cave (Fig. 2f), on the other hand, suggests that southern Europe experienced warm and humid conditions, as also documented by a stalagmite δ18O record from Spannagel cave, Austria (Fig. 2e).
Similarly, warm and wet conditions are registered by stalagmite records from Portugal (Supplementary Fig. 7b), Spain (Supplementary Fig. 7c), and Turkey (Supplementary Fig. 7d), whereas stalagmite records from Morocco record a dry interval (Fig. 2g and Supplementary Fig. 7f).

Atmospheric ridging over Scandinavia during 1470–1610 C.E.

The dry/cold climate in northern Europe during 1470–1610 C.E. can be reconciled with a neutral-positive NAO phase during this period as suggested by Ortega et al. (2015) through increased atmospheric ridging and hence increased frequency of atmospheric blocking events over Scandinavia.
Comas-Bru and McDermott (2013) have argued that the additional influence of the SCAND pattern on top of an NAO can explain the nonstationarity in the relationship between European winter climate and the NAO.
The combination of the Greenland record and our Bàsura record suggests that such ridging split the westerlies during the early LIA, with a northern branch directed towards the Arctic, consistent with the windy/warm/humid climate over southeastern Greenland, and a southern branch directed towards the Mediterranean, consistent with increased rainfall at Bàsura cave (Fig. 2h).
This climatic setting is similar to the anomalously wet conditions in southeastern Greenland and the northwestern Mediterranean during positive SCAND phases (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 1d). The positive SCAND phase does not explain the early LIA drying over North Africa, but this could be attributed to an enhanced Azores High during a neutral-positive NAO phase (Fig. 2a), which prevented moisture transport into Morocco (Fig. 2b).

Now onto the ‘meat and potatoes’:

Connections to reduced Arctic sea ice and solar forcing

Fig. 3: Comparison of volcanic forcing, solar activity, sea-ice variability, and Bàsura record

Global volcanic aerosol forcing. b Violet: concentration of benthic foraminifera from the North Greenland shelf (PS2641-4; Supplementary Fig. 2) as an indicator of sea-ice cover. Pink: ice-rafted debris (IRD) (MSM5/5; Supplementary Fig. 2) from the Fram Strait. High values of these two records denote large sea-ice cover. c Five-point averaged diatom concentration (Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii) from the west Greenland shelf (GA306-4; Supplementary Fig. 2). High value denotes large sea-ice cover. d Red: 40-year smoothed reconstructed late summer Arctic sea-ice extent. e Bàsura Sr/Ca record. f Reconstructed NAO index. g Orange: Atlantic Multidecadal Variability index. Black: total solar irradiance. The intervals of the Spörer Minimum (1388–1558 C.E.) and decreased sea-ice event (1450–1620 C.E.) are marked. The grey vertical bar denotes the Little Ice Age. The yellow vertical bar highlights the period 1470–1610 C.E.

Ice-rafted debris (IRD) records from the Fram Strait (Fig. 3b), foraminiferal-inferred sea-ice records on the North Greenland shelf (Fig. 3b), and diatom-based sea-ice reconstructions from the west Greenland shelf (Fig. 3c) all show extensive sea-ice cover in the North Atlantic during the middle to late 1300 s.
This extensive sea-ice cover in the North Atlantic was presumably induced by intense volcanism (Fig. 3a) and low solar irradiance (Fig. 3g) in the late 1200 s to early 1300 s and in turn it triggered a change in ocean circulation and cooling in Europe starting around 1400 C.E.
From the 1400 s C.E. onwards, sea ice extent decreased significantly (Fig. 3b, c) due to an intrusion of warm Atlantic Water into the North Atlantic, as reflected by a positive phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (Fig. 3g).
Considering the dating uncertainties of major Bàsura Sr/Ca decreases between 1466 ± 20 and 1559 ± 40 C.E., the period with Scandinavian ridging we inferred falls in the interval with Arctic sea-ice maximum at 1450 C.E. to minimum at 1586 C.E., as this interval was identified as a “decreased sea ice extent” event. Such Scandinavian ridging can be triggered by sea ice loss in the Barent-Kara seas. While direct sea-ice proxy records from Barent-Kara seas are not available, coupled model simulations constrained by the assimilation of available global proxy data indicate a reduction of Barent-Kara sea ice during 1470–1520 C.E.
Reduced sea ice results in increased heat fluxes into the atmosphere that, in turn, excite a stationary Rossby wave propagating towards the southeast and can increase atmospheric ridging over northern Europe [aka ‘Meridional’ jet stream flow]. This ocean-atmosphere feedback could thus provide a mechanism for the link between reduced sea-ice extent and the Scandinavian ridging during 1470–1610 C.E. suggested by our results (Fig. 2g).
The atmospheric ridging in the early LIA could have been further amplified by low solar irradiation (Fig. 3g).
Model simulations and proxy records suggest that solar irradiation changes can have a significant effect on ozone chemistry in the stratosphere that disturbs the polar vortex and thus influences the tropospheric jet stream and atmospheric circulation.
Our Bàsura stalagmite Sr/Ca data, decreasing from 0.055 mmol/mol at 1460 C.E. to 0.035 mmol/mol at 1550 C.E., suggest that Scandinavian ridging progressively strengthened during this interval (Fig. 3e). This 90-yr interval falls during the Spörer Minimum (1388–1558 C.E., Fig. 3g), supporting this linkage between atmospheric changes and solar variability.

The decreased sea ice extent from 1450–1620 C.E. arguably shows a long duration over the past 1400 years and is more pronounced than that during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (ca. 800–1300 C.E.).
Our results present proxy-based evidence of enhanced atmospheric ridging over northern Europe during this multi-decadal interval at the early LIA, possibly in response to the sea ice reduction and solar minimum. Our results thus potentially provide an analogue for the coming decades, when the sun could enter a grand minimum and the Arctic is projected to be ice free by 2030 C.E.

For a full read of the paper with extensive citations and additional graphics click HERE.

See also:
More Climate Backtracking: “A Warming Arctic Drove Earth Into The Little Ice Age”

…and scientists warn the exact same phenomena are playing out today.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).


Day by day

Near-Total Crop Losses Ravaging US Agriculture - SC Farmers Sound the Alarm on Tragic Harvest Season​

Farms in the southeastern United States are suffering from crop failures that are ravaging agricultural productivity in one of the most traditionally fertile areas of the nation.

Beginning with an unexpected Spring freeze, followed by a chillier than expected May and an accompanying drought, utterly massive crop failures of peaches, watermelons and blueberries have devastated local growers, trickling down the economy to the restaurants, breweries, distillers and markets that depend on their produce, according to the Post and Courier.

Emery Tumbleston, who operates the 18-year-old, 10-acre Champney’s Blueberry farm with her parents, told the outlet they lost about 85 percent of their three types of blueberries following the freeze and another 5 to 10 percent after the drought.

“Compounded to that (freeze) was the lack of rain, so we just got it from two sides this year,” Tumbleston said. “It was taking me over an hour to pick a bucket, which is unheard of.”

In the middle of March, temperatures in South Carolina plunged down to a frigid 19 degrees in some areas, according to Clemson University as reported by the Courier.

Champney’s farm was forced to shut down for the season after just four days. The season is normally four to six weeks.

Thd Bradford Family Farm in Sumter, South Carolina, had a much different problem, too much rain. Owner Nat Bradford suffered the first full crop loss of his farm’s history after two weeks of heavy rainfall choked out the rare, heirloom Bradford breed of watermelon, prized for its sweetness.

The Bradford watermelon dates back to the 1850s and was only recently rediscovered.

Cooks Farm owner, Larry Cook, reported that his 75-acre farm near Trenton, South Carolina, suffered a loss of 30 to 40 percent of its peach harvest. The same summer deluge that choked out Bradford’s melons left the peaches at Cooks Farm dropping from disease.

“What affected the peach crop this year was the cold weather,” Watson told reporters. “We had very few peaches in the months of May and June.”

It was even worse for Shuler Peach Co. and Elliot Shuler in Ridgeville, South Carolina, where a 70 percent crop loss devastated the 2022 harvest. After a 23-degree night in the spring, it appeared that some of Shuler’s peaches had survived unscathed, only for the superficially healthy peaches to reveal shattered pits within.

“A lot of people that bought peaches probably noticed a shattered pit,” Shuler explained. “That’s cold damage that came from that freeze.”

Similar crop failures occurring in the United Kingdom provide a window into what Americans might expect if these failures continue.

“The National Farmers Union are telling shoppers to be prepared to buy ‘wonky’ produce due to the large impact the drought has had on the shape and size of crops,” the Daily Mail reported.

One farmer in Norfolk, England, was left with no alternative but to give away over 140,000 onions. That’s about 40 tons of onions, just to prevent them from going to waste after high temperatures and mildew wiped out 40 percent of his crop and prevented him from storing healthy onions.

According to leaked documents obtained by another UK news outlet, The Guardian, some crops have been left inedible. The National Drought Group allegedly estimates that onion, carrot and potato crops could see failure rates of up to 50 percent across the Atlantic.


Veteran Member
Things have gotten pretty dry where we are in MT. A little more so than usual. We informed the ranch that runs their cows in our area that the springs are pretty much just mud now. We are blessed to still have a running spring under these conditions.
We also have a substantial crop of service berries aka mountain blueberries. I didn’t realize just how many was in the area until I surveyed them this year. With a little time we could pick buckets full. Since we have one of the running springs the deer frequent our place too. We are taking the opportunity to use the dry weather to water trap mice, pack rats and chipmunks as well.
After reading all the pending food shortage articles we feel very blessed to have a abundance of berries and deer.


Veteran Member

Articles Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Summer Frosts Sweep Siberia/Central Asia; Additional Snow Hits South Africa; Record-Cold Sweeps Australia And South America; + Germany To Prioritize Coal Trains Over Passenger Services​

August 23, 2022 Cap Allon

Summer Frosts Sweep Siberia/Central Asia

The first Arctic air masses of the season are already sweeping Siberia and Central Asia, weeks ahead of schedule.
Rare summer freezes are affecting Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, as well as Northern China this week, felling low temperature records as they go.
Leninogorsk, in Kazakhstan, for example, just witnessed its earliest frost since 2011; and similarly in Oymyakon, Russia, a low of -0.6C has been noted as polar cold ravages, and is forecast to continue to ravage, vast swathes of the Asian continent.

Additional Snow Hits South Africa

South Africa has seen a return of anomalous lows and unusual snows this week.
Additional flurries have added to the already historic accumulations across Southern Africa’s mountainous region of Lesotho, further rewarding all those European ski-freaks that traveled there to enjoy the rare event.

Africa View Facts

Video taken today from Van Reenens Pass on the N3 route between the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa | Ladysmith Gazzette


1:10 PM · Aug 19, 2022
While winter snow across Lesotho isn’t particularly rare, such heavy falls most certainly are; as are the flakes accumulating on lower-lying parts of country, too — many towns are seeing their first snow since 2012, or earlier, according to local reports.

All this follows the truly historic cold and snow that swept this part of the world last year:
“Snowstorm in Africa!” — South Africa Smashes *an additional* 19 All-Time Low Temperature Records over the past 24 hours

“I have never had to drive through a snowstorm in Africa before.”

Record-Cold Sweeps Australia…

While the media traverses the globe on a desperate ‘hot-hunting’ expedition, milking summer heatwaves for all their worth–heat that was pulled anomalously far north by a low solar activity-induced ‘meridional‘ jet stream flow–unbeknownst to them, or at least unreported by them, is the fact that the entire Southern Hemisphere has been holding COLDER than the 1979-2000 average for some time now, according to the data provided by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine.

Today, August 23, the Southern Hemisphere (90°S-0) is -0.4C below the 1979-2000 base.

The media’s failure to report on this fact leaves the trusting and dutiful among us dangerously uninformed. ‘Dangerously’ because the eco-warrior solution to a supposedly catastrophically-warming planet is to eradicate cheap and reliable energy.

This would be folly even if the planet was found to be warming (which it no longer, of course). If you want environmental issues to be addressed–of which I fully recognize there are plenty–plunging 99% of the global population into poverty is not the way to do it — the opposite is. Research shows time and time again that the more affluent a populous the more environmentally savvy they become (not worrying where the hell your family’s next meal is going to come from probably has something to do with it).

However, I am not naive. Raising the masses out of poverty is most certainly not in the best interest of the elites. That’s a bloody non-starter as far as they’re concerned. A population that’s hungry is a population that works. As professor George Kent of the University of Hawaii infamously wrote, without the threat of hunger the global economy would cease to exist:

“For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”

Muse on that foolish eco-warriors as this coming Northern Hemisphere winter draws in — a season ‘they’ themselves have warned will be accompanied by blackouts and food shortages. Awaken in horror as the fantasy that you and your activist chums marched for, that you disrupted traffic by gluing yourself to the highways for, materializes before your foolish and blinded eyes.

Good luck with that, you fools. I hope you’re ready, you fools.

Winter 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere should serve as something of a warning shot. If you think Mother Nature is going to reward the alarmists’ planet-saving endeavors then you are sorely mistaken. Mother Nature is a no-shit-giving bitch who eats dumb ideologies for breakfast–as is only right. This is her planet, after all, why would she ever cater to the will of idiots.

Australia is on for one of its coldest and snowiest winter on record this year–another fact the legacy media is sidestepping–and the freeze Down Under isn’t set to abate anytime soon, far from it, as visualized by the latest GFS run:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 22 – Aug 26 [].

Additional rounds of accumulating snow will accompany the cold, down to elevations of 500m and below, too.

And looking further ahead, the picture is very much the same as the calendar flips to September:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 31 – Sept 8 [].

…And South America

The crop-wrecking chills blasting swathes of South America are also persisting.

Fierce Antarctic fronts have pushed unusually-far north into central Brazil where they’re causing no end of headaches for farmers–just as Brazil’s key Safrinha corn harvest is at a crucial finishing stage.

Freezing temperatures have swept the majority of the South American continent over the past few days — Thierry Goose on Twitter has done a good job documenting them, although his list is by no means exhaustive:

Thierry Goose

#Cold morning in South America! -18.4°C Uyuni [3,650m] -6.4°C Morro da Igreja [1,810m] -6.0°C Presidencia Roque Saenz Peña [91m] -5.5°C Villa de Maria del Rio Seco [341m] -4.0°C Tandil [175m] -3.6°C Sao Joaquim [1,410m] -3.0°C Santiago del Estero [198m] ...


11:48 AM · Aug 19, 2022

Thierry Goose

Even colder today in some places. ️-13.2°C La Paz/Alto [4,058 m] ➡️ 2.0°C above all-time record. ️-3.9°C Base Aérea Nueva Asunción ️-3.5°C Prats Gill


11:23 AM · Aug 20, 2022
Additional lows have been pointed out by @Climaterra (see below), who also note that São Joaquim, with its reading of -13C (8.6F) this week, has suffered its lowest-ever grass/ground temperature reading during the month August:

CLIMATERRA (Ronaldo Coutinho e Piter Scheuer)

São Joaquim /Climaterra tem a menor temperatura de relva registrada em agosto com -13,0°C. Estações padronizadas (governo e particulares) Coutinho/ Piter Scheuer


11:18 AM · Aug 21, 2022
South America can expect another day or two of anomalous cold before a brief burst of warmth sweeps the continent.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 20 – Aug 23 [].

Hot on the heels of that, though, will be a return to the crop-wrecking cold, set to push north beginning August 28/29:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 29 [].

Germany To Prioritize Coal Trains Over Passenger Services

Germany has said it will give coal trains priority over passenger services on its rail network as the country desperately attempts to undo absurd climate policies that are now threatening both its economy and the safety of its citizens.

A draft proposal by the German government includes a warning that the introduction of such a plan could create rail chaos, but the powerhouse of Europe has little choice: winter is fast-approaching, gas is in short supply, and renewables are useless

Germany–and the wider European continent–has been plunged into an energy crisis due to cripplingly stupid dreams of Net Zero and an equally idiotic poking of the Russia Bear via U.S.-led political intervention in The Ukraine.

In response to Western sanctions, Russian state gas company has now cut gas supplies to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to just 20% of capacity — a reality that has Germany in full panic mode, and rightly so.

Natural gas accounts for 27% of Germany’s overall energy mix, and before the war, 55% of that gas was imported from Russia. The German government is now making emergency preparations in case Moscow halts the gas supply altogether.

It feels to me that politicians, at least privately, have woken to the ‘global warming’ ruse. Unfortunately, however, and as is also the case with the similarly ruinous ‘vaccines’, what these placating cowards are now offering as a backtrack is far too little, far too late. The damage is already done, and it is largely irreversible–at least in the short term.

Governments simply won’t have their citizens backs this winter.

It will be survival of the fittest, as Mother Nature always intended.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).


Veteran Member

Articles Extreme Weather Volcanic & Seismic Activity

Record August Chills In The Balkans; Antarctica Plunges Below -80C (-112F); Heavy Summer Snow Hits Xinjiang, China; + Texas Breaks Low Temperature Records, Including One From 1965​

August 24, 2022 Cap Allon

Record August Chills In The Balkans

While the Western half of Europe has witnessed a hot summer, the opposite has been true across the East.
Continuing that trend, the Balkans and also much of Central-Eastern Europe, as well as Southern Italy, have endured very cool and rainy conditions this week.
With a high of just 15.3C (59.5C) on Tuesday, the Slovak capital of Bratislava–serving as just one example–logged its lowest daily high in the month of August since 2010.

Antarctica Plunges Below -80C (-112F)

The fierce and truly historic COLD impacting Antarctica over the past few years should be garnering more attention. I’m not naive, I know full-well why it isn’t — and to briefly recap that ‘inconvenient truth’…
Between April and September 2021, the South Pole averaged -61.1C (-78F) making it the region’s coldest six month spell ever recorded, busting the previous coldest ‘coreless winter‘ on record — the -60.6C (-77F) from 1976 (solar minimum of weak cycle 20).
Also worth noting, the months of June, July, August and September (of 2021) all averaged readings below -60C (-76F) — a phenomenon that has occurred on just three previous occasions, in 1971, 1975 and 1978.
The entire year of 2021 (not just the winter) was also a record-breaker; the South Pole averaged -50.5C (59F) making it the continent’s coldest year since 1987 (solar minimum of cycle 21) and also the third coldest on record in books dating back to 1957.
The first half of 2022 has continued that trend of cold, too; the Antarctic continent has held below the 1979-2000 base (an average used by the Climate Institute at the University of Maine) ALL year, with the most recent months (June and July) also finishing well-below the multidecadal norm.
And now this week, the Antarctic Plateau has plunged to -80.3C (-112.5F)–at the Italian-French station of Concordia–tying the year’s lowest temperature globally which was set at the same site on July 8–the planet’s first sub -80C since 2019.

Stefano Di Battista
Today in Italian-French Concordia Station (3 233 m asl) was tied the coldest annual temperature in the World (-80.3 °C), same value recorded on 8 July The absolute monthly minimum in this place was -84.7 °C on 13 August 2010. In Antarctica -88.3 °C in Vostok on 24 August 1960
10:38 AM · Aug 23, 2022
A colder-than-usual Antarctica + a weak and wavy meridional jet stream flow is a troublesome combination.

This winter, tendrils of polar cold are routinely being whipped-up and sent crashing into Southern Hemisphere land masses.

We see this in South America–where Argentina has been suffering record-breaking cold and snow for months now; we see this in Southern Africa–where Lesotho, for example, is experiencing historic snow at the region’s one and only ski resort; and perhaps most prominently, we see this in Australia–a country enduring one of its coldest winters on record.

Below are the temperature anomalies sweeping the Aussie continent this week, according to the latest GFS run:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 23 – Aug 26 []

While across the Southern Hemisphere as a whole, temperatures today, Aug 24, are forecast to hold -0.4C BELOW the 1979-2000 base, according to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine:

I have no doubt that this hemispheric-wide cooling is tied to the historically low solar activity Earth is receiving–the combined lowest in 200 years; but also likely playing a role is Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai’s mesospheric ejection of Jan 15–the highest volcanic eruption ever recorded:

Heavy Summer Snow Hits Xinjiang, China

This past weekend saw a sudden and unexpected blast of heavy snow batter the mountainous regions of Altay Prefecture, NW China, sending the mercury crashing below zero degrees Celsius as it tore through.

More than 10cm (4 inches) of summer snow was reported across Xinjiang prefecture on Saturday in a rarely seen event in summer–and even in early autumn–according to local meteorological authorities.

Texas Breaks Multiple Low Temperature Records, Including One From 1965

This week, daytime highs across the U.S. state of Texas have been struggling.

On Monday, a new record low-max was set in Midland, according to the city’s NWS Twitter account (shown below).

At Midland International Airport, a high of just 79F (26.1C) was achieved, a reading which comfortably usurped the previous record of 81F (27.2C) set back in 1965 (solar minimum of cycle 19).

NWS Midland
We set a record cold high for the day at Midland Intl. with 79°F. This breaks the old record of 81°F last set in 1965. We will continue to enjoy below average temperatures for the next few days! #txwx
7:51 PM · Aug 22, 2022
Similarly in Amarillo, the chill and accompanying rains have been regarded as something of a God send by locals.

NWS Amarillo
As of 11:30 AM CDT, Amarillo has a current temperature of 64°F. Quite a cool day for August. In fact, the record "coldest" high temperature on this date is 71° back in 2012. If Amarillo does not reach 71° for a high temperature, we may break this record by a few deg. #phwx #TXwx
12:33 PM · Aug 21, 2022
Additionally, the state’s unseasonal conditions weren’t just confined to Midland’s and Amarillo, though, as “A little taste of Fall” gripped much of the Texas Panhandle during the first half of the week, according to NWS Amarillo on Twitter:

NWS Amarillo
A little taste of Fall this morning across the Texas Panhandle #phwx
1:10 PM · Aug 23, 2022
Looking ahead, the South-Central’s early “Autumn-like temps” are forecast to persist–for the most part.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 21 – Sept 4 []

That could be your summer done with Texas — time to start preparing for that “chilly” winter:

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).


Day by day
I can vouch for significant changes in our Brazos Valley area of Central Texas. This past week of rain has been a drought-buster, thank heavens. We're seeing changes in wildlife, most significantly. All swallows are gone, we're seeing a lot of cardinals gathering together, and the wild ducks that generally visit here for breeding are now gathering in greater numbers (40+) which we typically see just before they migrate away to their winter areas. I'm pretty sure this is early, but I need to pull out last year's calendar to check; I record the wild ducks' numbers daily.

When we see robins coming in, and flocks of Canadian geese and snow geese flying overhead on their way to the Gulf areas, then we'll really know.

northern watch

TB Fanatic

Fall on the doorstep as the first flakes fly in this part of Canada​

Nathan Howes
Digital Reporter
The Weather Network

Tuesday, August 23rd 2022, 8:36 pm - With plenty of summer still left, Northern Canada is getting a head start on fall weather this week as single-digit temperatures and a trough could bring a bit of wet snow to parts of the region.

Oh snow! Canada's first signs of Fall has arrived

While most of Canada is still basking in the sun and accompanying summer temperatures, one part of the country is already showing signs of the fall (and winter) this week.


With chilly single-digit temperatures and a trough draped across Northern Canada, this setup is bringing the potential for wet snow in parts of Nunavut through Wednesday overnight.

The trough is allowing for temperatures to drop 2-5 degrees below normal.

By no means is this going to be a significant event, with the snow not likely to accumulate, but there is the chance of another shot of the white stuff in Nunavut next week.


Even though there is plenty of summer left still, this sneaky snow is a good reminder for Canadians in other parts of the country that fall will be here before they know it...which can feature snow well ahead of winter's arrival.



Veteran Member


Extreme Weather

Atlantic Hurricane Season’s Weakest Start In 30 Years; + Odd Magnetism Beneath The Sun​

August 25, 2022 Cap Allon

Atlantic Hurricane Season’s Weakest Start In 30 Years

Back in May, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center predicted an “above-average hurricane activity year”. The agency’s outlook for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which extends from June 1 to Nov 30, saw a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season, and a 10% chance of a below-normal season.

NOAA’s 2022 Hurricane Outlook

For the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season, NOAA expected as many as 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including as many as 6 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). NOAA provided these ranges with a 70% confidence.
Such mainstream predictions, however, are always predicated on a failing global warming hypotheses, a narrative that calls for linearly rising global temperatures, less snowfall, and increased storms.
Also, and to appease their AGW Party backers, the likes of NOAA completely sidestep the biggest forcing of them all –solar activity– and as a result, reality routinely proves their forecasts and outlooks spectacularly wrong, whether that be for temperature, snowfall, or, as in this case, hurricanes.
It’s now late-August of 2022 and the year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season has been the slowest ‘non-starter’ in 30 years–even longer by other metrics (I’ll get into that below). Not only is NOAA being proven wrong, they are, once again, being proven spectacularly wrong.
Powerful hurricanes last for days and enable massive transfer of energy (charge rebalancing) between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface. So the main energetic source for major hurricanes is the electric potential difference between the Earth and its ionosphere. Reduced solar activity means a less (positively) charged ionosphere which means reduced electric potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth which means less frequent category 5 hurricanes.
NOAA don’t appear to understand this–at least they don’t express this understanding publicly–hence their 10% forecast for a below average hurricane season during a time of historically low solar activity (the combined lowest for 200 years).
A key metric meteorologists use to gauge a season’s activity has flatlined. As of Aug 20, the 2022 hurricane season’s ‘ACE Index’ is pacing the lowest of any year since 1992, according to Kim Wood, associate professor at Mississippi State University:

Dr. Kim Wood

Atlantic tropical cyclone activity has been low so far in 2022. How low? Since 1966, just five seasons produced less ACE through Aug 20: 1967 (-ENSO neutral) 1977 (eventual El Niño) 1984 (eventual La Niña) 1988 (La Niña) 1992 (-ENSO neutral) ONI values: Climate Prediction Center - ONI


11:23 AM · Aug 21, 2022
Moreover, and as pointed out on Twitter by Colorado State University tropical scientist Phil Klotzbach, this is also the first time in 40 years that no named storms formed between July 3 – August 22 in the Atlantic Basin:

Philip Klotzbach

For the first time since 1982, the Atlantic has had no named storms (e.g., >=39 mph tropical cyclones) between July 3 - August 22. #hurricane
7:28 AM · Aug 23, 2022
Keep in mind, though, a slow-starting hurricane season does not necessarily mean the rest of the season will be a dud.

Among the five other seasons in the satellite era (since 1966) that were considered slow-starters (as shown in Dr Wood’s tweet) one was 1992, yet by Aug 22, 1992, ‘Andrew’ became a hurricane and slammed into South Florida; prior to that, after 1988’s slow start, ‘Gilbert’ developed into the most intense Atlantic Basin hurricane at the time before slamming Cancún and NE Mexico; while hurricanes ‘Diana,’ ‘Anita’ and ‘Beulah’ each developed shortly after early-season slumbers in 1984, 1977 and 1967, respectively.

Time will tell, as it tends to do — but so far, as of late-Aug, NOAA have been proven SPECTACULARLY wrong.

ACE index ‘flatline’: 2022 (green line) vs. other seasons with less than 50% of average ACE through Aug. 20 (red lines).

Odd Magnetism Beneath The Sun

Activity has been quiet on the sun in recent days, particularly given the fact that we’re approaching solar maximum (within the 11-year cycle) which is expected to peak in 2024.

And barring the odd minor flaring, space weather is forecast to remain calm for the time being, at least for the next week-or-so; no CMEs are coming, and the next solar wind stream isn’t expected to reach Earth until August 29.

Despite the quiet, a new sunspot (provisionally numbered AR3088) is emerging in the sun’s southern hemisphere; however, something is off about it — observers have noted that its magnetic field is not normal:

The sunspot, as shown in the above Solar Dynamics Observatory map of magnetic fields, should have its magnetic poles arranged +/-, that is, positive (+) on the left and negative (-) on the right. Instead, however, and going against Hale’s Law, they are rotated 90 degrees with positive (+) on top and negative (-) is on the bottom.

This is a rare ‘perpendicular sunspot,’ with magnetic poles orthogonal to the sun’s equator.

What’s going on?

“Something unusual may be happening to the sun’s magnetic dynamo beneath the surface where this sunspot is growing,” postulates Dr Tony Philips of “We’ll keep an eye on AR3088 to see what happens next,” he concludes.

Stay tuned for updates.
Grand Solar Minimum 101: The Future Looks Cold

The Sun is at its weakest state in more than a century, and the impacts on Earth’s weather/climate are unfolding before our eyes, whether we know it or not…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord


Articles Extreme Weather

Atlantic Hurricane Season’s Weakest Start In 30 Years; + Odd Magnetism Beneath The Sun​

August 25, 2022 Cap Allon

Atlantic Hurricane Season’s Weakest Start In 30 Years

Back in May, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center predicted an “above-average hurricane activity year”. The agency’s outlook for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which extends from June 1 to Nov 30, saw a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season, and a 10% chance of a below-normal season.

NOAA’s 2022 Hurricane Outlook

For the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season, NOAA expected as many as 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including as many as 6 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). NOAA provided these ranges with a 70% confidence.
Such mainstream predictions, however, are always predicated on a failing global warming hypotheses, a narrative that calls for linearly rising global temperatures, less snowfall, and increased storms.
Also, and to appease their AGW Party backers, the likes of NOAA completely sidestep the biggest forcing of them all –solar activity– and as a result, reality routinely proves their forecasts and outlooks spectacularly wrong, whether that be for temperature, snowfall, or, as in this case, hurricanes.
It’s now late-August of 2022 and the year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season has been the slowest ‘non-starter’ in 30 years–even longer by other metrics (I’ll get into that below). Not only is NOAA being proven wrong, they are, once again, being proven spectacularly wrong.
Powerful hurricanes last for days and enable massive transfer of energy (charge rebalancing) between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface. So the main energetic source for major hurricanes is the electric potential difference between the Earth and its ionosphere. Reduced solar activity means a less (positively) charged ionosphere which means reduced electric potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth which means less frequent category 5 hurricanes.
NOAA don’t appear to understand this–at least they don’t express this understanding publicly–hence their 10% forecast for a below average hurricane season during a time of historically low solar activity (the combined lowest for 200 years).
A key metric meteorologists use to gauge a season’s activity has flatlined. As of Aug 20, the 2022 hurricane season’s ‘ACE Index’ is pacing the lowest of any year since 1992, according to Kim Wood, associate professor at Mississippi State University:

Dr. Kim Wood
Atlantic tropical cyclone activity has been low so far in 2022. How low? Since 1966, just five seasons produced less ACE through Aug 20: 1967 (-ENSO neutral) 1977 (eventual El Niño) 1984 (eventual La Niña) 1988 (La Niña) 1992 (-ENSO neutral) ONI values: Climate Prediction Center - ONI
11:23 AM · Aug 21, 2022
Moreover, and as pointed out on Twitter by Colorado State University tropical scientist Phil Klotzbach, this is also the first time in 40 years that no named storms formed between July 3 – August 22 in the Atlantic Basin:

Philip Klotzbach
For the first time since 1982, the Atlantic has had no named storms (e.g., >=39 mph tropical cyclones) between July 3 - August 22. #hurricane
7:28 AM · Aug 23, 2022^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1562039133698002944|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
Keep in mind, though, a slow-starting hurricane season does not necessarily mean the rest of the season will be a dud.

Among the five other seasons in the satellite era (since 1966) that were considered slow-starters (as shown in Dr Wood’s tweet) one was 1992, yet by Aug 22, 1992, ‘Andrew’ became a hurricane and slammed into South Florida; prior to that, after 1988’s slow start, ‘Gilbert’ developed into the most intense Atlantic Basin hurricane at the time before slamming Cancún and NE Mexico; while hurricanes ‘Diana,’ ‘Anita’ and ‘Beulah’ each developed shortly after early-season slumbers in 1984, 1977 and 1967, respectively.

Time will tell, as it tends to do — but so far, as of late-Aug, NOAA have been proven SPECTACULARLY wrong.

ACE index ‘flatline’: 2022 (green line) vs. other seasons with less than 50% of average ACE through Aug. 20 (red lines).

Odd Magnetism Beneath The Sun

Activity has been quiet on the sun in recent days, particularly given the fact that we’re approaching solar maximum (within the 11-year cycle) which is expected to peak in 2024.

And barring the odd minor flaring, space weather is forecast to remain calm for the time being, at least for the next week-or-so; no CMEs are coming, and the next solar wind stream isn’t expected to reach Earth until August 29.

Despite the quiet, a new sunspot (provisionally numbered AR3088) is emerging in the sun’s southern hemisphere; however, something is off about it — observers have noted that its magnetic field is not normal:

The sunspot, as shown in the above Solar Dynamics Observatory map of magnetic fields, should have its magnetic poles arranged +/-, that is, positive (+) on the left and negative (-) on the right. Instead, however, and going against Hale’s Law, they are rotated 90 degrees with positive (+) on top and negative (-) is on the bottom.

This is a rare ‘perpendicular sunspot,’ with magnetic poles orthogonal to the sun’s equator.

What’s going on?

“Something unusual may be happening to the sun’s magnetic dynamo beneath the surface where this sunspot is growing,” postulates Dr Tony Philips of “We’ll keep an eye on AR3088 to see what happens next,” he concludes.

Stay tuned for updates.
Grand Solar Minimum 101: The Future Looks Cold

The Sun is at its weakest state in more than a century, and the impacts on Earth’s weather/climate are unfolding before our eyes, whether we know it or not…

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).e
Thank you Alpha , for keeping this updated. This last post was filled with very disturbing info. I wish I had my woodshed full, but no, I have 3 cords yet to drop trees for and process, and nowhere ready yet to do it. Argh! But these reports - ESPECIALLY about the weird magnetic Phenomenon on the sun’s latest sunspot - has got to be telling us something very strange is going on, with potential to be very concerning to us all, I would think.


Veteran Member
Thank you Alpha , for keeping this updated. This last post was filled with very disturbing info. I wish I had my woodshed full, but no, I have 3 cords yet to drop trees for and process, and nowhere ready yet to do it. Argh! But these reports - ESPECIALLY about the weird magnetic Phenomenon on the sun’s latest sunspot - has got to be telling us something very strange is going on, with potential to be very concerning to us all, I would think.
I watch Suspicious0bservers every day and, YES some very strange things are going on within our entire galaxy that is affecting our own solar system... worth reading up on it all as Ben has several lengthy videos that encapsulate the cycle.


Veteran Member


Extreme Weather

NOAA Charts Reveal Global Cooling Is Intensifying; A Word On ‘Climate Reanalyzer’; + Long Cold Winter Mornings Persist In Australia​

August 26, 2022 Cap Allon

NOAA Charts Reveal Global Cooling Is Intensifying

NOAA shows that the rate of Earth’s cooling has increased during 2022–thank you to a reader for pointing this out.
The agency’s ‘Global Time Series’ temperature tool plots the current ‘Land and Ocean’ rate of decrease as 0.19C per decade, up from a decrease of 0.11C per decade at the start of the year:

Selected month: Jan (Feb 2016-Jan 2022) decrease of 0.11C per decade
Selected month: Feb (Mar 2016-Feb 2022) decrease of 0.13C per decade
Selected month: Mar (Apr 2016-Mar 2022) decrease of 0.16C per decade
Selected month: Apr (May 2016-Apr 2022) decrease of 0.18C per decade
Selected month: May (Jun 2016-May 2022) decrease of 0.18C per decade
Selected month: Jun (Jul 2016-Jun 2022) decrease of 0.18C per decade
Selected month: Jul (Aug 2016-Jul 2022) decrease of 0.19C per decade

So, points out my reader, in six months the rate of decrease in temperature has increased by 73% over the January figure.
Not only is the Earth cooling, it is cooling at a faster and faster rate.


A Word On ‘Climate Reanalyzer’

Unless I’m experiencing a bout of Friday morning brain fog, which is entirely possible, I’m struggling to understand how the Climate Change Institute’s Climate Reanalyzer tool has shown increasing ‘World’ temperatures in recent days…
From Weds, Aug 24 to Fri, Aug 26, the five individual regional values the tool uses–NH, Arctic, Tropics, SH, Antarctic–have either maintained their temperature or cooled, yet the overall reading–World–has increased (from 0.1C to 0.2C)–see slideshow below.
How is this possible, exactly?

The Climate Institute has made it clear that they do not like researchers using their temperature anomaly tool to expose the fact that the world appears to be cooling (screenshot of their recently added proviso below), and I can’t help but wonder, given the exposure this tool has had of late, if the Institute has been tempted to ‘cook the books’ at all?


It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a mainstream agency has been suspected of doing as much.

Below are the DMI’s, NOAA’s and NASA’s historical ‘antics’, respectively:
Record Snow In Austria & Turkey, “Unprecedented” Cold Wave Is Hitting Scandinavia, “Zombie Fires” & Historic Temp Disparity In Russia, + DMI Fail To Answer Key Question

Professor Martin Keeley: “Global warming is indeed a scam, perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash courses in geology, logic and the philosophy of science. It provides the media with a new scare story, which has been picked up by the focus groups and turned into the new religion, offering us hell if we don’t all change our ways.”
The Top Climate Scientist who Exposed NOAA as Frauds: “You never change good data to agree with the bad, but that’s what they did”

Avg SSTs are calculated using buoys. But NOAA ‘adjusted’ these figures upwards to fit with data taken from ships – which is warmer. This exaggerated the warming trend, allowing NOAA to claim in the paper dubbed the ‘Pausebuster’ that there was in fact no ‘pause’.
NASA’s “Smoking Gun” of Climate Fraud

NASA have cooled the past so as to create a fake modern warming trend that correlates almost-perfectly with rising atmospheric CO2 levels. Here is the proof…

Long Cold Winter Mornings Persist In Australia

Don’t feel bad if you’ve been shivering a lot the past couple of months,” reads a recent article, “it’s been a very cold winter thanks to slow-moving high-pressure systems that sent cold bursts around the country.

A host of low temperature AND snowfall records have fallen this season, but it’s more the persistent nature of the chill that’s been noteworthy.

In July, Melbourne experienced its coldest winter day since 2016; Alice Springs endured 12 mornings of freezing lows, its longest sub-zero streak on record; while even sub-tropical Queensland has been hit with rare frosts and flakes.

And as reported on Wednesday this week, winter 2022 is far from done with the Aussie continent:

Looking further ahead, to the onset of spring–which starts Sept 1 Down Under–additional cold outbreaks are forecast to be released north by an anomalously-frigid Antarctica, as shown in the latest GFS runs.

Sept 3:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Sept 3 [].

Sept 10:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Sept 10 [].

But don’t worry Aussies, because according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s latest climate outlook report–with the fantastic track record that has–temperatures are going to rise in September, and it’s going to be a pretty toasty spring.

The BoM–as they always do, and as they even did for the historically cold winter of 2022–is prophesying above average temperatures for the coming season, particularly for south-east Queensland, most of NSW, SA and south-east WA.

–So take that for whatever you deem it to be worth.

Australia’s cold winter has pushed energy prices skyrocketing, most notably across the east coast where gas, coal, and electricity reached record-highs and triggered price caps of some 400% above the normal price ranges.

The situation highlighted the delicate scenario in which the need for new gas sources must be balanced against government attempts to meet net-zero goals, said analysts at Wood Mackenzie, an energy research firm — a suicidal setup we’re seeing across the developed world.

Daniel Toleman, Principal Analyst, Global LNG for Wood Mackenzie said: “This recent crisis was caused by a perfect storm of under-investment in new energy supplies, as well as cold weather hitting at the same time as coal outages and supply shortages, low renewable generation and high global commodity prices. It was an incredible combination that pushed the market to the breaking point. LNG suppliers stepped in to divert gas to areas that needed it, but the situation did highlight the need for new sources of energy supply to meet current and future demand.”

This ‘breaking point’ was caused–have no doubt–by weak, spineless and placating governments bending to the will of their totalitarian backers and to the noisy minority of activist-stooges that have been duped into believing the AGW Party narrative.

A transition to net-zero is prosperity-suicide — as it’s already proving; in real time we’re seeing this fantasy force the poor deeper into poverty, it’s eradicating the middle class, and it’s making the 0.1% richer via the ongoing biggest wealth transfer in human history.

Decarbonizing energy systems to meet net-zero emissions by 2050 is a scam; a grandiose con; a controlled demolition of our modern, comfortable western civilization. Evidence-based scientific objectivity does not back the existence of a Climate Crisis:

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).


Veteran Member
Louisiana's largest crop on verge of ruin as rain drowns soybeans

Greg Hilburn
Lafayette Daily Advertiser

Louisiana soybean farmers are facing disaster as torrential rains continue to pound the crop at its most vulnerable point on the cusp of what had promised to be a bumper harvest just 10 days ago.

"It's bad; really bad," said Tensas Parish producer Ben Guthrie, whose family planted about 4,000 acres of soybeans this year. "It's already pretty clear that there is a good bit of sprouting and rot and pod degradation, and it's still raining."

Soybeans are the state's largest crop this year at about 1.2 million planted acres with the bulk of those located in the northeastern Louisiana Delta, which has been inundated with as much as 15 inches of rain in some areas during the last seven days.

"Southwestern Tensas Parish got 9 inches in one day," Guthrie said. "Worse than the amount of rain is the duration. Beans have been wet for more than seven straight days now. You can't overcome that."

More:'Oysters are in trouble': Gulf harvests fall as prices rise

Other crops throughout the state, from the remaining corn that hasn't been harvested, to cotton to rice to sugarcane, is also suffering from excessive August rain, but the most immediate concern is for soybeans.

Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain told USA Today Network he saw the distressed soybean fields first-hand this week while traveling through northeastern Louisiana.

"My biggest concern right now is that it won't stop raining and the forecast is for it continuing for another week," Strain said. "There's a tremendous concern for the soybeans and the concern for other crops still in the field will escalate if the rain continues."

Tensas Parish farmer Ben Guthrie displays a soybean pod that has sprouted because of excessive rain.

Many farmers had already desiccated their soybeans in preparation for harvest, leaving them susceptible to rot from moisture. Soybeans that haven't been desiccated and still green are sprouting, which can eventually cause those beans to fall from the pods.

Scott Franklin of Franklin Farms in Richland Parish said he believes the damage could exceed $100 million in value already.

More:Trina Edwards, widow of Gov. Edwin Edwards, is marrying another Louisiana political legend

"And there comes a point of no return, where a farmer has to decide whether or not to even harvest what's in the field," Franklin said.

The damage comes as soybean producers were poised for one of their best years with promising yields, high demand and profitable prices.

"We had sky high hopes for beans, so it's definitely hard to see this happen on the last play of the game," Guthrie said.

Strain said it's too early to tell whether the damage will meet the threshold for federal disaster aid.

"We're going to continue monitoring the situation and work to get any and all assistance after we can determine the damage to our crops," Strain said.

There is some optimism that because of high demand there will be a market for damaged soybeans, albeit at discounted prices, unlike previous years.

"Demand for U.S. beans has been incredible, so that's a small ray of hope," Franklin said.

Greg Hilburn covers Louisiana politics for the USA Today Network. Follow him on Twitter @GregHilburn1.

It's been raining here for the 10th straight day. We had street flooding and power outages last night. (south La.)


TB Fanatic
to m
Louisiana's largest crop on verge of ruin as rain drowns soybeans

Greg Hilburn
Lafayette Daily Advertiser

Louisiana soybean farmers are facing disaster as torrential rains continue to pound the crop at its most vulnerable point on the cusp of what had promised to be a bumper harvest just 10 days ago.

"It's bad; really bad," said Tensas Parish producer Ben Guthrie, whose family planted about 4,000 acres of soybeans this year. "It's already pretty clear that there is a good bit of sprouting and rot and pod degradation, and it's still raining."

Soybeans are the state's largest crop this year at about 1.2 million planted acres with the bulk of those located in the northeastern Louisiana Delta, which has been inundated with as much as 15 inches of rain in some areas during the last seven days.

"Southwestern Tensas Parish got 9 inches in one day," Guthrie said. "Worse than the amount of rain is the duration. Beans have been wet for more than seven straight days now. You can't overcome that."

More:'Oysters are in trouble': Gulf harvests fall as prices rise

Other crops throughout the state, from the remaining corn that hasn't been harvested, to cotton to rice to sugarcane, is also suffering from excessive August rain, but the most immediate concern is for soybeans.

Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain told USA Today Network he saw the distressed soybean fields first-hand this week while traveling through northeastern Louisiana.

"My biggest concern right now is that it won't stop raining and the forecast is for it continuing for another week," Strain said. "There's a tremendous concern for the soybeans and the concern for other crops still in the field will escalate if the rain continues."

Tensas Parish farmer Ben Guthrie displays a soybean pod that has sprouted because of excessive rain.

Many farmers had already desiccated their soybeans in preparation for harvest, leaving them susceptible to rot from moisture. Soybeans that haven't been desiccated and still green are sprouting, which can eventually cause those beans to fall from the pods.

Scott Franklin of Franklin Farms in Richland Parish said he believes the damage could exceed $100 million in value already.

More:Trina Edwards, widow of Gov. Edwin Edwards, is marrying another Louisiana political legend

"And there comes a point of no return, where a farmer has to decide whether or not to even harvest what's in the field," Franklin said.

The damage comes as soybean producers were poised for one of their best years with promising yields, high demand and profitable prices.

"We had sky high hopes for beans, so it's definitely hard to see this happen on the last play of the game," Guthrie said.

Strain said it's too early to tell whether the damage will meet the threshold for federal disaster aid.

"We're going to continue monitoring the situation and work to get any and all assistance after we can determine the damage to our crops," Strain said.

There is some optimism that because of high demand there will be a market for damaged soybeans, albeit at discounted prices, unlike previous years.

"Demand for U.S. beans has been incredible, so that's a small ray of hope," Franklin said.

Greg Hilburn covers Louisiana politics for the USA Today Network. Follow him on Twitter @GregHilburn1.

It's been raining here for the 10th straight day. We had street flooding and power outages last night. (south La.)
to me its sad to think that biggest crop in Louisiana is soybeans.


Veteran Member


Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Very Cold In Northern Iran and Southern Africa; South America’s ‘Swings Between Extremes’; + China Breaks More Than 20 *Monthly* Low Temperature Records​

August 29, 2022 Cap Allon

Very Cold In Northern Iran…

Very cold conditions have been prevailing over the Northern Iranian Highlands of late.
The village of Sabz, for example, located in East Azerbaijan Province, logged a low of just 2.3C (36.1F) over the weekend — a reading not too far off the national August record low.

…and Southern Africa

Similarly in South Africa–a bit of a trip, granted–the town of Graaff Reinet (32S) recently suffered 3 straight nights of frosts, followed a night of tropical warmth (Tmin of +20.3C/68.5F), and then another plunge to -4C (24.8F) — exceptional ‘swings between extremes’…

South America’s ‘Swings Between Extremes’

While Argentina has been holding persistently cold in recent months, many of South America’s more central and northern locales have been dealing with regular temperature ‘flip-floppings’ — that is to say, swings from record cold to record heat and record heat to record cold, over and over again — a disastrous setup for crop production, if nothing else.
The latest extreme temperature ‘flip’ occurred over the weekend.
Below are the contrasting temperatures for a handful of southern Brazilian towns (courtesy of @metsul on Twitter). On the left are the 3pm readings on Saturday, Aug 27, and on the right are the 3pm readings just 24-hours later, on Sunday, Aug 28:

TEMPO | Temperatura às 15h ontem | Temperatura às 15h hoje: Canela: 25,2ºC | 4,2ºC Caxias do Sul: 27,0ºC | 5,4ºC Serafina Correa: 29,4ºC | 9,5ºC Campo Bom: 32,5ºC | 12,2ºC Porto Alegre: 32,0ºC | 12,6ºC Santa Maria: 31,4ºC | 13,0ºC São José dos Ausentes: 22,5ºC | 5,1ºC


4:55 PM · Aug 28, 2022
This cool down has intensified into Monday, too, as picked up by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, an agency that is also picking up on a fiercely cold Antarctica (-4.6C below the multidecadal norm) and also an overall cool planet (holding just +0.1C above the same historical 1979-2000 base):

Looking ahead, another brief yet intense spell of heat will see 40C (104F) reached in Paraguay (on Sept 1) before the mercury completely collapses again shortly thereafter:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 28 – Sept 4 []

Such ‘swings between extremes’ are a common feature during times of low solar activity. With less energy entering the jet streams they revert from their standard stable ‘ZONAL’ flow to more of a weak and wavy ‘MERIDIONAL’ one.

This, for one, can result in abnormal temperature anomalies on both ends of the scale, a factor solely dependent on which ‘side’ of the jet stream you’re on (NH: ‘above’ the jet will see you subject to Arctic cold; ‘below’ will deliver you Tropical warmth).

Western Europe has been ‘below’ the JS for long stretches of this summer which, as we would expect, has seen the region subject to hot ‘African Plumes’ riding anomalously-far north. My big worry is that if the counter plays out this winter–if another ‘climatic equilibrium’ occurs–then Europe–in its self-inflicted energy crisis–will be burning whatever the hell it can get its hands on to stave off equally long stretches of descending polar cold.

Warmth is good, life can deal with the heat; it’s the cold that causes suffering. Hence this inconvenient truth: Tropical forests cover less than 12% of all land, yet they contain a majority of plant and animal species on earth; whereas the Arctic covers 10% of the planet’s land area, but contains only 600 plant species and only 100 species of birds, no reptiles or amphibians, and only 20 mammals.

The warmer the better–to an extent (and to quite a high threshold); also, the more atmospheric CO2 the better–levels have been 4000+ppm in the past during epochs when life exploded, no less, such as the Cambrian and also the wider Paleozoic era.

Carbon is the build block of life, we should celebrate higher concentrations of the stuff — this shouldn’t be contentious.

China Breaks More Than 20 *Monthly* Low Temperature Records

The ‘swings between extremes’ we spoke of above aren’t just confined to South Africa and South America, they’re occurring in China, too–as well as across the wider Asian continent.

Over the weekend, the intense record-breaking heat suffered in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Sichuan and Chongqing was more than ‘balanced out’ by the exceptional record-breaking cold featured in northern parts of the country.

More than 20 stations in the provinces of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei broke their *monthly* low temperature records on Saturday, August 27, many of which (see list below) had stood since the 1970s–another period of relatively low solar activity.

20x of Northern China’s busted August lows.

These unprecedented August chills are just the start, too, as numerous additional blobs of ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ amass in Siberia and Far East Russia readying to descend and dominate more southerly reaches of the continent (see GFS below), readying to ‘flip’ central and southern China from the record heat it has bee enduring this summer to potentially unprecedented early-season chills.

Also note that it’s now Eastern Europe’s turn to swing to heat after suffering what has, for the most part, been a very cool summer. However, note that that burst of ‘red’ is brief, to be almost immediately replaced by yet more anomalous polar ‘blues’.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 28 – Sept 5 []

This Northern Hemisphere winter is shaping up to be a doozy (more on that tomorrow) and will coincide with a crippling energy shortage. The outlook is grim, particularly for the poorest–which given the recent implosion in living stands is nigh-everyone.

Prepare accordingly.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre)


Neither here nor there.
Market crash you say?
look up about the end of the 7 year Shemita and its last day Elul 29, and the history of that day at the end of every Shemita and market crashes...

eerie how so many black swans appear to be lining up for a simultaneous landing....

I have no idea what you're talking about, Shemita and Elul. Could you start a thread on this in the Unexplained forum and tell us more?

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
I have no idea what you're talking about, Shemita and Elul. Could you start a thread on this in the Unexplained forum and tell us more?
Sorry, I am too pre-occupied with a construction project out back but if you type in Elul 29 into the tb2k search engine (specify everywhere) you will see loads of threads where it gets mentioned and discussed over the years...


Veteran Member

Articles Crop Loss Extreme Weather Volcanic & Seismic Activity

Greenland Just Gained A Record-Smashing 7 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice; + A Major Stratospheric Cooling Event Is Unfolding Across The Entire Southern Hemisphere…​

August 30, 2022 Cap Allon

Greenland Just Gained A Record-Smashing 7 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice

Impressive surface mass balance (SMB) readings–a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier––have been posted across the Greenland ice sheet all season, particularly during the so-called summer ‘melt’ season.
Case in point is yesterday’s (Aug 29’s) record-smashing 7 Gigaton GAIN — a reading that would be impressive and at time of year, but one that has entered the books as the largest ever daily gain during the summer (with data extending back to the 1980s).


This unprecedented August GAIN has advanced the ice sheet’s SMB further-above the 1981-2010 mean (grey line):

Greenland continues to defy AGW Party orders, refusing to melt as prophesied.
And this year is far from an anomaly — since 2016, an overall net gain has been observed:

Here’s the 2016-2017 season:

SMB 2016 – 2017 [DMI]

And here’s 2017-2018:

SMB 2017 – 2018 [DMI]

The incompetence/fraud is clearer than ever.
Despite decades of reliable satellite measurements–resulting in unambiguous and unalarming data–the official narrative remains one of fire and brimstone, one hellbent on pushing a suicidal demonizing of affordable and reliable fossil fuels:

And while it is true that the Greenland ice sheet lost mass from around 1995 to 2012, that trend of loss has now reversed, almost completely. Liike the gradual turning of a vast ship, from the year’s 2010 to 2015 Greenland’s SMB changed course and has been on an upward trajectory ever since:

And now we have 2021/2022 season ending with a bang and advancing that trend of growth further still:



Following is part two.....



Veteran Member

Part two...

A Major Stratospheric Cooling Event Is Unfolding Across The Entire Southern Hemisphere

Fierce cold anomalies are being detected in the stratosphere over the Southern Hemisphere, cooling on a scale that has never been witnessed before in modern satellite records. The culprit? Hunga Tonga’s January 15th eruption.

Powerful volcanic eruptions are capable of firing different gasses and materials into the stratosphere, and beyond. Depending on the type of particles and the volume of ejecta, this can lead to different regional and global atmospheric effects.
Hunga Tonga is a submarine volcano located under the South Pacific. Its violent eruption on Jan 15, 2022 produced a massive volcanic plume consisting of sulfur and water vapor that touched the mesosphere. It was the highest eruption ever recorded.

Sulfur sent to such lofty atmospheric levels has a global cooling effect. Pinatubo’s 1991 eruption is recent evidence of this. As shown below, Pinatubo’s VEI-6 ‘pop’ cooled the entire planet for approximately 3 years, and by a substantial margin, too:

Similar to sulfur, water vapor also has a cooling effect, although not at the surface, rather in the stratosphere — cooling that is achieved in the same manor to sulfur; that is, by reflecting incoming solar radiation.
It has been calculated that Hunga Tonga’s eruption resulted in a 10% increase in total stratospheric water vapor content (from 1560 Teragrams to over 1700 Teregrams) which is an immense achievement for a single volcanic event:

The injected water vapor reached the upper stratosphere with the main concentration holding between 20-30km (12-18 miles):

Below is NASA’s analysis of the water vapor anomaly at approx 25km (15.5 miles) up.
Visible is the significant increase following the eruption, but also worth noting is the ‘overlap’ from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern Hemisphere — the ejecta isn’t confined to one region, it spreads:

The cooling related to this event can be tracked using the reanalysis data from NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory.
Below is May 2022’s mid-stratosphere temperature anomaly (so approx. 4 months after the eruption). Clear to see, by May there was already significant cooling afoot across the Southern Hemisphere with the strongest cold anomalies around 30S:

By July 2022 the cooling effect was even stronger. The cold anomalies were substantial (10 degrees below the norm). And not only had they intensified but they had spread further towards the south pole, too:

NOAA’s mid-stratosphere temperature graph also shows the unprecedented level of cooling:
[NOAA] 40-years of mind-strat temperature data (2022 the is red line].

According to the latest analysis (Aug 2022), the stratospheric cooling has continued to intensify with the temperature anomalies expanding even further towards the South Pole…

…where they’re also seen to be influencing the polar vortex dynamics more directly — along with the temperature, the pressure is also seen to be decreasing:

The very latest analysis (Aug 27) speaks for itself — the stratospheric cooling has now engulfed the southern polar regions:

Implications For This Coming Northern Hemisphere Winter​

More often than not, southern stratospheric cooling results in a negative NAO pressure pattern (North Atlantic Oscillation: the pressure pattern affecting North America and Europe). A negative NAO means higher pressure over the north Atlantic and Greenland and, conversely, lower pressure to the south.
The below image is an example of this, it shows the temperature pattern of a negative NAO winter season. Note the colder temperatures over the northern and eastern half of the United States and Europe:

If we take the modern Northern Hemisphere winter seasons that followed anomalously-cold southern stratospheric years, we see a strong correlation with this negative NAO pattern; that is, high pressure over Greenland and lower pressure over the mid-North Atlantic:

Taking the same years again, we can see that the pressure pattern in the northern stratosphere shows a weaker polar vortex (positive pressure anomalies can indicate weaker polar circulation):

Warmer stratospheric temperatures above the North Pole seem to follow southern stratospheric cooling. This warming high above the Arctic–aka ‘sudden stratospheric warming’ (SSW)–often leads to weaker stratospheric circulation, which, in turn, often results in a disrupted jet stream flow:

A strong Polar Vortex means a strong polar circulation: a setup that keeps cold Arctic air locked at the Polar regions resulting in milder conditions for the United States and Europe; while on the flip side, a weak Polar Vortex leads to a wavy jet stream pattern and the vortex has a much harder time containing the cold — Arctic air masses are effectively unlocked and freed to ride anomalously-far south into the United States and/or Europe:


January’s eruption of Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific injected sulfur and a large amount of water vapor into the stratosphere.
We see that this water vapor is now causing significant cooling of the southern stratosphere, and have also noted a correlation between Southern Hemisphere stratospheric cooling and Northern Hemisphere stratospheric warming (SSWs).
Stratospheric warming during the Northern Hemisphere winter often leads to a disruption of the Polar Vortex, causing large pressure changes, which, in turn, can result in masses of Arctic air being unleashed into the United States and Europe.
These, at least, are the current lines of thinking, backed up by historical data.
However, there are many other factors and forcings at play. Earth’s climate is an impossibly complex system and much more research is needed. This winter will, however, be a great real-world test. Hopefully the season doesn’t play out as expected. Simply put, nation’s are not setup to deal with a harsh winter of unrelenting polar outbreaks, not this year, far from it.
I don’t know what else to do but keep my fingers crossed and employ some blind hope.
We humans are powerless against such grand cosmological plays, regardless of what TPTB tell us. No amount of taxing and/or virtue-signalling will impact the climate. Mother Nature rides her cycles and her cycles within cycles regardless. It is sheer folly to think we can knock these ancient, predetermined destinies off course.
As eminent Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov says: “The so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.”


Veteran Member

Articles Extreme Weather

Record Cold Samoa; “Dramatic Weather Change” For Swathes Of Europe; Surprise August Snow Hits China’s NE Mountains; + Sun​

August 31, 2022 Cap Allon

Record Cold Samoa

Last week, a rare August cool spell gripped Oceania, impacting, among other locales, tropical islands north of 15S.
Niue, for example, dropped to 14.3C (57.7F); Tonga to 14.8C (58.6F); but rarer still were the chills in Samoa — the 16.6C (61.9F) observed at the nation’s Faleolo International Airport and the two consecutive sub 20C (68F) readings at Pago Pago hadn’t been witnessed for some 33 years, since 1989.

“Dramatic Weather Change” For Swathes Of Europe

Increasing cloud cover and a stark temperature drop will be the story for much of Europe this week.
Heavy rains are expected on the Mediterranean coasts and the wider Iberian region, with cold stretching as far east as Russia.
According to Meteored, a cold front from Greenland–forecast to show its full impact from Sunday onwards–will bring rains and lower temperatures to Western Europe, while a separate, punishing Arctic front will take care of Eastern Europe.
A “dramatic weather change” is how has reported it.
European’s have everything crossed for a mild, uneventful winter of 2022/23–given the continent’s ongoing energy crisis–and these next 7-10 days are set to deliver an early taster of the seasonal change — particularly for those in the far-West and the East, and also for citizens of Balkan nations, a region on course for a sharp cool down starting Friday, Sept 2 (see GFS run below).
Winter can seem a long way off during the dog days of summer, but now is the time to prepare.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Sept 2 [].

As discussed yesterday, global climatic phenomena are conspiring to deliver the complete opposite of what EU authorities are praying for: The unprecedented stratospheric cooling event currently intensifying in the entire Southern Hemisphere will have knock-on effects for the north, and a fiercely frigid winter season looks to be on the cards for Europe and North America alike:

The Farmers’ Almanacs–both of them–are also in agreement.
This is going to be a “Hibernation” winter for most, “Glacial” and also “Snow-Filled”, too:

The Farmers’ Almanac


The Farmer’s Almanac
2022-2023 winter season is calling for record-breaking cold temperatures of -40F.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac

The Old Farmers’ Almanac predicts cold conditions for many with widespread snow.

Surprise August Snow Hits China’s NE Mountains

Central/Southern China has endured a punishingly hot summer, heat that pushed the country’s energy infrastructure to breaking-point–China’s own energy crisis–with rolling blackouts becoming a routine occurrence as supplies struggled to cope.
On the flip side, northern China has been holding remarkable cold in recent months with impressive dumpings of summer snow clipping the region’s higher elevations.
This week, Northeast China’s Changbai Mountains witnessed a surprise blast of summer snowfall. These peaks, while rebound for holding onto their snow base all year long, are not accustomed to adding to the base during the month of August — this is an incredibly rare feat, one that “surprised visitors”, according to local media reports.

Additionally, this surprise snow has hit off the back of the rare summer flakes that accumulated last week, too:

孩子的爹 (台灣寶島農場)

Spotlight on China: While other regions across #China still have to endure hot weather, many mountainous areas in the Altai region of #Xinjiang saw their first snowfall in the early morning of August 20. It is very rare to see snow at this time. Himalaya Taiwan Official on GETTR : Spotlight on China: While other regions across #China still have to endure hot weather, many mountainous areas in the Altai region of #Xinjiang saw their first snowfall in the early morning of August 20. It is very rare to see snow at this time.


2:11 PM · Aug 26, 2022
Looking ahead, Northern China’s ‘blues’ are forecast to sink further south as the week progress, delivering additional ‘swings between extremes‘ to those provinces that have been contending with long stretches of scorching summer heat.

The chill has already invaded the provinces of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei–last weekend–where more than 20x new *monthly* low temperature records were set on Saturday, August 27 alone–many that had stood since the 1970s–another period of relatively low solar activity.

More of the same is on the cards as we enter September:

GFS 2m Temp Anomalies (C) –Arctic air pushing south– Sept 4 []


A quick word on the Danish Meteorological Institute…

Following August 29’s unprecedented 7 Gigaton SMB gain on Greenland, the DMI’s website is now experiencing “technical problems” — I can;t access it.

We are approaching the end of the season–with the new one commencing Sept 1–so perhaps the unscheduled downtime is related to maintenance or an update. However, given the DMI’s recent track record (see links below), who knows…

Let’s see what shape the Greenland SMB chart is in once the site is back up.

The Danish Meteorological Institute admits it wrongly reported Greenland’s “Record Warm Temperature” this Summer

The institute believes that heavy snow (ironically) had caused poor ventilation around the thermometers at the site, wrongly boosting the temperature…


And finally, despite the active region AR3089, with its ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field posing an ongoing flaring threat, the Earth-facing solar disc has fallen eerily quiet today, August 31:

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) did billow away from the farside of the sun yesterday, and it was spectacular, but the ejection is on course to miss Earth, fortunately, and instead land a direct hit on Venus.

Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) captured the full halo storm cloud:

The Venus impact (expected on Sept 1) will not cause a geomagnetic storm. It can’t. Venus has no internally-generated global magnetic field. Rather, the impact will erode some atmosphere from the planet’s unprotected cloudtops–a process that does not occur on Earth.

NASA modelling of the CME. Venus is the green dot. Earth is the yellow dot.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).

Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.


Veteran Member

Articles Extreme Weather

Journalists ‘Instructed’ To Attribute “Any Extreme Heat To Human Caused Climate Change”; Cold Records Fall In Texas And Guam; + First Time Since 1941 That The Atlantic Has Had No Named Storms​

September 1, 2022 Cap Allon

Journalists ‘Instructed’ To Attribute “Any Extreme Heat To Human Caused Climate Change”

Journalists are being handed a guide instructing them on how to properly report on extreme weather and climate change. The guide–blatantly–seeks to limit investigative endeavors and instead promote a single, universal take on the topic.
Partners of this World Weather Attribution initiative include the University of Oxford and Imperial College London–the latter should ring a bell to those in the UK, with Imperial College now synonymous with doom-and-gloom (and woefully inaccurate) COVID-19 modelling.
The guide is intended to help journalists navigate this key question: ‘Was this event caused by climate change?’.
“First, it introduces the science of ‘extreme event attribution’ — the method of attributing (or not) the degree to which the weather event was influenced by climate change,” begins the guide’s introduction.
“Second, it lays out the statements that can reliably be made about some of the extreme weather types of greatest public interest, even when no specific scientific study is being performed. This is based on current state-of-the-art knowledge using studies of recent extreme events and the latest IPCC report.
“And further down, it provides an easy-to-read checklist for each type of extreme weather event.”
Clearly, this guide is antithetical to true journalism — it is more like a ‘1984’ boot camp and renders the journalist’s job almost completely redundant. The ‘agenda’ would be just as well served using a system of automated bots programmed to automatically assign any breeze or any passing cloud to ‘the climate emergency’.
This may sound facetious, but the reality isn’t all that far off: “Every heatwave in the world is now made stronger and more likely to happen because of human-caused climate change,” instructs the guide, adding that “journalists should be confident of attributing any extreme heat to human caused climate change.”
Truly shocking.
The guide stumbles on numerous occasions, unsurprisingly; in fact, almost every other paragraph is a slap in the face to honest scientific inquiry. It does, however, successfully fire-up my Electroverse belly, particularly this paragraph: “Every instance of extreme cold across the world has decreased in likelihood and intensity due to climate change.”
This is why I’ve taken the approach I have — by proving global cold extremes are not decreasing (I’m finding the opposite to be the case) the entire AGW narrative should fall apart. However, with their strangled hold on truth–via a bought-out/pressured MSM–even increasingly numerous and intense polar outbreaks have somehow been twisted to be evidence of global warming.
Yet more “doublethink” — a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality.
Below is that ‘easy-to-read checklist for each type of weather event’.
Any ‘journalist’ following this ‘propaganda pamphlet’ does not deserve the title; rather, they are merely an arm of a totalitarian system hellbent on stifling scientific debate so as to force through their destructive plan–a plan the world is now well and truly suffering in for which there is no short term escape–and history will remember these useful idiots as such. Particularly if folk like us have anything to do with its writing.

Reporting extreme weather and climate change
A guide for journalists

Low Temperature Records Fall In Texas And Guam

According to the National Weather Service, record low maximum temperatures have recently been set in San Antonio as well as Guam.
A high of just 81F was logged in the city of Del Rio yesterday, August 31 — a reading that broke the previous daily record low-max of 82F set back in 1968. Also, according to the Tiyan station in Guam, a record low maximum of 80F was logged at the island’s International Airport — a mark that busted the previous record of 81F set in 2005.
These feats are made even more impressive given the ever-expanding–and still ignored–Urban Heat Island effect:

First Time Since 1941 That The Atlantic Has Had No Named Storms

“For the first time since 1941, the Atlantic has had no named storm (e.g., tropical storm or hurricane) activity from July 3 – August 30,” tweeted Philip Klotzbach — meteorologist at CSU specializing in Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane forecasts.

Philip Klotzbach

For the first time since 1941, the Atlantic has had no named storm (e.g., tropical storm or #hurricane) activity from July 3rd-August 30th.
6:05 PM · Aug 30, 2022
“Since 1950, two Augusts have had no Atlantic named storm formations: 1961 and 1997,” continued Klotzbach.

“Why has it been so quiet … ?”, he asks. “One reason has been a robust tropical upper-tropospheric trough and associated increases in vertical wind shear in the Caribbean/central tropical Atlantic”:

However, Klotzbach is keen to point out that there are many variables and interactions that ‘the science’ simply isn’t aware of.

“Even perfect knowledge of sea surface temperatures and wind shear during peak Atlantic hurricane season only explains ~50-60% of the variance in Atlantic activity [study here]. That’s the challenge of forecasting weather events on climate timescales.”

Every mainstream model–with their forced global warming inputs–foretold of a busy 2022 hurricane season, but every mainstream model underplayed or completely failed to acknowledge, 1) the historically low solar activity we’re experiencing, and 2) the incredibly rare third La Nina which is tied to prolonged cooling in region 3.4 of the Pacific.

A word on the latter: La Nina hurricane seasons often have busy ends, so it’s too early to completely write it off just yet. Still, the modeling, at least to date (Sept 1), has been shown to be woefully inaccurate.

As Klobatz concludes, “forecasting the weather and climate keeps you humble!”



But, actually, no…

I want being proven wrong time and time again–as mainstream climate scientists are–to result in less meaningless self-depreciation and more reevaluating of the foundations of the models in play. In an ideal world this would obviously occur; however, and as with the aforementioned ‘reporters guide’ above, modern science is funded to march in one direction and one direction only and there is absolutely no place or space or tolerance for ideas that swim upstream or question the dogma.



Veteran Member
Though not so GSM oriented, the geopolitical theme and observations are 'right on'.


Articles Crop Loss Extreme Weather

Energy Crisis + A Cold Northern Hemisphere Winter Will Fuel The Next Great Depression​

September 2, 2022 Cap Allon
Record-high European natural gas prices are expected to reduce demand and leave the EU’s storage inventories at 30% come March 2023, according to some optimistic estimates. However, this assumes that 1) Russia resumes the flow through Nord Stream 1 on Saturday, Sept 3 after maintenance, and 2) that the continent’s winter is a mild one.
For me, both of those assumptions are in doubt, more so the latter — and weather is the biggest wildcard.
Extreme cold in the northern hemisphere this winter–as I’m predicting will be the case–is expected to add 30+ billion cubic meters (1+ Tcf) of heating demand. That scenario would likely see European gas storage drop to zero well-before winter is through, and would also almost certainly leave the continent short of supplies heading into the winter of 2023-2024.
Surging gas prices pushed the cost of European electricity to the highest averages ever in August — in Italy, France, Germany and the UK, for example, spot power prices averaged an unprecedented 500 euros/MWh, according to Rystad Energy.
And while it is true that such cripplingly-high gas prices will boost EU storage levels, this is only because homes and businesses simply won’t have the funds to use it, which is hardly an ideal scenario. In many cases, choice will have been stripped from the consumer, and the reality will be that the lights and heating must be switched off in order to save money for other necessities, such as food–the cost of which has also spiraled to all-time highs, of course.
If this winter does indeed turn out to be a brutal one, as all the indicators are pointing to, then God help the poorest, God help the middle class, too. This is a squeeze on the 99% given that living standards across the board are now at their lowest levels in living memory.
Let’s hope at least some people heeded our warnings and invested in a wood stove and a few extra pairs of socks. This could get very grim very quickly–we’re already in September, winter is just around the corner–and the misery could last for years, too.
As the Prime Minister of Belgium recently said, “The next 5 – 10 winters will be difficult. A very difficult situation is developing throughout Europe.”

The Next Great Depression

The EU’s energy crisis, in combination with China’s real estate collapse, is more than enough to plunge the global economy into its next Great Depression. It’s simply a matter time.
How long do the cronies at the top want to keep kicking the ‘catastrophe can’ down the road? How much time do we have left to prepare? –These are the only questions worth contemplating.
The path we’re on IS NOT sustainable:

All this is without even mentioning the fertilizer plants shutting down left, right and center and the implications for next year’s harvests; it’s without touching on the dire company earnings reports once these record-high energy costs affect consumer spending (in the US alone, 774 CEOS have already stepped down in 2022–to June–the highest number since such data began being tracked 20 years ago — they sense the jig is up, clearly).
The snowball is building, heading for an inflection point, and there is no stopping it: The Crash Of All Things is building, after which will come their Great Reset with their digital IDs and CBDCs.
This is ALL by design, of course. If you don’t see it by now then you are part of the herd intended to be thinned. The New World needs the creative and the competent in order to successfully ‘build it back batter’.
This is a concept people struggle with: “Why on earth would they kill off the compliant and only keep the troublemakers?” Well, The New World Order will have little utility for a population comprised of mindless sheep, not at its beginnings anyway, rather TPTB will want only the inventive and the resourceful to construct their vision of Utopia for them (whether these folk do so knowingly or not–it will actually mostly be unknowingly given that the majority of the ‘awake’ still won’t be privy to the plan). And it is next, once the infrastructure and order settles, in the coming decades, that the sheep will be farmed and lead back in to ‘work it’.
Depopulation is a key first goal of theirs, and if you think such a statement is a woo-woo conspiracy theory then, again, I’m afraid you are one of the slumberous lambs destined for the slaughter. Wake up, or don’t — their plan will proceed regardless.

Enjoy your weekend.


Day by day
Earlier today member Laur made a post on the Chat-Q Thread Part Deux on page 1251, post #50,013.

I can't get it to copy over correctly, but it looks like screen shots (not large) from someone named John Last. At the end of his message is the link below, which goes to an article written by Valentina Zharkova in 2020 and is on the NIH website. I find it very interesting that NIH has an article written by her on the Grand Solar Minimum. I'm not sure if it's elsewhere on this thread or the orginial GSM thread, but the implications do seem...interesting. In her Conclusions below, is this statement:

The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum 1 (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.

Here is the NIH link with Zharkova's article:

Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling​

Valentina Zharkova
Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer

In this editorial I will demonstrate with newly discovered solar activity proxy-magnetic field that the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.

Sun is the main source of energy for all planets of the solar system. This energy is delivered to Earth in a form of solar radiation in different wavelengths, called total solar irradiance. Variations of solar irradiance lead to heating of upper planetary atmosphere and complex processes of solar energy transport toward a planetary surface.

The signs of solar activity are seen in cyclic 11-year variations of a number of sunspots on the solar surface using averaged monthly sunspot numbers as a proxy of solar activity for the past 150 years. Solar cycles were described by the action of solar dynamo mechanism in the solar interior generating magnetic ropes at the bottom of solar convective zone.

These magnetic ropes travel through the solar interior appearing on the solar surface, or photosphere, as sunspots indicating the footpoints where these magnetic ropes are embedded into the photosphere.

Magnetic field of sunspots forms toroidal field while solar background magnetic field forms poloidal field. Solar dynamo cyclically converts poloidal field into toroidal one reaching its maximum at a solar cycle maximum and then the toroidal field back to the poloidal one toward a solar minimum. It is evident that for the same leading polarity of the magnetic field in sunspots in the same hemisphere the solar cycle length should be extended to 22 years.

Despite understanding the general picture of a solar cycle, it was rather difficult to match the observed sunspot numbers with the modeled ones unless the cycle is well progressed. This difficulty is a clear indication of some missing points in the definition of solar activity by sunspot numbers that turned our attention to the research of solar (poloidal) background magnetic field (SBMF) [1].

By applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the low-resolution full disk magnetograms captured in cycles 21–23 by the Wilcox Solar Observatory, we discovered not one but two principal components of this solar background magnetic field (see Figure 1, top plot) associated with two magnetic waves marked by red and blue lines. The authors derived mathematical formulae for these two waves fitting principal components from the data of cycles 21–23 with the series of periodic functions and used these formulae to predict these waves for cycles 24–26. These two waves are found generated in different layers of the solar interior gaining close but not equal frequencies [1]. The summary curve of these two magnetic waves (Figure 1, bottom plot) reveals the interference of these waves forming maxima and minima of solar cycles.
[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is KTMP_A_1796243_F0001_OC.jpg"][/IMG]

Figure 1.

Top plot: two principal components (PCs) of solar background magnetic field (blue and green curves, arbitrary numbers) obtained for cycles 21–23 (historic data) and predicted for cycles 24–26 using the mathematical formulae derived from the historical data (from the data by Zharkova et al. [1]). The bottom plot: The summary curve derived from the two PCs above for the “historical” data (cycles 21–23) and predicted for solar cycle 24 (2008–2019), cycle 25 (2020–2031), cycle 26 (2031–2042) (from the data by Zharkova et al. [1]).

The summary curve of two magnetic waves explains many features of 11-year cycles, like double maxima in some cycles, or asymmetry of the solar activity in the opposite hemispheres during different cycles. Zharkova et al. [1] linked the modulus summary curve to the averaged sunspot numbers for cycles 21–23 as shown in Figure 2 (top plot) and extended this curve to cycles 24–26 as shown in Figure 2 (bottom plot). It appears that the amplitude of the summary solar magnetic field shown in the summary curve is reducing toward cycles 24–25 becoming nearly zero in cycle 26.

[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is KTMP_A_1796243_F0002_OC.jpg"][/IMG]

Figure 2.

Top plot: The modulus summary curve (black curve) obtained from the summary curve (Figure 1, bottom plot) versus the averaged sunspot numbers (red curve) for the historical data (cycles 21–23). Bottom plot: The modulus summary curve associated with the sunspot numbers derived for cycles 21–23 (and calculated for cycles 24–26 (built from the data obtained by Zharkova et al. [1])).

Zharkova et al. [1] suggested to use the summary curve as a new proxy of solar activity, which utilizes not only amplitude of a solar cycle but also its leading magnetic polarity of solar magnetic field.

Figure 3 presents the summary curve calculated with the derived mathematical formulae forwards for 1200 years and backwards 800 years. This curve reveals appearance of Grand Solar Cycles of 350–400 years caused by the interference of two magnetic waves. These grand cycles are separated by the grand solar minima, or the periods of very low solar activity [1]. The previous grand solar minimum was Maunder minimum (1645–1710), and the other one before named Wolf minimum (1270–1350). As seen in Figure 3 from prediction by Zharkova et al. [1], in the next 500 years there are two modern grand solar minima approaching in the Sun: the modern one in the 21st century (2020–2053) and the second one in the 24th century (2370–2415).

[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is KTMP_A_1796243_F0003_OC.jpg"][/IMG]

Figure 3.

Solar activity (summary) curve restored for 1200–3300 AD (built from the data obtained by Zharkova et al. [1]).
The observational properties of the two magnetic waves and their summary curve were closely fit by double dynamo waves generated by dipole magnetic sources in two layers of the solar interior: inner and outer layers [1], while other three pairs of magnetic waves can be produced by quadruple, sextuple, and octuple magnetic sources altogether with dipole source defining the visible appearance of solar activity on the surface.

Continued below.


Day by day

Currently, the Sun has completed solar cycle 24 – the weakest cycle of the past 100+ years – and in 2020, has started cycle 25. During the periods of low solar activity, such as the modern grand solar minimum, the Sun will often be devoid of sunspots. This is what is observed now at the start of this minimum, because in 2020 the Sun has seen, in total, 115 spotless days (or 78%), meaning 2020 is on track to surpass the space-age record of 281 spotless days (or 77%) observed in 2019. However, the cycle 25 start is still slow in firing active regions and flares, so with every extra day/week/month that passes, the null in solar activity is extended marking a start of grand solar minimum. What are the consequences for Earth of this decrease of solar activity?

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Total solar irradiance (TSI) reduction during Maunder Minimum​

Let us explore what has happened with the solar irradiance during the previous grand solar minimum – Maunder Minimum. During this period, very few sunspots appeared on the surface of the Sun, and the overall brightness of the Sun was slightly decreased.

The reconstruction of the cycle-averaged solar total irradiance back to 1610 (Figure 4, top plot) suggests a decrease of the solar irradiance during Maunder minimum by a value of about 3 W/m2 [2], or about 0.22% of the total solar irradiance in 1710, after the Maunder minimum was over.

[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is KTMP_A_1796243_F0004_OC.jpg"][/IMG]

Figure 4.

Top plot: restored total solar irradiance from 1600 until 2014 by Lean et al. [2]. Modified by Easterbrook [3], from Lean, Beer, Bradley [2]. Bottom plot: Central England temperatures (CET) recorded continuously since 1658. Blue areas are reoccurring cool periods; red areas are warm periods. All times of solar minima were coincident with cool periods in central England. Adopted from Easterbrook [3], with the Elsevier publisher permissions.

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Temperature decrease during Maunder minimum​

From 1645 to 1710, the temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth plunged when the Sun entered a quiet phase now called the Maunder Minimum. This likely occurred because the total solar irradiance was reduced by 0.22%, shown in Figure 4 (top plot) [2], that led to a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature measured mainly in the Northern hemisphere in Europe by 1.0–1.5°C as shown in Figure 4 (bottom plot) [3]. This seemingly small decrease of the average temperature in the Northern hemisphere led to frozen rivers, cold long winters, and cold summers.

The surface temperature of the Earth was reduced all over the Globe (see Figure 1 in [4]), especially, in the countries of Northern hemisphere. Europe and North America went into a deep freeze: alpine glaciers extended over valley farmland; sea ice crept south from the Arctic; Dunab and Thames rivers froze regularly during these years as well as the famous canals in the Netherlands.

Shindell et al. [4] have shown that the drop in the temperature was related to dropped abundances of ozone created by solar ultra-violate light in the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere located between 10 and 50 kilometers from the Earth’s surface. Since during the Maunder Minimum the Sun emitted less radiation, in total, including strong ultraviolet emission, less ozone was formed affecting planetary atmosphere waves, the giant wiggles in the jet stream.

Shindell et al. [4] in p. 2150 suggest that “a change to the planetary waves during the Maunder Minimum kicked the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) – the balance between a permanent low-pressure system near Greenland and a permanent high-pressure system to its south – into a negative phase, that led to Europe to remain unusually cold during the MM.”

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Role of magnetic field in terrestrial cooling in Grand Solar Minima​

However, not only solar radiation was changed during Maunder minimum. There is another contributor to the reduction of terrestrial temperature during Maunder minimum – this is the solar background magnetic field, whose role has been overlooked so far. After the discovery [1] of a significant reduction of magnetic field in the upcoming modern grand solar minimum and during Maunder minimum, the solar magnetic field was recognized to control the level of cosmic rays reaching planetary atmospheres of the solar system, including the Earth. A significant reduction of the solar magnetic field during grand solar minima will undoubtedly lead to the increase of intensity of galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays, which, in turn, lead to a formation of high clouds in the terrestrial atmospheres and assist to atmospheric cooling as shown by Svensmark et al. [5].

In the previous solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24, the cosmic ray intensity increased by 19%. Currently, solar magnetic field predicted in Figure 1 by Zharkova et al. [1] is radically dropping in the sun that, in turn, leads to a sharp decline in the sun’s interplanetary magnetic field down to only 4 nanoTesla (nT) from typical values of 6 to 8 nT. This decrease of interplanetary magnetic field naturally leads to a significant increase of the intensity of cosmic rays passing to the planet’s atmospheres as reported by the recent space missions [6]. Hence, this process of solar magnetic field reduction is progressing as predicted by Zharkova et al. [1], and its contribution will be absorbed by the planetary atmospheres including Earth. This can decrease the terrestrial temperature during the modern grand solar minimum that has already started in 2020.

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Expected reduction of terrestrial temperature in modern Grand Solar Minima​

This summary curve also indicated the upcoming modern grand solar minimum 1 in cycles 25–27 (2020–2053) and modern grand solar minimum 2 (2370–2415). This will bring to the modern times the unique low activity conditions of the Sun, which occurred during Maunder minimum. It is expected that during the modern grand solar minimum, the solar activity will be reduced significantly as this happened during Maunder minimum (Figure 4, bottom plot). Similarly to Maunder Minimum, as discussed above, the reduction of solar magnetic field will cause a decrease of solar irradiance by about 0.22% for a duration of three solar cycles (25–27) for the first modern grand minimum (2020–2053) and four solar cycles from the second modern grand minimum (2370–2415).

This, in turn, can lead to a drop of the terrestrial temperature by up to 1.0°C from the current temperature during the next three cycles (25–27) of grand minimum 1. The largest temperature drops will be approaching during the local minima between cycles 25 − 26 and cycles 26–27 when the lowest solar activity level is achieved using the estimations in Figure 2 (bottom plot) and Figure 3. Therefore, the average temperature in the Northern hemisphere can be reduced by up to 1.0°C from the current temperature, which was increased by 1.4°C since Maunder minimum. This will result in the average temperature to become lower than the current one to be only 0.4°C higher than the temperature measured in 1710. Then, after the modern grand solar minimum 1 is over, the solar activity in cycle 28 will be restored to normal in the rather short but powerful grand solar cycle lasting between 2053 and 2370, as shown in Figure 3, before it approaches the next grand solar minimum 2 in 2370.

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In this editorial, I have demonstrated that the recent progress with understanding a role of the solar background magnetic field in defining solar activity and with quantifying the observed magnitudes of magnetic field at different times allowed us to enable reliable long-term prediction of solar activity on a millennium timescale. This approach revealed a presence of not only 11-year solar cycles but also of grand solar cycles with duration of 350–400 years. We demonstrated that these grand cycles are formed by the interferences of two magnetic waves with close but not equal frequencies produced by the double solar dynamo action at different depths of the solar interior. These grand cycles are always separated by grand solar minima of Maunder minimum type, which regularly occurred in the past forming well-known Maunder, Wolf, Oort, Homeric, and other grand minima.

During these grand solar minima, there is a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance, which impose the reduction of terrestrial temperatures derived for these periods from the analysis of terrestrial biomass during the past 12,000 or more years. The most recent grand solar minimum occurred during Maunder Minimum (1645–1710), which led to reduction of solar irradiance by 0.22% from the modern one and a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature by 1.0–1.5°C.

This discovery of double dynamo action in the Sun brought us a timely warning about the upcoming grand solar minimum 1, when solar magnetic field and its magnetic activity will be reduced by 70%. This period has started in the Sun in 2020 and will last until 2053. During this modern grand minimum, one would expect to see a reduction of the average terrestrial temperature by up to 1.0°C, especially, during the periods of solar minima between the cycles 25–26 and 26–27, e.g. in the decade 2031–2043.

The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum 1 (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.

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[1] Zharkova VV, Shepherd SJ, Popova E, et al. Heartbeat of the sun from principal component analysis and prediction of solar activity on a millennium timescale. Sci Rep. 2015;5:15689. Available from: Heartbeat of the Sun from Principal Component Analysis and prediction of solar activity on a millenium timescale - Scientific Reports [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
[2] Lean JL, Beer J, Bradley R.. Reconstruction of solar irradiance since 1610: implications for climatic change. Geophys Res Lett. 1995;22:3195–3198. [Google Scholar]
[3] Easterbrook DJ. Cause of global climate changes. In: Evidence-based climate science. 2nd ed. Elsevier Inc.; 2016. p. 245–262. [Google Scholar]
[4] Shindell DT, Schmidt GA, Mann ME, et al. Solar forcing of regional climate change during the Maunder minimum. Science. 2001;294:2149. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
[5] Svensmark H, Enghoff MB, Shaviv NJ, et al. Increased ionization supports growth of aerosols into cloud condensation nuclei. Nat Comms. 2017;8:2199. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
[6] Schwadron NA, Rahmanifard F, Wilson J, et al. Update on the worsening particle radiation environment observed by CRaTER and implications for future human deep-space exploration. Space Weather. 2018;16:289–303. [Google Scholar]


Veteran Member


Extreme Weather

Australia’s Colder-Than-Average Winter; Iceland’s “Historically Cold” Summer; + Antarctica Plunges To -80.5C (-112.9F)​

September 5, 2022 Cap Allon

Australia’s Colder-Than-Average Winter

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology isn’t a reliable source, their ‘warm-mongering’ forecasts are routinely proven wrong.
This is because the agency appears hellbent on inflating temperatures. They do this by, 1) ignoring the Urban Heat Island effect, and 2) limiting the minimum temperature readings that certain weather stations can reach — artificially boosting the averages.
Still, despite the ‘inflating’, despite the BoM claiming that Australia experienced a warmer-than-average month of August, the continent’s winter ‘officially’ finished -0.03C below than the multidecadal norm (below the 1991-2020 base, to be exact).
The chill has continued into spring, too.
In recent days, long-standing low temperature records have been toppled across the country — from East to West:

Note the recently fallen rainfall records at the top of the chart, too.
Rainfall in August finished 34% above the average:

–A reality that once again jars with what ‘The Science’ foretold.
In 2007, professional climate alarmist Tim Flannery claimed: “Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams.”


The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has estimated that $5.28 billion is the cost of this year’s floods across South-East Queensland and northern New South Wales Insurers estimates that $5.3 bn is the cost of floods in Australia


7:23 AM · Aug 30, 2022
Flannery also said this…

…with the below being the reality–and at the close of the summer melt season 2022, no less.

Arctic Sea Ice Volume/Thickness–a better measurement that extent–has held within the normal range all year and has witnessed a stark increase compared to 2019, 2020 and 2021 to stand at the highest level since 2008.


It’s been holding anomalously-cold across the Arctic’s southern cousin, too — the Antarctic.

On Friday, a low of -80.5C (-112.9F) was achieved at Dome Fuji AWS — the coldest temperature of 2022 globally, and a reading not too far off the station’s coldest temperature ever recorded: the -83C (-117.4F) set on September 13, 2015.

Stefano Di Battista

The annual world record of cold was set today (September 2) at 14:17 UTC with -80.5 °C. The value was achevied at Dome Fuji AWS, Antarctica, located at 3 810 m above sea level The absolute minimum in this semi-permanent station is -83.0 °C reached on September 13, 2015


5:47 PM · Sep 2, 2022
The AGW hypothesis has failed.

This is clear for all to see but remains impossible for the indoctrinated to perceive.

Equally as apparent: A new hypothesis is needed.

Iceland’s “Historically Cold” Summer

According to a recent communication from the Meteorological Office of Iceland, and as reported by, this year’s summer has been historically cold.

The season’s highest temperature at Reykjavík, for example, was just 17.9C (64.2F), registered on June 10 — this was the capital’s lowest maximum summer temperature since 2001.

Across the country, there were 27 days when the temperature exceeded 20C (68F), far fewer that the 57 logged last year.

Persistent snowfall has also been a theme, with accumulations noted in June, July and August — a very rare feat.

Iceland’s cold and snow summer has also led to well-below average glacier melt–similar to Greenland–which is actually on course to translate to a net mass balance gain:

For more on Greenland:

That’ll be it for now. I have a hard day of prepping planned on our homestead here in Central Portugal — planting out brassica starts etc. Winter is fast approaching and I have a long list of jobs to work through.

We also lost one of our guinea fowl to an Egyptian eagle this morning–despite our little dog’s best efforts–so that mess needs sorting, too. The joys of self-sufficiency. But I wouldn’t change a thing. As the world around us continues to fall apart we, as a family, have never been so content and healthy–both physically and mentally (can’t say the same for the guinea, mind).

Also, I’m looking into cheap back-up off-grid heating solutions — the ‘candle and terracotta pot’ seems a viable option…


The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).