VIDEO Florida Driver Gets Instant Karma for Road Rage (Video)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think the woman doing the filming is partially to blame. She is in the passing lane of the highway and was probably going slower than she should have been. She should have merged right and let the guy in the pickup go past.

Fair use

Florida Driver Gets Instant Karma for Road Rage (Video)
FEATURED, OMG — BY DAVE ON 2014/03/27 3:45 PM

A man tailgates a woman in a Tampa, Florida, residential area because she is not driving fast enough for him in the left lane. He proceeds to flip her the bird while passing by and then the karma kicks in…


Veteran Member
The guy's a fool but it didn't look like tailgating to me. I've seen people who will really crawl right up your bumper.

And I thought her laughing was a bit inappropriate.

Too much schadenfreude; not enough grace.

Just my opinion.


I think the laughing was wright on, the guy got what he deserved.

I watched the other lane and he had plenty of open lane to pass her on the right side of the road, the guy is an ass and got what he deserved, I would have laughed to.


Veteran Member
He was an ass but...

it pisses me off too when someone is sitting in the PASSING lane using a cell phone. She finally did pass someone but come on, move over for faster traffic and leave the phone alone. Even had to show her speedometer to prove she was going the speed limit. Didn't have a clue she was wrong too, move over!

He is still an ass.
Fox had her mini interview on the tube a minute ago, face shot and all. Now she's a target for all road ragers out there.
I hate left lane idiots, I think they should be shot. This particular one thinks she's being "cute" by recording it on her cell phone, when she should be driving the effing car. Putting yer ugly mug on national tv is just asking for it.
I see 5 pages, one "I'm leaving this place", one possible ban and multiple butt hurts here.


Contributing Member
I'm a firm believer that the left lane is for passing. Yes he got a bit emotional and paid the price for that with the crash but she caused the situation by not making way for faster traffic. She some how feels "entitled" to the left lane..... can't for the life of me figure out where she got that feeling..... and now the media is making her out to be someone "special".... Law enforcement should have showed up at the studio and issued her a ticket for inattentive driving.... but there's probably not a law that say you should be attentive when you drive..... as a side note... there are fewer and fewer drivers on the roads that understand the rules of the road that most of us were taught back in the day. There are no traffic rules in our society now... at least not in Oklahoma.....


Contributing Member
I hate slow left lane drivers as well, but I would give them a pass on roads that have left turn lanes and such as in the video. As mentioned, this woman was doing it just to be a (insert expletive here). The truck driver had ample opportunity to pass on her right but felt his time and effort was better spent slowing down, rolling down the window and then giving her a hand signal of just how he felt. Only then to realize that he suddenly had to be someplace else, gassed the truck and lost control.
Freedom of expression is necessary, but you are responsible to do it safely. How horrible would it have been if his out of control truck hit a minivan and killed an entire family?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
She's a passive-aggressive jerk.

Yes she is. She claimed it was raining, but the road appeared dry. She showed her speedo, and it was at 50 mph. She was in the passing lane. I'd bet the speed limit was 60.

But he was a jackass for not just backing off and letting her be the miserable b*tch she was. He PARTICIPATED in her sick little play. Added to that, he paid more attention to HER than to his DRIVING, which is why he lost control.

If there'd been any justice in the world, a piece off his truck would have dented up her car on the way by. They BOTH deserved some Karma...

Kathy in FL

If this was a residential neighborhood and she was doing 50 mph as it showed when she flashed the phone to her dash then she was probably actually speeding ... even on four lanes most of the residential roads around here are 40 to 45 mph. There are some 50s but they don't go through residential areas. And more than likely she picked up her phone because the guy had been spooking her. And that black top was wet. It doesn't take much to make them slick down here. She didn't need to laugh about it but a guy who tries to intimidate a lone female in a car when his truck is a heck of a lot bigger is looking for trouble. Jerk in the truck could have caused a serious accident.

Oh and by the way, speeding tickets around here start at 120 bucks (5 mph over limit) and quickly escalate from there depending on how fast you were going and whatever else they tack onto it. And given the cost of auto insurance ... yikes ... getting a ticket is not something you want to do.


Veteran Member
I think she was doing this on purpose to get reactions to film and put on youtube. Both of them are idiots.


TB Fanatic
I hate slow drivers in the left lane. It is especially worse when you have lived in Germany and the rules of the Autobahn are golden, you get out of the way when someone flashes their lights at you.

That being said, you can NOT blame what happened to him on her. You can blame her for being a jerk and being inconsiderate, but I believe a person is responsible for their own actions and for him to overreact, madly swerve his car into her lane (ostensibly to punish her), and then lose control is totally his own fault. He lost control. He is supposed to control his vehicle. Two wrongs don't make a right (but three lefts do :) )

Here is a thought. I've heard people rant and rave on cars driving the speed limit or slightly over and how they are breaking the law (law says left lane is for passing only). What about the laws on speeding? What about the laws on tail-gating? What about the laws on changing lanes without signaling?

Getting mad at someone for "breaking the law" while you are breaking the law is hypocritical and invoking road rage because of this infraction is stupid.

How many times have you seen or done the act of punishing a driver in the left lane for not getting over by swerving into their lane before a safe distance has gone by? REALLY? Their slowing you down by 20 seconds is worth both of your lives?

Kathy in FL

Actually in Florida the left lane is designated as a passing lane only on major highways and the interstate but even then, so long as you are traveling at the prevailing speed, it can be considered a travel lane. In a residential area people are expected to use the left lane to travel in.

There is a new law that just hit last summer that if you are in the passing lane of a major highway and are traveling 10 mph under the posted speed limit ... $60 fine and three points. But if you are speeding in the passing lane the ticket can easily be twice that. Note that it is for a major highway and there is also the caveat that it doesn't count if you are going through a residential area.


I agree with the comments about both of them being at fault here for the reasons stated.

Personally, I've always understood that the 'left lane' was and is for 'faster traffic'. Just because you're lollygagging along with no where in particular to be, doesn't mean someone else isn't in a little more of a hurry.

Frankly, get the heck out of their way and let em move along, what's the problem? If they want to take the chance of racing fast to their destination, important or not, why bother to exarcerbate the issue and cause a problem, move into the right lane MORON...

My sweetie is actually a good driver, but when we first started driving together, she had this similar malady, she was totally unconcious of her affliction. I've always driven with a clear understanding of being aware of what was happening behind me, granted you're headed forward and the majority of your attention is directed that way. So, when sitting as a passenger and having the cars pass me on my right, caused me to express my displeasure and fortunately 'over the years', the message sunk in, and has stuck.

I'm not what could be considered the 'best passenger' anyway. I've always preferred to be the driver where I feel 'somewhat' in control. I have a hard time remembering the last time I've had to mention it to her, it's been years. Which is why I can say she is a 'good driver' now, which hasn't always been the case.



Veteran Member
If this was a residential neighborhood and she was doing 50 mph as it showed when she flashed the phone to her dash then she was probably actually speeding ... even on four lanes most of the residential roads around here are 40 to 45 mph. There are some 50s but they don't go through residential areas. And more than likely she picked up her phone because the guy had been spooking her. And that black top was wet. It doesn't take much to make them slick down here. She didn't need to laugh about it but a guy who tries to intimidate a lone female in a car when his truck is a heck of a lot bigger is looking for trouble. Jerk in the truck could have caused a serious accident.

Oh and by the way, speeding tickets around here start at 120 bucks (5 mph over limit) and quickly escalate from there depending on how fast you were going and whatever else they tack onto it. And given the cost of auto insurance ... yikes ... getting a ticket is not something you want to do.

Yeah, and FL has an entire mini-business of fighting tickets. Give the lawyers sumpin' to do anyway.


Veteran Member
She what I call a Road Ranger. Drives the speed limit or just under and forces everyone else to the same speed. It's not their job or their place to enforce the traffic laws. She's a selfish, self-important jerk. She could have just moved over to let the guy pass. That wouldn't affected her in the least. People like that are going to roast in a nice toasty place in hell. :dvl1:


keep your eye on the ball
She was doing 57....what was the speed limit there?

Maybe she was recording because the guy had been harassing her. If he just wanted to pass- he should have done so w/o bottlenecking and flipping off.

IMO, the guy in the truck loses here. And he gets his 5 minutes of fame for everyone- incl his insurance company- to see

Kathy in FL

Yeah, and FL has an entire mini-business of fighting tickets. Give the lawyers sumpin' to do anyway.

You aren't kidding. Here in Tampa there are intersections where they have the traffic cams ... as you can guess several of them are around the university ... and they must make I don't know how much off of those tickets alone. They also have check points around the university pretty often and even though they are advertised well in advance there are some idiots that still drive drunk and try to make it through the check points.

We have a lot of out of state drivers that try and apply their state traffic laws to Florida - for instance the strict left-lane-for-passing-only rule - and it will get them in trouble plenty. Then there is of course the people that drive without a license because they've had it revoked for too many traffic tickets in the past. Fixed that problem ... not.


Senior Member
Think dash cam folks, not cell phone. Different laws, different states. The majority of drivers have no idea of some laws of physics or that their vehicle can reek havoc until it happens. 3 second rule...+. Then there are those that have the -Squirrel - issue while they should - RABBIT - be focused on driving SAFELY. Ask any operator about the majority of drivers on the road.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The speed limit is supposed to be the LIMIT of how fast a driver can safely go on that particular stretch of road. IMHO, they were probably both speeding. Although if I was speeding, no way would I actually video it and post it on the net. So possibly a strike on both of them.

Tailgating, is illegal also. A responsible driver will leave enough distance between his front bumper and the back bumper of the person in front of him to allow for a safe stop. When I was in drivers ed, a million years ago, it was a second for every 10 mph you were traveling. So it appears that these two were traveling in the 50 mph range. That would mean when the driver in front passed a certain marker, the guy behind her should take five seconds to pass the same marker. He wasn't, so strike two on him.

While traveling in the left lane is not illegal, it is freaking rude and inconsiderate. She only passed one truck that I could see so she should have moved to the right unless she was planning on getting into the left turn lane shortly. Then to move to the right and possibly miss your turn would be impractical. So I will give her half a strike. Scores: Her...1.5 strikes Him...2

Passing on the right, to my surprise, is not illegal in most cases. However it can be very dangerous. Apparently the blind spot on a drivers right side is larger and many people don't think to look before they get over to the right lane after passing. When DS was a beginning driver, he almost sideswiped some idiot driver that couldn't wait for him to get back in the right lane after passing a semi on the interstate. He was taught in drivers ed. that you need to see both headlights of the vehicle your are passing in your rearview mirror before you can get back into the right lane. You have to give the semi enough room too. Well the moron behind him zipped over to the right as soon as he could squeeze his vehicle in. DS proceeded to signal and to start moving over about the same time as said moron was in his blind spot. Hubby grabbed the wheel and kept us in the left lane until said moron passed. Keep in mind please, that you are sharing the road with many drivers who are just learning the road. I won't give the guy in the truck any strikes because he really wasn't doing anything wrong, legally.

However, the moron in the truck did one thing that karma probably came and paid him back for. He had the woman passed but then slowed down and came back to flip her off!!! I would be a little apprehensive if I was her too. Most probably he came back simply because he saw that she was video-ing the whole thing and wanted to send a message. But how did she know that he wasn't coming back with a gun or something? He's acting like a child and possibly endangering people that are behind him. He gets another strike. But I will give her a half strike too because I would have felt better about the whole thing if all of her attention was focused on her driving rather than getting it recorded.

Final score: Her...2 strikes Him...3 strikes and he's out! Guy got what he deserved and he's d@mn lucky that he and the innocent people around him weren't hurt. Apparently the road WAS damp and slick because it looked like he lost control. So I would give him another strike for traveling too fast for conditions if the rules allowed but I don't think there is such a thing as being double out on the same player.


Veteran Member
Besides being an idiot that doesn't understand that the left lane is for passing, she appears to have intentionally left the scene of an accident. I'll bet dollars to donuts that she's got an obama sticker on her bumper.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Uhmmmmm....she wasn't involved in the accident. My understanding is that you are only obligated to stay if you are involved. Don't know what the Good Samaritan laws are in Florida, but in some states if you are of the medical profession and you stop and render aid, you can be sued if things don't go picture perfect.


Veteran Member
Guess it depends on the state. Here you have to "perform the duties of a driver" which involves sticking around for police to arrive if there's an injury.

Kathy in FL

Besides being an idiot that doesn't understand that the left lane is for passing, she appears to have intentionally left the scene of an accident. I'll bet dollars to donuts that she's got an obama sticker on her bumper.

They were driving through a residential neighborhood. In Florida the left passing lane-only rule doesn't apply, not even on the interstate though it is viewed as a courtesy for truckers. It really doesn't apply in residential areas which is what they were driving through. In fact you can get in trouble for causing traffic back ups if you don't use the left lane for traveling through when you have a bunch of people turning right.

Like I said before, people traveling in states they don't normally drive in make assumptions that their state laws apply. Lots of people get tickets in Florida for those assumptions.

Bottom line, know the laws of the state you are traveling in ... especially if you are an idiot in a big truck trying to intimidate a lone female in a smaller car. And observe safe practices if the road conditions call for them. Wet roads here in Florida are dangerous.


Veteran Member
Regardless, if someone wants to go faster than me and I have room to move over, then why not? I don't get this whole ego "I'm the leader and you have to follow me" bunk. Typical liberal attitude that they "know best" how everyone other than themselves should be driving. "Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!" No one made this lady the camera toting hall monitor of the highways.

Kathy in FL

Kathy, semi-trucks don't travel through residential neighborhoods.

Yeah they do. LOL. I really wish you would come for a vacation down here to Tampa. I'd take you to Broccato's (sandwich place), Ybor (historical stuff), and a bunch of other places I figure you would really like. We have homes that face US highways. In fact US41 and SR60 are just two very good examples of this. They are main arteries through the entire country that run perpendicular to each other. In several locations on both roadways residential homes face the highway and the speed limit changes accordingly. In the phone pic you can see a couple of houses flash by in one piece of it.

I don't recognize the road that she is on but it is pretty typical of certain areas. Four lanes separated by a median ... frankly looks like a section of US 41 ... with residential homes facing road and cars sharing the road with truckers. If I knew exactly where it happened I would pull a map for you.

You want to drive in some crazy traffic? Come to Tampa. Heck, Florida in general has crazy traffic. It is wild, wild, wild. The only place trucks can't go around here are on roads that are specifically designated with signs and usually that is due to weight limit issues only.

ETA: have two neighbors that park their tractor trailers on their property and when my brother still had his own truck he would park his cab at his house. We aren't talking about dinky little yards though and "residential" might depend on your definition of it. My brother lived in a subdivision but no HOA and on a busy four way stop that funneled several subdivisions. My neighborhood is not a subdivision and most lots here run from half acre to almost ten acres. with a couple of small subdivisions off our main through road.
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Veteran Member
Her you tube comments

Published on Mar 26, 2014

This happened to me on SR 41 in Tampa on Monday March 24th. This pathetic excuse for a human being tailgated me for about three minutes. After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn't move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn't going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened. Now bear in mind, that this guy had already passed a truck in a left turn lane, was tailgating and driving recklessly on a wet slick road, wasn't paying attention, and all in all being an ignorant ass. Not once was I mouthing off, I never brake checked him, and in fact until I watched the video after the accident I didn't even know he shot a bird at me because I wasn't looking at him at all, I was paying attention to the road while holding the phone up with my right hand. I've recorded circumstances like this before, catching idiots doing stupid things, but never ever had this happen.

He initially fled the scene of the accident, but thanks to this video he has been caught and charged. Massive props to the Sheriffs Department and most especially the Highway Patrol who responded to the scene. This moron could have easily killed somebody with his moronic behavior, and my laughing at the end would have been replaced with tears. Needless to say though, I've never seen Karma come back so fast.

*****EDITED TO ADD******

WOW! I go to work and come back to over 600,000 views and find it's on and various other media sites. I'm flabbergasted! (love for an excuse to use that word). I'm also a little saddened and shocked at some of the comments. After the umpteenth death threat and billionth time being called a b!#$h/c$%t/whore/slut/add whatever epithet you want... I am extremely amazed at how rude people are.

Apparently people seem to think that they were right there and know exactly what was going on. You weren't there. You don't know what happened other than the truth that I told. And apparently I did get a comment of someone who he had done this same thing to... thank you for that.

I appreciate the comments of those that, even if they disagreed with me, they didn't resort to bullyish behavior, they stated their response and I respect that. To those that wished death upon me, I truly hope your life isn't as miserable as you portray online. Because some of those comments belong to people that belong in a psycho ward, or at the very least, anger management/therapy. They were rude, uncalled for, and just downright mean.

So because of those hateful warmongers, I have disabled all commenting on this video. Have fun talking about me in your forums, and on Reddit, or wherever else you talk smack on. Just know... I won't be there. I think my ears are itching... somebody must be talking about me. Where's my Q-Tip?

Goodbye and have an awesome and amazing rest of your day. I'm gonna go pet my dog, feed my fish, watch some TV, and sit my "fat" self on my sofa ;)


My wife & I are out here on-the-road full-time in a semi. Empty-nester summer for us!
One ongoing traffic issue we see is vehicles merging onto the big roads. I'm in the rt lane, cruise at 65. If it's safe to move left, swell. But after I've moved over to give them the lane, they hang out next to me so now I can't slide back to the right lane. left-lane traffic is angry and all I can do is wait for the car I helped to speed up, or piss off traffic worse by slowing down. If they speed up, then other traffic dives right to pass on the right. So, I rarely move over anymore. my foot is hovering over the brake pedal as someone merges, seemingly oblivious to the semi to the left. Then they either brake-check or take the shoulder, guys like the asshat in the video take the shoulder and pass me anyway,lol...

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Back in 1993 or so, I was driving hazmat tanker. This particular day, I was coming north out of the L.A. basin on I-5, with a 4-compartment trailer. All compartments were filled with different chemicals, two of them HIGHLY flammable. The LEAST toxic chem in that trailer was roughly equivalent to gasoline. I was in the right lane and coming up on an on-ramp. Suddenly, some blue-hair in and older Cadillac convertible comes zooming up along side of me and starts sliding into my line RIGHT UNDER MY TRAILER. Not even looking. I was watching her the whole time, and never once did she look over or at a mirror (top was down). Thankfully, at that instant in time (mid-day, week day) there happened to be a clear spot in the next lane, which I immediately went into. Had I not, she'd have taken the valves out from under the trailer, and I'd have been on the Nightly News for sure.

Some people are just flat-out unfit to be on the road...


Justine Case
In cities all across this nation there are 4 lane hiwys everywhere. In fact....if you want some terrifying experiences, go to San Diego or L.A. Those highways can be 12 lanes or more across. 6+ in each direction. I never got the courage to drive on those roads when I lived in S.D.

BUT...when there are a vast amount of traffic signals and left lane turn offs you are NOT required by law to drive in the right lane so speeders can zip past every body. The only time driving in the left lane can get you into trouble anywhere on these roads is if you are traveling way below the speed limit for a long time.

There are many people looking for their left turn off and by law they have the right of way in order to make their turn. You need to stay in the right lane if you don't need to turn left.

The guy in the truck was taught a lesson by his Maker. He obviously needed a lesson concerning his emotions and behavior and received it. No one else got hurt and I got a feeling his little escapade cost him a lot more than we may be aware of by the time the police got there.

I have seen this time and time again about driving and bad tempers and accidents. Believe it or not we draw chaos into our lives with neg. emotions. Ask people if they were upset about something when someone hit them or they caused the accident themselves. I have done this a lot of times with my own family and without fail they were having a temper tantrum when the accident occurred.

It's really a smart move to remain calm when driving as the video showed.

I am not a know it all as some may believe. I only try to pass on what I've learned after years and years of study and hard lessons.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My wife & I are out here on-the-road full-time in a semi. Empty-nester summer for us!
One ongoing traffic issue we see is vehicles merging onto the big roads. I'm in the rt lane, cruise at 65. If it's safe to move left, swell. But after I've moved over to give them the lane, they hang out next to me so now I can't slide back to the right lane. left-lane traffic is angry and all I can do is wait for the car I helped to speed up, or piss off traffic worse by slowing down. If they speed up, then other traffic dives right to pass on the right. So, I rarely move over anymore. my foot is hovering over the brake pedal as someone merges, seemingly oblivious to the semi to the left. Then they either brake-check or take the shoulder, guys like the asshat in the video take the shoulder and pass me anyway,lol...

One of my biggest pet peeves! Idiots merging onto a roadway fail to understand that it is up to them to adjust their speed to merge onto the highway! If I get over, then they seem to pace me so I can't merge back into the right lane. And this is with a car and not a semi.

It always amazes me when certain drivers think the rules don't apply to them. Then when bad things happen, they blame everyone else. Like I said before, with the present climate, I would be very, very careful about who I stopped for. Not only could it prove to be a financial hit for you but also dangerous. There were tons of people on that road. I wonder if they all stopped to help the idiot in the truck? I'll just stick to calling 9-1-1 and let the pros handle it.