PLAY Favorite Pet Memes


Has No Life - Lives on TB




MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
One of my Great Pyrenees, in fact my lead dog, who was 13 years old, would often come over to me limping and whining. I took her to the vet and he told me she was "not getting enough attention" and was faking it......which he demonstrated by having her limp across the office, and then almost run, when she was offered a treat.

I think she had arthritis, and I asked if it was OK to give her an aspirin every day or so......he did agree this was a possibility and agreed to the aspirin....


Phantom Lurker
Years ago, when my family was at a roadside picnic area, we watched a pretty collie come trotting toward the picnic tables along a well-worn path from a nearby residential area. Once the collie got to the occupied picnic tables she limped from table to table begging treats. After scoring handouts at each table she happily headed back along the path - minus the limp. :)
