Are You Too "Christian" to Vote For Trump?

Silent Knight

By Coach Dave Daubenmire
October 27, 2016

This election cycle is enough to drive a person crazy. I don’t know if I have ever in my lifetime seen so much confusion about what is happening in America. It is the judgment of God on America.
We are told in 2 Thessalonians that God “would send a strong delusion that they would believe a lie.” Lies rule the day in this nation and sadly, it is God’s people who seem most deceived and confused by what is going on.

I have lost some friends over the past few months because I have come out in support of Donald Trump. These are good people who are angry with me. Warriors, really. Front line activists whom I have, and would, stand shoulder to shoulder with in the defense of the unborn. These are not some Joel Osteen followers. These are committed men and women of God that I have the utmost respect for. Check out the 45 minute video bolow. Mr. Trump addresses people in Charlotte NC. Today.

But they are #nevertrumpers. I am not mad at them because they won’t vote for him. I respect their decisions and I respect their conscience. Far be it from me to judge someone’s Christianity based on a vote in a Presidential election. I trust that they are following their conscience. What grieves me is they don’t trust that I am following mine.

“How can you vote for a strip club owner? How can you cast a vote for a serial adulterer? Trump doesn’t want to protect ALL babies. You are a sellout! You have betrayed all of us in the Pro-life movement."

And those are some of the nicer things they have said…my Christian brothers. It grieves my heart.
I was on the phone with one of them the other day and we had a very cordial discussion. He said he still loves me as a brother…and I believe he does…but he just cannot trust me anymore after being a cheerleader for such a wicked man. He was a strong Ted Cruz supporter in the primaries.

“Let me ask you a few questions,” I said to him over the phone. “When you were supporting Cruz did you agree with all of his positions?”

“Most of them,” he answered. “I believe he was an honest man."

“Ok. I just pulled out Ted’s position paper from the primaries and he listed the following things as important positions.”

1. Repeal and replace Obama Care.
2. The 2nd amendment is absolute and no to gun control legislation.
3. If elected he will nominate pro-life justices to the Supreme Court.
4. If elected he will overturn all of Obama’s illegal executive orders.
5. If elected he would defund Planned Parenthood.
6. He would cut personal income and corporate taxes.
7. He would return educational control to the local school districts.
8. He would block Common Core.
9. He would fight for energy Independence.
10. He would bar refugees from Terrorist nations.

“Do you still support all of those position’s Mike?” I asked.

“Of course I do. Cruz was our best chance to restore Christian values to this nation. I supported him 100%.”

“Are there any of his positions listed above that you could not support, Mike?”

“No. Those would be a good first step in turning this nation around.”

“Well Mike, I hate to burst your bubble but those 10 things listed above are positions that I found on Donald Trump’s website. It seems to me that he and Ted Cruz agree on much of what is needed to rescue this nation. Why can’t you support him?"

“Because I don’t trust him. I don’t think that he actually believes most of those things because he used to be a liberal Democrat. He gave millions to the Democrats.”

“How do you know that if Cruz was elected he would do what he said he would do?"

“Because I trust him. He is a man of integrity. Trump has been all over the place and I don’t trust him."
“Why not support Trump and hold his feet to the fire. Let’s make sure he does what he and Cruz says needs to be done. Maybe he can appoint pro-life judges and end the abortion holocaust."

“I can’t vote for him. He is a serial adulterer. He miss-treats women. He said he has never felt the need to ask God for forgiveness."

“But what if he keeps his word? What if he keeps his word and fights for everything he and Ted Cruz support?"

“Nope. I’m never trump. He just has too much baggage for me. God will hold me accountable for my vote."

“You know Hillary will abort everything that moves. Can’t you vote against her?"

“Nope. I am done voting for the lesser of evils.

“Millions of babies will die if Hillary is elected. Don’t you want to stop that?"

“God is judging America.”

“What if Trump does what he says? Won’t babies live?”

“Trump is pro-abortion. He has been his whole life."

“So what is your solution? What’s your plan to end abortion, Mike?

“Pray and trust God.”

“Can’t you vote for Trump, pray, and trust God to change his heart?

“He’ll never change. I am not voting for a strip-club owner.”

I guess I am missing something. What is it I am supposed to trust God to do…?



Veteran Member
I don't think there is going to be an election. I pray I am wrong! We all need to pray!


Veteran Member
John Haller, some of you know of him, in his talk last Sunday, spoke out about this stupidity. John is a Christian man who gives weekly updates, they can be found on Youtube if your interested.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Silent Knight, please consider switching from the Advanced to the Intermediate editor. I just had to clean up a bunch or formatting issues.


On and On, South of Heaven
I consider myself a pretty hardcore believing Christian and I am voting for Trump...


Let's Go Brandon!
John Haller, some of you know of him, in his talk last Sunday, spoke out about this stupidity. John is a Christian man who gives weekly updates, they can be found on Youtube if your interested.

Which stupidity? That God has a problem with Trump, or that people don't think God has a problem with Trump? Satan may be the father of all confusion, but I've got to admit, keeping track of everything can get a little complicated.

Silent Knight

Which stupidity? That God has a problem with Trump, or that people don't think God has a problem with Trump? Satan may be the father of all confusion, but I've got to admit, keeping track of everything can get a little complicated.

Truth be told, there was a time when God had a problem with me too. No, really.


Veteran Member
"Too Christian to vote for Trump" is far too kind. More like too stupid. Maybe also too stupid and gullible. They gulp down the never trump kool-aid because that's the nonsense fed to them by their church and thinking for themselves or God forbid questioning so called "men of god" is complete anathema to them.

Yes God will judge you for your vote. And if you let this country fall he will have a few things to say to you on judgment day.


I've lost "christian" friends who won't vote for trump....I really let them know how I felt about their sanctimonious self absorbed world view as my last communication with them. :rolleyes:


Let's Go Brandon!
Truth be told, there was a time when God had a problem with me too. No, really.

I won't doubt it. God had a problem with all of us. With some of us he still does. Others of us, the problem's been covered up sufficient that it's not even there any more as far as He's concerned.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Dave needs to remind his friend that King David had a man killed because he lusted after his wife and wanted her for his own. God, who knows everything from the beginning to the end still chose David, and in fact, called him a man after His own heart.

See also the link in my signature.

I call people like Dave's friend whited sepulchers.


North to the Future
Goodness, what a question. While I may have some issues with Trump's personal issues, it is not enough to dissuade me from voting for the only person who has a chance to restore some of the America I once knew. I am a very dedicated Christian, whose life is lived for my Lord and have no problem pulling the lever for him as really the only viable choice at this time. If you must resort to the time God used a donkey to speak His word, then fine...I do believe God can use Trump at this critical time and I and my family will continue to pray for him to be used by God. The other option is no option.


On and On, South of Heaven
Which stupidity? That God has a problem with Trump, or that people don't think God has a problem with Trump? Satan may be the father of all confusion, but I've got to admit, keeping track of everything can get a little complicated.

And Noah was a drunk, Moses had a homicidal temper, David was an adulterer...

Still, God had a purpose for all of them.

...Your point?


Veteran Member
John Haller says, just stop it, thinking your sinning by voting for Trump, basically saying it's stupid. He says in his memory, no saint ever ran to be the President. Meaning, Trump isn't perfect but we should vote for him. Here is the link, I'm not wasting my time trying to imbed the video. It starts at 5 min. 27 sec. if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

Which stupidity? That God has a problem with Trump, or that people don't think God has a problem with Trump? Satan may be the father of all confusion, but I've got to admit, keeping track of everything can get a little complicated.


Let's Go Brandon!
And Noah was a drunk, Moses had a homicidal temper, David was an adulterer...

Still, God had a purpose for all of them.

...Your point?

My point was that I was starting to get a little turned around because both sides of the argument are frantically shouting that the other side is actively sinning. The ones who won't vote for Trump say God will get me on Judgment Day for voting Trump because of various evil reasons, and those who will vote for Trump say God will get me on Judgment Day for NOT voting Trump because I didn't actively take a stand against a horrible woman who would have done a lot worse.

Needless to say, the Bible is mum on voting for or against Donald Trump. In fact, the phrase "Donald Trump" is found absolutely nowhere in Scripture, so everyone's making a few suppositions about what the Bible says.


Let's Go Brandon!
John Haller says, just stop it, thinking your sinning by voting for Trump, basically saying it's stupid. He says in his memory, no saint ever ran to be the President. Meaning, Trump isn't perfect but we should vote for him. Here is the link, I'm not wasting my time trying to imbed the video. It starts at 5 min. 27 sec. if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

Well, that does clear things up. He's on that side of the argument.


Neither here nor there.
Dave needs to remind his friend that King David had a man killed because he lusted after his wife and wanted her for his own. God, who knows everything from the beginning to the end still chose David, and in fact, called him a man after His own heart.

See also the link in my signature.

I call people like Dave's friend whited sepulchers.

This^^^ We keeping asking for leaders, and then we keep kicking them to the curb.


Non Christian leaders seem to do a better job of leading a non Christian nation, such as the FUSA has become. Christian leaders are much more useful and effective leading Christians to be a thorn in their flesh. Go Trump!


Veteran Member
If trump loses, which I think will happen, it won't be because of Christians. Its because people picked the most flawed republican candidate possible. The guy is a clown with very little morals, so in no way am I goin to run down any group of people for voting their conscience.


Senior Member
I'm a Christ follower - a man who needs a savior - and not just once but frequently. So can I with a clear conscience vote for Hillary - not under any circumstances or any scenario. It I found out that Trump was a liar, then I guess I couldn't vote. But Trump's platform is prolife from any way you look at it - he also claims to support the constitution, and our sovereignty as a nation. He is not a politician (which is huge), his enemies are the same as mine, his family has a good reputation and he has a vast amount of experience. I see no reason not to vote for him.


Veteran Member
I don't particularly think Christians who refuse to vote Trump are sinning, except perhaps with hubris. I just think they are kind of stupid and have a major death wish, as in "bring it on." They've been sold the story that we are in the end times so well that their entire paradigm is one of wishing the world to end so Jesus can return. I am opposed to that mindset. The most astounding thing Jesus EVER did was to give up his turn at life (he loved life and if you think he didn't you don't know him) for the sake of the likes of me. His resurrection was the frosting on the case, the validation that his gift was meaningful, permanent, and powerful. Dum vivimus vivamus! Trump is the only chance at a decent life my grandchildren have.


Stone Cold Crazy
I'm a Christ follower - a man who needs a savior - and not just once but frequently. So can I with a clear conscience vote for Hillary - not under any circumstances or any scenario. It I found out that Trump was a liar, then I guess I couldn't vote. But Trump's platform is prolife from any way you look at it - he also claims to support the constitution, and our sovereignty as a nation. He is not a politician (which is huge), his enemies are the same as mine, his family has a good reputation and he has a vast amount of experience. I see no reason not to vote for him.

The enemy of my enemy...

I like what Trump sings, but, even if it is only singing I still think he will do or attempt to do, some of it.

I've been told he is an egomaniac and only wants to be president so he can say he was leader of the U.S.,. Might be true but, if he is an egomaniac he won't screw around but do what he says because what's the point in being hated unless you intentionally had other things you were trying to do like Obama?

I can also consider he is doing it because, as a billionairre he sees what is happening to the money and the country and it affects his bottom line. He is technically an insider and you can bet he has people inside feeding him info so he knows what avenues to take to expand his empire-if he has watched his $2 billion become worth $1 billion over ten or twenty years it des not take a math genious to figure out there is a problem and he has his kids and family to consider. So he dies a billionairre and six months later his billion is worth $200k or toilet paper then what does his family do?

It may be that simple.


Veteran Member
IMO anybody who allows Hillary to get in - either by not voting for Trump - or just not voting - is not a Christian.

I hope I'm wrong - simply because - if you can let Satan into the White House with all his evil -

then what could you POSSIBLY do and still not be a Christian?

I have a name for those who do nothing to stop evil - CINO's in the vein of RINO's.


Veteran Member
:shr: You don't have to be "Christian" to have morals and values/principles.

Seems that's a conclusion a lot of "Christians" jump to though.

I really don't think the Christian thing has a lot to do with it.

Mark D

Now running for Emperor.
I have already come across too many fellow Christians who "can't vote for Trump"; apparently the simple arithmetic of politics is too difficult for them to solve: vote for Trump and have a hope at fixing the country, or, don't vote for Trump, which is a vote for the Devil's daughter any way you figure it.

"But, but, but... My conscience! My ideals! I CAAAAAAN'T vote for Trump, he said a bad word!" I hope that comforts you when SCOTUS outlaws your faith and your Free Speech, and forces your children to be indoctrinated into the all-encompassing worship of the State and it's Elite.


Contributing Member
I'm sick and tired of self righteous Pharisees who think their shit doesn't stink.There corrupt as the next guy and have no idea they didn't save themselves;it was Christ in his mercy.How any christian has the balls to think that their behavior will add one cubit to their stature and then judge anyone is totally insane.Our citizenship is in heaven but were to do our part in an imperfect world to try and keep evil in check.These assholes not voting because the candidate isn't DL Moody need to take a look at their own lives and figure how the hell they are so much better and above anyone else.It makes me want to vomit!!


Veteran Member
I don't particularly think Christians who refuse to vote Trump are sinning, except perhaps with hubris. I just think they are kind of stupid and have a major death wish, as in "bring it on." They've been sold the story that we are in the end times so well that their entire paradigm is one of wishing the world to end so Jesus can return. I am opposed to that mindset. The most astounding thing Jesus EVER did was to give up his turn at life (he loved life and if you think he didn't you don't know him) for the sake of the likes of me. His resurrection was the frosting on the case, the validation that his gift was meaningful, permanent, and powerful. Dum vivimus vivamus! Trump is the only chance at a decent life my grandchildren have.

I think we are in the end times - but I also think that anybody who does not do their part - to stop evil - will be held accountable.

Call me silly but not voting for Trump is in reality - actively working for evil.

Not exactly sure how God views those who are working for Satan.

As has been said before it's either Trump or were done.


If trump loses, which I think will happen, it won't be because of Christians. Its because people picked the most flawed republican candidate possible. The guy is a clown with very little morals, so in no way am I goin to run down any group of people for voting their conscience.

He's certainly no polished politician. No question about that. Trump was the only non-establishment candidate running. I am now old enough to have seen a long succession of professional politicians who claim to be conservatives, but continue to vote with the libs. The political class has brought the nation to the edge of economic collapse, and has used its influence to bludgeon Americans into accepting behavior which can only have an extremely negative effect on society.

Trump may not be able to reverse the direction we are going, but the career pols don't even try.

As someone else has posted, when the enemy is at the gates, we need a Patton and a Churchill. It cannot be "business as usual."

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
If trump loses, which I think will happen, it won't be because of Christians. Its because people picked the most flawed republican candidate possible. The guy is a clown with very little morals, so in no way am I goin to run down any group of people for voting their conscience.


And we know that hitlery is SO much better....


Heart of Dixie
This is pretty telling, and no, I do not believe he changed his views:

The Scary TRUTH About Donald Trump (Donald Trump illuminati Deception Exposed Full Documentary)

The audio is so out of sync with the video, and the stripped clips are 1-2 seconds in length, its mostly an unintelligible video created by a 3rd grader.

I would put Trump on the Illuminati scale of 1 to 10 at close to zero.
This video on the scale of 1-10 as probably made in a third world county using windows 95 at a 10.


Certa Bonum Certamen
If the following verses, speaking of casting out demons in in Jesus' name are true, they are certainly true for other matters.

Mark 9:40 "For he who is not against us is for us.

Luke 9:50 But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."

Donald Trump is Christian and for Christians. Hillary Clinton is decidedly against Christians, see link in my signature for just one example.