WAR A Quick Review Of Some MISLEADING History

My latest blog. I'd post it here, but it's full of related videos that need to be watched to get the point, so please go directly to the blog:


Here's the raw text:

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Quick Review Of Some MISLEADING History

"History is a capricious creature. It depends on who writes it." - Mikhail Gorbachev, 1996

Let me strongly recommend Robert Buchar's new book, And Reality Be Damned:

This book is a transcript of his documentary film that he hasn't released because he can't come up with $40K for video footage rights.

Buchar's documentary contains information critical to the survival of Western Civilization, and he can't get $40K in financing to complete it. Thus, we are set to lose ~$50 trillion in wealth and most of our populations and social infrastructure because no one would pay a penny for the truth. That's how insanely selfish and self-deluded the West has become.

BTW, I provided Mr. Buchar the idea for the name of his documentary film. Initially he was going to call it, "The Collapse of Communism: Take 2", but now he's going with my suggestion of, The Collapse of Communism: The Untold Story.

I just wish I had $40K to contribute.

Tonight I've been reviewing footage of the fall of the Soviet Union upon the August 1991 "Potemkin Coup" in Moscow. It was so clearly staged and absolute BS, I just scratch my head at why the West believed 'em. The choice to accept this pleasant lie has literally cost Western Civilization its very existence.

First consider Anatoliy Golitsyn's incisive analysis of the August 1991 coup.

Now consider what a farce the whole affair was from a key Time magazine article from September 1991.

Then go ahead and watch news footage of the events in 1991 and think to yourself, could this really have happened unless it was instigated from the top-down per a larger plan?

The unfurling of that giant Russian flag that mysteriously showed up on the scene, probably the largest ever created in the world, in the streets of Moscow was particularly rich. The fireworks capping off the Potemkin coup "failure" and cranes brought in to pull down statues of Lenin and KGB founder Felix Dzerzhinsky were also particularly telling. The purported "revolution" that occurred in the Soviet Union in 1991 was nothing bu street theater intended for Western audiences. (Hence the unfettered, if not highly facilitated, access of the Western media to report on the events of the day at the time.) Unfortunately, only now has it become more clear what the goal has been of the strategic deception kicked off almost 20 years ago.

The KGB effectively threw a coup in Russia and kicked out the Communist party so the secret police organization could run the show without restraint.

Our national tragedy (as well as the tragedy of all other former communist countries) is that there was no clear defeat of the ruling communist system, no Nuremberg-style trial of its crimes, no vigorous lustration (de-communisation) process. The West was quick to celebrate the end of the Cold War and the victory of democracy in the former Iron Curtained countries, but in reality there was no change of "elites" there. The former communist "nomenklatura" has remained in the position of power in all branches of the government, albeit under a different name.

One particular part of the communist "nomenklatura" - the KGB - is of special interest to us. The Soviet secret police/intelligence service, originally called VChK, was defined by Lenin as an "armed detachment of the Party," and remained as such throughout Soviet history, while changing its name every few years (VChK, OGPU, NKVD, MGB, KGB, FSB...). Its prime task was to safeguard the interests of the Party and of its ideology, both at home and abroad.

By the 1970s, like anybody else, they came to resent the ideological supervision of the Party which they perceived as hampering their efficiency. They vigorously supported Gorbachev in his "perestroika" campaign, and he, in turn, has heavily relied on their services. Their task, (as it was the task of Gorbachev's leadership), was to salvage the remnants of the Soviet system, not to abandon it.

- Vladimir Bukovsky, 2004

This same KGB had infiltrated the Russian Orthodox Church and concluded that Christianity would make for a much more effective ideological front than Communism and has set the stage for establishing a global, tyrannical 'kingdom of god' that will in fact be the totalitarian dictatorship of the Antichrist. The means to that end is world war three and the prophetic Apocalypse.

"Today the Soviet system can no longer seriously strive toward the spectre of Communism - but at the same time it cannot yet abandon the grandeur of its tasks, for otherwise it would have to answer for fruitless sacrifices which are truly innumerable. But in what then can the Soviet system find its justification? Only in the consciousness that it was unconsciously in the past, as it is now quite consciously, God's instrument for constructing a new Christian world. It has no other justification, and this is . . . a genuine and great justification. By adopting it, our state will discover in itself a truly inexhaustable source of Truth, spiritual energy and strength, which has never before existed in history . . . The old pagan world has now finally outlived its era . . . In order not to perish with it we must build a new civilization - but is Western society, whose foundations have been destroyed, really capable of this? Only the Soviet sytem, having adopted Russian Orthodoxy . . . is capable of beginning THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION OF THE WORLD." (Passage written by Russian nationalist G.M. Shimanov quoted in Yanov's The Russian Challenge, p.236, 1987)

"If we presume the coming transformation of the Communist Party into the Russian Orthodox Party of the Soviet Union, we would obtain truly the ideal state, one which would fulfill the historical destiny of the Russian people. It is a question of the Orthodoxization of the entire world." (Gennadii Shimanov)

But do Americans really want to be delivered from the Evil One? Or are they too busy delighting in wickedness?

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. [2 Thessalonians 2:8-12]