
  1. Teeja

    COMMUNISM Marxist Lucifer King (the truth about this "holiday" celebrated on Jan 15th)

    Seems like this is a good time to post this documentary. Video summary: Martin Luther King, Jr. was not the hero and wonderful "man of God" the government will be "celebrating" this coming Monday, January 15th. He was, in fact, a womanizing communist sympathizer. These facts have generally...
  2. C

    ALERT Dire threat to check and balances!!! Record them here!! White House says businesses should still mandate jabs for employees in spite of court ruling A White House spokesperson said businesses ‘should continue to move...
  3. Doomer Doug

    COMMUNISM Oregon Declares War on Gun Owners

    The state of Oregon is in the process of passing some of the most restrictive gun laws in the USA, even tighter than both California or New York today. The Democrat SuperMajority has now passed several bills, including one that makes a person liable for any criminal act done by any weapons...
  4. Doomer Doug

    PLAY Monty Python Interviews Marx and Lenin

    While perusing the bowels of you tube, I came upon this GEM of satire, parody and brutal humor. Seriously, yeah Communism ain't funny, but then again, Monty Python is. View: Live from the Hollywood Bowl sketch from Monty Python - Communist quiz...
  5. LittleYellowFlower

    DEEP STATE Communism and it’s use of Covid-19

    A friend sent me this just a bit ago. Not certain where the credit goes. It is quite interesting and I’ve actually scratched my head and said “WTH?!” a few times. (If I didn’t post correctly, mods please move to appropriate area. Thank you.)
  6. dstraito

    COMMUNISM The Communist Manifesto again

    I think this is important to repeat because people need to know what a faction of people plan for this country. They have been planning it for decades. If they succeed it will no longer be the country as envisioned by our founding fathers, a vision I happen to believe in. The Ten Planks of...
  7. MinnesotaSmith

    POL Online poll -- Budweiser Wants To Know re Continuing Supporting The NFL

    Leave a message (like I did) telling them NWIH, not until ANY team employee that kneels during the national anthem is FIRED on the spot. I figure they WANT to dump the NFL, and are looking for a fig leaf to do so under. Let's help them out, and bankrupt the national commie football league...
  8. Doomer Doug


    :siren: The fascist state called the People's Republic is now building and deploying "riot robots," in order to further crush dissent and maintain their total control of the Chinese people. Take a good look. This is the soft version of fascism. The Dalek from Dr. Who isn't far behind this. The...
  9. C

    WAR Phillippino Ambassador¡¦s Warning to America: Wake Up or Die

    Phillippino Ambassador¡¦s Warning to America: Wake Up or Die „ä By Tim Brown „ä April 13, 2016 ¡§America, wake up! Shake off the course of inaction that is giving the forces of evil the right...
  10. H

    Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism, "Just Decide What Works"

    Un-bloody believable.... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Obama: Forget The Difference Between Capitalism And Communism, "Just...
  11. H

    OP-ED The Contradictions of China’s Communist Capitalism

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... JUL 16, 2015 The Contradictions of China’s Communist Capitalism Pranab Bardhan Comments 3 BERKELEY – The recent...
  12. Be Well

    GOV/MIL Interview with Tom Fife who heard of a commie black president in 1992

    This is only a link to an interview, I'm a computer idiot and I managed to download it and listen. Short summary - it is an interview with a host I am not familiar with, and one Tom Fife, who was in Russia in 1992 and at a dinner party, the wife of the Russian host described an African who...
  13. denfoote

    POL Liberals in southern Arizona seek to form new state

    Fair use applies. I, for one, look forward to carrying my rifle down to that Commie infested rat hole, as part of the Arizona State Militia, to put down the insurrection. The only good red is a DEAD red.
  14. dstraito

    POL What kind of America do you want?

    I started a thread in another forum. This thread is the conclusion of that forum. What kind of America do you want? Do you want an America that is turned into Communism, Socialism, Marxism? Do you want an America where people view...
  15. Spirit Of Truth

    WAR A Quick Review Of Some MISLEADING History

    My latest blog. I'd post it here, but it's full of related videos that need to be watched to get the point, so please go directly to the blog: Here's the raw text: