RACE WAR Salvation Army wants white donors to offer a "sincere apology" for their racism


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Salvation Army Unrings Bell, No Longer Asking White People To Deliver 'Sincere' Apologies For Their Race
Tyler Durden's Photo's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Nov 29, 2021 - 03:30 PM
After significant donor backlash, the Salvation Army has withdrawn its "Let's Talk About Racism" guide which asked white supporters to deliver "sincere" apologies for their race and the 'sins of racism.'

The guide, released in April and created by the SA's Social Justice Commission, reads:

"While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism," adding that Christians need to "evaluate" racist attitudes and practices.

"And as we engage in conversations about race and racism, we must keep in mind that sincere repentance and apologies are necessary if we want to move towards racial reconciliation. We recognize that it is a profound challenge to sit on the hot seat and listen with an open heart to the hurt and anger of the wounded. Yet, we are all hardwired to desire justice and fairness, so the need to receive a sincere apology is necessary."

The guide also says "White culture" has challenges it needs to overcome - which include "denial of racism," and "defensiveness about race." It adds that white Americans need to "stop trying to be colorblind."

Now, in a statement titled "The Salvation Army's Response to False Claims on the Topic of Racism," the organization now says the guide wasn't meant to tell anyone "how to think," and has withdrawn the guide for "appropriate review" according to Just the News.

The Salvation Army has denied suggesting that the US is inherently racist and maintains it didn't tell people to apologize for 'being white.'
Too little too late; the damage is done.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Salvation Army Unrings Bell, No Longer Asking White People To Deliver 'Sincere' Apologies For Their Race
Tyler Durden's Photo's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Nov 29, 2021 - 03:30 PM
After significant donor backlash, the Salvation Army has withdrawn its "Let's Talk About Racism" guide which asked white supporters to deliver "sincere" apologies for their race and the 'sins of racism.'

The guide, released in April and created by the SA's Social Justice Commission, reads:

"While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism," adding that Christians need to "evaluate" racist attitudes and practices.

"And as we engage in conversations about race and racism, we must keep in mind that sincere repentance and apologies are necessary if we want to move towards racial reconciliation. We recognize that it is a profound challenge to sit on the hot seat and listen with an open heart to the hurt and anger of the wounded. Yet, we are all hardwired to desire justice and fairness, so the need to receive a sincere apology is necessary."

The guide also says "White culture" has challenges it needs to overcome - which include "denial of racism," and "defensiveness about race." It adds that white Americans need to "stop trying to be colorblind."

Now, in a statement titled "The Salvation Army's Response to False Claims on the Topic of Racism," the organization now says the guide wasn't meant to tell anyone "how to think," and has withdrawn the guide for "appropriate review" according to Just the News.

The Salvation Army has denied suggesting that the US is inherently racist and maintains it didn't tell people to apologize for 'being white.'
So it's not about BIBLICAL doctrine, then.

Whether anyone agrees with their Biblical doctrine is beside the point. The point is, if THEY thought it was Biblical doctrine, THEY should have stuck by it, or not published the guide, or published the guide and stuck by it.

Since it is not about BIBLICAL doctrine, what is it about?

1) Fitting in with the culture crowd (meaning they didn't want to be singled out, and be canceled)

2) M-O-N-E-Y

And being a "Christian" organization they don't remember this one simple verse that even non-Christians can quote:

"...the LOVE OF MONEY, is the root of all evil...."

Makes one wonder how much of the Bible they really do know. Wonder if they know this one:

"...I would that you were cold or hot, but since you were neither, but luke warm, I will spew you out of my mouth...."

Sorry for the soap box, this kind of stuff just burns the hair off my head.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"Structural racism.. is the overarching system of racial bias across institutions and society. These systems give privileges to White people resulting in disadvantages to (blacks),"

It should be noted that the study of anthropology along with evolutionary biological natural selection and the implications of both to sociobiology explains quite well why there are large scale tendencies in racial characteristics both physically and cognitively that can have a decidedly distinct advantage or disadvantage within a given society........especially a society where one of those races resides that has been created and built by another.

The same challenges that see why so few Blacks have neither the aptitude or interest in engineering can be expressed for Asians and their desire to play and excel in the NFL or in the 100 meter dash in the Olympics.

Are we to ignore such social biological differences for the sake of diversity?.........or should we acknowledge and embrace differences where we can find the best place in society for people to contribute in regardless of what fiscal or social inequalities it results in?

Certainly we can diversity the NFL or NBA for the sake of equality in racial profiling of that demographic subset of society........but to try to claim it as a strength would be prosperous. Should not diversity be secondary to those who are the fastest as best suited in a roles where sprint forms of running are important in a given sport?

We seem to be able to accept the physical differences when it comes to diversity hire in society within some ball sports but as soon as it involves cognitive or behavioral traits a certain segment of the population shudders at the idea of admitting those differences exist in a manner that can be correlated to a large scale racial construct. They fear that it begins to border on whether the evolutionary environmental pressures that shapes DNA leaves one race less adaptive to another within a given society.

As a result, they'd rather claim "foul" and tear down a large scale organized society of law and order created by one race to make sure it is equally inclusive to another race when nothing in history demonstrates that the disadvantaged race is capable of replicating such a system independent from the existing society they experience their current disadvantages in.

In the final analysis...........we just might be racially incompatible on a large scale because of our environmental pressure specific evolved physical/cognitive characteristics, abilities and behavioral traits.

Steel Chips

Veteran Member
Huh, "White Culture". Hey, t.s.a. jackasses - If it wasn't for "white culture" you would still be dropping deuces in the woods and using leaves for hygiene. Until you publicly fire everyone involved with c.r.t., not one more gd penny.

Nearby there is an organization called the union gospel mission. My passing experience with them is they are a corrupt organization hiding behind Christianity, so no donations to them either.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Gateway pundit Just published an article about them removing the racism guide. But is seems that it is being done in a still very defiant tone. The Salvation army is not sorry about it in the least. I would post a link but it seems dangerous here to post links if I am not willing to post the entire article. Too bad for everyone.
When a person is replying in a thread, the standard is 1/4 to 1/3 of the article's content accompanying the link. However, if the member is on a handheld device and unable to post the content, they can add that as a disclaimer at the bottom of their post, e.g.

"I am unable to post the content. Could someone help out with that please?"

That will keep staff from getting after the member posting (just don't try it all the time - lol.)

However, if a person is simply too lazy to post the content, then that's on them, and a disservice to their fellow members.


Country exile in the city
I would dearly love to know "who" are the people that they are blaming for their "racist apologies" narrative?

OUTSIDE, obviously, since they are saying the reports about them and what the SA was trying to do were "wrong", "baseless", "incorrect", etc.

As a poster above noted, they are saying it wasn't their policy statement that was wrong, but that John Q. Public was too stupid to properly "interpret" it.

Keep digging that hole deeper, SA..............


Veteran Member
I think they are hurting. Went into a store yesterday past a Red Kettle (no ringer). It had small (12 x 12) sign on it basically saying that all donation go to help local people in need. I've never seen that before.


Senior Member
i hope this goes viral. I hope it's on every right and left news.
their income will shrink to near zero.
well maybe, as we all know, blacks donate huge dollars. snark. yea right.


Dot Collector
'The situation is dire'; Salvation Army facing toy, donation shortage ahead of holidays

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it’s not a good idea to call all your white donors a bunch of racists who need to apologize while making donations.

Go woke, get broke.

View: https://twitter.com/RLSandack/status/1470774895521021964?t=xvsnO7qfQnqDaYpzMEApVQ&s=19

Companion Thread:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
'The situation is dire'; Salvation Army facing toy, donation shortage ahead of holidays

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it’s not a good idea to call all your white donors a bunch of racists who need to apologize while making donations.

Go woke, get broke.

View: https://twitter.com/RLSandack/status/1470774895521021964?t=xvsnO7qfQnqDaYpzMEApVQ&s=19

Companion Thread:
AND just yesterday on Fox they had a Captain begging for donations to help the victims of the Tornado outbreak, with we help people everywhere. Ya felt so sorry for the victims, and wanted to help so bad, but they never said all they wanted was for Black people to give or white people to give an apology first.

Trying real hard to get past their stupid mouth.

And that is the real sad story, they want to play culture appropriate, government 501C3 appropriate, and it really, really hurts the people they say they want to help.

Go woke, go broke, hurt thousands.


Veteran Member
If they don't dump these commies in a very public way, the damage will continue.
Even that will only moderate it.
We've taken the position that as long as that pair of communists are still drawing a Salvation Army paycheck, we won't contribute. I'm like Cary; a great organization which has done an unfathomable amount of good in the lives of hurting and needy people is getting swamped by its own inside-the-Beltway mentality.

The bell-ringers in our town are local volunteers, as I suspect they are in most places. I cringe inside when walking past them because I was so used to putting something in the kettle. It just goes against the grain to walk past.


Veteran Member
I'll never donate another cent to them. They can back peddle all the way back up the woke river but nothing will change my mind.
Maybe Coke Cola can step up and make up the losses.
United Way is another one on the list after I found out about their support of BLM had I found out a few days ealier thus year they would be short my 500.00 bucks.
Next year I'll write a check directly to Hospice.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
I'm in a quandary
Previously, when something like the T in KY happened, you could write acheck 'to be used for ....' and that issue would get the benefit. Who can I rely on now as I'm reluctant to send a penny to SA for any reason
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Veteran Member
They are stationed at the Nob Hill and we always used to give. Now I will wrap up a penny in an envelope and will tell them that they can GFO for their racist beliefs. That way the person who is ringing the bell won't be taken aback, unless they are cheating on the donations.


Veteran Member
Can someone help me write a note that I could drop into the kettle in an envelope with a penny inside?

Loretta Van Riet

Trying to hang out with the cool kids.
AND just yesterday on Fox they had a Captain begging for donations to help the victims of the Tornado outbreak, with we help people everywhere. Ya felt so sorry for the victims, and wanted to help so bad, but they never said all they wanted was for Black people to give or white people to give an apology first.

Trying real hard to get past their stupid mouth.

And that is the real sad story, they want to play culture appropriate, government 501C3 appropriate, and it really, really hurts the people they say they want to help.

Go woke, go broke, hurt thousands.
Wanting to help the tornado victims I made a donation to Samaritans Purse. In the past I would of sent my donation to the local Salvation Army. No apologies for this old white lady.


Contributing Member
This reminds me of a problem I had with World Vision or Compassion International several years ago. A supposedly Christian organization that said they were making allowances for their same sex workers to be married. Now, people can do that if they wish . However a Christian organization that was based on biblical principles should not be doing this. I sent them a letter back then with scripture reference. They tried to backpedal but it was too late.


Veteran Member
Well the SA just peed in their Wheaties and now wants to backpedal and have someone clean up the mess. I had donated just before this came out and now I send their letters begging for money back to them.
I'm in a quandary
Prrviously, when something like the T in KY happened, you could write acheck 'to be used for ....' and that issue would het the benefit. Who can I rely on now as I'm reluctant to send a penny to SA for any reason

There are no needy folks in your AO?

Donate directly, and locally.

Food banks/soup kitchens, medical needs/costs/supplies, clothing, shelter costs, job training/placement programs, transportation needs, in-home care of the infirm/elderly, etc. - all need funding.

Do the homework/leg work - vet the need and/or the local organization - monitor results.
