ALERT Oh, btw, World War Three might soon erupt...

I see there's a lot of important threads running this evening, but I thought I better give you all a heads up since it looks as if WORLD WAR THREE is about erupt in Georgia.

I'm somewhat surprised no one else is worried. I just picked myself up off the floor after three days of complete despondency because I'm fairly certain of what is about to unfold in human history and there's apparently not a thing I can do about it. I sure wish I could entertain myself to death like the rest of the West, but I have a terrible addiction to the hard truth, so I'll just continue this futile effort of trying to save a civilization apprently not interested in saving itself.

The first important point to keep in mind is that the events you are seeing unfold in Georgia, if anyone were watching that is, are contrived by the Kremlin. This tiny nation on Russia's periphery is but the newest Potemkin masquerade put on for gullible Western audiences by Russia's military intelligence services, the GRU:

The newest tale we are being told is that protesters are seeking the ouster of Georgian President Mikheil (Misha) Saakashvili and have barricaded themselves on the main streets of Tblisi. Then, on Wednesday there was a supposed Russian-backed mutiny by a tank battalion (note that "Misha" is Russian for bear):,0,3796773.story

In the last part in the video, where Saakashvili is supposedly dressing down the mutineers, one of the soldiers is busy checking his cell phone. Also, video footage of Saakashvili with this set of troops aired on Al Jazeera showing the Georgian president shaking hands with one of the supposed mutineers:

Meanwhile, talks between Russia, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia have broken down just as joint NATO-Georgian military exercises have begun.

Whatever way Moscow and Tblisi spin this, you have the ingredients for Russian military action in Georgia with NATO troops on the ground. I'm afraid we've been successfully lured into a lethal trap.

Imagine if we were this close to a military confrontation between Russia and NATO 20 or 30 years ago?! Yet, today almost no one notices...not even in a preps forum. :kaid:


"It is as if we were scientists studying the workings of a volcano," Russia's NATO envoy, Dmitry Rogozin, said of the NATO-Russia relationship. "It proves it is a very unpredictable natural phenomenon and we can expect an eruption at any time."

Russia, NATO in battle of wills over Georgia
Wed May 6, 2009 12:34pm BST
By David Brunnstrom - Analysis

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The real conflict as NATO holds military exercises in Georgia is an increasingly tense battle of wills between the Western defense alliance and Moscow that could affect efforts to improve U.S.-Russian relations.

Ties between the former Cold war foes have soured over the exercises and an espionage case in which NATO has expelled two Russians and Moscow has thrown out two alliance officials. Russia has also pulled out of a meeting scheduled with NATO.

NATO says broadening ties with former Soviet republics such as Georgia, with whom Russia fought a brief war last year, breaks down barriers with countries long dominated by Moscow and strengthens security and stability in Europe.

But Russia regards such moves as a security challenge and wants to roll back Western influence in areas it considers part of its traditional sphere of influence.

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Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
Russia needs the Georgia corridor to protect its ally - Iran. They are not going to let this one go. This is the makings of the Gog Magog war.


You know what Spirit Of Truth, I am READY for it. I have been living my life ready for this for the last few years. I have felt a sunken feeling in my heart that I can go in one of two directions, pissed off enough and fight or give up. I would rather fight, bring it on!!! I am sick of this world and the way it has become.


I thought it was strange that things were heating up again and no one seemed to notice or comment-anywhere.

You know what Spirit Of Truth, I am READY for it. I have been living my life ready for this for the last few years. I have felt a sunken feeling in my heart that I can go in one of two directions, pissed off enough and fight or give up. I would rather fight, bring it on!!! I am sick of this world and the way it has become.

I'm not physically ready. No one around friends or relatives or church members....absolutely NO ONE is interested in doing anything to protect themselves. Everyone just wants to go on 'make believing' there is no danger and no need to lift a finger.

I often feel abandoned by God.

This is all so futile and hopeless and sad. :bwl:


I'm not physically ready. No one around friends or relatives or church members....absolutely NO ONE is interested in doing anything to protect themselves.

BIL actually told me he would rather live in the 'matrix' and not know what was happening, than to know the truth and be 'concerned'.
Nice out, and that is why we prep.

I would if there were more than just me. I have no love for this world. If I had a wife and family, I certainly would have prepped. But it's really just me and I can't force people around me to protect themselves. They need to make the decision.

Part of the problem is where I'm at survival will be virtually impossible, that's why people simply shut themsleves off from the danger since it seems futile to defend oneself.


It's the only land invasion route from the north into Israel. My question is will Ivan count on CINCBO to do nothing more than wring his hands or will Ivan go ahead and launch a decap ICBM/SLBM strike on the US to ensure we cannot intervene to support Israel?:popcorn1:


You know what Spirit Of Truth, I am READY for it. I have been living my life ready for this for the last few years. I have felt a sunken feeling in my heart that I can go in one of two directions, pissed off enough and fight or give up. I would rather fight, bring it on!!! I am sick of this world and the way it has become.

I am with ya Kate.God Bless you my Dear.AR


I'm not physically ready. No one around friends or relatives or church members....absolutely NO ONE is interested in doing anything to protect themselves. Everyone just wants to go on 'make believing' there is no danger and no need to lift a finger.

I often feel abandoned by God.

This is all so futile and hopeless and sad. :bwl:

Why are YOU not physically ready? Not that I believe it will ever play out that way. I sure believe I can take out a Russian though or any man. Boy would I fight. To me, my Dad (a cop) always said wise things to me. Human vs Human. Every human has a weakness, find it!!!!!!!

If you're talking nukes......well, we all have problems, so do the Russian's.

That's all I can offer. No human scares me face to face. I can out smart them if I keep my whits about me or at least give them the fight of their lives. Well I suppose they could shoot me in the back. I'll never be raped though.
Why are YOU not physically ready? Not that I believe it will ever play out that way. I sure believe I can take out a Russian though or any man. Boy would I fight. To me, my Dad (a cop) always said wise things to me. Human vs Human. Every human has a weakness, find it!!!!!!!

If you're talking nukes......well, we all have problems, so do the Russian's.

That's all I can offer. No human scares me face to face. I can out smart them if I keep my whits about me.

Obviously, as I've reiterated here for 6 years, I'm expecting a full-scale Russian nuclear attack that will decimate the U.S. in an hour's time (this is spelled clearly in the Book of Revelation in my mind....especially chapter 8):

Canada will be relatively safe....except if your near military targets. I don't think the Russians will nuke Canadian economic targets and population centers. In the U.S., however, the goal will be nuclear annihilation.


Veteran Member
To encourage Kate, Spirit of Truth, and all

2 Corinthians 1

3.Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
4.Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

5.For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
6.And whether we be afflicted , it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer : or whether we be comforted , it is for your consolation and salvation.
7.And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing , that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

Titus 1:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ...
To encourage Kate, Spirit of Truth, and all

2 Corinthians 1

3.Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
4.Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

5.For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
6.And whether we be afflicted , it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer : or whether we be comforted , it is for your consolation and salvation.
7.And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing , that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

Titus 1:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ...

I wish it were so simple for me to take this all to heart. But, alas, my predicament is 'complicated'.


Veteran Member
I wish it were so simple for me to take this all to heart. But, alas, my predicament is 'complicated'.

Well it's God's Word, isn't it, and it's true at all times and for all people, right?
So we can trust that He will have it all worked out for OUR GOOD (remember Romans 8:28).
We can't know the wheres and whys and whens or how it will all happen, but we DO know HIM, we know His character and that He is a promise keeper.

I don't want to be one of those "whose hearts are failing them for fear of the things that are coming upon the earth!" so I consciously try to choose to exercise faith (shaky as it is at times) and tell Satan (the accuser) to lift off and stop creating fear in my mind.

We are going to need to be strong and put faith in the living God because quite honestly I think the bad times have only just begun, but God is faithful and He will bring us through!


SarahLynn, everything and all my being convinced me for years that the rapture of the church would spare Christians of tribulation.

Something happened recently that made me change positions. A ton of what changed my thoughts was thinking of what this meant WORLD WIDE. The rapture would have happened already to spare the Christians pain and suffering.

I believe "Spirit of Truth" under stands things. We ALL will be in the same field of hurt. I believe he is right. :shk:


SOT I have been watching these threads of yours over the past few days about Georgia and I just wanted to say thanks for the info!

Were not getting anything from the MSM on Georgia untill people start dying...

My question is this, why would Russia try and take back Georgia when NATO is in the area?

It would be easier if Russia only had to fight the georgians.

Unless Russia has set a trap in Georgia and will take out NATO in one move?

Scary stuff, I happy it's over in Europe for now.

God Bless Us All.



Veteran Member
Georgian President Mikheil (Misha) Saakashvili should be sacked...he is a toadie of the worst kind. Georgia can do better with another. Russia is just taking care of her border areas...something we should do, but don't.


Are you sure about that?
I've been watching, SoT. I just don't know there is much we can do about it. Except prep. The talking seems to be over, and our current 'leaders' (bleh) listen to us even LESS than the last ones.

Watch the news (not the MSM, the NEWS), prep your gluteals off, and pray.


I'm not sure what your government has been doing, but the Canadian government keeps telling Russia to F@ck off.

PM criticizes Russia over diplomats' ouster

`Not the ideal relationship,' Harper says of spat with Moscow as Canadian NATO officials expelled
May 07, 2009 04:30 AM
Comments on this story (5)
Richard J. Brennan
Ottawa bureau

PRAGUE–Prime Minister Stephen Harper has lambasted Russia for expelling two Canadian diplomats, saying it puts further strain on Canada's relationship with Moscow.

"It's not a cold war but it's not the ideal relationship either. We would like the Russians to behave in a more acceptable manner," Harper said yesterday while in the Czech Republic for a one-day Canada-European Union summit.

Last week's expulsion was tit-for-tat for NATO's expulsion of two Russian envoys from Brussels over allegations of espionage, Moscow has said.

Harper said when it comes to democracy or human rights "we will continue to send pretty clear signals, and when it comes to spying, we will take whatever actions are necessary."

Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said yesterday he summoned Ambassador Georgiy Mamedov to explain the expulsion of Isabelle François, director of the NATO information office in Moscow, and her deputy, Mark Opgenorth. "We have a very serious objection to what has occurred," Cannon said.

The ambassador was told that "Canada strongly objects to Russia's unjustifiable decision" and that the move is "counter-productive for relations between NATO and Russia," said Catherine Loubier, spokesperson for Cannon.

Cannon expressed surprise at the latest events, considering NATO's recent bid to patch up the relationship following Russia's brief war with Georgia last summer.

"I find it rather strange that this has happened considering that NATO has re-engaged with Russia.

"As you know, after the crisis in Georgia there was a break off ... in the relationship and there has been a gradual re-engagement and now we're seeing this occur."

NATO expelled two Russian diplomats from its headquarters in Brussels last week, a move Russian officials said was in retaliation for a spy case dating back to February.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pulled out of a meeting with NATO set for later this month to protest that move, as well as the alliance's military exercises in Georgia, which got underway yesterday.

"This is the law of genre, and our NATO partners – those behind the expulsion – could not have expected a different reaction," Lavrov said of the Canadian diplomats.

He described the action as in keeping with "the rules of the game."

Russia is frustrated by what it sees as western meddling in its traditional sphere of influence. Moscow also opposes Georgia's efforts to join NATO.

NATO maintains the war games in Georgia are not directed at Russia.

Meanwhile, Harper, European Union President and Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso announced yesterday the launch of trade talks that are expected to lead to a free trade agreement between Canada and the EU in as little as two years.

Harper said Canada's seal hunt should not be allowed to "contaminate" free trade talks. The EU has banned seal products.

With files from The Canadian Press
SOT I have been watching these threads of yours over the past few days about Georgia and I just wanted to say thanks for the info!

Were not getting anything from the MSM on Georgia untill people start dying...

My question is this, why would Russia try and take back Georgia when NATO is in the area?

It would be easier if Russia only had to fight the georgians.

Unless Russia has set a trap in Georgia and will take out NATO in one move?

Scary stuff, I happy it's over in Europe for now.

God Bless Us All.


Russia is going to great lengths to create a trap for NATO.

Russia's ultimate objective is the military, economic and political defeat of the West, and they have been setting the stage for this all along. That's what 'the beast' does.


Russia is going to great lengths to create a trap for NATO.

Russia's ultimate objective is the military, economic and political defeat of the West, and they have been setting the stage for this all along. That's what 'the beast' does.

I'm thinking the Canadian gov thinks this is happening SOT. Our country has been dealing with them on our door step for a few years. I guess that's why we get more angry about this. We know!!!! Planting flags....... We're paranoid and angry.


This post has been a long time coming.....
I came here by invitation of a very good friend. After being here a few months I asked myself a couple of questions, one being will my witness as a believer be worth a hoot if I believe I can change anything God has forcasted for our future, second, if things really hit the fan, and a major part of the world dies off, do I realy want to be here anyways?

I don't know if anyone else has questioned themselves in this area, but I really struggle with it. With that being said....

Today I can only put my faith in God, trusting His promise to be there for me as a believer. I realy don't have any fear if SHTF. I have no doubt that God can and will take care of me and my family. This does not give me the reason to be lazy or not take the appropriate measures to ensure my familys safety.

I know with out a doubt in my heart that we are close to the times of the "endtime" season spoke of in Revelations, in fact we are not close but WE ARE IN THIS SEASON NOW!.
I can not fathom in my spirit how others who have no faith, know no God and what His Son has given to them on the cross will do in these perilous times. What substanence will they draw any strength to go on when everything they know as truth is ripped out from underneath them.

I hope what I have shared dosen't make any of you less respectful to my posts here, this is a great place to share and keep up on current events that relate to the times in which we live. Although it seems as of late there is a great amount of contention in some threads, this is the very thing I am relating to.

I pray for everyone here may you KNOW a peace that surpasses all human understanding, that which comes from the Father in heaven above and no other. May you all come to know a strength that only He can give you.

Didn't mean to drag this out!

God Bless!


Jean B

Veteran Member
The rapture would have happened already to spare the Christians pain and suffering.

The rapture is not to spare the Christians form pain, suffering and death, but to remove us from Gods wrath as He deals with an unbelieving world starting with the Antichrist as the first seal in Rev. 6:1. The seals, trumpets, and bowls are JUDGMENTS. We are seeing this stuff line up.

As Christians, trials and tribulations are part of what we deal with, even to the point of death. To live is Christ, to die is gain.

1 Thes. 5:9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Tribulation is a time where God deals with Israel, not the Church.

Dan 9:24 Seventy 'sevens' (490 years) are decreed for your people (the Jews) and your holy city (Jerusalem) to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy

Spirit of Truth, thanks for keeping our feet to the fire. We need to keep our eye on Russia. They are not our friends.

Russia needs the Georgia corridor to protect its ally - Iran. They are not going to let this one go. This is the makings of the Gog Magog war.

So true changed.

Ezekiel 38:8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war,

Most likely Russia(Gog) and Arab nations listed in the Bible that joins Russia to attack Israel.

This is why I believe Israel will be in a war with Iran or Syria or both. This has to occur before the Gog/Magog war.

Ezekiel 38:11 You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people--all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.

Israel is living in fear at this time as well as building a wall as fast as they can to protect from terrorist getting in and killing their people.
Ezekiel 38:14 ...In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it?

Israel is at a time of peace (after a false peace treaty...the Tribulation or during the Millennium), and after a war of some kind. This happens before the Gog/Magog war can occur.

We are seeing Russia do some moving and shaking with their Muslim neighbors as they line up for this very thing, but as the scripture tells us, a few things must take place first.


This post has been a long time coming.....
I came here by invitation of a very good friend. After being here a few months I asked myself a couple of questions, one being will my witness as a believer be worth a hoot if I believe I can change anything God has forcasted for our future, second, if things really hit the fan, and a major part of the world dies off, do I realy want to be here anyways?

I don't know if anyone else has questioned themselves in this area, but I really struggle with it. With that being said....

Today I can only put my faith in God, trusting His promise to be there for me as a believer. I realy don't have any fear if SHTF. I have no doubt that God can and will take care of me and my family. This does not give me the reason to be lazy or not take the appropriate measures to ensure my familys safety.

I know with out a doubt in my heart that we are close to the times of the "endtime" season spoke of in Revelations, in fact we are not close but WE ARE IN THIS SEASON NOW!.
I can not fathom in my spirit how others who have no faith, know no God and what His Son has given to them on the cross will do in these perilous times. What substanence will they draw any strength to go on when everything they know as truth is ripped out from underneath them.

I hope what I have shared dosen't make any of you less respectful to my posts here, this is a great place to share and keep up on current events that relate to the times in which we live. Although it seems as of late there is a great amount of contention in some threads, this is the very thing I am relating to.

I pray for everyone here may you KNOW a peace that surpasses all human understanding, that which comes from the Father in heaven above and no other. May you all come to know a strength that only He can give you.

Didn't mean to drag this out!

God Bless!


Ditto. Awesome post. I believe too deep in my heart.


The rapture is not to spare the Christians form pain, suffering and death, but to remove us from Gods wrath as He deals with an unbelieving world starting with the Antichrist as the first seal in Rev. 6:1. The seals, trumpets, and bowls are JUDGMENTS. We are seeing this stuff line up.

As Christians, trials and tribulations are part of what we deal with, even to the point of death. To live is Christ, to die is gain.

The Tribulation is a time where God deals with Israel, not the Church.

Spirit of Truth, thanks for keeping our feet to the fire. We need to keep our eye on Russia. They are not our friends.

So true changed.

Most likely Russia(Gog) and Arab nations listed in the Bible that joins Russia to attack Israel.

This is why I believe Israel will be in a war with Iran or Syria or both. This has to occur before the Gog/Magog war.

Israel is living in fear at this time as well as building a wall as fast as they can to protect from terrorist getting in and killing their people.

Israel is at a time of peace (after a false peace treaty...the Tribulation or during the Millennium), and after a war of some kind. This happens before the Gog/Magog war can occur.

We are seeing Russia do some moving and shaking with their Muslim neighbors as they line up for this very thing, but as the scripture tells us, a few things must take place first.

What changed me from believing was the "Trumpets", timing.
The Antichrist is also referred to as 'the Lawless One'. By reaping chaos, the Antichrist creates the precondition necessary for the world to seek his 'salvation' from lawlessness.

have only given cursory reading to the mutiny in Georgia, but I haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that Putin is nuts enough to attack Georgia while Nato troops are doing exercises there.

Is there any basis for this thread? Are the Russians building up huge numbers of troops on the border, as they did months before the Georgians started that last war?

Or is there any evidence that the Russians have mobilized for a World War?

With what appears to be a lightwieght in the White House, why would Putin pull an attack that even Obama would have to respond to? A direct attack on Nato troops?


have only given cursory reading to the mutiny in Georgia, but I haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that Putin is nuts enough to attack Georgia while Nato troops are doing exercises there.

Is there any basis for this thread? Are the Russians building up huge numbers of troops on the border, as they did months before the Georgians started that last war?

Or is there any evidence that the Russians have mobilized for a World War?

With what appears to be a lightwieght in the White House, why would Putin pull an attack that even Obama would have to respond to? A direct attack on Nato troops?

????America look's weak. Canada sounds stronger on the world stage these days. We are quick to make decisious and all NATO is following Harper. It seems anyways. Harper is looking like a hero. Taking charge. Obama is still shaking hands with everyone.

Kate, to paraphrase Stalin:

How many Division's does Harper have?

The forces are today funded by approximately $19 billion annually,[4] and are presently ranked 46th in size compared to the world's other armed forces, and 55th in terms of active personnel, standing at a population of roughly 65,000, not including the 26,000 reservists.

I fail to see how that relates to any military moves on Russia's part that shows that they are preparing to take on Nato forces in Georgia. I doubt that Russia would be preparing for a World War without a general mobilization, and that would certainly be noticed. Have there been movement of strategic forces? Anything to prompt speculation that World War is imminent?


Today I can only put my faith in God, trusting His promise to be there for me as a believer. I realy don't have any fear if SHTF. I have no doubt that God can and will take care of me and my family. This does not give me the reason to be lazy or not take the appropriate measures to ensure my familys safety.



Kate, to paraphrase Stalin:

How many Division's does Harper have?

The forces are today funded by approximately $19 billion annually,[4] and are presently ranked 46th in size compared to the world's other armed forces, and 55th in terms of active personnel, standing at a population of roughly 65,000, not including the 26,000 reservists.

I fail to see how that relates to any military moves on Russia's part that shows that they are preparing to take on Nato forces in Georgia. I doubt that Russia would be preparing for a World War without a general mobilization, and that would certainly be noticed. Have there been movement of strategic forces? Anything to prompt speculation that World War is imminent?

NATO looks to a common sense leader. Well maybe, Canada is still doing the best in the world economically and we WON every war we've fought.


SarahLynn, everything and all my being convinced me for years that the rapture of the church would spare Christians of tribulation.

Something happened recently that made me change positions. A ton of what changed my thoughts was thinking of what this meant WORLD WIDE. The rapture would have happened already to spare the Christians pain and suffering.

I believe "Spirit of Truth" under stands things. We ALL will be in the same field of hurt. I believe he is right. :shk:

This has been bothering me the last few years ... I keep thinking how horrific things are in some parts of the world and wondered.... just as Kate posted The rapture would have happened already to spare the Christians pain and suffering.

I'm still pondering it as a question :confused:


Stone Cold Crazy
I've notived over the years those that tend to scream their faith the most also tend to forget God the most.

I believe in God. I have complete faith but know I have my limitations. Therefore I will do what I must when the time comes and if the end comes of that so be it. I have zero fear of death and going in a nuke blast would be a lot quicker than other things I have experineced.

So my word is "Quit yer whining." do the best you can with what you've got and go from there-being prostrate on the floor and crying and passin gas will do you zero good.
Have the faith or don't, that strength is not mine to give nor is the iron will to use it. Up to you.