'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked

"FAHRENHEIT 9/11" documents that the American people have been
lied to in the push for war. There were no weapons of mass
destruction. Saddam was not a threat. Iraq had no link to 9-11. Iraq
was not supporting Al Qaeda. The government of Iraq under Saddam
killed far fewer Iraqi people than the government of Iraq under
George Bush. The Kurds were actually gassed by Iran (and does the
name "Waco" ring a bell?). The only nuclear weapons found in Iraq
are the tons of depleted uranium munitions dropped on the Iraqi
people by the United States. And, far from being the champion of
human rights, the United States stands exposed as a willing user of
torture on prisoners who in many cases were innocent of any

That's the major message. We The People were lied to about, well,
just about everything. Including 9-11 itself. Bush sat there and read
about goats while the towers fell. The video tape of "Osama's"
confession turned out to be fake. Osama himself turned out to be a
fake, a CIA asset trained and funded by the US to fight the USSR in
Afghanistan. Blair's dossier turned out to be fake, plagiarized from a
student thesis. The mobile biological weapons trailers turned out to be
fake; actually balloon inflators sold by the British to Iraq. And on and
on and on. Deception after deception after deception.

Everyone agrees on this major message. We've been lied to. We are
the victims of history's greatest and deadliest hoax; a hoax
perpetrated to ignite a war of conquest. Michael Moore's film does a
great job of confronting that deadly fact.

But, Michael Moore has himself either fallen for disinformation, or
simply not done his homework, and seems willing to accept without
question the official story of 9-11.

Now, it may be that Michael Moore just didn't care to get into 9-11
itself that deeply. Moore seems mostly focused on the aircraft
allowed to fly out of the United States in the days immediately after
9-11 while the rest of the nation's aircraft were grounded. On these
flights were members of Osama bin Laden's family. The Bush's and
bin Ladens go back a long way. Osama's brother was George's
business partner in Abusto Energy and source of the seed money to
start the company. It is reportedly because of this connection that
Osama was recruited to play holy warrior for the CIA in Afghanistan
against the USSR. So there is no question that those flights did occur,
and that Osama's family members were among the passengers.

At issue is whether this fact of the aircraft flights points the finger of
blame for 9-11 at Saudi Arabia. After first being told that Afghanistan
was to blame for 9-11, then Iraq was to blame for 9-11, one should
take any claims of any Arab country being identified as the
perpetrator of 9-11 with a huge heaping of salt. Michael Moore, who
clearly recognized the claims about Iraq's Weapons of Mass
Destruction, the supposed link from Saddam to Al Qaeda and to 9-11
as lies, shows a dangerous naiveté in his willingness accept the
official story of 9-11 without question.

So, let's take a look at the idea of Saudi Arabia as the perpetrator of
9-11. Why would they do it? What would they gain? Immediately after
the attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was
asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick
reply was: "It's very good……. Well, it's not good, but it will generate
immediate sympathy (for Israel)". The months since 9-11 have borne
that out. US support for Israel's agenda grew stronger as Israel
committed more atrocities against the Palestinians. More money
flowed from the US to Israel. World opinion, which had been growing
against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, temporarily abated.
World hostility towards Arabs in general grew. Forgotten was the fact
that Israel was actually in defiance of more UN Resolutions than
Saddam had ever been. And, it was assumed at the start of the war
that direct access to Iraq's oil would reduce American demand for
Saudi oil, and likely force prices down as Iraq's oil came to market.
So, where was the motive? Do you really think Saudi Arabia would
commit an act that would strengthen US-Israeli ties? Do you really
think Saudi Arabia would commit an act that would undercut their own
oil revenues? Do you really think Saudi Arabia would commit an act
that would anger the world against Arabs? Do you really think Saudi
Arabia would commit an act that could result in their almost one trillion
dollars invested in the United States to be legally frozen and
confiscated? Me neither. If Saudi Arabia wanted to hurt the United
States, all they would have to do is withdraw their investment cash all
at once. The move would be perfectly legal, and cause greater
economic damage than the 9-11 attacks.

Here are some facts that for some reason did not make it into the
final cut of "Fahrenheit 9/11"

On 9-11, five men were arrested for suspicious behavior, cheering
and laughing while the WTC collapsed. In the van police found cash,
multiple passports, and maps with the World Trade Center
highlighted. Bomb-sniffing dogs indicated explosives residue were
present in the truck. The arrested men were Israelis, later identified
by Pacific Radio as agents of the Israeli intelligence service, the
Mossad. According to Carl Cameron's FOX News story on the Israeli
spy ring, the US Government classified evidence that linked the
arrested Israeli spies to 9-11. The Mossad agents were using a
moving company, Urban Moving Systems, for a cover. The owner of
the company, Dominic Suter, abandoned his business after 9-11 and
fled to Israel on 9-14.

The 9-11 scene was littered with passports using Saudi names,
passports which the FBI admitted just ten days later were high-quality
fakes using identities stolen from Arab men. We don't know who was
on those planes, only who we were supposed to THINK were on
those planes. Why would Saudi Arabia commit 9-11 and use phony
passports pointing back to themselves? If Saudi Arabia had done
9-11, it is safe to assume the phony passports would have likely
pointed to Israel. FBI Director Robert Mueller has admitted in public
that there is actually no evidence that proves the named 9-11
hijackers were actually on the aircraft.

The warnings of the attack sent to Odigo in New York and Israel
before the 9-11 planes had even left the ground confirms beyond
question that Israeli-linked companies did receive advance warning.
Why would Saudi Arabia warn Israeli companies if they were behind

It wasn't a Saudi-owned company in charge of security at all three of
the 9-11 airports.

If Saudi Arabia was really behind 9-11, would they have waited until
AFTER the attacks to get out of town, thereby brining unfavorable
attention to themselves? Given that Odigo received an early warning
of the impending attack, wouldn't the Saudis have known it was about
to occur and headed for the airport before the attack happened, if
Saudi Arabia was the real culprit?

If Saudi Arabia was a partner with Al Qaeda for 9-11, why is Al
Qaeda carrying out terror attacks against the Saudi Royal family

Speaking of "Al Qaeda", when Palestinian police arrested an Al
Qaeda cell, they discovered they were holding a group of Mossad

A final point: The nation that helped the US Government stage a fake
terror event to launch wars of conquest in the Mideast would be in an
ideal position to blackmail the US Government with that very secret.
So, look back over the more than two years since 9-11 and find the
nation for whom the US Government just cannot seem to do enough,
cannot give enough money and weapons, cannot block enough UN
Resolutions, the nation for whom a long standing neutral foreign policy
has been cast aside in favor out total support for an expansionist
agenda. Find the nation whose leaders openly brag of their control of
the US Government.

If Michael Moore didn't quite do all his homework with regard to who
may have been behind the 9-11 attack, that does not change the fact
that the people of the United States were lied to to trick them into
wars. And it is THAT message of the film which is the important one.
But the hard fact remains that Michael Moore did not get ALL of the
story of 9-11. Not by a long shot. "Fahrenheit 9/11" is just the tip of
the iceberg.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is not an indictment of just George Bush. Fahrenheit
9/11 is not an indictment of just Republicans. Fahrenheit 9/11 is an
indictment of the entire US Government that had to know Bush was
lying to the American people to initiate as war and stood there smiling
blandly while he did it. Like Hitler, Bush could not do what he did
without a lot of cooperation by the entire government and the media.
Look at the voting records for the authorization for the use of force in
Iraq and in the draconian assaults on our freedoms. Both parties
voted those "Ayes". The rush to war and dictatorship was a bipartisan
one, worthy of bipartisan blame. Everyone is spinning Fahrenheit 9/11
to attack their own favorite scapegoats, but the truth is there is more
than enough blame for the wars and the current state of the nation to
share all around.



Fringe Ranger
"The 9-11 scene was littered with passports using Saudi names,"

Anyone got a link for this? It MIGHT be true, but my BS antenna just went up. In that fireball, with millions of sheets of paper blown into the wind, in thousands of tons of rubbish and concrete and body parts and molten steel, someone found multiple legible passports?

I'd like to hear more.


'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
BW: I don't know of "multiple" passports, but it was reported that TPTB found Atta's passport, but couldn't find any of the 4 "Black Boxes" from the 2 jets...

MOORE: 'We sold out in
Fayetteville, home of Fort Bragg,
We sold out in Army-base towns. We
set house records in some of these
places. We set single-day records
in a number of theaters. We got
standing ovations in Greensboro,
N.C... The biggest news to me this
morning is this is a red-state
movie. Republican states are
embracing the movie, and it's sold
out in Republican strongholds all
over the country...

anybody's expectations. I'd have to
say the sky's the limit on this
movie. Who knows what territory
we're in'...


So, Joe, you're saying the Jews did it?
Kinda thin on the reasons/evidence, aren't you?

And as long as we're on the subject: My students always ask me why the Jews are so hated. I can give them a reason for way way way back when (christians could not charge interest on loans, Jews could) but that is it. Anybody got a good reason for the post 1800 - now hatred? Well, it doesn't even have to be good, just a reason.

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked

That may be the authors theory, but not mine.

I don't equate Jews (those of the Jewish Faith) with Isreali's.


Here's a Rense Google on Atta and passports


Point of information:

Rense re-posts articles found on the net, or sent to him.

Here's one I picked out from the google list

Second Hijacker Passport Said
Found On Street Below WTC!
From David Fisher


This one's flying under the radar, but according to an AP report

"CBS News reported, meanwhile, that a passport belonging to
one of the hijackers, Satam al-Sugami, was found on the street
minutes after the plane he was aboard crashed into the north
tower of the World Trade Center and before the New York
landmark collapsed."

Amazing stuff! This is yet another "magic passport" found in the
rubble in addition to "mastermind" Mohamed Atta's discovered
passport at the WTC site.

Let's see if I can get this straight:

1. The fireballs of the WTC attacks melted structural steel that
was designed to withstand heat of 2000 degrees F.

2. The fireballs of the WTC attacks completely destroyed both
airplanes cockpit voice-recorders (situated at front)*and* the
black-box data recorders (located in the rear of the aircraft).

3. The fireballs of the WTC attacks vaporized human bone and

4. And yet those same fireballs somehow weren't strong enough
to do anything to a pair of surviving passportsfound in pristine
condition. No surface scratches, scuffs, abrasions or burns.

My Question: Why doesn't Boeing design a new black-box data
recorder manufactured from the same indestructible material
used to produce magical Saudi passports?

Probe - 911 Hijackers Exploited Security Gaps


WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. authorities missed some obvious
signs that might have prevented some of the Sept. 11 hijackers
from entering the country, the federal commission investigating
the attacks said Monday.

Government officials have said the 19 hijackers entered the
country legally, but the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States said its investigation found at least two
and as many as eight had fraudulent visas. The commission also
found examples where U.S. officials had contact with the
hijackers but failed to adequately investigate suspicious
behavior. For example, Saeed al Ghamdi was referred to
immigration inspection officials in June 2001 after he provided no
address on his customs form and only had a one-way plane
ticket and about $500. Al Ghamdi was able to persuade the
inspector that he was a tourist.

The panel also found that six of the hijackers violated
immigration laws by overstaying their visas or failing to attend
the English language school for which their visas were issued.

And Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, believed to be the mastermind
of the Sept. 11 attacks, exploited the fact that customs officers
did not routinely collect fingerprints for a visa even though
federal authorities in New York indicted him in 1996 for his role in
earlier terrorist plots. He never entered the country and was
apprehended after the attacks.

CBS News reported, meanwhile, that a passport belonging to
one of the hijackers, Satam al-Sugami, was found on the street
minutes after the plane he was aboard crashed into the north
tower of the World Trade Center and before the New York
landmark collapsed.

At the start of a two-day hearing on border and aviation security,
the commission staff issued a statement saying FBI Director
Robert Mueller had testified that all of the hijackers came
"lawfully from abroad," while CIA Director George Tenet
described 17 of the 19 hijackers as "clean."

For the rest of story:

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
So many lies, so little time....
" There were no weapons of mass destruction."
Yes, the sophisticated binary nerve shell used on our troops was a figment of thier imagination. And the nerve gas that was to used in the thwarted al Qaeda attack in Jordan must have spontaneously appeared out of nowhere. That must be it.
"Saddam was not a threat."
No, a madman spending $billions$ on WMD programs, a man who had already used them before, a dictator who had regularly sworn to destroy us and was insane enough to try and assassinate an American ex-Prez; he was no threat at all.
"Iraq had no link to 9-11."
There is no evidence of direct collaboration between Saddam & al Qaeda that the 9/11 commission could find. However, there is some pretty good evidence that Khalid Shiek Mohammed was an Iraqi agent before joining al Qaeda. Khalid came up with the 9/11 plot *before* joining al Qaeda. He took it too bin Laden looking for funding and support.
"Iraq was not supporting Al Qaeda."
But there is excellent information that they were in constant contact, if not in cahoots with them since the early '90s. Contacts were mostly handled through a specific person in the Iraqi embassy in Sudan.
"The government of Iraq under Saddam killed far fewer Iraqi people than the government of Iraq under George Bush."
This is an outrageous lie.

400,000 found in mass graves in Iraq so far
"The Kurds were actually gassed by Iran (and does the name "Waco" ring a bell?)."

"The only nuclear weapons found in Iraq
are the tons of depleted uranium munitions dropped on the Iraqi
people by the United States."
News flash: DU is not a 'nuclear weapon', or anything remotely close to one. Recent evidence of Saddam's nuclear weapons program has turned up in countries in the Middle East & Europe, in the form of radioactive equipment that was exported from Iraq.
"And, far from being the champion of
human rights, the United States stands exposed as a willing user of torture on prisoners who in many cases were innocent of any
We have an incident that was the exception, was investigated as soon as it was discovered, and the perps are now in front of court martials. Contrast that to Saddam's instutional wholesale torture factory that process hundreds of thousands of people a year.

Comprehensive list of Saddam's atrocities

This is typical of the sub-tabloid-level crap you find at WRH.com. This deserves a batboy....


  • batboy.jpg
    12.8 KB · Views: 427

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked

Well, since you seem to have most of the answers, just answer this one question

Who took out all the "Put" contracts on Merril Lynch and American Airlines.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
Nobody knows. "All those put contracts" amounted to $a few million$ profit, which is tiny chump change on any given day on Wall Street. Many have tried to build tall mountains from that itty-bitty molehill, but the substance for a significant conspiracy theory just is not there.

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
Horse Puckey

Just wait till Nanna shows up....

there were 2500 CONTRACTS against Merrill Lynch alone, and a contract can have 1 or 100,000 "bets against" it.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked

Here are some of the 'enormous' uncollected profits:


Suspicious profits sit uncollected; Airline investors seem to be lying low

Christian Berthelsen, Scott Winokur, Chronicle Staff Writers
The San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday, September 29, 2001

Investors have yet to collect more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to a source familiar with the trades and market data.

The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors -- whose identities and nationalities have not been made public -- had advance knowledge of the strikes.

"Usually, if someone has a windfall like that, you take the money and run," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Whoever did this thought the exchange would not be closed for four days.

"This smells real bad."

The source and others in the financial industry speculate that the purchaser or purchasers -- having initially assumed the money could be picked up without detection -- now fear exposure, or that the account has been frozen.

The markets were closed for four days after the attack, giving investigators time to notice the anomalous trades.

Securities regulators and law-enforcement agents throughout the United States and Europe are investigating unusual patterns in short sales and the purchase of "put" options, both of which are financial-market bets that the price of a given stock will fall. Authorities here and abroad have not publicly disclosed any conclusions they have reached and refuse to discuss the case.

There was an unusually large jump in purchases of put options on the stocks of UAL Corp. and AMR Corp. in the three business days before the attack on major options exchanges in the United States. On one day, UAL put option purchases were 25 times greater than the year-to-date average. In the month before the attacks, short sales jumped by 40 percent for UAL and 20 percent for American.

A put option gives the buyer a right to sell the underlying security at a certain price on a certain date; the purchaser profits when the share price drops lower than the agreed sale price. In a short sale, an investor borrows stock from a broker and sells it, hoping to buy it back at a lower price.

October series options for UAL Corp. were purchased in highly unusual volumes three trading days before the terrorist attacks for a total outlay of $2,070; investors bought the option contracts, each representing 100 shares, for 90 cents each. Those options are now selling at more than $12 each. There are still 2,313 so-called "put" options outstanding, according to the Options Clearinghouse Corp.

Other financial professionals have told The Chronicle that an estimated $5 million to $10 million in all could have been made on the trades, including trading on other days and purchases of options on the parent company of American, AMR Corp. Four United and American aircraft crashed in the attacks.


Meanwhile, in Herzliya, Israel, a group headed by former Israeli intelligence officials -- the Interdisciplinary Center, a counter-terrorism think tank -- has issued a report on Osama bin Laden's finances ("Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam?") saying insiders profited by nearly $16 million.

The money was made on Sept. 6, 7 and 10 in transactions involving United, American, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and Merrill Lynch & Co., the center said. Morgan Stanley occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center; Merrill Lynch's headquarters offices were nearby.

The figure excluded other unusual trades involving insurance companies with significant exposure to damage claims resulting from the attacks. These include Munich Re of Germany, which expects to pay out more than $1.5 billion, and the AXA Group, a French firm, which could be on the hook for $550 million.

A spokesman for the Securities and Exchange Commission declined to comment on a New York Times report yesterday that the SEC had found "benign" explanations for the trading activity.

But the spokesman, John Heine, said the commission stands by a statement made eight days after the attack by Stephen M. Cutler, acting SEC enforcement director. The statement -- reiterated in substance Wednesday by SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt -- said the commission was "pursuing all credible leads."


Spokesmen for British securities regulators and the AXA Group also confirmed yesterday that investigations are continuing.

The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase at least some of the options. Rohini Pragasam, a bank spokeswoman, declined comment.

Investigators' attentions previously had been drawn to Germany because of the residence there earlier in the year of some of the principal suspects in the Sept. 11 attacks and unusual patterns in the short-selling of insurance, airline and other financial company stocks there prior to the attacks.

Last weekend, German central bank president Ernst Welteke said a study pointed to "terrorism insider trading" in those stocks.

There are many reasons the bets against United and American could have been innocent, in view of the tough time the airline industry has had this year and heavy losses experienced by both airlines in particular. But the trades were not replicated in the stocks or options of any of the airlines' competitors.


While the identities of possible beneficiaries of advance knowledge of the attacks were not known publicly, experts were quick to point to possible candidates -- all presumed to be affluent residents of Arab nations.

The former chairman of the State Department's National Commission on Terrorism, L. Paul Bremer, said he obtained classified government analyses early last year of bin Laden's finances confirming the assistance of affluent Middle Easterners.


Like I said, we are talking $a few million$ here, scattered over a very large number of contracts, and only $2.5 million$ unclaimed. This has been thoroughly investigated, and investigators (dozens of journalists, SEC investigators, the FBI, conspiracy theory goobers, etc.) have turned up *nothing whatsoever*. If they had turned up anything, it would be a big story and you would be talking about it.

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
Try as hard as you like .06, but YOU'LL never convince ME.

I spent 8 months (Oct 01-May02) staring at the Empire State Building during the day, and many a nite at a local pub I called home. There I met a person who worked for Goldman Sachs, who got a heads up call, telling him to goto work late.

Those Isreali moving companies? Ran into a bunch of them also. Awfull skinny and bright to be "moving guys". There wasn't a Moose among them.

I also watched the Towers getting built. I also had a friend die in it. He was a PA cop.

It still stinks.


Devil's Advocate
This has been thoroughly investigated, and investigators (dozens of journalists, SEC investigators, the FBI, conspiracy theory goobers, etc.) have turned up *nothing whatsoever*. If they had turned up anything, it would be a big story and you would be talking about it.

Unusual trading activity in airline, brokerage and insurance company put options *did* occur, as did a big price spike in gold futures, right before the first plane hit. Okay, so what's a few million dollars between friends, right?

It's not the amount of money made, it is the abberational trading activity that indicates that SOMEBODY KNEW IN ADVANCE THAT THE 9/11 ATTACKS WOULD OCCUR. Market surveillance can document who made those trades. How come they weren't questioned by the 9/11 Commission.

(Come on, if they nabbed Martha Steward for a $40,000 profit, you can't really think that it is because the profit was only a few million dollars that this investigation wasn't persued, right?)


'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked

Remind us again which building the Comex computer was located in, and what that computer did, and how much went up in the either...


Devil's Advocate

That, I do not recall, but I do recall that many of the trades were placed through Bear Stearns.

(who needs to get ready for the 3 hour commute to NYC, now)


Sorry, you'll never convince me that the Isrealis planned and carried out 9/11 just so they could clean up on the stock market!!!

However, if you'd like to make a movie that strings together supposition and FOF reports, M.Moore can probably afford to underwrite it for you. He's good at the stringing together thing, he can probably give you a few hints.


bluwillo said:
Sorry, you'll never convince me that the Isrealis planned and carried out 9/11 just so they could clean up on the stock market!!!
If Israelis were involved, and it certainly appears that they at least had prior knowledge, then the primary objective would probably have been to bring the U.S. deeper into the M.E. affairs, essentially forcing us to assist in the Israeli war effort. We now have a common bond with them, with common enemies. This is worth a lot more than a few million dollars.


keep your eye on the ball
Nobody knows. "All those put contracts" amounted to $a few million$ profit, which is tiny chump change on any given day on Wall Street. Many have tried to build tall mountains from that itty-bitty molehill, but the substance for a significant conspiracy theory just is not there.

We cannot let untruths go unchallenged.

Considerably more than a few million were made on the put options.

The reason "Nobody knows" is because no one is allowed to. As I have said since the towers fell- it is impossible to place calls or puts anonymously. Social Security and/or tax ID numbers, disclosures, margin accounts or brokerage house credit, ect.

A brief refresher on the profiting on 9/11.....



Among the most conspicuous spikes in trading activity were the huge increases in “put options” placed on the two airlines involved in the hijackings of Sept. 11, United Airlines (UAL) and American Airlines.

There was a 9,000 percent jump in United Air Lines (UAL) put options between Sept. 6 and Sept. 10, with a huge spike 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack.

American Airlines saw a 6,000 percent jump in put options above normal the day before the attacks. However, there was no similar trading activity on any other airlines, according to market reports.

The brokerage houses that had offices in the WTC, Morgan Stanley and Merrill-Lynch, saw 27-fold and 12-fold increases in the purchases of put options on their respective shares between Sept. 7 and Sept. 10.

“The afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the U.S. stock options market,” the CBS program 60 Minutes reported on Sept. 19. As investigator Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness, an Internet news site, says: “These trades were certainly noticed after the attacks.”

There was also an unusually high volume of five-year U.S. Treasury note purchases prior to the attacks, including one $5 billion trade, The Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 2. “Five-year Treasury notes are among the best investments in the event of a world crisis, especially one that hits the U.S.,” the report said.

“This could very well be insider trading at the worst, most horrific, most evil use you’ve ever seen in your entire life . . . this would be one of the most extraordinary coincidences in the history of mankind if it was a coincidence,” Dylan Ratigan of Bloomberg Business News said Sept. 20.

No U.S. or foreign agency has announced arrests or developments in the investigation of these trades, the most telling evidence of foreknowledge, Ruppert wrote April 22. The former chief of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission, William Mc Lucas, said regulators would “certainly be able to track down every trade, where the trade cleared, where the trade was directed from.”


Now remember- each put option represents 1000 shares of that stock.

Remember Eschelon and Promis software are used by intelligence agencies to monitor the financial markets and unusual electronic movements of money.

More damning research hwere from Ruppert...


ABC World News reported on Sept. 20, “Jonathan Winer, an ABC News consultant said, ‘it’s absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan, to the U.S., to North America, to Europe.”

How much money was involved? Andreas von Bulow, a former member of the German Parliament responsible for oversight of Germany’s intelligence services estimated the worldwide amount at $15 billion, according to Tagesspiegel on Jan. 13. Other experts have estimated the amount at $12 billion. CBS News gave a conservative estimate of $100 million.

Not a single U.S. or foreign investigative agency has announced any arrests or developments in the investigation of these trades, the most telling evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks. This, in spite of the fact that former Security and Exchange Commission enforcement chief William McLucas told Bloomberg News that regulators would “certainly be able to track down every trade.”

What is striking is that a National Public Radio report on Oct. 16 reported Britain’s Financial Services Authority had cleared bin Laden and his henchmen of insider trading. If not bin Laden, then who else had advance knowledge? Who else had certainty that the attacks would succeed to give them confidence to make millions of dollars in stock purchases?

It has been standard and established USG policy to be alert and responsive to anything even remotely resembling an attack on U.S. companies and/or the economy. The word “remote” does not apply here. The possible claim by the Bush Administration that, ‘Gee, we just happened to miss this,’ becomes even more implausible when considering the lengths intelligence agencies go to in order to track stock trades.

Note that the Israeli Institute for Counter-Terrorism was the first entity to release a detailed report on the insider trading. That alone is prima facie evidence of a direct relationship between the financial markets and terrorist investigations.

CIA and the Markets

We can thank Fox News on Oct. 16 for breaking post 9-11 stories disclosing the use of sophisticated PROMIS software by the FBI and the Justice Department. A multitude of court records and investigative reports have established not only the reality, but the versatility of a program initially designed to incorporate data from a variety of data bases in different languages into one readable format. PROMIS has since been refined to include artificial intelligence and ”back doors” inserted by intelligence agencies to allow for surreptitious retrieval and/or removal and alteration of data.

The Fox stories clearly confirmed, especially when added to stories from last summer by the Washington Times which were based on interviews with Justice Department officials, that PROMIS was used to monitor banking and financial transactions in a virtual real-time environment.


There are a multitude of ignored warnings and red flags surrounding 9/11 that undoubtedly point to foreknowledge by some well funded and seemingly untouchable group. The insider trading is merely one of those red flag. Lets at least keep our facts straight on the details of this profiteering.

A few more interesting red flags wrt these trades- most occured thru a Alex-Brown Deutchbank office. The trader, one "Buzzy"Kroengard (sp?) was a former CIA higher-up and he and his office was reputed to fund covert or >black" CIA ops. His boss, one Mayo Shattuck (sp?) resigned his 3 million dollar/year on 9/12/01 (having just negotiated a new contract w/ AB- Deutchbank months earlier). 2 weeks prior to 9/11 one AB-Deutchbank trader- one Kevin Ingram- pled guilty to laundering drug money to finance terrorist operations for Al Qaeda.

Don't you think that if there were a way for this administration to link AQ or Bin Laden to these 9/11 profits that it would be front page? Instead it is this apparent cover-up that causes thinking Americans to arouse further suspicions surrounding the most significant in our lifetime.

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
nanna said:

That, I do not recall, but I do recall that many of the trades were placed through Bear Stearns.

(who needs to get ready for the 3 hour commute to NYC, now)

I wanted you to mention about building #7 that had the Metals trading "BIG computer"....


as has been stated, it isn't the quantity of money that was made but that by following up on these trades, the tip of an iceberg might be found. the trading was unusual and suspicous.

the traders might be a rogue element in a conspiracy. you know, what the heck, let's make a few bucks while we're at it kind of attitude? a stupid and dangerous act but people are like that.

to add: the real point that MM may be missing, and it really does point to his detachment with this event and towards his own enrichment, is in the response many will have towards politics after viewing the film. some people who might have become more active in the upcoming election will in some cases be satisfied that the situation has been addressed and can now sit on the sidelines. if they'd seen a film praising bush, the opposite effect would be realized.

MM = company man. but i do like his films all the same.
Last edited:

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
"Try as hard as you like .06, but YOU'LL never convince ME."
My goal is not to convince you of anything. My goal is to arrive at the truth of the matter. What you choose to believe is entirely your problem.


"It's not the amount of money made, it is the abberational trading activity that indicates that SOMEBODY KNEW IN ADVANCE THAT THE 9/11 ATTACKS WOULD OCCUR."
Please forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but of course somebody knew ahead of time; the people that planned the attacks. That would include bin Laden (who started his career as a financial investor/manager) and friends (as Dave pointed out). There is some evidence that Khalid Shiekh Mohammed, who created the attack plan *before* joining al Qaeda, was an Iraqi intellegence operative. Saddam had $billions$ that he had stolen from the Iraqi people, and could have easily had Arab bankers 'invest' it for him, giving them a nice percentage of the profits. So there are a couple quite logical possibilities on who may have been behind the unusual pre-9/11 investment activity. Both parties, al Qaeda leadership and Saddam & Sons could have notified thier closest buddies as well. But I guess it is much more fun for some to blindly assume it must be 'the evil jooze', or the CIA, or friends of GW, or whatever. :shk:

Here is another conspiracy theory to add to the list: Where was Warren Buffet on 9/11?

I believe that sleazebag is capable of anything! :lol:
"Market surveillance can document who made those trades. How come they weren't questioned by the 9/11 Commission."
This question was raised by a witness that testified in front of the 9/11 Commission.


First public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States {9/11 Commission}

Statement of Mindy Kleinberg to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
March 31, 2003



My name is Mindy Kleinberg. My husband Alan Kleinberg, 39 yrs old, was killed in the WTC on September 11, 2001. As I testify here today about the 9/11 attacks, I will begin by saying that my thoughts are very much with the men and women who are involved in armed conflict overseas and their families who wait patiently for them to return.



The terrorist's lucky streak began the week before September 11th with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC. The SEC, in concert with the United States intelligence agencies, has sophisticated software programs that are used in "real-time" to watch both domestic and overseas markets to seek out trends that may indicate a present or future crime. In the week prior to September 11th both the SEC and U.S. intelligence agencies ignored one major stock market indicator, one that could have yielded valuable information with regard to the September 11th attacks.

On the Chicago Board Options Exchange during the week before September 11th, put options were purchased on American and United Airlines, the two airlines involved in the attacks. The investors who placed these orders were gambling that in the short term the stock prices of both Airlines would plummet. Never before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded. These investors netted a profit of at least $5 million after the September 11th attacks.

Interestingly, the names of the investors remain undisclosed and the $5 million remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account.

Why these aberrant trades were not discovered prior to 9/11? Who were the individuals who placed these trades? Have they been investigated? Who was responsible for monitoring these activities? Have those individuals been held responsible for their inaction?


Mindy Kleinberg is a founding member of September 11th Advocates, a family advocacy group that spearheaded the grassroots effort for the establishment of the independent commission on September 11th.

Her husband Alan Kleinberg was a NASDAQ security trader with Cantor Fitzgerald in the NorthTower of the WTC on the 104th Floor. He was 39 and had been a NASDAQ security trader for 15 years.

Mrs. Kleinberg is a Certified Public Accountant. She met her husband when they both worked at Deloitte-Touche, but she left the accounting profession to become a stay-at-home mom. She lives in New Jersey with her three children; Jacob 11; Lauren 8 and Sam 4.



"If Israelis were involved, and it certainly appears that they at least had prior knowledge...."
It appears they had prior knowlege based on what evidence, exactly ???


"The reason "Nobody knows" is because no one is allowed to. As I have said since the towers fell- it is impossible to place calls or puts anonymously. Social Security and/or tax ID numbers, disclosures, margin accounts or brokerage house credit, ect."
So you clearly state that calls and puts could be placed anonymously before 9/11, and in the same breath you say "nobody knows because nobody is allowed to". You appear to be contradicting yourself here. Anyways, here is another take on this:

Still Silence From 9-11 Stock Speculation Probe

Dave Eberhart
Monday, June 3, 2002

Within a month of 9-11, the SEC, acting in concert with the Department of Justice, distributed a target list of 38 stocks to securities firms around the world looking for information about who might have profited by at least apparent pre-knowledge of the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. To date there has not been a public word from any agency as to whether they have snagged anyone.

According to market analysts, the investment of choice by someone with pre-knowledge of the catastrophe would be a type of market speculation involving so-called "put” options. Simplified, a put is a bet that a particular stock will go down.

The two most obvious stocks for such speculation by anyone with "insider” dope on the attacks are American and United airlines, the two hapless carriers that had planes hijacked and used as aerial bombs.

Both carriers are on the SEC list, which includes among others: Continental, Northwest, Southwest, USAirways, Lockheed Martin, John Hancock, MetLife, General Motors, Raytheon, W.R. Grace, Lone Star Technologies, American Express, the Bank of New York, Bank One, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley.

Those in the industry are speculating themselves – and the best bet so far is that the official silence by the investigating agencies is owing to a lack of much to report.

As FBI Director Robert Mueller has conceded, precious little -- if any -- paper trail concerning the hijackers themselves has been detected after eight months of investigation. It would be surprising, therefore, that an alternate paper trail of illicit profits in the market would be any less elusive.

Furthermore, market experts say that the history of pre-Sept. 11 "puts” in the key United and American stocks indicates nothing unusual and netted investors what is deemed by industry experts as only modest profits as those two stocks fell predictably.

On Sept. 6, 2001 2,075 put options were made on United Airlines, and on the day before the attacks, 2,282 put options were made on American Airlines.

Using the United transaction as an example -- the 2,075 put options, with each put option representing 100 shares of stock -- indicates that someone controlled 207,500 shares of United. The stock dropped from $31 to $18, giving the speculator a $13 profit.

The action in the American Airlines is equally unspectacular – at least by industry standards where the big players may pick up or drop hundreds of millions in such transactions. Between United and American, about $22 million in profits was made on the put options.

Business As Usual

Not only does the relatively modest action belie some daring market conspiracy by those in touch with terror plans, but the pre-Sept. 11 market history is also consistent, more or less, with business as usual. Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLC, a consulting company that does research on markets worldwide, has crunched the numbers and recently told Insight magazine:

"The market was in bad shape in the summer and early fall, and you know there were a lot of people who believed that there would be a sell-off in the market long before Sept. 11. For instance, American Airlines was at $40 in May and fell to $29 on Sept. 10; United was at $37 in May and fell to $31 on Sept. 10. These stocks were falling anyway, and it would have been a good time to short them.”

The downward trend in the airline stocks was backed up in the pre-Sept. 11 trading picture.

Insight reported that there were repeated spikes in put options on American Airlines during the year before Sept. 11 (June 19 with 2,951 puts, June 15 with 1,144 puts, April 16 with 1,019 and Jan. 8 with 1,315 puts). In the same period, United Airlines had slightly more action (Aug. 8 with 1,678 puts, July 20 with 2,995, April 6 with 8,212 and March 13 with 8,072).

With United and American stock transactions, and across the board, there is an automated system called the CBOE Market Surveillance System, which automatically records information trades. The existence of this sophisticated surveillance system, designed to ferret out inside-traders, would have given federal investigators a pretty quick look at what, if anything, was untoward in the market just prior to 9-11.

All the more reason to wonder what’s going on and taking so long, say the experts.

And it is not just the SEC and FBI that is still mired in the 9-11 profiteering probe. Japan, Germany, the U.K., France, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Switzerland and Spain have their own investigations running.

Like their U.S. counterparts, nothing has been forthcoming.

So far, the only break in the silence has been the apparent impromptu courtroom outburst of assistant U.S. attorney Kenneth Breen, who recently accused Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, an Egyptian-born stockbroker on trial in San Diego, with knowing in advance about 9-11 and capitalizing on the insider information by attempting to unload $300,000 worth of shares on Sept. 10, 2001.

In court Breen charged that on the afternoon of Sept. 10, Elgindy contacted his broker at Salomon Smith Barney and asked him to sell the stock, confiding in the broker that the Dow Jones industrial average, which at the time stood at about 9,600, would soon dive to below 3,000.

As for the article you posted, your sources are not the most authoritative ones. I do not think a conspiracy theory website and a televangelist are much beyond tabloid level.

The sole source of the '$15 billion$' estimate is von Bulow, who has been doing the conspiracy theory circuit here in America peddling his claims. He has appeared on Alex Jones, Art Bell, and other talk radio shows. He was the German Defense Minister, which gives him no financial credentials. No people in the investment industry seem to share his opinion. And I can find no documentation whatsoever on the alleged CBS News estimate; no info on what person at CBS News came up with that or where CBS might have heard it.

The NewsMax article above seems to directly contradict your claims, as does the SF Chronicle one I posted previously. The only place I have been able to find your claims repeated is on conspiracy theory websites, and when one such site posts a claim, they all immediately begin repeating it as gospel. So I guess we are to believe that both liberal and conservative news outlets are all lying to us, and only the conspiracy theory websites have the real info.

Sorry, I am not buying it. From my reseach thus far, the huge estimate given by von Bulow is not borne out by any people who know what they are talking about when it comes to the stock market. Give me better info from better sources, and I will gladly listen to it. I am open-minded on this, and am only interested in arriving at the truth.


Lo and behold! It appears that this issue is not quite dead after all. Maybe we will get some real answers, after all this time.


Markets hold 9-11 clues; Activity before attacks indicates people had prior knowledge

The Ann Arbor News (Michigan)
Sunday, 13, 2004

The 9-11 Commission has one more set of public meetings scheduled: Wednesday and Thursday. This will be its last chance to address one of the most provocative unanswered Sept. 11, 2001, questions: the mysterious spikes in financial market activities before the attacks. The Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News Services, Barron's, CBS Evening Newswire, and USA Today were among those reporting an unusual number of "put options" traded on American and United Airlines on Sept. 6 and 10, 2001, as well as "short-selling" of stock in three European reinsurance companies.

If the spikes and short-selling are substantiated, it would be a stunning source of information about who might have had prior knowledge not only of the attack date, but that the attacks would involve hijacking American and United Airlines planes to be used as missiles. And to be used as missiles against the World Trade Center. More important, whoever had prior knowledge took it seriously enough to bet money on the event.

"Put options" are a market instrument permitting a calculated bet that a particular stock will fall to a threshold price by a set date. "Short-selling" involves borrowing shares of a stock, selling the borrowed shares and then later purchasing them back, to settle with the lender. Like the purchaser of a put, a short-seller makes a profit when the stock price falls.

USA Today on Sept. 19, 2001, reported five times the average number of puts on American Airlines stock and almost 100 times the average for United Airlines stocks. They report "potential" short-selling of stock on reinsurance companies holding airline and World Trade Center insurance. On Sept. 19, 2001, the Securities and Exchange Commission publicly announced the launching of an investigation.

By early 2002, the SEC and its German counterpart stated publicly that it was not possible to verify that unusual spikes had taken place and nothing more would be investigated. But this past March, the SEC public relations director said in a personal phone conversation that the investigation was still under way and therefore no information could be released. The German agency, after investigating a few "unusual" orders, has declared the case closed.

Progress on studying the market spikes comes from University of Illinois business professor Allen Poteshman, an options expert who found a systematic way to evaluate the pre-9-11 option spikes. He concluded, in a forthcoming paper, that during the first 10 days of September 2001, "an indicator of long put volume (which would benefit investors if the price decreased) ... appears to be unusually high. This is consistent with informed investors having traded in the option market in advance of the attack."

The findings of this complex analysis suggest the next step: to identify the person, persons or companies placing the orders. Apparently some investors never claimed their millions in profits from these orders. Of course, the names of the customers are proprietary information and difficult to obtain. These names, however, must be known to the investment services companies where the orders were placed. Who didn't claim their profits?

Logic suggests that prior knowledge of the attack could have been found in three places: the upper echelons of al-Qaida, al-Qaida supporters made aware of the opportunity, and people associated with any national intelligence service that had warnings of a pending attack.

There have been reports (in "Masterminds of Terror" by Fouda and Fielding) that Mohammed Atta sent coded e-mail and telephone messages to his commander confirming the target sites around Aug. 21, and the target date (9-11) around Aug. 29. This leaves a window of 10 to 12 days for information to reach al-Qaida leadership and others.

Anyone placing these orders would have to be sophisticated about the market and have established market accounts. Further, it is likely that anyone trading on this kind of knowledge would also hide their identity through layers of financial enterprises and front companies. Hedge companies, little regulated, would have been a mechanism for such transactions.

Tracking this information should be essential to the 9-11 Commission and to all of those who want to understand whether it could have been prevented. Whoever placed the orders used inside information to exploit financial markets. They felt they had "actionable" intelligence.

The president didn't feel he had actionable intelligence; the national security adviser didn't feel she had actionable intelligence; the airlines and airports didn't believe they had actionable intelligence. But someone or several someones had enough confidence in some intelligence to take a deliberate action and bet a lot of money on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks being carried out.

9-11 Commissioners must answer this question: Who was it that took such clever, cynical and horrifying action?

Marilynn M. Rosenthal is professor, medical sociologist and director of the Program in Health Policy Studies at the University of Michigan in Dearborn. Her son, Josh Rosenthal, died in the 9-11 attacks. He worked in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Marilynn M. Rosenthal is writing a book about 9-11. News readers can contribute essays of general interest to Other Voices. Please call the editorial page editor at (734) 994-6764.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
"All of the above begs me to ask the question... WHAT do you do and WHO do you work for????"
I assume this must be aimed at me. Well, I will answer the questions both ways.

Taking it as a serious question, I am currently unemployed and seeking a job as a Software QA Engineer. So I do not do much, and I work for no one.

I am sure that the question was not meant as a harmless inquiry, but as an attempt to slander me. I guess you lack the facts to support your case, so instead of honestly debating you turn to the ad hominem, attack the messenger, and try to imply that I am some kind of agent provocateuar. If this is what you are trying to say, then you are simply making an ass out of yourself in front of the entire forum. :shk:

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
Ought Six said:
poj:I assume this must be aimed at me.

I guess you lack the facts to support your case, so instead of honestly debating you turn to the ad hominem, attack the messenger, and try to imply that I am some kind of agent provocateuar. If this is what you are trying to say, then you are simply making an ass out of yourself in front of the entire forum. :shk:

Right you are Sir !!!

You are TOO well organized for me to compete. Provocateuar? Only if you want to be.

You mean I've made an A$$ of myself? Are you saying I should be embarrased...em barr assed?
Sorry, Charlie, your well organized retorts, as Chuck would say, doesn't pass my sniff test...

Make it a great day. All is well.


Membership Revoked
This is Grantbo

Interesting debate. But, you all are missing one very important point (I bet none of you have ever thought of this one).

Ok follow me on this: The History Channel is losing ratings because they keep showing old footage of old wars. They needed a new war so they can create new war footage shows for the viewing pleasure of the populace.

I think this is an angle that needs to be researched.

Well, maybe not. :shr:

This sillyness hopes to lighten this thread.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
"Sorry, Charlie, your well organized retorts, as Chuck would say, doesn't pass my sniff test..."
People who can write in an organized and intelligible fashion are *all* fedgov agents. That must be it. I am sure you would be just fine if only those pesky government operatives stop spraying halucinogenic drugs in your keyhole at night. :lol:

I guess this thread is now in the corect forum, as your babbling, raging paranoia is truly 'unexplained'. :shk:

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
I could try and get it to TIO if you want...

"I am sure you would be just fine if only those pesky government operatives stop spraying halucinogenic drugs in your keyhole at night."

bring it ON :D

don't confuse me with the facts...

the bottom line from his movie which I DID SEE, is the same message Eisenhower had about the Military Industrial Complex...


Senior Something
Moore for Vice President?
With that magnificent grip on reality he could keep Kerry straight.


My goal is not to convince you of anything. My goal is to arrive at the truth of the matter. What you choose to believe is entirely your problem.

if that was the case then you would be interested in data comming from sources other than what tows your party line.

the evdence is there. and on this post. i know that it is hard for to understand the crow that is comming your way. but get ready, cause when they bring up mr bush on charges of treason i will remind you with a post every day with the transcripts of how we have been lied to by you and the rest of the EFRWNB. watergate will be nothing in comparison.

as has been stated, it isn't the quantity of money that was made but that by following up on these trades, the tip of an iceberg might be found. the trading was unusual and suspicous.


it is only pertinate if it came out of the mouth of mr bush or mr rumsfield, or god's right hand man mr chaney.

I guess you lack the facts to support your case

it is IMPOSSIBLE to debate with you because your fall back position is to discredit the publication or data points.

Yes, the sophisticated binary nerve shell used on our troops was a figment of thier imagination

so what !!!! one shell hey! that is your WMD stockpile that was barring down on us?? what bullshit. and even if they did have them SO WHAT!!!what about NK or Cuba or maybe China???

no this was about the oil end game and you know it!



your information must be suspect because we all know that the neo-con agenda is not about freedom


so although the info you presented seems to indicate that there is more of the story, it can not be used because obviously it is false.

including one $5 billion trade that is peanuts!! a trifle. it means nothing!!!

CBS News gave a conservative estimate of $100 million.

another Leftest news media trying to get john kerry elected!! those bastards!!



"All of the above begs me to ask the question... WHAT do you do and WHO do you work for????"

maybe look at it this way, ought. how can a rightwinger spend so much time bashing the film (one they haven't seen) when that faulty technique has proven to drive people to the theater to see what all the controversy is about? it's been that way since the film went in the can, yet you and others perist. this CAN'T be chalked up to stupidity on your part, right? you have proven over and over that the film is crap, lies, worthless, yet the film soars in popularity.

so why are you doing this and for whom do you work? really?

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
"if that was the case then you would be interested in data comming from sources other than what tows your party line."

"it is only pertinate if it came out of the mouth of mr bush or mr rumsfield, or god's right hand man mr chaney."

"your information must be suspect because we all know that the neo-con agenda is not about freedom"
You are again lying, falsely claiming that I am a neocon Repub in spite of my repeatedly pointing out that I am not. The fact that I am not voting for GW; am encouraging others to vote third-party for Prez; I am pro-choice, pro-drug legalization, anti-NAFTA/WTO/GATT, not religious rightwing; it all shows your 'party line neocon' characterization is BS. You only make yourself look like an ass by trying to slap on labels that everyone here know to be a lie.
"the evdence is there. and on this post. i know that it is hard for to understand the crow that is comming your way. but get ready, cause when they bring up mr bush on charges of treason i will remind you with a post every day with the transcripts of how we have been lied to by you and the rest of the EFRWNB. watergate will be nothing in comparison."
Your 'crystal ball' is on bad acid. I do not really even need to debate you when you discredit yourself with hysterical predicitions like this one.
"as has been stated, it isn't the quantity of money that was made but that by following up on these trades, the tip of an iceberg might be found. the trading was unusual and suspicous."
As I have already pointed out, the most obvious explanation is that bin Laden has been an investor all his life, and he used the upcoming 9/11 attacks to provide funding for al Qaeda activity through Islamist-sympathetic fronts in the banking world. If I read you correctly, you are blindly assuming that GW was behind the whole thing, including the investments (the profits of which add up to chump change and would hardly be worth the risk).
"it is IMPOSSIBLE to debate with you because your fall back position is to discredit the publication or data points. "
God forbid we should use actual credible sources! I mean, if I post my BS on my conspiracy theory website, it is on the internet, so it has *gotta* be true! :lol:

All I ask for is actual credible sources and facts. Unfortunately, all I usually get is unsourced, wholly unsupported claims and little else from your conspiracy theories pals on the web. When they do quote anyone, it is usually someone with no expertise or credentials on the subject they speaking about, people that have no access to the info they claim to know. That is sub-tabloid-level crap. It is like asking a plumber complex questions about nuclear physics.
"so what !!!! one shell hey! that is your WMD stockpile that was barring down on us?? what bullshit. and even if they did have them SO WHAT!!!what about NK or Cuba or maybe China???"
So here we have your standard debate tactics; deny, deny, deny, then distract by pointing to wholly unrelated issues. They have now found 12 more WMD warheads. Saddam, as we know, lied to the UN and us in saying he had destroyed all his WMDs and stopped all his WMD programs. He violated over a dozen successive UN resolutions, all of which called for the use of force to bring Iraq into compliance. But no matter how much more we keep finding, it will never be enough. You would have us sit back and watch self-avowed terrorist nations sworn to destroy us become new North Koreas and Chinas, untouchable because they have a nuclear deterret already. To fight the war of cultures, it takes a spine, which so many Americans seem to lack these days. :(
"no this was about the oil end game and you know it!"
Then how come we are not getting any Iraqi oil, nor controlling Iraqi oil reserves as the new Iraqi government takes over? I have repeatedly debunked the 'we did it for the oil' conspiracy theory lie, yet you still parrot the lie you are unable to defend like some kind of religious chant.
"so although the info you presented seems to indicate that there is more of the story, it can not be used because obviously it is false."
I guess you have some kind of reading comprehension deficiency. Maybe you can come to understand these simple English-language sentences and grasp thier clear meaning with enough repitition.... (or perhaps not)
From an earlier post of mine on this thread:

"Please forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but of course somebody knew ahead of time; the people that planned the attacks. That would include bin Laden (who started his career as a financial investor/manager) and friends (as Dave pointed out). There is some evidence that Khalid Shiekh Mohammed, who created the attack plan *before* joining al Qaeda, was an Iraqi intellegence operative. Saddam had $billions$ that he had stolen from the Iraqi people, and could have easily had Arab bankers 'invest' it for him, giving them a nice percentage of the profits. So there are a couple quite logical possibilities on who may have been behind the unusual pre-9/11 investment activity. Both parties, al Qaeda leadership and Saddam & Sons could have notified thier closest buddies as well. But I guess it is much more fun for some to blindly assume it must be 'the evil jooze', or the CIA, or friends of GW, or whatever." :shk:
"including one $5 billion trade that is peanuts!! a trifle. it means nothing!!!"
There was one large bond trade. Who made it? How much of a profit was made? Where did the profits go? When you can actually provide these facts, instead of your totally unsupported assumptions which you falsely present as facts, then we can talk.
"CBS News gave a conservative estimate of $100 million. "
You are trying to rest everything on this one sentence. CBS News are not financial analysts. So who did this analysis? What is the source of this info that CBS is reporting? We do not know. CBS made this claim without citing a single source or name. That is rather curious for a news org that pretends to hold to the highest standards of journalism, is it not? But hey, there is that one claim in one sentence in one news story with absolutely nothing to back it up, and you who claim that media is a government-controlled propaganda factory say that we must unquestioningly accept this as God's Honest Truth. Sorry, but I will stick to my requirement for sources and facts. I know that bugs you, that you must actually provide evidence for your claims or get called on them, but you just have to deal with it.
"another Leftest news media trying to get john kerry elected!! those bastards!!"
No, not another one; the same old one. You would have to be completely braindead to believe the media is not out to help Kerry and destroy GW any way they can.


"maybe look at it this way, ought. how can a rightwinger...."
You know that is a lie, Dave.
"..... spend so much time bashing the film (one they haven't seen)....."
I am factually debunking lies.
".... when that faulty technique has proven to drive people to the theater to see what all the controversy is about? it's been that way since the film went in the can, yet you and others perist. this CAN'T be chalked up to stupidity on your part, right? you have proven over and over that the film is crap, lies, worthless, yet the film soars in popularity."
I have a 'jones' for the truth. I do not care if others want to go see it. In fact, I have recently downloaded the movie from the web using a BitTorrent download client. I am having problems converting the file into a clean video CD that will play properly, but once I get it worked out, I will be happy to share by PM how to do this with any interested parties. I *want* people to see Moore's propaganda; to discuss it, debate it, fact-check it, and see it, see Moore, and see his ilk for who and what they truly are. The leftist fanatics and fringe GW-haters are just as dishonest, delusional and fanatical as the far right-wing fanatics.
"so why are you doing this and for whom do you work? really?"
Cute twist on poj's delusion, Dave, implying that I am a *leftist* agent provacateur just to try and goad me. But then, that is your trademark; you slander by inference, prod, and try to iritate, instead of engaging in any meaningful discussion. On occasion you actually bring some real information to the debate, but that is the rare exception. You are not here to inform anyone or arrive at the truth for yourself. You are mostly here to play your game and inflame others for your own amusement while trying to make yourself feel clever with your 'sharp wit'. I guess you do not realize what an infantile, pathetic little hobby that is. I truly pity you.
Last edited:

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
I just luv it when people debunk based on OTHER's take on the situtation, instead of laying out 6.50 for a movie. tOO CHEAP? Don't give that happy horseshit, buy spiderman and hang a right instead of a left and go in to F-911. Or is the town your in too small to have a multi theater.

YOU are too well organized in your debunking, doesn't pass CND's sniff test. Don't piss on my foot and tell me it's raining...

Besides, YOU didn't spend 8 months up there, hearing the stories, SMELLING THE SMELL OF THE FIRES...

and the horse you rode in on...

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
I have been unemployed for three years, and do not go to the movies at all. I guess I am 'cheap'. But even if I was a multibillionare, I would never put one dime of my money in Moore's pocket. But since I have downloaded Farhenheit 9/11 for free, no worries.

As for debunking based on the widely-agreed-upon fact of the movie, all you need do is point out my factual errors about it. But you cannot do that, can you.... because I have made no such errors. So rant on, keep slandering me, and keep ignoring and denying the facts. It is all you have got left, and it only shows you for what you truly are.


Ought Six said:

md:It appears they had prior knowlege based on what evidence, exactly ???

I'm too busy to dig up articles now, but there was the report of captured Israeli nationals who were found both *filming* the attack and *celebrating on 9/11. I rather doubt these were the only 5 Israelis 'in the know', on that day.

2ndly, I'm pretty sure I recall news articles discussing the various nations that had tried to warn the U.S. of an impending attack, with one of them being Israel. I could be wrong on this or maybe it was speculation rather than fact.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
"I'm too busy to dig up articles now, but there was the report of captured Israeli nationals who were found both *filming* the attack and *celebrating on 9/11. I rather doubt these were the only 5 Israelis 'in the know', on that day."
You are referring to this:


The White Van; Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

ABC News

June 21 — Millions saw the horrific images of the World Trade Center attacks, and those who saw them won't forget them. But a New Jersey homemaker saw something that morning that prompted an investigation into five young Israelis and their possible connection to Israeli intelligence.

Maria, who asked us not to use her last name, had a view of the World Trade Center from her New Jersey apartment building. She remembers a neighbor calling her shortly after the first plane hit the towers.

She grabbed her binoculars and watched the destruction unfolding in lower Manhattan. But as she watched the disaster, something else caught her eye.

Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment building. "They seemed to be taking a movie," Maria said.

The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.

She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. Before long, the FBI was also on the scene, and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.

The plate number was traced to a van owned by a company called Urban Moving. Around 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, the van was spotted on a service road off Route 3, near New Jersey's Giants Stadium. A police officer pulled the van over, finding five men, between 22 and 27 years old, in the vehicle. The men were taken out of the van at gunpoint and handcuffed by police.

The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens.

‘We Are Not Your Problem’

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.

When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases, ABCNEWS has learned.

One reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was that the FBI believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.

After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving's Weehawken, N.J., offices.

The FBI searched Urban Moving's offices for several hours, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also questioned Urban Moving's owner. His attorney insists that his client answered all of the FBI's questions. But when FBI agents tried to interview him again a few days later, he was gone.

Three months later 2020's cameras photographed the inside of Urban Moving, and it looked as if the business had been shut down in a big hurry. Cell phones were lying around; office phones were still connected; and the property of dozens of clients remained in the warehouse.

The owner had also cleared out of his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel.

‘A Scary Situation’

Steven Gordon, the attorney for the five Israeli detainees, acknowledged that his clients' actions on Sept. 11 would easily have aroused suspicions. "You got a group of guys that are taking pictures, on top of a roof, of the World Trade Center. They're speaking in a foreign language. They got two passports on 'em. One's got a wad of cash on him, and they got box cutters. Now that's a scary situation."

But Gordon insisted that his clients were just five young men who had come to America for a vacation, ended up working for a moving company, and were taking pictures of the event.

The five Israelis were held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, ostensibly for overstaying their tourist visas and working in the United States illegally. Two weeks after their arrest, an immigration judge ordered them to be deported. But sources told ABCNEWS that FBI and CIA officials in Washington put a hold on the case.

The five men were held in detention for more than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary confinement for 40 days, and some of them were given as many as seven lie-detector tests.

Plenty of Speculation

Since their arrest, plenty of speculation has swirled about the case, and what the five men were doing that morning. Eventually, The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported the FBI concluded that two of the men were Israeli intelligence operatives.

Vince Cannistraro, a former chief of operations for counterterrorism with the CIA who is now a consultant for ABCNEWS, said federal authorities' interest in the case was heightened when some of the men's names were found in a search of a national intelligence database.

Israeli Intelligence Connection?

According to Cannistraro, many people in the U.S. intelligence community believed that some of the men arrested were working for Israeli intelligence. Cannistraro said there was speculation as to whether Urban Moving had been "set up or exploited for the purpose of launching an intelligence operation against radical Islamists in the area, particularly in the New Jersey-New York area."

Under this scenario, the alleged spying operation was not aimed against the United States, but at penetrating or monitoring radical fund-raising and support networks in Muslim communities like Paterson, N.J., which was one of the places where several of the hijackers lived in the months prior to Sept. 11.

For the FBI, deciphering the truth from the five Israelis proved to be difficult. One of them, Paul Kurzberg, refused to take a lie-detector test for 10 weeks — then failed it, according to his lawyer. Another of his lawyers told us Kurzberg had been reluctant to take the test because he had once worked for Israeli intelligence in another country.

Sources say the Israelis were targeting these fund-raising networks because they were thought to be channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, groups that are responsible for most of the suicide bombings in Israel. "[The] Israeli government has been very concerned about the activity of radical Islamic groups in the United States that could be a support apparatus to Hamas and Islamic Jihad," Cannistraro said.

The men denied that they had been working for Israeli intelligence out of the New Jersey moving company, and Ram Horvitz, their Israeli attorney, dismissed the allegations as "stupid and ridiculous."

Mark Regev, the spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, goes even further, asserting the issue was never even discussed with U.S. officials.

"These five men were not involved in any intelligence operation in the United States, and the American intelligence authorities have never raised this issue with us," Regev said. "The story is simply false."

No ‘Pre-Knowledge’

Despite the denials, sources tell ABCNEWS there is still debate within the FBI over whether or not the young men were spies. Many U.S. government officials still believe that some of them were on a mission for Israeli intelligence. But the FBI told ABCNEWS, "To date, this investigation has not identified anybody who in this country had pre-knowledge of the events of 9/11."

Sources also said that even if the men were spies, there is no evidence to conclude they had advance knowledge of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11. The investigation, at the end of the day, after all the polygraphs, all of the field work, all the cross-checking, the intelligence work, concluded that they probably did not have advance knowledge of 9/11," Cannistraro noted.

As to what they were doing on the van, they say they read about the attack on the Internet, couldn't see it from their offices and went to the parking lot for a better view. But no one has been able to find a good explanation for why they may have been smiling with the towers of the World Trade Center burning in the background. Both the lawyers for the young men and the Israeli Embassy chalk it up to immature conduct.

According to ABCNEWS sources, Israeli and U.S. government officials worked out a deal — and after 71 days, the five Israelis were taken out of jail, put on a plane, and deported back home.

While the former detainees refused to answer ABCNEWS' questions about their detention and what they were doing on Sept. 11, several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home.

Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event."

ABCNEWS' Chris Isham, John Miller, Glenn Silber and Chris Vlasto contributed to this report.


So we have a witness saying they seemed to "look happy" morphing into them dancing to the Hava Nagila in celibration. :rolleyes:

I think that any Israeli that saw such an event might think to themselves, "Finally! The Americans are going to wake up and kick some Arab ass!" That is hardly sinister. And tons of people saw the burning buildings and immediately grabbed thier camcorders or cameras. Were all of those thousands of people who did this part of the conspiracy? Or does this apply to Israelis, and only Israelis? We already know the answer to that....

We all know that NYC is the largest Jewish community outside Israel. We know the Mossad is operating there all the time. Is it such a stretch to see that if these young men were on a Mossad op of some kind that, seeing a massive terrorist attack unfolding before them, that they would obviously stop and film it? After all, what is the mission of intellegence operatives? To collect information. If some of our probably hundreds of CIA operatives in Moscow were driving by the Kremlin and saw a couple planes dive into it, do you seeriously think that they would *not* stop and use whatever cameras or camcorders they had to make a record of the event ??? It makes perfect sense they would do exactly that, as moist anyone would. And it in no way, shape or form proves any foreknowlege of anything. So much for this 'proof'.
"2ndly, I'm pretty sure I recall news articles discussing the various nations that had tried to warn the U.S. of an impending attack, with one of them being Israel. I could be wrong on this or maybe it was speculation rather than fact."
There were a number of somewhat nebulous warnings about potential attacks using aircraft over the years and months before 9/11. What people do not consider is that these were tiny bits of info in a torrent of warnings, intercepts and intel reports about possible attacks of every description. There were incredible volumes of warnings about *everything* under the sun, It is very easy for conspiracy theorists to go back, comb through that massive amount of intel data, pick out a few isolated items, then display them out of context as 'absolute proof' that our government 'knew' beforehand. This is a common and pretty cheesy propaganda technique.

'plain o joe'

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Just in case you missed it on the main page... :lol:

"Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta
'Splainin To Do"


by Michael C. Ruppert

[© COPYRIGHT 2001, All Rights Reserved, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness
Publications, www.fromthewilderness.com. May be copied and distributed for non-profit
purposes only.]

[Expanded and Revised Sept. 4, 2002 - Evidence of Bush Administration Foreknowledge and
complicity is now overwhelming. Since our last revision July 11, 2002, 16 New Items! (noted in

Nov. 2, 2001, 12:00 PST -- On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While
in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden
met with a top CIA official -- presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's
private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted
fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year's attack on the USS Cole. Bin
Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill
Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on
a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.

In 1985 Oliver North -- the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn't appear to have
a hand in the current war -- sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship
Achille Lauro. In his 1991 autobiography "Under Fire," while describing terrorist Abu Abbas
North wrote, "I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do
something?" One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have
killed before Sept. 11 and ask the same question.

It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and
after the Sept. 11 suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes CIA
foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of
the U.S. government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events that have taken
place since Sept. 11 are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks.

[June 19, 2002] -- As the revelations of Bush Administration foreknowledge have progressed
from silence, to trickle, to cascade, the question has now changed from forcing the evidence
into the open into one of forcing both the media and the people to avoid denying this information
in the hopes that their desire for a sense of "normalcy" can be fulfilled. As many of us have
known for years, normalcy went out the window forever when the first plane hit the tower. And
what has been revealed will not be resolved with an expensive fact-finding commission, a few
firing, or even an impeachment proceeding. What is needed in America -- and in the global
economic system -- is an overhaul, not a tune up.

1. 1991-1997 - Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco,
Shell and Enron directly invest billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure
equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to
future direct investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices
to Russia to use Russian pipelines, the major oil companies have no way to recoup their
investments. [Source: "The Price of Oil" by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 -
The Asia Times, "The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.]

2. January 1995 - Philippine police investigating a possible attack on the Pope uncover plans
for Operation Bojinka, connected to World Trade Center (WTC) bomber Ramsi Youssef. Parts
of the plan call for crashing hijacked airliners into civilian targets. Details of the plan are
disclosed in Youssef's 1997 trial for the 1993 WTC bombing. [Source: Agence France-Presse,
Dec. 7, 2001]

3. Dec. 4, 1997 - Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters
of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the
negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [Source: The BBC,
Dec. 4, 1997]

4. Feb. 12, 1998 - Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca -- later to become a special
ambassador to Afghanistan -- testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly
government is in place in Afghanistan, the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will
not be built. [Source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee:

5. August 1998 - After the U.S. cruise missile attacks on Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan in
retaliation for the African embassy bombings, Unocal officially withdraws from participation in
the CentGas trans-Afghani gas pipeline project. [Various sources, Unocal]

6. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was
harboring an Al Qaeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists
is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. [Source: Financial Times Jan. 21,
2001; "See No Evil" by Robert Baer (release date February 2002)]

7. April 1999 - Enron with a $3 billion investment to build an electrical generating plant at
Dabhol, India loses access to plentiful LNG supplies from Qatar to fuel the plant. Its only
remaining option to make the investment profitable is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by
Unocal from Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city of Multan.
[Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002]

8. July 4, 1999 - President Clinton signs Executive Order 13129, which freezes Taliban assets
in the U.S. and prohibits trade between the Afghan fundamentalist regime and U.S. entities.
[Source: Federal Register, Vol. 64, No. 129, July 7, 1999]

9. 1998 and 2000 - Former President George H.W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of
the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there
he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. [Source: Wall Street
Journal, Sept. 27, 2001. See also FTW, Vol. IV, No. 7 - "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy"

10. March 2000 - An FBI agent, reportedly angry over a glitch in Carnivore that has somehow
mixed innocent non-targeted emails with those belonging to Al Qaeda, destroys all of the FBI's
Denver-based intercepts of bin Laden's colleagues in a terrorist investigation. [Source: The
Washington Post, May 29, 2002]

11. 2000 (est.) - The FBI refuses to disclose the date of an internal memo stating that a
Middle Eastern nation had been trying to purchase a flight simulator. [Source: Los Angeles
Times, May 30, 2002]

12. August 2000 -- Suspected Al Qaeda operatives wiretapped by Italian police made
apparent references to plans for major attacks involving airports, airplanes and the United
States according to transcripts obtained by the Los Angeles Times. The Times suggests that
the information might not have been passed to U.S. authorities (hard to believe), but it did
report that Italian authorities would not comment on the report. The Times also noted that
"Italian and U.S. anti-terrorism experts cooperate closely." [Source: The Los Angeles Times,
May 29, 2002]

13. Oct. 24-26, 2000 - Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the
crashing of a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. [Source: The Mirror, May 24, 2002]

14. January 2001 - The Bush Administration orders the FBI and intelligence agencies to "back
off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives
(Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, Va. -- right next to CIA headquarters. This
followed previous orders dating back to 1996 that frustrated efforts to investigate the bin Laden
family. [Source: BBC Newsnight, Correspondent Gregg Palast, Nov. 7, 2001]

15. Jan. 30, 2001 - Sept. 11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah was questioned in the United Arab Emirates
(UAE). A number of UAE, Middle Eastern, European, and U.S. sources were cited in this CNN
report, which said the CIA requested Jarrah be interrogated because he had been in
Afghanistan and was suspected to have ties to terrorists. An unnamed CIA spokesman said the
other sources' claims that the agency knew anything about Jarrah before Sept. 11 were "flatly
untrue." Jarrah's Jan. 30 detainment at the airport in Dubai, UAE came six months after he took
flying lessons in the U.S. Jarrah was released because "U.S. officials were satisfied," said the
report. [Source: CNN, Aug. 1, 2002

16. Feb. 13, 2001 - UPI terrorism correspondent Richard Sale -- while covering a trial of bin
Laden's Al Qaeda followers -- reports that the National Security Agency has broken bin Laden's
encrypted communications. Even if this indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February,
it does not mesh with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been planned for

17. May 2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell gives $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime,
purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the destruction of their opium crop
in January on orders of the Taliban regime. [Source: Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001]

18. May 2001 - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and
former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour, while CIA Director George Tenet makes
a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has
long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections. It would be reasonable to assume that while
in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an unusually long meeting," also met with his
Pakistani counterpart, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. [Source: The Indian SAPRA
news agency, May 22, 2001]

19. June 2001 - German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern
terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important
symbols of American and Israeli culture." [Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sept. 14,
2001; See

20. June 8, 2001 - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) publishes a story headlined,
"Central Asia: Charges Link Russian Military to Drug Trade." According to the article, figures for
1999 published in a report by the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) revealed that
80 percent of the heroin consumed in Western Europe originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The UNDCP report also revealed half of the drugs in that 80 percent traveled through Central
Asia. A study by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published in March 2000 said
Russian soldiers headquartered in Tajikistan were suspected of helping drug traffickers by
providing them with transportation facilities. This was confirmed by a Russian intelligence officer
who told the Moscow News weekly, "You can come to an arrangement [with custom officials]
so that the search of military transport planes remains purely formal. The same goes for train
convoys carrying military cargo [to Russia from Tajikistan]." [Source:

21. July 2001 - FBI agents in Arizona write a memorandum warning about suspicious activities
involving a group of Middle Eastern men taking flight training lessons in Phoenix. The
memorandum specifically mentions Osama bin Laden and warns of connections to terrorist
activities. [Source: The New York Times, May 14, 2002]

22. summer 2001 - The National Security Council convenes a Dabhol working group as
revealed in a series of government e-mails obtained by the Washington Post and the New York
Daily News. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002]

23. summer 2001 - According to a Sept. 26 story in Britain's The Guardian, correspondent
David Leigh reported that "U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited
Tajikistan in January. The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that U.S. Rangers were
also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek
special troops were training in Alaska and Montana."

24. summer 2001 (est.) - Pakistani ISI Chief Gen. Ahmad (see above) orders an aide to wire
transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta who was, according to the FBI, the lead terrorist in the
suicide hijackings. Ahmad recently resigned after the transfer was disclosed in India and
confirmed by the FBI. The individual who makes the wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is
Ahmad Umar Sheik, the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl. [Source: The Times of India, Oct.11, 2001.]

25. summer 2001 - The online newswire online.ie reports on Sept. 14 that an Iranian man
phones U.S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the WTC in the week of Sept.
9. German police confirm the calls but state that the U.S. Secret Service would not reveal any
further information. [Source:
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/online_ie_story.html ]

26. summer 2001 - Jordanian intelligence, the GID, makes a communications intercept
deemed so important that King Abdullah's men relay it to Washington, probably through the CIA
station in Amman. To make doubly sure the message got through it was passed through an
Arab intermediary to a German intelligence agent. The message: A major attack was planned
inside the U.S., and aircraft would be used. The code name of the operation was "The Big
Wedding." "When it became clear that the information was embarrassing to Bush
Administration officials and congressmen who at first denied that there had been any such
warnings before Sept. 11, senior Jordanian officials backed away from their earlier
confirmations." This case was authenticated by ABC reporter John K. Cooley. [Source:
International Herald Tribune (IHT), May 21, 2002]

27. summer 2001 (est.) - The National Security Agency intercepts telephone conversations
between bin Laden aide Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Mohammed Atta and does not share
the information with any other agencies. [Source: Jonathan Landay, Knight Ridder Newspapers,
June 6, 2002]

28. June 26, 2001 - The magazine indiareacts.com states that "India and Iran will 'facilitate'
U.S. and Russian plans for 'limited military action' against the Taliban." The story indicates that
the fighting will be done by U.S. and Russian troops with the help of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
[Source: indiareacts.com, June 26, 2001]

29. summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been
specifically training for missions involving hijacked airliners. This is reported in the Russian press
and news stories are translated for FTW by a retired CIA officer. (Note: The story currently on
the Izvestia web site has been edited to delete a key paragraph.) [Source: Izvestia, Sept. 12,

30. July 4-14, 2001 - Osama bin Laden receives treatment for kidney disease at the American
hospital in Dubai and meets with a CIA official, who returns to CIA headquarters on July 15.
[Source: Le Figaro, Oct. 31, 2001]
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/Le Figaro_osama_dubai.html

31. July 15, 2001 - Members of the G8, meeting in Genoa, Italy, discuss the Taliban,
pipelines, and the handing over of Osama bin Laden. According to Pakistani representative
Ambassador Naiz Naik, the U.S. delegation, led by former Clinton Ambassador to Pakistan Tom
Simmons warned of a "military option" if the Taliban did not change position. [Source:
Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, "Bin Laden: La Verite Interdite," pp76-7. Thanks
to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

32. July 2001 - Immediately after the G8 Summit three American officials -- Tom Simmons
(former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former assistant secretary of state for
South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) -- meet
with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning
military strikes against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November, "Bin
Laden - La Verite Interdite," discloses that Taliban representatives often sat in on the meetings.
British papers confirm that the Pakistani ISI relayed the threats to the Taliban. [Source: The
Guardian, Sept. 22, 2001; the BBC, Sept. 18, 2001; The Inter Press Service, Nov. 16, 2001;
Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, Feb. 21, 2002]

33. July 2001 - The G8 summit at Genoa, Italy is surrounded by anti-aircraft guns, and local
airspace is closed off after Italian and Egyptian officials (including President Hosni Mubarak)
warn American intelligence that airliners stuffed with explosives might be used to attack
President Bush. U.S. officials state that the warnings were "unsubstantiated." (But I wonder if
they would have taken away the anti-aircraft artillery?) [Source: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 27,

34. July 26, 2001 - CBS News reports that John Ashcroft has stopped flying commercial
airlines due a threat assessment. Ashcroft told the press that he didn't know anything about
what had caused it.

35. Aug. 2, 2001 - U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Christine Rocca (a former CIA officer),
meets in Islamabad with a Taliban ambassador and demands the extradition of bin Laden. This
was the last known meeting on the subject. [Source: Brisard and Dasquie, p 79. Thanks to
Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

36. August 2001 - The FBI arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French
intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the FBI
learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession
of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. [Source: Reuters, Sept. 13, 2001]

37. Aug. 11 or 12, 2001 ‚ U.S. Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U.S.
fraud charges and claiming to be an officer with U.S. naval intelligence, writes details of the
pending WTC attacks and seals them in an envelope, which he gives to Canadian authorities.
[Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records]

38. August 2001 - As reported in the IHT both a French magazine (name not given) and a
Moroccan newspaper simultaneously report that a Moroccan agent named Hassan Dabou had
penetrated Al Qaeda to the point of getting close to bin Laden, who was "very disappointed"
that the 1993 bombing had not toppled the WTC. Dabou was called to the U.S. after reporting
this, which curtailed his ability to stay in touch with the organization and gather additional
intelligence that might have prevented the attacks. Though not proved beyond a doubt, these
stories have been met with a wall of silence. [The IHT, May 21, 2002]

39. August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the
U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and
government buildings. [Source: MSNBC interview with Putin, Sept. 15, 2001]

40. August 2001 - President Bush receives classified intelligence briefings at his Crawford,
Texas ranch indicating that Osama bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial airliners.
[CBS News; CNN, May 15, 2002]

41. late-August 2001 - Prince Turki, the pro-U.S. head of Saudi intelligence (also known to be
close to bin Laden), is replaced by his more neutral half-brother, Prince Nawwaf who is an ally
of Crown Prince Abdullah. [Source: Saudi Arabian Information Resource, Aug. 31, 2001;
http://www.saudinf.com/ - Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

42. August/September 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops nearly 900 points in
the three weeks prior to the attack. A major stock market crash is imminent.

43. August/September 2001 - According to a detailed 13-page memo written by Minneapolis
FBI legal officer Colleen Rowley, FBI headquarters ignores urgent, direct warnings from French
intelligence services about pending attacks. In addition, a single Supervisory Special Agent
(SSA) in Washington expends extra effort to thwart the field office's investigation of Zacarias
Moussaoui, in one case rewriting Rowley's affidavit for a search warrant to search Moussaoui's
laptop. Rowley's memo uses terms like "deliberately sabotage," "block," "integrity," "omitted,"
"downplayed," "glossed over," "mis-characterize," "improper political reasons, "deliberately
thwarting," "deliberately further undercut," "suppressed," and "not completely honest." These
are not terms describing negligent acts but rather, deliberate acts. FBI field agents desperately
attempt to get action, but to no avail. One agent speculates that bin Laden might be planning to
crash airliners into the WTC, while Rowley ironically noted that the SSA who had committed
these deliberate actions had actually been promoted after Sept. 11. [Source: Associated
Press, May 21, 2002]

44. Sept. 3-10, 2001 - MSNBC reports on Sept. 16 that a caller to a Cayman Islands radio
talk show gave several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S. by bin Laden in the week
prior to 9-11.

45. early-September 2001 - An FBI internal document, based upon field notes from Minnesota
field agents discloses that the agents had been investigating and had questioned the "20th
hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui. The field notes speculate that Moussaoui, who had been taking
flight lessons, might crash an airliner into the WTC. Interestingly, the field agents' requests to
obtain a search warrant for his personal computer were denied. French intelligence confirms to
the FBI that Moussaoui has ties to terrorist groups and may have traveled to Afghanistan. The
agents also had no knowledge of the Phoenix memo (See Item #18). One news story states
that agents were in "a frenzy," absolutely convinced that he was "going to do something with a
plane." [Source: Newsweek, May 20, 2002 issue, story by Michael Isikoff].

'plain o joe'

Membership Revoked
Part Two

46. Sept. 1-10 2001 - In an exercise, called Operation "Swift Sword" and planned for four
years, 23,000 British troops are steaming toward Oman. Although the 9-11 attacks caused a
hiccup in the deployment, the massive operation was implemented as planned. At the same
time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani
coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in
Egypt for Operation "Bright Star." All of these forces are in place before the first plane hits the
WTC. [Sources: The Guardian; CNN; Fox; The Observer; International Law Professor Francis
Boyle, the University of Illinois.]

47. Sept. 4-5, 2001 - A freshman at Brooklyn's New Utrecht High School who had recently
emigrated from Pakistan reportedly predicts the destruction of the World Trade Center a week
prior to the 9-11 attacks, according to the JournalNews newspaper in White Plains, N.Y. Citing
"three police sources and a city official familiar with the investigation" as well as confirmation
from the FBI that the bureau had received this information, the paper reported that in the midst
of a heated class discussion the student pointed to the World Trade Center from a third story
window and said, "Do you see those two buildings? They won't be standing there next week."
New York City Board of Education spokeswoman Catie Marshall confirmed for the
JournalNews "that school officials reported the matter to police within minutes of the Sept. 11
attack" and students told the paper that "FBI agents and NYPD detectives descended on the
school on Sept. 13 to interrogate the student [who made the prediction] and others in his class,"
which was "an English class for Arab-American students." [Source: The JournalNews, Oct. 11,
2001, http://www.thejournalnews.com/newsroom/101101/11warumors.html]

48. Sept. 5, 2001 - "Five hundred websites -- many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection
-- crash when an anti-terrorism taskforce raids InfoCom Corp. in Texas," reported Britain's the
Guardian on Sept. 10, 2001. A taskforce of approximately 80 federal agents and officials from
the FBI, Secret Service, INS, Customs, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, IRS, and Commerce
Department occupied InfoCom's office building in the Dallas suburb of Richardson, Texas for
four days, "copying every hard disc they could find." InfoCom hosts many websites for Middle
Eastern clients and is located across the street from the Holy Land Foundation, a charitable
organization which has been alleged to have connections with terrorist groups. InfoCom's vice
president of marketing, Ghassan Elashi, is also the chairman of the Holy Land Foundation.
[Source: The Guardian, Sept. 10, 2001,

49. Sept. 7, 2001 - Florida Governor Jeb Bush signs a two-year emergency executive order
(01-261) making new provisions for the Florida National Guard to assist law enforcement and
emergency-management personnel in the event of large civil disturbances, disaster or acts of
terrorism. [Source: State of Florida website listing of Governor's executive orders]

50. Sept. 6-7, 2001 - Put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) totaling 4,744 are
purchased on United Air Lines stock, as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the
stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the
United puts are purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the
current executive director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. [Source: The Herzliyya
International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT), http://www.ict.org.il/, Sept. 21, 2001
(Note:The ICT article on possible terrorist insider trading appeared eight days *after* the 9/11
attacks.); The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal; The San Francisco Chronicle, Sept.
29, 2001]

51. Sept. 10, 2001 - Put options totaling 4,516 are purchased on American Airlines as
compared to 748 call options. [Source: Herzliyya Institute - above]

52. Sept. 6-11, 2001 - No other airlines show any similar trading patterns to those experienced
by United and American. The put option purchases on both airlines were 600 percent above
normal. This at a time when Reuters (Sept. 10) issues a business report stating, "Airline stocks
may be poised to take off."

53. Sept. 6-10, 2001 - Highly abnormal levels of put options are purchased in Merrill Lynch,
Morgan Stanley, AXA Re(insurance) which owns 25 percent of American Airlines, and Munich
Re. All of these companies are directly impacted by the Sept. 11 attacks. [Source: ICT, above;
FTW, Oct. 18, 2001, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/oct152001.html]

54. 2001-2002 - It has been documented that the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and many other
intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time using highly advanced programs
reported to be descended from Promis software. This is to alert national intelligence services of
just such kinds of attacks. Promis was reported as recently as June 2001 to be in Osama bin
Laden's possession and, as a result of recent stories by Fox, both the FBI and the Justice
Department have confirmed its use for U.S. intelligence gathering through at least summer
2002. This would confirm that CIA had additional advance warning of imminent attacks.
[Sources: The Washington Times, June 15, 2001; Fox, Oct. 16, 2001;
FTW, Oct. 26, 2001, -
FTW, Vol. IV, No. 6, Sept. 18, 2001 -
FTW, Vol. III, No. 7, Sept. 30, 2000 -

55. Sept. 9, 2001 - President George W. Bush is presented with detailed war plans to
overthrow Al Qaeda, according to U.S. and foreign sources speaking to NBC News. [Source:
MSNBC, May 16, 2002. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

56. Sept. 10, 2001 - This item has been removed solely at the request of the party previously
named in this entry. Recent court proceedings – which occurred after the news story we had
cited - have indicated that there was no connection between the story listed here, the person
named therein and the attacks of 9-11-01. At the request of the previously named party, FTW
has replaced the $1,000 reward with a $1,000 donation to The Childrens Defense Fund on
behalf of the named party and the issue is now amicably resolved without any hard feelings
between that party and FTW.

57. Sept. 10, 2001 - According to Newsweek, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly
cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns. [Source:
Newsweek, Sept. 24, 2001]

58. Sept. 10, 2001 - The Houston Chronicle reports the FBI was notified of a fifth grader from
a Dallas suburb who told his teacher, "Tomorrow, World War III will begin. It will begin in the
United States, and the United States will lose." The Chronicle was unclear on specifically when
Garland, Texas school district officials told the FBI about the incident, but it was some time
between Sept. 13, 2001 and the story's publication date of Sept. 19, 2001. [Source: Houston
Chronicle, Sept. 19, 2001 http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan/1055222]

59. Sept. 10, 2001 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a call from what he described
as "his security people at the airport" eight hours before the terrorist attacks "advising him that
Americans should be cautious about their air travel," as reported by the San Francisco
Chronicle. Brown was scheduled to fly to New York from San Francisco International Airport.
He told the Chronicle the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to
make any alarming statement." [Source: San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 12, 2001,

60. Sept. 11, 2001 - The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the federal agency that runs
many of the nation's spy satellites, schedules an exercise involving a plane crashing into one of
the agency's buildings. "On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001," according to a website advertising
a homeland security conference in Chicago run by the National Law Enforcement and Security
Institute, CIA official John Fulton and his team "were running a pre-planned simulation to explore
the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little
did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way." Fulton is the head of the
NRO's strategic gaming division. [Source: National Law Enforcement and Security Institute,

61. Sept. 11, 2001 - After the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon occur,
National Public Radio's congressional correspondent David Welna reports, "I spoke with
congressman Ike Skelton, a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services
Committee, who said that just recently the director of the CIA warned that there could be an
attack -- an imminent attack - on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely
unexpected." [Source: http://www.thememoryhole.org/updates.htm]

62. Sept. 11, 2001 - United Air Lines flight 23, scheduled to fly from New York City to Los
Angeles was delayed after four Muslim passengers began demanding that the plane take off
immediately. This happened apparently after the first plane had hit the WTC. The passengers
were thrown off the flight. [Source: The Globe and Mail, June 13, 2002]

63. Sept. 11, 2001 - Gen. Mahmud of the ISI (see #16), friend of Mohammed Atta, is visiting
Washington on behalf of the Taliban. He is meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate
Intelligence Committees, Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., and Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., [Source:
MSNBC, Oct. 7, 2001; The New York Times, Feb. 17, 2002]

64. Sept. 11, 2001 - Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world's largest instant
messaging companies with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack
on the WTC less than two hours before the first plane hits. Law enforcement authorities have
gone silent about any investigation of this. The Odigo research and development offices in
Israel are located in the city of Herzliyya, a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv that is the same location as
the Institute for Counter Terrorism, which eight days later reports details of insider trading on
9-11. [Source: CNN's Daniel Sieberg, Sept. 28, 2001; MSNBC Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams,
Sept. 27, 2001; Ha'aretz, Sept. 26, 2001]

65. Sept. 11, 2001 - For 50 minutes, from 8:15 AM until 9:05 AM, with it widely known within
the FAA and the military that four planes have been simultaneously hijacked and taken off
course, no one notifies the President of the United States. It is not until 9:30 that any Air Force
planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too late. This means that the National
Command Authority waited for 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known
that four simultaneous hijackings had occurred. [Source: CNN; ABC; MSNBC; Los Angeles
Times; The New York Times; www.tenc.net]

66. Sept. 11-12, 2001 - Nearly a month before the first reported outbreak, White House
officials start taking the powerful antibiotic Cipro to treat anthrax. By the end of the year it will
be known that the Ames strain of anthrax used in the attacks against Sens. Leahy and Daschle
was produced by CIA programs coordinated through Fort Detrick, the Batelle Memorial Institute
and the Dugway Proving Ground. [Source: NBC; CNN; www.tetrahedron.org,

67. Sept. 13, 2001 - China is admitted to the World Trade Organization quickly, after years of
unsuccessful attempts. [Source: The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2001]

68. Sept. 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto
and see that is describes attacks against the WTC and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently
states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 1986 for unsatisfactory performance and
has never worked in intelligence. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior
Court records]

69. Sept. 15, 2001 - The New York Times reports that Mayo Shattuck III has resigned,
effective immediately, as head of the Alex Brown (A.B.) unit of Deutschebank.

70. Sept. 29, 2001 - The San Francisco Chronicle reports that $2.5 million in put options on
American and United airlines are unclaimed. This is likely the result of the suspension in trading
on the New York Stock Exchange after the attacks, which gave the Securities and Exchange
Commission time to be waiting when the owners showed up to redeem their put options.

71. Oct. 10, 2001 - The Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reports that U.S. Ambassador
Wendy Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned
Unocal gas pipeline project from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to Pakistan is now back on
the table "in view of recent geopolitical developments."

72. Oct. 11, 2001 - The Ashcroft Justice Department takes over all terrorist prosecutions from
the U.S. Attorneys office in New York, which has had a highly successful track record in
prosecuting terrorist cases connected to Osama bin Laden. [Source: The New York Times,
Oct. 11, 2001]

73. mid-October 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after having suffered a
precipitous drop has recovered most of its pre-attack losses. Although still weak and vulnerable
to negative earnings reports, a crash has been averted by a massive infusion of government
spending on defense programs, subsidies for "affected" industries and planned tax cuts for

74. Oct. 29, 2001 - The Bush Administration drafts "an executive order that would usher in a
new era of secrecy for presidential records and allow an incumbent president to withhold a
former president's papers even if the former president wanted to make them public," wrote the
Washington Post. The order also required members of the public to prove "at least a
demonstrated, specific need'" for a president's papers to be released. Critics contend this
would overturn the 1978 Presidential Records Act, which releases documents after 12 years.
The White House maintained that a Supreme Court decision in 1977 allows presidents various
privileges for their records. [Source: Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2001,

75. Nov. 21, 2001 - The British paper The Independent runs a story headlined, "Opium
Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban." The story reports that massive opium planting is
underway all over the country.

76. Nov. 25, 2001 - The Observer runs a story headlined "Victorious Warlords Set To Open
the Opium Floodgates." It states that farmers are being encouraged by warlords allied with the
victorious Americans are "being encouraged to plant as much opium as possible."

77. Dec. 4, 2001 - Convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub Afridi is recruited by the U.S.
government to help establish control in Afghanistan by unifying various Pashtun warlords. The
former opium smuggler who was one of the CIA's leading assets in the war against the
Russians is released from prison in order to do this. [Source: The Asia Times Online, Dec. 4,

78. Dec. 25, 2001 - Newly appointed Afghani Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is revealed as being
a former paid consultant for Unocal. [Source: Le Monde]

79. Jan. 3, 2002 - President Bush appoints Zalmy Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan.
Khalilzad, a former employee of Unocal, also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997
supporting the Taliban regime. [Source: Pravda, Jan. 9, 2002]

80. Jan. 4, 2002 - Florida drug trafficking explodes after 9-11. In a surge of trafficking
reminiscent of the 1980s the diversion of resources away from drug enforcement has opened
the floodgates for a new surge of cocaine and heroin from South America. [The Christian
Science Monitor, Jan. 4, 2002]

81. Jan. 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for Mike Vreeland
call the Pentagon's switchboard operator, who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a naval
lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his
office in the Pentagon. [Source: Attorney Rocco Galati; Toronto Superior Court records]

82. Jan. 10, 2002 - Attorney General John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron
investigation because Enron had been a major campaign donor in his 2000 Senate race. He
fails to recuse himself from involvement in two sitting federal grand juries investigating bribery
and corruption charges against ExxonMobil and BP Amoco, which have massive oil interests in
Central Asia. Both were major Ashcroft donors in 2000. [Source: CNN, Jan. 10, 2002; FTW,
"The Elephant in the Living Room, Part I," April 4, 2002,

83. Jan. 23, 2002 - Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is kidnapped in Pakistan. Pearl is
reported dead on Feb. 21. Lead suspect Ahmad Umar Sheik, former colleague of Gen. Ahmad,
is arrested on Feb. 12 and named as the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder. Legal
sources close to the Pakistani government tell FTW that Pearl was investigating the ISI.
[Source: CNN.com]

84. Feb. 9, 2002 - Pakistani leader Gen. Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce
their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity," including the proposed Central Asian
pipeline. Pakistan will give $10 million to Afghanistan to help pay Afghan government workers.
[Source: The Irish Times, Feb. 9, 2002]

85. Feb. 18, 2002 - The Financial Times reports that the estimated opium harvest in
Afghanistan in the late-spring 2002 will reach a world record 4,500 metric tons.

86. mid-April, 2002 - World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, at the opening of the World Bank's
offices in Kabul, states he has held talks about financing the Trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline. He
confirms $100 million in new grants for the interim Afghani government. Wolfensohn also states
that a number of companies have already expressed interest in the project. [Source:
Alexander's Gas and oil Connections, citing an Agence France-Presse story]

87. May 13, 2002 - The BBC reports that Afghanistan is about to close a deal for construction
of the $2 billion gas pipeline to run from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India. The story states,
"work on the project will start after an agreement is expected to be struck" at a summit
scheduled for the end of the month. Unocal will build the pipeline. [Source: BBC, May 13, 2002]

88. May 2002 - A number of sources report progress on both oil and gas pipelines. Regional
sources state that Unocal will re-emerge as a pipeline contender after withdrawing from the
CentGas pipeline project in 1998. Unocal denies plans to revive the gas pipeline but curiously
neglects to mention whether or not it has any interest in the oil pipeline, which local sources say
is moving ahead. [Source: The Dawn Group of Newspapers, May 7, May 17, May 22, 2002]

89. May 30, 2002 - Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid Karzai, Turkmenistan's President
Niyazov, and Pakistani President Musharraf meet in Islamabad to sign a memorandum of
understanding on the trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline project. The three leaders will meet for
more talks on the project in October. The Turkmen-Afghan-Pakistani gas pipeline accord has
been published and can be viewed at the following website:
http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/nts22622.htm. [Source: NewsBase, June 5, 2002]

90. May 16, 2002 - White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer states unequivocally that while
President Bush had been warned of possible hijackings, "The president did not -- not -- receive
information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers." [Source: CBS News,
May 15, 2002]

91. May 19, 2002 - Former FBI Agent Tyrone Powers, now a professor at Anne Arundel
Community College states on radio station KISS 98.7 that he has credible evidence suggesting
that the Bush Administration did in fact allow the Sept. 11 attacks to further a hidden agenda.
[Source: http://www.indymedia.org - May 20, 2002]

92. May 31, 2002 - FBI Agent Robert Wright delivers a tearful press conference at the National
Press Club describing his lawsuit against the FBI for deliberately curtailing investigations that
might have prevented the 9-11 attacks. He uses words like "prevented," "thwarted,"
"obstructed," "threatened," "intimidated," and "retaliation" to describe the actions of his
superiors in blocking his attempts to shut off money flows to Al Qaeda and other terrorist
groups. These are not words of negligence. They are words describing deliberate and
malicious actions. [Source: C-SPAN website]

93. June 4, 2002 - Air Force Lt. Col. Steve Butler, who had called President Bush a joke and
accused him of allowing the Sept. 11 attacks to happen, is suspended from his post at the
Defense Language School in Monterey, Calif. and could face a court martial. [Source:
Associated Press, June 4, 2002]

94. June 14, 2002 - Common Dreams website publishes an account from a former member of
the 1/118th Infantry Battalion of the South Carolina National Guard: "My unit reported for drill in
July 2001 and we were suddenly and unexpectedly informed that all activities planned for the
next two months would be suspended in order to prepare for a mobilization exercise to be held
on Sept. 14, 2001. We worked diligently for two weekends and even came in on an
unscheduled day in August to prepare for the exercise. By the end of August all we needed was
a phone call, which we were to expect, and we could hop into a fully prepared convoy with our
bags and equipment packed." [Source: Common Dreams,

95. June 17, 2002 - Reuters reports that Butler's case has been resolved without the
necessity of a court martial. (I guess so. There's enough material here to prove him right. --
MCR) [Reuters, June 17, 2002]

96. July 2, 2002 - Motions from Zacarias Moussaoui are unsealed in federal court, indicating
that Moussaoui wants to testify before both a grand jury and Congress about the Sept. 11
attacks. Moussaoui claims to have information showing that the U.S. government wanted the
attacks to happen. [Source: The Washington Post, July 3, 2002]

97. July 3, 2002 - The first-ever shipment of Russian oil, 200,000 metric tons, arrives in
Houston. [Source: The Moscow Times, July 6, 2002].

98. July 6, 2002 - Afghan Vice President Hajji Abdul Qadir is assassinated by Afghan
warlords. The New York Times reports that Qadir may have been assassinated by opium
warlords upset by Qadir's efforts to reduce the rampant opium farming and processing that has
taken place since the U.S. occupation. Qadir had been overseeing a Western-backed
eradication program, according to the Times. However, the opium warlords of the region are
same ones sponsored, protected, and in some cases released from prison by the CIA and who
have been protected by President Bush's special envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad. It is reported that
the raw opium is being refined near U.S. bases at Kandahar. [Sources: The New York Times,
July 8, 2002; Far Eastern Economic Review, April 18, 2002]

99. July 26, 2002 - White House security prevented the legal watch-group Judicial Watch from
serving Vice President Cheney with a lawsuit filed on behalf of Halliburton shareholders. Before
becoming vice president Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, which has filed for bankruptcy.
[Source: Cybercast News Service, cnsnews.com]

100. Aug. 2, 2002 - The FBI asked members of the House and Senate intelligence committees
to take lie-detector tests as investigators try to determine who leaked information to CNN about
communications in Arabic that made vague references to an impending attack on the United
States. The communications were intercepted by the National Security Agency on Sept. 10 but
weren't translated until Sept. 12. [Source: Associated Press story published in the Boston
Globe, Aug. 2, 2002, http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/08.03A.fbi.lie.det.p.htm]

101. Aug. 5, 2002 - The Associated Press reported Russia's major role over the last five
years in the trafficking of Afghan heroin into Europe. [Source: Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 5,
2002, www.sfnewmexican.com]

102. Aug. 16, 2002 - A Knight Ridder story discloses that members of Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld's staff have created a special planning unit for an invasion of Iraq. The unit is
composed primarily of civilians and was spearheaded by conservative members of Rumsfeld's
staff, such as Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. The story was headlined, "White
House Methodically Preparing for Iraq Campaign." [Source: Knight Ridder Newspapers,
www.truthout.org/docs 02/08.17B.wh.prep.irq.p.htm]

103. Aug. 28, 2002 - The Globe and Mail of Canada reports Afghanistan will become the
world's top producer of opium this year, surpassing Southeast Asia. [Source: the Globe and
Mail, Aug. 28, 2002]

Now, let's go back to the Oct. 31 story by Le Figaro -- the one that has Osama bin Laden
meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai in July 2001.

The story says, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from
many family members [There goes the story that he's a black sheep! --MCR] and Saudi
Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was
seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden's room.

"Several days later the CIA officer bragged to his friends about having visited the Saudi
millionaire. From authoritative sources, this CIA agent visited CIA headquarters on July 15, the
day after bin Laden's departure for Quetta.

"According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French intelligence itself, precise information
was communicated to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks aimed at American interests in the
world, including its own territory.

"Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a meeting with French intelligence
officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the Algerian activists [connected
to bin Laden through Dubai banking institutions], without explaining the exact nature of their
inquiry. When asked the question, What do you fear in the coming days?' the Americans
responded with incomprehensible silence.

"On further investigation, the FBI discovered certain plans that had been put together between
the CIA and its 'Islamic friends' over the years. The meeting in Dubai is, so it would seem,
consistent with 'a certain American policy.'"

Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital staff that bin Laden had
been there as reported, stories printed on Nov. 1 contained quotes from hospital staff that
these reports were untrue. On Nov. 1, as reported by the Ananova press agency, the CIA flatly
denied that any meeting between any CIA personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time.

Who do you believe?




I have been unemployed for three years, and do not go to the movies at all.

yikes, Ought, i had no idea. i'll try not to "goad" you so often. i know you have other way more important things to do than answer my posts.

Ought Six

Membership Revoked
Radio reports new CIA-Bin Laden details

By Elizabeth Bryant

PARIS, Nov. 1 (UPI) -- Radio France International offered additional details Thursday of allegations that terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden met with a CIA officer in the United Arab Emirates in July.

The CIA has dismissed as "total absurdity" a report carried Wednesday by Radio France and by France's Le Figaro newspaper, alleging that a CIA agent met with bin Laden at a Dubai clinic, where the suspected terrorist was reportedly treated for kidney problems.

The clinic, said to be the American Hospital in Dubai, also denied bin Laden had been a patient. The American Embassy in Paris has not commented on the report.

The Paris-based International Herald Tribune suggested the erroneous information may have been leaked by opponents in France to the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan.

"Disinformation may have been planted ... to suggest a continuing covert linkage between the CIA and bin Laden," a French intelligence source told the Herald Tribune.

Nonetheless, Radio France International, for one, said it stood by its report. In a follow-up Thursday, the French radio station identified the alleged CIA agent as Larry Mitchell, "a connoisseur of the Arab world and specialist of the (Arab) peninsula."

Mitchell's business card identified him as a "consular agent," the radio said. In fact, RFI alleged, he was a CIA agent and a prominent fixture in Dubai's expatriate community. According to both the radio and Le Figaro, Mitchell was recalled to the CIA's headquarters in McLean, Va., on July 15.

The radio also gave the precise date of Mitchell's supposed encounter with bin Laden -- July 12, two days before the Saudi dissident reportedly checked out of the hospital.

Neither the Figaro, nor Radio France offered independent confirmation of the report. The radio station also cited no source for its latest allegations. Earlier, the Figaro said its story was leaked by a partner of the hospital's management.

In an interview published Thursday in Le Figaro, Arab specialist Antoine Sfeir said he was not surprised on the alleged CIA-bin Laden ties.

"Bin Laden maintained contacts with bin Laden until 1998," Sfeir said. "Those contacts didn't end after bin Laden moved to Afghanistan. Until the last minute, CIA agents hoped bin Laden would return to U.S. command, as was the case before 1998."

Sfeir also maintained the information about the CIA-bin Laden connection had been in circulation for the past 15 days.


The rest of this diatribe is a standard propaganda ploy. All one need do is sift through the massive and constant torrent of intel, new stories, press releases, etc. An FBI field agent heard this, a foreign intellegence service 'source' said that, a newpaper in some third-world nation reported something, and a corporate executive wanted whatever. Add to that the bumbling ineptness of our own intellegence services and thier total inability to connect the dots (as the 9/11 Commission just concluded). You pick out of that any bits of info that even remotely appear to support your conspiracy theory, add to that stupid bureaucratic mistakes falsely characterized as 'coverups', string them together, present them out context, then hype them as 'absolute proof'. You infer without actually saying that all of these disconnected bits in the great sea of data *must* have been well-known to the Prez & his staff, compiled together and analysed by them to reach the same conclusion the author is manufacturing by cherrypicking items from years past. When we had huge numbers of warnings about every kind of terrorist attack imaginable, to pick a few bits out of that river of info, hold them up and scream "Look at these! They *knew*!!!" is deeply dishonest. This was one of Gobbel's favorite tactics to use in slandering enemies of the Nazis and falsely implicate them in various secret conspiracies or crimes. Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to be taken in by this well-known con. Obviously you true believers will swallow anything whole that supports your precious conspiracy theories without questioning it or its source in any way.

Some of what is posted above directly supports what I have already said. For instance, I posted info that said that Clinton, not GW, was the one pushing the Afghan pipeline project. The idea was dropped by GW in favor of underwater pipelines under the Capsian Sea. It is interesting to note that we have been in Afghanistan for over a year, and there are still no plans to build any pipelines there. But I guess we should stick with the innuendo and supposition and ignore the facts, because we just know in our hearts that GW is eeeeeeevvvvviiiiilllll! :rolleyes:


On TB every waking moment
The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors -- whose identities and nationalities have not been made public -- had advance knowledge of the strikes.

"Usually, if someone has a windfall like that, you take the money and run," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Whoever did this thought the exchange would not be closed for four days.

Gee! This guy (or guys) knew about the attack, knew the buildings were going to be hit, there was going to devastation right up from Wall Street and he never figured the Stock Exchange would be affected?