BLOG Will the United States Exist After November?



Will the United States Exist After November?
By Paul Craig Roberts
August 13, 2022

The Nazi serving as US Attorney General says he is going to get the warrant unsealed that he used as the justification for the aggressive invasion of President Trump’s home by a weaponized and politicized FBI, essentially frame up artists for the corrupt Democrat party.

The question the Nazi attorney general doesn’t answer, and the question the presstitutes studiously avoid asking, is why was the warrant containing the probable cause for the unprecedented invasion of an American president’s home sealed in the first place?

Little doubt the official explanation will be a lie, one that the presstitutes will repeat endlessly in their attempt to turn the lie into truth via repetition, just as they did with “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” ad infinitum.

My take on the situation is that there is no probable cause. Here is a scenario that can unfold. The FBI has carried off some boxes of documents to which they had prior access but no interest. Once they decide on the nature of Trump’s frame up, they will insert the document that they will use to incriminate Trump into one of the boxes. Then they will insert into the warrant the “probable cause” that justifies the home invasion.

Nonsense you say. The federal magistrate who provided the warrant would never go along with a frame up. How do you know? The magistrate is the same one who, apparently following orders, let pedophile Epstein off the first time he was arrested. Just as Democrats grasping for revolutionary power have weaponized US security agencies and the media into armies against their political opponents, they have also weaponized the courts by their appointments of judges. Just as the FBI was engaged in trying to frame President Trump with Russiagate and with a “Jan. 6 insurrection,” so are DOJ attorneys general, prosecutors and federal judges. The US justice system is as corrupt as they get.

The awake part of the population, the Americans with sufficient intelligence to be able to think independently of what CNN, NPR, NBC, the NYTimes and the rest of the presstitutes stick in their heads, are furious with Biden’s rampart anti-Americanisms. To name just a few: open borders flooding the country with immigrant-invaders and the associated welfare burdens, crime, and illegal voting; political prosecution of opponents; gratuitous conflict with Russia, China, and Iran; demonization of white Americans as racists; illegal lockdowns and vaccination mandates; the green light given to sexual perversion; the imposition of sensitivity training and Critical Race Theory on white kids in public schools and white members of the military and civil service and the imposition of quotas on their promotion. The corrupt Biden regime has done all it can to destroy equal treatment. In place of an opportunity society America now has a society of special privileges for “oppressed minorities.”

People have finally had enough and polls show it. Wipeout awaits the corrupt anti-American Democrats in November, and the Democrats with their FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, and media armies are not going to let it happen.

Trump must be falsely indicted and disposed of. This has been obvious for six years–Russiagate, impeach gate, January 6 Insurrection, and now the latest from the Gestapo invasion of President Trump’s home, which the media will soon give a name.

We are confronted with desperate Democrats. The crimes committed by Hillary, Justice Department officials, FBI, CIA, and Democrat congressional committees amount to no less than high treason against the United States. The evidence is so abundant that not even the wimp Republicans could avoid using it and reestablishing integrity in the US Government and the rule of law in the United States.

If the planned frame up of Trump fails, the Biden regime will uncover a white supremacy plot by “Trump Deplorables” to steal the November election, necessitating federal takeover of the election to prevent its theft by white supremacists. In this way the Democrats will again steal the election, and the persecution of their political enemies will have the tone of Hitler’s elimination of the Brown Shirts and Stalin’s elimination of the Bolsheviks.

The Democrats, sitting on their army of federal prosecutors, FBI, CIA, and NSA spies and hit men, and an effective propaganda ministry masquerading as a media, have not come so close to total power that they are going to back off and suffer the consequences of their many crimes. The question is: can the weak-kneed, intimidated Republican Party of Mitch McConnell and John Durham do anything about it?

In order for freedom, accountable government, and the rule of law to survive in the United States, will the American people have to take up arms against Washington just as the Donbass Russians had to do against Kiev?

If the Democrats can be prevented from again stealing the November election, perhaps more Republicans with backbone can get into office, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis has said outright that he will not permit woke prosecutors to defend criminals from justice as is the practice in many Democrat jurisdictions. DeSantis understands that the Democrats’ policy of normalizing crime, sexual perversion, and open borders means the death of America.

Although it took forever, finally many Americans have also come to this realization. If the sentient Americans who remain can reject being put in a defensive position by the Democrat and media enemies of America, people far more dangerous than Russians, Chinese, and Iranians, and turn aggressive like Antifa and BLM, the republic has a chance of being restored.

Otherwise, it is good-bye America.


TB Fanatic
there are several good reasons one could consider that the US has already ceased to exist.

Failure to control borders
Illegal aliens voting
The Fed
Lock down, mask up, vaxinate
Criminals elected to public office.

Lots of people are grasping at straws trying to convince themselves if we can just get through this election all will be well


Membership Revoked
I hate to say this but the liberals have damaged the country so badly with their goofy nonsensical ideas,.laws and taxes, I don't think we can recover as a complete nation. The damn idiot liberals have killed the American Dream.

Damn them all to hell where they can live with other tyrants like Hitler, LBJ and other dead democrats.
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Veteran Member
I do not believe that there will be an independent Texas. TPTB will screw around long enough for Texas to become too blue to pull off secession. Then they will wring their hands and cry: "We tried but the voters wouldn't let us."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If the Dems steal the midterm elections there could very well be secession.

IF non controvertible proof can be shown, there will be real reason to bring out the ropes and hang the arseholes. As Heinlein said in Stranger In A Strange Land, quoting Jubal Harshaw, “I’ve a little black list, that’ll never be missed.” I’m sure that ALL patriots know who the traitors and Deep State are…



TB Fanatic
The US as we knew it prior to 11.3.20 for the most part is now gone. The communists have had since that date to remold the nation in their own graven image. An ugly, evil image of what "they" consider is a more equitable, more racially tolerant, more "equal for everybody" nation.

In reality these communists have been like locusts all the way from federal gov. down to your local school board. Spewing a twisted, evil version of America that makes one heart sick. Look at the turmoil these animals have created, perversion here, racial discrimination on a nationwide scale against whites, the worlds strongest economy torn absolutely to shreds.

The USA as we remember it is gone, folks. The only chance we have is to put President Trump back into the WH, so he can clean up and weed out the evildoers. If he doesn't win in 2024 and another communist is installed as president; the door closes on non violent means of turning the country around. Another communist administration would complete the work Comrade Joe's people have already started. America truly will be no more if another communist wins.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"Will the United States Exist After November?"

We'll see, won't we. Get ready for interesting times.

If you haven't already, read what Selco has to say.
Get your stocks up and get to know your neighbors if you don't already.
You've got around 60 days to get your knowledge base finished off. Things like first aid, medicine, etc.
What ever prescription drugs you depend on should be ordered NOW. Think All Day Chemist.

There's more.


TB Fanatic
IF non controvertible proof can be shown, there will be real reason to bring out the ropes and hang the arseholes. As Heinlein said in Stranger In A Strange Land, quoting Jubal Harshaw, “I’ve a little black list, that’ll never be missed.” I’m sure that ALL patriots know who the traitors and Deep State are…


So much effort is towards making it controvertable, though...

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Um, in case you hadn't noticed the USA as it existed TWO years ago no longer exists.:dstrs:

The historical, constitutional Americcan Republic has been dying for a long time now. I would say the actual death knell was the Trump raid.

Once all of this is done whatever emerges on the other side won't bear any resemblence to "America" not even the flag.

At best we will just divide without a sea of blood and fire. I think the hate is too vast and deep for that now. Mostly since I really do think TPTB will murder Trump and his family.

The violence that will follow that will be beyond measure, followed by the jackals feeding on the debris.

Back in 1976 I celebrated our 200th birthday just out of the army. I remember people wondering if we would make it 300 years. We won't, but we had a good run of 250 years. Now it will all crash down from the internal chaos and flaws we have. Our treason has done us in and there is no comeback from traitors and treason at the top.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Tristian, no amount of proof will convince the 40 % that are demoncrats. What the Trump raid also did is radicalize the 40% or more Trump supporters that a peaceful resolution still exists. Hard times produce hard men and women. The fbi and doj will kill all maga types. It will be self defense on our part.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
Well China will move on Twain while you are in a civil war and as you move on China, Russia will flatten the States. So I don't think you will last much longer that the end of November.


Veteran Member
I do not believe that there will be an independent Texas. TPTB will screw around long enough for Texas to become too blue to pull off secession. Then they will wring their hands and cry: "We tried but the voters wouldn't let us."
Abbot is a rino wef student, Texas is finished.


Veteran Member
So much effort is towards making it controvertable, though...
They have already poisoned 1/2 the population, swarmed us with millions of invaders, announced they are going to kill us and we are looking for "controvertible"? NO most are looking for an easy way out. Unfortunately just like Bowling Green, a host of "good men" will have to die to kick off the last fight for america and what's left of the non poisoned.

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
I think there will be elections in November and the Pubs might even win.
Takes the pressure off and convinces many that the system still works.

However, the Pubs, AKA The Stupid Party, will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Cocaine Mitch knows his job


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nothing will change after November the US will still continue as a nation that it currently exists.

Which is...........

A nation of people whose only common bond is an I phone life dependency of communication within an economy based on consumption and never ending debt.

All the while "we the people" is being replaced by a 3rd world demographic base of "we the hands outs".


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
Does it exist now? We're Rome all over again.
It exists now, but brain-dead in a coma waiting for the plug to be pulled. When TPTB decide they no longer need to carry on the illusion America is still here, they'll pull the plug and what's left will collapse.