Why Romney Wont Get My Vote


Black Out
You have that right. I'm voting for the person that gets the Republican nonmination. Hopefully that person picks Ron Paul as his VP, but I'm not counting on it.

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
And Ron Paul voted against the gay marriage ban.
And Obama, well we know how he has morphed on this subject.

We have a Constitutional libertarian,
a liberal republican,
and a Karl Marxist.

If Romney wants the evangelical vote, they should
hold his feet to the fire on issues like this.
The queers aren't going to vote for him anyway,
so he will probably "see the light",
like Poppy Bush did on abortion.


Veteran Member
Disciple, I agree about Romney - to a point. BUT, being from Texas our Primary isn't until the end of this month. Since there's no chance Romney won't get the nomination, I do not have to vote for him twice. Right now plans are to vote for Ron Paul in the Primary then Romney in the General Election in November.

Be Well

may all be well
Open convention turning into a revolution. Palin. Maybe Palin and West. Romney actually was for same sex marriage - pushed it in MA - when the time comes (hope it doesn't) he'll be for it. So many of the elites are into perversion. DC and the elites of both parties are scum.


Veteran Member
The goal of the left is to divide and conquer. If we don't all come together behind the GOP candidate we will get Obama again. The gay issue is just another way to divide us.

As for voting for gay couples to adopt a child....I know a few gays, and other than their bedroom habits....they are good people. Yes, I do know other gays that I wouldn't give a pet rock to...but then I can say that about heterosexual individuals and couples also. There are so many unwanted children out there. If we don't want a gay couple to adopt...even if they, in all other aspects of their life are good people, then what are we doing to help that child?

Homosexuality is a sin...just like a whole bunch of other things. If we can all look in the mirror and say honestly we, as individuals, are sinless....then I can see the issue. But I suspect (strongly) that not a soul here is sinless. Instead of condemning others for a sin we don't happen to subscribe to, we might want to work on ourselves and not judge the other sinners in the world.

I freely admit I would rather see a child go into a heterosexual family. It is the way it should be. But should a child go into a 'normal' family over a gay couple when the 'normal' family has no ethics or is irresponsible? I don't think the issue is a simple one...but then I always seem to have this ability to make things more complicated than they really are.



Son, Husband, Father
Hes fine with "gays" adopting childen. Any man that would turn a child over to sodomites will not get my vote. Yea I know Obama is even worse but I cannot in good conscience vote for such a man.


Hes AGAINST gay marriage but FOR innocent children being turned over to homosexuals.

Have you adopted an unwanted child or child born out of wedlock?

If the churches in general, and Christians in specific, had done their job the last 40 years we wouldn't have an abortion or an adoption problem.


Veteran Member
The goal of the left is to divide and conquer. If we don't all come together behind the GOP candidate we will get Obama again. The gay issue is just another way to divide us.

As for voting for gay couples to adopt a child....I know a few gays, and other than their bedroom habits....they are good people. Yes, I do know other gays that I wouldn't give a pet rock to...but then I can say that about heterosexual individuals and couples also. There are so many unwanted children out there. If we don't want a gay couple to adopt...even if they, in all other aspects of their life are good people, then what are we doing to help that child?

Homosexuality is a sin...just like a whole bunch of other things. If we can all look in the mirror and say honestly we, as individuals, are sinless....then I can see the issue. But I suspect (strongly) that not a soul here is sinless. Instead of condemning others for a sin we don't happen to subscribe to, we might want to work on ourselves and not judge the other sinners in the world.

I freely admit I would rather see a child go into a heterosexual family. It is the way it should be. But should a child go into a 'normal' family over a gay couple when the 'normal' family has no ethics or is irresponsible? I don't think the issue is a simple one...but then I always seem to have this ability to make things more complicated than they really are.


I nominate this for Most Sensible Post of the Day.

American Rage

He was governor of Massachusetts, the most marxist State in the Union. I suspect that he had no choice due to laws passed.

And although Mormanism is the strangest offshoot of Christianity that there is, they at least believe in Jesus as the son of God. That alone should be enough for any American to vote for him and against the muslime that is currently in office. Also, when it comes to the American way, he is far and above Obamao and his marxist ideology. Finally, I think of all the politicians and judges who'ed masked themselves in conservative garb until they come to power and reveal their true leftist selves, and I can't help but think that maybe we've finally got a conservative masked as a liberal/moderate republican.

Regardless, I will vote for ANY REPUBLICAN over Obamao in November.

And that includes Ron Paul should he pull off a coup at the convention.

Any American that sits on the sidelines and thus helps Obamao get elected is guilty of act of omission
because they had the ability to act to stop the communist takeover of America and instead sat there doing nothing!

Finally, we can't find and prepare better candidates in the future if our future is one of tyranny.





Veteran Member
If everyone does not choose the alternative, you WILL get Obama... you may not like the alternative, but there will be a chance for the country, however small. The other way, you GET OBAMA, and with that the country dies! and the future of your children goes with it! cant people see that? they bitch and moan about how bad this one or that one is..but look at the alternative! You will get OBAMA and a possible civil war with either death destruction, economic crash, dictatorship all the horrors of a modern day Hitler, YOU WANT that for your kids or grand kids? FINE stay home on election day. STOMP your feet because your candidate did not win the primary! KILL the country. Give it to Obama and his ilk to rape and ruin for generations to come if not forever more!. Let the Founders roll in their graves and weep at what we have done to let this Republic slip from the face of the earth, the shining light they created, go out because OUR GUY did not get picked to go against Obama...
VOTE HIM OUT, choose ANYONE to get him THE HELL OUT WHILE WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY! If not then do not even come on here and say how you care about your kids and worry about their future, because your pissing it away by petty squabbling about who we need to replace this petty dictator that is sitting in the Oval office taking up space, planning our great country's demise!

Bicycle Junkie

Resident dissident and troll
The goal of the left is to divide and conquer. If we don't all come together behind the GOP candidate we will get Obama again. The gay issue is just another way to divide us.

As for voting for gay couples to adopt a child....I know a few gays, and other than their bedroom habits....they are good people. Yes, I do know other gays that I wouldn't give a pet rock to...but then I can say that about heterosexual individuals and couples also. There are so many unwanted children out there. If we don't want a gay couple to adopt...even if they, in all other aspects of their life are good people, then what are we doing to help that child?

Homosexuality is a sin...just like a whole bunch of other things. If we can all look in the mirror and say honestly we, as individuals, are sinless....then I can see the issue. But I suspect (strongly) that not a soul here is sinless. Instead of condemning others for a sin we don't happen to subscribe to, we might want to work on ourselves and not judge the other sinners in the world.

I freely admit I would rather see a child go into a heterosexual family. It is the way it should be. But should a child go into a 'normal' family over a gay couple when the 'normal' family has no ethics or is irresponsible? I don't think the issue is a simple one...but then I always seem to have this ability to make things more complicated than they really are.


I agree with everything you say, and I'll add two cents from my perspective. Part of my law practice is representing abused and neglected children who are taken from bad parents and placed in the Texas state foster care system, some of whom are eventually adopted. If we did not have gay foster parents and gay people willing to adopt some of these kids, we would have to revert to the horrors of the 19th century orphanges portrayed in Charles Dickens novels. The gay foster parents and adoptive parents go through rigorous training and they love the kids. They are every bit as good parents as the heterosexuals who foster and adopt. There simply are not enough heterosexual foster-adopt people to take care of all these kids. The system would not function without gay people willing to step up and take care of these kids.


Veteran Member
If everyone does not choose the alternative, you WILL get Obama... you may not like the alternative, but there will be a chance for the country, however small. The other way, you GET OBAMA, and with that the country dies! and the future of your children goes with it! cant people see that? they bitch and moan about how bad this one or that one is..but look at the alternative! You will get OBAMA and a possible civil war with either death destruction, economic crash, dictatorship all the horrors of a modern day Hitler, YOU WANT that for your kids or grand kids? FINE stay home on election day. STOMP your feet because your candidate did not win the primary! KILL the country. Give it to Obama and his ilk to rape and ruin for generations to come if not forever more!. Let the Founders roll in their graves and weep at what we have done to let this Republic slip from the face of the earth, the shining light they created, go out because OUR GUY did not get picked to go against Obama...
VOTE HIM OUT, choose ANYONE to get him THE HELL OUT WHILE WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY! If not then do not even come on here and say how you care about your kids and worry about their future, because your pissing it away by petty squabbling about who we need to replace this petty dictator that is sitting in the Oval office taking up space, planning our great country's demise!

As bad as it sounds, it's POSSIBLE we'll be getting O. anyway. Guess that would depend on how the "Panthers" want to behave on election day. We know for a fact they can do whatever they want (voter intimidation) without consequences. Odds are pretty good those guys will be much worse this time around. Also depends on just how many DEAD people crawl out of their graves and cast a ballot that day. Probably lots will be doing this since O is polling pretty low.

When I said I'd vote for Paul in the Primary it did NOT mean he's always been my FIRST choice; he wasn't. A brokered convention probably is NOT going to happen, although it COULD.

We just need to VOTE REPUBLICAN in order to do the best we can to unseat the current occupant.


TB Fanatic
Anyone that does not vote for the Republican nominee should not complain when the democrap stays in. However popular Paul and Palin maybe they do not stand a chance in the general election. ABO.


Captain D

Senior Member
The goal of the left is to divide and conquer. If we don't all come together behind the GOP candidate we will get Obama again. The gay issue is just another way to divide us.

You are so right, Willow. Any other year, I would vote for the Libertarian or some other fringe candidate, but not this time. There is too much at stake. As bad as Romney may be, he is 1,000 times better than the alternative. Obama is having a great time dividing us with all these side issues and pitting us against each other. I won't fall for his tricks.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
As bad as it sounds, it's POSSIBLE we'll be getting O. anyway. Guess that would depend on how the "Panthers" want to behave on election day. We know for a fact they can do whatever they want (voter intimidation) without consequences. Odds are pretty good those guys will be much worse this time around. Also depends on just how many DEAD people crawl out of their graves and cast a ballot that day. Probably lots will be doing this since O is polling pretty low.

When I said I'd vote for Paul in the Primary it did NOT mean he's always been my FIRST choice; he wasn't. A brokered convention probably is NOT going to happen, although it COULD.

We just need to VOTE REPUBLICAN in order to do the best we can to unseat the current occupant.

better not be any Panthers at the polling places. if there are, and one peep out of them, they will be getting a shower of pepper spray (if not wasp spray...)...

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
Now I am another who will be voting for whoever it is that gets the Republican nomination. If it is Romney then so okay. Romney or anyone in my opinion is better then Obama by far. And a no vote to Romney with espicelly in some swing state is a vote FOR Obama. In my opinion, Obama has been the WORST president in the whole history of this country and he has to be voted out of office or we are done for. If you want to live in a Communist Socialist Oppressive State under tyranny then one not voting or voting for Obama, is voting for eaxctly thus to live under tyranny in a Communist State with Obama as a dictator for life in my opinion.

Now I have known many Mormons with living here in Wyoming. They are good people even though I disagree with them on prinicples of faith. Maybe Romney will be better then many conservatives might think after all, if he gets into office. And let's hope in the election that the Senate goes Republican also.

Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obediance To God!


Romney phrased his statement poorly, and clarified the next day that he meant that in most states, gay couples have a legal right to adopt children. His point was that this right to adopt children does not in itself constitute marriage. One more example of the media distorting a politician's message.


Computer Hacking Pirate
Romney supports endless war, the banksters, the police state, gun control, and abortion. He supports the patriot act, NDAA, and the war on drugs. He has repeatedly vowed in debates to violate his oath of office and undermine our Constitution.

The destruction of the U.S. is now complete - he will do nothing to roll it back . . . but he'll do much to advance it.

This is why I will not support him.

I will say this categorically . . . anyone who understands his declaration to undermine the Constitution, and still votes for him, is committing treason.

. . . You don't like these words? Too bad. It's about time we called a spade a spade.


The Computer Chyck
Hes fine with "gays" adopting childen. Any man that would turn a child over to sodomites will not get my vote. Yea I know Obama is even worse but I cannot in good conscience vote for such a man.


Hes AGAINST gay marriage but FOR innocent children being turned over to homosexuals.

Let he who be without sin cast the first stone (we all know where that one came from)

I've known gays who had more stable home situations than some of the "normal" folk. I'd prefer to see an unwanted child in that situation rather than an institution.

My goal? GET OBAMA OUT! As it should be for anybody. Anyone saying "well if it isn't for my guy then I ain't votin'" Congratulations you'd only have yourselves to blame when we're stuck w/ this b*stard for another 4 years. If Ron Paul gets the nomination? Ok he'll get my vote... If not? It will be the INDIVIDUAL who gets the Republican nomination.

I won't quibble with the if its not my game I'm taking my ball and going home - I WANT to see my republic saved!


On and On, South of Heaven
If everyone does not choose the alternative, you WILL get Obama... you may not like the alternative, but there will be a chance for the country, however small. The other way, you GET OBAMA, and with that the country dies! and the future of your children goes with it! cant people see that? they bitch and moan about how bad this one or that one is..but look at the alternative! You will get OBAMA and a possible civil war with either death destruction, economic crash, dictatorship all the horrors of a modern day Hitler, YOU WANT that for your kids or grand kids? FINE stay home on election day. STOMP your feet because your candidate did not win the primary! KILL the country. Give it to Obama and his ilk to rape and ruin for generations to come if not forever more!. Let the Founders roll in their graves and weep at what we have done to let this Republic slip from the face of the earth, the shining light they created, go out because OUR GUY did not get picked to go against Obama...
VOTE HIM OUT, choose ANYONE to get him THE HELL OUT WHILE WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY! If not then do not even come on here and say how you care about your kids and worry about their future, because your pissing it away by petty squabbling about who we need to replace this petty dictator that is sitting in the Oval office taking up space, planning our great country's demise!

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.

Ed Mix

Like it or not, we have a 2 party system. You either vote for the Republican nominee, or the Dem nominee, or you can vote for someone like Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, or some other third party candidate, and you will feel good about your vote all the way home, until the next morning when you see that Obama has been re-elected.

Stay at home in protest? That is a vote for Obama. Vote for a third party guy? That is a vote for Obama.
Democrats will vote for a sack of flem if it were the Dem nominee. Republicans and Independents, the ones with the brains, split our vote and often help elect the Dem because of it.

Don't shoot the messenger. That is just the facts. I will vote for Romney if he is the Republican nominee. I will even vote for Ron Paul if he is the Republican nominee, and neither one of those guys would be my first choice, but either one is by far better that O'.


Computer Hacking Pirate
Like it or not, we have a 2 party system. You either vote for the Republican nominee, or the Dem nominee, or you can vote for someone like Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, or some other third party candidate, and you will feel good about your vote all the way home, until the next morning when you see that Obama has been re-elected.

Stay at home in protest? That is a vote for Obama. Vote for a third party guy? That is a vote for Obama.
Democrats will vote for a sack of flem if it were the Dem nominee. Republicans and Independents, the ones with the brains, split our vote and often help elect the Dem because of it.

Don't shoot the messenger. That is just the facts. I will vote for Romney if he is the Republican nominee. I will even vote for Ron Paul if he is the Republican nominee, and neither one of those guys would be my first choice, but either one is by far better that O'.



Veteran Member
I'm in WV, it won't be close, Obama loses in a landslide (regardless of the other side of the ballot).

He has repeatedly vowed in debates to violate his oath of office and undermine our Constitution.

Can you expand on this? Thanks!



Computer Hacking Pirate
I'm in WV, it won't be close, Obama loses in a landslide (regardless of the other side of the ballot).

Can you expand on this? Thanks!


As an example. He said he would have signed NDAA.

There are many more instances. Such as his support for the patriot act and the Federal Reserve.


Membership Revoked
You have that right. I'm voting for the person that gets the Republican nonmination. Hopefully that person picks Ron Paul as his VP, but I'm not counting on it.

Maybe this will turn out like 2008 where many didn't vote for the RINO McCain but for Palin.


Membership Revoked
Like it or not, we have a 2 party system. You either vote for the Republican nominee, or the Dem nominee, or you can vote for someone like Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, or some other third party candidate, and you will feel good about your vote all the way home, until the next morning when you see that Obama has been re-elected.

Stay at home in protest? That is a vote for Obama. Vote for a third party guy? That is a vote for Obama.
Democrats will vote for a sack of flem if it were the Dem nominee. Republicans and Independents, the ones with the brains, split our vote and often help elect the Dem because of it.

Don't shoot the messenger. That is just the facts. I will vote for Romney if he is the Republican nominee. I will even vote for Ron Paul if he is the Republican nominee, and neither one of those guys would be my first choice, but either one is by far better that O'.

Your post is well written and thoughtful. I'd add (or counter) that if Romney does win this country won't improve since he has many of the same society killing views of bamma. At best Mitt is a RINO, but I believe he's just a little (and I do mean little) to the right of the Idiot n Chief (i.e. a dirty liberal). I don't believe Mitt has changed his dirty liberal views at all. I think he’ll just say what he needs to get elected. If he wins then this country will not get fixed, its problems will not be solved, the train wreck that is the USA will not be put back on the tracks.

This country is in its final death-roes, kinda like Rome was back in the day. Maybe it would be best to just watch it collapse under its own weight with the idea that you need to survive for the rebuild based on the greatest document ever created by humans--the constitution. Sure it'll need some tweaking so the dirty liberals and lawyers can't puck it up again. I think that's the future of the country.

For me I think I’ll vote for the one guy who can actually fix the countries problems once and for all: Grantbo the Benevolent Dictator.


Veteran Member
Kids aren't being adopted due to cost. I know of 4 families that would adopt today if it didn't cost them $50,000 per kid. The issue isn't husbands and wives don't want to adopt. It's coming up with $50K up front.



Veteran Member
Have you adopted an unwanted child or child born out of wedlock?

If the churches in general, and Christians in specific, had done their job the last 40 years we wouldn't have an abortion or an adoption problem.

The answer to your question is yes. However if it were no I would feel the same way.


Veteran Member
If a man who would turn CHILDREN over to homosexuals is the BEST American Conservatives can do NO THANKS. The America I remember is gone. Say hello to Mystery Babylon.

seeking one

Romney supports endless war, the banksters, the police state, gun control, and abortion. He supports the patriot act, NDAA, and the war on drugs. He has repeatedly vowed in debates to violate his oath of office and undermine our Constitution.

The destruction of the U.S. is now complete - he will do nothing to roll it back . . . but he'll do much to advance it.

This is why I will not support him.

I will say this categorically . . . anyone who understands his declaration to undermine the Constitution, and still votes for him, is committing treason.

. . . You don't like these words? Too bad. It's about time we called a spade a spade.

What about a link to the quote you mention above. I have been diligently following this campaign, and I never have read or heard that.


Anyone that does not vote for the Republican nominee should not complain when the democrap stays in. However popular Paul and Palin maybe they do not stand a chance in the general election. ABO.


Many polls have shown RP to beat Obama- in fact he is probably the only one who can because he also has support of disappointed Dems and independents.

Romney and Obama are twins in almost every major issue- just as O is pretty much W.

Second verse, same as the first.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I will be voting AGAINST Zero the Hero come November. I haven't decided exactly who that will be. Doesn't really matter. Illinois is a winner take all state. So thanks to the loons in Sh!tcago and the pocket of pestilence called East St. Louis, Zero the Hero will get all 20 of the electorial votes from Illinois. Sometimes (and a lot more frequently lately) it just sucks to live here. :(