Misc Where do you find good sources of cat foods recipes from scratch?


Senior Member
It is really getting hard to find dry or wet cat foods in central PA. All the grocery stores, pet stores, Amazon and Chewy are pretty much out of any cat foods. I see recipes for dog food from scratch here but nothing for cats? Is there any good sources I can go and look up cat food recipes? thank you for any help!


Perhaps the place to look is an actual Feline forum.
Vessie once gave me a link to one with a Vet, I'll see if I can find it.


Contributing Member
It is really getting hard to find dry or wet cat foods in central PA. All the grocery stores, pet stores, Amazon and Chewy are pretty much out of any cat foods. I see recipes for dog food from scratch here but nothing for cats? Is there any good sources I can go and look up cat food recipes? thank you for any help!
to post #!
if your cat is as finicky as mine ... Good Luck !
(any grilled meat seems to work,,, but the price !)


Disaster Cat
Best cat food recipe I know - our vet helped us figure it out over 20 years ago when "The Truck Didn't Come" with our then fancy special cat food...most of the expensive special diet dry foods are a mix of Brown Rice and chicken or turkey - sometimes with maize corn thrown in as a filler (read the labels).

Cat Slop (can also be people food with a fancy French Name)

Take boneless and skinless chicken (or take the cooked meat of a chicken but don't use bones or skin)

Cook for about 30 minutes to one hour in some water (you want to make broth as well as cook the meat)

Make a modest-sized pan of BROWN rice (in an emergency use white rice but the nutrition value isn't there)

Now throw into a food processor or blender chicken pieces (you may need to cut them up) some of the liquid (use your judgment) and about 1/2 to 1 cup of brown rice.

Pulse and run the food processor or blender until you have "slop" that's it, that's Cat Slop!

You can also mix lactose-free milk in for young kittens or elderly cats who need extra nutrition. If you have to use regular milk raw milk is easier for cats to digest, do not use much-pasturized milk except as a weak flavoring if you had no broth and had to liquidize the slap with water.

Most cats love this stuff, you can make it into kitty treat crunchies in a dehydrator if you need to.

Never feed COOKED chicken or poultry bones to cats they can choke on them, in a true crises situation my friend who is a vet in Sweden says to feed them raw chicken because those bones are safer, just like the bones of the little birdies they will eat.

For sick cats or young kittens, you can make "bone broth" from chicken or turkey just don't add any onions or garlic which are not good for cats, and make sure ALL the bones are fished out. Serve either as broth (even in a syringe) or in cat slop.


Contributing Member
This is the best site I have found for home feeding cats.., written by a vet named Dr Lisa Pierson. Maybe a bit tmi to start but well worth the time reading - cat food recipe is a ways down the page.
