CHAT What was the worst food you had to eat as a kid


Drop side of yonder
Oh, for sure it was the Brussels sprouts but Mom would just boil em ', not long enough even if you were tempted to try

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Want good spinach? Mince up a bunch of fresh garlic. Toss it in a skillet in butter over medium heat until it lightly browns. Toss in fresh spinach and sauté until it’s wilted and coated with butter. Use Lawry’s season salt to taste. Total cook time about 5 minutes. Enjoy! You’ll never look at spinach the same way again. It’s particularly good as a side to fresh salmon.


Veteran Member
Tossup between burnt jellied moose nose and beef fat.
We were expected to eat what was put in front of us as children. Someone had us over for dinner and served steak, and I tried to trim the fat, but caught my mother’s eye, so I settled for trying to swallow a large piece without chewing. Didn’t end well, it got stuck and I came very close to choking.


Veteran Member
If there was such a thing I would hide it in my napkin and throw it away when my mom came back to the table and left. I am still really picky about what I eat.

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
Want good spinach? Mince up a bunch of fresh garlic. Toss it in a skillet in butter over medium heat until it lightly browns. Toss in fresh spinach and sauté until it’s wilted and coated with butter. Use Lawry’s season salt to taste. Total cook time about 5 minutes. Enjoy! You’ll never look at spinach the same way again. It’s particularly good as a side to fresh salmon.
I like spinach anyway, but that sounds positively delicious!


Veteran Member
Oh, for sure it was the Brussels sprouts but Mom would just boil em ', not long enough even if you were tempted to try
Hated brussel sprouts as a kids. My grandfather always grew them and ate them 1 way. My grandmother boiled them until they were mushy gray lumps and the water was green. Yuck. Now I saute them in a pan and love them but not Nanas.


Knuckle Dragger
Hated brussel sprouts as a kids. My grandfather always grew them and ate them 1 way. My grandmother boiled them until they were mushy gray lumps and the water was green. Yuck. Now I saute them in a pan and love them but not Nanas.

Not a big fan either.

Ok if split and put in a tinfoil boat, with gobs of butter, on the grill.


passin' thru
Or roasted in olive oil- they're fine (Brussel sprouts)

Can't believe so many of us struggled with the lowly lil Green Bean! That was the first thing I couldn't eat, until my lil six year old self landed in the hospital, and a nice aide spent some time cajoling me into it by adding "just the right amount of salt and a sprinkle of pepper" Now, I throw em in a pot with some onion, garlic and bacon and maybe new taters, make a few loaves of Italian sourdough n homemade butter, and call it a feast.

Goulash is the one dish that I simple, inexplicably, cannot stand. No reason for it. Meat. Tomato. Garlic. Onion. Pepper. yummy. Goulash? :kk1::kk1::kk1:
I've tried a number of different recipes than that my step dad used, but it all turned out the same.


Saved, to glorify God.
My Germsn grandma didnt throw anything away! Especially FOOD!

I was about 7 years old, and One day we went to visit her and we got up early and for whatever reason we didnt eat breakfast. Mama gave me some blsck licorice to eat during the 60 mile trip. My sister didn't like black licorice so she did without as thats all there was.

in my entire childhood, i never ate ar a restraunt with my parents, we just never stopped there. Not even fast food when drive-ins became popular in the late 50's.
I Got the feeling that it was a terrible waste
of money when you had something at home to eat. Well, we finally got to grandma's we were ravenous, but it wasn't time for lunch yet so the grown ups talked and drank coffee till lunch time.

In came my step grandpa with the panfish he had caught om that hot dsy. Grandma started cleaning the little palm sized fish and exclaims There's CAVIAR IN THESE FISH! Well we knew those fish had been lsying in the bottom of the rowboat with grandpa for hours as he drank beer. Grandma offered the fish eggs to my mom, she didnt want any, neither did my dad who said he'd wait for the fish. I think my little sister went and hid so she wouldnt havc to eat the sunfish and bluegill eggs but big dumb me, i got talked into eating two spoons of the RAW Panfish eggs.

We ate lunch, at least they ate. I didnt feel so good. Shortly afterwards we got back in the car for the ride home. And about 5 miles from grandma's I THREW UP, BLACK LICORICE AND RAW FISH EGGS. They must have Multiplied, because I threw up all the way home. It seemed like gallons of fish eggs.
( you dont cook caviar do you?)
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TB Fanatic
My Germsn grandma didnt throw anything away! Especially FOOD!

I was about 7 years old, and One day we went to visit her and we got up early and for whatever reason we didnt eat breakfast. Mama gave me some blsck licorice to eat during the 60 mile trip. My sister didn't like black licorice so she did without as thats all there was.

in my entire childhood, i never ate ar a restraunt with my parents, we just never stopped there. Not even fast food when drive-ins became popular in the late 50's.
I Got the feeling that it was a terrible waste
of money when you had something at home to eat. Well, we finally got to grandma's we were ravenous, but it wasn't time for lunch yet so the grown ups talked and drank coffee till lunch time.

In came my step grandpa with the panfish he had caught om that hot dsy. Grandma started cleaning the little palm sized fish and exclaims There's CAVIAR IN THESE FISH! Well we knew those fish had been lsying in the bottom of the rowboat with grandpa for hours as he drank beer. Grandma offered the fish eggs to my mom, she didnt want any, neither did my dad who said he'd wait for the fish. I think my little sister went and hid so she wouldnt havc to eat the sunfish and bluegill eggs but big dumb me, i got talked into eating two spoons of the RAW Panfish eggs.

We ate lunch, at least they ate. I didnt feel so good. Shortly afterwards we got back in the car for the ride home. And about 5 miles from grandma's I THREW UP, BLACK LICORICE AND RAW FISH EGGS. They must have Multiplied, because I threw up all the way home. It seemed like gallons of fish eggs.
( you dont cook caviar do you?)
Oh gosh.
What a horrible story.

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
My Germsn grandma didnt throw anything away! Especially FOOD!

I was about 7 years old, and One day we went to visit her and we got up early and for whatever reason we didnt eat breakfast. Mama gave me some blsck licorice to eat during the 60 mile trip. My sister didn't like black licorice so she did without as thats all there was.

in my entire childhood, i never ate ar a restraunt with my parents, we just never stopped there. Not even fast food when drive-ins became popular in the late 50's.
I Got the feeling that it was a terrible waste
of money when you had something at home to eat. Well, we finally got to grandma's we were ravenous, but it wasn't time for lunch yet so the grown ups talked and drank coffee till lunch time.

In came my step grandpa with the panfish he had caught om that hot dsy. Grandma started cleaning the little palm sized fish and exclaims There's CAVIAR IN THESE FISH! Well we knew those fish had been lsying in the bottom of the rowboat with grandpa for hours as he drank beer. Grandma offered the fish eggs to my mom, she didnt want any, neither did my dad who said he'd wait for the fish. I think my little sister went and hid so she wouldnt havc to eat the sunfish and bluegill eggs but big dumb me, i got talked into eating two spoons of the RAW Panfish eggs.

We ate lunch, at least they ate. I didnt feel so good. Shortly afterwards we got back in the car for the ride home. And about 5 miles from grandma's I THREW UP, BLACK LICORICE AND RAW FISH EGGS. They must have Multiplied, because I threw up all the way home. It seemed like gallons of fish eggs.
( you dont cook caviar do you?)
I've caught lots of bluegill/sunfish, I've never seen eggs in any of them!

Capt. Senile

Contributing Member
We had something called a Daisy Ham. It was reddish, and was all the leftover parts of the pig, (meat, fat, beaks and claws) all shredded and formed into a narrow football shape. Makes me gag just to remember it.


We used to catch pan fish full of eggs every spring at our family's lake cottage in NW Wisconsin.

I call the little hams made of pressed-together pieces "Spa-ham" Ick! If I wanted to eat fat, gristle and goosh, I'd just not trim slices of real ham! I was forced to eat Spam only once when I was a kid and I sliced it almost thin enough to see through and then fried it as crisp as well done bacon.


Saved, to glorify God.
Lima beans stick to yer ribs. You feel like you ate some FOOD, NOT LIKE A SALAD.

HAM and lima beans fuel a man for a days work. Serve some applesauce, coleslaw, and hot homemade biscuits n honey with it and you got a meal.


Finally not a lurker!
Lima beans stick to yer ribs. You feel like you ate some FOOD, NOT LIKE A SALAD.

HAM and lima beans fuel a man for a days work. Serve some applesauce, coleslaw, and hot homemade biscuits n honey with it and you got a meal.
Do you know what ham and lima beans were called in c rations? Ham and m*********** fs


Veteran Member
The bunny I got for Easter :(. My Dad was a farm boy, and thought nothing of butchering an animal when it got full size. When I couldn’t find my bunny after school, he said he took it to a farm because he was getting too big to keep. When I said that I wanted to go to the farm to see it, he had to fess up. A few days later we had rabbit for supper. I knew it didn’t come from the store!


Contributing Member
My Dad's Ham Salad.
All I can say is that he LOVED him some pickle relish...
Lots of pickle relish!!!
Shudder n' shake.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Aintitfunny your German grandmother sounds like my grandfather who was cheaper than cheap. Widowed for as long as I remember since 6, he shopped at the "Day old bakery" for bread which even as a kid, I "strongly" suspected that bread was more than a day old because it was stale as stale could be. :hmm: No problem for him though. He just made it into Milktoast!!! Actually, that turned out pretty good because he let us sprinkle two heaping spoonfuls of sugar on top. (Of course that good taste was negated when he would put buttermilk in our glasses.)

Thank goodness I wasn't a coffee drinker while he was alive because he used to make "cowboy coffee" which was grounds dumped into an aluminum saucepan and boiling water. He just poured it out in his cup and waited for the grounds to settle. One day around 13, I went to clean his kitchen and was going to dump the 3/4 filled pan of packed grounds out to wash but he stopped me saying there was still some room in it and it was still good!! Evidently, he just left it in there and added water and grounds to it until it filled up??? :eek: