ILL IMM ‘We’re Just Waiting for Another 9/11’: Migrants Buy Fake Green Cards, Social Security ID from NYC Gangs

‘We’re Just Waiting for Another 9/11’: Migrants Buy Fake Green Cards, Social Security ID from NYC Gangs​

27 Marvin Joseph/The The Washington Post via Getty Images
Olivia Rondeau9 Mar 202410


Black market fake green cards and social security identification are being openly hawked to illegal migrants on the streets of New York City, a report revealed.

Criminals linked to MS-13 and other gangs have been spotted selling the fabricated documents this week in Queens, the New York Post reported.

At least ten men were selling the bogus cards for $80 to $250 while “camped out in broad daylight at four corners along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens,” according to the outlet.

Roy Fenoff, an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at the Citadel, South Carolina, said the documents grant migrants access to almost everything a citizen has.

“Once people have these fake cards, they can work, they can travel, they can access a lot of aspects and services in the United States,” he said. “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.”

Venezuelan migrants wait in a line to get paperwork to be admitted to shelters at a migrant processing center on May 9, 2023, in Denver, Colorado (Helen H. Richardson/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty),

While the social security cards are fake, the numbers can belong to real U.S. citizens.

“If I’m using a social security number that’s of another person, and then I’m committing crimes, and I’m using [their] name, you potentially have warrants out there for innocent people’s arrest, because you don’t really know who this person was,” Fenoff said.
Bruce Foucart, a former special agent in charge of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) investigations in New England, also said the fake identification cards could be utilized by someone with dark intentions.

With fake IDs, illegal migrants could “load up a truck with bombs … and bring it underneath the Holland Tunnel and create something major and disastrous,” Foucart warned.

“For someone that wants to do terrorist activity or is a national security threat, it’s easy to establish this second life within the US,” he said.
“I guarantee right now, we’re just waiting for another 9/11.”
A police source told the Post that the Roosevelt Avenue hawkers are affiliated with the 18th Street gang as well as MS-13.
“It’s big business,” the source said.

Roosevelt Avenue is known to law enforcement as the “East Coast epicenter” for fake identification documents, the Post added.
“If they’re doing social security number [sic] and nobody says s–t, next time it’ll be weapons and passports,” one local resident and shop employee on the avenue said. “Everyone can do what they want now.”

“People from other boroughs are coming specifically to this area to get the IDs, all the new migrants are coming here,” another resident said.

Illegal aliens can even skirt past criminal charges by giving fake identities to law enforcement.
“If they’ve never been fingerprinted before, under their fake name they can get arrested five, six, seven, eight times… and they themselves would never have a record,” said John Cutter, retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division.
“With fake IDs, they become [a] ghost, so they become more emboldened and more willing to break the law and potentially do something that’s really serious,” he added.
The brother of Jose Antonio Ibarra, the illegal migrant who allegedly killed 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley, has been charged with allegedly possessing a fake green card, which he used to get a job at the University of Georgia.

Jose Antonio Ibarra (Clarke County Sheriff’s Office)

Diego Ibarra, 29, was taken into custody by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office after being fired from his dishwasher job at one of the school’s dining halls upon refusing to provide additional identifying documents, Breitbart News reported.
Diego has “been linked to a brutal Venezuelan gang,” according to the New York Post.

Kathy in FL

The fake social security numbers, fake green cards, etc. have been going on as long as there have been illegals. It is only places like NYC that are suddenly figuring out what is going on.

Remember when they first instituted the I-9's something like 40 years ago? Yeah. It was going on way back then.


Veteran Member
After 8 years of Clinton and Gore didn't win=911

After 8 years of Obama and Hillary didnt win=2 Impeachment, Covid and Color Revolution

After 4 years of OBiden and if he doesn't win=???
I think they’ll unleash a much deadlier virus that will make Covid look like a cakewalk.
They need to eliminate a lot of people. And, maybe lock down entire towns. That’s where these ILLEGAL lawbreakers will come in to join the military and work here domestically for the government. Of course, I also think what’s next already has a cure and it’s ready and on standby for the deepstate so they won’t die from it.


Don't screw with an engineer
I have Guatemalans now living next door (there is about 15 of them) in a normal sized house. supposedly plumbers. they are not friendly. I hate their roosters - noisy- .
this is a city not a farm or village in Guat.
On our little dead-end street, the Hispanics don't make for good neighbors. They are noisy and inconsiderate. The two houses with actual families park cars on the street. The father of one of those families drives his trucks through his neighbor's front yard when it's muddy. I can hardly wait for warm weather to bring mariachi music blasting.

Oddly, the house at the end of the street with 8+ cars and God knows how many occupants is actually pretty quiet and usually park their cars and trucks off the street.


Veteran Member
At least ten men were selling the bogus cards for $80 to $250 while “camped out in broad daylight at four corners along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens,”

this is just part of the plan----if it wasn't the government would stop it and the process that led to it

embrace the suck---it is coming----a mostly peaceful insurrection


Veteran Member
The fake social security numbers, fake green cards, etc. have been going on as long as there have been illegals. It is only places like NYC that are suddenly figuring out what is going on.

Remember when they first instituted the I-9's something like 40 years ago? Yeah. It was going on way back then.
This has been a known practice in nyc for decades. Nothing is done. An arrest here and there but nothing significant. If they have paperwork, no one looks too hard. A nod and wink thing. Thank you chamber of commerce. Anything for a profit.


Dot Collector


Dot Collector
30% of Democrats are hard-core Leftists that still support JoeBama's bloody, violent and destructive border and immigration 'win by any means necessary'.

Expect that number to grow as Democrats import tens of millions more unvetted foreign combatant criminals coming from every depraved crevasse on the face of the earth.

"It's more about politics rather than the safety and security of the American people," says @BPUnion head Brandon Judd.

"[Democrats] want OPEN BORDERS!"
RT 30secs
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Dot Collector

When Democrats create broken policies that Bankrupts their BLUE cities. Their sElected surrogates in DC fund their destruction with the Independent Middle Classes Tax Dollars OR they purposefully run the US NATIONAL DEBT up $30-40 Trillion dollars. In turn making everything unsustainable...ALL BY DESIGN!​

JoeBama wants $13 Billion from Congress for Migrants and BLUE Sanctuary Cities


The 2025 funding is being requested by two pro-migration cabinet members — Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkas, the Cuba-born head of the Department of Homeland Security.

2023 was already $533 billion through back door channels and EO’s, and 9.2 Billion to NGO’s. In any other period this would be impeachment level stuff. The left has full legal and agency capture to support devastating levels of corruption and the resultant harm to the country.


Veteran Member
C'mon, Breitbart, it's not, "immigrants, " it's Illegal Aliens!! Dammit, people, get it right.
I think the truest name for them is INVADERS!

1. They break our laws the instant they cross the border.

2. Their intent is to take resources from those that are legal citizens.

3. They’re never going to assimilate into our culture nor do the wish to do so.

No doubt our enemies have sent agents of bad will into this country who intend harm to this country.

It’s not an IF it happens, the only question is WHEN


Dot Collector
Outline of how things changed...

With Obama using Biden as a puppet, he can do things he wanted to do in 2009-2016 but was too cowardly to do.


He prefers to be in the shadows and not get the blame, like a coward.


But open borders, Israel hate, war on energy, trying to start a race war. Its all Obama



Democrat's views on Illegal Immigration Pre-Obama Era 2005-2008:

Joe Biden on illegal immigration while he was running for president in 2008. "We need more border control"
RT 2min

Nancy Pelosi on Illegal Immigration:
MUST WATCH. 2005. Nancy Pelosi preaches about border security and criticizes the Bush Admin for not enforcing immigration laws. These politicians just keep playing us.
RT 2min

Chuck Schumer on Illegal Immigration:
What changed? Why the sudden change of heart and thinking? You think we’ve forgotten about what you said
RT 1min

Tosca Austen:

The goal is amnesty for millions and without limit. Same as it’s been from 2008 under Obama.

How to betray voters w a smile.

Break the immigration system.
Create the problem,
Complain about border chaos on FoxNews.
Ignore your base.
Keep silent in Congress to aid the Biden era 10 million + illegal aliens that crush US taxpayers.

Import third world crime—the unavoidable consequence of bipartisan complacency.

Look away from the surge of NGO caravans. The thundering herd of UN inspired human traffickers, the clever drug cartels who use drones to monitor the U.S. border to criminal advantage, to gauge when the weaponry can slide across the border, in the arms of the DHS unvetted.

Come one, come all. Keep your eye on the uniparty prize:
Amnesty for millions and then millions more will come legally, and without ceasing.

The plan all along.

It won’t get better, it’s about to get much worse. Legally worse and with the aid of bipartisan tools. RINOS in blue ties who are about to be rewarded ($) for shoving through amnesty on their resistant base.

Like it or not, RINO sellouts are set to cut the Schumer deal.

Repopulate the oh-too-pale America with appropriately hued third world aliens.

Dilute the workforce wages to appease chamber of commerce, business round table donors.

Under the amnesty or bust direction of a shadow president and Joe the blind, and the aid of a few “decent Republicans”,
not those evil MAGA extremists, a border deal is in the works.

It’s a deal to benefit politicians and the worst president in the modern era.

It won’t be a “deal” for U.S. crime prevention, culture, traditions, safety, and national sovereignty.


BREAKING AT THE WHITE HOUSE: President Biden EXPLODES, says Republicans are preventing him from securing the border, "If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill and I will sign it," he said. In a statement five minutes ago, Biden wrote, "For too long, we all know the border’s been broken.

"It’s long past time to fix it. "That’s why two months ago, I instructed my team to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group of Senators to seriously, and finally, address the border crisis. For weeks now that’s what they’ve done. Working around the clock, through the holidays, and over weekends.

"Let’s be clear.

"What’s been negotiated would – if passed into law – be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country. "It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed.

And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.

"Further, Congress needs to finally provide the funding I requested in October to secure the border. This includes an additional 1,300 border patrol agents, 375 immigration judges, 1,600 asylum officers, and over 100 cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect and stop fentanyl at our southwest border. "Securing the border through these negotiations is a win for America. "For everyone who is demanding tougher border control, this is the way to do it. "If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill and I will sign it."
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Dot Collector
Outline of how things changed...
Here's another Communist Democrat's immigration feelings before Trump got elected and found the majority of Americans no longer shared their Marxist values...

2015: Bernie Sanders calls Open Borders policy a “right wing proposal."

Says mass immigration would “make everybody in America poorer” and “do away with the concept of a nation state."

Amazing. This wasn’t that long ago.
RT 1min