(unex) Planned ' Alien Threat'


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IMPORTANT!!! Kissenger and others have PLANNED an 'ALIEN THREAT' scenario for CONTROL for some time now. This may also be how the anti-christ is brought in, ie as a 'friendly intelligent Alien here to help. Understand the principle of REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY and how the military expects you to BELIEVE in UFOs when they DENY them but leave flimsy LOUSY evidence, blurred photos, denials threaten witnesses etc.

Texe Marrs also has talked about the Catholics setting up their people to look for a
"sign in the heavens" to confirm their next Pope as their MESSIAH! His website is: http://www.texemarrs.com Below is a quick compilation of Blue Beam sites and RECENT
UFO sightings that I think ARE Blue Beam PROJECTIONS. If you truly want to WARN
people especially Christians. Think about this: "And I shall give them STRONG DELUSION
that they shall believe a LIE and be DAMNED!" You can see how insidious this is when you
realize that tiny BIOCHIPS are being implanted under the GUISE of FLU and other vaccines.
Beware of Art Bell! I truly feel he's working for the bad guys and he may try to steer you
AWAY from getting this information out. What I've found works best with talk show hosts is
to LAY YOUR FOUNDATION first then HIT them with the punchline. Tell the listening audience
they should use their web search engines to look for PROJECT BLUE BEAM then relate what
you know about it. I truly believe the COVERT purpose for all the CHEMTRAILS is to lay down
a projector screen FOR the Blue Beam laser sattelite projectors. For this reason, I'm also sending you my e-mail compilation on CHEMTRAIL websites too. This way you can be WELL INFORMED if Art tries to pin you down! I'm also sending information on the MIND-CONTROL links because it
has information on some of the BIOCHIP MK-DELTA projects there. These are being used NOW to
create "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES" out of kids and other victims. Getting them to SHOOT people like at the SCHOOLS and Fort Worth Texas to PUSH THE GUN CONTROL AGENDA.
This is the exact SAME technology that will be used with Project Blue Beam. This is also VERY
important to let Art's listeners to hear. They've heard it before, but if MILLIONS of people are made
plainly AWARE that Clinton and his U.N. SATANIC buddies have SACRIFICED our kids to push
the gun control....I think we can turn it around on them! Feel free to contact me further if you have
ANY questions. I have been putting out information newsLINKS daily and will send them to you if you WANT them. Let me know!


What is the Blue Beam Project? http://www.trufax.org/hotmail/blue.html

"I saw a picture on the Internet, that a pilot took from a plane, of Jesus formed in a cloud--probably what is referred to above. Hatonn has warned us of this in the past, but this is a good description and it's time for a reminder so we don't get suckered into the NWO trap. WE HAVE MANY DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE 'CLOUDS' [JP8] (JP8 is the JET FUEL) FORMED BY OUR MILITARY FOR ABOUT A YEAR,

I believe the answer to this is YES YES YES!!!! Let's go through what ELSE this site says!:

.It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the re-emgerence of the new "MONTAUK"-type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a 'rapture' type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land. Ironically, portions of the holographic projections have the potential for changing the planet into one-ness with God. Unfortunately, this operates on the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and control other Men and dictate all actions and thoughts.
The calculated resistence to the new religion, the New World Order and the new "Messiah" will entail human loss on a massive scale in the ensuing "holy wars". The "BLUE BEAM PROJECT" will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old; as major an event as that which took place 2000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a holographic projection screen for space-based laser-generating satellites [star wars]. These projectors will project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet, in every language by region. It deals with the religious aspect of the New World Order. The system has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "Christ Image" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of aliens, monsters, angles--you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show- and-tell. Holography is based on very nearly identical signals combining to produce image, or hologram, with depth perception. This is equally applicate to acoustic [ELF, VLF, LF] waves as it is optical phenomena. Specifically, the "show" will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the planet, each receiving different images according to the predominating regional religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded.

(Remember in the movie "Men In Black" when Tommy Lee Jones wanted to know something, he checked the 'Hot Sheets' the TABLOIDS!! Something everybody is CONDITIONED to ignore!! Now, most of it truly IS CRAP, but the best place to HIDE something is ...where? In PLAIN SIGHT!)

With computer animation and sound affects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness. The various images of Christ, Mohammed, Buddba, Krishna, etc., will merge into ONE after "correct explanation" of the mysteries, prophecies and revelations are disclosed. This "ONE GOD" will in fact function as the Anti-Christ", who will "explain" that the various scriptures "have been misunderstood"--that the religious of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation--that the religions of the world must be abolished to make way for the GOLDEN AGE [NEW AGE] of the One World Religion, representing the One God they see before them. (Throught PEACE he shall destroy MANY!)
Naturally, this superbly staged, full-scale production will result in social and religious disorder on a massive scale. Wonder what the television trans- mitters of religious networks will be doing on that day? But before all this, they have to go through four different steps in order to get to Project Blue Beam. 1: The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with staging earthquakes at certain precise locations around the planet where supposed new "discoveries" will finally explain [for them] that the meaning of the basic doctrines of all the world's major religions are "wrong". This falsification will be used to make the population believe that all religious doctrine has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. The falsification started with the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the TV-series STAR TREK, the STAR WARS films, E.T., all of which deal with space "invasion" and "protection".
JURASSIC PARK was to push the theory of evolution. 2: The second step deals with the gigantic space show: 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, each receiving a different image, according to its predetermined original national religious faith. This new "god" image will talk in all languages. As an example, the Soviets have manufactured the advanced computers and have programmed them with the minute psycho- logical particles based upon their studies of the anatomy and biology of the human body, as well as their studies on the anatomy, chemistry and electricity of the human brain. These computers have also been fed with the different languages of the world. 3: The third step deals with the telepathic electronic two-way communi- cations, where ELF [Extra Low Frequency], VLF [Low Frequency] waves will reach the people of the Earth through the insides of their brains, making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his own soul. Such rays, from satellites, are fed from the memory of computers that store much data about the human being and his languages. These rays will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking processes to form what we call the ARTIFICIAL TALK. 4: The fourth step involves universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means. This step contains three different orientations: The first one is to make mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to occur upon every major city on the Earth. This is to push each major nation into using its nuclear capability to strike back. In this manner, it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament before the United Nations after the false attack. (We are seeing this NOW!! Recently in New Zealand, China and Millstadt Illinois!!!)

Flying Object Is Still Unidentified http://www.latimes.com/news/asection/20000118/t000005495.html
(Pushed and ENHANCED by NWO idiots like Rosie O'Donnel recently. See how they work??)

The second is to make the "Christian" believe that a major rapture is occuring, with a simple "played" divine intervention of an alleged "good" alien force coming to save the good people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the NEW WORLD ORDER. The third orientation is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves [frequencies] used at that time will allow supernatural forces through fiber optics cable, coaxial cable, electric and telephone lines in order to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances that will by then all have a special microchip installed. The goal of this step deals with the materialization of satanic ghosts, spectres, and poltergiests all across the globe in order to push all populations to the edge of a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder. After that night of the THOUSAND STARS, HUMANITY IS BELIEVED TO BE READY FOR THEM TO ENTER IN A "NEW MESSIAH" TO REESTABLISH PEACE EVERYWHERE AT ANY COST, EVEN AT THE COST OF FREEDOM. Aloha, He 'ping, Om, Shalom, Salaam. Em Hotep, Peace Be, Omnia Bona Bonis, All My Relations. Adieu, Adios, Aloha, Amen. Roads End Kris [end quoting]
(Remember George Bush's "Thousand Points of Light"?? And you want NWO Jr. to be Pres.??)\

Biochips are probably being INSTALLED with FLU and other SHOTS now for the audio receiving portion of this HOAX. Do NOT take them! Encourage others NOT to take them. If anybody says they are 'HEARING VOICES' in their head....do NOT dismiss it! Find out what THEY said!!

The CHEMTRAILS are being spread GLOBALLY!!! We've gotten used to seeing this and the controversy has only muddled the issue. I believe this is for the LASER PROJECTIONS!!!
If you've ever SEEN a laser show, alcholic SPRAY is used so you can SEE the laser beams!
This is the REAL PURPOSE for the CHEMTRAIL Clouds people! SPREAD THE WORD far and wide! These SCUM have spent BILLIONS on this LIE, let's make it USELESS TO THEM!!
We all REALLY need to make contact with FOREIGN countries and get this info to them NOW!!

Expanded, FLASH RADAR: http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/flashradar/FLASH2011.htm and http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/flashradar/FLASH2013.html

ART BELL: Nick Begich, HAARP, plasma torpedoes, mind control, memory transplant,
Tesla tech (Real Audio: Second Hour) http://www.artbell.com/audio.html
(While this LINK is good, art's website no longer archives more than 1 month)

FLASH RADAR: PROJECT BLUE BEAM http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/flashradar/PROJECT-BLUE-BEAM.htm
(This link is GOOD)

DIS-information site providing COVER for Govt. biochip implant VICTIMS! http://www.alienscalpel.com/

These next few sites show how Motorola, Argonne Labs and RUSSIA are working TOGETHER to make BIOCHIPS. While these show a lot of MEDICAL uses, we are working WITH RUSSIA on this stuff! There's a LOT here. Check out the psychops site!

Try this too: http://www.psychops.com

http://www.anl.gov:80/OPA/news99/news991019.htm Argonne home page || Argonne
\ARGONNE, Ill. (October 19,
1999) - A new biochip technology
developed by Russian and American scientists URL: http://www.anl.gov:80/OPA/news99/news991019.htm

If you goto THIS URL: http://www.anl.gov/opa/news98 you will be able
to enter in a search parameter. Enter BIOCHIP and you'll get 163 hits like
this one:
Argonne Technology Transfer - Biochip What is the project's goal? Who are
the partners and what
special capabilities does each provide? What roles will Packard, Argonne and
Motorola play? What specific...
URL: http://www.techtransfer.anl.gov:80/techtour/biochipfaq.html http://www.techtransfer.anl.gov:80/techtour/biochipfaq.html