TRUMP TRANSITION 'UNDER BUDGET!' Will RETURN 20% of Unused Costs to Treasury!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns

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UNDER BUDGET: Trump Team to Return 20% of Unused Transition Costs to Treasury
January 19, 2017 By Rufus Shinra

With the official swearing in of Donald Trump less than 24 hours away, the president-elect is wasting no time following up on his campaign promise to reduce government spending and start completing projects “under budget”.

Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer held a briefing with reporters today to deliver an update on the transition process and readiness of the president-elect to take office. He started by introducing Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who told reporters that the process has been completed “on schedule and under budget”.

“We will actually return some 20 percent of taxpayer funding back to the U.S. Treasury, and that is exactly in keeping with the president-elect’s expectations going forward,” Pence said. He continued by stating that Trump knew how to “sharpen his pencil” (despite how mainstream reporters have been portraying him) and they are pleased to announce they will be returning a portion of the taxpayer money allocated for their transition costs back to the U.S. Treasury.

With the outgoing Obama administration accumulating more national debt than all previous presidents combined, when was the last time you heard about the government actually giving back taxpayer money to the treasury department? Something tells me if this were Hillary Clinton’s transition team, they would have found a way to spend those extra dollars (or pocket the funds themselves).


TB Fanatic
Sounds like the wins just keep on comin' on......20% return on expenditures ain't half bad!


Based on the fiscal 2017 congressional budget, GSA has been allocated $7 million to support the president-elect after the fall election. The post-election support provides the president-elect’s team with funding for staff, consultants and postage in addition to printing, travel, communication and continuing use of the pre-election office space. It is important to note that the outgoing administration requires support in its transition; $2.5 million has been allocated to GSA for this purpose.

Be Well

may all be well
Curious what that 20% comes to?

Based on the fiscal 2017 congressional budget, GSA has been allocated $7 million to support the president-elect after the fall election. The post-election support provides the president-elect’s team with funding for staff, consultants and postage in addition to printing, travel, communication and continuing use of the pre-election office space. It is important to note that the outgoing administration requires support in its transition; $2.5 million has been allocated to GSA for this purpose.

20% of $7 million?


Res ipsa loquitur
UNDER BUDGET: Trump Team to Return 20% of Unused Transition Costs to Treasury

now ^^^THAT^^^ is textbook Trump - gud on ye Donald



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hope the transition team will return ALL of the unused money to the Treasury Department, not just 20% of the unused money.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I hope they kept back a little to give the WH a good cleaning, top to bottom!


On TB every waking moment
I hope the transition team will return ALL of the unused money to the Treasury Department, not just 20% of the unused money.

They are. They used 80% of the allotted funds and are returning the remaining 20% of the funds.


Veteran Member
Trump Team to Return 20% of Unused Transition Costs to Treasury

Terrible headline. Reading further, one sees Trump will return ALL the unused funds, not a mere "20% of unused funds." That's what a democrat would do, send a portion of the unused funds back. Somebody's been reading too much CNN slime speak.


Came This Far
The Offical National Debt at this time


This is from the governments debt website.