[tip] Laundry Soap Tip!


Crash Test Dummy
Okay does anyone other than me do this??? The cashier at the grocery store yesterday found this information fascinating. I thought it was just logic. I buy Era or Surf for the heavy soiled items like work clothes, jeans, play clothes and such. (Allergies to Tide and some others in family so I only use these two.) I also buy the cheap 2 for $5 Laundry soaps on sale for $2 each usually for the towels, sheets, pj's and stuff that really doesn't get too dirty to warrant using the expensive stain/ordor removing ones, the stuff that just needs to be cleaned. This cuts down on the cost of the laundry soaps and the clothes and stuff all still gets really clean.

After the response from the woman at the store I figured this may be a good tip for someone using the high end stuff for all their clothes. I've been doing this for years and was really surprised that something so simple wasn't being done by others. So this is a just for what its worth tip for the day......

Anyone else have some money savings tips they use that may not be common knowledge also to add to this one, please do so.....



Crash Test Dummy
I do this same thing!!!!!!! and if I run out of preway treater stuff, I use the high end laundry in the spray bottle .

every third load of whites, gets a 30 minute soak bath with bleach and bluing.

I lost the recipe I had for laundry soap pre y2k...it had a bar of ivory soap, and washing soda and something else, and there was a way you had to add it together in certain order, I can't find that recipe any where, and the batch I made lasted a good many months!


Crash Test Dummy
I had that recipe too although I never tried it. I'll bet it could be found in either Abundant Livings or Hyatt's archives though.... I'll have to look.


Crash Test Dummy
Found it at Mrs. Survival:

Member Posts: 1
From: rio rancho, nm, usa
Registered: Oct 2000
posted October 07, 2000 10:16 PM

I don't buy laundry soap at all any more. You all taught me last year how to do it and I love it. thanks.
For those of you who do not want to waste the money, here is how I do it.Grate 2 bars of Ivory. It is really easy coz ivory is soft. Put the gratings in an empty plastic laundry soap bucket. Add a pitcher or two of hot tap water. Stir till you think it is disolved. Fill the rest of the way with hot water. Add one cup of Borax or any laundry booster and stir well. In a few hours it will gel. Works well.

There was on on the Hyatt site, but not the ivory one....


Crash Test Dummy
This is something that I am goin to try:

Homemade Laundry Soap

Bar of Ivory Soap (plain, pure soap, to fragrance, etc.)
1 Cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (not baking soda)

Grate the bar of soap into a saucepan. Use the part on the cheese grater that is for hard cheeses and chocolate. Add sufficient water to cover the soap about 2 inches. Let it soak up the water overnight. (This step is not essential, but will make it much easier to melt the soap.

Fill a large bucket or container with hot tap water. (I use a 3 gallon
bucket leftover from dishwashing detergent). Set aside.
Grate bar of soap into a sauce pan. Add water just to cover. Heat,
stirring constantly, until soap is dissolved. Add soap/water mixture to
the hot water in the bucket. Stir to combine. Then (do not reverse
this order) add 1 cup of Washing Soda and stir. As this cools it will
turn into a bucket full of white gelatinous soap (thickness depends on
size of bucket used).

To use, I put two cups into a full load of laundry. Sometimes (when I
think of it) I add a handful of baking soda to the load and I use
vinegar in a Downy Ball as softener.

This bucket of soap does a lot of laundry and more soap is just 15
minutes away. I buy the Ivory in bulk and the Washing Soda is found
near the Borax type products in the grocery store. Washing Soda is made
by Arm and Hammer and the box looks like a big box of baking soda (but
is NOT the same thing!). In a pinch I go ahead and use this before it's
cooled as a liquid..... works fine. The laundry soap doesn't suds up but it works great
My batch washed 24 loads of laundry and the cost is set by the cost of your soap usually)


Crash Test Dummy
Thanks .....((((Hugs))))) that is exactly the one I used, and couldn't find it after I used it up....I used it in a 4 gallon white bucket! and lasted me over 7 months, this was using this on lightly soiled or towels, and the rest half and half with store bought.

go ahead and make it, it is cheap, and it works! let us know if you like it! and it looks like slimey goo!!! !!!


Our well water is really bad. Not drinkable for sure. Would I need to haul in city water to make this soap? I can't make jelly or preserves with this water, and thought because that turned out so poorly when I tried it, I had better see about trying the well water for this recipe.

Thanks for any tips. I am new here (1st visit) and look forward to exchanges of value.
