Story This Is Me Surviving (Complete)

Kathy in FL

Chapter 93

May 12th – I swear this heat is driving everyone a little crazy. The lack of rain isn’t helping. Rand is getting really worried. So far we aren’t having any trouble with our well but I know for a fact it is a deep one because my parents put it in. But the pond the cattle use has shrunk by about fifty percent. That has meant more pumping into their thingies they drink out of … I think this heat is frying my brain too. Or maybe it is being pregnant. I guarantee it feels like my IQ has dropped by about 75 points on some days.

Mostly it is the crops that Rand is worried about most. Even though it is a lot of work I can water my gardens by hand the same way it was done last year but the larger fields with the grain crops are another matter completely. From what we hear people spend most of the day, every day carting water and trying to keep their kitchen gardens going. The field crops are being let go to whatever their fate is. And people are hoarding their grains. Rand will bring the thresher to the next Swap Meet but there is going to armed guards because there are rumors that some folks are so desperate they plane to storm the place and take what they want.

Rand thinks he has a solution for our own fields. It won’t be easy … or cheap in trade goods because he’ll need some parts we don’t have … but on paper it looks like a winner. He was looking in some old ag business textbooks he has and he came across a picture of a horse drawn irrigator. He thinks he has the mechanics figured out but he wants to ride over to Uncle George’s to see what he has to say on it. He also hopes to hook up with a couple of the old timers at the Trade Shack at the same time and maybe one of them actually remembers using one or their father using one. I can’t stop him but for some reason I get the willies lately when he and Austin leave me all alone which is really, really stupid. I’ve spent years all alone, so what it up with my hormones now?

The baby isn’t due for nearly eight weeks yet. Wish I could shake off this weird feeling I’ve had lately. Even if the baby comes a month early everything should still be OK. Ken says I’m healthier than I have any right to be all things considered and that I’m a lot healthier than a lot of the pregnant females he’s been seeing lately whether they be of the human flavor or the animal flavor.

This heat and drought on top of it is really starting to wear us all down. Ken has lost weight again and I wish they would figure out a way for him to have a clinic for most days of the week. Say he could have the clinic three days a week, he could make house calls two days a week, and then he’d have two days to devote to being a preacher man. Instead he tries to do both seven days a week and it is taking its toll on him. I startled him by reading him the riot act for once. And you know what the man did? He laughed. That’s right he laughed at me. Honestly, what does he think he is Teflon coated and bullet proof?

You know what Ken needs? A wife. Someone that will boss him around for his own good, make sure he eats properly, and will do what it takes to nail him in place when he really shouldn’t be going out and doing good deeds. I know there are a lot of women that like to make sheep’s eyes at him but I’m not sure the ones I’ve met would know what to do with him if they caught him. I said as much to Rand and he got all loopy and romantic but I’m beginning to wonder if he didn’t get up to all of that to distract me. I mean, I like being distracted by Rand but it is kind of irritating to realize how easy he can do it. I nearly forgot about some muffins that I had in the oven.

Today was baking day and I swear I nearly passed out from the heat at one point. It got so bad that I had to go lay down but there wasn’t much relief there either. Rand and Austin dozed on the front porch and about 1:30 or so it was like the world just shut down for about an hour. Not even the chickens were out scratching for their dinner. The only sound to be heard was what I took to be the withering of what little grass is left in the front yard.

My sole constructive contribution to the day, beyond my regular chores, was to try out a new recipe I found in the very back of one of Momma’s recipe books that Daddy brought her back from one of his TDYs to California, or at least that is what it said in the front of the book. “To Punkin from Pistol …” and a date and location. Daddy would bring Momma back things like that rather than jewelry or clothes. He knew what she liked and it was tourist stuff like coffee mugs, shot glasses, or spoons of the sights he’d seen.

I already do what I can to cut down on the use of our wheat flour but if this drought doesn’t let up the ground is going to be real dry this coming fall and winter when we are supposed to plant again. Most of our big grains fields have already been harvested but the sorghum is in the ground and we can’t lose it. The recipe I found uses millet and oatmeal to piece out the wheat flour and it turned out really well. Not quite like a muffin you would have gotten in the old days made out of processed, bleached, and enriched white flour but not so far off as you didn’t recognize it for what it was.

First off I stirred a cup of rolled oats into one and a quarter cup of boiling water and then let that stand for twenty minutes and let it cool. Then I sifted together one and a half cups of flour, one teaspoon of baking soda and a half teaspoon of salt and set it aside. Next, in a large mixing bowl I beat a half cup of butter until it was all creamy. Then I slowly added one cup of white and one cup of brown sugar, beating it all again until smooth and creamy. To this I added two teaspoons of vanilla and two beaten eggs and beat until well blended. It looks like you have a mess but that is OK. I added the cooled oatmeal to the butter mixture and stirred it well to blend. If you thought the stuff looked funky before the oatmeal gives it a quality that I had to stop myself from thinking about as it looked all nobbledy and it set my stomach to rocking. I finally added the flour mixture at that point and had to use my heavy wooden spoon to stir it. Then I added a half cup of millet and Austin said it looked like I was stirring in chicken feed.

I spooned the batter into muffin cups that I had buttered really well, filling the wells about two-thirds full. I baked them for about 15 minutes, or until a straw inserted in the centre of the muffin came out clean. I gently ran a table knife around the edge of each muffin, lifted them out and placed them on a rack to cool. The batter only made twelve muffins but that is enough for us. I’m taking them tomorrow when we go to the Swap Meet.

May 13th – I had fun today, even with the ruckus that happened, but boy am I paying for it. My toes look like sausages and my ankles have completely disappeared. When the girls at school used to complain that being pregnant towards the end made them feel ugly I thought they were talking about their belly and all the weight they gained. Now I’m thinking that it was just a kind of an overall feeling of “Yuck, that’s totally gross” when their body started doing things they didn’t expect.

Rand thinks I’m “really hot looking” which basically means he is brain damaged but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But even he conceded that my feet and ankles looked a “little swollen.” I felt like I was walking around on clown feet by the time lunch had come and gone.

It wasn’t so bad in the morning. Everyone had agreed to start the swap meet an hour early to try and avoid some of the heat. It didn’t work. As soon as the sun hit the morning sky the heat index started climbing. We opened the upper bay doors on the barn but left the cows inside, left the chickens locked in their run and also left the pigs and goats in their sheds though they had more freedom than the cows did. I suppose it was a hardship for me to go to the Swap Meet with Rand but I … well I really wanted to. I like being home most of the time but I just wanted to get out and see people which was kind of weird since people are usually the last thing in the world I want to have anything to do with.

I put the muffins in a basket and we ate them along the way. Austin must have said something to Rand because he commented, “Hey, they don’t taste like they have birdseed in them.” I guess that was a compliment.

Mitch and Ron and a couple of other men I didn’t recognize met us about half way up our road and escorted us to the Swap Meet. The men all looked uncomfortable but I didn’t understand why and guys being what they are no one was offering an explanation. I looked at Rand and he just shrugged his shoulders.

“Good grief, why has everyone got the mullygrubs this morning?” I asked, my curiosity finally getting the best of me.

My question only made the men squirm and then Ron spoke up in the gravely quiet voice that he’s had ever since the day of the fire. “It’s me.”

“It’s you what?”

Ron looked at me and then his face softened a bit and he said, “Kiri, you know good and well the Harbingers were … well … “

“Oh … well ‘were’ is the correct word to use. You and Stevie are the only Harbingers left. I don’t guess a baby is much of a threat and you’re a changed man so what’s the problem?”

Ron rolled his eyes but since I wasn’t giving up he said, “Memories are long and the things I did were wrong.”

“And … you’ve already done your best to atone for things so I still don’t see the problem. Half the people I’ve met around here seem to have something quirky in their background whether it is them or their family. And if they didn’t before the sickness they have since. We’re all a little on the eccentric side these days if we weren’t before. You’d figure people wouldn’t worry so much about the splinter in their neighbor’s eye when they’ve got a great big ol’ log in their own.”

Ron looked at me and then his mouth twitched and that is just about as close to a smile as he would let himself get. Then he said, “Rand, you ain’t gonna have any hair left by the time you’re my age.”

Rand’s response nearly had me giving him a kiss in public. “Do I look like I’m complaining?” he laughed.

Ron’s response nearly made me cry. “Naw, naw you don’t for a fact. You’re a lucky man,” he trailed off and his eyes got this funny faraway look full of what could have beens and fears of what may never be.

For whatever reason the other men seemed to adjust their attitudes and we travelled the rest of the way much more comfortable silence. I think the general attitude of our party actually set the tone for how people received us. I think it short-circuited a few that were carrying a chip on their shoulders and were looking for a fight.

People looked at the thresher hungrily as we pulled in to the allocated spot away from the general flow of foot traffic but they were keeping their distance and no one appeared to be angry, at least not in the crowd that was there first thing in the morning. Rand got me down and before he could try and figure out a nice way of telling me I was underfoot and in the way I told him I was going over to see Missy. He looked relieved and I had a hard time not laughing at him. It wouldn’t be good for him to know that I’ve gotten a lot better about figuring out what is going on in his head. It might make him nervous or something. Then he’d try to get mysterious and it would only make it hard on me again.

Missy has finally lost all the weight that she put on with the baby. The thing is she has lost even more weight than that and there is even some grey in her hair that I didn’t notice before. She’s still a beautiful woman but it looks like she is aging before her time. Noticing that on Missy made me really look at other people I saw today. I saw a lot more than I wanted to see. The world we’ve been living in for the last two years – first with the pandemic and then with the aftermath of it – hasn’t been kind to people. Grief, hard work, and short rations have taking their toll. Bill’s white blonde crew cut is liberally sprinkled with white streaks. Uncle George … well he’s always looked old to me but even I can tell that he’s looking older than he did before. People are thinner for the most part unless they started out really big and some of those folks that have lost a lot of weight look really bad and there isn’t any way to cover it up.

Momma O was at the Swap Meet and I was really surprised after the way she was acting the last time I saw her. So was Mrs. Withrow and some of the other LA ladies. Mrs. Withrow noticed my confusion and told me, “Honey, when you get to be our age death is a constant companion and on some days when the arthritis gets to you or you’ve heard that another person you’ve known forever has gone on, well, you know your time is coming as well. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have good days too.”

I’m … well, I guess I don’t have any room to talk. I’m not there yet. When I’m old I just hope I don’t freak my kids out with talking about death like it is a neighbor that is coming to call pretty soon. It’s not that I’m afraid to die or anything like that but it just does seem odd not to fight it tooth and nail.

And we did a little bit of fighting it today. It was getting on towards lunch time and most of the locals had come and gone leaving the outsider crowd still mingling amongst the stalls and tables of the people set up for trading. Most of the outsiders are OK and would probably fit into our community if they moved here but there is a rough element that comes around as well. Some of them are from the immigrant camps, allowed out on furlough for the day (guarantee some of them never went back), and some of them were from up and down the river. River folks I really don’t mind; they’re a little on the wild side ‘cause they are out looking for a good time or a good bargain, but where ever these other folks were from they were a bad lot from the word go.

Mitch spotted them first and had his men cruising up and down the aisles but when someone is bound and determined to start a ruckus I don’t guess anyone else’s commonsense is going to stop them. Bill saw the start of the brawl from where he was loading things up in the trailer. He whistled to the men who are his regular helpers and they started throwing things into the trailer to close the stall down.

“Bill, what on earth?” Missy looked up and asked him.

“Brawl. Heading this way. I want you and the baby in the cab … now.”

I guess when Bill used a certain tone of voice Missy listened. Or maybe it was experience. Or maybe it was just thinking about their son’s safety. But when Bill said what he wanted Missy gave it to him.

“Come on. You can … oh, never mind, there’s Austin come running.”

Austin, red cheeked from running in the heat, came barreling up. “Rand wants to know if you’re ready to go ‘cause he wants to get the thresher out of harm’s way.”

That sounded like a plan to me and I waddled as fast as I could as Austin turned to run back to help Rand hitch everything back up for the road. I just don’t waddle so fast and I had to watch double for people … first for me and then for my belly that took up a lot of room.

“Kiri! “ Ron Harbinger went thundering right by me and I heard his horse collide with another one. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Ron fighting on horseback with another man. I turned around to get going the right direction a little faster when this man stepped in front of me and said, “I know plenty of men who’d pay real gold for a gal like you.”

I don’t know where my brains get to sometimes. I pulled my pistol and aimed it at the man’s rooster parts and said, “You sure? ‘Cause I can be a ton of trouble when I’ve a mind to.”

He snorted and turned to join a fight that had broken out a few feet down one of the aisles and I continued unmolested the rest of the way to Rand who was trying to work and try to see where I was at the same time. It made him look spastic.

“Rand, honestly, be careful! You’re going to fall!!”

“Kiri! You’re here.”

“Well, where else would I be? You asked me if I was ready to go and it looks like everything is shutting down anyway. Seems a shame as the day started out so nice.”

Rand looked at me real hard. “Babe? Why do you have your pistol out?”

“Varmints in the underbrush.”

“Kiri …” Rand started warningly.

That’s when Ron rode up with a cut on his chin. “Those rustlers from south Florida or someone who associates with ‘em.”

“What?! Why those no good … (blip) (blip) (blip).” My teeth nearly fell out. Rand isn’t prone to using that kind of language and to have him to do with what I thought was so little provocation just floored me. I found out what he was so bent out of shape about that it would make him lose his religion after Austin went to be and he could assure himself that I was still here and all right but I don’t feel like going into again. I finally wore Rand out enough that he could go to sleep and now I guess I’m wore out enough too.

May 14th – Oh my gosh! Rand and Austin surprised me so much today. It’s Mother’s Day you see and I never even thought much about it but I woke up with something tickling my nose. Rand had pulled a feather out of my old duster and was using it to wake me up.

Well all that did was make me laugh so hard at how silly he was being I had to rush to the bathroom after he helped me to roll out of bed. When I got back he and Austin had set up a bed table and told me that I wasn’t to do any chores today. And I didn’t … not really. I had to help get the scorched taste out of the green beans when they let the water cook out of them and I saved the cake they were baking from burning but other than that, not a bit of work.

I had a lovely day. I even washed my hair and took some time to just read a book for pleasure … it was an old Trixie Belden book that used to be Momma’s. I thought Rand and Austin had gone for a walk but he came back in and caught me upstairs crying looking at the old photo books of times when things were like they used to be. I miss Momma. Who am I supposed to ask how to be a momma to this baby?

May 15th – I started sniffling and crying yesterday so I just decided to stop writing. It doesn’t bring Momma back to cry about it and I guess it is actually one of those things that does more harm than good to wallow in it.

I meant to get around to telling why Rand was so bent out of shape after the Swap Meet but it is one of those things you don’t like to think about but I suppose after today I might as well go ahead and put something down if for no other reason than to get it out of my system.

Apparently – and this is just a rumor as far as I’m concerned because it just sounds so farfetched – there is a network of men who are trafficking in humans. Can you believe it? Slavery is alive and well. Yuck. It seems that the pandemic and subsequent social and physical upheaval took a heavy toll on women and children. I can almost see why some couples might be so crazy as to want a child for their own if they lost all of their biological children and couldn’t have any more but apparently that isn’t what it is about. It is about work and how much it takes to run a home or homestead these days. When I said slavery I meant that literally.

There are also forced indentures. Say you get into debt over your head, or you want to travel out of an area but it costs more than you have and your aren’t willing to wait, you can sign off on so many years worth of labor in exchange for transportation, food and lodging, security, or just about anything. I just can’t understand why people would bargain away their freedom like that.

But it is the slavery that really gets to me and makes me kind of sick to my stomach. Imagine if Austin had fallen into the clutches of people like that. Imagine if I had on my bike ride from Tampa. Imagine a parent willing to bargain away the life of one child so that the other can eat. I just don’t know what things are coming to. And listening to myself say things like that makes me feel old. I used to not care what things were coming to, I was tired and wanted to be with my parents. I was too wrapped up in my own problems to look around and really understand what was going on around me. Now … now there are days when I you couldn’t pay me to go back to being that person but I sure would like some of that innocence back. It scares me for what my baby is going to have to face in the future if we can’t get a hold of things like that now.

May 16th – My hands are purple. Of course that’s better than having purple feet which is what Rand and Austin have. The blueberries came in after all. I was afraid we hadn’t started irrigating them in time and I went out to the garden early this morning expecting to see them all on the ground and lo and behold the bushes were full of ripe berries. But for some weird reason they are coming ripe all at once. That wasn’t the case last year.

I’ve got a mess on my hands figuratively and literally. I would have called over to the Crenshaws to see if I could get Alicia or someone to come help but that what we get for not having phones any more. I suppose we could have used the radio set up that Rand finished with Bill and Ram’s help but that’s only for emergencies and for listening. The only kind of chatter we hear these days isn’t the kind of stuff I want to listen to. People are crazy and there are all sorts of rumors, most of whom prove out to be exaggerations or outright lies. I can’t stand to listen to it; it gives me a headache.

Besides, at least for today I’ve been busy canning and drying blueberries. I’ll have more to do tomorrow but what I don’t get tomorrow will probably fall to the ground unless I can pick them all and put them in the cooler, then I might squeeze another day in.

And why would Austin and Rand’s feet be purple? That was kind of funny. Rand found a patch of wild blueberries all but buried in the grass on one of the near 40s. He’d hoped to bag some quail but they’ve all taken to the grass because it is so hot. Well he was bent over looking for trails through the tall grass when he spies what he thinks is a small patch but the more he investigated the bigger the patch turned out to be. He finally came and got Austin and they must have picked three bushels in an hour and a half.

What did he do with these berries? Did he give them to me so I wouldn’t have to go out into the hot berry patch and pick them myself? No. He did a total guy thing and if he hadn’t look so silly doing it I think I might have gotten upset. He made blueberry and raisin wine. He swiped a couple of my remaining yeast packets which didn’t make me too happy but since it was the first time in a couple of days I saw him looking actually enthusiastic rather than tired and drained I could say no.

As far as what I’ve been making with the blueberries I made some more blueberry relish because that went over so well that I ran out around Christmas time if I remember right. I tripled the batch on that because I figure Uncle George will want some and I’m also making up some stuff to trade with Ram. I just don’t feel right taking things from him for free even though I know he is doing it because he thinks of me as a little sister. He has a family now too and we both need to be generous but be smart about it.

I dried a bunch of blueberries naturally and I also made a large batch of blueberry fruit leathers. Those don’t keep as long as I wish they did but sealing them in a jar and then putting them out in the cooler ought to help some. Austin deserves to have a treat now and again even if we can’t afford to buy him some of the stuff that comes through the Trade Shack like some of the other parents splurge on. He’s a good boy and I like being his Momma even if it is a big sister kind of mother. He always seems so surprised when Rand or I do something just for his sake and for no other reason. It makes me really wonder how bad he had it growing up. His grandfather taught him a lot and obviously gave him some love but it also seems like he was never first in line for anything.

The other stuff that I made today was blueberry syrup, but I’m making less of that this year because I need to conserve my white sugar that I have left, and then all the different conserves and preserves that I’ve got recipes for. Tomorrow it will mostly be juice I expect. If there is anything left after that I plan on trying to make a blueberry mousse.

May 17th – Nice surprise. Alicia came over to visit and stayed to help with the blueberries. I haven’t seen her too much since Tommy left us. She seems to be dealing with things better but there are still shadows under her eyes. Austin didn’t know what to say to her but she gave him a hug to let him know it was OK. I hope she has started to heal. They say grief is a process. I remember it being like that … and sometimes it is a long painful process.

May 20th – I’ve been too tired to post. But we had some excitement today that I want to mark the occasion of. Rand finished building the horse drawn irrigator … and it works. A couple of the hose fittings leak but Rand thinks he can fix that and it took a while for the mules to get use to the jangling everything does but it does work.

But the dog is a nuisance. Austin thought it was funny but I could tell Rand was losing patience and asked Austin to hold onto Woofer’s collar. The crazy dog was trying to play in the spray of the irrigator like a kid in a sprinkler. I wish he would enjoy his baths as much as he enjoys getting into things he shouldn’t.

As soon as Woofer was under control Rand took the irrigator for a spin in the garden. I asked him how it felt and he said a little more difficult to work than the cultivator but that just meant that he’d need to drive slower. The long arms that fed and held the hoses off the ground will need to be reinforced because they really bounce around making getting an even spray kind of hard but Rand is so happy that he said, “Babe, something is better than nothing even if I have to make two passes to make sure everything gets some. Now so long as the well holds out we should do OK no matter how long the rains take to get here. And now that I know this is going to work I’ll take the plans to Brendon and Ron and they can make one for the farm over there so I don’t have to drive this one across the roads and worry about bending the axle on this old wagon bed.

Salvaging things is getting harder. All of the old homesteads have pretty much been picked clean and those that haven’t have been pulled out and refurbishes and put to work. There are a few people that have converted tractors to methane or ethanol (corn liquor more likely) but they are clunkety things compared to Rand’s horse drawn equipment and prone to breaking down.

Our mules certainly do get a work out. I was worried about Hatchet getting jealous but lately he’s really started settling down. I think it is Austin working with him all the time. Of course he’s still not too partial to me but he doesn’t try and bit anymore which is a relief. Rand still doesn’t want me to go out to the corral unless he or Austin are with me but I figure that’s just fine. I do miss riding the mules but in the shape I’m in I don’t even know if I could get up in the saddle much less stay in it.

May 21st – I wish I could have taken a picture of Uncle George’s face when he saw the irrigator. It was priceless. I guess he hadn’t had much confidence in Rand being able to get one figured out. Ron and Brendon spent most of the morning making copies of Rand’s hand drawings and asking him questions to clarify when the diagram wasn’t clear to them. Uncle George spent the morning going over the whole thing and taking measurements and making a few suggestions for the leaky fittings.

He was in the middle of looking at something when he stopped and yelled, “Brendon, get that bag that Ram sent over for Kiri before I forget about it.”

Brendon is still hops to when his Daddy bellows like that and I guess I would to if my Daddy was here but it’s odd knowing that Brendon is a father himself now. I guess you have to make some compromises if you are going to stay under your parent’s roof.

Almost afraid to look in the bag I took it inside to open in privacy.

Hermana, I know the baby is coming soon and I thought you might could use these. If you don’t need them pass them along to someone who can as there is no way I’m going to let Missy catch me with them. She’d never let me live it down. Your Hermano

A couple of those really expensive books you could only afford to check out at the library slid out of the bag. They looked like they came from some doctor’s library. The Process of Labor and Delivery, The Pros and Cons of Natural Child Birth, and others that dealt with emergencies that can occur during a home birth, how to avoid medical interventions like forceps and the pictures nearly turned my head inside out. I’m a prude, I admit it. Maybe I’m a real stick about the whole keeping certain things covered and I know I really give Ken a hard time when he wants to give me an exam but my word. And Ram is right, this shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. When I’m finished with them I’ll give them to Ken and he can dispose of them as he thinks best.

Missy really would have teased Ram unmercifully. Seems like now that he is married to the right woman he’s turned into a prude himself … at least when it comes to women he considers his family or part of his extended and adopted family. Alicia says that he growls as bad as Uncle George does if some young man gets too close to Charlene or Janet.

I haven’t gotten to see too much of those two except at church and Charlene is always surrounding by a bunch of young men … some not as young as they should be. What am I saying? Charlene and I are pretty close to the same age. Why am I suddenly acting like I’m so much older than she is? Goodness I think I need to get over myself or something.

For instance, today at the church services the boys were buzzing around Charlene as thick as flies. But I’m not so sure that Charlene likes it much. She seemed pretty happy when I went over to say hello which pretty much killed the mood when I started talking about heart burn, flatulence, and swollen feet.

Charlene looked at me very serious and then started giggling and said, “Thank you! I was starting to have trouble breathing. I wish they wouldn’t act so stupid. I’m … well, I’ve decided I’m not ready to settle down and have kids. Life is hard enough helping at home, you know?”

“Like you need to ask me that?” I laughed right back.

“Seriously, you look like you’re going to explode at any second. Daddy was saying last night that folks are laying odds that you and Rand … uh … I mean …”

“That Rand and I what?”

“Well, that maybe you’re farther along than you’re saying if you know what I mean.”

“No I don’t under … oh … oh how awful. You mean they think that Rand and I … before we got married and stuff? But, if that were true I’d have had the baby a long time ago and …”

“Take it easy. Nobody who matters thinks that. And no matter what you say some people are going to have dirty minds. You should have heard some of the things they said about Alicia and Brendon and they really did get caught before they got married.”

“Well I don’t like it when people talk about me behind my back,” I insisted.

“Would you rather they get up in your face about it? They’re stupid and that’s all you need to think about it.”

“That sounds like something Missy would say.”

She laughed again, “Probably. Daddy says I’m getting more like her every day. But it is strange, he doesn’t make that sound quite as bad a thing as he used to. I guess he and Missy have come a long way from where they used to be.”

“Where’s Janet? I thought she would be here today.”

“She had another spell last night.”

Worried I said, “Oh no.”

“Daddy had Ken out last week since she’s had so many lately. Ken seems to think the heat might be setting them off or maybe an electrolyte imbalance or something. Daddy has Ram and Bill trying to find some mineral supplements for her. Last night’s spell was pretty bad. She was half way up the steps when it happened. If Laurabeth hadn’t been coming down from putting Stevie in a clean diaper she might have taken a really bad fall. Daddy is moving her down to the first floor until we can find something that will get the spells back under control.”

We are all worried about Janet. She was getting so much better and stronger and now this set back. Rand told me that Ken seems to think that the “spells” might be an arrhythmia but he’s not for sure because as soon as the “spell” is over with all of her vital signs are normal and he’s never been there while she is in the middle of one of them.

Good brown gravy it is hot. Too hot to write as much as I feel like writing. I’m going to be the one having a spell if we don’t get some cooler weather soon. I feel like I’m being roasted alive. Not even sitting in the shower is helping any more.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 94

May 23rd – Blueberries, blueberries, blueberries …. Actually I’m having a blast and probably shouldn’t be. The last two days Alicia and Brendon have been over here and I’ve had so much fun. Brendon was grinning like a fool when he came in and found us both acting silly. Last night when we went to bed I asked what was up with Brendon acting so … so … like it was such a surprise. Rand said that Alicia has been real slow to come back from her brother’s death. It has brought up a lot of unresolved stuff from her childhood.

I get that. All of my “unresolved issues” started after my family was killed and I still run smack dab into it every so often, even now. Thank goodness Rand understands and gives me room to get my head on straight when I’m having a bad day. Looks like Brendon is taking a page out of his playbook and doing the same. I’m just glad Alicia is coming around. If I could have picked a sister she is pretty close to what I would have picked. We don’t get in each other’s business but we are certainly more than friends; a weird feeling for me considering that isn’t something that I ever thought I wanted.

She and I traipsed all over the place while Brendon watched the baby. Well we traipsed as far as all of the parcels of land that immediately surround ours – finding wild blueberry patches and sparkleberry patches to piece out the domesticated blueberries in the orchard. We did that early in the morning and then in the afternoon we preserved them. We had to walk since I can’t ride the mules but we did have one of the burros with us to haul the berry buckets and all the water we had to carry. We were totally drenched in sweat by the time we got back to the house both times. First day I was fine but today I had to rest before I could start lunch and then start on the berries. No berry picking tomorrow though which as much fun as it has been I’m ready to let go of doing.

I think between the last two days we have gotten about all the blueberries we are going to get. The dry weather hasn’t done us any favors. Neither have the moochers. Well, I know that might sound a little mean but it sure does seem that people are just doing stuff because they can rather than because it is the right thing or not. On the other hand it is hard to justify being mad at someone for picking berries when it isn’t on your land. I’ve heard that some folks have set watches on patches of berries that they’ve staked out. I’ve even heard of berry rustling of all things. Getting in gun fights over a few pints of berries just seems pretty extreme but more than one feud seems to have started over it.

With the weather people aren’t much better off than they were this time last year. What they are however is wiser in the ways of surviving and being self-sufficient. At least most of the people from around here are; some of the immigrants still not so much since they’ve been surviving on handouts at the government camps. Surviving means getting out there and finding it yourself which in turn means to support your family you have to cover a pretty large area. So far no one has actually come onto our land – maybe my reputation does some good after all – but Rand worries that it is only a matter of time. Desperate people will act desperately.

May 24th – Isn’t it strange? I talk about desperate people and how Rand was worrying and sure enough doesn’t someone have to go and act stupid. Maybe I shouldn’t write anything like that down. Too many times I’ve caught myself wondering about something in this journal only to have it come true a little bit down the road. Makes me wonder if there really isn’t something to the concept of jinxes.

I overdid it yesterday for sure and was all used up by the time I finished writing in my journal. My problem was that I wasn’t just done over by the heat but all that bending up and down had caused my back to ache. Every time I tried to lie down something would start pulling. I knew from experience that when my back was drawing that bad I might as well get up and just sit on the sofa until the muscles relaxed enough for me to go back to bed.

So there I am sitting in what amounts to my all together, swollen ankles all splayed out and wearing the thinnest and shortest sundress I’ve got and nothing underneath if you catch my drift. I had just finished putting a fresh sheet on the sofa, sat down, and leaned my head back when Woofer pads up to me and makes that weird noise he makes when he needs water or to go out to hit the bushes. I had just gotten semi-comfortable and wasn’t happy about having to get back up.

I eventually leavered myself up – no small chore – and stumbled to the kitchen because by then a cool drink of water was sounding good to me as well. The pump is by the side door and I heard a bang. Woofer immediately goes into guard mode, pushing against my legs like he is trying to back me out of the room. All I’m thinking is that I’m going to have me a Coon Skin Jacket next winter if they’ve gotten into my flower pots again. Only, upon closer listening I realized that raccoons don’t curse … at least not in a thick Boston accent.

First voice asked angrily, “Plan on waking the dead Phil?”

“Hey, isn’t my fault these hillbillies don’t pick up theyar yad. I thought you sod that the wada would be easy to lift,” another man hissed.

“This is the one that is able to irrigate his fields. He can affod to miss a liddle,” responded a third man.

Back to the first one who said, “We not gonna get a thing if you fools don stop with your nonsense. The well must be around heeya someplace.”

I waddled as fast as I could to the bedroom and shook Rand awake while Woofer kept watch. Of course the looby thought it was the baby and I had to yank on his ear pretty good to get him to stop acting like such a guy and actually listen to me.

“Ow! God almighty girl, do you have to do that?!”

“Then will you stop it? I’m not having the baby. And be quiet, I heard someone outside the kitchen door,” I hissed practically inside his ear.

He stopped dead, shook himself, and got down to business. After listening to me whisper what I’d heard he said, “Wake Austin up then I want you to get upstairs.” I opened my mouth to object and got the look that said to not waste time arguing. “Don’t Kiri. I can’t think if I’m worried about you and the baby.” Throwing me a bone he added, “And if you are upstairs you might see something I miss from the ground. Now go.”

I got all right but I wasn’t too happy about it. On the other hand I’m no fool even though I may act like one on occasion. I wanted to keep the baby safe and I didn’t want to take any of Rand’s concentration away so that he and Austin could stay safe. Humph. Still didn’t mean that I had to feel good about not being able to provide Rand with any back up. And I still don’t. I feel more like a liability every day. I’m used to carrying my own weight but as heavy as I am right now … and the why of it … there is no way I’m going to be doing that for a while.

I didn’t see any of the action but I heard the commotion, especially the five live rounds that went off, and it was one of the hardest twenty minutes of my life to wait for Rand to give the all clear. I came down to find Austin and Woofer standing guard over two men while a third had been drug a little ways off, obviously dead from a shotgun blast to the chest.

It was a long night after that. The men trying to plead their case and us doing our best to ignore how pathetic they sounded and looked. Austin was the one that told me only the dead man had fired on their side and he had reaped the reward for it too.

“Momma, he really meant it. I could tell from the look on his face. He was angry. Real angry.”

Austin has got into the habit of calling me “Momma” in times of stress. If he is thinking about it, or there are other boys around, he still calls me Kiri. I didn’t let the men or Rand see but I gave him a hug and thanked him for looking after Rand and Woofer and helping us to defend our home. I swear if he didn’t turn around and give me the same look Woofer does when you find his itchiest spot and scratch it until he is content.

At first light Rand rode out and caught one of Mitch’s patrols going by. It got a little complicated after that. Used to be that we could deal out justice without anyone outside the community getting involved and even though I still have the occasional nightmare from the hanging I’ve come to terms with the necessity of it. But these men were migrants and claimed to be under the protection of the men in charge of the military camp.

From there we had to wait until some MPs could come out and get things cleared up. Those two men would have been better off keeping their mouths shut. I was … well not horrified by their fate or anything like that but I was sure as heck surprised. Seems the three men had gone AWOL after being issued passes to attend the Swap Meet. Word had just come down that austerity measures were in effect. From now on if someone was caught during the commission of a crime AND found to be AWOL they were to be immediately tried, convicted, and put on the nearest boat out to the barrier islands or prison barges, whichever was closest and least crowded. That is all but a death sentence for most folks.

See what happens is that those places are like prisons without walls or wardens. Supplies are shipped in weekly, assuming there are any supplies to ship. Whatever the population was they had to make it last the whole week or use whatever snares, traps, etc. that they’d been able to cobble together to live off of the sea life that surrounded the prison.

The prison barge is worse than a barrier island; some of the populations on the barrier islands are actually making something of themselves, have gardens, and a thriving barter system. The barges are just plain nasty and remind me of that old sci-fi movie called Escape From New York. If you aren’t crazy when you get put on one of those and you live, you’ll be next to crazy when you come off.

The whole situation has taken up most of the day and I wasn’t too happy or comfortable having strangers coming and going from our land. It isn’t that we hide away from people on purpose but I like my privacy and Rand and Austin have come to appreciate it as well. Not even Mr. Henderson or his men come around as much as they used to. Guess they’ve got too many other irons in the fire. Rand says they’ve got problems of their own.

Mr. Henderson isn’t ailing exactly but he isn’t coming back from being hurt the way a younger man would. There is this whole “preparing the heir for his power” kind of thing occurring too. Mitch knows his stuff out in the field for sure but I guess there are still family things going on behind the closed walls of the ranch. And Mr. Henderson getting married so late really shook some folks up even though the relationship was an open secret for years. None of my business really, at least so long as whatever the problems are doesn’t roll down hill to us.

I’m just glad our bit of trouble is over with for now. I’ve only catnapped today and I’m feeling particularly heavy, like everything is starting to shift. Uncle George came by to check on us when word reached the Shack, so did Ram, and Pastor Ken also came by. They all keep looking at me sideways. What? Do they think an alien is going to pop out of my belly at any point? Serve them right if it did. I’m getting ready for this baby to pop out myself.

May 28th -- Had a really nasty storm come through day before yesterday. Just what we needed to top off an already sour time. Seems those immigrant men had families and they were trying to set up some kind of homestead to take them to. It is a bad, sad business. Rand told me one of the boys went AWOL to come hunt us up and was asking over at the Shack. Luckily Ram took the boy aside and held onto him until he calmed down some and could hear the explanation of what had really happened.

The boy is still angry but Ram doesn’t think he’ll get violent. Besides, he made the boy an offer he couldn’t refuse. He offered him a job down in south Florida as a courier of sorts on one of the supply trains that Ram is an investor in. If the kid sticks it out he’ll be able to earn more than his father could have stolen in a much shorter amount of time.

“Ram! A boy?! I thought you told me those supply trains were dangerous.”

“Yeah, and you’re such an old woman,” Ram snorted at me.

Still upset I tried to continue, “But …”

“Kiri, don’t tell me my business and I won’t tell you yours. Giving that boy a job, even if it is a dangerous one, will keep him out of trouble and away from the family. I get tired of having to sleep with one eye open every night.”

“Then don’t get involved in such shady business deals.”

“It puts food on the table Hermanita … for all of us. You like the spices and stuff that I bring you don’t you?”

More than upset I said, “I hope that you aren’t trying to buy me Ram. That’s insulting.”

“No … no Baby Sister, not that. I hope I’m smart enough to know that you are the last person whose affections could be bought. But think on this … I like being able to provide those things to you and the others. And I like the profits to be made even if they are at a slight risk to me.”

I rolled my eyes, “Slight risk?”

Ram just smiled and shook his head all machismo and testosterone. He’s just impossible to reason with. Not having to worry so much about sugar is nice but I could learn to do what was needed with the sorghum if I had to. I like the spices and stuff that he is shipping in from the Caribbean too though I’m not really sure I want to know how he is pulling that off. I don’t like that the last shipment he brought in included several barrels of rum but almost everyone, even Mrs. Withrow, all but told me to stop being such a prude about it. I guess there are always going to be trade offs but seems to me that sooner or later all the little risks are going to catch up and something bad is going to happen.

But for now it is the storm that has taken up most of our time. The little bit of rain we got out of it certainly wasn’t worth all of the wind damage we suffered. And there was a lightening caused fire in Columbia County that got up into the city proper and did no small amount of damage to the buildings, even if they were empty.

Rand and Austin had thinned out some of our woods felling trees for the fire wood that is so necessary for every day life nowadays. Even still, we lost to good sized oak trees when they just laid over from where their roots had died back because of the drought. We also had one snap off at the top and blow down across the main gate. Now that was a mess. The metal gate is mangled and Rand isn’t sure that he can hammer it back into good enough shape to re-hang. That’s a kick in the pants we didn’t need.

The roof was also ripped off the goat shed in several places. Rand said he’ll just have to make it with wooden shakes to replace to the asphalt shingles that had been on the roof. There are a couple of large cedar trees growing in an area that he wants to turn into another field for next year. He’ll saw the trunks into lengths that he’ll then split lengthwise. I asked him if he had ever done it before and he said, “The summer I worked for Bud and Lou. A lot of Mennonites still do everything old school. They aren’t necessarily opposed to using some stuff that is out on the market, they just … “ At that point we got interrupted by Mitch Peters and Hoss coming down the road. And shock of all shocks Cassie was with them.

“Hi!” she sang out just about as cheery as I’ve ever heard her.

Cassie is a lot nicer than I gave her credit for being in the beginning but there still feels like there is a gulf between us. Not what I would call a bad one just, I don’t know if we’ll ever be “best buds” or anything approaching it.

Rand met the group on horseback while I waddled around to the kitchen side to make sure there was cold water and some cups in case they were thirsty. The weather was hot enough to steam vegetables still on the vine and everyone was wringing wet from sweat.

I was coming out when Cassie came around the side of the house and took the pitcher from me. At least she left me the tray and cups so that I didn’t feel completely useless. “Here, let me get that. I’m surprised Austin isn’t around to help.”

She didn’t mean it the way it sounded, that was just Cassie’s way. “Rand has him out trying to round up a little bull calf that was born a couple of days ago. He’s worried at how the mother isn’t letting it nurse enough. She’s an ornery thing to begin with but if she keeps this up she may be burger before this winter. We need another bull but we don’t know which of the two that were born that we are going to keep yet.”

Cassie nodded knowledgably. “Poppy is having the same problem. This drought is stressing out the cattle. We’re having to move them between pastures pretty quick so that over grazing doesn’t happen. It isn’t like we can go down to the feed store to pick up new seed.”

“Is your grandfather irrigating the fields?”

“He is considering it but that is a lot more time and work for our people not to mention that much water would need to come from the river. Two of our creeks have dried up and Mitch is worried about stressing the two ag wells we have managed to keep going, we need them for watering the animals.”

We walked up as the men were discussing the damage the storm had done. Even with the goat shed and the tree over the road we got off lightly. Lots of drought-stressed trees have “laid over,” some of them in inconvenient or dangerous locations.

Hoss told us, “A tree came down on the orphan barracks at the refugee camp in the middle the storm completely crushed one end of the building. Destroyed about a half dozen bunk beds before it was through falling. Lucky for the kids though that it was a slow fall and the barrack monitor heard it when it first hit and got everyone out before anyone got hurt. But they have a mess to try and rebuild. Those kids always get the last of everything.”

I noticed Cassie was standing next to Mitch with a really angry look on her face all of a sudden. Before I could open my mouth and ask she burst out, “If they’d just let the folks around here that have offered to take them it have them those kids never would have been in danger to begin with.”

Mitch put his arm around her and drew her close like he was trying to calm her down or comfort her. “Cassie, easy now. Hoss checked and Lola wasn’t hurt. She didn’t even wake up apparently, just go carried out in her sleep.”

Apparently everyone but me knew the story. I elbowed Rand gently and after figuring out what I meant he clued me in. “Oh, yeah, you weren’t there that day. Lola is one of the orphans. What she’s four?”

Cassie said, “Three. Her mother just up and went AWOL with one of the river men and never came back for her.”

“Anyway, Mr. Henderson takes stuff over to the camp when he can and sometimes they bring some of the orphans out to the ranch to play. Lola has an older brother that wants to come work for Mr. Henderson … he’s good with horses and would like to learn to be a Ferrier. Problem is he is only thirteen and the rule is that kids have to be fourteen before the feds will let them sign up for a work program of any kind. He comes to the ranch every chance he gets and he started bringing his little sister.

“You should see her Kiri, she is the most adorable little thing. And smart … she already knows most of her alphabet. She minds better than most of the ranch kids do.” Cassie gushed, a look of adoration on her face.

Even Mitch nodded, “She is a cute kid. Follows Cassie around like a puppy. And it looks like she might have the same talent with horses her brother does. Most little kids don’t realize that even the foals can hurt them. We had a mare that got in a bad fight with a stallion when the dang mule got his dander up and broke into the paddock where we keep the new mothers and foals. We had to pull her out so we could see whether we’d have to put her down or if she could be patched. The foal got scared and then I’ve never seen the like … Lola went up to the fence before anyone even thought to stop her and started talking to that foal and if you believe it the little fella just calmed right down and leaned up against the fence where she was the whole time until we came to fetch him to take him to put in the stall beside his Momma.”

Not that the story wasn’t interesting but I thought seeing Mitch put his arm around Cassie and the way those two were acting even more so. Rand just shrugged his shoulders when I asked him what was up so that means a trip to Momma O’s or some questions for the ladies at church this coming Sunday.

May 29th – Too dang hot to write.

May 30th – Still too much heat to make anything worth doing. Heard from Pastor Ken … that man seems bent on pestering the life out of me … that an old man over off of River Road died of heat exhaustion. No one knows much about him. He was a squatter that moved into what was left of the old Harbinger place. Ron had gone over to check on the place when he found the body. He’d been dead a couple of days and apparently the dogs he’d kept had been at him. How Ken could tell he’d died of heat exhaustion I don’t know, maybe there are signs on the body that don’t disappear in death.

That was nasty bit of news. Also some bad news came that the river folk are getting restless and moving inland again. I’ve said many times that most of them are decent people but they seem to be easily stirred up by the bad fish amongst them. The Suwannee River is running very low as are several other rivers. Because of the drought crop production is down so even if they could navigate the rivers they wouldn’t have much to transport.

Rand said the heat is making everyone testy if not actually downright nasty. It’s just too hot to ask the mules to pull the heavy thresher long distances and when Rand told a man that had ridden out to get him to bring the thresher the guy just went berserk . It scared Austin who was up at the end of the road with him clearing the fence line so that they could run a new fire break. I’m getting a little tired of how entitled people feel to take advantage of our good fortune. Rand is smart and we hit the ground running when it came to setting our place up. I don’t want to be uncharitable but why should that mean that we simply give away what we’ve worked so hard for? Sharing is one thing but that is a two-sided coin with each party giving and getting. Some people, like that man today, seem to think they have the right to just take what they want and offer whatever they feel like in return, if anything at all.

May 31st – That man from yesterday came back today and this time he brought friends. I’m still shaking. Rand and Austin had gone up to the road early to do some more of the fence line. We let it go too long and it is a horrible mess in some places and they were restringing the barb wire in a couple of sections as well because it had become stretched out or actually broken. I fixed a basket of biscuits and a jug of cold ginger fizz for them (not as good as store bought ginger ale used to be but on a hot day you don’t really care) and I was going to drop it off to them and then head on to Momma O’s to see if she could help me figure out what I was doing wrong on a bodice of this little baby overall I am trying to make.

Rand has a set of stairs for me to get into the pony cart that I hook the most docile burro to. I was thinking about what I could have done wrong … I cut down a larger size pattern but nothing seemed to be working right for some reason … and was going slow because the last thing I wanted to do was have the baby by jiggling him out head first on a rough wooden seat. The burro wasn’t inclined to go fast anyway considering how hot it was.

Actually it was a good thing I was going so slow otherwise I would have turned the corner before I was aware of the trouble I was driving into. The men had Austin by the arms and Rand and some other guy was going at it pretty good. I recognized the guy egging the fighting on as the guy from yesterday. I was in a quandary what to do … sometimes just a female showing up with make the guys knock it off … but when I saw the one guy getting his gun off of his horse I kinda took the Kiri road mentally.

By the time I was down from the pony cart … it isn’t getting down that is the problem so much as getting up into it … I heard a lot of rough laughter and when I peeked around the tree at the corner of the road they’d swung Austin away and to the ground. A guy was getting ready to kick him and I aimed for his head but hit him in the rear bumper instead. Talk about your fancy stepping. He reminded me of the old sound clip where the Disney character named Goofy falls from some great height.

The rest of the idiots made grabs for their guns and I just didn’t even bother to try and figure out exactly how hostile they were. I just emptied the magazine one shot at a time. Only three of them wound up being death shots, but I did enough damage with the rest of them to make them knock off what they were doing. I was in the middle of reloading when Mr. Henderson himself road up with several of his men.

My stomach got real tight and all I could do was sit down on the ground right there … thank goodness not in an ant pile … and try and stick my head between my knees to keep from being sick. I didn’t even realize it but one of Henderson’s men, I don’t know which one, had ridden back to see who’d been shooting. Next thing I know Rand is there, not quite a bloody as I expected, and he was putting me in the back of the pony cart. Between there and home I made him stop so I could sit up and puke, not once but twice.

I’ve been in bed since with Ken hovering around like a doggone vulture. I’m not ready to have this baby so it can’t come out yet. I still have the bed linens to finish, more diapers to try and make, and just everything. I’m just not ready and that is all there is to it. And now, on top of everything else, I’m on bed rest again.

June 2nd – I’m on ultra light duty for the duration. Austin helped me to plant the okra, black eyed peas, and some sweet potatoes that Rand got in trade. I don’t know why we are planting, no rain. And tell me why, even though I haven’t done much I am so tired?! Gosh I’m cranky. I don’t even feel like writing anymore so I’m not.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 95

Jun 4th – Things have been real quiet. We were supposed to go to church today but the weather has looked so scary that Rand doesn’t want to leave Sparkleberry Ranch. I can’t blame him. I hate when the sky has that nasty green tinge to it. Still no rain but I’m thinking we might see something soon; there has been some really odd, cold breezes come out of nowhere.

June 5th – I’d no sooner written those words last night than we had a brief hail storm followed by a heavy down pour that lasted almost an hour. It was scary the way the wind whipped and shook things. Rand went out this morning and two huge limbs were in our road. He used the mules to pull them to the side and then he and Austin went to check on folks.

It wasn’t good. Not many people saw the hail but the heavy down pour caught a lot by surprise. Momma O’s family was okay and so was most everyone else on our side of the county but word at the Shack was that down in Mayo and further south outside the county in Bell and Trenton, the damage was pretty extensive. Lots of downed trees. Both the rivers were able to hold the water and keep any flooding at bay. Maybe that was the reason for the drought, so that the rivers and streams and ponds would be low enough to hold the rain to keep something worse from happening.

I’m just beat all to pieces. Scared myself for one. I thought I really was in labor but with both Rand and Austin away I didn’t have any choice but to let things be whatever it was going to be. But it stopped. It must have been that false labor, those Braxton-Hicks contractions, that the books and the other women have spoken to me about. The worry did more harm than the scare did.

I never realized, not really ever given myself a chance to realize, that I’m scared. I’ve hurt before and I know you survive it, especially since I know that it will be over with at some point, but I’m scared all the same. To think that some little person is going to come out of me, possibly ripping me to up in the process … I can’t tell you the dreams I’m starting to have about it. If I write the dreams down it means that I’m going to have to admit to being scared.

I haven’t told Rand about it because I already know he is scared and worried. He hasn’t said as much in so many words … well, maybe a little … but he’s been trying really hard not to show it. He still thinks about LauraBeth and what she went through. And I think he thinks about the other stories we’ve heard about how the birth is going OK one minute and then suddenly there is some major emergency and no one to help with it. Sometimes the stories still come out all right but a lot of the time they don’t. I guess that is why the old cemeteries are so full of babies and women who have died giving birth to them.

Gak … morbid. I just have to have faith. But at the same time I can’t be blind to what might happen … not what will but what might.

I’ve been making a notebook. I haven’t told Rand about it, nor Austin. It is a book about a lot of stuff that if something happens to me, the last of my family, I would want someone to remember. Most of the stuff in the notebook is good. And it has been good for me … therapeutic … to remember it and write it down. But some of the stuff hasn’t been good. But, it has still been good to write it out. It is the kind of stuff that teaches life lessons, about my mistakes that I don’t want my kid to repeat.

If something does happen, that notebook will be for whoever is left … the baby … or Rand. Gosh, I’m making myself cry. Better stop before Rand asks why.

June 7th – I’ve finally got everything for the baby finished. All the stuff for the cradle and the baby bed. All the little clothes. I’ve gotten the diapers sewn and the little covers to go over the diapers. I decided to do everything in yellow and green. Actually I didn’t have much choice to do everything in yellow and green, it is the only yarn and embroidery floss that I had in any quantity.

I finished the edging on the last spit up rag as Rand and Austin were sitting down to a late lunch. And get this … Rand asks, “Why are you bothering to put a lace edge on a rag the kid is going to puke on?”

“Because I can. I want the baby to have … stuff to use that doesn’t look like it comes out of a rag bag.”

“But it did come out of a rag bag. Right? You didn’t use trade goods to buy something like that … did you?”

So what if I did. I contribute plenty to the stuff that goes to the Shack. I don’t know why Rand had to get so bent out of shape about it. He’s never acted that way before. I don’t know why he had to act that way today. He got all snippy and started lecturing me … me of all people … about being more frugal and being responsible.

I was so surprised that I just sat there and took it. Then he got up and stomped outside and went back to work. I sure as heck don’t know what burr he sat on.

June 8th – Rand is still foul and now I’m foul. We got in this really big … well it was big but we had to whisper so that Austin couldn’t hear us … argument. It was after we went to bed last night. He wanted to cuddle and I have to tell you I was just too tired and hot to cuddle and well, one thing led to another and he started acting all weird and saying stuff that totally isn’t true. Like I only think of the baby. Or, I never pay him that particular kind of attention anymore and don’t want to either.

Personally I think he’s lost his marbles or something. I’m fat. I’ve got stretch marks that are competing with my scars, neither of which will ever go away. I’m hot. No matter what I do I can’t get away from it. I can’t even enjoy a cool bath anymore because Ken says that it might not be such a good idea. I’m so big and so far along I can’t get in and out without a lot of help and I could get hurt. None of my shoes fit so I’m barefooted or in tired sandals all the time which shows my legs and only a couple of pieces of my clothes fit … and that’s if I don’t mind that they’re so tight you can see my stomach ripple with the baby moves. And I feel like I have an alien inside me. Yeah, I’m going to feel like doing that sort of stuff when I feel like this. Right. Sure I will.

We’ve only been talking to each other because we don’t want to upset Austin. I suppose that is something to work with but still … first the lecture on money like I’m some kind of spendaholic bimbo and now he acts like I don’t have any consideration at all for his feelings.

Oh no … more thunder. That’s all we need.

Jun 9th – Rain. And rain. And some more rain. Either Rand is going to go out of this house for a while or I am. I’m so mad I could just about spit. You know, if he is scared that is one thing but he’s making me feel like I’m disgusting or something and I’m … I’m …

I think I’m gonna cry. What did I ever do to wind up in this kind of situation?

June 10th – Wash day … in the rain. It was either wash or watch all the dirty clothes mildew and ruin. Rand acted like I was out of my mind and then complained that I had laundry strung all through the house like a hillbilly housewife … and threw in the barefoot and pregnant remark just to get a little dig in.

We aren’t speaking to each other at all now. He made me so mad I threw a pair of his wet underwear at him and they caught him in the face and the look of surprise caught me off guard and I started to laugh.

Then he really went off how I didn’t appreciate anything. That he was stressed out and it was shaving years off his life and had I seen that he’d actually started having gray hair and … and then I lost it and left the room and went upstairs to the hidden bonus room and locked the door and had a long cry.

He did try to come up a couple of times but I was still pretty wasted and I screamed at him to stay away and leave me alone since I didn’t seem to suit him anymore. He stopped after a while and I guess I fell asleep on the pallet up here. I got up because I had to use the outhouse but it was too dark and the house was all locked up so I used the bathroom that Austin uses at night.

He’d just gone to bed. I guess I can’t blame him. I don’t know what is wrong or what we are coming to. I thought having a baby would be joyous and happy, make us even more of a family but it is so scary and it seems to be doing just the opposite.

I’m so tired I just don’t know what to do anymore.

June 11th – Church day. Doesn’t seem any day is restful any more. I couldn’t sleep hardly at all last night. My back was killing me and I doubt I’ll sleep much tonight after what I hear at the services.

Bandits are getting really bad. The drought has ruined a lot of peoples’ gardens and people have reverted to taking what they need whether anyone else wants to give it to them or not. The heat, the drought followed by these intense rains we’ve been having, the bandits … the news was sobering. I didn’t like the news but at least it took my mind off of my own troubles.

Then the service. Talk about guilt tripping. I swear I wonder how Ken knows just what to preach to make me squirm. It was all about family and how husbands and wives are supposed to treat each other, how men and women are supposed to act. It made me feel worse because it didn’t look like Rand was feeling anywhere near as guilty as I was feeling.

I was so uncomfortable on those old metal chairs. Rand snipped at me to stop squirming and distracting him. I felt the tears welling up and he looked like he was so satisfied by that. I escaped to help with the dinner on the grounds as soon as I saw some of the other women leaving. As soon as I got to the tarp that had been set up all I heard from several ladies was, “Aw Honey, we didn’t expect you to help. We didn’t put you down for anything. Why don’t you just go back inside.”

Well, going back was the last thing I wanted to do so I wandered off behind the building to find a little shade even if I did have to fight the mosquitoes for a share of it.

“Child, come out from them bushes. You’re gonna get chiggers if nothing else.” Nothing like Mrs. Withrow’s commonsense to put me in my place. “Now, you walk with me over to that fountain and you tell me what’s wrong.”

“I didn’t say anything was wrong,” I protested.

“You’re mouth didn’t but I can tell it all the same. And that husband of yours doesn’t appear to be acting himself either.”

Then it all just came pouring out. All of it … how I was feeling, how Rand was making me feel, how only thinking of how I felt made me feel selfish and therefore worse, how I didn’t understand why Rand was acting like he was acting, just all of it. I kept waiting for her to laugh or tell me I was overreacting.

“Come here child. Let’s go sit on that bench over there.” When we were settled, neither of us particularly comfortable on the hard stone, she said, “Now, I can’t tell you why Rand is acting like he is acting. It does sound out of character. Could be for several reasons or he might not have a good enough one. He might be tired. Or he could just be worried about all the new responsibility that will be coming his way with this baby … and he could be scared that he might be facing those responsibilities on his own if the Good Lord decides to call you Home. Do you want someone … maybe Ken … to speak to him for you?”

“No!” I told her. “Definitely not. I can only imagine that would make it worse, embarrass him … and me. I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. And If I’m not doing something wrong, what the problem is all of a sudden. I mean the world might be going crazy but Sparkleberry Ranch was a place that … that separated us from all of that. It was out there but it didn’t come home with us. Do you understand what I mean?”

She nodded her head like some kind of wise Buddah, “Sure do. Your house is your home and your home is your haven from the world.”

“Exactly,” I told her.

“But you know you can’t just run away and hide from what is going on. And Rand is out in it more than you. He’s more than likely bringing the worries home with him and you are sensing it even if you don’t know for sure what you are dealing with.”

“So that means that I’m the one not cutting him enough slack.”

“Not necessarily,” she said. “Like I said, I can’t speak for Rand. I do remember what it felt like to be this far along. And I imagine you are pretty worried about what is shortly to come.”

“It’s … it’s not the pain, not really. I’ve lived with pain off and on for a long time … well, a long time to me. I know that pain comes and pain goes. I think … I think I even have the idea of being a mother down. Austin helped with that a lot. So did remembering my own Momma and how … how she wasn’t perfect but she loved me with her whole heart. I don’t know what it is exactly … just kind of a feeling of … of impending doom.”

“Why child? Why do you think you feel this way?”

“Because the other shoe always drops,” I told her finally putting into words what I’d only been dancing around when I talked to myself. “Things always happen to take away … to take away … “ I couldn’t finish it. Then I whispered, “I’ve been happier these last months than I think I ever have been my whole life, even with all of the bad stuff that has happened. But nothing lasts forever. Nothing. At least not in my experience.”

There. I’d said it. Nothing lasts forever.

I think she was going to say something but then there was a scream. Mrs. Withrow and I moved at about the same speed these days so we limped our way over to where the ruckus was going on. There was a crowd and I heard a woman’s voice screaming, “I don’t care. Take it away. Get rid of it. I don’t want it. It just about killed me and now it is sucking the life out of me. I can’t take this anymore. If you don’t get it away from me I’ll do something to it. I swear I will.”

“Oh dear,” I heard Mrs. Withrow whisper. “It’s that woman from over on River Road. She just had a baby … her man left a few months back and hasn’t come back … her mother has been worried about her, said the birth turned her brain.”

“It” turned out to be her baby. The only time she would calm down is when the baby disappeared from her sight.

Then another woman went and picked up the baby where it had been flung to the ground and drew it to her like it was the most precious thing in the world. I saw her look at the man with her with pleading and pain-filled eyes. Mrs. Withrow whispered to me, “That’s Margaret Timberlake. She had a baby girl but it died the next day and Ken still isn’t sure why. It only just happened. Look at her dress; she wants that baby so bad.”

Mrs. Timberlakes bosom area was drenched and likely not from sweat. I guess the baby crying had made her milk start up and all the emotions and everything with it.

It was two hours before things were settled. We stayed the entire time to continue the dinner on the grounds but also because Rand had been asked to be a witness to all the papers and everything that the Judge eventually wrote out and had both families sign and the witnesses too to make sure no one was being coerced.

The little girl, called Daisy, was going to go live with the Timberlake family for at least a year with no recourse by the birth mother. This was to ensure that Daisy would be nursed until she could be safely weaned with no danger to her health. At that time the birth mother had one week to make known her intentions to ask for Daisy to come back to her and the request put before the Judge and a group of responsible citizens of the district. If she did not object, or was found to be an unfit mother for some reason, the adoption would become permanent. The birth mother’s parents were heartbroken until Margaret Timberlake said that she would never think of excluding Daisy’s maternal grandparents from her life and hoped, that if their daughter ever did take Daisy back, that she’d be allowed to keep in touch with the little girl.

I don’t see that it was a perfect solution, given all of the unknowns of the future, but it looks like the best one that could have happened with the options that were available. I overheard several women discussing the possibility that the birth mother was suffering some kind of post partum psychosis. There used to be drugs and psychotherapy to help women that suffered from that. I bet there were a lot of women who were locked up in asylums in the old days that could have suffered from something like that. Rotten hormones causing a chemical imbalance in the brain … you didn’t have any say over it happening or not. How horrible to have to protect your baby from yourself.

June 12th – From bad to worse.

I’m sitting here in the orchard trying to catch a breeze after check on the plum trees. That hail storm didn’t help them but the damage doesn’t look catastrophic now that the trees have had a few days to heal. But that isn’t what I was going to write about. It has been a rough morning and it is either sit down and write it out or just fall down.

If it wasn’t bad enough at church services yesterday, news of a major raid at the Henderson Ranch had us scrambling this morning. You know the raiders are bold and arrogant if they did something like that. Rand was called to help first thing this morning. I didn’t want him to go but I couldn’t very well tell him not to, Mr. Henderson and Mitch and the rest of them have done so much for us. And it bothers me that we still haven’t quite made up though we are being carefully polite to one another. I hope that is a good sign. I’ve determined that no matter what Rand and I are going to talk it out tonight.

He and Austin came back for a few minutes to let me know that it was mostly OK. Some injuries but the attack was so odd. Maybe they were desperate but they did more cosmetic damage to the ranch’s wall than real damage to the ranch itself. Rand and Austin went back to help clean up some more and to try and see if they could figure out the weirdness.

That’s odd … they just left and now here they are again. Why would they …………………….

Kathy in FL

Chapter 96

June 15th –

I swear that I’ll find you. If it takes the rest of my life Kiri I will find you. I won’t let it end this way, I won’t let this end at all. I feel so guilty Babe. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t here when you needed me … again. When Austin and I got back and couldn’t find you. It was Austin that found the blood in the orchard when he heard Woofer start howling. We’ve did everything we could for Fraidy but it wasn’t enough. I don’t know how I’m going to tell you when you get home that your poor cat is gone.

I saved your journal. It got a little wet in the rain but not too bad. I swear I didn’t mean to read it, not at first. I was just cleaning it up with your pen and ink, putting everything back together so you’d know where it was when you get home. But once I started I couldn’t seem to stop. It was like falling in love with you all over again. So many times you worried for nothing and the times you should have been worried it doesn’t even seem to have registered. We have a lot to talk about. Soon. When you get home.

The raiders are all over the place. There are so many of them. There was some kind of escape off of one of the prison islands and they let loose some of the prison barges. It’s been like being swarmed by bees. I need you here, where I can see you and know you are safe. Where are you?!

Ram is crazy. Crazier than he used to be. He and Bill, they’ve interrogated a few men but no one knows what we are talking about. There’s been rumors … seems like the slavers are joined up with the escaped convicts. I pray that you are safe. You have to be. You need to come home. The baby will be here soon and I want you to sit down and rest before that happens.

Austin is finally asleep. He’s so shook up that he doesn’t know whether he is coming or going. I wanted him to go stay with Uncle George but he nearly came unglued at the mere suggestion so I didn’t push him.

I haven’t been able to sleep. I can’t sleep. How am I supposed to sleep with you not here?


Kathy in FL

Chapter 97

A young girl had nudged Rand, waking him from an accidental doze.

“Peepaw, you promised after you finished your glass of tea you would tell us the rest of the story of your first true love.”

“Oh I did did I?” he playfully teased as he hugged his sweet little granddaughter. He looked over at his daughter in law and saw that she was about to “rescue him” from the rest of the story telling but he shook his head. Everyone in the family knew that he’d been sensitive about what had happened for years, still was if he was honest with himself. After they’d stolen his bride away and her big and pregnant he’d gone through a bad time that took a lot of years to get over. He’d turn hard against anyone that he thought was a threat and he wasn’t near as generous when he thought someone was trying to take advantage of his family.

Uncle George, Ram, Ken, Bill, Mitch … and their families … they all stood by him during that time and eventually, slowly he healed and could once again interact with people without immediately assuming the worst. But here he was, an old man … probably older than he had any right to expect considering the world he’d lived through … and still he’d wake up in the night in a cold sweat searching for his lost bride in the dark of the house.

Austin, despite being just a boy and a young one at that, was a lifesaver during those early weeks and months. He remembered being so tore up there were days he’d have a hard time getting all the farm work done and would have let it go and hang the consequences if he hadn’t needed to be a provider. Even his health was affected and in the fall of that year he got a bad case of pneumonia that almost took him off. But he survived and despite everything Sparkleberry Ranch had grown and prospered.

Austin never left home except for a brief spell when he’d worked with Ram. He’d gotten a chance to see a bit of the world but in the end chose to come back and eventually marry. During that time the rule of land was that if you could fence it in and maintain it then it was yours whether you had a piece of legal paper to prove it or not. When Austin married they’d finally finished fencing in one of the eighty acre plots next to Sparkleberry Ranch’s original forty and they built a little house so that Austin and his wife could have some privacy. These days it was Austin’s sons that did a lot of the heavier work around the home place leaving him to rest on his laurels a bit. Seems people age faster than they use to and when he looked in the mirror in the mornings he didn’t see a man in the prime of his life, not yet sixty, but a white haired old geezer looking man that he nearly didn’t recognize.

Last week a rare inland hurricane had taken most of the roof off of Austin’s house and now his house was filled to the rafters with kids and household goods like it hadn’t been in years. As much as he loved having everyone around every so often the children rattled his nerves. Yesterday had been one such day and he’d sought peace and quiet up in the hidden room, a space that rarely saw use except in times like these. Mostly it had become a repository of everything that no one used but didn’t want to throw out just in case it might one day come in handy again.

He’d been cleaning out and organizing some piles of such debris when he saw her old portable desk. The rain that day had ruined it. He’d tried at various times to repair it but the water damage had mangled the joints, swelled the lid so badly the hinges didn’t work, and thrown the whole box out of square. He’d finally given up on it and he still remembered when Austin carried it upstairs because his inability to repair it and make it like new upset him.

He’d picked it up and when he’d tried to open it the whole thing fell apart in his hands. It shook him up pretty good and as he was picking up the pieces he noticed her journal. When she’d first gone missing he carried it everywhere with him and then after a while he’d practically enshrined the thing like a religious artifact. He remembered he’d even written in it once but never had again feeling it was somehow sacrilegious. But there it was again, and in pretty good shape too considering its age. He didn’t have a clue what made him do it but he sat down again and relived that first year remembering all the bad things but finally being old enough to accept the comfort of the good as well.

This morning the little girls had been pestering him for a story and nothing seemed to suit his mood accept for him to tell them about how things used to be. Oh he’d glossed over some of the horrors, they were just little girls and he didn’t want to give them nightmares, but now he’d come to the really horrible part of the story and he’d been struggling to find a way to finish it. He wanted them to know the truth so they could really appreciate what life had been like but …

“I swear Rand Joiner, over forty years and I still can’t get you to leave your muddy boots out on the porch. Look at my kitchen floor. Now I’m going to have to clean it before I can start cleaning this corn so I can get it canned up. And get that innocent look off your face Austin, your boots are just as bad as his.”

Austin grinned, “Yes Momma.” Turning to Rand he said, “I’m going to go check the triticale, see if that back corner of the plot is salvageable or not.”

Rand grumped, “You going to leave me to be the only one tortured for dragging in mud?”

Austin laughed outright at that, “You love it and you know it. Momma, if the kids get to fretting you, send ‘em out to the field and I’ll work off some of their energy for you.”

Austin kissed the gray-haired old woman on the cheek and left the house. She turned and noticed the book in Rand’s hands. “Where on earth did you find that old thing? I haven’t seen it in years. I thought it must have gotten put in the compost pile.”

The little girl was now getting very impatient with the adults. She’d been promised a story and a story was what she wanted. “Memaw, Peepaw was telling us the story of his first true love.”

The old woman cocked an eyebrow at the old man, “Oh he was was he?”

“Yes ma’am. It was so exciting; full of adventure and love and bad guys and good guys all sorts of stuff. They don’t tell us these kinds of story in school, they make everything sooooo boring. But now he won’t finish, he just wants to take a nap.” The little girl was a little spoiled, she was the youngest of the Austin’s children and they’d gotten a little lax with her.

“And with that attitude you may never hear the rest of the story. You want me to send you out to the field like your father said?”

The little girl new when her Memaw used that tone of voice you’d better rethink how you were behaving. “No ma’am. I’m sorry but … but he was just getting to the good part, the part I never get to hear about because everyone thinks I’m too little.”

“Oh,” the old woman said in understanding. She looked over at her husband of so many years and saw he’d been reliving those awful weeks all over again. She turned to the little girl and said, “That was a bad time for everyone Joy. It was when your father was still a little boy. And it was the summer right before Peepaw got so sick we didn’t know whether we’d lose him.”

“But I know that part of it, I just want to hear about the rest of it … how you escaped and survived and eventually came back to Peepaw and lived happily ever after. I’m a big girl now, it won’t give me bad dreams like Paulie says, I know it won’t.”

Kiri looked at Rand and then reached over and patted his hand. “I tell you what Joy, you help me skin this corn out of their husks and help me get all of the silk off and I’ll tell you the rest of the story. We’ll let Peepaw sit and rock a spell and just listen. That sound good?”

And the little girl jumped up and grabbed a large woven basket and put it on the floor at her feet and picked up the first corn and began to husk it with a will. “Yes ma’am. I’ll help do all of it just please, please, please tell the story.”

Kiri just laughed and shook her head and pulled up a chair to do her share of the corn while Rand rocked and listened with half an ear while he remembered what was written on the last few pages of the journal.

July 31st – Rand is finally asleep. He watches me like a hawk and it makes me nervous how intense he is. I move just a little bit and he jumps a mile. Ken was by this morning, the off and on bleeding has finally stopped all together and the fever hasn’t come back for over a week now. He agreed with me that it wasn’t going to hurt for me to get out of this bed and get a little exercise and I thought Rand was going to come unglued.

I finally managed to get him to go check on Pretty Boy for me to see he was healed up with that new cat had come around looking for dinner. I still miss Fraidy but all of her kittens are so feral I haven’t got the strength to tame one of them yet. While Rand was out of the room I asked Ken about how Rand was acting.

“If I had to diagnose him I’d say he was suffering from PTSD. That’s …”

I brushed his explanation off and I told him, “I know what it is, that’s what they thought I had after the accident. But why would he have it and not me. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Kiri, Rand was in … he was in very bad shape while you were gone. A couple of us were really beginning to wonder if we wouldn’t lose him too. I expected him to just fade away or ride off on that horse of his to wander forever looking for you. If it hadn’t been for Austin I expect that is exactly what he would have done.”

“I know. You aren’t the first person that has told me that. And I can see with my own eyes the truth of it. But what I want to know is what I can do to help him.”

“There isn’t much you can do except to try and give him some time and understanding. This will either resolve itself or it won’t; either way it is going to take time.”

I’ve tried to get Rand to talk about it some but what do I know? I can remember resisting everyone’s attempts to get me to talk after the accident that killed my family; I shouldn’t have been surprised that Rand is doing the same thing. But I am. Rand is supposed to be the level-headed one, the steady one. Now it feels like we are reversing roles and I’m just about too hurt and tired to manage it right now.

I got up to change my gown this morning when I stumbled across my journal. My desk is a lost cause even though Rand swears he’ll fix it for me. That’s not happening but he seems so insistent that I don’t have the heart to try and argue him out of it.

I saw what he’d written after that day and it worries me as much as the way he is acting now. I have a feeling that we have a long hard row to hoe in front of us. This whole area does. Mrs. Withrow, who came by a couple of days ago, says this whole area does. Between the storm damage and the civil unrest that reminded everyone of the worst days after the last pandemic wave there is just so much work to be done and nowhere near the resources to get it done like there used to be. The abandoned properties have long ago been picked over and picked apart for scrap building supplies or burnt down to deal with rodent infestation. The remnants of the government and military are almost solely focused on trying to keep other countries from pilfering what resources we have left. Ram was saying the other day that we can’t count on recycling forever, that we have got to rebuild some type of manufacturing base or we are going to really fall back into the Dark Ages and that it might last longer than the first one did.

I guess I’m still weaker than I want to admit because to even start thinking about all of that stuff makes me physically ill. And when Rand notices it, especially after someone has come for a visit and I’ve gotten a little bit of a view what is going on beyond my own front porch, he starts swearing up and down that there wasn’t going to be another visitor come through our door until they learn to watch their mouths.

I’m still finding it so hard to understand how I could go through what I went through and come out better off than Rand has who only experienced it from the outside. Wait, that isn’t fair. He just experienced a different part of the situation. This is so confusing. Maybe if I write out what happened I’ll be able to understand things better, more objectively.


Kathy in FL

Chapter 98

No matter how hard I try to focus on details that first day and week is still kind of hazy. I don’t know if it is shock or what but it feels like there are chunks of time missing, or maybe I was just “gone away” trying to deal with my terror.

I remember sitting in the orchard, trying to escape some of the heat. I remember feeling full as a tick from eating the first of the ripe plums. I can even remember how juicy and delicious they were in contrast to my expectations; I was surprised that the drought hadn’t done more damage to them. Rand and Austin had come and gone again and then I heard a noise like they’d come back for some reason and that’s when I was attacked.

A large man back handed me hard enough to set my ear to ringing, cause a gash inside my mouth and bloody my nose all in just a single swat. I tried to grab my gun but it was kicked away from me by another man and in the process it felt like a couple of my fingers had been broken although it turned out they were just badly bruised and sprained.

I remember Fraidy squalling as she leapt from the limb she’d been laying on above where I had been sitting. She raked the face of the man that had hit me and he shouted and threw her off and then shot at her. I was too disoriented at the time to know whether she had been hit but I later found out that she’d collapsed on the spot, bleeding profusely for an animal her size. That and shock is what killed her, I just didn’t know it then.

Before I even had time to register the questions in my mind a sledge hammer sized fist caught me on the side of the head and that’s all I remember for a long time.

I must have been in and out of consciousness several times because hazy pictures, like phantasms drifting in front of me, give me the feeling that I was lifted up onto a horse and held there in a vice like grip. Then there is a sense of being transferred to small boat, maybe a canoe or bassboat, and covered by something that crinkled and smelled bad. But that was the last thing until I came to completely and found myself in the dark. I could tell it was night after I had sat up and peered through the small, mesh covered windows used to ventilate the box that I and several other women and girls were being held in. I could also tell we were being transported on some type of wagon by the sound of wheels, hooves, and the creaking the wood made as it swayed.

“Where are we? What’s going on?” I asked the woman I knew was beside me though I could not see her face clearly.

“Shhhh,” several others said. “Don’t make noise.”

I didn’t have time to wonder why because something loud was banged on the box we were in and an oily voice said, “Last warning. One more cluck out of you hens and I’ll pull to the side of the road and let my men use you until you grasp the concept of obedience.”

I felt a hand, a calloused but definitely female hand, cover my mouth. Not hard enough to hurt me but firm enough for me to get the point that this wasn’t the first warning that had been given and that the group didn’t want to pay the consequences for one captive’s actions.

The motion of the wagon was nausea inducing and I fell into a stupor just to escape feeling ill and frightened at the same time. As a few days passed, and we continued being transported like livestock, I learned that I wasn’t the only pregnant female in the group. In fact almost three-quarters of the dozen women were obviously pregnant but I was the one furthest along. It made no sense but no answers were forthcoming. We were forbidden to speak or make any sort of noise or communicate with each other in any way.

It was a strange existence. We were let out of the box three times a day under heavy guard. While we were out of the box we took care of our bodily functions and were fed surprisingly well. I don’t know about the other women but I was so numbed that I really wasn’t living in this dimension of time and space. I thought of Rand and Austin and everyone else but it was like I existed in a fog that protected me. It was a lot like the fugue state I had survived in after the accident … I was insulated and protected and was able to function to a primitive degree that helped me to survive without drawing unwanted attention. Even in my state however I could tell some of the other women weren’t fairing as well however.

On my fourth fully wakeful day one of the women finally collapsed completely. She was one of the pregnant ones. She started cramping and bleeding. The other women tried to hush her cries of pain and fear but I’d reached my own level of simple acceptance.

Despite the other women trying to stop me I tried to get the Oily Man’s attention. “Excuse me …. Hey Mister … excuse me … we have an emergency and …”

The wagon stopped, “What did I say was going to happen if you hens gave me any trouble.”

Forcing myself to behave in an ingratiating way I said, “Yes sir, I know sir but one of the women … she’s bleeding pretty badly.”

There was a great deal of cursing that was followed by, “You better not be yanking my chain you little @#$%& or I’ll guarantee you won’t be fit to serve a man for the rest of your life. Cardo, see if we have a sick hen in the box.”

The guy the Oily Man had called Cardo opened the larger window on the back door of the box letting enough light in that we all had to shield our eyes. One look was enough to convince him there was a problem and he let out a string of foul words that would have peeled paint if there had been any on the box.

It was over in less than two hours and they hid the body of the woman and her stillborn daughter in a shallow grave that wouldn’t have kept out the laziest scavengers. We were all sniveling and crying if we weren’t in shock and that’s when the Oily Man gave another one of his terror inducing ultimatums.

“Listen up you buncha broody hens. I won’t accept the loss of any more profit. You feel the baby coming you cross your legs and you hold it. We’ll be where we’re going in less than a day. Anyone of you do what that one did and before you expire you’ll wish you’d never been born. I’ll gut you and take the baby out of your body myself before I let another one of you spoil this haul for me.”

We were all forced to eat even though none of us had an easy time of choking the contents of the MRE down. But either we all ate or we would all reap the consequences. Peer pressure was how they’d started out controlling us and they still haven’t deviated from that tactic. After we were made to drink some kind of electrolyte drink the remaining eleven of us were forced back into the box and my back and tail bone ached in protest.

It still didn’t make a bit of sense to me, none of it did. I’d never heard of slavers that actually sought out heavily pregnant women. It would seem to be a contradiction. We couldn’t do the kind of work that would make our purchase worth it. Certainly we weren’t fit to be a part of some male fantasy or role-playing racket. And the way they were feeding us and taking care of our needs … relatively speaking anyway … made even less sense. We had nothing in common with the Sabine women of Roman folklore. All I could think of was the stories like the women of Jabesh-gilead, the Midianites, the victims of the Canaanites … all the stories that my Aunt had used to criticize in painful detail the treatment of women in the Bible and I had to stop after that because I couldn’t handle my own thoughts anymore.

It was some hours before dawn of the following day when I started to hear water … big water as in moving water and the kind of wind you only get along a shore line. I hadn’t known whether it was fresh or salt water until I smelled the brine wafting in on tendrils of air that penetrated our prison.

The briney smell got stronger and then we could hear and feel the wagon switch from the rutted dirt and paved roads that we’d gotten used to to some type of wooden planks. And then the wagon stopped.

We were left to wonder what was going on because no one bothered to tell us. In fact it was eerily quiet except for the creek and groan of what I was to learn were the ropes that tied a ship to a wharf at the abandoned and derelict yacht club where we waited.

After nearly half an hour the back door of our box flew open and we were ordered to climb out and line up. Our only connection to our past soon drove away as the Oily Man and his minions left without a backward glance and were replaced by men that were even harsher. A man whose voice and grammar belied his rough nautical appearance said, “Well ladies, times a wasting. Follow Mr. Hempley to the holding area so you can receive your promised ticket for a free cruise.” When none of us moved the formerly benign smile turned into a shark’s grin. “Move. Now. Some of you aren’t so far gone that the men aboard these ships wouldn’t be happy to spend some quality time with you.”

We moved.

We were driven into two chain linked cages that reminded me of large dog runs. The first one held all of the non-pregnant women, all young and relatively pretty under the dirt and grime of their captivity. Those of us who were pregnant were ushered to a cage on the other side of a warehouse where we found even more of our kind. Here it didn’t matter what your age or looks were, just so long as you were healthy and obviously well into or passed your second trimester.

Rough looking men walked around with the kind of automatic weapons I hadn’t seen since my run in with the Russians. But these weren’t foreigners. The few times I heard the men speak they had American accents … most of them were kind of mid-west but a few stood out … Boston with all the dropped consonants, Massachusettes with Kennedy sound-alikes, Minnesota with their long drawn out O’s, a beach blonde “Dude” from the west coast, and the deep south had their fair share of representatives too that sounded too much like home to me not to bring a tear to my eyes.

Every so often two men would come in, separate one or two women out of the group and push or drag them down a hallway where they disappeared never to be seen or heard again. I tried to catch the eye of some of the women but they were all too frightened and cowed to do anything but avoid me. Finally I was too tired and too sore to try anymore and I found a relatively clean piece of floor, sat down, leaned against the fence and re-entered my protective haze.

I don’t know how long I was like that but at some point I started noticing that I could hear snatches of conversation coming out of a broken window one floor up from where I sat.

“This will be quite a manifest Mr. Hempley. I do believe that I’ll be able to refill the coffers of my retirement plan as planned.”

A bored snort was his only response.

“And yourself Mr. Hempley? Do you still wish to buy me out as soon as the season ends?”

“Ayuh. You wouldn’t be thinking of backing out of the deal now would you?” A man with a Maine accent asked with a dangerous edge to his voice.

“Oh perish the thought. Why would I do such a thing? I have other plans for my life and not this two-bit dog and pony show.”

There was some quiet and then the Educated Man asked, “Any trouble makers in this group? If there are the sooner I know the sooner they can be culled from the inventory.”


“No there aren’t any or no you think there aren’t any?” the Educated Man asked in a slightly irritated voice.

“Nah, theyah all numb from the shouldahs up.”

I could almost see the satisfied look on the Educated Man’s face. “Good, good. The fewer culls the higher the profit we’ll turn. As it is I have more orders for brats than I could fill in a year.”

I felt my stupor draining from me. Brats? Were they talking about us … or about our babies?

“Got sahm that are close tah poppin.” I was beginning to extremely annoyed at the casual disregard for humanity in that voice.

“Too close to transport intact?”

“Ayuh. Mebbe.”

Again I could hear the irritation in the Educated Man’s voice. “Well, what is it, yes or no?”

“Where I in chahge I’d put ‘em on the next ship out.”

“Hmmmm.” A brief silence and then, “Done. It will mean running heavy on an already overloaded packet but needs must when the devil drives.”

“Barometah’s droppin.”

Wit h the business over with the Educated Man’s attention was on something else. “And?”

“Weathah’s turnin.”

“Oh Lord, not more of your heathen weatherlore.”

“Ayuh, but I’m not the bahsmahn.”

“And don’t you forget it. You show me the money you can buy me out, maybe even sooner than you think. But until then go get the next packet ready for loading and shipping off.”

A grunt and the sound of a chair dragging across a floor and the conversation was over with. Trying to appear nonchalant I looked around to see if anyone else had heard and not one of them appeared to have done so until I looked into the eyes of a dark skinned woman who was also leaning against that part of the fence. Our eyes looked questions at each other, hers wiser than mine. I looked at her belly and she was even bigger than I was.

It took fifteen minutes but she slowly maneuvered until we were near each other. It was another few minutes while she repositioned herself and pretended to sleep while the guards passed by our position. I nearly jumped when she finally whispered from nearly unmoving lips, “We’ll be next.”

Looking around I saw she was right, we were the only two that looked big enough to fit the description of being ‘ready to pop.’

I nodded as I scratched my nose. I hid my lips behind the same hand, “Do you know what they mean?”

It took forever but I finally pieced together her disjointed phrases and my own questions uttered like code so that no one else would be able to tell we were having a conversation. “These slavers, they kidnap pregnant women and sell them to these places called brood farms. One of the pandemic vaccines given during the second wave on in Europe seems to have affected the fertility of a significant number of people that got it. So many children were lost and there are still rich people in the world with money to buy a baby to raise as their own and inherit their wealth.”

“If it was a vaccine given in Europe what’s the problem here?”

“A lot of rich people went overseas to get the shot that the FDA refused to approve and import for US distribution. It did protect people from the second wave but when the third wave rolled around some mutation in the virus got mixed up with the vaccine antibodies and it turned out to attack the reproductive organs.”

“How do you know this?”

“My brother is a radio tech in the Army in the Keys and I worked at the Base medical center. I got taken during a pirate raid to take out the Station on Key Largo. I’ve been here longer than most of the others you see in this pen. My husband was a Norwegian ex-pat and I made the mistake of thinking that it would be harder to place a bi-racial child only the reverse is true. My baby is considered an ‘exotic’ and the bidding really gets jacked up when they have one that is guaranteed.”

I was … well I don’t think there is a single word in the English language that described what I was at that moment mostly though my mad was coming back and erasing the protective fog I’d been surviving in. I still had enough sense though to hide it when I was ordered, at gun point, to take my own walk down the long hallway.

Something must have shown though because at the end of the hallway the man that belonged to the voice of the Educated man stopped me and my escort. “Hmmm. Looking a little … militant. Are we going to have trouble with you?”

I did the first thing that popped into my head. I started breathing faster and muttered, “I’m not going to be sick. I’m not going to be sick. I’m not going to be sick.”

A rather contemptuous look followed by a jerk of his head telling us to move along told me that I’d managed to pull off my subterfuge. But my anger was warring with my fear as I was taken onto what looked like a pleasure craft that used to take cruises out into the Gulf. It wasn’t big as far as cruise ships went … one of those dinner, dancing, and gambling boats they used to hook the tourists and retirees with … but it was bigger than anything I’d ever been on.

I was taken to and then locked in a room with several other pregnant women. A few moments later the woman I’d been whispering with was also ushered into the room. The only positive to mention was that the room had a bathroom attached to it and it was used well and frequently by all of us. A few hours later we were given food but my new friend –her name was Taylora – shook her head and only played at eating. I pulled the same ploy while the other women acted starved to death and fell on the food like hyenas.

“What gives? Is it drugged?”

I could see her nostrils flare, “No. You don’t have much experience of being on the water do you?”

“No,” I whispered back.

“Trust me, until you know how your stomach is going to act the last thing you want to do is fill it up with unfamiliar food.”

Made sense at the time. Made a lot more sense after we had headed out to open water. Taylora and I were the only two not puking our guts up as the waves got rougher and rougher but it was close for both of us. The smell and the sound of retching was almost more than I could stand.

Then it started to rain and thunder. Taylora said, “Someone has lost their marbles. We need to find a safe harbor and fast. This is some bad ju-ju. Can’t you feel it?”

“Yeah but maybe they’ve figured it out. We seem to be going a lot faster than we were before and … ACK! … Lordy, what is the deal with trying to operate this thing as a wave runner? We’re too big for wave … oomph … hopping!”

Taylora and I both would have been knocked to the ground if she hadn’t told me to make sure I always had something close at hand to grab in case a freak wave rocked the vessel. The other women weren’t quite as lucky though and now instead of being able to puke into the toilet or sink they were puking on the floor where they’d fallen.

Then there was the sound of an explosion. Taylora shook her head. “This isn’t right, the engine is the other direction. I hope those fools haven’t let any explosives just roll around in this storm.”

And then one of the starboard windows gave a huge crack as something slammed into at high velocity. Taylora shouted a fairly imaginative curse regarding the origins of the male species and told us all, “Get down and stay down! We’ve got some fools shooting at us!”

Now you could hear the sounds of large caliber, automatic weapons going off and frantic running up and down the hallway outside of our locked door.

“Taylora, let’s try and get the door unlocked!” I shouted above the chaos.

“And go where?!” she asked like I’d lost my mind.

“No where for now but at least it would open our options! What do we have to lose!”

The only problem was there wasn’t anything left in the room that would make a good weapon. I took off my boot and tried whacking at the knob but because of the rocking of the boat I couldn’t hit it hard enough to do any good. And then suddenly there was a huge noise and it felt like we’d hit a sand bar or reef or something.

I only got it partially right … we’d been hit by something all right but that something was another boat ramming us. All of the women screamed and cried and prayed to whatever they believed in. Only Taylora and I seemed to still be capable of constructive thinking. A battle raged over our heads and then it got closer. Occasionally a bullet would penetrate the thin walls, once even coming close enough to me to crease the calf of my leg. I was down on the floor with Taylora trying to tie a makeshift bandage from strips of both of our dresses when there was sudden silence. Then the boat did some kind of strange twist followed by a sudden list to the port. That got the other women screaming again. Taylora and I helped each other to our feet and I had just drawn back my arm to go at the door knob again when the door was actually wrenched open.

An apparition stood in the door frame and said, “Ladies, we need to go … now!”

Several men in sailors’ uniforms rushed in and started hauling the gapping women out and up the stairs to the main deck. Taylora and I struggled up the stairs both of us gasping for air and holding our stomachs by the time we’d reached the last one. That’s when Taylora bent over and groaned.


“Oh why didn’t I listen to my mother?! She said if I married Jarl all of our sons would be born on the water. I am so going to kill that man!”

A pink faced boy that didn’t look as old as I was got a panicky look on his face and asked, “Ma’am? Are you say …?”

Taylora squinted at him and asked, “What do you think I’m saying boy?! I’m in labor!!!” before nearly falling over.

“Medic! Medic!!!!” the boy yelled, his voice cracking.

“What’s the problem Murphy?” asked the man who had busted down the door after running over.

“She’s having a baby!”

“No kidding … oh … Oh @#$%!! Here, get her over to the railing. We need to get these women off. The storm is growing worse and she’s starting to list badly.” Even as the words left his mouth the boat shuddered and shifted under our feet and the rain was now coming down directly onto the deck making it slippery.

There calm removal of the woman from the damaged vessel suddenly became chaotic and the screams and cries of the women competed with the wind and rain that had definitely gotten worse.

Taylora was across as were half the other women when one of the lines linking the cutter and slaver vessel snapped injuring two of the sailors on our side. They were sent over and then the rest of the women went across, each accompanied by a sailor to try and speed up the evacuation process. Then it was down to me and the last sailor.

The waves were fierce and the salt spray stung my eyes so bad I could barely see. Both ships were rocking and even over the sound of the storm I could hear how tortured the ropes sounded. And then the slaver ship seemed to completely give up the fight and started listing to the port and showing its underside. I held my breath so long my chest hurt as the cutter was pulled over. As fast as they tried to bring us on board it wasn’t fast enough. The tension finally broke, the remaining ropes snapped and the sailor and I dropped into the brine.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 99

The water closed over my head so fast I never had time to inhale. I sank and sank and … You know, that life flashing before your eyes thing is real. It wasn’t like a movie; more like silent pictures played across the inside of my eyelids. Half the pictures were of stupid stuff that I hadn’t even realized had meant something to me but then a picture of Rand and Austin flashed on my personal slide show and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I couldn’t give up.

I struggled to the surface but then had to accept that I wasn’t going to make it. And that’s when an arm brushed against me and then grabbed me, dragging me the rest of the way up.

A voice shouted in my ear, “We have to move away! She’s going down and she’ll take us with her in the vacuum effect!!”

The problem was that I didn’t know which direction “away” was. The rain was coming down so hard I had yet to see the face of my rescuer. I felt him drag something over my head and then realized it was a life vest. I could feel some vibration in the water and a deep groan issued off to my left. With that my rescuer started pulling me to the right trying to get back to the cutter but it was impossible.

I’m not sure how long we were in the water but it was long enough for me to realize that the water is only warm at the beach. The water out in the middle of the Gulf is cold enough to sap your strength away. We were swept this way and that with the debris that bobbed up from the sunk slave ship.

A particularly large wave suddenly picked us up and as we came down a piece of debris slammed into the side of my rescuer’s head. Now it was my turn to encourage him, to rouse him when he would fade. And then out of the blue a yellow inflatable rammed us. How my rescuer found the strength to grab it while still holding me will probably remain a mystery until Judgment Day. It was a struggle but I finally managed to climb into the life raft and hold on. But no matter how hard he tried my rescuer could never succeed in getting himself into the boat.

The waves were growing worse and his hands were bloody where the rope sawed into his skin. And he was weakening. He no longer had the strength to even pretend that he was trying to climb in the raft.

Whenever the waves would permit I’d lean over the boat and try to help him but then he said, “It’s no use. I’m done.” I railed at him not to give up. He took something from around his neck and somehow tossed it over mine. “Tell her I’m sorry!” I looked down to see what it was and saw he’d given me his dog tags. I looked up and asked, “Tell who …” But he was gone.

I fell back into the raft emotionally hysterical but too physically spent to express it. The lightning crashed, the thunder rolled, and if the waves hadn’t been tossing the raft so much it would have filled with rain water and taken me down with it. I was left with nothing but to scream and cry out to God, asking … no demanding … to know why he was letting this happen. After all I had been through in my life I thought I deserved a little more consideration. Did God think it was funny that after losing my family, surviving the pandemic, and those first brutal months afterwards he offered me what appeared to be a shot at sublime happiness only to jerk the rug out from under me again? And what of my baby? Was it fair to let that little life come so far only to snuff the spark out before he’d even drawn his first breath?

And then I thought of Austin and of Rand and I stopped mattering. I begged and pleaded, “Just let me get home to them. Just let me get home. They need me. Austin can’t handle losing a mother again so soon and Rand needs to have someone to look after to make it through the day. We need time to fix the mess we left things in or he’ll let eat at him the rest of his life.”

Focusing on my prayers was the only way I didn’t slide into the madness of fear. And then, though it didn’t seem possible, the storm got even worse. I lay in the raft and I seemed to be rising and rising and rising and then I was in free fall and I hit the water so hard I was knocked unconscious.

I have absolutely no recollection of what happened in the hours after that. Had I been awake I probably would have died of fright. I was never a big fan of open water and storms to begin with and to have to deal with both of those things on top of what I had experienced during the preceding days would have just been too much. In hindsight it has given me a much greater appreciation for the story of Jonah.

How long I was unconscious is also a mystery. By rights I never should have lived to see the sun come up. The hurricane should have handed me over to the keepers of Davy Jones’ locker several times over. At the very least it should have left me adrift in the middle of nowhere to die of dehydration and exposure.

Instead I shuddered awake at the feel of something disgusting hitting me in the head; like a water gun filled with slime. I brushed my hand across my forehead only to have it come away with bird poop. A seagull was resting on the edge of the raft and soon opened its beak to laugh at me.

“Why you …!” I tried to sit up only to feel like something sharp and hot and alive had been stabbed into my abdomen. I shrieked even louder than the gull had.

“No. No, no, no, no! This can’t be happening!! God, did you save me for this?!” I cried.

I finally caught my breath and was able to sit up only I wish I hadn’t. The bottom of the raft had a couple of inches of water in it that was tinged pink. I started crying but stopped abruptly when what I saw in front of me finally penetrated.

The raft kept bumping against some barnacle encrusted wooden posts. I looked left and right but the water line kept me well below the wooden planks above my head. I could see that they were attached lengthwise to some kind of concrete wall but that was it. But this had to mean I’d washed ashore in a town of some kind.

I screamed myself horse trying to get someone’s attention. It was no use, no one was coming. I was going to have to rescue myself.

I pushed and pulled and finally maneuvered the raft to a rickety looking ladder that went from the water line up to the top of the boardwalk above my head. I had just grabbed the first rung when another pain ripped through me. I was getting slightly dopey by that point. “Hang on Junior, Momma just needs to get out of this raft, up this ladder, and find a nice soft place so that you can come into this world. Though why you are in such an all fired rush all of a sudden is beyond me. You aren’t due for a few more weeks.”

Huffing and puffing I finally managed to pull my salt sticky body onto the boardwalk and when I looked around I was nearly sick.

The little town on the water was nothing but a skeleton. I was pretty sure it wasn’t the hurricane that had done it given the fact that it actually looked like a fire had done most of the damage. I was on my hands and knees trying to convince myself that walking was better than crawling to find some shelter. Then I heard something. It was a rhythmic beat of some kind. It reminded me a little of the sound that was made when Rand was chopping wood.

From somewhere I got the energy to head towards that sound, like it was calling me onward, hoping against hope that I’d find people. But the closer I got the less it sounded like I thought it had and when I finally turned the corner I saw a storm shutter banging against the wall of its building in the tidal breeze.

I was fast approaching the point of giving up again but something continued to pull my feet forward one at a time. Just as I reached the door and pushed it open to step inside big, fat drops of rain began to fall as if cutting off any possibility of retreat.

I looked around and realized I was in a little summer cottage. There was hardly anything to it. I’d seen sheds that were bigger than this one room efficiency that measured twelve by twelve. There was a small three-legged table in the corner of a barely there kitchenette, a small brazier that was supposed to be a fireplace, a door, two tiny windows both missing their glass, and a bed … a blessed bed.

I wasn’t thinking very well, I admit it. I sat on that sheet-less mattress with no thoughts to mold, mildew, or bed bugs. And then lay back and drew my knees up and rocked myself as another pain stabbed me in the gut.

I didn’t pay much attention to how long I lay there I just remember it lasted through several pains. I then from outside I heard a growl that had me sitting bolt upright. I struggled off the bed, made my way over to the door and slammed it shut, threw the distinctly out of place modern bolt, and just managed to push that pathetic little table against it on the pretence that it somehow would keep me safer.

The scare had gotten my brain working again. I knew I didn’t have much more time to prepare. I looked frantically around to see what I had to work with and nearly laughed at the ludicrousness of my position. Nothing, certain nothing that I could start a fire with, but at least I could get out of my clothes and try and save them against what was going to happen.

As I struggled to remove my one remaining shoe I saw pushed under the pedestal kitchen sink a speckleware dish pan. I finished getting all my clothes except my cotton muumuu like undershirt and then, after breathing through another pain, reached under the sink and pulled the pan out. It was a lot cleaner than I had any reason to expect.

Sticking the pan out of the frameless hole that had once held a window I used the rain to wash what little dust there was away and then I filled it and drew it in and sat it on the miniscule night stand next to the bed. That’s it, that’s all the time I had. From that point forward all I remember was feeling like one giant corkscrew of pain was ripping me apart.

After another time warp I lost control of my body and just let nature run its course. I pushed and pushed whenever the urge struck and eventually this baby just gooshed out of me. I had absolutely no real idea what to do after that but I was fascinated with the slime covered package I’d just delivered. I knew I had to disconnect the baby from the placenta that came shortly afterwards. I pulled a string from the hem of my dress and tied it off tightly and then used rubbed the edge of one of the metal dog tags on the rough limestone wall above my head, rinsed it in the pan, and then used the newly sharpened “knife” to cut the umbilical cord.

It was only after I’d finished that and brought the yowling baby up to nurse like I had seen LauraBeth do that I finally realized I had a son. “Your Daddy will be so proud of us. And just wait until he get a load of you. You may be small but you sure are feisty.”

I was exhausted but strangely unable to settle. All the women that I had listened to had said as soon as they had given birth and made sure the baby had all its fingers and toes they were so exhausted they fell into a dreamless sleep. Not me.

I tried to put it down to the mess. I hate sleeping in a messy bed and a blood soaked mattress certainly qualified as messy but it was more than that. I didn’t know what was wrong but I was beginning to freak out … and beginning to hurt again. I couldn’t tell if my fear was causing the pain or if the pain was causing the fear.

I know I’ve written several times of being afraid since I had been kidnapped, even petrified and ready to die but this fear, there is no describing it. I didn’t know what was going on. My baby was here, I couldn’t get sick, I couldn’t die. There was no one to take care of … to take care of … and out of nowhere I knew exactly what my baby’s name was. There was no one around to take care of Beau. I had to be OK. I had to be the one to put Beau into Rand’s arms.

I felt like I was splitting wide open all over again and then I realized something in a very disconnected way. My stomach had never gotten flaccid, there was something still in there. I pushed and pushed and pushed to get it out. This one was so much harder than Beau who lay there crying pathetically while I was unable to comfort him. And then finally with one last herculean effort I got it out of me … and it started crying.

“Two of them?” I thought, thunderstruck at the very notion. “What the heck am I supposed to do with two of them?”

But I repeated the process of detaching the baby from the umbilical cord and placenta and brought the two babies up to my bare chest trying to warm them since the night air had a weird chill to it despite it being the middle of summer.

A boy … and a girl. Beau … and Belle. I thought, “Rand is so going to freak out. Someone needs to have a movie camera going when I show up with not one but two babies in tow.”

But it wasn’t to be that easy. Sometime during the night I started getting sick.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 100A

I didn’t exactly sleep that night. I was constantly thirsty and when I didn’t wake up thirsty Beau and Belle woke me up wanting to chow. I swear you would think that babies that were smaller than regular babies would have smaller appetites but if I didn’t feel like a heifer at the milking stand I don’t think any woman ever has. And my little Beans were making me a bit sore. I was sure I wasn’t doing something right but how the heck was I supposed to know at that point? It isn’t like I had anyone to ask.

And to pile insult on top of injury I noticed that every time I moved around I kind of … well … gushed. I’d read about post partum bleeding in those books but I didn’t realize it was going to be quite so … er … prolific. I was in a hard way. I needed something to use for my feminine needs. I needed something that could act like diapers and wipes for the twins. I needed something that could cover all three of us. And I knew I would need something to make a sling or something out of so that I could carry my little B&B Beans.

I knew I would have to do some exploring but I felt so lightheaded, but at the same time my head hurt so bad it felt like it was a twelve pound bowling ball sitting on top of a toothpick. The pounding was so bad I was nauseous. Or maybe it was just the fact that I hadn’t eaten.

As I was tearing my pregnancy muumuu up as much as I could and still retain some modesty I found the little packages of food that I’d stuffed into my pockets. It was just a few packages of crush pretzels, peanuts, and some kind of trail mix, like those little packages you were given on airplanes, but not being too sacrilegious about it they seemed like manna from Heaven at the time.

I fixed myself up the best I could and just said to heck with it and left Beau and Belle au natural. We were all so gross that a little more nasty wouldn’t make that much difference. The babies didn’t really smell bad despite it all; their guts were still pretty clean. It was me that smelled disgusting. I tore a strip off the bottom of my dress wide enough so that it made a passable sling like the one that I had sewn and put away in the baby’s room … make that babies’ room. Since it was already sewn together at the seam I didn’t even have to tie it and because my little Beans were small I only needed one sling to carry them both with. I figured they were used to sleeping all smooshed together so I didn’t worry about it.

Walking was … unpleasant. OK, that doesn’t cover it … I was sore, gross, smelled, walking around in tore up clothes in danger of losing my modesty with stuff all but hanging out in the breeze that hadn’t done that since I was little more than the Beans’ age. It was also still damp and raining so I tore the plastic off the bottom of the ancient mattress and used it like a poncho. If anyone had told me what state I would eventually be walking around in on the bike ride up to Sparkleberry Ranch from Tampa I would have probably laughed myself sick or slapped them with something big and heavy. But walk I did … just real slow and ginger and holding onto anything close by that I could reach.

Besides being sore in my more delicate areas it felt like my insides were trying to realign to some alien schematic. I knew it was because the babies were on the outside now and things were trying to move back to where they used to belong but knowing that didn’t change the fact that it felt like my insides were dropping out. It was odd being able to draw a full breath too, almost like I was getting too much oxygen for a change and that added to my lightheadedness.

As I explored I found a few useful odds and ends in the surrounding bungalows: a few old enamelware pots and pans; some curtains (old and thin); a few sheets (old, thin, and rotted and mildewed in some places); more plastic from some of the other mattresses; a bottle of Everclear that I decided to use as disinfectant for the Beans’ umbilical cords; and a few other little odds and ends to eat with that didn’t do a whole lot of good since I didn’t have anything to eat. I had to keep resting … and cleaning myself up … and at those times forced myself to drink and eat a few stale peanuts and raisins for protein and sugar.

I was getting shaky and the feeling was scary. It felt like the times I had passed out because of my blood pressure only worse. Ken and I had talked about that the blood pressure problem would likely resolve itself when the baby … now babies … were born but instead I was feeling worse. It was so bad that when it would have been lunch time I had to lie down or fall down and when I got back up I had a nose bleed and stuffy ears. My head literally felt like it was going to explode. I knew that wasn’t good I just didn’t know what to do about it.

Despite the way I felt, or maybe because of it, I knew I had to persevere. If I stopped I’d give up and then I and the Beans’ lives would be forfeit. Several times I caught myself mumbling a little incoherently and realized I was praying. I sure hope God could figure out what I meant because at the time not even I understood what I was saying. I was just about ready to give up when I came upon a bungalow that was about three times the size of the other ones and I realized it must have been the caretaker’s cottage. The door was locked and it took a lot of my mental energy to figure out a way in.

Going in a window was out of the question in my shape. I wasn’t going to be able to kick anything open. I sure as heck wasn’t going to be able to climb to the roof and go down the skylight as I might have risked before I got pregnant. When I stepped back for a better look and nodded my head and continued. I’ve discovered that people’s front doors might be rock solid but their back or side doors were usually much more vulnerable to breaking in. Why people don’t realize that I’ll never know. Sure enough I was able to use some rocks that had been in the hedge border around the house to pound on the back door knob. Once I had broken the screws and knocked the door knob off I was able to use a stick to pull the latch back out of the strike plate and then push the door in.

I leaned against the door jamb for a moment and then my nose noticed the smell. I stank, it was so bad even I noticed, but the little house smelled … well, I figured there was a body in there but that it had been gone a long time. Sure enough in what was the bed in the lone bedroom there was a corpse. I’m sorry to say I wasn’t shocked. Between what I had seen on the bike ride and what I had seen since and the overall condition I was in I just didn’t have it left in me to be shocked.

I’m not sure if the corpse was male or female but I decided that while I was sure that anything infectious or gross was long gone … really, really long gone from the appearance of it … I would avoid going too near it, especially now that I had my little Beans to worry for. However, that didn’t prevent me from combing the rest of the cottage for anything useful and I got very, very lucky. Or it was providential, I suppose it depends on who you talk to and what they believe.

There were useful things still hanging in the little curtain covered alcove that was used as a clothes closet and linen chest. There were some odds and ends in the closet sized bathroom. And in the kitchen cabinet I found about two dozen cans. A couple of them had gone over … leaked or expanded out of shape and I didn’t touch those … and a few had most of the labels eaten away so that I didn’t know what was in them but I didn’t care. I was shaking so bad that I knew that I needed to get what I could and get back to my own little hidey hole.

I barely made it. I’m not sure what was wrong with me but by the time I got the door shut and bolted against yet another storm all I could do was slide to the floor and start crying. The crying didn’t seem to have any purpose. It wasn’t the least bit constructive. I’ve talked to Ken and Mrs. Withrow since then and they suggested it was either emotional shock … something I’m not particularly prone to I don’t think … or I was having a bad case of something called the baby blues. Scientifically it is called post partum depression but whatever it was as soon as I started crying Beau and Belle started crying too and that only made me cry harder.

I cried off and on for what was left of the evening. I cried the hardest when I realized I hadn’t found a can opener to get into those cans with. Finally the brain fog cleared up enough that I figured out a way to tear into the cans using a butter knife and a hammer. The so-called “knife” was toast afterwards but it I figured that I could pound it straight again … or not as I realized there were several other things that I could use to get into the cans amongst my “finds.”

The can I managed to open was sliced peaches. I gagged on the heavy syrup they were in but the sugar helped me clear my head and gave me just enough energy to clean myself and the B&B Beans up so that we could all at least pretend to have a decent sleep. The next morning I was beyond exhausted and knew that I wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t even have the energy to do any more exploring or to go get the rest of the canned food. Heck, the only time I even opened the door was to bring in more rain water or to throw nasty water (and latrine stuff) out.

It continued to rain. At the time it was annoying but in reality it was a blessing. There is no way I could have figured out how to get half way decent drinking water any other way. I still hadn’t found a way to make fire but towards the end of that day as I became more and more annoyed that nothing was drying after I washed it I started trying to figure out how to make fire.

I even dreamed about fire, all night. Then as I was feeding the two chow hounds around dawn I realized I’d seen a gas grill at the caretaker’s cottage. There hadn’t been any gas but the grill itself had an electronic ignition. Suddenly my energy level went up and my blue funk started fading. I packed the Beans up and went back to the cottage. Sure enough there was the BBQ. Big problem though was that the battery in the igniter was dead. I nearly went into a funk again and then I gave myself a royal dope slap for giving in to despair. I hadn’t done it in a long, long time and I wasn’t about to start when I had babies depending on me.

Opening the junk drawer in the cottage I found a package of 9V batteries, probably used for the smoke detectors in each bungalow. And then in the few remaining cleaning supplies I found a roach eaten box of SOS scrubbing pads. I hugged these to myself and giggled like a loony. Good thing my little Beans weren’t old enough to realize just how close to crazy their mom really was at that moment.

It felt like it took forever to rinse the soap out of the SOS pad but once I had I was left with a mass of steel wool. I took some old pieces of newspaper I found in several of the bungalows and set up my experiment. Sure enough, dragging the 9V battery through the steel wool created sparks enough that I managed to catch the newspaper on fire. With that tender … and after spending a couple of hours locating some wood that was still relatively dry enough to do anything with … I started a small fire in the little fireplace and I was able to dry out some cloths for diapers for the Beans and some for my own personal needs as well.

That was another day and I knew I couldn’t continue like this indefinitely. I was starting to cough off and on, especially in the mornings and new gunk was trying to build up in my chest from all the damp. But I also knew that there was no way I would get very far the way things stood at that moment. I was so hungry that it was hard to think clearly. I had an idea, I just hoped that Rand would forgive me for taking a day or two longer to prepare.

The next morning I got up and grabbed the minnow net I had found in one of the bungalows as well as the old bamboo fishing pole and bobber that had been leaning in the same corner. Sure enough by the dock there were minnows galore and I scooped up all I wanted with relative ease. Then I hooked those puppies on the fishing line and started fishing. You know, it was a whole lot easier to catch those minnows than it was to catch bigger fish but I had three fish by the end of the day that were pretty decent sized and one big fish that had snagged another small fish before I could release it back into the wild. I have no clue what kind of fish they were; they had scales, fins, and googly eyes but they sure as heck cooked up pretty easy after I had cleaned them and discarded the innards some ways into the bushes. I still remembered the growl I had heard. I hadn’t heard anything like it since but there was no need to take unnecessary chances.

My energy was slowly coming back and the headaches weren’t so bad, though they never went away completely, but overall l still felt like I had fallen off a cliff since Beau and Belle had arrived. I was still bleeding too and I wasn’t sure just how normal, or not, that was. Where’s the internet when you need it most? None of this stuff had been in Momma’s notes. She was done having kids so I guess she didn’t think much about it but I sure could have used some of her homegrown commonsense. Heck I would have taken just about anyone at that point because they would have known more than I did.

And that is the night that Beau and Belle decided to get cranky. I don’t know who cried more them or me. It is a good thing that zombies aren’t real or we would have been toast given the amount of noise we all three made. I’m not sure why the babies were crying. I was even less sure why I was crying. Either way we didn’t fall asleep until there was enough light to show it was going to be another overcast day.

Despite the better food quality I started having the shakes again. I was also zoning in and out. I knew that I needed to find people soon and that was a huge admission for me. Without the babies I would have not cared a lick about doing anything but getting back to Rand but with the babies the whole game had changed. My little Beans were more important than my lopsided pride. I needed to let Rand know that I was OK but if I wasn’t the one to deliver the message I could live with that … so long as Beau and Belle were OK.

I needed a plan. I needed enough supplies to get home. I needed transportation. Before I could go any further with those three points I needed to know where I was.

I didn’t have a clue how to read the stars and even if I had the cloudy weather would have ruined that. I took stock of what I did know … or at least what I thought I knew. I was pretty sure the storm had been in the Gulf. No, I didn’t know for certain but the Atlantic just feels different and looks different. Also the rising and setting of the sun put water to the west and land on the east. That told me I was on the west coast of a body of land.

Another assumption I made was that I had washed up in Florida. For one it just felt like Florida. I know that sounds illogical and based on hope more than fact but there were things that made it seem more likely than not. The trees and stuff looked like home. Well, not Live Oak home but like stuff that you would find not too far from there. The trees were definitely the same kind of oaks as I was used to seeing but there were certainly more shore-friendly type plants as well like sea grapes, sea oats, scrub plants and that sort of thing. The birds were different but they were still birds that I was used to seeing when I went to the beach and that sort of thing back in Tampa.

Next I added the architecture of the bungalows and some of the other buildings that I had seen … or the remains of buildings I should say. A lot of them were made of tabby. Tabby is a kind of concrete that is made of sand, shells, and lime ash and it was very popular in Florida for several hundred years … up into the 1900s actually since it is so environmentally friendly and can put up with the Florida weather. And some of the exposed beams in some of the older buildings that I had seen were definitely made of cypress, it is a pretty distinct wood and was all over the place in Florida architecture for a while; even the Ringling mansion in Sarasota has a lot of cypress wood in it. Cypress is supposed to be termite resistant but honestly, I think if a termite wants a nibble of wood it is going to take a nibble of wood and hang whether it is supposed to be termite resistant or not. The floors in the bungalows were terrazzo and that definitely reminded me of Florida.

Mostly what I learned from my detective work was that I needed to make sure before I finalized my plans. I got so tired and I hurt and I had to rest a lot just looking around the little town; if I was wrong and went the wrong direction who knows what kind of trouble I would get in. Having a “good feeling” that I was stranded somewhere along the west coast of Florida didn’t mean a hill of beans if I could be more accurate than that. That meant exploring further from my base camp.

I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I’d go look for burnables and try and scout my location at the same time. I wasn’t sure it made sense to go back to the wharf area but I knew there was wood there and I needed a fire to try and drive out the dampness from clothes and cloths again even though it over heated the bungalow badly.

Most of the buildings facing the water were trashed … partly from fire though I wasn’t sure that was the only thing as there was lots of splintered wood that didn’t look like they had been burnt in any way. And the buildings must have been pretty good size as some of the frames looked like a few of the buildings had three or more stories to them. One street over there was no evidence of fire but something sure as heck tore the buildings up … riots, looters, vandals, or something else entirely. I didn’t know and didn’t particularly care as long as whatever it was left me alone while I was there.

I combed through the area looking for anything that would give me a clue but all of the paper I found was pretty sun bleached or useless. I’d gotten all of the sticks and fallen limbs that I could carry and still manage Beau and Belle safely when I looked over and saw this house that looked really old. I walked over and there was even a historical marker in front of it and bingo: “Second Oldest House on Florida’s Entire Gulf Coast … 4th Street, Cedar Key, FL.”

I knew where I was at. I even knew the quickest route home. But it most definitely wasn’t going to be easy.


Kathy in FL

Chapter 100B

I headed back to the little vacation bungalow. You would have thought I would have been relieved but actually I was depressed. Instead of only wondering how far away from home I was now I knew. It wasn’t near as bad as it could have been but for all that it might as well have been thousands of miles.

I didn’t know how many miles exactly but I knew that it was going to be rough if I couldn’t find some way to trade for some help to get home or to get a message home. No doubt about it I was going to have to rely a lot more on faith than I had been doing in a while. I’d been relying on me, on Rand, on Ken, on the memories of my parents … this was something totally different. I’d experienced some awful stuff in my life but nothing quite like this. The stuff in the past left me with only myself to take care of but now I had my two little Beans that were totally reliant on me and I was beginning to wonder if God had really thought things through when he put them in my care.

Was I up for this? Was I strong enough? Was I clever enough to get us home? I went through another round of tears and feeling sorry for myself only made worse when Beau and Belle decided to make it a trio. I kept imagining Rand’s face and Austin’s. I knew I couldn’t give up but I could feel that things were going downhill fast; headaches to heartaches and everything in between.

Having one baby alone is difficult enough, having two babies and trying to do it alone and in conditions that rivaled what Neanderthal man had to deal with just didn’t seem like a real good option. I needed others and I needed them quickly. That meant getting out of this ghost town and hunting some up.

First I sat down and thought out my route. First I needed to get from Cedar Key to where it intersected with US27. Route 24 was the main road out of Cedar Key and it went straight to US27; I remember that much from my bike ride from Tampa to Live Oak. Once I got to US27 I could take it north all the way into Live Oak just like I had on that epic ride. Simple right? Wrong.

I spent the next two days trying to find some kind of transportation … bike, wagon, anything. There were several bike shops but they were cleaned out of whole bikes and only bits and pieces were left. In fact finding anything useful in the bungalows – especially the food – was nothing short of a miracle. Cedar Key had been cleaned out and picked over. And that meant carrying everything I would need for my trek on my own person.

Food for the journey was also a problem. I was quickly using up canned goods that I had found and the packaged stuff from the boat was completely gone. I looked around for wild foods to supplement the canned stuff and realized that those sea grapes that I had noticed actually had ripe clusters of fruit on them. I gathered those up, eating some of the tart, acidic fruit raw and then setting some to dry for raisins. I also found acorns; many had worm holes but I found enough that I could soak for use. They were easy to soak in all of the rain that kept coming down.

Next I noticed some cattails growing in the drainage ditches on the sides of the road. I pulled some of the roots and added them to my growing pile of food. I also saw some cabbage palm but I wasn’t in any shape to climb trees so no matter how yummy Hearts of Palm salad sounded, it was off the menu. I also saw Poke but it was too far gone for it to be safe to harvest.

My best discovery was a couple of chikasaw plums that had a little bit of fruit left on them in a backyard of one of the older homes in the historic district. The same yard had some herbs that had gotten out of control and I was able to get a few greens to mix with the dandelions that I found here and there and eat as a salad. Everything I found fit on the little kitchenette table but it looked like a banquet to me.

The problem was that I was eating my supplies faster than I could get them together for my road trip. At the end of the next day I had ground all of the acorns – they could have used another soak or two but I didn’t have the time – and then made a nasty tasting flat bread with them. With nothing to sweeten the bread with it wasn’t going to be my first choice but it would fill the void and travel.

It was still raining, sometimes downpours and sometimes just sprinkling. It was like a weather system was parked over the top of me and trying to make up for the drought months and then some. I didn’t dare complain though because otherwise I wouldn’t have had any water to drink unless I had somehow found a way to take the salt out of the nasty water near the wharf and at the small beach area.

To try and keep my supplies dry I cut sections of the plastic off of the mattresses then washed the sections. It wasn’t like having suran wrap or Ziploc bags but the plastic packets kept stuff drier than it would have otherwise been. While at the beach I found one of those state park kind of signs where it tells you interesting information about an area. Apparently Cedar Key was some kind of big clamming area. They had a bunch of clam farms as a form of aquaculture. Unfortunately I didn’t have a clue how to dig clams or how to fix them without making myself sick as a dog; but I did tuck the information away for future reference. I remember going crabbing with my parents but I wasn’t in any condition to do it.

I cut a couple of big sections of plastic to make a “tent” and ground cloth to go with the “poncho” I had already manufactured. I gathered up what pieces of “rope” that hadn’t fallen apart but mostly had to rely on the stuff that was used as plastic covered clothes line since most of the rope I found had been exposed to the elements and had dry rotted into uselessness. In the caretaker’s cottage I found one of those oversized women’s purses, the kind that you could practically sleep in if you had to, and that became my pack. It was heavy but I didn’t see as I had any choice. I also had a separate bag for “diapers,” feminine stuff, and for socks. My feet were constantly wet no matter what I did until I found a pair of men’s rubber waders that were so big that I could leave my boots on and wear the waders at the same time. They made me clumsy and slow but it was better than having my feet eat up with raw sores from being soaking wet all the time.

My biggest concern was fire and water. The fire issue I fixed by bringing along all of the 9V batteries and steel wool I had found; a little could go a long way with the right tinder. I also found under the cabinet in one of the bathrooms, way in the back, that the scavengers missed a half jar of Vaseline; that along with some cattail fluff tested out to be really good for what I needed. And just to be on the safe side I bundled some dry kindling that would get a small fire ready for larger pieces of wood.

The water, now that was the biggie. I didn’t have a canteen, didn’t have anything even approaching what could be a canteen. I couldn’t just assume that it would continue to rain. I couldn’t run away from the fact that the Beans and I would need water for cleaning up with if we were to stay healthy. I had a five gallon bucket but no way to carry it because the handle was broken. I didn’t have any small containers like water bottles; there were either none to be found or merely scraps of what was once a bottle, jug, etc. I was on my last leg as far as ideas went when I saw it.

There was a bicycle rental place on the very edge of the tourist area, right near the beach. No bicycles. No tires. But there were some bike repair pieces including some rims for kiddie bikes. It took me most of a day but I managed to make a “wagon” from four rims, a square of scrap plywood that looked like it had fallen from an old attic access hole, some rods and some other odds and ends off the floor of the bike shop. The rims were a little rusty but some Vaseline helped the axles I created to move fairly well. I made some packing straps out of old fire hose (and wasn’t that so not fun to cut to the size that I needed). I used an old pot lid to keep the water in the bucket but the “wagon” wasn’t exactly a smooth ride but it did work and that was about all I could say for it which is more than I had before.

I decided that I couldn’t afford a day to rest up. My food wasn’t going to last but a few more days and my cough had grown considerably worse. I went to sleep as soon as the twins were fed and decided to get up after their dawn feeding was over with. We all cleaned up … relatively speaking … and I loaded everything the best way I could. It was still raining but I didn’t see as I had any choice but to move on.

It was very slow going. Puddles covered deep potholes that had developed in the blacktop. I started walking straight down the middle of the road because it was the highest point, had the fewest puddles, and the fewest potholes. It also left me feeling the most vulnerable and exposed, but to what I haven’t a clue. There was dead silence except for the rain and the occasional bird or squirrel fussing about the weather.

The twins weren’t fussy; they mostly slept. But I had to stop pretty often to feed them. If felt like a milk truck. And I was constantly thirsty despite all of the rain on my face. I wound up putting a cloth over the bucket and letting the rain just go in to try and keep the bucket filled. I’d walk thirty minutes then have to stop to feed the Beans and drink a cup of water. Then I’d walk thirty more minutes, stop and to drink another cup of water. Another thirty minutes after that the Beans would want another drink, etc., etc. Because of this I didn’t get far that first day at all.

I made it as far as this little place called Otter Creek but it was dark when I got there and not a soul in sight. I had been keeping my spirits up by imagining that all I would have to do would be to get to a crossroads and someone would magically appear but … nothing. As a matter of fact it was worse than nothing.

Water was piled up everywhere I looked. The soggy ground made leaving the roadway a nightmare. What few buildings had been at the crossroads at one time were destroyed, some of them looked like it had happened recently. There were big oaks down all over the place. Tree debris was everywhere, so was glass and other bits and pieces. Old rusted out hulks of cars started appearing here and there pushed off to the side reminding me of what I’d found on my original bike ride.

I was too tired to cry or think at that point and it was too dark to do much exploring so I set up camp in the lee of a half destroyed building. It kept all but the hardest rain storms off of us and for the rest I hung the sheet of mattress plastic. It was a miserable night and I began to doubt the wisdom of what I was trying to do but by the time I’d fed the Beans their dawn meal and packed everything up I knew that I hadn’t really been any better off in Cedar Key than I was in Otter Creek.

I told myself, “Stop it. You are that much closer to home and to Rand and Austin and to dry clothes and your own stuff and to the babies’ stuff. Get a grip, put your waders on, and a get a move on.” I wished I had been able to get some kind of reward for that perseverance. The further I went on Route 24 the more problems I had with water and debris on the road. And then I saw my first sign of people … only it wasn’t a good sign.


Great. I nearly did sit down and have a cry at that point. Instead I sat down, fed the twins and myself and tried to figure out what to do. Really I didn’t have much choice. I back tracked to the last turnoff which turn right and after a couple of miles of back roads, some of which were only lime rock covered, I came to a barely still standing sign that told me I was at CR343. The water was up to my knees and there was no way I was going to be able to go north on the county road. It was still raining and I couldn’t risk getting into deeper water.

I went south on CR343 until I found some high and dry ground under some large oaks that kept most of the rain off and set up camp. There was no fire that night and even if there had been what happened in the middle of the night would have made it a wasted one. I woke up at Belle’s cries to find us lying in a couple of inches of water. I was so tired I hadn’t even noticed as it had crept in. I momentarily panicked until I realized Beau wasn’t crying simply because he wasn’t awake yet. Belle was another story, she wasn’t fond of being wet – something I’d already had trouble dealing with – and it was all I could do to gather our stuff and try and get further down the road in the dark without falling and killing us all.

There were things bumping into my legs as I plowed through the water in the pitch dark and I was glad I couldn’t see what they were because a few of them were bloated and smelled. I don’t know if they were animal or human but neither one appealed to me so I did my best to slog through and pull the wagon without thinking about it too much.

As the sun rose, so did the water. The rain was horrible that day. It had a lot of wind in it and that on top of everything else made pulling the wagon a nightmare. Belle cried off and on all day and so did I. I was so tired and getting hungry. I had hoped to supplement my food with scavenged stuff but this world was a universe away from what it had been a year ago. There just wasn’t anything. I spent that night up on the porch of a long deserted house … along with a couple of rude opossums that didn’t think much of me despite both of us carrying our babies around to keep them out of the water.

The next morning I had a really bad attack of coughing; so bad in fact that I actually gave myself a bloody nose. That if nothing else had told me that I needed to get going because I was not going to die and leave the Beans to be possum food if I didn’t. I had been slogging along, practically catatonic just trying to put one foot in front of the other when suddenly I looked up and there were other people around me, all of ‘em looking just about as bad as I did.

I was losing myself at that stage and I can’t tell then next little bit clearly if my life depended. Basically I had managed through dumb luck or a Guiding Hand to wind up at what had once been the Williston Municipal Airport. The problem was that it was now a refugee camp. No one was allowed in or out of Williston and they weren’t taking refugees in at all … not even a woman with brand new babies who obviously needed some help and badly.

I did manage to get one young group of national guardsmen to feel sorry for me and they hid me in their transport so that I could get through town and to the other side of Williston onto US27/US41. They had a survivor list they said they would put my name on when they were off duty and they all gave me a piece of their rations which could have gotten them in some bad hot water. One young boy, couldn’t have been much older than Austin, was nearly crying because they couldn’t do more for me but I told his Sergeant, who reminded me of Bill for some reason, that if they could just get word to my husband that I was OK and that I was making my way home the same way I’d come the first time that was all that I cared about.

I know in the old days people would have thought that was a cruel thing to have done but this isn’t the old days. Williston was overrun and they told me dysentery was running rampant even in the cleanest households. They did what they could that was within their power and even risked getting in trouble and losing their stripes. Trying to pack me and the twins in with the rest of the refugees could have caused more harm than good under those circumstances. They said violence was bad in the camps surrounding the town so they took me outside of the last checkpoint into the city by about five miles and dropped me off right near Raleigh. They’d have some explaining to do at the fuel depot but the Sergeant told me not to think about it that he’d deal with it one way or the other. I’d rarely seen such a miserable bunch of men … most of them not even men yet but just boys … as that group that watched me walk away that day.

I had to put them out of my head, especially the kid that look like a red headed version of Austin in my imagination, and think of my original route; seven miles from Raleigh to Archer and then another ten to Newberry. I traveled that in a day coming up on the bike but I would be every bit of two this time. I remembered that the last time I had been in Newberry I’d had trouble with rain too and that something about the town had made me scared. But then I decided I would worry about Newberry only after I made it to Archer.


Wish I could say that everything went smoothly but it didn’t. I was so tired that I got careless and right outside of Archer the wagon tipped over and I lost all the clean water I had in the bucket. I also went down at the same time soaking the three of us and all of my supplies. The acorn bread was history, not that it had been very appetizing but it was a way to fill the void without have to stop and cook. Luckily for me the stuff the guardsmen had given to me came sealed in plastic.

I could have gone further, though not by much, but instead made camp in a building off the road in Archer. All of the buildings had obviously been stripped of anything useful but they hadn’t been able to take the fireplace. I pulled out my pot and started boiling rain water as soon as I was able to get a decent fire built. I hung up all of our wet stuff and then after a dinner of canned fruit cocktail and a little bit of jerky I gave the twins a much needed sponge bath, cleaned their umbilical cords which were trying to fall off by then despite the near constant dampness and let them loll about au natural in the first mosquito free space we’d had since leaving Cedar Key.

I cleaned and refilled my five gallon bucket and cleaned the straps on it and then took my own sponge bath. It was nice feeling clean but it didn’t last long. I was still bleeding and the heat and humidity had me sweating again in no time. I did what I could for my little Beans, fed them, and then made the best nest I could manage so that we could go to sleep.

Actually I went to sleep thinking that maybe I would just hole up in Archer for a few days and hope for the best. That changed real quick in the middle of a hot, muggy, and terrifying night while I listened to a pack of feral dogs try to get into the closet I quickly pulled the twins and our gear into. Every time Beau and Belle cried the dogs would start scratching and banging to get in. It was several hours into the afternoon of the next day before I felt sure enough that they were gone to even crack the door open and see. I didn’t even bother changing any of us … and we all needed it … before getting on down the road through the muck and mud as fast as I could. I didn’t stop for several miles and by that time I was puking what little was left in my guts.

I had also started to bleed more heavily and figured I would have to slow down or stop all together fairly soon or risk something … bad … happening, whatever that bad might be, which is something I didn’t want to contemplate.

A house well off the road provided a temporary haven. Like all other buildings I had seen it had been stripped down to the bare bones but I was at least able to secure it enough for some privacy. I had only meant to rest a few moments but I woke, not sure how long the Beans had been crying and snuffling for food, to the deep dark of night. I would have cried in frustration if I had had the strength. But it was water under the bridge and I didn’t see any way to undo what had been done.

And speaking of water under the bridge, I had to completely bypass Newberry because it was flooded. The rain wasn’t near as heavy as it had been, mostly an uncomfortable drizzle, but whatever had come through before had laid waste to this area, just like it had in others. The drains were either clogged or full. The roadside ditches had filled and overflowed and turned roads and fields into streams and lakes. I couldn’t risk it and wound up detouring to the west and through the residential areas. I didn’t get far.

I have to admit I was tired and weak and coughing so badly it literally felt like I had cracked a rib. Then off in the distance I saw a small church. The sanctuary had seen a fire up near the pulpit but the vestibule of the building was still intact. The building was up off the ground and gave me a sense of protection I knew that didn’t make sense. I ate my last can of food … fruit cocktail again … and drank all the water I wanted. I washed us up as best I could and hid us in the women’s bathroom rather than lay on the moldy carpet out in the vestibule itself.

I was done in. I hurt … in my guts and in my chest. I was out of food though I still had water. My head felt like it was about to explode and when I had a nose bleed on top of it all I just sort of lost it. I told God that I was done. I’d come this far and He was going to have to provide me a golden chariot … or just a plain old wooden one … to get the rest of the way home. There wasn’t any blame, I was just telling Him like I saw it and that I’d given it all I had and that I didn’t have any more to give. I stopped even asking for my own rescue and just wanted Beau and Belle to make it home to Sparkleberry Ranch. I told God that Rand needed that at least. I told Him that He’d always said He wouldn’t put more on us than we could bear and I was telling Him I couldn’t bear any more and that I figured Rand couldn’t bear not knowing and that Austin needed some looking after by Him too.

I must have mumbled and talked off and on all night. I didn’t realize it at the time but I had started to run a fever. This on top of everything else was sapping what little strength I had left. I watched the sun come up but didn’t seem to have any desire to move. I was in a fog. I watched the sun go down as well, only drinking water.

Part of me knew that I needed to move, that I needed to find people but I just couldn’t summon the urgency that I should have been able to.

I really don’t know how long it was before I heard the voices of men. I kind of remember the Beans had been crying but I couldn’t draw them to me for comfort. I only vaguely remember boots on the steps outside the building but nothing beyond that.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 101

“Memaw! Memaw! What happened? Who was wearing the boots?!”

Kiri looked over at Joy and then at her husband, still deep in his thoughts. “No need to shout child. I’m sitting right here.”

Joy, still impatient, knew her Memaw meant business so she tried to ask more quiet and ladylike, “But who was it Memaw? Was it Peepaw?”

A deep sigh preceeded Kiri’s answer. “No child. It was Uncle Ram and Ken.”

“Ken? Pastor Ken?! The really old man that sometimes gives the eulogies at the Old Timers’ funerals?”

Rand snorted in suppressed laughter, Kiri was less amused. “Joy … would you like me to set you to peeling potatoes from now until Juvember?”

Joy thought, “Memaw knows I hate peeling dirty ol’ taters.” But all she said was, “Uh, no ma’am.”

“Then think before you speak. Lord willing you’ll get to enjoy aging too and then we’ll see how much you like some pretty young thing calling you an old timer.”

Rand, not quite as deep in thought as Kiri believed muttered, “Seems to me the pot is calling the kettle black.”

This time it was Joy who had to hide a laugh as her Memaw gave her Peepaw the evil eye. Everybody knew that Memaw could go off like a Tallahassee bottle rocket with no warning. It was fun watching Peepaw and Uncle Ram tease her about it. ‘Course they were the only ones brave enough to set her off on purpose. However, still impatient for the rest of the story she asked, “Where was Peepaw?”

“Your Aunt Missy’s first husband Bill and some other men held him back.”

“Why? Didn’t he want to see you?”

Kiri glanced at Rand again who had gone pale. “Hush Joy; what a thing to say. Of course he wanted to rush in and see me, but you’re old enough to realize not every story ends like a fairy tale. Sometimes bad things happen. Those men were trying to protect your Peepaw. They didn’t know if it was me or what kind of shape I’d be in if it was.”

In truth the men had feared the worst when they’d first laid eyes on the still and silent figure huddled around the crying babies and they worried for Rand’s sanity nearly as much they had feared for Kiri’s safety. There was a lot of temporary relief when Ken had found she was still breathing. Ken and Ram did their best to examine Kiri and clean her up before Rand rushed in and got his first look at her, but it still shocked him so bad his knees gave out. Rand tried to gather her into his arms as he started calling her name but Ken pulled him back.

“Easy now. Rand, we need to get her into the wagon and be careful doing it and then get her back to your place as soon as we can. There isn’t much I can do for her out in the middle of nowhere like this. And we need to find some goat milk for those babies.”

“Why isn’t she moving? What’s wrong with her? Those guardsmen said she seemed OK, just tired. What …?”

“She’s wore thin son. We don’t know what the circumstances around the birth was, if she was alone or had help. She looks like she’s been on short rations. We don’t even know how long she’s been on the road but one of the babies still has its umbilical cord barely hanging on so the birth itself couldn’t have been that long ago.”

Rand gulped and whispered as he took in the noisy duo, “So it was twins just like you worried.”

Ken nodded. “Fraternal; boy and a girl. Girl is the one making the most noise. They’re small but seem healthy given the circumstances. It is Kiri we need to focus on, she’s more fragile than the babies are. Her blood pressure is too high for my comfort and her lungs are congested. I want to break out those supplies the ladies packed, get Kiri and the babies settled in the wagon, and travel as far as we can tonight.”

Of course Kiri didn’t find any of this out for nearly two weeks. She’d been unconscious most of that time and it took her several days to convince the men that she wasn’t as frail as she appeared at the time. It was also then that she learned that the guardsmen who had given her a lift through Williston had been instrumental in her rescue. As soon as they had learned that kidnapping and human trafficking was involved they had used that as leverage to get permission to begin grid by grid search efforts with another team despite what was going on in Williston.

The guardsmen had met up with Ram’s men and were on their second day of looking when Rand arrived with the others and it was the morning after that that someone had heard crying and the rest as they say was history.

Joy asked, “But Memaw, you got better right?”

“Good Heavens child, do you think I’d be sitting here if I hadn’t?” Kiri regretted her words when she saw Rand wince out of the corner of her eye. She changed gears and said brightly, “All’s well that ends well and this corn is finally finished. Now go on out and get a couple of the boys to come cart it all to the summer kitchen. It isn’t going to can itself and your mother promised to give me a hand and get it started after I got it shucked.”

Joy, knowing that she’d learned all she was going to be allowed to for a while said, “Yes ma’am” before doing as her Memaw had told her.

After the girl left Kiri got up and walked over to the door to make sure Joy didn’t get side tracked; then she shook her corn silk covered apron off outside before returning and closing the door behind her. Rand looked up at the sound and then let out a surprised laugh after reading the look on his wife’s face.

“Joy’s comment get to you ol’ woman?”

“Who are you calling ol’ woman you old man?” Kiri sassed as she eased onto Rand’s lap, careful of the leg he had broken ten years ago falling from the hay loft. It still occasionally gave him trouble.

Rand smiled and pulled her more firmly against him, not letting her be as careful as she was wont to treat him when he got like this. “Sure puts a crimp in things will all the kids back home and under foot,” Rand said as he wrapped his still lean and muscular arms around his wife. She wasn’t as petite and willowy as she had been when they first married but long days in the garden had kept her trim despite all of the children she’d given him.

“Humph. Didn’t seem to crimp you any last night,” Kiri twinkled wickedly.

Rand grinned back just as wickedly, thankful once again that love and time had taken care of much of her shyness. “Why thank you kindly Mrs. Joyner,” he said tipping an imaginary hat.

“You’re welcome Mr. Joyner.” Kiri smiled, she being thankful that his drift into melancholy seemed to be over. “You doing OK?”

“Mmmm hmmm, good food and a good woman makes for a good day.” At Kiri’s raised eyebrow Rand said a little more seriously, “It was finding your old desk and journal. Caught me off guard. Memories kinda swamped me there for a while.”

“That’s years gone Rand. We survived it and have lived a lot of life since then,” Kiri said as she cupped his grizzled cheek with her work roughened hand.

He sighed and set the rocker moving gently, “I know it Babe. And don’t think I’m not forever grateful for every one of those days.”

“Humph, well there are a few I could have done without. Remember when all of ‘em came down with diphtheria? Or when Beau and Caleb went with Ram and caught polio down in Miami and had to be quarantined outside of town? When Francine …?”

“I said every one of them and I meant every one of them … both good and bad. I’ll take a bad day with you over a good day without you every time.”

They had just tilted their heads for a kiss when two of Austin’s sons banged open the door and barreled through. “Memaw, Joy said you wanted us to … eeewwwww! Daaaddddd, they’re doing it again!”

Austin stuck his head around the door and then started laughing as he caught sight of a very red-faced Kiri who was trying to get out of Rand’s lap. Problem was that Rand wasn’t cooperating and was making it worse by laughing too. Austin prayed silently that he and his bride would still be playing and catching a smooch when they reach his parents’ age.

“Honestly, you’d think I raised a bunch of heathens the way y’all act sometimes,” Kiri grumped after she finally managed to extricate herself and get her clothes and hair straightened enough to pass in polite company. “And stop encouraging them Rand. You even worse than they are.” And of course that only set both Rand and Austin to laughing even more.

After catching his breath but still chuckling Austin said, “Momma, Missy and Belle are coming down the road and they told me to warn you that Beau radioed that he’d be at the train depot by dinner time and would appreciate it if someone could leave a wagon or truck for him and his brood and maybe a snack for everyone since they were only allowed to board with one picnic hamper.”

Kiri went into a tizzy. “Oh Lord Rand, where are we going to put ‘em all? I mean I’m glad that Missy finally agreed to come for a visit but I didn’t expect for her to bring all eight of her grandchildren. How many does that make now?”

Austin snorted then asked, “Need a calculator Momma?”

Austin was a grown man with children of his own but he still stopped when his mother gave him “that” look. Kiri pulled out her note pad, “Let’s see. You and Camille and your six. Beau and Rachel and their four … Austin can you make sure that Beau doesn’t try to talk her into sleeping in the wagon? The last thing we need is for her to go into labor and have that baby under a palmetto like she did the last one. My stars and garters, I nearly swallowed my teeth when I found out about it.”

Austin was thinking the same thing and praying thankfully that the few times he’d gotten an itchy foot to go exploring Camille had been content to stay home with the children. Rachel on the other hand was at least as adventuresome as Beau and they’d dragged their brood all across the country into all kinds of craziness.

Unaware of Austin’s thoughts Kiri continued, “Belle and Freddie and their four will split their time between us and Laurabeth and Ron. I think Freddie is finally going to accept his father deeding him over that land to work. I sure hope he does, it’ll be so nice to have Belle closer to home and if Freddie gets that position at the hospital … Anywho, next comes Caleb and Cynthia and their two. Then Daniel and Yolanda … and if I’m not mistaken their last letter hinted at some special news from them, maybe the adoption finally went through. And Everett and Penny; I expect they’ll want the baby to sleep in their room so Rand we need to bring the cradle down from storage. Add in Francine and Charlie and their two rapscallions … if I catch them swinging in my plum trees again I know who can help shovel the manure into the methane holding tank. Georgie and Caroline will have their three stay in their bedroom because they’re too young to sleep with the older kids. Henry and Joyce will come over during the day but I expect they’ll have to get back to the farm at night so Henry can help that old grump of a father in law he has …”

“Kiri …,” Rand warned pointing his head towards the children.

“Don’t you Kiri me, Rand Joyner. The children know exactly how cantankerous that old coot is. He takes all the fun out of every childrens program the Ladies’ Auxiliary has put on for the last year with his starched up judgementalism. Last one he nearly had poor Joy in tears simply because she got Lamentations and Leviticus mixed up.”

“Man’s had a hard life Momma,” Austin said trying to keep his mother from going off on one of her tangents.

“Man makes his life hard Austin. How such a sweet thing like Joyce could turn out the way she did with a father like she has I’ll never know; honestly, she reminds me of Alicia when we were all younger. And he doesn’t show the least bit of appreciation for the fact that Henry has turned that farm around. He just sits back and enjoys the fruit of Henry’s labor like he is entitled to it. That man is a real Laban through and through.”

“What does that mean Memaw?” Joy asked.

“Oh,” Kiri said, realizing that little pitchers do have big ears. “Well, read your Bible Joy and you’ll find out. And until you do you just keep family talk to yourself. You hear?”

“Aw Memaw,” Joy lamented. “You boys do the same. Family talk is family talk. I’d like to know I can trust you and speak my mind around you without having to treat you like a bunch of toddlers.”

The boys nearly stood at attention in pride that they were getting acknowledged to be old enough to hear and be trusted with family talk.

Kiri returned to her counting almost without missing a beat. “Then Isabell and Archie and their three. That just leaves Janet and Johnnie and Ram said that he’ll go kidnap them from that college if he has to but they’ll come back for Pioneer Day this year and that is all there is to it. I doubt he’ll have to kidnap them though. Janet called to see if we minded if she invited that boy she is so partial to and … Oh Lord, I’ve lost count again.”

Austin laughed and said, “Don’t worry about it Momma. The boys and I put up the canvas tents and if we run out of room the kids can roost in the trees with the chickens.”

At the suddenly intent look on the two younger boys’ faces Kiri just shook her head and looked at Rand and Austin silently telling them to check for wood rot in the old tree house because that is where several of them would wind up if she didn’t miss her guess.

Finally winding down she shooed everyone out of the house and set to putting everything back to rights. She couldn’t remember the mess being quite this bad even when her ducklings were all young and rowdy. Of course they weren’t stair steps like some women had. It took three years after Beau and Belle were born before she caught pregnant again and she’d lost that one; and the one right after that one too. Rand had sectioned off a piece of the farm for a cemetery in an area that never flooded but which wasn’t good for farming and buried both little bodies and commissioned concrete markers never realizing how quickly the plot would grow.

Uncle George had died of a sudden heart attack not two days after they’d buried the second little lost one, and then a few months later Janet had some kind of seizure right after she’d gotten engaged to that boy from Branford and died in her sleep. And not three months after that Bill had accidentally been killed by some boys that had been arguing over a girl at one of the old market days; he’d died before he’d even realize he’d been shot. Missy had been pregnant again and lost her husband and her baby on the same day; buried them in the same plot next to the other graves still so new the grass hadn’t covered them yet. Those had been hard times.

She and Rand had just come to accept and be content with the fact that they’d only have the twins when she started banging them out like she’d never had problems, surprising everyone herself included. Every child was another miracle, especially Janet and Johnnie who came when she had supposedly been in menopause for two years. Hadn’t Rand laughed over that particular practical joke God had played on them; twins on both ends.

Then diphtheria had ripped through the community and Brendan and Alicia had laid one of their babies to rest with the others. Ram and his bride had three little ones in the cemetery and had given up hope having any children together. Then Ram had gotten that contract with that new Shands hospital and one of the doctors there discovered she had a cyst and once it had been removed they were eventually able to have two, a little boy and a little girl.

Missy never really recovered from Bill’s death but she did eventually remarry to a kind man who helped to raise Bill’s children as if they were his own. After Bill’s death Ram and Brendan went into partnership and took over the Trade Shack since Missy couldn’t stand the place because of all of its memories. Missy’s second husband, Robert, had been a business contact of Ram’s who ran an aquaculture farm in Ocala. When they married Missy moved her family to his place and seemed to finally come to terms with things and find peace and contentment. Because of this Rand and Kiri always had a special place in her hearts for Robert.

Their feelings for Ron Harbinger were just as strong though it had taken years to really get to where they were these days. Ron and Rand were like brothers and had reached a point where they could look back on the past and if not laugh about the way things used to be, at least acknowledge that God had a purpose not always easily understood by mere mortals. Beau and Bell had been almost a year old when Ron finally got the courage to acknowledge that he’d fallen in love with LauraBeth. When he’d spoken to Uncle George the man had laughed and said, “About flaming time! I knew you was hard headed boy, but you’s just about as blind as a bat too.”

Ron never seemed to cease to be amazed that LauraBeth returned his feelings. You could still catch him, all these years later, with an arrested expression on his face as he looked at her when he didn’t think anyone was looking. They named one of their daughters Julia and not a few people were surprised by it. LauraBeth had told Kiri once, “Good grief, you’d think people would have more important things to worry about than what Ron and I decide to call our children … and what business it is of theirs I don’t know.” Kiri thought she understood, it was their way of commemorating the young woman whose sacrifice gave them both the chance to live on for Freddie’s sake when it would have been easier to simply have given up.

After Uncle George’s death Ron and LauraBeth moved back to the old Harbinger farm off of River Road. All the family came together and helped to repair and rebuild the place. LauraBeth signed her portion of Uncle George’s farm over to Brendan and Alicia in exchange for enough cattle, feed, and seed to get Ron’s farm back up and running. The old Winston place was farmed by both families but was always understood to be in trust for Freddie when he was ready.

Charlene eventually married and had a family of her own but it was only after she’d gone on a few adventures of her own … surreptitiously guided and watched over by Ram’s young “brother in law.” Charlene and her husband now operate one of the trading hubs outside of Tampa though they travel frequently back to see everyone now that their children are grown.

Mick could have had part of the farm but instead chose to join the military. He did two tours and saw quite a bit of action during the Sino-American war but after being injured in a plane crash and then losing the hearing in one ear from a grenade exploding near his position he returned home to marry a local girl. They still run the postal office though it is their sons rather than Mick that do most of the local courier work and express deliveries.

Momma O and Mrs. Withrow both outlived Uncle George by several years, but even those illustrious ladies eventually had to meet their Maker. Momma O was more than ready, having suffered a long time from the arthritis that crippled her so that she couldn’t even go out and about. Mrs. Withrow passed away in church. Everyone thought the old dear had taken a brief nap as had become her habit but when she didn’t get up to signal that it was time for the ladies to tend to the afternoon meal the Pastor stopped, and then after checking on her called for a moment of silence as everyone shed a few tears.

Kiri thought, “The years have passed so fast. Half my grandchildren think it isn’t much more than a bed time story when I tell them how I walked and then rode a bike all the way from Tampa to Sparkleberry Ranch. They look at the stories of the time right after the pandemic the same way kids of my generation looked at the stories of the wild west and the wagon trains and have as little understanding of what really went on to survive.”

She swept up the last errant corn silk and then twitched the curtains straight before looking around for something else that needed doing. When nothing presented itself quickly enough she glanced at her old journal and decided to read the last page before putting the dog eared old thing away in her cedar chest so that Rand wouldn’t worry at it any more.


I don’t remember the wagon ride home at all. Don’t remember the next week or so to be honest. The first thing I do remember is Rand’s voice in my ear telling me that I couldn’t die because I hadn’t even told him what I’d named the babies. For some reason I was able to grab that thought and hold on and eventually I was able to say “Beans.” It was another few hours of oblivion before I had the energy to wake up enough to say, “Beau and Belle … our little B&B Beans.”

For some reason everyone that heard that over the next couple of days found it hysterically funny. Mostly I guess it was just relief that I’d drawn back from dying. I saw so many tears from people that I never expected to see them from that I’m embarrassed to even write it down, it seems such a private thing. Rand and Ram have been the worst; both are nearly smothering me with their love and over protectiveness.

I finally managed to get Ram to lighten up a bit but Rand is another story. I’m really worried about him; he’s not acting like himself at all. ‘Course I don’t feel much like my old self either. Maybe there are things that happen in life that just change you; this certainly seems like it could be one of them for both of us. For Austin too, he’s lost that little boy look that he’d just gotten back after I was finally able to feed him up. He and Woofer have become like little guards. There was a fly in the twins’ room yesterday and Austin was totally outraged. He and Woofer made more of a mess trying to catch the fly than the fly ever would have done on its own but I didn’t have the heart to get on to them. I guess it is just going to take a while for all of us to get used to feeling safe again.

Ram finally convinced the Navy that he was on the up and up and was able to find out that the other pregnant women had arrived back in port ahead of the storm and that all were doing well and had been reunited with their family. They had thought that both the sailor and I had been lost at sea.

He also found out who “she” was for me … the “she” that the sailor had told me to tell he was sorry. “She” was Delores Carruthers Douglas, sister of Petty Officer Third Class Caleb Carruthers. He was sorry because he wouldn’t be able to make it to her wedding and walk the bride down the aisle. Ram made sure she got her brother’s dog tags and in return brought me back a letter telling me how grateful she was that I taken care of her brother’s last request and let her know what a hero he was.

I cried a bit and told Rand that I was the one that was grateful. Rand said that we could make Caleb Beau’s middle name if I wanted to but it doesn’t seem right somehow. Maybe we’ll name the next little boy we have Caleb but I won’t mention that to Rand yet. Rand is so careful of me we might not have any more kids at this rate. I tried to tell him that it doesn’t seem so bad in hindsight but he just shudders. I guess we’ll just have to see who will have their way this time. It isn’t like I’m looking to get pregnant again too soon really and there are so many things that need doing. I just don’t want to give up on the idea the way he seems to.

The hurricane, I don’t think it has been named yet since the Meteorological Society is kind of defunct, bounced up the west coast making landfall several times before swinging east and sweeping across Florida and ripping itself apart as it traveled into Georgia and basically followed the Appalachian trail northward until it was just a tropical depression up passed the Blue Ridge Parkway. Ram said roadways have been destroyed making it imperative (his word, not mine) that new trade routes be found.

Ram has been trying to get Rand to focus on the future instead of mired in the present that seems to worry him so. This coming January and February we are going to plant a new orchard. We’ll start with Hood pears, persimmons, and figs and if those do well we’ll branch out into other varieties. Ram says he can create a market down south for our deciduous fruit with an even exchange for citrus and other exotics and that what we don’t want we could then trade up north for things that are harder for us to grow like some grains or we could get some more seed potatoes or the like.

I’m running out of energy again and I have to get some sleep. I plan on resting up the next few days and then I’m going to Market Day on Saturday. I am not letting Rand talk me out of it again. I want to get out. I want to show our babies off. I’ve got a list as long as my arm of things I want to trade for including some seeds for this coming garden season and maybe some starts for a new flower bed. I also realized I don’t have near enough diapers and clothes for the babies; about half of what I need to be honest which makes sense because I doubled the number I expected to have.

I still am not sure why Ken and Rand didn’t tell me they expected me to have twins. Their reasons sound OK but on the other hand a little warning would have been nice. I tried to gloss over how scared I had gotten when the pains had come on me the second time but Rand still got so gray I thought he was going to fall over into his oatmeal after I let it slip while answering some of Ken’s questions. I finally just told them from here on out if they have a suspicion that something is going on inside my body I’d appreciate an honest warning.

That’s not the only thing that hasn’t made sense to me. I’m still wondering why God let things happen the way they did and why that sailor had to die so that I and the babies might live. I’m trying to find the sense in the senseless. What was all of this for? Is this the worst we will ever experience? Was this some kind of experience that is supposed to teach me what is really important? Or to prepare me for even harder times ahead?

I’m trying to put my thoughts in order and one of things that seems the most ironic is that Rand and I celebrated one year of marriage yesterday. I remembered right off but I hadn’t known how to ask if he remembered. I guess we both danced around about it for a while and then I had one of those silly crying fits that seem to still come at me out of the blue. Rand wanted to go get Ken but I managed to stop him and then blurted out about our anniversary and how I was upset that I couldn’t even seem to find the strength to make his breakfast like I used to and then fell apart even more as I asked him if it bothered him that I’d gone completely useless on him.

That took him aback and I guess he is starting to see that sitting around doing nothing is helping me a whole lot less than he thought it was. I can’t just sit and do nothing because my thoughts climb into the hamster wheel in my head and wind up going in circles so fast I have a meltdown.

He seems to be accepting that he’s got a problem too but I’m not sure if he realizes how bad it is yet. I have some healing yet to do and I guess he does too. The last few weeks has seen us both taking turns thinking the worst but instead of it being the beginning of the end as we had feared, it has turned out to be the only the end of the beginning for us all.

And there go the Beans again, singing for their supper. I’m glad because I was getting kind of sore. This motherhood thing is turning out to be both easier and harder than I ever expected it to be.


Kiri laughed in spite of herself realizing that she’d gotten so busy she’d never finished the journal. Shaking her head she said, “You didn’t even have a clue yet that you’d said a mouth full. Good Heavens, it is hard to believe I was ever that young.”

“What?” Rand asked, coming up behind her.

She turned and stepped into his embrace that could still both excite and bring her comfort after all these years. “You married a very silly young thing. She was so clueless.”

“We both were. I think it is supposed to be that way. If we had known what life would hand us over the years …”

Kiri shook her head. “I don’t mean that. Not precisely anyway. The innocence I can understand, even appreciate in hindsight.” She stopped and just shook her head again.

“What?” Rand asked again. Even after all of these years sometimes the only thing that worked was simple patience until she could string her thoughts together enough to share them.

“We could have missed this.”

“Missed what?”

“This. All of it. I remember who I used to be Rand. I had a chip on my shoulder the size of the old Mt. Rushmore carving. You remember what it used to look like, how big it used to be. Same for the chip on my shoulder. I don’t even know where I would have ended up … how I would have ended up … if you hadn’t come into my life.”

Rand gently kissed her forehead, “I feel the same way. Always have, always will. God smiled on me the day I came to in that wheelbarrow. Even upside down I could tell you were something else,” he said with a tickle.

“Oh you,” she smiled. “Lordy, look at us, we’ll be embarrassing the kids again if we aren’t careful.” She decided to put some safe distance between them and then said, “I made blackberry jam cake and forgot to bring it out at lunch. You hungry?”


Kiri just shook her head at his double meaning. “Rand Joyner … honestly,” she laughed.

“What?” Rand asked a little too innocently not to know exactly what she was laughing at. Then he caught her to him again and said, “We survived.”

“Yes we did.”

“Gonna keep on surviving for as long as we’ve got.”

“Yes we are.”

He squeezed her tightly and said, “Together.”

“Is there any other way?” she asked squeezing back just as firmly.

And they did … through the good times and the bad … together … for a good many more years after that …



Veteran Member
Love those "and they lived happily ever after" endings. Thanks Kathy, I enjoyed this one a lot.


Veteran Member
After rereading the last chapters to the end, I realize I made a blooper.
The story has ended.
I look forward to your sequel on the life of Kiri and Rands descendents.


Just finished the story. What grand adventures. It takes a lot of talent to keep a story like this together.

It reminds me so much of The Patriots. That story had a lot of 'man stuff' in it. This one had the 'woman touch' that made it pleasurable even for me.

The way you intertwined so much 'prepper info' into it was fantastic.

Thank you for such a great story.

ps. I hope all this stays fiction.....;)


Veteran Member
That is one of the most wonderful stories I've ever read. This one should be published. Not many stories make me have a lump in my throat and tears run down my face. You are a great story teller. I hope to read more stories like this.



Veteran Member
Thank you

excellent story. Thank you so much, Kathy, for taking the time to write it and to share it with us. I've been a little obsessed with it for the past few days!


Veteran Member
Naw, she was just on a week or so ago. Probably just busy with real world stuff. You know she'll be back to writing when things settle down.

I don't think so. Iv followed Kathy for years and she jumped into a negative thread where people were fighting and things didn't go well. She hasn't logged in since. If she has left and anyone sees her posting anywhere, please let me know. Her stories are one of the few things that I really love to read. :cmpcf:


Contributing Member
I don't think so. Iv followed Kathy for years and she jumped into a negative thread where people were fighting and things didn't go well. She hasn't logged in since. If she has left and anyone sees her posting anywhere, please let me know. Her stories are one of the few things that I really love to read. :cmpcf:

I caught that too. Since she hasn't been writing stories for a long time, we might not see her pop up here or anywhere else for months. And to top it off Dennis was the one to tell her to shut up and go away...FS anyone?


Veteran Member
I have just spent a very enjoyable 5 days rereading this story. I had started it again twice but never got past the first few pages. I had totally forgotten the ending and how our author wrapped the story up in a nice neat package. You dear lady are a treasure!!!