This is a first!

Morning Star

Groovy Hoosier
One of our Buffs layed an "egg" with no shell and no yolk!

It is a perfectly formed egg. It feels like gelatin and is slightly squishy!


Veteran Member
Soft shell or shell less eggs are fairly common in some chickens. I've had all kinds of weird eggs over the years. One was perfectly round like a pingpong ball & had no yolk. One was teeny (slightly larger than teeny weeny but smaller than itty bitty) about the size of a robbin egg. Sometimes their assembly line gets a little off. If you get a double yolker one day the next one down the shute might have no yolk.


Yep... all sorts of variations happen once in awhile.

The ones I love the best are the REALLY teeny eggs a hen will lay once in awhile. I'm not talking "pullet size" or even "robin size" eggs... I have had three or four over the years, which were about 3/4" long!! The first time it happened I thought maybe a wild sparrow had decided to use the nest box for a nest.

The strange thing is, these are perfectly normal eggs inside.. people told me they wouldn't have a yolk, etc...

Not these.. teeny tiny yolks, white.. everything there. I've been told they absolutely won't hatch. I'm still tempted to try it. Can you imagine a race of chickens about 4 ounces at maturity!



Great Great Grandma!
Is she a young chicken? I usually get funny eggs like that from a young chicken who is just starting to lay. If they aren't getting enough calcium, they will lay soft shelled eggs, but the lack of the yolk is usually just the first egg of a young chicken.


Bomb & Bullet Technician
Give it time and you will see a lot of strange things. I have had a few without shells. Now just wait until you get a tiny egg in a shell, inside of another egg. It will sure make your wife scream when she is fixing to eat a hard boiled egg.