FASCISM The word fascism has been completely redefined by the progressive left

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
"Fascism" no longer means what it meant ten years ago: The take over of corporate institutions by the state. First defined by Benito Mussolini: "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.".* Liberals are no longer speaking the same language as the rest of us... literally. Their new definition is derogatory and designated only to apply to conservatives. This destroys their cherished virtue signalling.

This example is from: Merriam Webster. See new definition below. I was shocked when I first read the dictionary versions. It is not just one dictionary. Pick any well know brand of dictionary and check the definition for yourself.

Be warned: My personal experience has been, liberals are so absolutely terrified of the original definition they have shouted me down for even trying to voice the original definition. IMO the thought of the original definition being different from the one they have internalized completely threatens their self image and socialist value system. Entertaining the original definition is tantamount to admitting they are thieves intent on stealing private property and investment.

Fair use:

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

early instances of army fascism and brutality —J. W. Aldridge

— fascist play \ˈfa-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective, often capitalized
— fascistic play \fa-ˈshi-stik also -ˈsi-\ adjective, often capitalized
— fascistically play \fa-ˈshi-sti-k(ə-)lē also -ˈsi-\ adverb, often capitalize

Link to source:

*Benito Mussolini > Quotes
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Wow. By my understanding of the original definition, Fascists are by necessity Socialists, and close kin to Communists.
Worth keeping a few old PRINTED dictionaries in the house.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Antifa uses the word wrong.
Not according to the new dictionary definition of the word.

The strategy is elegant in it's simplicity. They took a word with historical derogatory connotations that directly defines their Socialistic cause and agenda and redefined it, keeping the derogatory connotations and applied it to their opposition. Then indoctrinate the new generation with the new definition via cultural linguistic gate keepers like dictionaries and reinforce it with state controlled education, mass media etc.? And they're getting away with it. Brilliant.
Would be interesting to find older dictionaries and compare the definitions, find out when it happened, and ask the publishers what the hell happened. Maybe we should talk to Winston about it.


On TB every waking moment
It never occurred to me that a dictionary could be intellectually dishonest.

Was a real surprise to me to. I wonder what else they've jot or tittled? It's harder to communicate when they make word meanings this fluid.

Remember who the editors usually are and where they come from...That being said, at least the OED shows the historical changes in a word's usage and meaning.


Stone Cold Crazy
Every word the Left uses is used out of Copntext and Incorrectly.

They design their wording to put anyone against them on the Defensive side.


TB Fanatic
Wow. By my understanding of the original definition, Fascists are by necessity Socialists, and close kin to Communists.
Worth keeping a few old PRINTED dictionaries in the house.

During the 19th century the bundle of rods, in Latin called fasces and in Italian fascio, came to symbolise strength through unity, the point being that whilst each independent rod was fragile, as a bundle they were strong. By extension, the word fascio came in modern Italian political usage to mean group, union, band or league. It was first used in this sense in the 1870s by groups of revolutionarydemocrats in Sicily, to describe themselves. The most famous of these groups was the Fasci Siciliani during 1891–94

The Fasci Siciliani, short for Fasci Siciliani dei Lavoratori (Sicilian Workers Leagues), were a popular movement of democratic and socialist inspiration, which arose in Sicily in the years between 1889 and 1894.

Benito Mussolini's father, Alessandro Mussolini, was a blacksmith and a socialist, while his mother, Rosa (née Maltoni), was a devout Catholic schoolteacher. Owing to his father's political leanings, Mussolini was named Benito after Mexican leftist president Benito Juárez, while his middle names Andrea and Amilcare were from Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani.

As a young boy, Mussolini would spend some time helping his father in his smithy. Mussolini's early political views were heavily influenced by his father who idolized 19th-century Italian nationalist figures with humanist tendencies such as Carlo Pisacane, Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi. His father's political outlook combined views of anarchist figures like Carlo Cafiero and Mikhail Bakunin, the military authoritarianism of Garibaldi, and the nationalism of Mazzini.

Mussolini had been a leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI)


Veteran Member
That's exactly what D'souza talked about in his movie "Death of a Nation". Fascists and Nazis are leftest.


Veteran Member
They did the same thing thing with Racism, even through the Democrats are the definition of racism. KKK, Dred Scott, campaigned against blacks voting, until President Johnson's Great Society program when he said "With this law we'll have ******s voting for us for the next 200 years". Possibly, they're starting to realize that the Democrats have been screwing them for 190 years and counting.


TB Fanatic
That's exactly what D'souza talked about in his movie "Death of a Nation". Fascists and Nazis are leftest.

Yep, Nazi = National Socialist Workers Party
Big government, gun bans, nationalization of companies , large pointless civic projects with no purpoae apart from to pur everybody to work, forced sterilization, forced euthinasia,
Hatred of Jews, supporters of Islam, the list of ideals shared by current crop of Leftists and the Nazi's is endless,

Red Baron

Yep, Nazi = National Socialist Workers Party
Big government, gun bans, nationalization of companies , large pointless civic projects with no purpoae apart from to pur everybody to work, forced sterilization, forced euthinasia,
Hatred of Jews, supporters of Islam, the list of ideals shared by current crop of Leftists and the Nazi's is endless,

Don't forget the pseudo-science of Eugenics, a popular pastime starting with post-Darwinists and Planned Parenthood in the early 1900's.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Yep, Nazi = National Socialist Workers Party
Big government, gun bans, nationalization of companies , large pointless civic projects with no purpoae apart from to pur everybody to work, forced sterilization, forced euthinasia,
Hatred of Jews, supporters of Islam, the list of ideals shared by current crop of Leftists and the Nazi's is endless,

More progressive liberal jot or tittles identified.

NAZIs as Marthanoir points out were Socialists. The word NAZI has left a residual rotten stench in human memory. Now see how the progressives have taken this word that has been exclusively identified with Socialism and attributed it to conservatives?

Planned Parenthood sounds so much better than Eugenics.

We will need translators to communicate.


On TB every waking moment
...1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition..

Folks, my 1969 American Heritage Dictionary has the above definition almost word for word with an addition: ...dictatorship of the extreme right,,,(and) belligerent nationalism


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Go to the local Thrift store. Buy a large Dictionary from 1950 or before. Keep where bugs and time won't dissolve it (I suggest a big cedar box).

When you have to look up the real meaning of a word, there is a real dictionary and not easily changed bits and bytes. Don't let "them" define anything.