Story The Linder Legacy (Complete)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Kathy, I just can't get over how wonderful it is to have this many chapters in a day. All of your stories are really good, but not chopping it up so much, and having to wait so long.....this is like Christmas early. Thank you.


For some reason, I'm getting the idea that the Sheriff is rather taken with the Widow . . . and that his antics when they first met mean that he's one of the last people she'd ever be interested in!


Senior Member
How sad is it that I keep this window open and F5 when I get the chance all day...and as long as I can stay up. At least I am not alone in my story addiction. I'm with you, Narshalla. I think the Sheriff can't help himself.


Veteran Member
lol! You girls are all so funny and fun! It would be such a good time to spend an afternoon having coffee and or tea with ya'll.

Great new chapters! Narshalla, lets hope he is taken with the widow. They are the perfect match! Both stubborn enough to keep life interesting for eachother. :lol:


Contributing Member
I am sure enjoying this one Kathy. The pictures are great fun and so are the comments! I will be pushing f5 until my head hits the pillow tonight!

Kathy in FL

Chapter 35

Properly chastised by one and all I am under orders to remain off my foot for at least a day which means that despite tomorrow being Luna and the beginning of a new week I am going to be stuck inside with my foot propped up making menues, going over lists, and in general being reminded that I am a widow and not a monkey crawling about all over the trees.

I suppose I should be insulted at the comparison but I'm not. They mean well and disliked me getting injured.

Monkeys are filthy little irritants. I remember when I was very young and they first expanded their range into the forests surrounding Harper. They bred like rabbits and people were soon having to keep their shutters and doors locked tight all day whether they were in or out. And even capping their fireplaces when they weren't lit or the monsters would send their smaller members down that way to break into a cabin.

They stripped trees, ransacked food silos, and spread disease and created the worst mischief by loosening the pins holding animal gates closed, throwing tack onto the floor, and dumping their waste down unprotected wells. Some thought them cute and funny until they were upon the receiving end of their onslaught and then they were no longer such harmless, adorable characters. Father finally contacted other woodsmen through out the region as well as a few from outside it and was given tips on hunting the vermin. It was only luck that we found that the monkeys were susceptible to most of the same plagues that affected us and after the plague that took my family hardly any monkeys remain in Harper and the few that are there are kept in check by local hunters.

"You are laughing at me," I fussed, after everyone else had returned to their homes.

The Sheriff smiled, "A bit. At least now that I am assured that your injury is slight. Still, do not do that again Widow, it could have been much worse."

"Yes, yes. I do not need another lecture. The punishment I will feel tomorrow as my work piles higher and deeper is flogging enough."

"So bad as all that?"

"It will be." I added judiciously, "Though I do plan on using the time wisely and if a few people come to me rather than me to them I might just ..."

"I brought you something."

"I ...," I stopped, losing my train of thought. "I beg your pardon?"

"I brought you something."

Cautiously I asked, "What?"

"A letter. From your cousin."

"What?! How?! Where is it? Did you see him? How is he? Oh I've wondered so."

He chuckled as he pulled the missive from his pocket. "I was bringing it to you when I heard you scream."

When he handed it to me I hugged it and almost felt like crying again. "Thank you," I told him despite my throat feeling like it was going to close. "Thank you so much."

He smiled as if seeing my pleasure repaid any possible inconvenience. "The town that Tosh and I were at was so close to the Seminary that ... well ... I rode over and caught him in the middle of a lecture. I'm afraid I rather disrupted things but he didn't seem to mind. And he's no slouch either; introduced Tosh and I around to several Deans and professors. Now if you're sure you will be fine I need to go give a report to Tomas and James. Likely their anxious to hear how things went."

"Why didn't you say so? If they are displeased, please tell them it was my fault and that I ..."

"Hush that nonsense. Tomas may be The Linder and the Guardian but I warned him when he gained his status that he'd have to find another Sheriff if he expected me to bow and scrape. I've not got it in me. Besides, the man's my brother and I know of so many of his youthful piccadilloes that he doesn't have the capacity to awe me or roll me like he does with others."

"I'm almost afraid to ask what his response was."

"Tomas? He just laughed and said good because he needs someone to help balance out his elevated consequence. That's what James and I are for. John too somewhat. We each serve our purpose."

"Doctor Cummins to balance out his temper, the Chanellor to balance his authority over the Law and Funds, and you to keep his head from swelling the size of Linderhall."

The Sheriff nodded and left on a hardy laugh and leaving me to enjoy my letter from Nat.

The letter from Nat was quite long which told me he'd been writing it well before the Sheriff visited. If I had known the Sheriff was going to be so close - and would actually take the time - I would have sent my letter to Nat with him.

I was happy to find out how well he is doing and how excited he is at the opportunities being presented to him. He told me that when he has more time he will try and put together some book binding supplies for me, that he has learned some new recipes that put the old ones he was using in the town library to shame. I am afraid I am going to need those recipes as when the trunk with the last few books in them fell, a few of the bindings on my tablets cracked. Perhaps I will recover the most useful tablets of notes and recipes. I'm not above spending some of my stipend if I know that it will benefit me in the long run.

Which reminds me I need to make a list so that I can go to the market on Veneris. My foot should be healed by then and I will ride Nanny and use saddle bags to bring back what I purchase. My problem is that I must find out from the Chancellor when I may apply for my stipend. I have some of my circles left and since they are stamped with the Linder family crest I shouldn't have trouble redeeming them; nevertheless, I don't want to spend them all until I have a better idea of when I can replace them.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 36

I was off my foot for not one day but two drat it. The whole of both Luna and Martis were a hard lesson in patience and humility. Everyone was most kind of course but that only made me feel worse.

They also seemed to enjoy putting me in my place which I must say was not enjoyable at all, especially everytime I heard the phrase "it makes no sense".

"Widow, it makes no sense. You do the schedules and I'll have the boys here move the trunks about so that they can be got to and emptied." That was Mrs. Talbot and "the boys" were her older son Joel and a couple of his peers all of whom were roughly the size of a full grown buffalo. I am sincerely grateful that the foundation of the house is of stone or surely their walk would have rattled the dishware in the cabinets and the sconces upon the wall. As it was when they took the empty trunks to the third floor for storage dust from the ceiling fixtures drifted down reminding me of the chore I had not quite gotten to yet.

Mrs. Limpkin is the Head Laundress and she has her many daughters distributed amongst her department and under her sister in law's tutelage in the Stitchery House. The two of them came over and I watched helpless as they attacked and clucked over my wardrobe.

"Widow, it makes no sense. This may have sufficed back in your birth town but you are now returned to Linderhall. Where are you to find the time to whip us all into shape if you at the same time are trying to wash and mend your widow's wear. Besides, while you've done a fair job maintaining what you've got you'd best let someone at them that knows a bit more what they're doing ... begging your pardon I'm sure."

It's not that I cannot stitch - I never would have gotten my competency levels to get my certificates had that been the case. It is that the dratted fabric that most of my wardrobe is in simply isn't proof against everyday normal wear and tear. Those two ladies are also the ones responsible for placing unused garments and linens into containers so that the moths and silverfish cannot destroy them before they can be made useful for some other person or project.

At their instruction all of Ceena and Tonya's clothing was removed from the dressing room and taken away. However I suspect that they've been used to adjust my wardrobe accordingly because I must say some of my pieces have gone out in one style and come back completely made over into something different. Frayed cuffs have been replaced with either the latest fashion in the turned up style or taken off entirely and replace with lace in both fitted and loose styles. I've seen the inserts changed from a common and solid cotton to more intricatly pleated panels. My buttons have gone from serviceable to decorative. And while I more than appreciate their efforts it is a bit unnerving. I've no reason to turn myself into some fancy bird and the only response I get when I say such is a blank face as if they do not hear me at all.

At every turn I've had people under foot and it has smarted my pride a great deal. The carpets have been taken out and beaten, the floors polished with the buffer, the glass removed from the lamps and cleaned. I've had workmen come in and check the gaslines and plumbing ... without asking for them to mind you ... and any number of other things.

For instance, the bed chamber that I had chosen was deemed inappropriate and somehow all of my belongings were relocated to a room upstairs - not Ceena or Tonya's thank the saints - and a young woman about my age installed as my helper taking up the bedchamber beside the kitchen. I was ready to blow a gasket at that point but could not when I looked into the girl's eyes and saw the pride she had at getting the appointment. Apparently Mizz Marta had hand picked her as ready to advance in her status and having no such opportunity within the Hall was placed with me. She won't be about all day as I don't need that much "help" but will split her time between the Dower House and the Hall where she helps Kate Cummins - the doctor's wife - with the housekeeping in their suite. Her name is Darla and she told me proudly her income helps her family, her mother being a widow of some years with no desire to remarry. She is the eldest of eight so I can well imagine the income helps enormously.

I had managed to behave with some aplumb despite my growing consternation at the changes that were occurring without me agreeing to them when the Sheriff came to ask me a few questions and twitted me about it all.

After catching him off guard by flinging a pillow at his head he had the temerity to make it worse by laughing at me and asking me what had my tailfeathers burning.

"Why you ... ! You try being managed in this fashion and not being able to say yea or nay for fear of offending someone's feelings. I feel as if .... ooooooo ... I feel caught up in a game not of my making and while knowing the rules also knowing that all of the other players are circumventing them to the point of complete destruction of my peace of mind!"

He finally sat in the other padded chair that had been placed in the library and said with a chuckle, "Feel better for letting it out?"

"No," I pouted mulishly. "It's worse than when Nat manages me. I'm terribly grateful but have no way beyond words to express it and it is driving me mad."

"Serves you right."

"I beg your pardon?"

He chuckled again but beneath it I could see real fatigue. "You're cursed independent and knowledgeble for your age regardless of your widowhood and drive a person mad because of it. You've also created a place to use your talents to everyone's advantage so fast you've relieved a lot of people of an anxiety they had no way to express much less rectify and seeing you harmed simply because of your stubborn independence recreated what you were trying to repair. But this time they've a way to express it at the same time ensuring that you continue in the capacity that was serving them best. Let them flutter and manage you, it makes them feel better, like they've some power in assuring that things will get set right after being so wrong for so long. Many of them knew you when you first came as a bride and are proud at how well you've turned out despite the circumstances. They felt badly that they couldn't do more for you while your husband was alive."

"You're making up a faradiddle just to ease my nerves."

He shook his head and stretched his legs out like he was ready to stay a while. "Actually Widow I had it from Mr. Tosh himself and I was amazed he actually unbent as much as he did to tell me. You're well-liked and I gather it is because despite your status you've not used it against anyone and have always been willing to learn or lend a hand even with Ceena and Tonya pinching at you. I gather that some suspect that is why your husband didn't quite know what to make of you; you reminded him of some of his wives from his younger years and never seemed to blame him personally for the place you found yourself in."

That was a discussion I really didn't want to have with the Sheriff. "I'll not speak of it as none of the three are here to present their side so let us avoid the topic and instead you tell me what brought you out of your way?"

"It isn't out of my way Widow," he said with a smile. "Besides I've come to discuss some of the same topics that we've covered in the past. Do you mind if I shut the door and window? I don't want to be overheard."

"I suppose but please tell Darla that is why the door is closed. I don't need people getting ideas. They already grin an inordinate amount when you are around, no need to give them even more reason to talk."

All he did was smile mischeviously but he did as I requested and when he came back the discussion turned quite serious.


Thank you, thank you. A reward for staying up beyond bed time - I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow and have to be up about 2 hours before my usual morning time.

Hoping for moar when I get home tomorrow afternoon.


Kathy in FL

I may be scarce the rest of today. Hubby and youngest return from their father/son vacation to Oregon and we've got a crapton of work that is due today as well. Not to mention soccer practices begin tonight. So, I'm going to post four chapters on the off chance that I don't get to post any more. I think I have them edited but if you see any major booboo's feel free to point them out. Been staying up way too late and having to get up way too early to do the job of two people. Ugh.


Chapter 37

"First off, I finally got around to reading the note you left for me in my communication box. Do you mind sharing your thoughts ... or should I ask if you even have time to discuss them."

"Actually it will be a relief. I haven't known quite how to approach you with them and they've been weighing heavily."

"That pleasant are they?"

"You speak in jest Sheriff but," I gave a shudder. "I assure you the thoughts have brought me absolutely no pleasure. Especially not as to the hypothesis they led me to develop."

"Very well, proceed."

I tried to gain some comfort and was about to put my foot upon the floor when the Sheriff nudged the poof so that the distracting ache behind my knee was considerably relieved. "Oh ... thank you."

"Your welcome. Been stuck in the same spot myself after getting knocked about while on maneuvers. Damned irritating."

His cursing aside I agreed with the sentiment. After nodding I began. "After our ... discussion ... in your office triggered some rather fantastical thoughts you gave me leave to investigate them."

"I did. With the cautionary note not to bring attention to yourself."

"I was indeed cautious and it was rather amazingly easy to do so. Did you know that Mrs. Kinsey is actually the ex-spouse of the valet rather than merely his sister as I was first told?"

He seemed unsurprised. "Yes, it was one of the oddities that stood out when we discovered the staff files."

"Odd is right because in truth," I felt my face heat up. "I went looking in Ceena's genealogies for something else and was startled to find a relatively new set of entries under Tonya's maiden family who have the surname Kinser."

"Go on."

"I saw an original entry for a female by the name of Saphon and a male by the name of Jobert - notable as being the same names as Mrs. Kinsey and the valet who was also called Kinsey. Only these names were listed as Tonya's siblings." I looked at the Sheriff to see him blink. I continued, "Saphon Kinser was married twice at a very young age and both contracts were ended due to a failure to begat. If I understand the entries it appears it was believed to be the fault of the male in each case."

Astonished the Sheriff said, "They got rather personal in their entries did they not?"

I brushed my hands across my eyes for the briefest of moments before answering, "You've no idea. I felt like scrubbing my eyes after reading some of them. I knew that Ceena in particular had a terrible fascination with some of the fertility issues that have been faced by many families since the Days of Destruction ... and I pray I am wrong but she may have been the one to create the fascination in our husband or perhaps it is what drew them to each other ... but what I read seems almost like an obsession which in and of itself is a clue."

"Now where was I ... oh yes. After those two contracts were broken a line was drawn connecting Saphon and Jobert. That's when I went back and realized that what I had thought were middle names of the siblings was actually the surname of their fathers. Saphon and Jobert have the same mother as Tonya but all three had different fathers. To Saphon and Jobert were first born a set of twins. The first was stillborn and unnamed and apparently severely malformed. The second was a girl named Sada who was - and I quote - terminated when it was determined that she was mentally defective."

"By all the martyrs ..."

"It gets worse. Three more children were born to the marriage in quick succession and all three were terminated for the same reason before their second birthday. The third of those births caused some complications and it was determined that Saphon would be unable to bare any more children."

"Didn't sound like she should have any to begin with. You hear of such things occuring in the borderlands but you never think it is going to happen in our civilized society."

"Agreed," I told him though I was rather less charitable about some such practices. "At the end of that entry is a note that the the marriage contract was broken. There is no note that Saphon remarried but there is an entry stating that Jobert had two children out of wedlock and that the children were taken away from the mother and adopted to a family of the damned."

"Excuse me, to a what?"

"A family of the damned. I had no idea what that meant when I first read it either. Allow me to continue though and it will be easier for you to see."

"I'm not sure I want to see."

I sighed. "And once you see there will be no unseeing it."

He started to ask me something but then stopped and allowed me to continue.

"The coincidences of the names leads me to no other conclusion than Saphon is our own Mrs. Kinsey and Jobert Kinser/Kinsey was your father's valet. It even explains the confusion as to whether they were ex-spouses or siblings ... they were both. And explains why a church Brother would feel the need to post something to their staff files. But it also means that both Saphon and Jobert were half siblings of the Widow Tonya, a fact kept well hidden."

"And Widow Ceena."

"No. Tonya and Ceena had different mothers but the same father."

"That's right. The pirate."

"The wealthy and well-connected pirate," I agreed.

"Interesting in an extremely disturbing way but not neccessarily applicable to any current mystery."

I shook my head. "Forgive me for saying this but perhaps you need a female assistant for you show a sad lack of curiosity on what should be driving you mad at this point."

"And just why do you say that?"

"Because you do. Or perhaps it is just that you are so focused on your brother's issues; or, too embarrassed to admit that you'd give a lot to look up your own family in those rather explicit genealogies of Ceena's."

He leaned forward, "You satisfied your own curiosity did you?"

"Not at first, it was more going back to investigate what I had wondered about Ceena and Tonya in the first place. Do you remember what I told you of their pregnancies?"


"I will not repeat what those entries contained as calling them disturbing does not suffice. But it was after the last miscarriage for both Tonya and Ceena that a strange stick drawing had been placed and the word 'damnata' written under it which roughly translate to me the damned. I flipped back to Saphon's last entry and found the same marking and word. In fact once I started looking it was all over in the ledgers kept for several families. Some families I know but most I do not."

"So let me understand this 'damnata' or 'damned' must refer to fertility or viability of the begats in some way and further, your theory is that 'family of the damned' actually refers to infertile or begat compromised individuals that have married or formed some type of alliance."

"Rather than theory I prefer to continue to call it an hypothesis as there is no way, at the moment, for me to test or prove my thoughts."

"Very well ... hypothesis."

"In a word, yes. And from this point forward you may well think I have devolved into fantasy ... perhaps better called insanity."

"You have me on pins and needles Widow. Continue."

"This is no hilarity Sheriff. I'm not sure I'm not half mad as it sounds like such a conspiracy once I listend to my own thoughts."

Kathy in FL

Chapter 38

"I ... well ... for whatever reason I did look at the Linder genealogies which for your information are contained in no less than five volumes with the older volumes written in other hands and in the Old Language rather than in today's Common."

"You can read the Old Language?"

"Not as fluently as Nat but he taught me so that I could read some of the older manuscripts in the college library pertaining to gardening and cooking. The genealogies are very repetitive and once you figure out the words and recognize what is a name and what is not, it really isn't all that difficult."

The Sheriff snorted. "Not difficult? Not even James can read the Old Language beyond a few words that look similar to what we have in today's Common or those that have obvious Latin roots and even then he says that half the time you think a word should mean one thing and a professional translator says that it means something else entirely."

I shrugged. Nat was just a very good teacher. "Suffice it to say that your brother would find the genealogies interesting as far as how the various alliances were formed and it might give him an insight in to how to continue and strengthen them. One thing I will tell you whether you are curious or not, the Linder genealogies are free of most of the mutations suffered once beyond the generation that survived the Days of Destruction."

"The genealogies go back that far?!"

"Indeed, and further actually listing individuals that lived during the Days of Destruction and report names they claimed to be descended from. And with the obvious age of the genealogies and how they are written in multiple handwritings I would say that they are fairly accurate at least back to where people were quoting from memory their ancestors. Which is what makes my husband stand out."

"In what way?"

"First it is the number of wives ... I now know with certainty that I was number fifteen ... and none of them ending in a broken contract, not even the first wife. And let me add this. The woman protested her innocence until the very end, including in the midst of her execution. She claimed someone bore false witness against her; that despite her heart break and anger, neither of which she denied, she would never stoop to murder. Can you guess who she claimed bore false witness?" When he did not answer I said, "The newest wife at the time, Ceena Bovista Linder."

The Sheriff rubbed his chin then asked, "And you know this how?"

"I went to the main Linderhall library, where copies of all of the legal documents are kept, and pulled the old files."

"Your cousin taught you how to research legal cases as well?"

"There is no need to sound so put out. Mostly it was the necessity of learning so I could complete my self directed studies at the college. I couldn't just wait for a Brother or Sister to do it for me you know."

"Of course," he said with an odd twist of his lips. "Heaven forfend that you should have to wait to learn something."

Choosing to ignore his tone I told the rest of it. "Less than a year later Tonya was brought into marriage. And from what I understand from reading a few of the other wives' journals the pair often seemed in the middle of some contratemps or other ... usually with their sister wives. And their religious practices also caused a great deal of discomfort in the family."

"This agrees with what Wendolyn discovered during some discussions with the Vanburens who seem inordinately grateful to have seen the cessation of those practices."

"Did she also mention the senior Mrs. Vanburen being related to my husband's first wife?"

"It was hinted at."

"She is, on her mother's side. And they remained close for several years after their respective marriages before responsibilities and status had them occasionally working at cross purposes and supporting different coalitions."

"Now that's a bit of history that Tomas might find useful."

"Indeed, but back to what I was saying. Looking in the genealogies I found the 'damned' symbol on a couple of my husband's wives, not all of them however. It was then I noticed a very tiny symbol by the name of some of the wives and many of the children."

"Another symbol?"

"Yes. It is the same symbol that the apothecaries use to denote a poison ... a circle with an x directly beneath it."

He was silent then shook his head. "You are not implying ..."

"I'm rather afraid that I am. The wives and children that died in childbirth, were stillborn, or died of some other natural process do not have that symbol. The unexplained deaths ... do." I swallowed and you could hear my throat click. "I cross referenced everything in the library. I found no contradictions though the death certificates of those with the symbol had various causes of death that were on their surface quite plausible except for one that is listed as death by misadventure by person or persons unknown. This was the wife that I eventually replaced."

The Sheriff became very, very silent. "You have no proof other than innuendo?"

I closed my eyes and then opened them resolutely. I turned the clasp of my lap desk and from within it pulled out a small volume. "This is Tonya's journal. I found it in her room when I was looking for the genealogies, which if you are concerned I have locked away from prying eyes. The entries are usually brief, more like a schedule of social engagements, but there are some comments contained there in that ... that are suspicious. The journal covers a five year period." He reached to take it. "I ... I ask one thing of you."

"And that is?"

"There are certain entries in there that pertain ... pertain to me. They are ... disturbingly graphic. The sisters were ..." I shook my head and finished, "The sisters were apparently attempting to determine whether I was fertile or not. Tonya also mentioned intentionally distracting my husband from ... from paying ... attention to me and of 'adding to his medicine' at various times."

Quietly the Sheriff asked, "What would you have of me?"

"I know that ... that you will ... you will have to share this information with your brothers but ... but could you ... will you ... please ... see that it goes no further? This is painful enough ... it ... it reminds me of the humiliation ... and I've had quite a bit of trouble controlling ... my ... my anger and I ... when I left Harper I told myself I was leaving those feelings behind as well. I do not wish to ... to feel like everyone is laughing at me again. I don't know if I can do my duty if all ... all I can think of is what other people know of me that should be private."

With more compassion than I expected the Sheriff said, "My brothers and I are many things but gossips is not one of them. Nor are we blackmailers, extortionists, or anything else of that nature."

"I did not mean ..."

"I know you did not but I just want to assure you that that is how we would view someone that broke that kind of trust with a person ... regardless of their status. It would be a very terrible abuse of our honor and our own status."

Kathy in FL

Chapter 39

We were both silent and then trying to bridge the discomfort that had formed I asked, "You said you had made some headway in your own search."

He was quiet so long I thought he would not answer when he said, "You've a fine nose for a mystery Widow. Did you know the reason we never heard back from the missing teacher's family is because they never existed?"


"Indeed. Nor did any of his credentials prove to be true except for his last posting immediately before coming here."

"And does this mean anything? Besides the obvious that is of someone not doing their job of checking references."

"It could mean many things but most probably means that we had a spy in our midst. To what purpose I do not know and have yet to determine. But it is someone with enough money to make up very good but fake credentials ... as good if not better than the ones carried by the man who brought the plague."

"Are they connected?"

"That is still in the unknown category. I do know that James has a contact from university that specializes in that kind of espionage and has contacted him for his opinion. With that aside I also had word from Turner Waverly."

The unexpectedness of it was jarring and I am afraid I was rather short with him. "What on earth does he want?"

"Easy Widow. He was actually informing me that they had captured one of the footpads suspected of attacking me the night of the Waverly event. The man had been put in holding and was awaiting the questioner when he took his own life."

Astonished I asked, "Forgive me if this is an odd question but would an ordinary footpad do such a thing?"

"Possibly, if he had committed a murder at some point and expected to see the hangman's noose for it. But no such accusation had been made of that nature. I think it more due to the fact that a contingent from the Mayor's Council was there making sure that the transition between Turner and his father went smoothly and they had a professional questioner with them that offered his services."

I was silent for a moment. The questioners of the Mayor's Council could be ... thorough in their methods. Some were also rumored to resort to hallucinogens and medicaments to speed their inquisitions. "Did they find out anything else?"

"Only that he was traveling with at least two others that got away during the chase."

"I'm sorry that you did not get the answers you desired."

"Actually Widow, I did."

"You did? I'm not sure I ..." I stopped confused by his answer. "Will you explain please?"

The Sheriff nodded. "The man's belongings were searched then the contents were sent to me." He took something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It at first appeared to be a coin until I realized what was stamped upon it.

I quickly handed the filthy thing back. "The Darkfriars crest."

"Yes, and this time unmelded with any other family crest. This one," he said flipping it over in his hand before returning it to his pocket. "This one I believe is a token of fealty or membership to a group at least claiming to be connected with the Darfriars."

"You don't believe in them do you," I said.

"It is not that I don't believe in them per se so much as the problems recorded in the documents that I got access to make it seem impossible that the group we have today is connected to the original Darkfriars. I do however suspicion that someone is utilizing the old legion as a way to generate fear. The reason that they are supposed to have died out is due to their begatting being compromised due to the contaminations of the Days of Destruction."

I nodded. "Yes, but what if they chose some other method of ... let us call it inheritance?"

The Sheriff growled. "Why do I have a feeling I will be leaving here with a headache?"

"You'll like me even less when I say I suspect that Ceena, Tonya, and additionally Mrs. Kinsey, your father's valet, and perhaps some others, are directly connected to the Darkfriars."

"You are intent on giving me ulcers aren't you," he said with a heavy sigh.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 40

I have felt terrible for days now for unloading all of my findings upon the Sheriff. From what I hear he has been closeted for long hours at a time with the Chancellor. I believe The Linder joins them but only secretly as to not create too much conjecture as to what the three men are meeting about.

What I found amounts to this, Ceena and Tonya - and their siblings - are descended from a violent family group that emigrated from the Borderlands into western Tentuckia. The histories that I've been able to find claim their reasons were to purify themselves of the contaminated begatting they experienced following the Days of Destruction. But I question this because regularly they intermarried with individuals that came from the very lands they claim they had sought to escape. It would not be obvious for the casual observer of history, but with the help of Ceena's genealogies combined with esoteric historical texts I found cross referenced in the Linder Museum, the pattern becomes almost impossible to ignore. Some surnames changed as generations progressed but usually not so much as I could not find them again with a little dilegence such as cross checking tax rolls and census records.

I wish that Nat were here ... and yet I am glad he is not. I could use his expertise in ancient documents but it would entail explaining things to him that I would rather avoid. He already regrets not doing more to stop my marriage but he thinks more because of my age. I have never shared with him most of the darker aspects of my original sojourn at Linderhall. He would find it devastating and heap undeserved guilt upon his own head. But the last thing Nat should feel is guilt. He has watched over me and guided me for what feels like so long and has instilled in me a core of security that nothing can shake.

Which is a good thing because now perhaps I have a discovereda clue as to the origin of the deep seated hatred directed at me by Ceena and Tonya. If I am translating the correspondence in my husband's old files correctly, it was hinted at that any progeny of Ceena and Tonya would be favored above any of my husband's other wives' children ... unless they were proven unable to bare uncontaminated children. The only thing standing in the way of that would have been the Old Laws designating lines of inheritance. It is my hypothesis that - at least in part - that was the reason for what I suspect were the poisonings of so many of my husband's wives and children. The murder of the wife whom I replaced was either accidental or, sadly what seems more likely, is that she had begun to suspect that they were inhibiting her ability to conceive.

That is one of the things that I found so humiliating in Tonya's journal. I believe it was their intent to do the same with me; however they reckoned without my training in herbalism and my insistance on fending for myself rather than being waited upon by the staff. I also did not regularly - or willingly - seek out Ceena and Tonya's company and most of my meals were eaten privately in my own quarters, cooked by my own hand, or with Mizz Marta in hers and out of their reach to create mischief upon.

My husband's journal of that year has been denied to me despite my application to the Chancellor to read it. I tried to not be offended by the denial of what should have been the right of a widow but it was not until a brief meeting with The Linder that I was able to put my feelings aside.

"My dear Widow. I know this is not traditional. And I know that it is unjust. But please, take my word for it, that is not a volume that you wish to read."

"Guardian I have no illusion left where my husband is concerned and my only reason for requesting access is to examine it for clues that might help all of us unravel this mystery so that it can be put behind us as constructively and as quickly as possible. If there are regional secrets contained ..."

"No. If that was all I could redact them from the journal though thank you for giving me a more legitimate excuse for my actions," he said with a sardonic lift of his brow.

Stiffly I said, "Wherther you are acting as The Linder or the Guardian, you do not need to legitimacize your edicts."

"Perhaps not," he sighed. "But I have found being honest with people is a much better route than tyranny or subterfuge. When I say that it is a volume that you do not wish to read I do not say that lightly. Daren has informed me that you are admiredly capable of separating emotionalism from facts in order to come to a constructive conclusion. I honestly admire that and wish more were able to do so. But the truth of the matter is your husband's journal is filled with ..." He stopped and wouldn't meet my gaze.

"I assume the Sheriff has spoken with you of my findings."


"Is ... was my husband complicit in the ... misadventures of his wives and children?"

"You are ... extraordinarily perceptive for your age."

"That is not an answer."

The Linder sighed. "I will be as honest as I am able at the moment."

"I do not need prevarications."

"And I will give you none but ... this is a terribly tangled web and it must be untangled gently or risk exposing certain families to censure that they may no longer deserve ... and I'm not certain they even knew what was going on to begin with."

"You suspect the involvment of the Vanburens as well?"

"As I said ... perceptive."

"Then let us return to my original question. Was my husband complicit? Did he know or take a direct hand in it?"

"Direct hand? No. However I believe at some point he began to suspect ... but he put it at the feet of the anarchists. Much the same way my own father automatically seemed to choose as the enemy."

"Could it be possible that too is part of the plan? A ... a misdirection if you will?"

He looked at me but didn't answer so I knew that subject was off limits.

"Did he never suspect anyone in his own household?"

"Towards the end, yes."

"Did ... did he ... did he think it was me?"

"No. No my dear, exactly the opposite. And it is that part that I do not feel you need to read about." At my confusion he opened his mouth and then closed it in regret. "Widow, I do not care for the idea much less the reality of child brides. I certainly do not care for the idea that my own kinsman would participate in the practice. I like even less that he would intentionally maneuver people so that a specific child bride was chosen for his purposes."

I blinked in shock. Swallowed. But kept my thoughts to review later. "He ... he in no way acted like he was even ... even ..." I ended breathlessly and was forced to stop and catch my runaway thoughts. "If that was indeed his strategy he must not have enjoyed the results of success."

"Actually I believe the problem lay in timing. His addiction altered his perception and made him feel younger than he actually was. It gave him a feeling of physical prowess that he did not deserve. And it made him feel he had more time than he actually did. He stated that he also had to be careful because of the existing treaties ... I believe that to be a reference to Ceena and Tonya's families so perhaps he was unconciously aware of the danger they represented. They're families are still very powerful and could cause a considerable amount of problems should they turn against us. And then ..."


"He began to distrust them. It was after ... after the night they struck you."

Trying not to loose focus for I hate the memories with a passion I said, "So he suspected but did nothing?"

"He suspected that they were involved with the anarchists not that they were ... devotees of the darkfriars." Looking troubled he added, "I will end on this one last note Widow. My father's cousin was an ill man ... but he was sorry for that night ... that last night he spent with you. He remembered bits and pieces of it and ... and described it, castigating himself for losing control. And he had plans to make it up to you."

I did not respond. Could not.

"Do you ... suspect ... whether my sister wives had anything to do with his death?"

Obviously releaved to drop the other subject he said, "On the contrary, it appears through intercepted correspondence that Ceena and Tonya were quite concerned and then panicked as his illness did not abate. It was they who insisted on sending for the best doctors in the region even going so far as to do it against your husband's explicit instructions."

I nodded slowly, "Which means that they had designs on what is now your position for reasons other than simply inheritance."

Back on more solid footing The Linder dismissed me with the thought, "Widow, issues of inheritance are never simple."


Senior Member
Thank you Ms. Kathy!!

And you know, if you are swamped in real life, we would be more than happy to take on the burden of editing for you...simply post the whole story, and we will "edit" away <wink,wink,nudge,nudge> ;)


One generation behind...
Wow, now this is getting [interesting]!!!!

Lady Kathy you do have a gift of showing us the intrigues of a future that may yet come to be.

Thank You!


Thank you for these chapters - I only begged for one, and got four. This is a very good day. Look to the sunshine, your DH and DS are home safely, and you as Mrs. Landlord straighten out and laid the law down to a problem.

And now we are getting to the dark cellars of Linderhall. It is a grea day!



Veteran Member
I finally snuck away... I don't know why my family has to butt into my life!! I'm doing fine, fine I say! So what if the laundry needed to be done and I had a few dishes in the sink!

So I'm in the closet and snuck my laptop...would you believe they had it locked UP!!!???? lol! no lock can stop ME! as one can see since the handcuffs are no longer on my wrists! Chain me to the bed will they! HA!

So I've now been able to catch up with all the stories ... I see my dear sister has left a note... just ignore her, she doesn't have a clue about us MOAR Zombies. Let her remain in darkness! HA!

Thank you for all the moar!! :)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yeah I know Kathy had a very busy day ahead of her and soccer practice this evening but did that keep me from checking at break times throughout the day for new chapters NOPE.


Senior Member
Oohhh man.... No new story. Made you look!

Baa! I never left. I have been sitting here bleary eyed waiting...and get moar story. I think Kaij's insanity has rubbed off on me. Still hitting F5 with my nub of a finger. Who needs food and sleep when there is a chance that Mother Hen will tell more story. *Goes back in trance...hitting F5*


Veteran Member
Oohhh man.... No new story. Made you look!

Hah! You didn't make me look! I haven't been able to check much on the net since the day before yesterday so I knew that Kathy (at least) should have MOAR posted.

Thanks, Kathy, for the MOAR!

Now I'm back to the F5.

(kaija - you are a hoooooooooooooooot!!! Now get back to your shackles! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Lol her shackles funny.

Had t check again, here I am all by myself for a change and no story to read without someone to interrupt it lol. Outside chores are all finished and Broccoli inthe dehydrator.


Veteran Member
Kathy thanks for the new story, just finished the first page, was hooked after the chapter thanks again for the great story.


Veteran Member
Thanks so much for the chapters!

Iv spent the day watching my new chicken coop come together. Dh actually built me an insulated brooder within the coop and three runs. soon my orpingtons will be here and Im going to do some breeding for fun and a little money on the side. So excited about chickens haha!

Have a nice peaceful evening in front of me waiting for mOAr of this wonderful story. :rdog::rdog:


Veteran Member
I finally mange to escape my capters... I mean my family again, as I long for MOAR but there is NO MOAR!!!!!!! All that stealth and knocking my brother out for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oooooooooooooohhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHooooooooooooo..... I NEED mOarRRRR!!

Matt is gonna be so MAD when he wakes up and finds himself all tied up... LOL! maybe I best not go back home. Eventually they all will leave and I will be able to get back to my NORMAL and perfectly SANE life!

Maybe I'll take up residence in my greenhouse... I doubt any of them will go in there and I've a hammock stashed in a pot out there....

oops! almost caught by the rent a cop the library has come around during hours they are closed..... hey, this is the soonest I could get away! Is it MY fault that they don't have better locks on their door?

Well I'll BE BACK! so pretty please MOAR???? I'll go untie Matt......

and even clean up the vase I whacked him with.... :shkr:


Veteran Member
Kathy what a great story, now that I am caught up I sit hear hitting My f5 key waiting for more. Thanks for the story absolutely fantastic as always.


Veteran Member
My F5 key does not seem to be functioning properly. No matter how many times I pound, er...tap on it, there is no moar story.