Story The Linder Legacy (Complete)


Veteran Member
I don't know.... I beginning to think we all just need to descend upon her home and "fan out" taking care of business while we have someone set her at her computer and feed her goodies and coke and make her type her little fingers off.......


CHOCOLATE... My fav food group. Hope she gets moar done soon or we will be fat, or fatter as the case may be. LOL


Veteran Member
Just passing time

Anxiety setting in..

Full Story Crisis mode

other link edited out by Deena upon request by OP


Has No Life - Lives on TB
WES (wide eyed shock) is that woman's belly button hanging between her knees? Please let me un-see that please, let me un-see that..........


Veteran Member
That picture always makes me sad for that lady. I really hate it when people post it as a joke. Sorry Mysty.


Veteran Member
There is a "disease" (I've never really was told its actual literal name or if it even has one) that causes a woman to over produce estrogen. This in turn, causes her body to view itself as not having enough adipose. The kicker is, the more adipose the body produces....and it really does NOT matter what she eats or how much she exercises, the adipose makes more estrogen. Thus a vicious cycle begins. The more adipose = more estrogen = more adipose etc.....

Now she can go on birth control pills which may or may not help control the estrogen. She can exercise five to seven hours A DAY and still gain fat. However, the more adipose also means the body is dragged down and it becomes exhausted far easier and quicker. which = less exercise. etc.

The theory is that this begins by eating processed / microwaved foods. In SOME bodies, this combination causes the body to NOT recognize "food" so it wraps these molecules in ...... adipose and packs them away not knowing how to process them.

This is why you see so many "fat" women on welfare. They buy cheap food because so many do NOT know how to cook from scratch. Thus begins the cycle... It also happens to women who are NOT on welfare...maybe they are busy or also don't know how to cook from scratch. Now I'm not saying this is the reason WHY so many people are fat now.

However, there are those out there that this has happened to and it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine by looking at them if they suffer from this or are heavy for other reasons. Because there are many reasons. There ARE very few heavy people who want to be or enjoy being heavy. Some could be cursed because when they were younger and skinnier they mocked fat people. It could be a combination of things.

Anyways.... I got a bit sidetracked with my little "rant" there.... back to the disease.... and birth control. It can greatly help a woman lose some weight yet some women cannot take birth control because it raises their blood pressure. The "cure" can kill her much faster, we are talking stroke level BP in just a few weeks. Even the mildest BC pills. So they have to decide, eat as healthy as possible and get as much exercise as possible as often as possible and hope that helps keep from too much weight gain so you can live as long as possible... or take the pill and end up stroking before you lose all the weight...

Because it is almost impossible to keep up with the estrogen amounts the body is pumping out and the cycle even if they were able to exercise 15+ hours a day.

Someone could get very rich if they could find something that stopped the body from making estrogen (or greatly slowed it) and patented it. That would be the "TRUE" miracle weight loss pill.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I feel sorry for her but I don't want to see it. I am so up to my neck with sick and dying people in my family that I take care of everyday. I am about two shades away from burn out and my compassion sometimes ebbs low. I come here hoping for a break and to read the rest of this great story that Kathy is writing. I don't go looking for things like that on the web and I didn't really want to see it here.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This waiting is driving me crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MOARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Veteran Member
Since I got my nails done, figured I should get the hair done too..... while I've been waiting for MOAR story.



Veteran Member
That picture always makes me sad for that lady. I really hate it when people post it as a joke. Sorry Mysty.

Its ok Nancy. You are actually right. I was feeling silly and looking through pics, and hesitated. That is usually the holy spirit trying to get my attention. I feel sorry for her too and shouldn't have posted it. Let me see if I can edit it out.

My edit button is gone from that. Maybe a moderator can erase that link?


Veteran Member
That totally is my dog! He is half pug. Too bad about your fishing luck, I love fruit, especially melon and I don't even want to think about the hair and nails. Lol. Thanks.


Veteran Member
I've got tons of work to do, but I'm bored. I keep checking for MOAR (F5 F5 F5 F5) and nothing yet.

Guess I have to go back to work. (sigh)

Work is better than looking at pictures of weird hair and nightmare-inducing nails...............

kaija - you have to raise us UP, not depress us, with your pictures! While we are anxiously waiting for Kathy, we need to be lifted up, not depressed down. So here's a picture tool for you - chocolate - good; fruit - good; dogs - good if they're happy; dogs and other animals - bad if they are sad or hurting; icky/gross food - bad; weird people pictures - bad under all circumstances. So paste some more "good" pictures for us to see while whiling away our "waiting for Kathy" time. And thanks for the pictures!


Veteran Member
I've got tons of work to do, but I'm bored. I keep checking for MOAR (F5 F5 F5 F5) and nothing yet.

Guess I have to go back to work. (sigh)

Work is better than looking at pictures of weird hair and nightmare-inducing nails...............

kaija - you have to raise us UP, not depress us, with your pictures! While we are anxiously waiting for Kathy, we need to be lifted up, not depressed down. So here's a picture tool for you - chocolate - good; fruit - good; dogs - good if they're happy; dogs and other animals - bad if they are sad or hurting; icky/gross food - bad; weird people pictures - bad under all circumstances. So paste some more "good" pictures for us to see while whiling away our "waiting for Kathy" time. And thanks for the pictures!

Sammy, I was trying to use reverse psychology and thought I'd STOP posting "bad" pictures if we got MOAR story.... cause I tried "GOOD" pictures..... lol! ;)


Veteran Member
ohmygosh dont refrain. We love your posts Kaijafon, you are too funny lol.

Kaija - Rabbit is probably getting tired of checking and checking and not finding any new stories. And it's Rabbit's choice to leave or stay.

But you just keep posting your pictures and comments and stories. It gives us something to look at and like (or dislike) and something to read to give us some laughs while we are patiently (or impatiently) waiting for Kathy.

Sometimes reverse psychology doesn't work! Sometimes forward psychology doesn't work. Sometimes only waiting works...........

Keep up the good and funny distractions!


Veteran Member
and now a message from Nicholas Cage, who once played an angel (so he may have some connections....)


please and thank you ;)

Deena in GA

I've edited out the offensive picture.

Let's try to keep things on a better level here. Thanks!

Kathy, sure hope you're going to come back when you can and post more of this story!


Veteran Member

I'm dying here!!! and so sad there is no moar:



Veteran Member
I'm sure that Kathy is going to come back and finish Linder............
aren't you, Kathy???............
sometime soon, I hope..................
before we all die of wanting and waiting for more..............................

Is anyone out there? (echo) there there there

Kathy???? (echo) thee thee thee

Helloooooo!! (echo) ooooo ooooo ooooo

Kathy???? (echo) thee thee thee

Are you here? (echo) here here here

Stop this before I drive myself nuts (echo) nuts nuts nuts



Veteran Member
Little Sir Echo how do you do? Hello? <<<Hello?>>> Hello? <<<Hello?>>>

Remember singing that one when we were little kids? I don't remember the next lines tho.