Misc The Insta-Pot new toy tread (or old toy if you have had one for awhile)


Disaster Cat
Put a thin film of olive oil on the pot before adding ingredients, eliminates any staining or sticking.

Thank you I did spray it with a bit of sunflower oil spray (I just had it to hand) probably why it didn't stick any worse; I will try a film of olive oil next time, I do that already for savory dishes just hadn't thought of it for fruit compotes like apple sauce.


Disaster Cat
Best feedback so far on mine (and this got mentioned on the other thread but should have been here)the biggest issue I've had with mine and others have reported on the IP forum is a tendency for soups/stews to be a bit bland or watery; you can drop some of this by getting a bit brave in terms of lowering your water content but not by much because you need a certain amount of liquid for any pressure cooker to work well.

I got improved beans by doing "pot in pot" so I could do a lower amount in the actual bean bowl (beans were totally covered in broth but no higher) and water was placed under the bowl (1 1/2 cups) as well so the machine would be fine, even if the beans didn't work but they worked fairly well.

The other trick is unlike a regular slow cooker where tastes are amplified; I've noticed that herbs and spices seem a bit dulled in the IP (on pressure setting anyway) so you can add additional herbs and spices before cooking and/or add to taste after cooking (I do a bit of both).

The other "trick" with too much liquid is to use the warm or sauteed function to "boil/simmer off" some of it but this does take time and you do need to watch and make sure it doesn't burn.

All in all I really like mine, but it works best for things you would expect to do well in a pressure cooker: soups, stews, chili, beans, fast-track vegetables and some unusual things like really good Chinese noodles and custard dishes. I have used it to pressure cook down roasts to the tear apart stage for variations on pulled meat/ropas viajas but I have not used it for a basic roaster (a lot of mixed feedback on the IP lists on that one). I'm sure it is doable, I just haven't needed to yet...