RACE The High Price of Stale Grievances


On TB every waking moment

Essay of the Week: The High Price of Stale Grievances by Coleman Hughes
by VANDERLEUN on JULY 22, 2022

They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along & spoil it. ~ Thelonious Monk (Monk’s Advice, 1960)

As against our gauzy national hopes, I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible. ~ Ekow N. Yankah (New York Times, 2017)

Though the question seems naïve to some, it is in fact perfectly valid to ask why black people can get away with behavior that white people can’t. The progressive response to this question invariably contains some reference to history: blacks were taken from their homeland in chains, forced to work as chattel for 250 years, and then subjected to redlining, segregation, and lynchings for another century. In the face of such a brutal past, many would argue, it is simply ignorant to complain about what modern-day blacks can get away with.

Yet there we were—young black men born decades after anything that could rightly be called ‘oppression’ had ended—benefitting from a social license bequeathed to us by a history that we have only experienced through textbooks and folklore. And my white Hispanic friend (who could have had a tougher life than all of us, for all I know) paid the price. The underlying logic of using the past to justify racial double-standards in the present is rarely interrogated. What do slavery and Jim Crow have to do with modern-day blacks, who experienced neither? Do all black people have P.T.S.D from racism, as the Grammy and Emmy award-winning artist Donald Glover recently claimed? Is ancestral suffering actually transmitted to descendants? If so, how? What exactly are historical ‘ties’ made of?

We often speak and think in metaphors. For instance, life can have ups and downs and highs and lows, despite the fact that our joys and sorrows do not literally pull our bodies along a vertical axis. Similarly, modern-day black intellectuals often say things like, “We were brought here against our will,” despite the fact that they have never seen a slave ship in their lives, let alone been on one. When metaphors are made explicit—i.e., emotions are vertical, groups are individuals—it’s easy to see that they are just metaphors. Yet many black intellectuals carry on as if they were literal truths.

One such intellectual is Michael Eric Dyson, who recently shared the stage with Michelle Goldberg in a debate against Jordan Peterson and Stephen Fry. Though the debate was ostensibly about political correctness, it ranged everywhere from Marxism to ‘white privilege.’ Around halfway through the debate, Dyson said:

If you have benefitted from 300 years of holding people in servitude, thinking that you did it all on your own…”Why can’t these people work harder?” Let me see…for 300 years you ain’t had no job! So the reality is for 300 years you hold people in the bands…you refuse to give them rights. Then all of a sudden, you ‘free’ them and say, “You’re now individuals.”

Taken literally, Dyson’s claims make no sense. No person has ever suffered 300 years of joblessness because no person has ever lived for 300 years. Of course, Dyson wasn’t speaking literally. His ‘you’ refers not to identifiable, living humans, but to groups of long-deceased individuals with whom he shares nothing in common except a location on the color wheel. But by appropriating a grievance whose rightful owners died long ago, and by slipping between the metaphorical and the literal, Dyson was able to portray himself as a member of an abstract oppressed class and Peterson as a member of an abstract oppressor class.

In his reply, barely audible over Dyson’s sanctimonious harangue, Peterson put his finger on this rhetorical sleight-of-hand: “Who is this ‘you’ that you’re referring to?”

Many black progressives use the myth of collective, intergenerational transfers of suffering to exempt themselves from the rules of civil discourse. Dyson, for instance, responded to Peterson’s criticism of the concept of ‘white privilege’ with the finger-wagging rebuke: “You’re a mean, mad white man!” Despite hurling this racialized insult, Dyson will likely face no consequences. The question naturally arises—what would have happened to Peterson if he had called Dyson a “mean, mad black man”? I think it’s fair to say that Peterson would have received something less pleasant than the round of applause with which Dyson was rewarded.

The celebrated journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates provides another example of the lower ethical standard to which black writers are held. In his #1 New York Times bestseller, Between the World and Me, Coates explained that the policemen and firemen who died on 9/11 “were not human to me,” but “menaces of nature.”1 This, it turned out, was because a friend of Coates had been killed by a black cop a few months earlier. In his recent essay collection, he doubled down on this pitiless sentiment: “When 9/11 happened, I wanted nothing to do with any kind of patriotism, with the broad national ceremony of mourning. I had no sympathy for the firefighters, and something bordering on hatred for the police officers who had died.”2 Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Bari Weiss—a young Jewish woman—was recently raked over the coals for tweeting, “Immigrants: They get the job done,” in praise of the Olympic ice-skater Mirai Nagasu, a second-generation Japanese-American. Accused of ‘othering’ an American citizen, Weiss came under so much fire that The Atlantic ran two separate pieces defending her. That The Atlantic saw it necessary to vigorously defend Weiss, but hasn’t had to lift a finger to defend Coates, whom they employ, evidences the racial double-standard at play. From a white writer, an innocuous tweet provokes histrionic invective. From a black writer, repeated expressions of unapologetic contempt for public servants who died trying to save the lives of others on September 11 are met with fawning praise from leftwing periodicals, plus a National Book Award and a MacArthur ‘Genius’ Grant.

The Rihanna incident; the Dyson-Peterson debate; the Coates comment—the thread running through all three examples is that modern-day blacks are permitted to employ language and behavior for which whites would be condemned. And wherever these racial double-standards show themselves, appeals to historical oppression, and to a metaphorical ‘we,’ follow close behind. After all, it is argued, how can Dyson and Coates be expected to abide by a so-called ‘politics of respectability’ in a country that routinely humiliates and subjugates them. Indeed, all demands to uphold colorblind standards ring hollow in view of America’s foundational plunder of ‘the black body,’ we are told. The ‘black body’? Such abstract claims are rarely met with the concrete question: to whose black body are you referring?

RTWT @ The High Price of Stale Grievances – Quillette Published on June 5,


On TB every waking moment
I have been watching the series on gypsy weddings...now stay with me here. In one, a dressmaker who makes their enormous glitzy wedding dresses decides to hold a class for young gypsy/traveler women to teach them how to make dresses and prepare them to hold a job. (Most of the girls are married from 15-18 and keep house and raise children in a rigid society.) Many of the girls in class had to be taught to read and do basic math by a tutor during the class. They had to be taught expectations that they would show up on time and work the whole day. They had to be taught expectations about their behavior.

Point is that I see the same drama, infighting, cat fighting, offense, petty lawlessness, taking offense, wild behavior as I see with ghetto blacks - minus the fire arms and minus the actual sex. (Gypsy/traveler girls are expected to be virgins at marriage and are strictly monitored and segregated.)

Why would there be so many similarities? I think back to my old trainings in "Bridges out of Poverty" /"A Framework for Understanding Poverty."
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc-_o5sEu6w
6:49 min It was a structure attempting to explain value differences and "Hidden Rules" of the socio-economic class/cultural striations in society. (I was very involved in upgrading county social and mental health services in a poor rural area.)

The same values I see now labelled as "whiteness" are the ones formerly labeled middle class. It concerns me that values associated with economic stability and prosperity would be tied to racism. Marxists seem to be using racism as a proxy for class warfare to destroy the current "system."

white culture.pngwhite culture2.jpg
whiteness and blacks2.jpg


Res ipsa loquitur
I have a difficult time getting past what SHOULD be obvious on its face. if these folks were NOT "here" WHERE would they be?

if being HERE is so difficult then WHY do we have a literal INVASION at the southern border (its an empirical question)

I don't kare how your kith and kin got here
of course - you can always go back to that alluring one story mud hut with the really cool thatched roof​
and since "flash mob smash and grabs", ballsports and sticking up convenience stores aren't really "a thing" in the motherland, for entertainment you can always grab a machete and hack up the neighboring tribes when things get dull.

knee gro fatigue - its a real thing. if there isn't an ICDM number assigned to it just yet THERE SHOULD BE


Dot Collector
Some screen shots
RT 1min
View: https://youtu.be/hXQKsiv_Gek


Berkley is racist.
Off-campus UC Berkeley student housing bans white people from common areas
View: https://twitter.com/Try_Reason2/status/1562234747748769792?t=UHJnTwrLvmQYLgmJkUZ7pg&s=19


Faithful Steed
Some screen shots
RT 1min
View: https://youtu.be/hXQKsiv_Gek


Berkley is racist.
Off-campus UC Berkeley student housing bans white people from common areas
View: https://twitter.com/Try_Reason2/status/1562234747748769792?t=UHJnTwrLvmQYLgmJkUZ7pg&s=19
So do White passengers on the UCBerkeley Bus have to sit in the back? And give up their seat to a Black rider?

And if the "common areas" are entry by permission only to Whites - what about the bathrooms?
