ALERT The Ebola Epidemic Is About to Get Worse. Much Worse.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
As can be seen I am making a special post for this one as facts are being laid out fairly clearly.


The Ebola Epidemic Is About to Get Worse. Much Worse.

As in: We need to order 500 million vaccines. Now


Michael T. Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

September 30, 2014

Ebola is spreading faster than anyone would like to admit, and the current, slow international response to the deadly disease is morphing into a modern tragedy. On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta confirmed the first case in the United States, in Dallas. If Ebola has already arrived on these shores, imagine how quickly it could be spreading in Africa.

Ebola’s dispersion on the African continent must be stopped soon. But right now there exists no realistic scheme to do so: Plan A is failing, there is no real Plan B and the best chance for a magic bullet—Plan C—is at best many months away.

Plan A—smothering the virus where it is currently an epidemic—hinges on having a sufficient number of Ebola treatment-center beds in African countries and necessary health-care providers for every Ebola virus disease (EVD) patient. In this ideal setting, each EVD patient is isolated and is no longer in a position to transmit the virus to family members or others in the community. Once patients are identified, public health workers begin to track down their contacts to ensure that if contacts become sick with EVD-like symptoms they are quickly provided a treatment-center bed, where they, in turn, can be isolated and the process repeats itself. This strategy has worked in containing every previous Ebola outbreak.

But Plan A is clearly not good enough this time. The truth is that we are failing miserably at containing Ebola, despite daily pledges by governments and philanthropic organizations to provide more health-care workers and additional financial and logistical support. It’s also despite the heroic work of a limited number of national and international volunteer health-care workers and public health professionals who are risking their lives daily so that others may live and the epidemic can be stopped.

Plan B—stopping any further spread—doesn’t exist, either for quickly stopping the transmission of the virus within Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea or for squelching it if it leaps to the slums of other large urban areas across Africa. Nigeria and Senegal, together with the CDC, succeeded in halting the virus’ spread after single introductions of the disease. If an infected person reaches a crowded area where health-care services are limited, however, it could spread exponentially.

In the end, the only guaranteed solution to ending this Ebola crisis is to develop, manufacture and deliver an effective Ebola vaccine, potentially to most of the people in West Africa, and maybe even to most of the population of the African continent. This is Plan C, and it is still a long way off. While the U.S government has done more than other international players to support the possibility of developing an effective vaccine, current efforts still fall short of what is needed to implement an effective vaccination strategy.


How bad is the Ebola epidemic? It’s bad, but the honest answer is we don’t know just how bad.

So far, the reported number of deaths from Ebola in Africa is 3,044, and the World Health Organization believes the actual death toll could be three times that many. Just last week, the WHO estimated that as many as 20,000 EVD cases would likely occur in the three affected countries by early November. Meanwhile, the CDC projected a worse-case scenario of 1.4 million cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone by the middle of January unless effective interventions are implemented. These widely varying estimates by the world’s two leading public health agencies illustrate how little we know about the future course of this crisis, and demonstrate the need to scrutinize the statistical models used to estimate future case numbers. Any such estimates are only as good as the imprecise assumptions statisticians use to create the models. I don’t even try to predict the number of Ebola cases and deaths over the next few months except to conclude that there will be a lot of them—more than we should ever imagine.

The optimists tell us the disease is under control. Bill Gates, whose foundation has donated $50 million to respond to the epidemic, said earlier this week, “There’s a pretty clear road map of what needs to be done. … What’s taking place now is quite impressive.”
Tony Banbury, the WHO official who oversees the emergency operations center for the Ebola crisis, declared this past week, “The United Nations is moving at lightning speed to bring a response on the ground to meet the challenges posed by this terrible disease.”

But this kind of rhetoric is not being translated into action, according to Joanne Liu, the international president of the NGO Doctors Without Borders. The promised surge of aid is still largely a promise, with beds and medicine in short supply. Liu said this week. “[E]verybody in their intentions is moving fast, but in the field we are moving at the speed of a turtle.” Tragically, every credible report from the front lines of the Ebola battle supports Liu’s more pessimistic assessment.

Plan A continues to fail today for one simple reason. Donor countries and organizations are operating on “program or bureaucracy time,” while the epidemic is unfolding on “virus time.” Thirty days of planning to deliver on-the-ground support might be considered lightning speed to a foreign aid officer, but it is an eternity for a virus being transmitted by physical contact between many people living in intensely crowded conditions. Each day of delay is also another day of hell for newly infected Ebola patients and their exhausted health-care providers.

Think of fighting a forest fire. Imagine waiting days before the necessary resources arrive; it means the blaze has expanded by the hour. And stopping a 100-acre fire is a lot different than containing a 100,000-acre fire. Every day the global response to Ebola falls far short in terms of treatment beds, health-care providers, public health workers and even adequate food and safe water is another day the epidemic grows substantially and becomes that much harder to contain. What might have been an adequate response last month now becomes much less effective.

We’ve seen increased finger-pointing about who didn’t and still hasn’t provided critical leadership or necessary resources. This debate will play out for years to come. But no one individual or group of individuals is to blame; instead, almost everyone involved is. And, unfortunately, far too many leaders, organizations and agencies still don’t understand the concept of virus time or the desperate need for command and control leadership in the affected countries.

Imagine if the only plan for Minneapolis to respond to a rapidly spreading fire were to call the New York City fire department for mutual aid. Leaders in both cities would speak proudly of the caravan of fire trucks and firefighters making their way westward. In the meantime, downtown Minneapolis would quickly become an inferno. That’s essentially the international response to the West African Ebola epidemic. World leaders have never prepared themselves or the global community for the public health actions necessary to combat this type of situation.

Doctors Without Borders and other NGOs on the front lines tried to warn the public health community as early as March that this Ebola outbreak was very different and would require unprecedented response resources. No one listened then, and the virus continued to spread unfettered across the three countries. Once it got a foothold in crowded, poverty-stricken West African cities, it was like igniting gasoline.

The U.S. government has in recent days taken a leadership role in responding to this international crisis. President Obama has urged a comprehensive, rapid response. His willingness to deploy military troops to support critical transportation, logistics and supply chain needs is an important step. (But again, the president’s promises of a month ago have been slow to become reality, and in many instances have not yet been acted upon.) CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden has issued clear and compelling warnings over the last six weeks about the dire consequences of our ineffective response. CDC professionals are also providing valuable support in trying to track and stop new cases.

But the international public health community had never seriously planned for a “black swan” event such as this epidemic, so having an alternative to Plan A was never considered. You might call the recent quarantine restrictions employed by the governments of Liberia and Sierra Leone as an attempt at Plan B. But these measures have largely failed to control the disease’s spread, while they have been a humanitarian disaster.

For the affected countries, sadly, it’s already too late for a Plan B. Regardless of whose case estimates you believe, those put forward by the WHO or the worst-case numbers put forward by the CDC, the number of cases in these countries will increase substantially in the coming months. Everything in my 40 years of experience as a public health official and infectious disease researcher tells me this virus has a high likelihood of spreading to other African countries. And unlike in Nigeria and Senegal, it might not be so easily contained this time. What is our plan to fight this Ebola war on multiple African fronts when we can’t handle the current battles in West Africa?

We know how the disease will likely spread in the months ahead. Each year, thousands of young West African men and boys are part of a migratory work population not too dissimilar from U.S. migrant farm workers. Crop-friendly rains wash over West Africa from May to October, forming the growing season. These young men typically help with harvesting in their home villages from August to early October, but afterward head off for temporary jobs in artisanal gold mines in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Ghana; cocoa nut and palm oil plantations in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire; palm date harvesting and fishing in Mauritania and Senegal; and illicit charcoal production in Senegal, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Niger.

This migration is about to begin, even for young men whose villages have been recently hit by EVD. These workers find daily laborer jobs at $5 per day, half of which they remit to their families back home. Like their ancestors before them, they use little-known routes and layovers through forests to avoid frontier checkpoints. They usually have ECOWAS ID cards, providing free passage to all the member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States. It takes one to three days to travel from the EVD-affected countries to these work destinations. There is no need for Ebola to hop a ride on an airplane to move across Africa: It can travel by foot.

Densely populated African cities such as Dakar, Abidjan, Lagos and Kinshasa—teeming with jam-packed slums as far as the eye can see—could be most at risk. This is the nightmare scenario. It is all too real, and yet no international, coordinated plan exists for how to respond to what would likely be an even more catastrophic event. Ask the world's intelligence and security experts what an Ebola epidemic unleashed on Africa’s megacities could mean for the continent’s stability. We need a Plan B, or hundreds of thousands of people may die.

And what of Plan C? The use of effective, safe vaccines has been a foundation of modern public health. We even eradicated one of the Lion Kings of infectious disease—smallpox—with an effective vaccine. Unfortunately, not all infectious agents can be relegated to the history books through vaccination. We are still searching for effective and safe vaccines for diseases such as AIDS, malaria and TB. But I feel certain that a safe and effective Ebola vaccine is on it way.

Will it come soon enough? On virus time? And on the scale that the disease demands? Only a month ago, the primary discussion around developing, approving, manufacturing and distributing an effective and safe Ebola vaccine was to protect a few thousand health-care workers and prevent the few remaining community-acquired Ebola cases that continued to occur. But it’s now a different ballgame. This epidemic could grow much, much larger and become what we call an endemic disease—one that doesn't go away. Science recently published two must-read articles, by Jon Cohen and Kai Kupferschmidt, about the grim reality of trying to find and produce an effective vaccine: Their conclusion was that government bureaucracy, a lack of adequate funding and battles between government and private-sector companies have prevented progress.

The first critical mistake public-health officials often make amid such outbreaks is failing to consider another black-swan scenario. At the moment, they are focused only on meeting the vaccine need in the three affected countries. If this virus makes it to the slums of other cities, the epidemic to date will just be an opening chapter. Africa contains more than a billion people, and is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. If world leaders don’t make it a priority now to secure up to 500 million doses of an effective Ebola virus vaccine, we may live to regret our inaction. It’s that serious.

Securing 500 million doses of an effective Ebola virus vaccine is going to require a partnership between government and vaccine manufacturers that puts it on the same footing as our response to an emerging global influenza pandemic. This will require mobilizing people and resources on a massive scale—it has to be the international community’s top priority.

In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, “It’s no use saying, ‘We’re doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” It’s time to do what is necessary to stop Ebola. Now.

Michael T. Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

Read more:

China Connection

TB Fanatic

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I give up.
What? You mean you don't believe TPTB, CC?


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says Ebola does not pose a 'significant risk' to Americans - @BrianHughesDC
End of alert


China Connection

TB Fanatic
What I am expecting is WWIII, world economic collapse, released viruses, it other words massive depopulation. This will be followed by some form of World Government. Gates loves money like nothing else but he has a master.

A virus is a virus and this one is no longer playing by its own old rules. Some are saying it is now spreading by air. meaning being breathed in.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
There is something very, very important that the corporate media and public health officials are not telling you regarding the Ebola outbreak in west Africa.

The information I'm about to present here is frightening. There's really no way around that. However, I request that you do your very best to maintain a calm state of mind.

Right now in West Africa the worst Ebola outbreak in history is in full swing and is jumping borders at an alarming rate. Already it has spread to four countries, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and now Nigeria. This latest jump into Nigeria is particularly serious since the infected individual carried the virus by plane to Lagos Nigeria, a city with a population of over 21 million. Doctors without borders has referred to the outbreak as "out of control".

To make matters worse, there is something very, very important that the corporate media and public health officials are not telling you regarding this crisis.

You'll notice if you read virtually any mainstream article on the topic that they make a point of insisting that Ebola is only transferred by physical contact with bodily fluids. This is not true, at all.

A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact.

Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.
"What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don't go far," he explained. "But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way."

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus. (as is annotated in the video and below, I am using this term in the layman's sense as TRAVELS THROUGH AIR)

UPDATE: Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would technically not be called an "airborne virus". Airborne, in medical terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a liquid carrier. On one hand this is a question of semantics, and the point is well taken, but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that it does travel through the air. Doctor Kobinger's hypothesis regarding droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word "airborne" as a layman term.

Now I'm not going to speculate as to whether these so called "journalist" and public health agencies who keep repeating the official line regarding the means of transmission are lying, or are just participating in some massive display of synchronized incompetence, but what I will say, is that this shoddy reporting is most likely getting people killed right now, and may in fact put all of humanity in danger.

How so?

By convincing people that the virus cannot travel through air, important precautions that could reduce the spread of the virus are not being taken. For example the other passengers on the plane that traveled to Lagos, Nigeria were not quarantined.

[UPDATE August 6th]: According to the AP and the BBC, Patrick Sawyer, the Ebola infected man who traveled to Lagos Nigeria by plane, passed the disease on to eight health workers before being properly isolated.

Nigerian health authorities acknowledged Tuesday that they did not immediately quarantine a sick airline passenger who later died of Ebola, announcing that eight health workers who had direct contact with him were now in isolation with symptoms of the disease.

In spite of the seriousness of this disease, and in spite of the fact the fact that the BBC itself covered a study in 2012 that demonstrated that Ebola can spread through the air, no one in the corporate media has budged from the official line regarding transmission.

The AP's spin on it:
Experts say people infected with Ebola can spread the disease only through their bodily fluids and after they show symptoms.

From CNN:
Ebola spreads through contact with organs and bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, urine and other secretions of infected people.

And from the BBC itself in their article describing the second confirmed case in Nigeria:
The virus spreads by contact with infected blood and bodily fluids - and touching the body of someone who has died of Ebola is particularly dangerous.

To put this into context, Ebola kills between 50% and 90% of its victims, so the stakes are very, very high here.

NOTE: We have reported on the fact that Ebola can spread through the air in three separate articles since March of 2014, here, here and here, however the corporate media has continued to misrepresent the vectors of transmission.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: August 13th: The CDC has admitted that the Ebola virus can travel through air, but they made that admission in a very sneaky and hard to find manner. The following statement is added as a footnote at the very bottom of the page:
Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment or having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.

The implication of this statement is very, very clear: Ebola DOES in fact travel through the air. This is critical information and it should be highlighted in large letters on every page, but instead it is tucked away in fine print where many won't look. Given the fact that the CDC previously was running infographic campaigns claiming that Ebola does not travel through the air (see image below) this is highly irresponsible on their part.

Ebola CDC disinfo

Hat tip to the Pontiac Tribune for making us aware of this information in their article on the topic.

Note we saved a cached version of the CDC page just in case they decide to alter the text in the future.

Furthermore, if the official vectors of transmission are accurate, please have them explain how 170 of their aid workers have been infected in spite of being covered from head to foot with protective gear?

This particular strain of Ebola is not Ebola Zaire. This is a new strain, and it may in fact be more dangerous than the Zaire variety. Not because of any difference in the symptoms (the symptoms are identical), but because this new virus seems to be harder to contain. Whether this is due to some characteristic of the virus itself or merely dumb luck is uncertain at this time, but the rate at which this outbreak has extended its range is unprecedented.

According to the CDC this virus is genetically 97% similar to the Zaire strain. However if you are interested in this virus' phylogenetic relationship (genetic lineage) to the Zaire strain you should look read "Phylogenetic Analysis of Guinea 2014 EBOV Ebolavirus Outbreak" on

Another study by the New England Journal of medicine (this was the one referenced by the CDC) specifically names the parts of the genetic code which differ:

The three sequences, each 18,959 nucleotides in length, were identical with the exception of a few polymorphisms at positions 2124 (G→A, synonymous), 2185 (A→G, NP552 glycine→glutamic acid), 2931 (A→G, synonymous), 4340 (C→T, synonymous), 6909 (A→T, sGP291 arginine→tryptophan), and 9923 (T→C, synonymous).

Note that there doesn't yet seem to be a consensus as to what this new strain is called. One study referred to it as "Guinean EBOV", another as "Guinea 2014 EBOV Ebolavirus" and others are still referring to it as Zaire. Given that we can specifically name the points where the virus has mutated, using the old name is misleading.

Right now the question on everyone's minds is whether this virus will spread outside of Africa. Considering the fact that Ebola has a three week incubation period, can travel through the air, and has already hitchhiked onto an international flight, this is a very real possibility. There are some that are downplaying the probability of this outcome, and to be honest, I hope that they are right, but the simple fact of the matter is that these people are basing their assessment on the faulty premise that Ebola is not an airborne virus.

Now the first thing you might be feeling when looking at this situation is a sense of fear and helplessness, and while that's a perfectly normal reaction it's really not helpful. Instead we should be thinking in terms of practical steps we can take to influence the outcome.

One thing we can all do is to start confronting journalists and public officials who keep making false statements regarding the way Ebola spreads. Use the links to the original study, the BBC report from 2012 and this video to put them in their place.

We also need to confront the fact that there isn't a full out, coordinated, international effort to contain this. This is being treated like a sideshow but it has the very real potential to become a main event.

The doctors on the ground in West Africa don't have enough staff or resources to deal with this situation. It is absolutely inexcusable for the U.S. and the E.U. to be investing billions of tax payer dollars into their little power games in Ukraine and Syria (which are both in the process of escalating right now by the way) while Ebola is getting a foothold in Africa. Every available resource should be shifted to West Africa in order to contain and extinguish this epidemic right now.

This is serious. Call them, write them, heckle them in the streets if you have to, but don't allow them to ignore this issue. Make it impossible for them to pretend later that they didn't know.

Now whether or not official policy towards the Ebola crisis changes there are some precautions that you should take right now for yourself and your family.

1. Know where you would go if you needed to leave your home on short notice. If Ebola escapes Africa the last place you want to be is in a densely populated metropolitan area. It may be that the most practical destination for your family would be a rural area near your current home, but if you already have concerns about the government you are living under, and how they may handle a crisis like this, then you might want to start looking at alternatives. Finding an alternative location that suits your family's needs is something that requires a lot of time and research, so don't put this off. The primary characteristics you should be examining in an alternative destination are geography , political environment, climate, population density and visa terms and requirements. Ideally you would want to end up somewhere that is geographically isolated to some degree.

2. If you don't have passports for yourself and each of your dependents, get them now. This is not to say that you should leave your country, but you should have the means to do so. In countries where the Ebola outbreak is underway it is getting harder and harder to exit. Borders are being closed down. Flights are being cut off. This didn't happen right away, but you definitely don't want to be waiting for your passport to show up if Ebola arrives in your city.

3. Know what you would carry with you if you had to leave on short notice. Have those items ready, and have the luggage to carry them. It would be wise to consider buying a pack of surgical masks as part of this.

Now if you think about it, these preparations are wise steps to take regardless of whether the Ebola situation deteriorates or not. Knowing where you would go in an emergency, and having the means to get there on short notice is important for a wide variety of situations. The civilian population of Iraq, Syria, east Ukraine, and Gaza can attest to that.

Whatever you do don't let fear take control of your mind. Take the steps you can take now, monitor the situation calmly, and be prepared to adapt if necessary.

[UPDATE July 31st]: A number of people have requested that I comment on the fact that the Americans infected by Ebola are right now being flown into the U.S. My personal opinion is that this particular move will not lead to the virus getting out. This event is going to be highly scrutinized, and the isolation security should be at max. The real danger isn't in these highly controlled transfers and quarantines, but rather in the ongoing flow of air travel from these regions. Thirty five countries are merely one flight away from an Ebola zone right now.

Why is this random air travel more dangerous?

Because if it gets in when people aren't looking, it can spread before containment measures are put into place.

[Update September 30th] The U.S. just had its first confirmed case of Ebola in Dallas today. You should definitely keep an eye on the situation. Ebola is spreading exponentially at this point in west Africa. The number of cases are doubling every three weeks. As the number of infected increases in the hot zone the odds of new cases arriving in the U.S. or Europe increase as well.

P.S. If you want to learn more about Ebola I highly recommend that you read "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Ebola patient shares a house with 4-5 children. Thousands of other West Africans live in this country and take a month off in the summer to travel home. Many of them share houses, and they have lots of children going to public schools.

Nigerians are very affectionate and don't have the personal space issues that Americans have. We love our personal space, but they have to be almost touching to talk. When their children go to school and feel a little sick, everyone is going to put it down to the typical fall flus/cold. That is until thousands of children are dropping like flies.

Africans make up 20% of the jail guards in Texas. Can you imagine the horrors of Ebola going through a prison with tens of thousands of prisoners?

This might get really bad, really fast.


I give up.
Yes, it could get very bad very fast. I remember seeing magazine articles in the 80's (probably Life), showing the sick people laying around with blood pouring from every orifice. Oh yes.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
there is no real Plan B and the best chance for a magic bullet
Stop international travel. THAT will slow the virus spread...that the 95% magic bullet, stop illegal immigration as plan C..(co-implement with Plan B.)



Heart of Dixie
Odd questions. Why would Gates want to depopulate through vaccine, when doing nothing accomplishes the same thing?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My first line of defense...

You might want to also explore an immune boosting product I've used for 6+ years
that has kept me totally cold, flu, fever free ever since. Not a hint of any of them
while all around me go through the usual seasonal crap as I used to. I've mentioned
this nutritional yeast here before. Original story of it, that turned me onto it is here...

More recent clinical trials proof of it working to boost immune system is here...

Of course, there's no guarantee how well this might protect one from, or help one
survive, Ebola, but it's very cheap if you buy the animal feed supplement version,
which I'd first done, having bought a 50 pound sack of it about 6 years ago and
have shared it widely and been taking it ever since. (Bought another 50 pound sack
a couple years ago, having given away so much.) Worked out to about $5/year for
what I've personally consumed, taking a teaspoon daily. I'd kept the bulk of it in
smaller sealed containers, refrigerated with desiccant. BTW, My laying chickens
seem to be producing more/better eggs with a sprinkling of it in their feed, too.
Organic version 50#
Cheaper Non-Organic

An Amazon source for the more convenient, though costlier, human capsules that
I've also used here or when traveling (Check out the comments there, too.)...

All else being equal, I know for a fact from years of use that I'm much less likely to
contract any virus, than the next guy, for taking this daily. It might just be the edge
needed for Ebola, too, when you consider not all that are exposed to it die from it.

- Shane
Last edited:

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Shane, immune boosting is a GREAT idea RIGHT UP TO THE POINT that it becomes known that Cytokine Storms are killing patients. Then it's assisting suicide.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Shane, immune boosting is a GREAT idea RIGHT UP TO THE POINT that it becomes known that Cytokine Storms are killing patients. Then it's assisting suicide.

Not only does EpiCor not cause or increase risk of Cytokine storms, but here's a link to additional
studies that show that it significantly reduces the likelihood of any Cytokine storms ever flaring-up...

"Decreases production of proinflammatory cytokines

PHYSIOLOGY: The change in composition of the microbial community of the gut caused a reduction
in the production of inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and IL-1b in a model of the gut lining.9"

- Shane
These two paragraphs on the main posted article are what caught my attention. Things are about to go exponentially exponential.

We know how the disease will likely spread in the months ahead. Each year, thousands of young West African men and boys are part of a migratory work population not too dissimilar from U.S. migrant farm workers. Crop-friendly rains wash over West Africa from May to October, forming the growing season. These young men typically help with harvesting in their home villages from August to early October, but afterward head off for temporary jobs in artisanal gold mines in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Ghana; cocoa nut and palm oil plantations in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire; palm date harvesting and fishing in Mauritania and Senegal; and illicit charcoal production in Senegal, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Niger.

This migration is about to begin, even for young men whose villages have been recently hit by EVD. These workers find daily laborer jobs at $5 per day, half of which they remit to their families back home. Like their ancestors before them, they use little-known routes and layovers through forests to avoid frontier checkpoints. They usually have ECOWAS ID cards, providing free passage to all the member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States. It takes one to three days to travel from the EVD-affected countries to these work destinations. There is no need for Ebola to hop a ride on an airplane to move across Africa: It can travel by foot.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What? You mean you don't believe TPTB, CC?


White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says Ebola does not pose a 'significant risk' to Americans - @BrianHughesDC
End of alert


C. Everett Koop, the Surgeon General, in the early 80’s declared on TV news that the only way to acquire Aids was by anal sex.

You must believe what the government tells you for your own safety, they do not lie.


Constitutional Patriot
I'm still skeptical about the "airborne" person to person transmission. I'm unaware of any empirical evidence demonstrating that as a fact. We of course do have evidence of it spreading that way in animals. Ebola Reston was discovered in Virginia in 89 and was thought to be airborne due to it killing the monkeys in 2 different parts of a building that were connected by air ducts.

The 2012 research you are referencing still does not prove HTH transmission. Just playing devils advocate. It may very well have recombined or mutated to be airborne but at this point there is no evidence. If that were the case HUNDREDS of health care workers would have contracted it because most of them are not wearing level 4 gear. From what I've seen it's really more like 3 1/2. They aren't wearing oxygen tanks, they are wearing extra coverage surgical masks. There is nothing in the scientific community showing evidence of airborne HTH transmission. It's pure speculation.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if this strain was air borne due to being engineered that way as a bio-weapon but I really think if that were the case we would see a LOT more health care workers dead from it.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
This Liberian crazy Ebola infected Mr. Duncan is doing a repeat of Mr. Patrick Sawyer at the Lagos International Airport on July 20th of this year. He will also like Mr. Sawyer start his own personal infection cycle.

Mr. Duncan is PATIENT ZERO for the USA. The political and media classes are going to pay for this crime of allowing this man to fly into Dallas from Liberia.

If you want to understand how this is going to play out, just review what happened in Nigeria from July 20th to early September. I am not assuming we will dodge the bullet like Nigeria so far apparently has. Duncan went all over the world, on several different planes, in several different airports and ran around Dallas for several days.

I got a real bad feeling about Mr. Duncan.


I'm still skeptical about the "airborne" person to person transmission. I'm unaware of any empirical evidence demonstrating that as a fact. We of course do have evidence of it spreading that way in animals. Ebola Reston was discovered in Virginia in 89 and was thought to be airborne due to it killing the monkeys in 2 different parts of a building that were connected by air ducts.

Airborne in the conventional scientific sense no. However, we do know and have been told ad nauseum that Ebola is in body fluids. Nobody questions that blood, urine, feces, vomitus, and saliva would contain the virus. So people are told that as long as they don't come into contact with those fluids from an infected person that they are o.k. But people don't stop to consider that when someone coughs, vomits, sneezes, ect that they are expelling tiny droplets of liquid that can have the Ebola virus within the droplet.

If you breathe that droplet in it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a likely avenue for the virus to find it's way into the body. It's pretty apparent that this is what happened in the Canadian studies from the necropsy and both porcine and primate systems have a lot of similarity to human systems. And we do have first hand knowledge of medical workers and doctors such as Brantley who were following all of the recommended CDC protocols to avoid infection and they got infected anyway.

Ebola virus is a recognized biological weapon candidate by both the U.S. as well as the Soviets during the cold war. This is one of the viruses when I went through the nuke/chem/bio defense training that was hit on as being extremely dangerous...and that was 20 years ago.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Stop international travel. THAT will slow the virus spread...that the 95% magic bullet, stop illegal immigration as plan C..(co-implement with Plan B.)


THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TPTB & many good intentioned people do not want that, but folks, that course of action is the ONLY option that will work!!

Will it be done, most likely no.


TB Fanatic
Our government has either failed at stopping it from entering the country or they are deliberately trying to cause a pandemic and I'm going with the later as for decades the protocol was to lock people out from going into countries that are infected (with limited exceptions for qualified aid workers) and not allowing anyone to enter the United States that are citizens from infected countries.
Right now we have one in Texas that was found to come in contact with a small number of U.S. citizens and a few others of unknown citizenry, there are from what I'm reading 6 ambulance people in quarantine and two of then the tests show them to be infected with Ebola and close to a dozen are kept under a level 4 quarantine (extreme biohazard containment) and we only have a few hospitals in the country that have the setup for full blown level 4 quarantine so they may be improvising in Texas.

They are being very vague of what flights this person took to get to Texas and I think they are doing this so's not to create panic as there are no direct flights and had to change over at a number of airports over seas and likely a stop over and chane of flight somewhere in New York before flying to Texas.
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Veteran Member
While it wouldn't surprise me if it was on purpose, - what I don't understand is - what is going to keep those who did this - safe from getting it themselves.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
While it wouldn't surprise me if it was on purpose, - what I don't understand is - what is going to keep those who did this - safe from getting it themselves.

the same thing that would protect anyone: self-isolation.

fortunately for them, they have the money or power to arrange very comfortable, very isolated and very well stocked environs for a very long time. for the rest of us, perhaps not so much...
Now this virus (L4Pathogen) has available to it:
a large modern city originally designed as a hub to export cattle (beef) and it will now become a Hub of Death.
Picture the closing scene of Invasion of the body Snatchers and the trucks laden with pods being shipped out to
other cities.

Planes, trains, automobiles
A large metropolis and throngs of people with each one's daily active path crisscrossing and merging with many many others.
Our government has either failed at stopping it from entering the country or they are deliberately trying to cause a pandemic and I'm going with the later as for decades the protocol was to lock people out from going into countries that are infected (with limited exceptions for qualified aid workers) and not allowing anyone to enter the United States that are citizens from infected countries.
Right now we have one in Texas that was found to come in contact with a small number of U.S. citizens and a few others of unknown citizenry, there are from what I'm reading 6 ambulance people in quarantine and two of then the tests show them to be infected with Ebola and close to a dozen are kept under a level 4 quarantine (extreme biohazard containment) and we only have a few hospitals in the country that have the setup for full blown level 4 quarantine so they may be improvising in Texas.

They are being very vague of what flights this person took to get to Texas and I think they are doing this so's not to create panic as there are no direct flights and had to change over at a number of airports over seas and likely a stop over and chane of flight somewhere in New York before flying to Texas.
I am also wondering about the vomit washed from said 'EMS Transfer Vehicles'..So the EMT's washed it and allowed the virus wash into the city drain pit?...before they had a confirmation?..Also 11 Gallons of live Polio Virus in Belgium 'Accidentally' released into the Water system?
We are in some very significant times I feel. If not now..When?
Wars all over the world..Protest in Hong Kong,Etc,etc,etc..
I wish all peace and all health and safety as we'll all go through this one together in separate places across the US0fA.


TB Fanatic
Airborne in the conventional scientific sense no. However, we do know and have been told ad nauseum that Ebola is in body fluids. Nobody questions that blood, urine, feces, vomitus, and saliva would contain the virus. So people are told that as long as they don't come into contact with those fluids from an infected person that they are o.k. But people don't stop to consider that when someone coughs, vomits, sneezes, ect that they are expelling tiny droplets of liquid that can have the Ebola virus within the droplet.

If you breathe that droplet in it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a likely avenue for the virus to find it's way into the body. It's pretty apparent that this is what happened in the Canadian studies from the necropsy and both porcine and primate systems have a lot of similarity to human systems. And we do have first hand knowledge of medical workers and doctors such as Brantley who were following all of the recommended CDC protocols to avoid infection and they got infected anyway.

Ebola virus is a recognized biological weapon candidate by both the U.S. as well as the Soviets during the cold war. This is one of the viruses when I went through the nuke/chem/bio defense training that was hit on as being extremely dangerous...and that was 20 years ago.

I agree with this definition of airborne.
Also consider if you will, that when an infected individual uses the toilet that feces, urine and blood are aerosolized and disperse into the air throughout the bathroom and adjoining rooms when the door is opened.
This aerosol process has been confirmed many times and I think myth busters even addressed it in a show.
Just something to consider. :fl2::fl2::fl2:

I wondering how that's going to affect all those who plan to care for sick relatives without getting sick themselves.


Senior Member
I saw a medical article just a week ago that said the droplets from sneezing, etc can travel up to 10 meters (33 ft). That is a fairly large zone you need to be aware of. Interesting what you can find in your doctors office. :)

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
While it wouldn't surprise me if it was on purpose, - what I don't understand is - what is going to keep those who did this - safe from getting it themselves.

The mystery barges being built at Treasure Island in San Francisco starts to become clear. How much for a barge condo?


Veteran Member
I saw a medical article just a week ago that said the droplets from sneezing, etc can travel up to 10 meters (33 ft). That is a fairly large zone you need to be aware of. Interesting what you can find in your doctors office. :)

At least, depending on the wind. Myth Busters did a test on that once.


Saved, to glorify God.
I just got back from a COSTCO run.
They had rubber medical gloves out prominently on the end cap.2/100count boxes of nitrile (non-latex) gloves for $20.
I did not see ANYONE "prepping".
I bought a COSTCO big box of 500 big black trash bags after learning that one lady used them as protection from Ebola contamination of her clothes(she cut a head hole in the bottom of the bag and arm holes,) because she had nothing else! She nursed 3 family members through the disease successfully and did not get the disease herself. She had 3 pairs of long dishwashing gloves which she washed and disinfected before removing them. She gave them home made rehydration fluid till they could eat very soft soupy rice.
Got a BIG box of thick baby wipes, Kleenex mega pack, paper towels, 500 office size trash bags for contaminated stuff, six (more) bottles of Clorox. Did not notice any dishwashing gloves for sale.

Be Well

may all be well
C. Everett Koop, the Surgeon General, in the early 80’s declared on TV news that the only way to acquire Aids was by anal sex.

You must believe what the government tells you for your own safety, they do not lie.

It is one of the main ways. Of course not the only, but one of the most effective.