Tancredo tells governor Denver violates immigration law


Tancredo tells governor Denver violates immigration law
By Judi Villa, Rocky Mountain News
Published October 17, 2008 at 3:11 p.m.
Updated October 17, 2008 at 3:11 p.m.

Congressman Tom Tancredo called on Gov. Bill Ritter today to cut state funding to the city of Denver, saying Denver has created a "sanctuary city" by failing to enforce the state's immigration laws.

Tancredo charged there is "abundant evidence that Denver has failed to implement Colorado's 2006 anti-sanctuary city law," and he said the city has done that with the full knowledge of Gov. Ritter.

This morning, Tancredo sent a letter to Gov. Ritter that was signed by 11 members of the General Assembly, alleging that Denver is not referring suspected illegal immigrants to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, as required by the law, SB90.

"Denver's attitude seems to be we're Denver, we're the 800-pound gorilla on the block, and we make our own laws," Tancredo said.

Evan Dreyer, a spokesman for Gov. Ritter, called Tancredo's allegations a "political stunt" to divert attention from the nation's economic crisis.

Dreyer said he believes law enforcement agencies are complying with SB90 and that he would welcome an audit to prove that.

Last month, Ritter ordered the formation of a task force to review systemic gaps in local, state and federal law enforcement efforts regarding illegal immigration. The task force will meet for the first time on Tuesday and is expected to present a report to Ritter by the end of the year.

"Governor Ritter is absolutely 100 percent committed to public safety," Dreyer said. "He is 100 percent committed to complying with the law. That has never been in question."

Denver police Chief Gerald Whitman was not immediately available for comment.

Last year, Denver reported to the state Department of Local Affairs that it had referred 2,088 people to ICE. That included 109 people referred by police and another 1,979 reported by the Sheriff's Office, which operates the jails.

But Tancredo said the 1,979 were actually people who identified themselves as "foreign born" and were not necessarily illegal immigrants.

During 2005 and 2006, Denver was reimbursed more than $2.2 million by the state Criminal Alien Assistance Program for incarcerating more than 2,900 illegal immigrants, Tancredo said. That number is greater than actual referrals to ICE.

"Where did they go?" Tancredo asked at a news conference on the steps of the Capitol.

Illegal immigration re-emerged as a hot-button issue last month after an illegal immigrant broadsided a pickup truck and sent both vehicles careening into a Baskin Robbins in Aurora. Two women in the pickup truck and a 3-year-old boy inside the ice-cream shop were killed. Francis Hernandez, 23, had been arrested numerous times but never deported.

State lawmakers claim the failure to enforce immigration laws is encouraging illegal behavior and endangering citizens.

"Denver is the capitol of the state. They set the example for the rest of the state. If they don't follow through on the law, and it's not enforced by the state, nobody's going to," Tancredo said. "This law will be ignored totally in a short time."
