Misc Strength Training: weighted vests


North to the Future
I’ve been working on fitness for the last several years - actually a major focus besides all the other preparedness issues. I’m working toward a real honest-to-goodness Spartan obstacle race, but need more core strength.

Im doing chaos Copenhagen planks (yow-look those up, ha), lots of really heavy carries around the track x8, the usual deadlifts (current 185), Dragon flag, and so on - do any of you other folks have any thoughts on weight vests? I try to run at least a few miles every day. I think it’d be a good idea to run with my BOB. Or at least somewhere near its weight.

Mainly want to know if anyone has a recommendation on vests…there are lots of things out there, not so much for women but I really don’t care much about that. I just was thinking it may be worth adding in. What are your thoughts?


Veteran Member
I wonder if carrying weight high up is any better at building leg strength than down around the waist. I find it more comfortable carrying it lower. Search for "crossfit weighted vest" and you should see I have used. I like it but could not run with it as it bounces up and down.