Sore losers or something?

Thomas Paine

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well now! I never! Harumph!

You forgot to call me a pillow biting fart catcher too. That would have REALLY driven your point home.

What genius in your response! Calling a fag a fag. WOW! Try to come up with something everyone doesn't already know in the future.

Who the hell are you to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, what is wrong, unpatriotic, or evil? Those are YOUR opinions, and opinions are like assholes...

Pay attention folks... TP's response is the result of illiteracy and lack of education. Probably inbreeding too.

And TP...if you keep an open mind, you just may benefit in some small way from BO's new education policies. I'd suggest you take advantage of them.

Jeeezeee what is it about pole smokers that make them think being a faggot equates to a superior intellect? Very Aryan of you , of course a lot of the Nazis were closet queers also. As for BO (has anyone noticed the Chosen One's initials stand for Body Odor as well as his name?) and his education polices I do not need to be indoctrinated thank you very much. I'll just keep hanging on to my God and my guns with my antiquated belief system. If being educated means accepting primordial ooze like you as normal I'll stay ignorant.

fruit loop

Actually, the Nazis made homosexuals wear pink triangles and sent them to death camps.

I listen to zealots and find it ironic that it's the gays who are referred to as queer.


Constitutional Patriot
Yeah, you libs are full of it, you've been griping about Bush for 8 years and pushing for your socialism and now you have your Marxist comrade and you don't even know what you've done. When his Black Panther America Corps come breaking down your door to take your guns, what are you going to say? "But, but, but...I voted for Obama"...:kk1:


Membership Revoked
Well almost 50% of voters did NOT vote for the Obama gang, I mean it was NOT a landslide victory for them, or anywhere close :shr: so MANY citizens are NOT that enthused, why is that so hard to understand?


Black Out

And to Thomas Paine-in-the-ass...

I am not a "libtard," and fiercely resent the term.

I voted for B.O., and not because I am trying to salve my "white guilt." I voted for him because I am educated and literate, and can recognize that the world changes (anti-conservatism), and I welcome change when it is necessary.

After the last 8 years, change is necessary. Why don't you try supporting this new president the way you can't-think-outside-the-box conservatives told us to do with GWB?

So fold that 5 ways and shove it.


I wasn't around here when King George was elected/installed, but I do remember the general popualce of like minded folks was that he would be a disaster. We were proven correct.

Why don't we try to give the new guy a chance?
Any President that's against the 2nd Amendment, the Amendment that backs up all others, is no friend of me or my country. Your boy Barry gets a F- when it comes to the most important Amendment. Not to mention he likes the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion. You just help elect a stone cold Marxist to lead my country. You drank the Obama Kool Aid called CHANGE (jesus what fools), now because of you and voters of your kind we will all pay the price for your CHANGE. It will be a CHANGE you're not expecting.


A Loon With A Capgun
Look at it this way ... if McCain had been elected, TB2K would probably have to close up shop because there wouldn't be anything to complain about. :D

No becuase there are plenty of things to talk about. Matter of fact I am working on a thread idea involving survival I think will be fun to discuss. But then it is also makes me more driven to post that because Obama is president because I feel it is need even more lol.


A Loon With A Capgun
Jeeezeee what is it about pole smokers that make them think being a faggot equates to a superior intellect? Very Aryan of you , of course a lot of the Nazis were closet queers also. As for BO (has anyone noticed the Chosen One's initials stand for Body Odor as well as his name?) and his education polices I do not need to be indoctrinated thank you very much. I'll just keep hanging on to my God and my guns with my antiquated belief system. If being educated means accepting primordial ooze like you as normal I'll stay ignorant.

Ok now that was mean. I have some words of my own but I keep em fair. Just because some voted for Obama don't make em gay. That is an insult to gays everywhere. As for his BO, come on now you think a guy like him who is just so purty lookin is gonna have a bad BO to him? His ideals stink, not him. lol. And just because being gay is wrong by God's law (and I do agree with it) don't make it right to bash people for it. We all have our demons, what's in your closet? Or do keep the skeletons in the garden? Point is, no one is perfect, and being gay has nothing to do with Obama for president. I don't like the man, but if I am gonna insult him I am gonna be fair about it.


A Loon With A Capgun
Unless the draft got instituted in my sleep, your friends and family members VOLUNTEERED?

Good point. My brother was a Marine during Desert Strom. My cuz is in the army right now. And you know what, I love em both and I am sorry for they face, but they did sign up for it. I am not over there. Why? Because I didn't sign up for it. They knew what they were getting into, because I knew what I would be getting into and that's why I never signed. I didn't want that. Now if I was drafted that would be a different story because I would be forced. Now this don't mean I like Bush, just being fair is all.


Jeeezeee what is it about pole smokers that make them think being a faggot equates to a superior intellect? Very Aryan of you , of course a lot of the Nazis were closet queers also. As for BO (has anyone noticed the Chosen One's initials stand for Body Odor as well as his name?) and his education polices I do not need to be indoctrinated thank you very much. I'll just keep hanging on to my God and my guns with my antiquated belief system. If being educated means accepting primordial ooze like you as normal I'll stay ignorant.

Have YOU ever noticed that YOUR initals (TP) are usually used to refer to toilet paper?

I wouldn't wipe my ass with one of your opinions, however.

My being a pole smoker, fag, fudge packer, or whatever term you choose to use for me has nothing to do with my belief in my superior intellect over you, moron. It has everything to do with the fact that I didn't attack your backward Kristian beliefs, or your "need" to own guns (despite the fact that you'd probably piss yourself is one was stuck in your face,) but you didn't hesitate to call me a fag.

Keep running your mouth asshole. The only primordial ooze I've seen around here is what has come out of your mouth. "It's better to let everone think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Let me cordially invite you to go self fornicate now, Toilet Paper.
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fruit loop

TP, please go back to Westboro Baptist and stay there. Your hate-filled rants are tiresome and we're getting bored.

Citybear, I apologize for the less-than-Christian behavior of my brethren. I'm sure they'd yell "get the hell out of here, you long-haired hippie, and dress like a man" if Jesus walked into their church.

Conrad Nimikos

Who is Henry Bowman
Fruit Loop : "Citybear, I apologize for the less-than-Christian behavior of my brethren. I'm sure they'd yell "get the hell out of here, you long-haired hippie, and dress like a man" if Jesus walked into their church"

YOU of all people on this board apologizing for the "less-than-Christian behavior" of anyone! I do not remember anyone naming you the conscience of this board. Please do not count me as one of your "brethren". We have very, very little in common.

Conrad Nimikos

Who is Henry Bowman
In the first post on this thread by Citybear he started his words by saying "And to Thomas Paine-in-the-ass...

I am not a "libtard," and fiercely resent the term.

I voted for B.O., and not because I am trying to salve my "white guilt." I voted for him because I am educated and literate, and can recognize that the world changes (anti-conservatism), and I welcome change when it is necessary.

After the last 8 years, change is necessary. Why don't you try supporting this new president the way you can't-think-outside-the-box conservatives told us to do with GWB?

So fold that 5 ways and shove it.

IMHO using a generic "libtard" is not an attack against any specif person. On the other hand when you use a persons name as in "Thomas Paine-in-the-ass.." that is a direct attack against the person named.


Membership Revoked
i voted against the neocons and wack job fundies who drove this country into two wars and then drove economy over the cliff. good riddence from the policital scene. if you wan to preach, do it from the pulpit. just keep your silly ideas of what god wants out of the political arena. and bring our boys and girls home now!

This country was founded on Christian principles. When those principles were ripped from the public square our country began it's moral and ethical slide. Dirty liberals like you finally got your guy in the white house. Thanks so much for obamma the incompetent moron. As the obamma recession turns into a depression, as more and more innocent babies have their brain sucked out, when I see on TV the remains of a US city nuked by some muzzie, I'll think of you and how proud you'll be.


Rhea the Rogue

Jeeezeee what is it about pole smokers that make them think being a faggot equates to a superior intellect? Very Aryan of you , of course a lot of the Nazis were closet queers also. As for BO (has anyone noticed the Chosen One's initials stand for Body Odor as well as his name?) and his education polices I do not need to be indoctrinated thank you very much. I'll just keep hanging on to my God and my guns with my antiquated belief system. If being educated means accepting primordial ooze like you as normal I'll stay ignorant.


Have YOU ever noticed that YOUR initals (TP) are usually used to refer to toilet paper?

I wouldn't wipe my ass with one of your opinions, however.

My being a pole smoker, fag, fudge packer, or whatever term you choose to use for me has nothing to do with my belief in my superior intellect over you, moron. It has everything to do with the fact that I didn't attack your backward Kristian beliefs, or your "need" to own guns (despite the fact that you'd probably piss yourself is one was stuck in your face,) but you didn't hesitate to call me a fag.

Keep running your mouth asshole. The only primordial ooze I've seen around here is what has come out of your mouth. "It's better to let everone think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Let me cordially invite you to go self fornicate now, Toilet Paper.

