SO - Why don't I feel happy about Kerry Conceding?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I know I should feel happy that Kerry is going to concede. I know that the last thing I wanted was a repeat of 2000. So why am I not happy that this is over TODAY?

The real reason I guess, is that I feel a deep unease and foreboding about our nation and its future. I would feel the same way had Kerry won. I see no "light at the end of the tunnel". All I see is death, destruction and bankruptcy for our nation.

Why should I be happy about that? No, this election wasn't to "save America". It was about war and entitlement programs, as well as continuing our free-flowing border policy.

I'm sick at the thought of where we're going. I feel like I'm on a runaway train on a long bridge. The only place we can go is off the edge.....

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
well, let's see HOW he concedes.

At THIS juncture, he has the option of healing the Nation with a truly statesman-like speach or rippig our National Guts out, burning them to ashes and spreading those ashes on the wind.

this can be either a GOOD THING or not......



Since 1999
Come on least we won't be living under the UN flag!!

That ought to make you feel better! :D


DO, we are entering the ranks of the undeveloping countries. the end of cheap oil will be the final straw to knock us off our perch.


I know how you feel Dennis. Four more years of what we have had. It is like being pregnant then at the 9th month you find out you just had a tumor and not a baby.

Just wanted to add I don't know how we will fare with 4 more years of what we have just had. The American people are burnt out now. We don't need more war or more loss of jobs or more lying and giving our money to our enemies. We don't need four more years of having our freedom taken away by Patriot Acts rules and regulations.

I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel for our country. It seems like the tunnel has just caved in and we are in deep doo.


Well, because now we are likely to get the snot knocked outta us by people who threatened to do just that.

Personally, I think they plan to try to do so, and that it didn't really matter who was elected. Who was actually elected would only dictate how they best go about giving it their best shot.


Membership Revoked
If Kerry concedes to Bush, we all know what we will get:

(Coming soon to a former Republic near you: )
* War with Iran
* War with Syria
* Another HUGE terrorist attack on American soil (false flag or not)
* A Draft to populate the forces needed for these wars
* The end of the middle class
* Balkinization of the USA/Civil War II
* Possible nuclear exchange
* The personal and national bankruptcy of America

Who knows if Kerry would have been better? Doesn't matter, really - we had the choice of the left arm or the right arm of the same monster.

Gods help us.


PentelPen* said:
Besides, now you're safe from terror.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself," has morphed into, "It's not a question of if but when."

terror works, especially when it comes down from the top.


A friend called a call from his Commanding officer and more imprtantly his friend.

be ready to be deployed

no shit this just happened within the last hour.

seems that November call up is coming true.

Guess they're not waiting for the concession speech.


Dennis for once we agree on something. It is a sad day in American (at least for 1/2 of us). I was fearful before but I now fear for all of us and the future of our country. We now have no protection from the thoughts of them running again so I'm sure they will go no holds bared.

delta lady

A friend called a call from his Commanding officer and more imprtantly his friend.

be ready to be deployed

no shit this just happened within the last hour.

seems that November call up is coming true.

Guess they're not waiting for the concession speech.

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Oh Great !!

Roger Thornhill

Some irascible old curmudgeon

Maybe it's because you now realize that Hilary will be the POTUS in Jan. 2009.

If Kerry had won, it'd be McCain.


DarkImbolc said:
If Kerry concedes to Bush, we all know what we will get:

(Coming soon to a former Republic near you: )
* War with Iran
* War with Syria
* Another HUGE terrorist attack on American soil (false flag or not)
* A Draft to populate the forces needed for these wars
* The end of the middle class
* Balkinization of the USA/Civil War II
* Possible nuclear exchange
* The personal and national bankruptcy of America

Who knows if Kerry would have been better? Doesn't matter, really - we had the choice of the left arm or the right arm of the same monster.

Gods help us.

I'm just curious here, but if these things DON'T happen, will there be appologies forthcoming? Or will you just find other things to complain about? Shall we keep track?



Membership Revoked
DarkImbolc said:
If Kerry concedes to Bush, we all know what we will get:

(Coming soon to a former Republic near you: )
* War with Iran
* War with Syria
* Another HUGE terrorist attack on American soil (false flag or not)
* A Draft to populate the forces needed for these wars
* The end of the middle class
* Balkinization of the USA/Civil War II
* Possible nuclear exchange
* The personal and national bankruptcy of America

Who knows if Kerry would have been better? Doesn't matter, really - we had the choice of the left arm or the right arm of the same monster.

Gods help us.
Exactly. It's really amazing how many people voted against wealth (but aren't all pols rich??), or voted for such fluff issues that a president DOESN'T control, like religion, moral, spending issues (which are either not allowed by the Constitution, or within Congress' control). What hypocracy, and myopic naive belief, and completely missed the checks/balances, moderation bigger picture.... too bad for us all.

God help us indeed.


DarkImbolc, that's exactly how I feel. Dennis, I can understand the sadness, this country was divided almost equally in half, neither one of them deserved to win this election. This election was run on Fear, nobody wins when we let fear be our motivating factor. There are no winners in this election.

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
Dennis, I hear EXACTLY what you are saying. To me I look at it
this way for the last few years we have been at the crossroads
with one path leadin to living in Balance and Harmony and lighting
the fire of Peace and the other leading to our destruction and chaos.
It did not matter who ron actually, for we have been on the road to
our destruction for sometime. There are too many prophecies for
so many peoples around the world of the upcoming WWIII. I did
not say it before but I had voted for Kerry even though he was a
Skull and Bones person because of the thought he was a little more
for peace and that somehow we could avoid the upcoming WWIII.
We must be a nation of Idiots! Do feel completely the way you do
Dennis and that we are sitting on the eve of our destruction and
nothing will be here 4 years from now but death, radioactivity, and
the ruins of our once Great Society with the peoples bones bleaching
in the sun. As a Lakota Prophecy says, the Earth will be returned to
how it was before life existed because of the whitemans greeds.
Somehow I do feel in all that has happened the last few years that
we have CHOSEN the path to our destruction, just because a few
in power desire the greeds of the present over a path of living in
Balance and Harmony. What a Sad Day it is for me.

There are those that might disagree with what I say here but have
seen so much the last few years. I think it was Dimitri Dudeman and
also some other christian who foresaw WWIII and our destruction as
happening under the Presidency of a person named George Bush.
There was more then one vision or prophecy stating that our destuction
would be under a President named George Bush.

Just my two cents worth. Creator Bless!


Veteran Member
I feel sick to my stomach and sad too Dennis. I Know we are in for it now. Bush was worried about getting elected again this past four years so he went easy on us. Now he has nothing to lose so he will finish us off. When people realize what they have done by voting him back in to ruin us how will they feel?? I can sleep at night knowing that I did my part to try and vote him out. We will get war and more war. Lose all our freedoms and rights. Lose the rest of our jobs too.

I had a vision 3 years ago that Bus would be there as president at the beginning of Trib. and would be the one to implement the "Mark". He is not who he appears to be to all those who support him. God help us.


Global Moderator
Originally Posted by DarkImbolc
"Who knows if Kerry would have been better? Doesn't matter, really - we had the choice of the left arm or the right arm of the same monster.

Gods help us!"

God?? I thought you didn't do God.
RR - Didn't you notice the plural there?

As for Kerry conceding - I'm thrilled that he's not going to drag this country through "election by litigation".

While I wanted Bush to win over Kerry - for the last couple of days I'd reached the point of "just let it be a decisive victory, and not something they can drag out".


Senior Member
John Titor says this is as good as it gets federally (just to bring other TB threads into the mix :D)
It's really amazing how many people voted against wealth

If it weren't for the weathly and large corporations, many more people would be out of work. If taxes go up for the wealthy, all they will do is raise the price of whatever it is they are selling, therefore you are paying for their tax increase.

It isn't nice or kind, but it is they way of the world. You can't beat them, why do you try.

This earth is ruled by Satan, you just must make you way through it in the most positive way you can, following Jesus and hoping for the best. You can't beat Satan alone, you must have Jesus in you heart to do that. Mostly, the political world is corrupt. You can either turn you head away from it or make Lemonaide out of the lemons in this world. I chose what I thought to be the plumpest and useable out of both the lemons.


Now Rush is trying to say the press was trying to sway the election......

he must be back on OC and Vicodin..........doesn't he realize he is the press....


Hey, Dennis:
At THIS juncture, he has the option of healing the Nation with a truly statesman-like speach or rippig our National Guts out, burning them to ashes and spreading those ashes on the wind.

Well, there is NO DOUBT that Kerry will continue to be Statesman-like. And he HAS asked for healing.

Unfortunately, there is also NO DOUBT that the current administration will continue to rip our guts out, burn us to ashes, and spread them on the wind, in spite of Kerry's pleas for healing for our country.

Look what Bush did to Karla Faye Tucker if you have any doubts.

"Bush's brand of forthright tough-guy populism can be appealing, and it has played well in Texas. Yet occasionally there are flashes of meanness visible beneath it.

While driving back from the speech later that day, Bush mentions Karla Faye Tucker, a double murderer who was executed in Texas last year. In the weeks before the execution, Bush says, Bianca Jagger and a number of other protesters came to Austin to demand clemency for Tucker. 'Did you meet with any of them?' I ask.

Bush whips around and stares at me. 'No, I didn't meet with any of them,' he snaps, as though I've just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. 'I didn't meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with [Tucker], though. He asked her real difficult questions, like 'What would you say to Governor Bush?' 'What was her answer?' I wonder.

'Please,' Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, 'don't kill me.'

I must look shocked -- ridiculing the pleas of a condemned prisoner who has since been executed seems odd and cruel, even for someone as militantly anticrime as Bush -- because he immediately stops smirking.

'It's tough stuff,' Bush says, suddenly somber, 'but my job is to enforce the law.' As it turns out, the Larry King-Karla Faye Tucker exchange Bush recounted never took place, at least not on television. During her interview with King, however, Tucker did imply that Bush was succumbing to election-year pressure from pro-death penalty voters. Apparently Bush never forgot it. He has a long memory for slights." [Carlson, Talk, 9/99]

[Ed. Note: During the Larry King-Faye Tucker exchange, Tucker never asked to be spared.]

Look only for retribution from a president who "has a long memory for slights." Don't expect any healing to come from this quarter.

Look for the deployment of more troops to the additional "axes of evil" countries immediately as just the opening salvo. And a draft to follow.

Followed by a severe "economic" readjustment, more tax cuts and bail-outs to the "have mores" who are the Bush power base.


Reason enough to feel sad. I only hope I am wrong about this.


I doubt that Kerry's decision to concede actually says anything good about his character. His party handlers have to realize that if he'd fought these election results it would only have reflected badly on the party, and made it harder for them to win in four years. So, do the politically expedient thing.



Senior Member
Oh Giltric, buy a clue...

There's a difference between talk radio, network news, and papers like the New York Times, or the Washington Post...

Are you being purposefully obtuse, or are you just clueless? And crap... am I going to have to listen to 4 years of fringe-insightful raving from you now? Heck, your barely meaningful opinions failed to draw us to the "right path;" and now we've got Chimpy to listen to thanks to your pathetic inability to persuade us towards "correct thinking"...

Don't you think you've done enough damage to us already?

Last edited:
Gee, now Kerry has the option of fighting over the top position over at the United Nations. Clinton and Kerry fighting for that position. That just creeps me out.

:mad: :mad: :mad:


The end times are here.
I'm not happy either. We'll get, as others have pointed out, more of the same thing like war, assaults on the Constitution, inside deals with Halliburton and Monsanto and heavy handed legislation.

Not a formula for happiness and prosperity, by any means.


I'm going to support Bush and pray for Bush since he will continue as our President. But I am truly terrified what the next 4 years, no the next 6 months will bring. Bush will take his victory to continue on with the same ole same ole. Will we be bankrupt within the next 4 years? Does Osama have his goons ready soon to hit us? He's long overdue.

I'm really worried about the Fallujah offensive Bush has put off till now. That may be the beginning of big casualities both ways.


On TB every waking moment
at least we won't be playing "mother may I" when we get hit again, and it would have happened no matter who was Pres.
Man, I really hate to ruin the pity party, but my answer to the title post is multiple choice:

A. Misplaced personal hatred of Bush.

B. Attitude problem.

C. Prozac deficiency.

D. All of the above.

Cheer up! Things could be much, much worse this morning. My glass is half full, and I am praying this president will be able to show a whole new measure of conservatism in this term, inclusive of appointing strict constructionist to the Supreme Court, (incremental restoration of the Constitution, Hamster), and much more of real value to our future.

I face today with thanksgiving unto God in my heart for this reprieve whatever else lies ahead. I would respectfully suggest that those who do not need to have a very personal conversation with Him about the true condition of their hearts.



Does too have a life!
I'm relieved that it is over. I'm ashamedly ecstatic to thumb my nose at Europe and their attempts to interfere in our election process. Ditto to OBL and Hollyweird.

I am a Republican and feel it is time to heal our country. Of course I'm happy with the outcome. But I know what it feels to lose. If this country is to heal, we need to come back together.

As a nation, whether Republican, Democrat, or third party we are facing real emergencies that have little to do with party affiliation. Oil is running out. Terrorists are determined to hurt us. Years of over spending in every area of our affairs are catching up with us and too many people don't want to face the consequences of irresponsibility. Honesty is becoming a rarity.

On the bright side, if anyone can overcome, it's the USA. We CAN heal. We CAN face the future with courage and determination rather than self pity and depression. It wouldn't be the first time. It starts with us.


<strong>My glass is half full, and I am praying this president will be able to show a whole new measure of conservatism in this term, inclusive of appointing strict constructionist to the Supreme Court, (incremental restoration of the Constitution, Hamster), and much more of real value to our future.</strong>

You'd better pray hard then because thus far he has shown us nothing that leads me to believe he has any intention of doing any of this.

Bush is NOT a conservative. He just plays one on TV for the gullible.



MrO said:
Oh Giltric, buy a clue...

There's a difference between talk radio, network news, and papers like the New York Times, or the Washington Post...

Are you being purposefully obtuse, or are you just clueless? And crap... am I going to have to listen to 4 years of fringe-insightful raving from you now? Heck, your barely meaningful opinions failed to draw us to the "right path;" and now we've got Chimpy to listen to thanks to your pathetic inability to persuade us towards "correct thinking"...

Don't you think you've done enough damage to us already?


I despise all forms of media with an agenda...but there must be a differance if you say so.

STFU noob.


I mean STFU you CANADIAN noob. You'd have more credibility if you wern't a SUBJECT