So, There's This Election Thingy, eh....?


I'm really excited about elections this year.

Is it because Bush is going to lose?

Is it because somehow we may finally decide to nail that bastard Osama?
Kinda (secretly hoping...)

Then why?

Because I got to vote for the first time ever!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages.

I was 17 during the last election. So that sucked really bad.
But now that I'm 21, I have voted: I voted for Kerry / Edwards
Bush has, IMO, tried to accomplish all the things his daddy couldn't / wouldn't do,
and has f***ed up this country even more than it already was before.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Congratulations on your first vote. Welcome to the world of the disenfranchised (just like the rest of us)....


Membership Revoked
Way to go!

:applaud: :applaud:

I really hope that many young voters will do their duty today.

Even if people don't like Bush, Kerry or everyone else on the ballot.

Soldiers died for our democracy and there is not excuse at all not to vote.



Senior Something
If Bush wins anyway, look at the good side:
You will be able to vote for Hilderbeast in 2008. :D

If Kerry wins and does not make it through 4 years you will get Edwards as president and then you will really get a change from EVERYTHING.

Congratulations! Keep track of how you vote as the years go by and watch those that do get elected screw up. Historians say elections have been vicious before.

Just remember that before elections presidential candidates always claim that they want to change everything but later blame the Congress for not having been able to do it. Kerry would probably have a REPUB House and a REPUB Senate to contend with. The open Senate seats are as important as the presidency itself.

typo fixed


Being that I keep a journal, I DO intend to keep an eye an what goes on. Most definately.


What kinda of chnges would occur if Edwards had to be Pres. for som reason...?

Just curious....


Membership Revoked
Well, I'll tell ya what, NumberOneSon, you sure picked a humdinger of a NumberOneElection in which to get started...your first election will surely go down in history...and more for just posterity reasons...guaranteed! You'll have braggng rights in saying; "I was there!" Time will tell if you will are pleased or not with the decision you made in your choice of candidate but the value of voting is to be cherished nonetheless. Congratulations on this hallmark in your life!