Story So that your love may be complete.


Wait! What?
Thank you Pac. This is a wonderful new story! :)
I hope you and Mr. Pac are settling in ok, because I just put my seatbelt on for this bumpy ride! Looking forward to more when you can.


Veteran Member
I would never tell you how to write your wonderful stories but may I make a suggestion...........Instead of Inky and all his incarnations getting shot, shoot Cliff. :groucho:


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac. This is a wonderful new story! :)
I hope you and Mr. Pac are settling in ok, because I just put my seatbelt on for this bumpy ride! Looking forward to more when you can.

I think you should do like I did, invest in a 5 point harness for this story!


Veteran Member
Just checking hoping for more, (biting nails and abusing my F5 key;) ) Praying all is well with Mr Pac and you.

cliff dweller

Contributing Member
I would never tell you how to write your wonderful stories but may I make a suggestion...........Instead of Inky and all his incarnations getting shot, shoot Cliff. :groucho:
yeah, thanks and some readers might wonder why I don't post as often as others.

Pac, Thank you much for the continued story. prayers for you and Mr Pac.

lol, the shot ricocheted off Inky's thick head... ouch, poor boy.


Veteran Member

Warren held up his index finger to halt Mark's forward motion, and got a negative shake of the younger man's head. Warren then turned to say something to Benny and the boy wasn't there, The child had simply vanished the same as his father.

Frustrated, Warren was unsure what to do; stay put and miss out on the action or move and perhaps get shot by one or the other of his family. His years finally prevailed, as he made himself comfortable and kept close watch on the drama unfolding in the distance.

The scruffy looking man had ahold of Teddy by the arm and was trying to hold a fiercely protesting and combative Tess under the other. The man was swinging the children in an attempt to thwart Milo, who was diving at him from one side while a bleeding Inky was going for the man's throat on the other.

Warren watched as Mark appeared out of the underbrush and leveled his rifle at the disreputable looking hobo; calling to the man to drop his children so he wouldn't have to kill him.

Warren couldn't imagine how Mark got across the valley floor so quickly, he hadn't seen him cross and he had been watching.

The hobo with his hands full of biting and kicking children, was having second thoughts about continuing the kidnap attempt, but then he remembered his ace in the hole, his companion should have a gun trained on the interfering man right about now.

There was a rifle shot, and a short scream. Benny had discovered the man drawing down on his Father and he lined up his shot and with the deadly precision that Mark had taught all his children, fired to save his life.

It was obvious that the hobo thought the shot had come from his friend, as he commenced taunting Mark, holding Tess in front of him like a shield. Tess took the opportunity to kick backward with all her might, injuring the man in the place he least expected.

Teddy was biting the man's arm with all his might, but his gap toothed teeth were just coming in, and he was ineffective. The bum dropped both children and bent over to with draw a Bowie knife from his boot, intending to slash and maim to the best of his ability.

Mark and Warren shot at the same time, ending the greasy, stinking man's life in the kindest way possible.

Mark whirled around and disappeared into the brush. Warren was too far away to hear the low whistles he was calling to Benny, but shortly there was another shot from a much higher caliber rifle than the 22. Then as he came out of the brush carrying Benny, Mark whistled loudly so the other children wouldn't turn on him. Benny had his face buried in Mark's shoulder, the injured one, and Mark was gritting his teeth so hard against the pain he could barely whistle.

Milo had the Bowie knife in one hand and the other around Tess and Teddy, protecting them with his life.

Warren was so astonished he almost forgot to call out, and as Milo noticed the figure rising up out of the brush he set Mark whirling around, ready to fire.

"Be sure of your target," Mark was muttering, a bit shaky from how close he had come to firing on his father. "Guard us," he ordered Warren when the elder finally joined the group, and Mark knelt on the ground and gathered up his children. This was the closest brush the Linderman kids had been with death and it was very profound.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you Pac, I hope the children have now learned to be watchful of their environment. Close one.


Veteran Member
Thanks Pac for the chapter, hopefully a lesson learned by the children so they will never let it happen again.


Brown Coat
Benny may be a bit upset by saving his Dad. Shooting someone isn't easy.

However I am happy it ended thus, consider benny and the other kids did well, and Benny is flat out hero.

Maybe they all are, or perhaps better to say that they all did the right things given the circumstances.

Tess's kick was certainly timely

Teddy trying to bite was grit

Milo grabbing the knife, not going to pieces and preparing to fight for his family.

Yep, I can't imagine better responses and while it seems weird: Pride that they didn't just give up.

If all kids acted that way there might be a few more dead on the spot, but there would be a lot less harm to kids over all once that response came to be expected from kids instead of quiet submission.

Oh heck, that was just a well told, down right scary for a father story that has me bouncing at the keyboard.

If I don't make sense, just don't mind. Put it down to early morning coffee.




Veteran Member

Mark held his children until he had better composure and control of himself. Slowly he started speaking, praising them for remembering the lessons they had practiced so many times.

"Of course we remembered Dad, you're a good drill Sargent," Tess was patting his shoulder in a Evie and Clora type way. "Inky told us someone was there, but we thought it might be a deer and we didn't want him running away. The water made so much noise that we had to shout, and that's probably how the guy knew we were there. What's wrong with Benny, is he scared?"

"Benny had to do something I had hoped you kids would never have to do," Mark spoke slowly and gravely as he held Benny close. "Benny had to shoot a person that was preparing to shoot me. That was incredibly brave and strong of him to do, and do you remember I have told you it makes you sick to your stomach? That's what's happening to Benny right now. He is our hero, he is MY hero," Mark stressed as he didn't let go of the shaking child.

"Wow Benny, you were real brave," the other three clustered around Mark and patted Benny on the back.

Hard thinking and thick skinned Mark and Warren were blinking rapidly to control their emotions, looking off in the distance as they fought to control their response. Mark had to cough a couple of times and Warren blew his nose as quietly as possible.

"Alright clan, we need to debrief right here and now;" Mark hoped to set their childish minds going in other directions. "First of all, I am proud right down to my boots that you remembered to yell, shout, kick, bite, scream and pinch the man that came after you. I can't stress how important it is, that a assailant can't take you from where he grabbed you. If he can, then you're probably gone for good. But in the middle of your fright and terror, you remembered to do as you were taught. Good work all of you," and Mark shook hands with all four kids.

Warren stepped up and shook hands also. "Like your Dad," he said solemnly, "I'm so proud of you four, I could bust the buttons off my underwear."

That caused a couple of giggles and a snort or two. "Grandpa, what kind of underwear has buttons?" Teddy, the literal right down to his toes child, was trying to puzzle out the scenario.

"Tell you later," Warren interjected. "we need to let your Dad finish."

Mark nodded his thanks, and quietly reset the scene to help the children figure out what they had done wrong.

Warren went to the house to get Karl and the tractor. There was work to do. This was going to be a SSS situation, or so he hoped, and they had to have a way to bring the dog down to the buildings for care.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Good outcome, yep we say the same thing, if they can take you away, you're gone, maybe for good.


Veteran Member

Warren rode on the back of the tractor as Karl slowly made his way up into the narrow part of the valley towards the waterfall. Not an entirely smart choice, but he was tired enough he didn't want to walk. Just before they broke out into the small open clearing, he tapped Karl on the shoulder to stop and the elder Donaldson got off to provide protection for the group, concealed by the trees and underbrush.

"Don't forget to tell Mark where I'm stationed," he cautioned Karl, "I don't fancy him shooting me; or one of the grandkids."

"Ja" Karl agreed, "I vill does that." and he motored at a slow, deliberate pace towards the small group.

Karl spoke to Mark and Mark nodded. "Let me take the children down to Warren, I don't want them to be alone. I'll be right back to help you." The cluster of Lineman's moved down to where Grandpa was hidden and Warren opened his arms to give shelter to the hurting souls.

Karl was bent over Inky, examining the crease the dog had along the top of his skull. "Yous iss a muches fine dog," he praised and Inky gave a feeble thump of his tail. "Yous stay here vile ve does the dirtys vork, then ve takes yous to the house to bes fixed up. My Helga," Karl confided to the dog, "likes you muches and vill does a muches good jobs of makings you better."

Mark got up to where Karl and the dog were having their conversation in time to hear the part about Helga liking the huge Newfie, and he had serious doubts about the truth of Karl's statement, but he grinned and kept quiet.

Silently, they rolled the body in the bucket and Mark pointed to the far wall of the valley, slightly above where they had buried Gertie's horses. That problem seemed like it was a hundred years ago, but in reality, only about four. Mark shook his head at the changes they had to make to live, and those thrust upon them. He gave a weary sigh, thinking he would probably have to be a warrior for the rest of his life.

No rest from the day to day efforts to keep his family alive, for to become complacent was to probably die.


Veteran Member
A moment to relax is a gift from God, but that is all the time allotted for letting your guard down. Thank you Pac, great addition.


Brown Coat
Thank you PAC

The kids will all be warriors.

It is hard, but probably the best chance to survive uncertain times.

I take time often to thank God that my kids haven't had to fight such battles. It may mean that they are weaker in some ways, but the blessing of peace I can give them is important to me. They have seen more crap in their young lives than most people see in a life time. So every chance at peace and harmony and security I grab onto like drowning man.



Veteran Member
Thanks muches, Pac! I just caught up after a really busy few weeks.

Another interesting story going gung ho!

Prayers still going up for you and your mister.


Veteran Member
Thanks for the chapters Pac Glad to see that Inky will live and that there was no life lost to a family member. To bad that Benny had to shoot a person at such a young age but life left him no choice, shoot the bad man or let the bad man shoot his father. I wonder if the kidnappers had any family close that will come looking for them. Praying for you and Mr Pac.


Veteran Member

"That one is a Samuels, and the other one was a Thompson; does that last name ring a bell with you?" Mark asked Karl. Karl was busy working the backhoe controls, concentrating with all his might to remember which lever did what. "Nons," the handyman replied between gritted teeth.

"Iss muches inconsiderate of thems, needings to die," Karl huffed, "muches goods tings ve haff this," and he motioned over the backhoe. The two men completed the necessary work, and Karl said a farewell blessing over the grave. Mark wouldn't have bothered, but he stood silently until Karl finished.

There was no use asking Mark to run the controls; his shoulder under his shirt and vest was bright red with fresh blood from his previous wound. Mark paid no attention to his pain and discomfort, he helped Karl roll the stunned and disoriented dog into the bucket and as they got to where Warren and the kids were grouped, Benny insisted he be allowed to ride in the bucket with Inky.

Clora, Helga and Gail watched from the kitchen windows, as the tractor, children and men slowly wound their way down to the house.
As gently as possible, Karl lowered the bucket to the porch and the three men assisted the dog out and onto a old quilt.

"Helgas, you comes and makes heem betters," Karl demanded, "the dog and Benny's they are muches heros. I vill tells you as ve vork." he held his hand up to stop Helga's many questions. The Kazakh couple went right to work.

Clora took Mark inside and gently peeled his vest and shirt away from his injured shoulder and back. There was a reason Mark never worked with his shirt off, and as he sat at the table, Gail and Warren could see that the courageous man had a back full of scars. Scars that Warren knew could have only come from a whip lashing. At some time, Mark had been beaten almost to death.

Astonished children came to cluster around their father and offer words of encouragement, as Clora quietly and softly cleaned and bandaged her warrior. Benny stood very close, and as soon as he could, Mark encircled the small dark haired boy with his freed arm.

With pride, Mark told Clora, Gail and Helga and Karl who had come into listen how Benny saved his life. "I don't feel like a hero," Benny mumbled into Mark's shirt front, "all I feel is really bad inside."

"That is the way a true warrior feels," Mark hugged Benny. "Life is not to be taken lightly or with out just cause. All of you," and Mark reached out for all the kids, "did a very grown up thing today, and the rest of the family thanks you very much."

There was a loud honking as Helga blew her nose, and seconds later Karl did the same thing. Warren took one of the babies that Gail handed him, and she picked up the other two and they disappeared into the baby's room.

"Dad, will you tell us sometime how your back got hurt?" Tess was the elected speaker for the nosy question.

"Not for a while," Mark said firmly, ending any further discussion. "How is Inky?" the father directed the questions away from himself; and with relief, Helga answered.


Veteran Member
It was a real treat to click on Stories and find a new episode in the life of the clan. Thank You, hope all is as right as possible in your world.


Veteran Member

When the children were finally convinced that they should go outside and 'tend' to Inky and leave their poor father alone, Mark got a chance to quiz Clora about the names of the two attackers.

"Well, we're fairly certain about the Samuel's fellow," Clora mused as she sat down to feed Luke. "The other, Thompson, is probably intertwined with the Edwards brothers. The man that claimed to be Wayne's stepfather was a Thompson, and I seem to remember Emory and Elmer commenting about him being a relative of theirs. They most likely co-existed here and we came along to interfere."

"That Thompson fellow sure resembles that pot grower that we had to throw out of the valley, so there could be some residue from that," Mark twisted uncomfortably in his chair. "I must be getting old, I never thought at all about those unsavory goons coming back to try again. Dad and I will take a little trip and reconnoiter one of these days," Mark promised grimly.


In the second that Ben looked up from placing price tags on the green beans, he slipped his professional grocery man's welcoming face on and turned around to help the person.

The woman was small enough to be a girl, but obviously wasn't. She wore the uniform similar to all the college students in their after school hours. Tight black leggings and a skimpy top that clearly displayed the huge rose tattoo's adorning each shoulder. Some of her very short hair was black, and some of it green. It stuck up like a bad Mohawk, and Ben estimated she couldn't weigh more than 90 pounds. Not their usual type of customer.

"Are you the guy that takes people fishing?" she inquired.

"I am," Ben replied.

"Well tell me how much you charge?" The woman was almost curt, annoyed that she was having to drag each word out of Ben.

Ben named his price, and then added, "I also clean the fish we catch."

"Fine," the woman snapped, "I want to go tomorrow."

"No," Ben said firmly, "I only take people I will be able to get along with," and he turned around to finish the beans.


Brown Coat
Thank you

This should prove interesting.

I think just about everyone who ever had to work for or with someone that was a challenge for them has wanted to just say no. For some reason most don't.


Oh and Mark reconnoitering, yeah, I like his type of reconnoitering. Think they call it SSS


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Karl was bent over Inky, examining the crease the dog had along the top of his skull. "Yous iss a muches fine dog," he praised and Inky gave a feeble thump of his tail. "Yous stay here vile ve does the dirtys vork, then ve takes yous to the house to bes fixed up. My Helga," Karl confided to the dog, "likes you muches and vill does a muches good jobs of makings you better."

Yep, a thick skull saved Inky and Inky did his best to save his young charges.... :eleph:



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

Karl was busy working the backhoe controls, concentrating with all his might to remember which lever did what.

"Iss muches inconsiderate of thems, needings to die," Karl huffed, "muches goods tings ve haff this," and he motioned over the backhoe.

Next on my list is a backhoe....


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Thanks Pac for the chapters....
Got to read several chapters with out having to wait....
Only now we will have to wait for the next great installment....
Oh well,,,, they are worth waiting for....

We pray that you and Mr Pac are doing better....



Veteran Member
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the story time!! I appreciate the time and effort you put into this amazing saga!!!


Mrs Pac
I have reading your stories for some time and finally figured out how to become a member. I really enjoy them, sometimes I wish I had started a family tree and flo chart for characters when I started your first story. As good as your stories are, your ability to deal with lifes adversities are inspirational. God Bless you and Mr. Pac