BRKG Russian court finds US basketball star Brittney Griner guilty of drug possession and smuggling Update: 9 year prison sentence


Wait, have we been talking about a dude the whole time? I don't keep up well.
There has never been any official claims of he/she/it being transgender. But the pics make it pretty obvious... on top of its 6"9" height! (Yes, a few biological women have topped 7 feet, but they had congenital issues and were never healthy, much less able to play sports at a high level)

I've been asking what prison they're going to put her in for a long time!



Has No Life - Lives on TB
It still amazes me that Biden tried to do a prisoner swap for Griner, who was arrested on a drug charge in Russia. We have countless drug laws in the USA and there are even more numerous ones internationally. How can Biden attempt to get Griner's freedom with out opening the cell doors of every American here whose been convicted of a drug crime?

Is this administration's position that drug laws are only bad when they're Russian, but are fine everywhere else in the world?

The hypocrisy is staggering.


von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
What a lopsided trade offer; the guy they want is a notorious gun dealer.

I would want the release of all Ukrainian POW's for him.


Disaster Cat
There has never been any official claims of he/she/it being transgender. But the pics make it pretty obvious... on top of its 6"9" height! (Yes, a few biological women have topped 7 feet, but they had congenital issues and were never healthy, much less able to play sports at a high level)

I've been asking what prison they're going to put her in for a long time!

There are some women that are tall that are just fine, it is rare but it happens especially among certain ethnic groups that tend toward tall people. A quick search on google had a 7-foot basketball player (female) in China which occasionally has really tall people, I went to University with a Japanese girl who was about 6 feet, she towered over everyone else and was part of that first generation (boomers) in Japan that got enough nutrition that the ancient genetics came back. Other Google showed a 7-foot happily married model in Brazil (though her height did come from a tumor) along with a number of other athletes.

As more and more people around the world have better access to good nutrition as do many people in the USA, more people are growing to the full heights that their genetics will allow.

My major professor was part of excavation from Mesolithic England, a settled village from about 8,000 years ago when people were first settling down but still hadn't gotten smaller from "the farming effect." The AVERAGE height of men was 6 feet but some were much taller, the AVERAGE height of the women was 5'8" but some were the same height as the taller men.

You get groups of people with part African ancestry and occasionally Native Americans whose genetic blueprints are usually 5'8" up to 7.5 Feet tall. I'm not talking about people with growth hormone problems that cause them to grow too tall (like Andre the Giant). We have a kitty with that condition we named Rory but we kiddingly call him Andre, he has a huge face and paws and probably won't live more than a decade or so.

I have no idea about this women, but some ladies are naturally flat (my grandmother was) and many perfectly biologically female athletes have NATURALLY high testosterone levels. My housemate does, it really helped her with weight lifting.


Disaster Cat
I wish they'd stop calling him 'she/her!!! This is a guy folks. Maybe that is another reason they are throwing him in prison: for impersonating a female! Russia does not tolerate this kind of gender crap.
Do you know this for a fact? You have seen her DNA? You accept a couple of pictures on the internet so it must be true? I'm not defending what happened though I do think the sentence is extreme and is intended by Russia to both send a message and to try and use it as a bargaining chip (and it is working).

But there is no reason to question her biological sex that I know of, I have never heard of her referred to as trans or any questions being asked about her being in women's sports (and these days there would be).

As I said above, a lot of biological females who do well in sports have a naturally high testosterone count, sometimes high enough that they are equal with biologically born males. That isn't cheating, that is simply the way they were born (as long as it is natural) and yep, it gives them an edge in sports just like my abilities to see colors make me a good textile artist even at the age of 65. I still test out as having the eye color perceptions of an 18-year-old.

Unless or until there is evidence to the contrary I am accepting that this woman is a woman but like my housemate a rather athletic lesbian with a high natural testosterone level.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
This summer I found out that in America a woman six feet or taller is in the top one percent. Average height is five feet three inches.

For American men it's six feet four inches or more to be in the top one percent.

Eighty percent of American males are less than six feet tall.


Veteran Member
Anyone ever read the book
The ugly American
Written in 1958 or so
It goes into good detail about our political arrogance and our American movement to force democracy on others
Primarily it was directed towards Vietnam but the concept still holds today
They also made a simplistic move in 63

now that’s not the greatest book report I ever did but it’s been nearly 55 years since I read it so cut me some slack

back to the Brittany story
She is the epitome of American arrogance
Not to be confused with white privilege
Her assumption of American superiority landed her in deep
And for this country to expect us to work a deal for her release is shameful. Especially with the Soviet they want to trade

that’s as bad a deal as that cowardly deserter birgdahl

The Ugly American is one of my favorite books! I haven't read it in about 8 years, I'll have to pull it out again.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
A few comments:

Look at the good side Brittney - at least you don't have to put up with the hateful USA for a while.
She hates America, she should be happy to be there.
Both the above QFT
That said, what in the name of all that is holy was Griner THINKING?
In this low-risk, high-value situation, Griner wasn't humble enough to acknowledge that the worst could happen--to her.
Today’s nigras, particularly “sports hee-roes,” are the most pampered and entitled of all groups on earth. They know this, which why they act the way they do. She-it (the correct pronoun) has received a dose of international reality.
Maybe she will have enough spare time to learn the Russian National Anthem.
Note that it appears in this 1:20 clip that Rocky is actually about to fight Griner. Just sayin…


Is this administration's position that drug laws are only bad when they're Russian, but are fine everywhere else in the world?

The hypocrisy is staggering.
This has nothing to do with drug laws, and everything to do with “black privilege.”
Or just a member in good standing of the Itty Bitty Titty Club.
Not even. Even if a woman is less than an A-cup, the aureoles increase in size and become darker at puberty. Male breasts do neither.


Heard she's going to a penile work camp so she can be penalized by potatoes eating big Russians that crap as big as hers.

Have a fun ride bitch!



Don't drop your soap in the shower, dude. Ivan will have his day with you, pretty boy.

See, that puts smile on my face. She gots pretty lips and eyes, she be loved so much in penile colony.... bet she be highly loved while doing her time!

She should get a free boob job. In fact I wonder if we could send the money to her new bosses and they could make her get a set of DDs, that would make her feel better about her looks and self esteem.

Should start a go-fund me account for her new boobs.
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Rimtas žmogus
Not even. Even if a woman is less than an A-cup, the aureoles increase in size and become darker at puberty. Male breasts do neither.

Okay. Let's all look at Griner's right breast:


I see a very small amount of soft, fatty breast tissue. Male "breasts" are underlain with striated muscle, particularly at Griner's fitness level. The overall configuration is markedly different. As to areolae, I am wagering I've been in more women's locker rooms than you have, and can attest that they come in a wide variety of of colors, sizes, and dimensions.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I see a very small amount of soft, fatty breast tissue. Male "breasts" are underlain with striated muscle, particularly at Griner's fitness level. As to areolae, I am wagering I've been in more women's locker rooms than you have, and can attest that they come in a wide variety of of colors, sizes, and dimensions.
It’s all speculative on your part, just as my opinion is mine. I disagree with your analysis.


Rimtas žmogus
It’s all speculative on your part, just as my opinion is mine. I disagree with your analysis.

And I with yours. My observations in the locker room stand.

By the way . . .

Aureole: Aureole is a ring around an igneous intrusion. Deep magma bodies cool very slowly and turn into coarse-grained, plutonic rocks like granite and gabbro. During this time they bake a zone, or aureole, of contact metamorphism in the country rock.

Areola: The area of dark-colored skin on the breast that surrounds the nipple.

Peace, love, rock and roll.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I deferred to my spellchecker on that one, having spelled it your way but being “instructed” otherwise. If you’re still an angry asshole, feel free to contact Apple and bitch-out their developers. However, you’re done on this thread.


Veteran Member
I have no pity for this Whatever it is. it was on top of the world it had fame, recognition, and money, something most of us will never experience in our lives, yet it had to violate a country's drug laws for whatever reason it felt it should and got caught, not to mention it cast derision on its own country while it was here and in public view, so whatever punishment it receives it deserves and more. and after the time is served if I was in a place where I could, I would not let this train wreak back into this country. I would tell it to go and find a country more suited to its liking just as long as it's not here.

Kathy in FL

1. You travel to another state or country then you willingly put yourself under their laws. It is up to you to know what those laws are and abide by them.

2. Russia does not want that guy back because they likely have figured rightly that he's already spilled his guts to the US people or he wasn't that big of a deal for them to begin with. He's an arms dealer meaning he's probably not that clean in Russia either.


Membership Revoked
Okay. Let's all look at Griner's right breast:

View attachment 355258View attachment 355260

I see a very small amount of soft, fatty breast tissue. Male "breasts" are underlain with striated muscle, particularly at Griner's fitness level. The overall configuration is markedly different. As to areolae, I am wagering I've been in more women's locker rooms than you have, and can attest that they come in a wide variety of of colors, sizes, and dimensions.
And, I've likely (in my misspent youth) been in way more topless bars and bedded way more women than you have, on top of many hours in male gyms. That's a dude's boob in every pic there.